The tightness and strength of the roof are mandatory conditions for comfortable living in country house. Popularity individual construction generates proposals for new materials and technologies from manufacturers. One such proposal is membrane films, including for roofing.

How and with what to install a membrane roof

Membrane roofing coverings are used for flat and low-angle roof structures. In this case, it is possible to lay the finishing material on top of the existing old roof during repairs. This significantly reduces the labor intensity of such work.

The membrane film can be laid over the old roofing, having previously leveled it and cleaned it of dirt

Use for flat roofs membrane material creates a highly reliable waterproof coating. This applies primarily to films joined by heat sealing. Service life membrane roofing up to 50 years if done correctly. To construct such a roof, the following are used:

  • membranes made of PVC - polyvinyl chloride - the most popular material;
  • EPDM films based on synthetic rubber (propylene diene monomer);
  • TPO membranes are thermoplastic polyolefin containing up to 70% ethylenepropylene rubber and about 30% polypropylene.

In addition, to improve the basic characteristics, many manufacturers introduce glass fiber or polyester threads into the membrane material.

The main properties that allow the successful use of roofing membranes are their plasticity and flexibility. Therefore, they can be used on any slope slopes. Such roofs are fire-resistant, have a long service life and can withstand heavy loads.

Photo gallery: what types of membrane roofs are there?

Membrane material can cover any roof shape Correct formation roofing pie ensures longevity of membrane-coated roofs The joints and junctions are soldered using a special tool The membrane can only be fixed around the perimeter; on the rest of the surface it will be supported using ballast (crushed stone or tiles)

Preparing for roofing

Preliminary measures for installing a membrane roof are not particularly complicated. To do this you need:

Installation technology

There are several methods for constructing roofs using membranes.

Ballast method

In this way, the covering is installed on roofs with slopes of no more than 15 degrees. Installation is carried out as follows:

Adhesive fixation

Installing membranes with glue is used on roofs of complex shapes or when working in areas with high wind loads. Fastening the membrane and processing the joints is done with specially developed adhesives or double-sided adhesive tapes. Gluing over the entire contact area is not performed; only the joint surfaces and extreme edges are processed.

Assembly adhesive is used if the membrane is laid on:

  1. Wood.
  2. Concrete slabs or screed.
  3. Metal surfaces (corrugated sheeting).

For fastening on vertical surfaces, in addition to glue, clamping strips with seals are used. The installation technology is simple and does not require the use of special equipment.

This method is quite expensive and does not fully guarantee long-term operation, so it is not used as often as others.

Installing a roof using special adhesives does not always provide the necessary durability, so it is rarely used

Video: installing a membrane on a bitumen roof using the adhesive method

Warm welding method

Welding is used for PVC and TPO membranes. The connection at the joints and along the perimeter is made by heating with a stream of hot air at a temperature of 400–600 o C. When laying membranes on large areas Professional welding equipment operating in automatic mode is used. The seam width is 3–12 centimeters.

The resulting joints are absolutely airtight, and the joint's resistance to tearing becomes higher than that of a continuous membrane.

When working in hard-to-reach places, hand-held heat guns and special equipment are used to press the edges to the installation site.

The joints are heated to 400–600 degrees and then rolled with rollers

Video: installation of membrane roofing

Mechanical fastening of membranes

Mechanical fixation of membranes is the most accessible method for doing it yourself. It is also used when the rafter system cannot withstand the ballast load. Reason for refusal glue method can serve complex shape roofs, especially in areas with high wind loads.

The best base for application mechanical fastening concrete or corrugated sheet serves. When fixing sheets to vertical planes, slats with a seal on the reverse side are used. Fastening to the canvas is done through galvanized self-tapping screws using wide washers. The fastener installation step is no more than 20 centimeters.

Mechanical fastening of the membrane to the concrete surface is carried out using disc-shaped dowel-nails with wide heads.

Video: installing a membrane roof mechanically

Features of installation of membrane roof elements

The use of membranes for roofing is associated with a number of features depending on its type and the nature of the base.

The following points are important:

  1. Of particular importance is the choice of the type of membrane covering, taking into account local conditions and the type of roof.
  2. All types of films are suitable for fastening using the ballast method.
  3. When using TPO membranes best view The fastening is mechanical because it does not require the elasticity of the film.
  4. If the coating sheet is joined by warm welding by hand, you need to choose a film without reinforcing additives.
  5. When using a PVC membrane, do not allow the coating to come into contact with substances containing petroleum products, solvents and bitumen. If this condition is not met, the film may collapse. If there is such a neighborhood, the film must be separated by a layer of polystyrene foam.

Photo gallery: types of membrane films

In some cases polyethylene film is the best option membranes EPDM film is mainly used for coating flat roofs Film reinforcement significantly increases its strength and durability PVC membranes work well in conditions low temperatures and have excellent waterproofing properties

Installation tool

A set of tools for laying a membrane roof on a country house:

  1. A construction hairdryer with the ability to produce an air stream with a temperature of up to 600 degrees.
  2. Brass roller for rolling corners and hard-to-reach places.
  3. Rubberized roller with heat-resistant rubber.
  4. Construction knife for cutting film.
  5. Scissors for cutting corners and rounds from film, which are installed in places with three-layer film at complex joints.
  6. Drill or hammer drill (when using a mechanical fastening method).
  7. Bench hammer.
  8. Extension for the entire length of the roof diagonally.

During the work process, you may need another tool public use, which, as a rule, is available in any household.

For self-installation membrane film, you must have a hair dryer and a set of knives and rollers

Hairdryer for installing membrane roofing

You should pay closer attention to the construction hair dryer. In the hands of a careful owner, it can become an indispensable tool capable of performing the following functions:

There are many more things you can come up with for this tool. various applications, so he can rightfully take permanent place in a home craftsman's tool cabinet.

Design and technical characteristics of hair dryers

Construction hair dryers are produced by many manufacturers, but the device is the same for all. The main parts of the hair dryer are:

  1. Fan motor. Depending on the model, its power can range from 500 to 3,000 W. Equipped with one or two impellers for air supply. For home use A tool with a power of about 2,000 W is sufficient.
  2. Ceramic base on which it is installed heating element to increase the temperature of the air stream.
  3. Plastic housing made of heat-resistant material.
  4. Electronic devices for giving the instrument specific functions and characteristics.

Main characteristics of hair dryers:

  1. The heating temperature of the air stream in most models ranges from 300 to 650 o C. Products with the ability to set temperatures up to 800 o C are also offered.
  2. The performance of hair dryers is determined by the amount of air per minute of operation. Mid-class models produce up to 650 liters of hot air. The higher the performance of the hair dryer, the greater the range of possibilities when using it.
  3. Air volume adjustment. Not all models have this feature, but it is considered important because it expands the capabilities of the tool.
  4. Device for maintaining a set temperature air flow. Important Feature to ensure stable operation of the device for a long time. It protects the instrument from overheating.
  5. Device for rapid cooling of the air stream. Very useful property, allowing you to reduce the waiting time for the processed object to cool down.
  6. The presence of a filter on the air intake allows the tool to be used in a dusty room and extends its service life.

There are many models of construction dryers produced. Price indicators also fluctuate within a wide range. You can buy the most simple model for 900 rubles. The most expensive products will cost 4,800–5,000 rubles. This difference is determined by the set additional functions and characteristics inherent to a particular device. Considering the possibilities that a hair dryer provides home handyman, such a tool in your arsenal is highly desirable.

A construction hair dryer allows you to perform many complex jobs, so its presence in the tool kit is highly desirable

If you need a tool for one-time work, you can rent it. The rent will be from 250 rubles per day, and there are enough offers on the network.

Video: operating experience and the process of choosing a technical or construction hair dryer

Application of membrane films in suburban construction improves the quality of roofs during initial use and greatly simplifies installation repair work. A simple tool and simple application technology allows even people who are not very advanced in construction to carry out the work independently. Good luck to you too!

There are many ways to install vertical waterproofing of a foundation. Among them, the most popular are paint and roll, but their membrane counterpart, in which the protection of the base is provided by a special polymer film, is used more and more every year. It has an important advantage - unlike its competitors, membrane waterproofing completely seals the foundation from groundwater. It is also insensitive to corrosion and chemicals. By the way, if you are interested in the construction of foundations, we advise you to visit the section.

Today, experts define three types of membrane waterproofing for foundations: light, medium and heavy. The last two types are expensive, complex and are used in situations where it is necessary to provide protection from strong hydrostatic pressure on the base of the building. In private housing construction, it is quite enough to install the film yourself simple way. Do-it-yourself waterproofing of the foundation with a film (membrane) of exactly this type will be discussed in detail in the article.

Preparing the foundation and walls for waterproofing equipment.

Very important advantage membrane waterproofing means there is no need to carefully level vertical surfaces. The reason for this is that polymer films are not fixed directly to the concrete base. Instead, they hang freely along a vertical surface, forming a kind of “skirt”. This provides additional strength to the waterproofing - in the event of even slight deformation of the foundation, the membrane will remain intact. There are exceptions only if there is a need to use two-layer film insulation.

Fastening membrane waterproofing.

The technology is quite simple and generally similar to the installation of classic roll insulation. The film is supplied fully finished in rolls. All that remains is to unfold it lengthwise vertical surfaces, fix at the top, and cut off the excess at the bottom. It is necessary that the film protrudes above ground level by at least 30 centimeters. You need to lay it from top to bottom, that is, unfold the roll not longitudinally to the wall, but perpendicularly. The membrane is attached depending on its model. The most common and simplest option is to install special small-sized PVC rondels on the wall with a pitch of no more than one and a half meters. The membrane is attached to them using spot welding under the influence of hot air. The film is also securely welded to metal parts.

The same as in the case with roll waterproofing, the film pieces should be overlapped - one piece should overlap the other. Most film models have self-adhesive strips along the edges just for this purpose. If they are not there, you can use tape, special construction adhesive, or use a stream of hot air to weld the sheets to each other.

As for the length of one piece of film, as mentioned above, it should not be clearly standardized. It is enough to make sure that the waterproofing extends below the edge of the foundation cushion by 20-30 centimeters. Subsequently, when filling the sinuses, the soil will reliably fix them, and the membrane will tightly close concrete base. However, when adding soil, it is very important to carefully ensure that sharp stones do not damage the waterproofing, stretch or bend it. The section of membrane protruding above the ground must also be covered. There are many ways to do this. The most practical and popular is to use a thin cement screed (about 1 centimeter thick) or decorative panels. In both cases negative influence This will not affect the waterproofing qualities.

If you want to give your film waterproofing greater strength(this is necessary, for example, in places where the hydrostatic pressure of groundwater exceeds 200 kN/m2), then you can make it two-layer. In this case, the inner layer will be a flat membrane, and the outer layer will be a perforated film. It is much thicker, stronger, and is attached using the same technology as described above. However, in this case it is necessary to carefully level the vertical walls of the foundation

In the list of materials for soft roof Polymer membranes occupy a prominent place. Most often they are used for arranging large-scale flat roofs over industrial, shopping and sports centers. However, even in the private sector, a niche has been conquered, albeit small, but steadily expanding. PVC coatings are in high demand, attracting with impeccable insulation, ease of installation and an abundance of colorful options.

Knowledge of the rules according to which the installation of a soft roof made of PVC membrane is carried out will provide an ideal result in independent work or will help control the actions of hired roofers.

Roll roofing, made from plasticized polyvinyl chloride, allows you to install large-sized flat and low-pitched roofs in a short time. Thanks to this, he has practically no rivals in the field of industrial construction.

Owners of private buildings are impressed not so much by the pace of work, but by the excellent waterproofing and inexorable repelling of the attacks of atmospheric negativity. The “indifference” to ultraviolet radiation, ensured by the introduction of modifying additives into the formula of the material, is convincing. He argues for wear resistance, because polymer roofs last many times longer than their obsolete predecessor - roofing felt.

PVC coating is practically immune to harmful climatic factors, but is extremely sensitive to non-compliance with installation standards. Violations of technological rules that take into account the specifics of the material significantly reduce “ life cycle» coverings. As a result, it is often necessary to restore not only the roof, but the building as a whole.

Structural features of the polymer coating

The roofing material of the new generation still structurally resembles its roofing material ancestor. By analogy, it has a base, but the place of unreliable roofing cardboard has been taken by non-rotting fiberglass mesh or polyester fabric. The base ensures dimensional stability and prevents stretching, folds and sagging.

In order to use the inherent elasticity of polymers, baseless polymer membranes are produced. They are required for covering super-complex roofs and for manufacturing parts by deformation directly on site: concave and convex linings for corners, cuffs and sockets on waterproofing elements roof penetrations, patches.

For the same reasons, factory-made shaped elements used to seal the functional components of the roof structure initially do not have a stabilizing base.

The double-sided bitumen shell was replaced by layers of plasticized polymer that cannot withstand the melting temperature standard for roofing material. We had to forget about the previous methods of laying rolls using a torch and develop new methods of fastening the material, according to which the following are constructed:

  • mechanically fixed membrane systems;
  • ballast roofs of conventional and inversion types;
  • adhesive roofing systems, in the design of which the adhesive method is often combined with mechanical fixation of elements.

The listed systems indicate the method of attaching the membrane to the base. Stripes between each other roll material welded into a single sheet using a manual device, automatic or semi-automatic equipment that softens the back side of the membrane with hot air.

Welding performed according to the rules turns the membrane roof into a monolithic waterproofing carpet, eliminating the penetration of atmospheric moisture into the roofing cake.

From fumes attacking the roof from the side interior spaces buildings and soft roofs must be protected by a vapor barrier.

True, if the moisture pressure inside the roofing pie is too much, the PVC membrane can independently get rid of the destructive negative. The ability to let steam out, becoming an insurmountable barrier on its way back, is recognized as a significant advantage of polyvinyl chloride coatings.

Chemical “whims” of PVC membranes

In order to competently implement the installation of a soft roof with your own hands or through the efforts of a team of workers, you should find out on what surface the polymer membrane can be laid.

The fact is that PVC membranes are prohibited from direct contact:

  • with insulation boards made of foamed polyurethane and polystyrene, because material-modifying plasticizers can freely migrate into the porous thermal insulation, causing damage to performance;
  • with bitumen vapor barrier, mastics, waterproofing materials containing petroleum products and oils, because they gradually wash out the strengthening additives;
  • with impregnated wooden flooring, which slowly but surely destroys the coating.

All of these situations have common consequences. Polyvinyl chloride that has lost its plasticizers cracks, then crumbles, and as a result, the coating loses its tightness.

In the name of longevity between the membrane and specified materials they have separating layers that eliminate direct contact, but do not affect the technical characteristics of the roofing pie.

The following are used as separators:

  • geotextiles with a density of 140 g/m² and more;
  • fiberglass with a density of 120 g/m² and more.

The separating material is laid in strips with overlaps of about 5 cm. The formed overlaps are welded with hot air in one step. Note that geotextiles that have not undergone heat treatment will wrap around the screws during the screwing process.

Cement laitance has a destructive effect on fiberglass, which means they should not be laid next to each other. We must not forget about chemical compatibility when selecting material for the planned arrangement of the roof.

PVC membranes are often used in the repair industry to restore old bitumen roofing. It is clear that a separating layer is also required between it and the new coating.

In such cases, heat-treated geotextiles are laid because they are not screwed onto the screws holding the cake together. The density of the separating material is 300 g/m². Second important condition repairs bitumen roof: The coating to be restored must be more than a year old.

Suitable bases for laying

The list of bases suitable for laying PVC membranes is quite extensive. Among them:

  • cement-sand screeds, 50 mm thick and more, poured over insulation and structural slopes;
  • prefabricated screeds made of asbestos-cement or cement-bonded sheet material with a thickness of at least 10 mm. They lay it in two layers with the seams staggered;
  • monolithic reinforced concrete floor;
  • reinforced concrete slabs, the butt joints between which are filled with cement-sand mortar;
  • continuous sheathing assembled from sheets moisture resistant plywood with a thickness of 18 mm or more, or antiseptic-treated boards with a thickness of 25 mm or more;
  • insulating screeds made of lightweight concrete poured over the floors;
  • cement-sand thermal insulating screeds with expanded clay, vermiculite, perlite filler;
  • rigid insulation boards, the technical characteristics of which indicate a tensile strength of 60 kPa with a maximum deformation of only 10%.

Minimum marking of concrete and cement-sand mortars, used in forming the basis for PVC laying membranes, M150. More is possible, but without fanaticism that does not justify unnecessary expenses.

According to the rules outlined in the installation instructions for soft polymer roofing, the surface intended for installation should not have sharp-angled protrusions or noticeable depressions. Smooth deviations from smooth and even ideals are acceptable.

Under a two-meter strip attached to the base along the slopes, a gap of 5 mm may well be found, which does not have a clearly defined relief. An uneven height/depth of 10 mm, determined by the same strip applied across the slopes, should also not cause additional leveling.

PVC coverings are laid exclusively in one layer. It is not desirable for a lumpy, rough surface to appear under thin roofing materials. If the roughness cannot be eliminated, before laying concrete screeds with unacceptable relief, a separating layer of geotextile with a density of 300 g/m² is laid.

Rules for vapor barrier installation

Roofing pie – multi-layer construction, the internal components of which cannot be saturated with water. Moistening is a sure way to a destructive outcome, passing through the rotting of the insulation and adjacent layers. Despite the ability of PVC membranes to pass excess steam, it is undesirable for its flows to easily flow through the cake.

It is better to put protection on both sides. The outer front is protected by the membrane itself, which successfully combines the functions of waterproofing and finishing coating. The defense on the internal front is carried out by a vapor barrier.

You can trust the protection of the roofing pie from steam when installing a membrane roof:

  • Polymer vapor barrier. Polyethylene-based materials are considered the most suitable for arranging a base made of corrugated sheets due to their low cost and ease of installation. They are laid in strips with overlap along the profile waves. They are simply secured with butyl rubber tape;
  • Bitumen vapor barrier. The preferred option for laying on cement-sand and concrete bases, because Between them and polyethylene an additional separating layer of geotectile would be required. It is laid with end and side overlaps, along which it is welded using a gas torch.

At angles of inclination of slopes up to 5º, the vapor barrier carpet does not require fastening. The weight of the thermal insulation laid on top is enough. On roofs with a steepness greater than the indicated limit, the vapor barrier is attached to the base. Lay the material over vertical surfaces so that the insulation placed on top ends up in a tray with sides 5 cm higher than its thickness.

The principle of thermal insulation construction

Thin PVC coating will not be able to retain heat in the building on its own. Therefore, the installation of a roof made of soft polymer roofing is not complete without the use of thermal insulation.

All apply existing species thermal insulation materials, but their list includes the most preferred ones:

  • Mineral wool slabs. They are laid on prefabricated and monolithic screeds, on a metal profile located with a wide shelf upwards, on reinforced concrete monolithic and prefabricated floors. A material with a compressive strength of at least 40 kPa with a deformation characteristic of 10% is recommended;
  • Expanded polystyrene. It is laid with a mandatory layer of geotextile or fiberglass if a membrane will be attached on top. However, most often it serves as the bottom layer of a two-level insulation system or is filled with a cement-sand screed.

It is more rational to construct roofs with a mechanical type of fastening by laying the membrane directly on the insulation. Naturally, mineral wool thermal insulation is a priority. It is recommended to lay insulation boards in two tiers with offset seams, both in rows and in layers.

The bottom layer can be constructed from insulation with a strength of 35 kPa, and slabs with a strength of 60 kPa can be laid on top. If the thermal insulation layer does not exceed 8 cm, a single layer device is acceptable.

To fix each insulation board, at least two telescopic fasteners are required. Thermal insulation slabs are mounted close to the vertical surfaces of parapets and walls, unless they are intended to be installed separately. If it is planned, you should retreat from the vertical surfaces by the width of one thermal insulation slab.

Roof penetrations and junctions

Direct contact of the polymer roof with heat sources generating temperatures above 80º C is unacceptable. Aprons and flanges made of laminated PVC sheet must be installed around them. Connections to communication pipes are made using factory-made shaped parts or made independently from non-reinforced material.

Connections to the parapet and walls are made with a “pocket” device using a special metal rail.

Methods for laying a polymer membrane

Before laying the polymer membrane, the base should be thoroughly prepared. The seams must be sealed, the overhangs must be equipped with tin drips, and the valleys must be equipped with additional insulating carpets.

You need to install sleeves in the holes of the roof penetrations and secure anchors to the roof, if necessary. Installation polymer coating You can start from any point, but it is recommended from the lowest areas of the roof.

Polymer membranes are attached to the base using mechanical, ballast and adhesive methods. The strips are welded together, regardless of the type of attachment to the base. The recommended seam width is 3cm, acceptable 2cm.

Option #1 - mechanical fastening method

Mechanical fastening is the most common option, most often used for laying the membrane on a base made of corrugated sheets or concrete, on which thermal insulation has been previously laid.

Fixed pointwise with telescopic fasteners or linear fastening slats. Cover the points of point fastenings with an overlap of the next strip or oval patches, the diameter of which is 10 cm larger than the plastic cap. Linear fixation is covered with overlaps or strips of a polymer membrane welded to the coating.

Mechanical fastening technology step by step:

  • We fix the first strip of material rolled out over the surface with three self-tapping screws with a telescopic fungus, first from one end, then, pulling the canvas well from the second;
  • shuffling along the surface with the soles, we stretch the material in the transverse direction and fasten it with telescopic fasteners every 20 cm. First of all, we fix one long side, then the second. We install the fasteners clearly along one line;
  • We roll out the second strip so that its long edge overlaps 10-12 cm and completely covers the row of installed fasteners. It must be taken into account that the welding seam should not touch the plastic telescopic caps. Otherwise, you will have to increase the overlap. If all is well, install the telescopic mounts in the same order;
  • We weld seams using a manual or semi-automatic machine. In production, manual equipment is used only on parapets and in hard-to-reach places. If the amount of work is small, then there is no urgent need for automatic equipment; manual equipment is sufficient;
  • We check the reliability of the seam with a slotted screwdriver. Visually, welding flaws can be identified by the absence of a dark glossy strip along the connection line. We correct the defect by secondary welding;
  • continue in the same order until the work is completed.

The membrane strips must be laid staggered so that the end seams are not located side by side. Fastening around the pipes is carried out at least 4 points.

Option #2 - the principle of ballast installation

The method is applicable mainly for low-pitched roofs with a slope of up to 3-4º. All responsibility for keeping the material on the roof is entrusted to the ballast, which can be a backfill of gravel/pebbles/crushed stone, paving slabs, concrete screed or soil-vegetative layer.

According to the membrane arrangement, ballast roofs are divided into:

  • traditional ones, in which the insulation layer is covered by a membrane;
  • inversion, in which thermal insulation is laid above the membrane.

The second representative is characterized by more long term service, but makes you work hard in the process of finding and eliminating leaks.

Ballast roofs are divided into exploitable and non-exploitable varieties. The first ones are equipped paving slabs or concrete covering, the second - pedestrian paths for roof maintenance. Ballast systems include roofs with landscaping.

Inversion type device process:

  • We lay a layer of geotextile first if the base is bitumen or wood impregnated with oil;
  • We spread the polymer membrane with an overlap of 80 mm. We place the strips with seams staggered. We weld in the usual way, thickness weld 3cm;
  • Along the parapet, around pipes, drainage funnels, lanterns, we install mechanical fastening points;
  • We spread geotextiles and load them with the selected type of ballast.

The smallest weight of ballast per 1 m² is 50 kg or more. Before planning the installation of a ballasted roof, you need to consider whether the structure being installed can withstand this mass.

Option #3 – adhesive fastening technology

The adhesive method is used if the slope of the slopes is more than 25º or the unreliable old base cannot withstand mechanical methods. Adhesive systems use a membrane with a fleece backing. There is no fleece only along the long edge on the back side, intended for welding.

Glue on bitumen mastic or mounting adhesive as follows:

  • the strip is rolled up towards the middle;
  • hot bitumen is applied to the base or adhesive composition and quickly roll out the roll from the middle to the edges;
  • The next strip is laid with an overlap of 8 cm and proceeds in the same way.

To the old one bitumen roof Only hot bitumen is applied, the concrete and cement-sand base is pre-treated with a primer. The panels of the glued membrane are welded together in a standard way.

A video instruction with a visual demonstration of the soft roof installation technology will help you consolidate the information received:

The process of constructing a soft roof is not too simple, but also not as complicated as it might initially seem. After all, one of the goals of the developers of the material was to facilitate the work of constructing the roof. Thanks to their diligent efforts, installation of the membrane can be successfully done independently.

Among modern types of roofing, membrane roofing can be considered one of the most durable. When a membrane roof is installed in accordance with technological requirements, a high-quality roofing covering can serve its owners for 40 to 50 years. She has excellent performance characteristics, successfully resists changes in air temperature and therefore can be used in any region of the country.

Constructing such a roof is not particularly difficult, since the peculiarity of the material allows the coating to be installed in only one layer. Use of modern polymer materials provides maximum roof waterproofing and makes it possible to save on materials for additional waterproofing. Due to the elasticity and flexibility inherent in polymers, they can be successfully used for constructing roofs of any shape and slope.

Today, building the roof of a house with a membrane roof allows you to obtain a roofing covering that is almost completely monolithic and has excellent waterproofing properties. This type of roofing is deservedly considered the most modern and meets the requirements of recent times.

Materials used for membrane roofing

This type of roof is constructed using special materials, which are commonly called membrane materials, and which are presented in a wide range on the country’s market. They are distinguished by reliability, durability and a variety of color shades.

Do-it-yourself roofing can be done using different types roofing membranes. They all have their own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. If until recently, when it came to membrane roofing, it was understood that it was made from PVC membranes, today EPDM and TPO membranes are used for this purpose. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

  • PVC membranes are plasticized polyvinyl chloride reinforced with polyester mesh. To increase the elasticity of membranes, a large percentage of volatile plasticizers is added to polyvinyl chloride. PVC membrane sheets in process installation work welded together with hot air using special equipment. The advantage of this reliable design is that the joints of the canvases can compete with intact sections in terms of strength. PVC membranes are highly resistant to ultraviolet rays and fire. They come in a variety of colors, but, unfortunately, have a tendency to fade. The disadvantages that you need to be aware of when you decide how to properly make a roof are the membrane’s poor resistance to solvents, bitumen and various oils. The membrane fabric releases external environment volatile compounds, which is also a negative factor.
  • TPO membranes are a derivative of thermoplastic olefins. They are available both unreinforced and glass fiber reinforced or polyester. Like PVC membranes, they are welded to each other using special equipment with hot air. The resulting seam is highly durable and reliable. Installation of membrane roofing using TPO membranes is more labor-intensive, since they have less elasticity compared to PVC and EPDM membranes.

When installing a membrane roof using the above materials, various technologies are used. Let's focus on those that are used most often.

Ballast method of securing membranes

Fastening roofing membranes using ballast method, which is considered the simplest, is used when the roof slope is less than 15 degrees. It is done as follows:

  • The membranes are laid on the roof surface. Then the installation of the membrane roof is carried out in such a way that they are leveled and secured around the perimeter using glue or welding. Membranes are fixed in places where they are adjacent to the vertical elements of the roof.
  • A layer of ballast is placed on top of the membrane prepared in this way. The best types of it are considered to be river pebbles of the middle fraction (from 20 to 40 mm), rounded crushed stone and gravel.
  • The ballast weight must be at least 50 kg per square meter.
  • In the case where unrounded gravel or broken stone will be used as ballast, the membrane sheet will need to be protected from possible damage. You can lay dense non-woven fabric with a density of over 500 g/m2 or mats on top of it.

If you are starting to build a roof, instructions of this kind will provide you with effective practical assistance.

Mechanical method of securing membranes

In cases where the roof structure is not able to withstand the loads associated with the ballast fastening of roofing membranes, another method of fastening them is used. It's about about mechanical installation of membrane roofing.

Mechanical fastening of membranes is used in cases where the design features of the roof do not allow high-quality gluing of the waterproofing membrane material.

Corrugated sheeting, reinforced concrete, wood, etc. can be used as a basis for mechanical fastening. Membranes can be secured around the perimeter of protruding roof elements using special edge strips, on the underside of which a sealing layer is applied.

Do-it-yourself roofing provides that membrane materials will be mounted on the roof using telescopic fasteners. It consists of a plastic umbrella with a wide hat and metal anchors, which can be replaced with disk holders large size. The latter are used when the roof slope has an angle of more than 10 degrees.

Installation of mechanical fasteners is carried out in areas where the membrane sheet is applied. Fastening elements are located in increments not exceeding 200 mm. When the slope of the roof slope is more than 2-4 degrees, an additional fastening line is made where the valley is located.

If the construction of the roof of a house is carried out with mechanical fastening of the roofing membrane at the base of the roof, then measures must be taken to protect the membrane from damage. To do this, geotextile material or non-woven material is placed under it.

Fastening roofing membranes using the gluing method

Roofing membranes are secured by gluing in very rare cases. The reason is the rather expensive cost of such work. However, there is no guarantee that the strength of the membrane roofing covering to the roof base will be sufficiently high.

However, there are situations when the use of other methods, for some reason, is inappropriate or, better said, impracticable. Then you can resort to an adhesive connection. Installation of the membrane roof is then carried out using adhesive mixtures. The tensile strength of their connection must exceed the strength of the connection between the contacting layers of the roof.

Roofing membranes can be glued not over their entire area, but in the most critical places. This is done, as a rule, along the perimeter of the roof and in places where the panels overlap. TO problem areas These include ribs, valleys and places where membranes adjoin protruding roof elements - chimneys, ventilation ducts and other protruding structures on the roof. This way you will reduce the cost of adhesives.

Thermally welded method of connecting roof membranes

When deciding how to properly build a roof, many developers prefer the heat-welded method of connecting membrane roofing sheets. It allows you to make the roof reliable and, at the same time, give it modern look. The work is carried out using a special welding machine. It “produces” a stream of air, which has a temperature of 400 to 600 degrees. To ensure the strength and reliability of the connection of roofing membranes, it is recommended to make the width of the welded layer 20-100 mm.

Membrane coating sheets, which are joined by welding, create a sealed surface high quality. It should not be forgotten that welded joint the action of ultraviolet rays does not have a destructive effect, which cannot be said about adhesive seams.

A significant disadvantage of such connections is that due to the complexity of the welding process, it will be difficult to do it yourself.

If you are seriously concerned about such an issue as roof construction, instructions for using a particular method of installing a membrane roof will be your reliable guide.

The technologies for its construction described above can be successfully used in the construction of large structures, private cottages and outbuildings. If you study them carefully, you will be able to get theoretical knowledge about the properties that membranes have roofing materials. Taking into account their characteristics, scope and features of application, you will have the opportunity to have a beautiful, reliable and durable membrane roof in the future!

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer to teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):