Betrayal is one of the most terrible events that can happen to a person. When a loved one commits such an act, the relationship is unlikely to be saved. But everyone swears oaths of fidelity, promises to love forever and be together! But these are just words spoken out loud; in life everything can turn out completely differently. If you have suspicions about your wife or girlfriend, study this material, it will reveal the signs of female infidelity.

If a woman “walks” on the side, this indicates that there is no harmony, something is missing. After all, the weaker sex will never do such a thing if the entire Universe is in the arms of its beloved! If cheating has occurred, this means that the woman does not receive the necessary attention, warmth and affection from her man, or she was tortured

Such steps are not taken just like that! A normal man always feels that something is wrong with his partner. The level decreases, falsehood and play appear, and various extraordinary events occur. All this says only one thing - time to think, take action, take an important step and admit the truth.

Cheating cannot justify any cracks in a relationship. This is a hidden betrayal of everything holy, for the sake of which people were with each other. Regardless of gender and social status. Therefore, there is no need to suffer for months in guesswork. It is best to immediately put everything in its place. A man should take a closer look at the behavior of his other half. It happens that in the process of cheating, a woman begins to dress better, suddenly becomes a regular visitor to the fitness center, hides her mobile phone and correspondence, and tries to avoid intimate contacts. All this is felt and there can be no longer any doubt.

What is treason? This is a serious injury that can destroy a marriage or long-term love relationship that has not yet been confirmed legally or ecclesiastically. For a normal man, such a “surprise” can become a serious trauma for life.

The main signs of female infidelity?

1.Changing your image, habits, going to the gym.

Typical indicators that a woman is trying to please someone. She began to take care of herself, began to... Appearance is very important for the fairer sex. And if a lady has not previously devoted too much time to sports, then such actions can be alarming. Of course, maybe she just decided to work on her figure. But in combination with other factors, this indicator is important. In addition, if the choice of clothes and accessories has become more careful, and a whole hour is spent in front of the mirror. Small signs, subtle facts.


Coldness in bed, reluctance to share impressions and experiences. What does it mean? The destruction of the emotional connection that should be in. If a man always discusses the past day with a woman, shares his thoughts, listens to her opinion, then this is very good. But betrayal destroys connections. The woman is no longer interested in this, and she participates in the conversation only as a detached character. Bed always demonstrates a change of pace in a relationship. If the frequency of sexual relations is reduced to a minimum, or even completely declines, this is a clear sign of female infidelity. A smart man will pay attention to this.

3. Stealth.

No warm words are heard from her lips. The woman stops talking about her experiences and doesn’t even raise questions about her work. Complete secrecy, less communication. This suggests that she is worried, perhaps even feeling guilty, because of the betrayal.

After all, not all betrayals occur because of a partner’s bad attitude. Love is an unpredictable thing. It is best to simply and directly ask about what is bothering her. But surveillance and other symptoms of paranoia will not provide answers. Perhaps the woman has long wanted to talk openly. Why torture each other and wait for things to worsen? Love cannot be glued together!

4. Family affairs are no longer of interest.

Cheating for a woman is a sacrifice of old interests for the sake of new ones. Naturally, the old interest in this case is the husband. Therefore, if a spouse or cohabitant does not meet her loved one after work, but does something in another room, avoids conversations and intimacy, then some “research” needs to be done. This will clarify the situation. When she needs to go out in the evening, you can try offering to accompany her. Perseverance in this matter will help show how unnecessary the man has become. And attempts to hide something, lies and tricks will reveal themselves sooner or later.

5. I started arguing less.

When a woman cheats, the distance from her partner manifests itself in many situations. Previously, she defended her point of view, tried to participate in dialogues, and quarreled if opinions did not coincide. Sometimes they arose. All this indicated that the woman was not indifferent to life together. But the moment came when the controversy faded away and interest dried up.

If earlier she was more susceptible to gatherings with friends, disorder and other elements of relationships, and now she shows complete indifference, then this is an important indicator. This means she is already living in a new world. And this is a serious reason to think about the ending of the relationship, because the partner has already made a decision, but has not yet realized it, or is waiting for the moment to say goodbye.

6. Telephone communication and correspondence.

In the 21st century, technology is used everywhere. And if a woman has pulled away, began to correspond more by e-mail, constantly sends messages using a mobile phone or conducts negotiations in a whisper, then there is no need to entertain yourself with illusions.

This is a serious signal that simply screams that cheating is happening. A simple question on this topic can cause different reactions from your partner. Reciprocal aggression indicates betrayal, and ordinary denial gives equal chances. Everything should be thought through, analyzed, compared last years life together. Then the answer will be found.

7. Being late.

If a woman used to come home from work early, but now she is more and more late, then you don’t need any more words to start worrying. Of course, she can say that there is a lot to do at work and she is busy thinking about things. Also, if you cheat, shopping will no longer be a fleeting affair; each trip to the store will end in a few hours. Time will stretch, there will be more and more lies and excuses. These signs of female infidelity will help you make the final decision in your life.

No matter how a woman hides her new feelings, sooner or later the betrayal will appear. Indeed, in this case, she feels guilty, tries to hide new relationships, significantly reduces the number of acts of intimacy, stops discussing problems, and moves away in all possible relationships. In this case, it is worth asking the question of the advisability of prolonging such games with feelings and putting everything in its place. Once and for all. Better the bitter truth than the sweet lie!

  • I would like to note: despite the general signs of betrayal, they are different. Each girl has her own characteristics, so exceptions to the rules are possible. In this case, one of the signs described below may simply not be true, let’s say your girlfriend or wife is simply in a bad mood or, say, she has changed her attitude towards life (and for the better), etc., This article gives recommendations and advice, but they are not a life standard. Make your decision thoughtfully, because it can radically change your life!

Most men suspect their wives of cheating. Frequent quarrels and bad mood lead a man to such thoughts. As the popular saying goes, trust, but verify, so you need to prove your guesses or, God forbid, refute them. How do you know if this is true? How to identify the signs we will try to highlight and summarize them in this article.

My wife looks better

If your wife has begun to take better care of herself, although you noticed that she did not do this before. A girl usually spends more time in front of the mirror, primping herself. A woman always wants to look beautiful, but in marriage she could relax a little and, perhaps, not always wear makeup. The husband is not going anywhere, and many girls believe that they no longer need to look beautiful in front of him. If a man notices such a dramatic transformation, then this is the first sign of the appearance of someone who looks at her more often than her husband.

If your wife has always looked great for many years, and long periods of getting ready and changing clothes in front of the mirror are normal for you, then you are very lucky. This means that your wife still cares what you think about her. Then let's move on to the next sign.

Jealous wife

If a woman begins to cheat on her lawful chosen one, then at the subconscious level she begins to think about what would happen if she found out that he was cheating on her. From here, it is natural that a woman will begin to relate to everything that is happening around her: to friends, to work, and even to the dog, with whom he should walk in the evening.

Psychology says that the behavior of the cheating party will be compared with the honest one. A girl can start scandals out of the blue, openly suspect him of cheating, staging scenes of jealousy. So, she seems to be trying to become a victim and avert suspicion from herself.

My wife moved away

If your wife begins to move away from you for unknown reasons, this is another sign of his wife cheating on you. It is not you who now lives in her soul, but someone else. If previously you could share stories with each other about the events of the past day, now she should be withdrawn and thoughtful, speaking and acting with caution. Such signs of a wife’s betrayal and physiological changes will give rise to suspicion for the husband.

Meetings with friends became more frequent and longer, she developed new hobbies and preferences, and her wife began to work more and more often. If you come late, and she is not angry, as she did before, and, perhaps, on the contrary, she is happy about your delays - another sign of a wife cheating on her husband. You can conduct the test for treason on any suitable day. To do this, specifically monitor her behavior, analyze her attitude to your same actions and her reaction, and if everything is confirmed, then you can monitor her directly.

Changes in sex life

Both parties cannot but rejoice at new ideas for sexual pleasures, but the one who suspects infidelity should still think about what the new behavior during sexual intercourse is connected with. The familiar, ordinary thing turned into wild, bright colors - it’s possible that she learned this on the side. Although, it is possible that if the wife cheats, her sex life will come to zero, since she will be happy with everything far from home. But still, if a woman does something she hasn’t done before, think about it. The main thing here is not to confuse. Suddenly she read a lot of smart books and decided to change something herself. A woman will want to add variety to your relationship in order to awaken faded feelings, and for this you will present her with: “You’re cheating! Where did you learn this?”

Changes in wife's behavior

If in your relationship before suspicion it was not the norm, for example, to call each other to kiss before leaving the house, or your shirts did not have time to iron, and now everything has become the opposite, then these are another signs of your wife’s betrayal. Only you know how to find out about this and what behavior you need to pay attention to.

If the wife is hiding

Let's say your wife always talks on the phone without leaving your side and calmly answers calls. Now your wife's behavior may give you pause. She becomes nervous during conversations, tries to move away from you during a conversation, hides her phone, erases messages - this is another way to determine her wife’s infidelity. The signs of this are obvious.

For appearance's sake, messages from you will be left on the phone, if there were any. As a rule, husbands very rarely write anything to their wives, especially romantic ones. In the most extreme cases for them, they write: “Don’t forget to buy me cigarettes.” Women certainly won’t keep such messages. This is already your fault. You know that they love with their ears, so you could write to her at the end “I love you” or “Come quickly, I miss you”, it’s not difficult. A woman will keep messages of this kind for a very long time.

So, you noticed that your messages and letters from friends remain on her phone, she tries to delete the rest, and if she hasn’t done this before, then you have discovered another first sign of your wife’s betrayal. If you have already suspected, then contrary to the principles of decency, you still need to look at her phone. You can find a lot of interesting things there: SMS, new phone contacts, strange photos...

Physical evidence of treason

Indirect evidence of a spouse’s infidelity may include movie tickets found on her, various souvenirs, and flowers given by a colleague. Although a smart wife will not bring them home, give them to a friend or leave them at work. By direct evidence we mean condoms in your bag or pocket, even if you use them at home, why would she carry them with her? This also includes emergency contraceptive pills, or a started pack of rubber products.

Men's intuition

Men's intuition helped win wars, what can we say about exposing his wife. Even if there is no obvious sign of his wife’s betrayal, but the man feels something, you need to pay attention to it. The slightest changes in his wife's behavior can give him an impetus for this. We earnestly ask suspicious men not to divorce their wives because of some kind of simple intuition. Check all your guesses first, and then draw conclusions. Better yet, find within yourself the reasons for her behavior; maybe she just wants to punish you for something, and that’s why she’s cold towards you.

Online password - password for personal life

If before your wife did not hide anything from you, but now she blocks her pages on social networks, changes passwords, hides all information on the Internet from you - these are yet another signs of your wife’s infidelity. What they are in your situation is up to you to analyze. If she hides something, it means she definitely has something to hide from you. Unless, of course, the secret is a birthday gift prepared for you or something similar.

Don't forget to look at your browsing history in your internet browser. Many of them don't even know about its existence. Once you go into history, you will understand what she was looking for there or who she was communicating with. If the story turns out to be erased, then you yourself will figure out what the signs of your wife’s betrayal are.


If your chosen one has always admired you, and then suddenly began to point out your shortcomings to you, reproaching her husband for being wrong - this is the right start for her to look for the right man, if she has not already found one. She will subconsciously compare both men and make comments to you.

If your wife begins to systematically turn off her phone when she should be in touch, does not answer your calls or hangs up without explaining the reason, this is another reason to think about it. If you know that she has a meeting, you should not continue to call her and sort things out.

If you used to pick up your wife from work, and you are suddenly asked not to do this, on the contrary, go, otherwise someone else will see her off.

The signs of a wife cheating on her husband can be listed endlessly, but only you will find the right ones. Because you, like no one else, know the character and habits of your chosen one. Don’t be lazy to double-check your guesses. Don’t stir up a scandal if she simply went to the store, and you immediately felt the urge to talk to her. Trust your wives, and then you won’t have to read such articles and look for signs of your wife’s infidelity. There is no need to take the test in this situation. It’s better if a man does everything to ensure that his wife never does it for him!

Female infidelity is considered something out of the ordinary in the minds of men. How can you guess that your better half is not faithful?

Not all marriages are happy. It happens that spouses begin to cheat on each other, have permanent lovers and mistresses, and in general begin to arrange their personal life on the side. It just so happens in people’s minds that men cheat more often than women. If for a man cheating is a fairly common thing, then for a representative of the fairer sex such a somersault is considered something out of the ordinary.

Well, women in our country are not supposed to have affairs on the side, and that’s all! Even if you crack... however, failures in this postulate happen quite often, and many men, by the grace of their other halves, become cuckolds. So, by what signs can you guess that your wife is not faithful to you?

The first and, perhaps, the most common sign is that the woman begins to stay late “at work” or constantly tries to disappear from home for a while. Moreover, he chooses the most innocent excuses for this. For example, “I need to drop by my mom’s,” “a friend invited me to sit in a cafe,” or “I’m going shopping, I’ll look for something like that.”

And imagine that your wife is staying “at her mother’s”, you call your mother-in-law, and she declares that she has not seen her daughter for several days and that she is not expecting her to visit. Or the wife’s friend, with whom they were supposed to “go shopping” or “sit in a cafe,” suddenly calls on the phone and asks for his wife. Agree, not the most pleasant situation.

If this happens, then do not immediately create a scandal, but try to find out what is happening to your chosen one, what thoughts are gnawing at her. Sometimes a simple human conversation, even if the woman was not entirely faithful to you, can turn the situation around in your favor. Unless, of course, you yourself want to break up. In this case, the woman’s infidelity will be another reason to make a final break.

The second sign of female infidelity is also quite common. If a wife comes home from work with flowers, then the man naturally has a question: where did the bouquets come from? And the answer, as a rule, sounds like a standard excuse. For example, “a friend gave it to me” or “there was a holiday at work, and everyone was given flowers.”

Such statements should be taken with a certain amount of skepticism. But you shouldn’t blame the girl for all mortal sins right off the bat. Even if one of the men she knows gave her flowers, this does not mean that she is unfaithful to you.

The third sign of female infidelity is the smell of someone else's perfume. It's rare that a man doesn't use eau de toilette these days. However, if you smell foreign eau de toilette from your woman, don’t rush to conclusions. What if she went to a cosmetics store and accidentally sprayed herself with men's perfume? In general, anything can happen...

The fourth sign is that a woman becomes too affectionate with her husband. This is especially suspicious if in ordinary life she is not prone to sentimental tenderness. So if you're being surprisingly nice, be wary.

However, even here an explanation can be found for the changed behavior. Maybe the girl, having heard enough stories from her friends about unlucky husbands, suddenly began to appreciate you even more than before. Of course, the version is a little far-fetched, but it cannot be completely discounted.

There is a fifth point. Some representatives of the stronger sex get information about possible rivals from their girlfriends' emails or their handwritten diaries. One of my friends, while cleaning his apartment, once discovered his wife’s diary and read it. It turned out that the girl was attracted to her colleague at work, but then she realized that there was no one better than her husband. That is, there was no physical betrayal. And reading the diary helped my friend understand that his wife loves only him.

In general, we must remember that if a person decides to cheat on his other half, he will probably do it. No matter how you hold it. But a woman can be turned away from the “unrighteous path.” You need to be kind, affectionate and gentle with your soulmate. Even if you find out about a girl’s intentions to have an affair on the side, there is no need to make a scandal and threaten with all sorts of punishments. It's better to just try to improve the relationship. So that a woman looks at you and thinks: “I love only him. And I don’t need anyone else.”

Photo: McDaniel

It is impossible to identify obvious signs of a wife’s betrayal, such as lipstick on the collar, because as soon as a woman has another, the relationship ends, and in some cases, without spiritual betrayal. It is not customary to talk about female infidelity; rather, everyone pretends that such a concept does not exist in principle, so many do not understand how to define a wife’s infidelity. If male infidelity is legalized in society to the point of creating harem-type families and rewarding friends for the next seduced woman, then the very fact of a wife’s infidelity entails a lot of censure, rejection and prohibition. Remember, even for a bachelor party they order prostitutes, and for a bachelorette party strippers, although in fact the goal is the same, but everyone continues to pretend that male infidelity is more common than female infidelity.

Wives also leave on the side, the only difference is in the motivational aspect, and if a man sometimes has enough of a girl’s beautiful appearance, positive communication and a certain dose of alcohol, then a woman needs more serious reasons based on psychological intimacy and the establishment of a spiritual connection. Having a lover or cheating once, a woman does it more in the sphere of feelings, there may even be no intimacy there, but something deeper will be present.

Cheating is a concept that exists between two people in a relationship, and when a woman looks the other way, she leaves an irrelevant relationship to fill the emotional emptiness and feelings of loneliness.

When the obvious fact of the presence of another man becomes clear to you, it will be too late, and you will find out when the two of them come to pick up her things. If you want to maintain a relationship with this particular woman, then you need to look for hints and indirect signs of betrayal, when everything is still in the initial stage and the process can be adjusted. Remember that it is not possible by chance, therefore it cannot be caught stupidly, which means that you need to be more careful in your analysis. Changes in appearance and behavior, the emergence of new interests and habits, get-togethers with friends and delays at work - this is an approximate list of what to pay attention to, and not look for a number signed “Andrey Lover” in her phone.

The first signs of your wife's betrayal

When thinking about how to determine if their wife is cheating, many men skip the stage where it is worth determining that she is becoming uncomfortable at home and around you. Because it is only out of intolerance that a woman feels bad in a real relationship, because of a constant lack of (warmth, respect, attention, words of love) that she begins to look for where to feed her own needs. If you notice that your behavior makes her nervous, she tries to distance herself, and at periodic moments of seeking intimacy she says that your behavior is hard or painful for her, then a crack in the relationship has already begun and will not heal on its own, and you will have to endure it forever no one will do something like this. If she increasingly finds herself doing things outside the home (to escape, she can help your mother, grow whatever she can in the country), then she feels bad at home, and she is looking for something to do with herself. The first signals that will lead to the appearance of another man who wants to take pity on her and add more smiles to her beautiful but sad face.

The first hints of someone appearing on the horizon are the wife’s frequent stories about one of the men (a colleague whom you have known for ten years and never suspected, a new acquaintance who helped her with her dog at the veterinary clinic). The stories will be innocent, and suspecting something of a person about whom they talk so clearly and openly will seem like nonsense in men’s eyes, but remember that a woman cheats when she falls in love, and they fall in love not with the body, but with the attitude towards them. Between you, buried in a tablet, and a nondescript old acquaintance, every morning interested in her mood, she will choose to open up to him - first with a minor problem, then with a larger one, and then he will become closer and dearer to her than the person sleeping in her bed.

The changed behavior can be not only of a detached nature, when a woman tries to avoid you as the cause of her dissatisfaction (sexual, moral, material), but also have the opposite appearance of over-care and attentiveness. This reaction occurs among women who condemn infidelity, who until recently hoped to receive what they lacked from their spouse, and are now tormented by a feeling of guilt. With a new lover, the hunger for human warmth is already satisfied, the woman feels better and stops making all offended claims to her husband - now there is somewhere else to get. Often husbands perceive this beginning of the destruction of a marriage as the happiness of the second honeymoon that has fallen on them - the complaints are over, the wife smiles all the time, does not pester her with questions, takes care of her, and even looks great. Only behind this lies guilt and indifference. Take a closer look at where your spouse gets the support she previously asked for, who fixes her computer that always hangs, where she gets answers to questions that arise, and think about why she is less and less interested in where you have been, what you have achieved at work, and what you think about your relationships.

The wife may spend more and more time on the Internet, and if previously it was surfing interesting sites, searching for articles and events, now most of it is occupied by various social networks, and you increasingly fall asleep alone to the sound of the typing keyboard. She goes into communication in the virtual world to make up for the lack of warmth and interest that she expects from you, and it is better not to ignore this signal, glad that she is behind, because soon either the virtual friendship will develop into a very real romance or she will understand what to do she has nothing in front of the monitor and will start looking for something in real life.

Any change in behavior should alarm you, because if this is not a sign of betrayal, then it is definitely about a change in the internal climate of the relationship, and it would be good to clarify everything before it is overwhelmed by a typhoon. And rest assured, while a woman blows your mind, calls you three hundred times a day with stupid questions, gets offended to the point of scandal because you are half an hour late for dinner, she has no one on her mind. Moreover, an increase in questions and complaints about your coldness may indicate your lady’s jealousy, which indicates your value to her, but do not go too far, otherwise you can get revenge in a similar way.

Before actually cheating, a woman will complain hundreds of times about the lack of attention, ask for your time, participation and gifts - this is like the last chance, ignoring which the husband loses his wife. Being in a good state, cared for and loved, a woman will not think of asking for attention and asking about your feelings, just like looking for it elsewhere.

How to recognize the signs of your wife's cheating?

Clear signs of a wife's infidelity are a radical change in image or an increased desire to improve appearance. It usually starts with the wardrobe, a more careful selection of clothes, instead of running out as usual in a comfortable suit. Long-forgotten heels that used to be on your dates are taken off the shelves, but now they only belong on holiday trips to the restaurant. She can update her wardrobe with new bright and seductive things, but this is not yet critical, since it can be done out of spite to her friends or after a caustic remark from a colleague. But if you notice several new expensive sets of branded exclusive lace underwear, then it’s time to sound the alarm. Not every woman wears a beautiful lace set every day, because in terms of convenience it is inferior to cotton comfortable underwear, and its very purpose is to be seen in a rather intimate setting. Replacing your usual tights with stockings is the same as all things that make men incredibly happy, but are not so comfortable to wear them every day, especially if you are deprived of displaying all this beauty.

In addition to clothing, changes concern makeup (it may appear for those who did not wear makeup, become brighter or change in color palette for those who are used to applying it, or may disappear, but sparkling eyes will make a woman more beautiful), as well as hairstyles (unwashed hair , the loosely tied ponytail will disappear, and trips to get a haircut, and at the same time for a manicure, will become more frequent). Going in for fitness, buying a membership to a sports club, regularly visiting a cosmetologist may be your wife’s usual routine, but if this has not happened even close in her life, then the desire to look better screams about its presence, and it’s worth thinking about (maybe this is for you, due to with an age crisis, or maybe an inspiration has appeared).

The appearance of new things that have a strange explanation is also one of the signs. Gold earrings, perfume and boots given away by a friend because they didn’t suit the style, smell, or size; a phone or camera purchased at a promotion or won in a hypermarket; chocolate and flowers, which are regular gifts at work. Analyze the situation, how likely such a confluence of events is, check the availability of similar promotions in stores, thank her friends for the gifts and monitor the reaction (remember, friends can be warned).

And when you, out of habit, go to check your email from her laptop, you notice a password on it or that her previously open social profiles are closed, you can ask about what is happening. Perhaps there is another reason and they will tell you right away, but cleared browser history, deleted calls and SMS on the phone and messages on networks (although you hear a regular notification sound about new ones even in the evening and at night) is a direct indication that the wife has a second life hidden from you.

How to recognize your wife's cheating behavior?

In addition to external changes, a cheating woman’s behavior changes, unlike a man who calmly combines two passions in his soul and brain, the woman is completely immersed in a new feeling, a new partner, which is impossible not to notice from the changed behavior, which naturally has its own signs, different from caused by other events.

A change in sexual behavior is perhaps the most striking indicator of the presence of a third party in your relationship, and there can be two manifestations: the wife has become cold and is trying in every possible way to avoid not only intimacy, but also your touch (you are now like a stranger, emotionally she is with someone else, and this leaves an imprint) or, on the contrary, shows more activity in intimacy, and you notice new habits or techniques (the activity is explained by a feeling of guilt or the desire to hide the fact of betrayal, and innovations were received from a good new teacher). And direct physical evidence of infidelity can be condoms in your wife’s purse or packaging of used emergency contraception.

Interest in your life disappears, and she not only ceases to be interested in how your day went, but she is no longer interested in the reasons for the delay at work or where you go for the whole weekend with men without wives. Parties, late messages, calls from other women - what gave rise to many questions, indignation or scandal, now does not force her to be distracted from scrolling through her Facebook feed. Paying a lot of attention to you when your own life becomes more meaningful and interesting, and you no longer evoke feelings, becomes impossible. Many people stop cooking and put aside everyday life, because now they don’t see the point in it. Why feed a man who is no longer interesting, why support a house where you don’t want to be? For the same reason of indifference, she no longer argues with you, agreeing with everything, and has stopped constantly pointing out your shortcomings in everyday life. This disregardful attitude reflects the discovery of a new nest and the fact that the woman is preparing to move there, and she doesn’t care much about everything that happens in this house.

Your wife is becoming financially independent and if earlier she asked you for money for a cafe with her girlfriends and a taxi, now she attends more events, goes to salons more often, but does not contact you. New relationships in the stage of romance, seasoned with betrayal, encourage other men to look after beautifully and be generous not only with compliments, but also financially. This is combined with late returns home, explained by additional work. She returns by taxi or the company assigns her a driver, but you can’t meet her, moreover, this harmonious legend includes an increase in her income and complete independence from you.

And the last behavioral sign is the lack of direct eye contact, a constantly closed posture, monosyllabic answers to your questions. The defensive behavior of a closed person, reminiscent of interaction with strangers at a general seminar, is an indicator that you have become an outsider to her.

Has your wife stopped pestering you with constant calls? Don't rush to rejoice! Perhaps she has found herself a new object of adoration! Do you have any doubts?

We invite you to consider the most common signs of female infidelity, which have helped more than one deceived husband bring his beloved to clean water.

Prerequisites for female infidelity

She hasn’t changed it yet, but she’s already thinking about it - this is how this stage can be characterized. Despite the fact that all the prerequisites for betrayal lie on the very surface, not every man understands that something is wrong with his woman. Be sure to use our tips, because now is not too late to change the situation for the better!

  • Your beloved has ceased to be interested in your affairs. She is not at all interested in where you are and with whom.
  • You began to notice that your chosen one is often in a state of dreamy reverie. What is she thinking about? You will not get a clear answer to this question!
  • Your wife stopped pestering you with demands and requests, she just left you alone! Well, her interests were focused on someone else.
  • A woman constantly mentions the same man's name and admires him endlessly. Be careful! You need to know your enemies by sight!
  • Your other half literally “blooms and smells.” Where does this state of serene happiness come from, because nothing like that happened! There is a reason, you just don’t know about it yet.
  • Your loved one has new interests. Previously, she only watched soap operas and fashion shows, but now she can’t tear herself away from football and the evening news.
  • The wife comes home, which she supposedly bought for herself.

Indirect signs of female infidelity

A woman will hide the betrayal that has occurred in every possible way, especially if she has not yet decided whether to stay with you or leave for someone else. What signs indicate that the wife has a lover?

  • Restricting access to personal space. If you used to calmly use her phone, now she will not allow you to access it under any pretext. All that was needed was for you to read the message from your opponent!
  • External transformation. She bought a new dress, put on beautiful underwear, did a fashionable hairstyle... Remember, was this the way she wanted to impress you? Draw your conclusions!
  • Your half has a company where you have no place. Previously, your wife couldn’t take a single step without you, but now everything is different. Now she hurries to her new friends, calmly goes to parties with them, and returns long after midnight. Moreover, she constantly has to solve someone else's problems. “Darling, Katya asked me to help her choose wallpaper. I can’t leave her alone in such a huge store!” And this despite the fact that your wife and altruism are two incompatible concepts.
  • Next signs of female infidelity look like this - frequent business trips and meetings, consultations and preparation for seminars. This category also includes canceled trains, broken minibuses, and non-working subways. A woman’s fantasy knows no bounds, and the girl herself will lie so skillfully that you will have no choice but to take her word for it.
  • Changes in attitude towards you. There can be two extremes here: avoidance of all physical contact or increased attention from the wife. With the first, everything is clear, you have become disgusting and uninteresting to her. As for the second model of behavior, this is how the woman is trying to lull your vigilance and make amends for her guilt.
  • Cooling in proximity. As a rule, women sleep with the men they love, because intimacy and love for them are the same thing. You have reason to suspect your wife of infidelity if she has stopped responding to your caresses, suffers from chronic headaches, stays up late at work or goes to bed earlier than you.
  • Communication problems. Until some time, your beloved had a simply perfect phone, but recently strange things have begun to happen to it - the battery will run out, the buttons will stop working, or the money will disappear from the account to no one knows where.
  • Increased independence. Does your beloved prohibit you from picking her up from work, school or parties? Most likely, she already has a escort.
  • An appraising glance. Have you noticed that your beloved is looking at you strangely? She compares you to another person. In whose favor will this comparison be? And this depends only on you.

Direct signs of female infidelity

As a rule, everything is clear here. But if you still remain blissfully unaware, then know that traces of other people’s kisses, the aroma of someone else’s cologne, the habit of locking yourself in the shower after returning from a friend with whom she bought the same wallpaper are direct evidence of female adultery.

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