At the dacha and garden plots, it is periodically necessary to do cleaning - remove leaves, tops, stems, trim shrubs and trees. Everything that is softer and smaller goes to the compost heap, but it rots there for a long time - several years. Larger branches-stems have to be disposed of using more radical methods - transported somewhere or burned. In general, this is a regular headache. And a garden shredder can help solve it. It grinds branches and plant waste into a fine fraction, which rots faster or can be used as mulch.

Purpose and capabilities

The purpose of a garden shredder is to crush branches and plant waste into small pieces. The size of the “pieces” is different for each brand. Moreover, it may change between different models of the same manufacturer. Conventionally, garden shredders can be divided into three categories:

When choosing, you need to focus on what kind of waste you have more. If you have a large part of your plot occupied by a vegetable garden and shrubs, your choice is a grass shredder. Their knives are designed so that they do not clog when processing dry or “fresh” plant components. If the area is reserved for a garden, you need a branch chopper. When choosing, pay attention to the maximum diameter of the waste being processed. Well, if you have both a vegetable garden and a garden, you need a “station wagon” that can handle both tough branches and grass.

A garden shredder is a housing in which the motor and shredding system are hidden. A funnel for feeding processed raw materials is attached to the top of the body. It can be wider or narrower, depending on the purpose. A wide funnel is more convenient for feeding grass residues and leaves, and a narrow one for branches.

Shredded waste pours out from below - from a special hole. There are units with a plastic tank, and others with a soft bag. Plastic is convenient to use, but it increases the size and weight of the unit. A soft container for recycled materials is a bag. It takes up almost no space and does not add bulk, but it is not so convenient to use. There is a third option - without a container at all. In this case, you can choose according to your taste or use both types - whichever is more convenient.

Selection criteria

Choosing any technology is a responsible and difficult matter. There are many criteria to consider. When choosing garden shredders, it is necessary to consider not only technical parameters, but also such “subjective” indicators as ease of transportation. The device will have to be moved around the site - to the place where waste accumulates, rolled up/rolled out of the shed for storage, so the location of the handles for transportation and the size of the wheels are of considerable importance.

Technical Parameters

The initial selection stage is the selection of technical parameters. The selection of the model depends on the purpose of the unit and the tasks it must solve. If branches will predominate, you need one type of unit; if there is grass and foliage, you need a completely different one.

Engine type and power

A garden shredder for branches and grass can have an electric or gasoline engine. Devices with an electric motor weigh less, are quieter, and have no emissions. But their mobility is limited by the length of the cord and the presence of connection points. There is still the option of using an extension/carrying cable. The power of electric garden shredders is 2-5 kW. Usually these are household models with not the highest price tag.

A garden shredder with a gasoline engine can move anywhere, but it is heavier, and the structure itself is more massive, since the engine is larger. To its mass, you need to add the mass of the fuel being poured, so you get the weight of the unit ready for operation. But the engines are more powerful. These models are much more expensive - prices start at $750, but they are more productive and can be used by enterprises.

Gasoline garden shredder - more serious and expensive equipment

In addition to the type of engine, you need to pay attention to its power. It is necessary to ensure that the declared capabilities (maximum diameter of processed branches) are confirmed by the engine power. The average is 4-6 hp.

According to reviews, a useful feature is the ability to reverse. The reverse stroke allows you to correct an unsuccessful branch that is blocking the shaft. This makes the work faster and easier, but the cost of such units is slightly higher.

Garden shredder: cutting part type

The productivity and size of processed branches depend on the type of cutting part. It comes in three types:

  • With two or more knives. The simplest models are equipped with two knives that stand in a horizontal plane. Such models grind mainly grass and small branches - up to 2.0-2.5 cm in diameter. More complex ones are equipped with four or six knives and they can stand in a vertical or horizontal plane. These people are already coping with more serious tasks.

    Models with knives are the simplest and most inexpensive

  • With worm type crusher. In these models, the cutting part is similar to the screw that is in a meat grinder. Only it is installed mainly vertically and has fewer turns. A garden shredder with a cutting part of this type works faster and copes well with dry and freshly cut branches of larger diameter (about 4 cm). It is also good when working with grassy residues, but the grass can stick to the screw or wrap around it, so the knives have to be cleaned periodically. Garden shredders of this type are universal. Examples of popular models are Bosch AXT Rapid 2200.

  • Cylindrical cutting unit with a large number of knives. Also called a “multi-blade cutter”. This is a unique development of Bocsh and has not yet been found in others. Universal garden shredders are equipped with it, so if you need such a model, you will have to choose between this cutter and a worm cutter. Knives of this type cope with fresh or dry branches and plant debris. Only vines can be wound, and even then only if the knives are dull. These knives are found on the BOSCH AXT 25 TC.

  • Cutting shaft. A more powerful crushing unit allows you to grind even thick branches and twigs. They are equipped with garden shredders for branches. The maximum size of processed branches is 5-8 cm. This is about household models, because semi-industrial and industrial ones can handle thicker ones. The problem is that their dimensions and cost are appropriate.

The choice of cutting unit type is determined by the tasks for which you need the unit. Pay special attention to this so you don’t regret the purchase later.

Ease of use

There are many parameters that also need to be taken into account when choosing a soda grinder. They only seem insignificant, but they affect how comfortable you will be at work. And this is important. Here's what we pay attention to:

All these “minor” details affect the work, which is important since you usually have to spend hours and hours reworking. Being in an awkward position or transporting the unit bent over will not be work but torture.

Models and reviews

The choice based on technical parameters is nothing compared to the choice of the manufacturer. There are two guidelines in this matter: brand awareness and owner reviews.

Famous manufacturers

A brand is good, but equipment from well-known brands costs a lot. If this doesn't scare you, everything is simpler. Choose from brands. Garden waste shredders are produced by the following well-known companies:

  • Bosch
  • Viking
  • AL-KO
  • Wolf Garten

You can buy any unit from these manufacturers, just carefully read for what purpose it is intended - more for branches or grass. For example (according to owner reviews):

  • The Bosch AXT 25 D garden shredder copes well with dry branches, but it takes a long time to deal with freshly cut branches.
  • The Bosch AXT 25 TC handles large branches well with factory settings. In order for it to properly deal with small branches and vines, you need to tighten the adjustment all the way (this model has it).
  • The Bosch AXT Rapid 2000 has excellent reviews - it cuts branches, but is not very friendly with grass. The spruce branches, bushes, even young trees passed well.
  • Bosch ATX 18-35. Power 1800 W. It has an auger like a meat grinder, and there is another knife next to it. It chops coarsely, but copes well even with branches 45 mm in diameter.

But if you choose one that suits your needs, they all have excellent reviews. Same as Vikinga (150, 250, 350). Vikings are generally recognized as omnivores, since they thresh everything (cones, spruce branches (stale), corn, sunflowers, old flower stems, raspberry and blackberry trimmings, stale leaves and grass). But they are a bit tall, especially the 250 and 350 models.

Models of unknown brands

Of the less famous and cheaper ones, the following performed well:

  • IKRA MOGATEC EGN 2500. Chops everything very quickly, the fraction is small. But until the knives become dull. You can’t buy new ones in regular stores, only in service centers.
  • MacAllister 2800 W. He even processed the remains of boards, the chips are large - 2-3 cm. He cuts dried branches faster, fresh ones - slower, some of them remain crumpled into short sausages. The size of the branches is up to 4 cm. During operation, the noise level is high - 99 dB.
  • Stiga Bio Quiet 2100. Works quietly, grinds into pieces 2 centimeters long, if a branch hits horizontally, longer pieces pop out. The kit comes with a bag, but there is not even anything to hang it on, they substituted a box. So that when working on the lower grid, the processed material would accumulate on it, it had to be cut off with pruning shears. In general, the design is “copied” from the Bosch 25 D. Conclusion based on the results of the work: if you need to grind the tops, look for another machine. This one is for branches.
  • Garden shredder Skill. It coped with willow branches up to 3.5 cm in size with a bang. With dry currant branches, things went worse - they are very branchy. When working with dry branches, productivity decreases.
  • Petrol branch shredder Earthquake 9060300. Has two receiving hoppers - for branches and a large one for leaves. I worked 35 hours during the season. Disadvantages: it’s big and heavy, it’s still okay to roll it, but loading it into a car is problematic, it rattles a lot, so you need glasses and headphones. Three types of knives - two discs. The first with straight lines, the second with triangular and L-shaped ones.
  • PATRIOT. So far I have worked for 3 days (almost full daylight hours). Normally cuts branches and young trees. It tightens the branches itself, but the force is not too great.
  • Sterwins 2500. We made about 200 buckets of mulch during the season. We processed raspberries, cherries, shadberry, plums, apple trees, turf, willow, bladderwort, and birch. During continuous operation, thermal protection is triggered every 15-0 minutes. After cooling, you can work again.

There are probably other garden shredders that are not too expensive and work well, but before purchasing them, carefully read as many reviews as possible. Take into account only those that are given with their own photos and details that cannot be caught from the description.

Choppers, or shredders, belong to the category of special-purpose equipment and can significantly simplify the process of recycling plant waste in the garden. Of course, you can simply burn branches and weeds, but sometimes this option is completely unsuitable. In addition, high-quality shredded grass and branches can serve as an excellent filler for a compost heap.

The garden shredder is a compact and easy-to-use unit that does not require any special knowledge to operate. It is enough to read the attached instructions and follow all its points. Today we’ll talk about how to choose branches and grass.

Equipment types

Depending on the characteristics, the units can be divided into three types:

  • household;
  • semi-professional;
  • professional.

Household shredders

The devices can be used for processing small volumes. The power of the unit does not exceed 1.5 kW. The shredder is capable of handling branches with a diameter of no more than 25 mm.

The body of the device is made of plastic, so its weight is no more than 20 kg. Household shredders do not have additional functions and are generally not intended for frequent, much less constant use.

Semi-professional units

Shredders in this category are equipped with 3 kW motors and are already capable of handling branches with a diameter of 30 - 40 mm.

The material for the case is not only plastic, but also metal, so such devices weigh much more. On average, the weight reaches 40 kg. They can be used to chop not only branches and grass, but also dry plant tops.

Professional shredders

The most powerful devices of all existing models. They cope well with large volumes of work and can be used on farms.

The motor power reaches 6 - 9 kW, so the device can easily cope with branches whose thickness is more than 60 mm. An undeniable advantage is the function of retracting material in automatic mode.

Professional shredders can operate for a long time at full load. Manufacturers, as a rule, add quite a lot of options that greatly facilitate human work. In particular, the units are capable of producing mulch.

Additional features

A garden shredder of branches and grass, in addition to the main characteristics, may have additional functions. Most often this is:

  • automatic material supply;
  • possibility of blocking the engine in case of unscheduled startup;
  • reduction of operating noise;
  • grinding speed adjustment;
  • processing material into mulch, etc.

Cutting mechanism

When choosing a garden shredder for branches and grass, first of all pay attention to the type of cutting mechanism. In total, manufacturers offer three options:

  • knife;
  • screw;
  • milling

If there is a need to chop grass, thin branches and various soft waste, for example, substandard vegetables, then you can safely choose devices equipped with a disc with knives. As a rule, they are equipped with a pair of flat knives, but in some models their number reaches five pieces. The disk can rotate in different planes, depending on the design of the receiving hopper. The shredder operates quite loudly and cannot boast of great productivity.

Some models of shredders equipped with a knife cutting mechanism have an additional function of automatic branch feeding. And the simplest devices are practically no different from a classic trimmer and are capable of processing only foliage. In such models, a reel of fishing line is used.

If it is necessary to process thick branches, it is best to choose shredders with a screw or milling type of cutting unit. Such a branch chopper (the price of the device in this case will be higher compared to the previously considered option) has more weight, but also operates much quieter. Unfortunately, models in this category are not designed for processing grass and leaves.

To dispose of both grass and branches, it is necessary to choose combined units. They differ from conventional models in the process of material processing. Soft waste is fed through the top funnel and falls onto a disc with knives. After grinding, they fall onto a cutter located even lower. Branches and twigs are fed through a special receiving window and fall directly onto the cutter. Such equipment is the most expensive, but also has greater returns. The lower price level is around 3,500 rubles.

Garden shredder engine: petrol or electric

Garden shredders can be equipped with either electric or gasoline four-stroke engines. At the same time, the power of an electric shredder varies in the range of 1.2 - 4.0 kW, and for gasoline units it reaches 8 kW.

Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages. First, let's look at an electric garden branch chopper. The obvious disadvantages include:

But at the same time, an electric garden branch chopper is much cheaper and easier to use.

Gasoline shredders

Now let's get acquainted with the advantages of gasoline devices. These include:

  • Possibility of uninterrupted operation in any weather. A stop may only be necessary if you need to clean the cutting mechanism or simply run out of material to process.
  • Some models equipped with electric starter, starting is done by lightly pressing a button.
  • Presence of reverse. This feature greatly facilitates cleaning of the cutting mechanism, since rotation in the opposite direction helps to automatically push out stones or fibers wrapped around the knife.

When choosing a gasoline wood chipper (reviews about such units are extremely positive), you need to be prepared for the fact that it will require maintenance. This includes changing oil, filters and other activities familiar to every car enthusiast. Don't forget about refueling the engine. You won’t be able to save money on this, since the engine is quite finicky in this regard. Therefore, operating a gasoline shredder will cost much more than its electric counterpart.

Gardeners often share their impressions of the equipment they use in their garden. And almost everyone agrees that such shredders are simply an irreplaceable thing, but opinions are still divided. Some speak more favorably of electric devices, while others prefer gasoline units.

Here, in principle, is all the information that will help you make the right choice. If for some reason you cannot find a unit that suits you in all respects, then you can assemble a homemade branch shredder.

Drawings will also not be a problem, since the unit itself, if you think about it, is not overly complex in its design. Happy shopping!

Any owner of a garden plot or a private house must, to one degree or another, be faced with the problem of disposing of plant waste. This issue becomes especially acute with the beginning of spring work and at the end of the season, in the fall. We have to come up with all sorts of ways to get rid of accumulated cut branches, dry grass and leaves, dead bushes and remaining tops, etc.

A special type of garden equipment, namely a garden shredder, will help solve this set of problems, and even get tangible benefits from it. Not so long ago, few people had heard of such a useful unit, but today it often becomes an indispensable assistant to the gardener. True, technology of this type is still new to most, and many do not even imagine what capabilities it has and which side to approach when choosing it. We will help our readers - an article about which garden shredder to choose, what to pay special attention to, what basic rules to follow during operation.

Find out how to do it with instructions on how to create it in our new article.

As a rule, such piles of vegetation waste are extremely uncompact, take up a lot of space, are very difficult to load and transport, and with their appearance they spoil a cozy area. What to do with them?

Large branches can still be cut for firewood. To some extent, part of the problem is solved by the presence of a compost pit, but putting large fragments into it is extremely unprofitable, since the pit will quickly overflow, and dense branches will decompose for a very long time.

Removing such mountains of garbage is quite expensive, since renting a vehicle, loading waste, and removing it all costs a lot of money.

It would seem that the simplest way out is to burn. But here, not everything is so simple:

  • Firstly, this is not a completely simple event from the point of view of fire safety.
  • Secondly, in many regions, especially in urban areas, categorical bans on the burning of plant waste are introduced by law, and you can run into big trouble.
  • And thirdly, this is a completely meaningless, unjustified event. Any plant feeds on “vital juices” from the earth, taking from it the substances necessary for growth and development. It turns out that burning plant waste is the deliberate destruction of a valuable biological product, and ultimately leads to an enormous depletion of fertile soil on the site. Isn't it better, instead of buying some fertilizers on the side, to use existing reserves?

All this “baggage” of problems can be solved by purchasing one garden installation - a shredder (foreign language synonyms are often found - garden shredder or chipper). This unit is capable of quickly grinding bulky plant waste into a fine mass, the disposal of which will no longer pose any problems.

  • Such crushed waste will no longer clutter up compost pits, and the process of their biological decomposition will be much faster.
  • Shredded wood becomes an excellent mulching material and good fertilizer.
  • Even simply removing crushed waste from your territory is much easier. They can be compacted into bags and loaded into the trunk of your own car.
  • Wood chips can even be used as fuel - in particular, they are processed into pellets.

Thus, such a unit has a great many advantages, and it can increasingly be seen in the “arsenal” of zealous owners.

How does a garden shredder work?

Schematic diagram of a garden shredder

Despite the wide variety of models of garden shredders, differing in size and operational capabilities, they are all assembled according to approximately the same basic design, somewhat reminiscent of a food processor.

  • This is a durable body made of metal, polymer or a combination of both. The housing can be mounted on a frame, which is often equipped with wheels for easy transportation of the unit around the site.
  • The operation of the chopper is ensured by the operation of a power drive - this can be an electric motor or an internal combustion engine.
  • The drive is connected through a power transmission to a cutting (grinding) mechanism of one type or another.
  • At the top of the chopper there is always a loading hopper, which usually has a funnel-shaped extension for the convenience of feeding plant waste for grinding.
  • The ground mass can go into a receiving hopper, into a soft container (bag), or be thrown onto the ground. Some powerful models are equipped with spreaders that can adjust the height and direction of distribution of crushed waste.

Power point

Garden shredders can be equipped with either an electric drive or an internal combustion engine. Each option has its own pros and cons.

  • The electric drive is more typical for small household units of low and medium power, up to 2.6 kW. Such shredders are quite capable of handling moderate volumes of waste from a typical garden plot.

They are usually not large in size and weight, so they can be easily moved to the work site. Their maintenance is kept to a minimum; preparation for operation, startup and management does not require any special skills.

At the same time, their “attachment” to the electrical network may be an inconvenience. For example, on a large suburban area, a long cable will be required, which is not always convenient, and sometimes simply impossible, due to the banal lack of a connection point. There are certain restrictions in operation based on weather conditions - simply for reasons of electrical safety.

  • Gasoline-powered units are attractive due to their autonomy - they can be used in any “field” conditions.

As a rule, they are equipped with a two-stroke gasoline engine. Such shredders can already carry out more voluminous work, processing fairly large plant waste, right down to the trunks of small trees.

Prices and model range of ELITECH garden waste shredders

ELITECH garden waste shredders

Operating a gasoline engine will require the owners to have certain handling skills. So, for refueling you need to prepare a fuel mixture, you will have to regularly monitor the condition of the spark plugs, gasoline and air filters, and carry out preventive maintenance. However, equipment of this class does not have overly complex internal combustion engines, and all this can be learned quickly.

  • Diesel engines are usually installed on professional equipment. Such drives are capable of operating for a long time without pauses, maintain low speeds well, and do not require a complex ignition system.

But in domestic conditions, such shredders are practically not used, simply because of their high cost, large size and difficulty in independently transporting them around the site.

However, the type of drive is not always the determining factor in the matter of the “professionalism” of the shredder. Thus, you can purchase a compact household model with a two-stroke gasoline engine, and at the same time, there are also stationary or mobile pro-class units equipped with a powerful three-phase electric motor.

Chopping mechanism of garden shredder

The torque from the power drive is transmitted to the working tool - the cutting or grinding mechanism of the shredder. And it, in turn, can be arranged in different ways. So, there are three main types:

  • The knife mechanism is usually a disk with radially arranged knives made of tool steel. The rapid rotation of the blade disk ensures that the supplied plant waste is cut into small fragments.

The advantages of such a scheme are its simplicity, low price, and ease of maintenance. Well-sharpened knives are capable of processing foliage, grass, stems of bushes and annual plants, usually up to 20÷25 mm thick. A mechanism of this type copes well with freshly cut shoots and branches, but when processing solid, dried plant waste, the blades can become dull (even a large fruit pit, for example, from a plum or peach, can cause a problem). Some shredders use knives of a special configuration, having several blades located at an angle. The upper knife cuts the fed branches into smaller fragments, and the lower one already ensures the final chopping.

The knife-type mechanism requires forced supply of material for processing - it will not “pull” branches into itself. For this, special pushers are used.

In maintenance, such grinders are the simplest, that is, removing the knife for sharpening or replacing with a new one is usually a completely simple procedure. Most household-grade devices have just such a mechanism.

  • To process hard, dried branches of trunks, it is better to use a chopper, which is equipped with a milling mechanism. On the working shaft there is a cutter - a gear made of a high-strength alloy, with a certain configuration of teeth and their corresponding sharpening. Such a cutter does not need high speeds, which means that a reduction gear is provided.

The teeth of a rotating cutter are capable of “chewing” the sober wood of dry branches and trunks, turning them into small chips. But this mechanism does not always cope with freshly cut branches and shoots - the fibrous structure is “chewed”, but may not be completely crushed.

The cutter does not have to be singular - there can be several of them on one shaft, with a certain angular “run-up” of the position of the teeth. And powerful professional-class installations often have a double-rotor grinding mechanism, where two rows of cutters rotate in the opposite direction, ensuring crushing of even the hardest wood waste.

The convenience of the milling chopping mechanism is also that it only needs to grab a long branch or trunk - then the gear simply drags it inside, simultaneously crushing it into small fragments.

  • The advantages of both of the above cutting mechanisms are combined by a universal type chopper. In fact, this is also a milling cutter, but of a turbine type - instead of teeth, it is equipped with carbide blades-knives located at an angle to the longitudinal axis.

This structure of the cutting mechanism allows equally successful grinding of both freshly cut and old, dried waste. True, garden shredders of this type are already much more expensive.

  • Some medium and high power models are equipped with a screw, screw grinding mechanism.

A rotating screw with sharply sharpened spiral turns copes well with any type of plant waste - it all depends only on the power of the installation itself.

Criteria for choosing a garden shredder

Unit power and waste processing capabilities

These two concepts, included in the subtitle, have a direct connection. The functionality of the shredder as a whole will primarily depend on the power of the power drive.

Prices for Bosch garden waste shredders

Bosch garden waste shredders

There is no clear gradation of the entire variety of such equipment, but there is a conditional division into three groups - models of the household class, medium, semi-professional level and, finally, equipment for professional purposes.

To make it easier to understand the criteria for such a division, it is better to present them in the form of a table:

Shredder categoryDrive power and typeMaximum diameter of chopped branches"Weight category"Applications and Features
Household up to 1.5 kW, electric driveup to 25 mmUp to 20 kgSmall country or house plots, mainly with young trees.
Short cycle of continuous operation.
As a rule, it is a knife mechanism.
Middle class
up to 3 kW, electric drive or two-stroke internal combustion engineup to 40 mmup to 40-50 kgAverage households or summer cottages with an orchard, shrubs, old trees that require regular pruning.
Handles all types of green and dried waste within the specified size range.
Capable of long-term non-stop operation
Professional from 5 to 9 kW, petrol or diesel drive, three-phase electric motor60-80 mmup to 100 kg and aboveWaste disposal in forestry farms, industrial enterprises, large farms, public utilities, etc.
Designed for long work cycles during work shifts.

Naturally, as the power and productivity of a garden shredder increases, its price also increases. Therefore, before purchasing equipment, it is necessary to carefully weigh the planned volume of upcoming work, the characteristics of the waste being processed, the frequency of use of the shredder and other parameters. It would be a shame if the purchased shredder either fails to cope with the load placed on it, or if its capacity, for which a lot of money was paid, remains simply unclaimed.

In addition, the more powerful and productive the shredder, the larger and heavier it is. From this point of view, an adequate assessment is also needed - how possible it will be to move it around the site, especially on the ground.

Additional criteria for choosing a chopper

There are a number of important nuances that require attention when choosing a suitable model:

  • Convenience of the receiving hopper. It can be placed vertically or at a certain angle. Some models provide the ability to change the position of the receiving funnel. For a blade shredder, the kit must include a pusher: pushing branches or leaves with your hands is extremely dangerous.

On many models, the receiving opening may have a distinct slot-like or cross-shaped shape, or be equipped with guide ribs - these “tricks significantly facilitate the feeding of branchy branches for processing.

Models of the middle and professional class, in addition, can have two receiving hoppers - each for its own type of waste. For example, fed soft waste goes to knife shredding, and hard branches – to crushing with a milling cutter.

It will be useful to learn how to make wood from husks in our new article on our portal.

  • The collection of the processed mass can be carried out in a rigid hopper, usually included with the shredder. In this case, of course, it is more convenient when the hopper is made of durable translucent plastic - it is easier to control its filling level.

In other models, removable bags placed over the outlet neck can be used as a receiving container. By the way, on the forums you can find critical comments from users - the bags are sometimes ruptured by sharp fragments of crushed wood flying out at high speed.

There may not be any collection at all - the outlet neck is located at a certain height. Allowing you to substitute, for example, a basket. It is often practiced to throw crushed waste directly onto the ground of the site. In this case, models that provide the ability to adjust the direction and height of the ejection will be especially convenient.

  • Some models of shredders have a built-in mechanism for automatically feeding waste to the cutting device. It is enough just to lower the branches into the receiving funnel, and then the mechanism will do everything itself. Unconditional convenience.
  • Modern garden shredders often have the ability to adjust the rotation speed of the cutting mechanisms - it can be adjusted to the specific type of material being processed. Moreover, “advanced” models also have a number of built-in processing programs (for example, raw wood, grass, dry branches, stone fruits, etc.).
  • It’s great if there is a reverse function. This often helps to prevent the chopper from jamming if, for example, a strong, thick branch was fed. By putting the cutting mechanism in reverse, it will be easier to get it out.
  • For operational safety, electric models must have a protection function against accidental starting, as well as protection against self-starting after an emergency power outage. It is imperative that the engine power supply is blocked when the upper casing of the shredder is open.
  • It is important to assess the level of noise and vibration emitted by the shredder - many modern models have special noise reduction systems. This, of course, applies to a greater extent to devices with a gasoline engine.
  • It is very good if the kit includes spare cutting equipment, or the store may offer to purchase it separately. This eliminates a number of problems with the inevitable, one way or another, dulling of knives. By the way, you can also pay attention to the fact that some manufacturers complete their products with double-sided knives. As the blades lose their sharpness, you can simply turn them over - the total duration of work before going to a sharpener or before purchasing new equipment doubles.

We will not dwell on the specifics of choosing models with gasoline engines. The subtleties of choosing garden equipment with internal combustion engines - two-stroke and four-stroke circuits, starting systems, lubrication, the procedure for preparing the fuel mixture, etc., are given enough attention in another article on this site.

Motokos are reliable helpers in a suburban area

Read about how to do it correctly in a special publication on our portal.

Brief overview of garden shredder models

The variety of models of garden shredders is very high, and this sometimes even makes it difficult to correctly determine the optimal model. Equipment of this class cannot be called too cheap, so money should be given only for high-quality products.

The fact is that a great variety of different equipment from completely unknown manufacturers have appeared on the market, masquerading under sonorous European or Russian names. The vast majority of such samples are semi-clandestine Chinese production in the negative sense of the word (there is a lot of really high-quality equipment from China on sale). The peculiarity of shredders is that the efficiency of their operation depends not only on the drive, but also on the quality of the cutting equipment. But in this matter, the manufacturer’s dishonesty very often manifests itself - knives or cutters are made of outwardly beautiful and shiny steel, at first they are sharp, but literally after a few approaches they become dull, and simply cannot be sharpened well.

And if we add to this the fact that the cutting equipment is not interchangeable, then it’s not far from a situation where a recently acquired device will stand idle simply because of its “unsuitability.”

So, if you are purchasing a garden shredder, then choose honeycombs in favor of proven models from well-known companies. These include “Viking”, “AL-KO”, “Black&Decker”, “Gardena”, “Bosch”. Russian-Chinese gardening equipment “Elitech” and “Zubr” earned very good reviews. Traditionally, units from Craftsman, Makita, MTD, and Oleo-Mac are in high demand.

The table below shows several models that, based on the results of surveys and sales analyses, top the list of popular garden shredders:

Model name, illustrationBrief description of the modelApproximate price level, rubles

One of the most popular models among all garden shredders.
Electric motor with a power of 2.5 kW.
The universal cutting mechanism “Turbine-Cut” allows you to process any plant material.
Productivity – up to 230 kg/hour.
The thickness of the trunks is up to 45 mm.
Equipped with a collection of recycled waste with a capacity of 53 liters.
Convenient wheels and handle for transportation around the site.
Shredder weight – 30.5 kg.
One of the main authorities in the field of garden equipment production is VIKING.
The presented model is characterized by a powerful electric motor – 2.5 kW.
The thickness of the processed branches is up to 35 mm.
Knife system “Multi-Cut 150” with a two-level Z-shaped arrangement of blades.
Reliable emergency locking system.
Convenient wheel travel, stable working position.
Assembled height – 1440 mm.
Weight – 25 kg
Garden shredder with a powerful electric motor – 2.1 kW.
Low noise level during operation.
The frame and body are metal, providing high strength.
Convenient wide wheels for moving around the site.
Wide loading funnel of the receiving hopper.
Two pairs of knives - straight and side.
The thickness of processed branches is up to 40 mm.
There is no collection bin provided.
Weight – 35 kg.
Affordable price and excellent performance characteristics are the reasons why this shredder is at the top of the rating.
Electric drive with a power of 2.8 kW.
Built-in hopper for collecting recycled waste with a capacity of 50 l.
The maximum diameter of branches is 42 mm.
The cutting unit is a knife unit, additionally equipped with a roller mechanism for retracting the material.
Shredder weight – 25 kg.
A reliable, compact and inexpensive unit that can cope with large volumes of waste processing.
Electric drive – 2.5 kW.
Cutting system - several knives combined into rollers (mill) for high-quality crushing of wood.
Operation does not require high revolutions of the cutting mechanism, so the shredder has a low noise level.
The maximum diameter of branches is 40 mm.
The weight of the device is 24.5 kg.
13000 ÷ 14000
Petrol garden shredder equipped with a 3.3 kW four-stroke engine.
Capable of processing branches up to 45 mm thick.
Cutting system - “Multi-Cut 370”, with straight and reverse knives and a cutting turbo disc.
Convenient neck for supplying material (can be in two versions - vertical and inclined).
Mechanism for automatically feeding material for cutting.
Height – 1400 mm.
Weight – 43 kg.
Gasoline garden shredder with increased functionality.
Powerful motor – 5.5 kW.
Combined chopping system - rotating cutting knives plus 12 threshing cutters.
Processing of trunks up to 75 mm in diameter is ensured.
Automatic material pulling system.
Two loading necks - for thick branches and for thin and small plant debris.
Possibility of lowering the loading tray to ground level for direct feeding of waste by rake.
Reliable frame with comfortable wheel travel.
Weight – 75 kg.
from 70000

Prices for popular garden waste shredders

Very often, gardeners and municipal services are faced with the issue of recycling household waste in the form of various bushes, branches and tree trunks. If large wood waste can be sawed up and used in wood-burning stoves, then other tree debris is simply thrown away or burned. With the tightening of environmental requirements, this type of disposal began to raise a lot of questions from the relevant government services, which began to impose penalties on the culprits. The appearance on the market of mechanisms, branch shredders, made it possible to solve all these issues.

Mechanical disposal of wood waste

The process involves passing cut tree trunks and branches through the nozzle of a wood chipper equipped with a disc or rotor with blades. The result is wood pulp (mulch).

The advantages of this type of wood waste processing:

  • Legality of this disposal method. Throwing this type of waste into garbage containers not approved by utilities, and dumping in the wrong place may result in a fine. Burning of garbage is also prohibited.
  • Getting excellent fertilizer. For an individual gardener, it is unacceptable generosity to remove biological waste from the garden plot. Thus depleting their land.

The use of artificial fertilizers is not as effective as natural components. Using a wood chipper to grind wood waste, it is possible to obtain excellent component of compost fertilizer. Shredded sawdust is sprinkled on beds and garden paths.

Businesses have also learned to make a profit from grinding waste in the form of bushes, twigs and other plant components, obtaining various compositions of organic fertilizers.

The disadvantages include the price of a crushing apparatus for grinding waste from tree processing. Although it is worth noting that due to savings on fertilizer, it is possible to recoup the costs of a wood chipper, not to mention business projects for the sale of fertilizer additives.

Types of crushers for crushing twigs and branches

There are two main commonly used wood chipper mechanisms:

  • autonomous (petrol or diesel);
  • electric.

The advantages of a combustible fuel shredder include autonomy of production. When fuel is available it will work at any distance from power sources, which is of great importance for working over large areas and far from electrified settlements.

Gasoline branch shredders are more powerful and can process a volume of about 70 mm.

The disadvantage is noise and toxic emissions. Although modern technologies reduce these problems to a minimum. It is also worth noting that maintenance is more complex.

Electric grinding allows you to work with much less noise than on gasoline. There are no harmful emissions. In addition, it is much lighter in weight.

The price of electric shredder models is lower than gasoline ones, as is the power. But tree trunks of about 40 mm are quite tough for an electric crusher.

The main disadvantage is the attachment to the power source. Electrical failures and lack of voltage make the use of an electric shredder model useless.

Types of knives used in wood chippers

For shredder motors cutting mechanisms are of great importance devices. Let's note three types of knives:

Power of crushing mechanisms for chopping branches

Unit power – important component in processing branches. In addition to the thickness of the shredded branches, the volume of processing and the duration of uninterrupted operation of the shredder depend on this.

Not all consumers need powerful branches shredder mechanisms, so the manufacturer distinguishes the devices according to different purpose groups:

  • non-professional (amateur;
  • semi-professional;
  • professional.

Non-professional wood chipper models do not have much power(around 1.6 kW). Capable of chopping branches up to 30 mm. They operate on electric motors. They are quite capable of maintaining a garden plot with new plantings.

Models of the second level have a power of 2.6 kW. Can be gasoline or electric. Copes with branches up to 40 mm.

Professional crushers have increased power up to 8 kW. Equipment weight up to 100 kg. They run on gasoline engines. Allows you to chop branches up to 75 mm.

What to consider when choosing a wood chipper?

For an amateur gardener, there is no need to purchase a professional shredder. With a constant power source just buy a simple model branch chopper.

If you have old stands of shrubs that you plan to cut down, it is advisable to purchase more powerful models of crushers.

Professional models of shredders are suitable for utilities and entrepreneurs.

In addition to power and power sources, you should pay attention to the design of the chopper knives. Since different cutting plane devices make it possible to obtain shredded wood waste of different sizes, such as small sawdust and small chips.

Additional crusher options

Household models of branch shredders, in addition to crushing branches, small tree trunks, can also grind other organic waste: grass, wood chips, various plants. This is especially true after the end of the harvest of garden crops: tomatoes, cucumbers, etc. Processed and used seedlings serve as excellent components for compost and caring for garden beds.

What to pay attention to when working with wood chippers?

All mechanisms of this type require special care and proper use in accordance with the documentation. The main thing that you must pay special attention to in order not to spoil the mechanism:

  • items to be disposed of must be no larger than the processed volume specified in the shredder instructions;
  • prevent stones, plastic, fabric, glass, etc. from getting into the receiving funnel;
  • do not treat shrubs or roots with soil on the root system;
  • To minimize wear on the shredder, it is preferable to process fresh wood waste.

Safety requirements when working with a shredder

All work on crushing twigs and branches must be carried out wearing protective glasses or a mask. Depending on the power of the wood chipper, wood chips may fly, so it is advisable to completely cover your face and head.

The gloves on your hands should be tight-fitting and not slip off your hands. You must dress in such a way that parts of your clothing cannot get caught in the wood chipper mechanism. Do not remove stuck objects while the engine is running.

A branch chopper is a necessary tool on the farm. The price of simple models allows almost everyone to purchase it. Currently, it is being widely introduced into all private households. And only the lack of information about its benefits does not allow it to be used everywhere.

It is possible to predict that in the near future, the shredder will become an indispensable piece of gardening equipment any farm.

Hello, fellow eco-gardeners! I think you will agree that without gardening equipment on a personal plot it is difficult to maintain order and cleanliness on the plot, especially if it is somewhere around 15-30 acres or more. A garden shredder for grass and branches is one of the best assistants for an eco-gardener, and I’ll tell you why later. You will also learn about the types of garden shredders (one of the names of the device), what to look for when choosing them, and watch interesting videos.

First, let's talk about the benefits and functionality of a twig and grass shredder. A garden shredder quickly and easily reduces the volume of garden waste, saving you time and creating more space. Twigs and grass easily turn into elegant mulching and composting material.

I very often mention on the site the importance of mulching the soil and even talked in more detail about this important technique (you can find out about it). Almost always, waste is generated: faded, ugly flowers and herbs, including thorny rose branches and weeds, spoiled fruits (apples, pears), pruned branches of bushes and trees. All this can be crushed and used for the benefit of the garden plot.

How to choose a garden shredder

Garden shredders come in both electric and gasoline. Let's compare gasoline garden shredders and electric ones.

The advantages of gasoline branch and grass shredders are:

  • they are generally more powerful and can cope with thicker branches (branch diameter up to 6-7.5 cm);
  • These shredders are more mobile, since they are not “tied” to an electrical outlet;

But they also (these are already disadvantages):

  • more noisy (your neighbors are unlikely to like this);
  • Heavier than electric garden shredders;
  • more difficult to maintain;
  • pollute the atmosphere with harmful emissions, as they work using gasoline and engine oil.

Here are the advantages and disadvantages of electric wood and grass shredders:

  • they are less noisy;
  • they are easier to maintain;
  • lighter, therefore easier to move around the site;
  • take good care of the environment, as they do not pollute the atmosphere with harmful emissions;

But being tied to electrics creates some difficulties (they can be solved, but I’ll still classify them as disadvantages):

  • The location of their installation depends on the location of the outlet. The cord, although long, is not endless;
  • they are sensitive to voltage changes (but this also applies to any electrical equipment).
  • not as powerful as gasoline shredders, but many electric models can still cope with branches with a diameter of up to 40 mm.

Garden shredder device

A little about cutting mechanisms. The cutting mechanisms of branch and grass shredders are:

  1. knife (the simplest),
  2. with knives of more complex design,
  3. with screw mechanism,
  4. based on a cutter (turbine cutting mechanism).

For a young garden, where soft and thin branches predominate, a blade shredder for grass and branches is quite suitable. But if your garden is already old, then it is better to purchase one with a milling drum or a screw mechanism.

Garden shredders with more complex blade designs are usually used in powerful gasoline shredders, which allows them to cope with thicker branches (6-7.5 cm).

Most shredders can easily handle both branches and grass. It is better to purchase a universal shredder so that you do not have to buy additional equipment. High-quality garden shredders are made by manufacturers such as bosch, viking, gardena. There are other manufacturers and each of them has its own patented mechanisms.

Pay attention to the receiving funnels. They should be wide so that you do not have to “aim” when working with shredding garden waste.

When you purchase this wonderful technology, I highly recommend that you read the instructions. I understand that we are jacks of all trades, but still... First the instructions, and then just the gardening!

There are a number of tips for working with grass and branch shredders:

    * It is important to wear special safety glasses or a mask. Also wear a hat (a baseball cap may work). This will protect your eyes, face and head from damage. No matter how carefully you work, chips may fly off. This is especially true when working with more powerful wood chippers. And don’t look at the heroism of people who demonstrate the operation of equipment only in safety glasses, but without hats. They only do this for photos or videos, but you will need to actually work with this technique.
    * Wear gloves that do not slip off your hands.
    * Do not put your hands into the shredder. Use only the special pusher (if provided). Many shredders have a self-tightening mechanism, so you have to push branches less often.
  2. Branches should not exceed the permissible thickness;
  3. It is necessary to ensure that stones, plastic, metal, glass, and clothing do not fall into the receiving funnel;
  4. If you chop the roots, then clean them from the soil;
  5. Chop the branches without waiting for them to dry. Fresh branches are crushed better than dry ones. This is especially true for equipment with the simplest knife mechanisms.

These are not all the rules, but some of the most important. By adhering to them, you will ensure your safety and the long operation of this garden equipment.

That's all I have for today.
A garden brush and grass shredder is a piece of equipment that really makes dealing with garden waste easier. Of course, you can burn the branches and get ash or put whole lashes of grass in the compost, but your garden will benefit greatly if you use crushed raw materials.

And finally, this video about garden waste shredders:

Enjoy your gardening!

I advise, dear readers, not to miss the publication of new materials on this blog.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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