It is difficult to imagine a country or suburban area without garden paths. They serve not only for convenient movement between different objects, but also perform a decorative function, emphasizing the style of the territory and dividing it into zones. Those who want to improve their plot will be in for a real delight, because Lots of materials for creating garden paths: expensive and affordable, natural and artificial, purchased and improvised, of any shades and textures. There really is plenty to choose from, but don’t forget to take into account not only attractive appearance of the material, but also him performance.

Each of the numerous possible materials is used in garden plots, since everyone has different requirements for paths and their style. If the path will serve for the constant movement of people and goods, then the coating should be as strong, durable and easy to clean as possible. In other cases, you can choose less durable and more decorative materials.

No. 1. A natural stone

Natural stone can be called the most versatile material. It fits harmoniously into any garden plot and can serve as its decoration for many years.

Main advantages:


  • heavy weight, which complicates transportation and installation;
  • high price.

In addition, on some types of stone (granite, marble) In cold weather, an ice crust forms, making it difficult to move along the garden path. The only way out of this situation is to arrange construction directly under the path, but not every summer resident will decide to do this.

The surface type and color of the stone depend on the rock. Material can be rough or smooth to a shine. The color range is wide: from light breeds to dark red and almost black. Any natural stone is an expensive material, but the cost of different types varies greatly. TO the cheapest materials include sandstone and limestone. Marble, granite, basalt, porphyry are more expensive materials.

For arranging garden paths, stone can be used in natural raw form(quartzite, slate, sandstone, granite, gneiss) or give in additional processing to achieve the best performance and decorative qualities (basalt, gabbro, diabase). River and sea pebbles are also often used in their raw form.

The beautiful natural relief and roughness of the stone surface will decorate the area, but it is important to remember that it should be convenient to move along the path, so it is better to choose a stone that has at least one side is more or less flat. Porous rocks, which include tuff and limestone, can accumulate moisture, so once every 2-3 years it is better to treat their surface with water-repellent solutions.

No. 2. Paving slabs and paving stones

One of the most common options for organizing a garden path remains. These two materials are similar in composition, and the difference is only in the geometric dimensions: with the same length and width, the paving stones will be thicker.

Tiles are suitable for a garden plot with a thickness of 50-60 mm, since there are no special loads on the tracks. Paving slabs can be made from different materials, and The following types are best suited for organizing a garden path:

  • concrete tiles. Can be produced by vibration pressing and vibration casting. The first one turns out to be more durable, but has the simplest forms and can be used to create paths along which cars will move. Vibration-cast concrete tiles are distinguished by a wide variety of shapes and are quite slightly inferior to their vibro-pressed counterpart in terms of strength;
  • clinker paving stones It is made from plastic clay, quartz and feldspar, so its strength is not inferior to natural stone. To obtain a rough, non-slip surface, sand is added to the mixture. Paths made from clinker paving stones will be durable and very beautiful;
  • natural stone tiles- the most expensive and luxurious option, will complement a spacious suburban area. This is actually the same natural stone, but split into pieces of the required size, polished and polished;
  • polymer sand tiles made from sand and dyes with the addition of polymers. The result is a material that is excellent in performance, but its appearance still reveals the presence of polymers in its composition, so such tiles are unlikely to be suitable for arranging a site in a classic style, but in all other cases they will allow you to obtain a durable and durable covering of paths.

Among the main advantages paving slabs durability, frost resistance, strength, resistance to negative atmospheric factors, variety of shapes, sizes and colors. You can lay tiles in a lot of different ways. This explains the wide popularity of the material.

No. 3. Concrete

No. 5. Asphalt

Due to its low aesthetics, asphalt pavement is used for those paths that lead to and are located in inconspicuous parts of the garden plot.


  • low cost of opening;
  • ease of care;
  • high strength and moisture resistance;
  • asphalt can be of several shades (besides dark gray, there are green and red).

The main disadvantage is not the most attractive appearance, but this disadvantage can also be overcome by rolling pebbles or other nice stones into the asphalt surface when laying. In summer, as the ambient temperature rises, asphalt may soften and emit an unpleasant odor. Cracks may appear on the coating, but this often occurs due to violations during the installation process or when installation took place under inappropriate weather conditions.

No. 6. Wood

Wood is another natural and beautiful material that can be used to create original garden paths. Wood can be used in the form or cuts . The latter option will become an original decoration of the site, especially if you use saw cuts of different diameters and arrange them in a certain order.



  • low moisture resistance, high likelihood of fungus development;
  • low durability and the need for constant maintenance. Not only does the wood need to be treated with antiseptic agents before installation, but during operation the material will regularly need to be treated with protective agents.

To minimize disadvantages, it is better to choose the strongest and most durable breeds. The best option -. Its wood has moisture-resistant properties, is durable, has a beautiful pattern and a pleasant smell. You can also use oak- the leader in strength, hardness and durability, but it will cost much more. As a last resort, you can use wood from cut down garden trees, but you will have to work hard to process it.

In order for a wooden walkway to last as long as possible, you need to pay close attention to the process of its arrangement. It is recommended to lay a plastic film over the sand cushion, which will reduce contact between the wood and the soil, reducing the risk of rot. It is better to leave small gaps between the saw cuts or boards: firstly, all the water will go into them, secondly, they are needed in case the wood expands, and thirdly, if you fill the gaps with sand, grass can grow in them, and this path decoration.

No. 7. Garden parquet

Garden parquet, often called anti-slip, is a coating that has all the benefits of wood, but due to special processing it is more resistant to negative atmospheric influences. For the production of material use hardwood, which can additionally undergo heat treatment. The finished material is square (less often rectangular) planks, divided into sections. Sections can form a specific pattern.

Garden parquet planks must have ventilation slots, the size of which ranges from 1.5 to 8 mm: the higher the humidity level during operation, the larger the gaps should be. The surface of the material has anti-slip profile, so decking can be used to arrange paths around. Installation involves the use of special supports, the height of which is adjustable, which allows smoothing out differences in elevation levels on the site. The type of fastening depends on the substrate of the garden bag. Hard parquet has a completely wooden backing made from the same species as the front part. Soft parquet It is distinguished by the presence of a soft lattice plastic backing with special fasteners, thanks to which such material is mounted very quickly and easily.


  • durability. By using durable wood species and treating them with special substances (sometimes heat treatment is used), a high service life of the material is achieved (up to 50 years);
  • high strength;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • beautiful appearance, because the color and texture of the wood are preserved;
  • the presence of an anti-slip profile;
  • resistance to rot and moisture;
  • ease of installation and maintenance;
  • warm surface and quick drying.

There are not many disadvantages to the material. For longer-term preservation of appearance and performance characteristics, garden parquet is better Treat with special oil twice a year. If you choose decking made from heat-treated wood, the material will cost many times more, but will also last longer.

Can also be used to organize garden paths wood-polymer composite decking. It is made from a mixture of sawdust or wood flour with a polymer binder, to which dye is added and the material is formed into the desired shape and size. This is a less environmentally friendly, but more resistant to external factors material that does not require additional care.

No. 8. Plastic tiles

To produce plastic tiles, polypropylene or polyvinyl chloride is used. The material usually has a square shape with dimensions of 30*30 cm and a lattice structure. It fits thanks to the presence of special grooves on each element. Some samples are even stuck into the ground, so they can be used to organize temporary paths.

Main advantages:

  • ease of installation;
  • resistance to moisture and sunlight;
  • frost resistance;
  • non-slip surface;
  • light weight.

Among the disadvantages of the material low aesthetics and durability. Plastic tiles are ideal for organizing paths nearby.

No. 9. Ceramic tiles and porcelain tiles

No. 10. Gravel and tree bark paths

The easiest way to arrange a path is from bulk pavement, which include: gravel, stone chips, and tree bark. You don’t have to level or check anything - you just need to pour the material where the path should go. The gravel is laid on the prepared base in several layers, each of which is carefully compacted with a roller or vibrating plate. It would be a good idea to use it under cover to prevent grass from sprouting.



  • low strength. Gravel will not withstand significant loads, but it is suitable for walking, so the material can be used for arranging secondary paths;
  • difficulty in maintenance, because gradually the gravel becomes overgrown, clogged, and it is impossible to sweep it;
  • At first, until the material is very compacted, it will be difficult to walk on it.

You need to be prepared that over time you will have to add new gravel, and it will be impossible to do without it, because they give shape and prevent the material from spreading throughout the entire area. To prevent grass from growing through the gravel, the soil underneath can be treated with herbicides or the soil can be covered with agrofibre.

Alternatively you can use expanded clay gravel– an environmentally friendly material obtained by processing clay rocks. It is lightweight, has good frost-resistant properties, and is inexpensive.

Bulk paths can be constructed using tree bark. This is a natural and pleasant material for walking, but it will need to be added periodically, as it is easily blown away by the wind. The same applies to pine nut shells, which have recently also begun to be used in landscape design.

No. 11. Tennisit

The red and yellow material used on tennis courts has recently begun to be used for organizing garden paths. Tennisit consists of clay, crumbs and lime. After laying, the material absorbs water and swells, forming a dense solid structure; it must be compacted with a vibrating roller.

Main advantages:

  • soft and injury-proof surface;
  • high strength;
  • ease of care;
  • ability to absorb moisture;
  • environmental friendliness.

Flaw– formation of dust and cracks during drought, so in hot weather the paths will need to be watered periodically. Sometimes you will have to add and re-compact the coating.

No. 12. Cobblestones

In the garden you can create a real pavement from large round smooth stones. Such a path will look excellent; laying the material is no more difficult than brick, and interesting patterns can be created from cobblestones. The material is characterized by high strength, durability, resistance to temperature changes, and is not afraid of moisture, but it is not suitable for arranging driveways. Cobblestones can be combined with pebbles.

No. 13. Grass

A path can even be created from grass, although not ordinary, but resistant to trampling. Such a path will require additional effort to care for it, but will become a non-standard decoration of the site.



  • ongoing care;
  • Even the most durable coating gets trampled over time.

It is better to make grass paths wide so that they are trampled down more slowly. Of course, grass is not a material for main paths; it is better to use it where the traffic intensity is low.

No. 14. Available materials

A garden path can be created at a minimum cost, and sometimes even use unnecessary materials that are usually thrown away as a base. The result is original paths, and their creation turns into an interesting creative process. You can use river pebbles, plastic bottle caps, wine corks and any other materials.

The choice of material for garden paths should be preceded by a planning stage, during which the location of the path, its shape and function are determined. Taking into account these factors, as well as climate and terrain conditions, you can proceed to choosing the most suitable material.

Those who have their own dacha or garden know how important it is to equip them well so that your vacation or stay in a suburban area after a dusty and hectic city is as pleasant as possible. Landscaping has become more important than simply growing vegetables in the garden.

Now every owner strives to give his garden or dacha a special personality and style. One of the main details of this style is garden paths, because the entire appearance of your site can depend on their design and appearance.

How can you make paths in your dacha that will make all the neighbors gasp in surprise and delight? Of course, you can invite a designer or hire specialists who will professionally design your site, but this will cost you quite a lot. There is another option - to design and make paths in your dacha with your own hands. Moreover, absolutely any materials can be suitable for this.

What to choose and how to turn your idea into reality?

First, you need to figure out what kind of country paths there are and what they can be made from. You will have a very large choice, because there are a huge number of options for their production and design, moreover, they are all very diverse and original and beautiful in their own way, so if you wish, you can find an idea to suit your taste and your wallet.

Why are paths needed in a summer cottage or garden? Many will answer that their main function is to provide the ability to move around this very area. Indeed, paths or paths should provide comfortable movement, connecting all the main objects or buildings of your dacha. However, in addition to this, ideally they need to perform other tasks:

  • ensure comfortable walking (especially if there is clay soil or lowland around, where water accumulates all the time);
  • divide the site into unique zones or sectors (flower beds, garden, vegetable garden, recreation areas, etc.);
  • decorate and create a certain style, combining everything around into a single harmonious ensemble.

So, we’ve figured out the purpose of garden alleys, now you need to understand what paths you can make in your dacha with your own hands. The main classification is based on the choice of material that you use to make the paths, and on the method of their construction (there are also differences in size and location - straight, winding, etc.).

  • The most spectacular and expensive paths, of course, will be made from natural stone. The big and undoubted advantage of this option is the durability of your product. However, even here you can save money by not buying stone specifically, but by using, for example, leftovers from the cladding of buildings. However, you need to know how to handle such material. This also includes paving slabs or paving stones and bricks. If you chose the latter as the material, then find a special paving brick, since ordinary white and red bricks may not be resistant to moisture and temperature changes. With the help of a brick, you can lay out any designs and patterns on your alleys, folding it like a mosaic. Just indicate in advance in the diagram the ornament that you want to get as a result.

  • Wood is considered the second most popular material after stone. Wooden alleys look no less beautiful and stylish, especially since a DIY garden path made of wood can be made with much less cost and effort. You can use wooden blocks, wood cuts, boards, and lumps - in a word, any derivatives that are easy to get. The main thing is to show a little imagination and try to do something special. However, wood will require some maintenance, so to ensure the longevity and appearance of your wooden walkways, learn how to care for them properly.

  • You can pave paths in your dacha with your own hands from gravel, pebbles, crushed stone or marble chips, pouring them into a specially prepared base and strengthening them on the sides with a border strip of brick or tiles. The gravel can be multi-colored - then you can make original patterns. The soil in the dug trench will need to be pre-treated before backfilling (herbicides are usually used), and then covered with agrofibre or polyethylene. This way you will protect the alley from the germination of weeds. Finally, you need to compact the gravel (you can use a portable roller or other device).

  • The easiest way is to pour concrete paths. Moreover, you can lay tiles, stones, or paving stones on top. And now you can find plastic molds on sale in construction stores, with which you can easily make various concrete elements and create unique and beautiful paths.
  • In addition to the basic materials, you can use any available means to create paths: pieces of old facing tiles, glass bottles, caps, corks, old tires, etc.

As you can see, you can easily and quickly arrange garden paths with your own hands at low cost. Materials can be combined with each other, the main thing is that they suit the general style of the site and the house, fitting into their ensemble and complementing it.

Be sure to think in advance and draw up a plan diagram of how the alleys will be located on the site, because their network should be built so that they unite all the main zones and buildings. Don’t be afraid to combine different shapes and directions - let you have straight and curved paths, wide and narrow, etc. side by side.

Let's get started: a brief overview of the main methods of making tracks

An important part of creating routes for movement around the site will be the preparatory stage. First of all, you will need to make the markings correctly. If you are planning a straight path, then a rope stretched on pegs will do. And to mark a winding alley, you can drive long nails along the edges of a regular rake and drag them where you want to see the path.

If the climate in your area is rainy, then you need to take care of the drainage system, and also provide drains along the edges of the paths to prevent stagnation of water. Keep in mind that large trees should not grow near the alleys themselves, because their roots will spoil the integrity and appearance of any roads.

  • The construction of all paths begins with markings. Then comes the digging of a trench and preparation of the soil for laying out the material. The depth and width of the trench depends on the type and parameters of the selected materials. The next step is to form a sand bedding or cushion. Backfilling is especially important for areas with loose soil, as well as for paths for which you expect a large operational load, for example, for a site under a car.
  • To line an alley with brick, stone or tile, fill the dug grooves with gravel or pebbles, compact them, and then make another layer of sand. It is this top layer that will be needed to level the surface well. The depth of the trench for stone is about twenty centimeters (often it will be the same for paving stones or bricks). Crushed stone or gravel should be poured in a layer of ten centimeters, plus ten centimeters of sand. Then lay the material on this pillow, following the direction and shape of the desired path. Tap the bricks or tiles with a rubber mallet to adjust them to the desired level. Fill the void between the stones with sand, and then thoroughly water everything.
  • You can make tiles of any shape yourself using a plastic frame. To do this, you only need to fill them with concrete, compact the mass in the mold, and then remove it. From these tiles, when they dry, you can lay out an alley, and then fill the spaces between them with multi-colored filler or sow them with herbaceous plants.

  • If you want to make a path from wood cuts, then you will need to cut a lot of stumps of different shapes (large ones will be used to lay the main part of the alley, and small ones will fill the voids between them). The trench for wooden cuts does not need to be too deep. Fill its bottom with sand and compact it, and then put the stumps there. You can level the lumps using a sledgehammer and using a level as a guide. You can also add gravel, soil or sand between them, and then plant flowers or grass if you want. If nothing should grow on your path, then lay polyethylene at the bottom of the trench, as is the case with a gravel path. Be sure to prepare the cuts - they must be well dried and treated with hot drying oil over the entire surface (you can treat the cuts with a ten percent solution of copper sulfate, and the side that will come into contact with the ground with bitumen).
  • Gravel and boards go very well together. The boards can be large or small, located next to each other or at some distance from each other, you can lay them crosswise or lengthwise, lay them out in a parquet way, paint them - in a word, do whatever your heart desires. Please note that if you raise the boards slightly above ground level, this will help you ensure air circulation underneath them, which means they will last longer. Like saw cuts, boards also need to be treated with antiseptic and protective agents.

Every person who has a country plot wants his dacha to be equipped and well-groomed.

The Internet is full of articles with various options for landscaping summer cottages with photos of beautiful garden paths, but it is not clear how to do it all yourself.

Designer services are quite expensive, but at the same time I would like your garden to be somehow different from others. Original garden paths will give any garden an original look.

DIY garden paths

Arranging a plot of land with garden paths will not require large financial expenditures, especially if the dacha has materials suitable for this.

You just need to use your imagination and carefully examine the contents of the attic and other places where suitable elements for making paths can be stored.

There are a huge number of options for garden paths; the choice depends only on the taste and capabilities of the owner of the dacha.

How to make a garden path with your own hands

The easiest way is to make a gravel path. To make it, you will need:

  • Pebbles or expanded clay;
  • Geotexile or compacted film;
  • Sand;
  • Edges made of wood or concrete (sides) for paths.

First you need to think about the design of your garden paths. The path should be conveniently and harmoniously located.

To make a high-quality track, all steps must be performed step by step:

  • Make markings for your future path. If you plan to make it twisty, then draw all the twists.
  • Dig in wooden blocks or concrete sides on both sides.
  • The top layer of turf should be removed along the entire length of the path to a depth of approximately 15-20 cm.
  • Geotextiles or thick film are carefully laid along the path, the edges should be placed under the sides of the path.
  • The cleaned surface is covered with a 5 cm layer of sand. After which the sand is leveled.
  • The prepared surface is covered with gravel.
  • The gravel is compacted using a roller or a regular shovel.

Garden path made of natural stone

Natural stone is one of the best natural materials. It fits perfectly into its surroundings.

Stone paths are the most durable. This allows them to maintain their appearance for many years. To make such tracks you will need:

  • Crushed cobblestone or rubble;
  • Some sand.

Garden paths made of natural stone

Marking the path is the first thing where work should begin.

You need to remove the turf from the entire area intended for the path. The depth depends on the size of the largest stone for the path.

Fill the area of ​​the path with sand, and then begin leveling. The thickness of the sand layer should be about 10 cm.

The stones are laid out on the sand. It is necessary to press the cobblestones into the thickness of the sand.

You can leave gaps between the stones into which soil can be poured. Many people sow this land with small grass.


If the stone is not very large, then intervals of 2-3 cm will be sufficient. In the future, these seams can be sealed with cement mortar.

Concrete garden paths

In order to make a concrete garden path, you can use a garden path mold, which is a plastic frame. This is a very convenient device that greatly simplifies the entire process.

Materials required for a concrete walkway:

  • Sand;
  • Crushed stone or gravel;
  • Water,
  • Cement.

How to prepare a place for a concrete path?

This path is prepared in the same way as a gravel path. But the trench for it should be wider in comparison with the size of the finished path - about 20 cm.

  • Remove excess soil from the trench and compact the bottom.
  • To secure the formwork, use wooden pegs located along the length of the path on both sides.
  • Crushed stone 5-10 cm thick is poured into the bottom. These figures should not be exceeded.
  • To prevent the concrete from cracking in the future, the formwork is reinforced with slats. The slats are installed transversely every 2.5-3 meters.
  • Next, a form for concreting is placed on top.
  • The form must be filled with cement solution as evenly as possible, without leaving empty spaces.
  • After finishing one section of the trench, move on to the next, covering the finished gap with plastic film to prevent debris from getting on the fresh concrete.
  • After two weeks of waiting, the formwork must be removed.
  • The remaining areas between the slabs can be filled with soil or grass can be planted there.
  • Those spaces that remain from the trench on the sides are filled with pebbles or lined with bricks.

Wooden paths for the garden

Wood is the most readily available material for the construction of garden paths. The rich variety of colors and textures of wood allows you to give free rein to your imagination.


Wooden garden paths can be created from treated boards or from simple tree cuts. The methods of laying such paths are slightly different from each other.

Path made of stumps

Wood or hemp cuts can be used to create original paths for your garden. When making such tracks, follow the step-by-step instructions:

  • The material for laying a garden path must be treated with an antiseptic, since the tree does not tolerate contact with damp soil. Treating wood with 10% copper sulfate will increase the protective properties of wood. Bitumen is used for the same purposes. You can purchase material that has already been treated with an antiseptic.
  • Mark the area of ​​the path and remove the top layer of soil.
  • Dig a trench 30 cm deep.
  • Place film or geotextiles along the entire path.
  • Cover the film with a ten centimeter layer of crushed stone.
  • A layer of sand is applied to the crushed stone, which must be moistened and compacted.
  • Now you can lay out the cuts. The remaining gaps between cuts can be filled with earth or gravel.

A path made from boards is prepared in the same way as a garden path from tree cuts, only the boards are laid vertically.

Whatever option you choose, it is important to carry out all work on the garden plot with a good mood and inspiration.

After all, a dacha is a place to restore mental and physical strength. Every corner of its area should please the eye and inspire new ideas.


Photos of garden paths with your own hands

The level of comfort of country life is higher if the space around the country house is properly organized. Paths play a big role in country life. They should be comfortable, durable and beautiful. using improvised or purchased materials.

You need to start landscaping your summer cottage with a drawing. The plan must indicate:

  • all outbuildings (garage, parking, toilet, shed, bathhouse, well);
  • recreation areas (terrace, gazebo, barbecue area, swimming pool);
  • garden.

First, draw paths between the house and outbuildings. They will be in charge. The secondary category includes garden paths, paths to recreation areas, flower gardens, and greenhouses. After the movement paths are plotted on the diagram, you can select materials and paving methods. Photos of paths made from scrap materials will help you make a choice.

With the help of visual examples, it is easier to imagine the shape of the future path and understand the manufacturing technology. Saving on materials is difficult, but possible. Some of the secondary communication routes can be made from scrap materials:

  • bricks left after building a house;
  • brick pallets;
  • used boards;
  • felled old trees.

If you have the energy and time, then you can save a decent amount on the services of a company and design all the paths in the garden yourself.

We make budget embankment paths on our own

The easiest way to make artificial paths with your own hands. Inexpensive natural materials can be used as coating:

  • pebble;
  • crushed stone;
  • gravel.

The advantage of bulk coating is its simple manufacturing technology and low cost of consumables. A simple, beautiful gravel path can make your garden look more attractive. A border made of natural stone or brick increases the decorative effect.

Stages of work

To ensure that they last for many years, earthen garden paths must be made according to the rules. First take measurements and markings. Use pegs, twine, tape measure. For convenience, mark the places where smooth bends are planned with pieces of an old garden hose.

At the next stage of work, shovels will be required: bayonet and shovel. They need to remove the top layer of soil (25-30 cm) - make a shallow trench. Cover its bottom with geofabric. It will prevent weeds from germinating. Place a curb stone along the edges of the trench and pour 10-15 cm of sand at the bottom.

Compact the sand cushion and pour water from a hose. At the final stage, pour crushed stone, gravel or pebbles in a layer of 10-15 cm. Level the surface with a rake and the coating is ready for use. Caring for it is not burdensome:

  • weed removal;
  • backfill in areas of subsidence;
  • periodic leveling of the surface with a rake.

Use in landscape design

Soft gravel and pebble surfaces work well in flower beds. It is recommended to use boulders, bricks, and low willow fences as a border. Red clinker bricks and gray natural stone go well with the fine fraction of the coating.

In a garden designed in a natural style, soft paths with a surface of fine crushed stone without borders look natural. They look natural, smoothly bending around trees, shrubs and flower beds.


It is not recommended to make paths that are too narrow and winding. They don't look neat and create a feeling of disorder.

A swimming pool or artificial pond on a summer cottage is not uncommon. You can decorate the area near the pond with pebbles or crushed stone. This brings the visual picture closer to natural nature. Walking barefoot on pebbles is good for health; the small particles massage the soles of your feet.

Disadvantages and advantages

The advantages of artificial garden paths are obvious. You can easily make them with your own hands, playing with the shape, width, size of the fractions and color of the bulk layer. They are functional and decorative, ideally protecting shoes from dirt. Rainwater does not stagnate on them; it quickly goes into the lower layers of the soil.

Disadvantages of soft bulk coatings:

  • the inevitable appearance of weeds, the need to combat them;
  • in autumn it is difficult to remove fallen leaves;
  • In winter, an ice crust may appear on the surface; you cannot chip it off; some of the gravel will be removed along with the ice.

We use available materials for garden paths

The use of available materials allows you to reduce the cost of coatings. Their low cost does not negate the exclusivity and durability of hand-made garden paths.

Budget paths made of wood, bark and grass

Organic mulch (pine bark) is used to create soft garden coverings. It comes in different sizes and colors. The bark creates a dense cover that makes it difficult for weeds to break through. A bulk canvas made of tree bark looks decorative in a garden, flower bed, next to a pond or swimming pool.

If you have boards or pallets at your dacha, you can make a wooden path with your own hands. It is comfortable and pleasant to walk on, it is pleasant for visual and tactile perception. Wood is always a favorite among summer residents. It is valued for its low cost, environmental friendliness, and unique texture. There are impregnations on sale that protect natural materials from fungus. A garden path made of treated wood lasts for decades.

The boards can be laid on a sand bed. But they will last longer if you use wooden logs as a base. Multi-tiered wooden structures are used in summer cottages located in lowlands and on slopes. With their help, they easily play out the unevenness of the site.

In a flower garden, winding paths can be sowed with lawn grass. They will resemble a green stream. The grass will have to be cut regularly. Only thick and short will it resemble a carpet. It's nice to walk along such a path. In the middle zone it is recommended to plant:

  • meadow bluegrass;
  • bentgrass;
  • ryegrass

Path made of stumps

Need dry wood logs. Round timber and rectangular timber are suitable. It is better if the cuts are of different diameters; it is easier to fill the area of ​​the path with them. The masonry is more dense. The logs are first sanded and then sawn.


The most durable types of wood are alder, aspen, and oak.

The thickness of the saw cuts is 15-20 cm. They are treated with hot drying oil to prevent rotting. They must be completely dry before installation. An important step is marking the path. Determine its trajectory and width. Mark with pieces of old hose or pegs and twine.

Take out the soil. The depth of the trench is equal to the height of the cut plus 10-15 cm. Its bottom is covered with geotextile, a layer of crushed stone of 7-8 cm and a layer of sand of 10-15 cm are poured on top of it. Each is leveled and compacted. Lay out the cuts. They press them into the sand. The gaps are filled with fine screenings, sand or soil mixed with lawn grass seeds.

Advantages of saw-saw coverings:

  • cheap;
  • do it simply and not for long;
  • easy to repair;
  • add natural flavor to garden design.

Such paths can be made in the garden between high beds or ridge boxes. For borders, you can use the same logs, but make the height of the cuts 2 times larger. Garden paths with such borders look very organic.

Inexpensive and reliable paths from asphalt waste

The cost of asphalt crumbs is 1100 rubles/m³. It can be used to make a cheap but very durable path. The material is loved by summer residents due to its low price. The crumb coating is moisture resistant and durable.

In the marked area, a layer of soil (20-30 cm) is removed and a slight slope is formed for water drainage. The trench is covered with geotextiles. Laying curbs. Fall asleep crumbs. They are compacted with a roller.

Many summer residents prefer to save on asphalt chips. They use broken asphalt and buy it cheap from road workers. Fill the prepared trench with it. The surface is leveled with asphalt chips.

Practical garden paths made from tires

In rainy weather, you don’t want to stir up mud in your garden. An option from the economy category - paths between vegetable beds made of tires. Car tires are resistant to high and low temperatures. When it rains, their coating is safe for movement, it does not slip and protects shoes from dirt.

You can make a 2-meter strip from one passenger car tire. For a 2 m path with a width of 0.6 m you need 3 tires. Using this formula you can calculate the required amount of material. Tires must be laid according to the following algorithm:

  1. Make U-shaped brackets from galvanized wire with a cross-section of 3 mm;
  2. cut off the sidewalls of the tires, cut each one with a grinder into pieces 30-40 cm long;
  3. step back 2.5 cm from the edge and drill holes with a diameter of 4 mm, they are needed to connect the pieces of tires into a single sheet;
  4. insert staples and bend;
  5. lay the canvas on the prepared, leveled surface.

Bottle paths

Plastic bottles are used to make various devices. Summer residents make durable coverings out of them. Food-grade plastic overwinters well and is not afraid of summer heat. It is tedious to pave a large path with bottles, and decorating small areas will take a little time.

Most of the time will be spent preparing the trench. It is dug to its full length. The soil is taken out to the height of the bottle + 3-5 cm. The bottom is covered with sand, the layer thickness is 5-10 cm. Each bottle is filled with crushed stone or sand and screwed.

On a note!

You can make a beautiful border from glass bottles. Dig a groove, fill it with cement mortar, and place bottles filled with sand.

Place the bottles in the trench upside down close to each other. Using a hammer and a flat board, level them in height. The gaps between the bottles are filled with a dry mixture of sand (6 parts) and cement (1 part). Water the entire surface using a watering can.

Types of garden paths made of natural stone

Natural stone goes well with bulk materials. To create an inexpensive, original coating, natural stone and crushed stone are used. The technology for making bulk paths is standard.

Unformatted flat flagstone (sandstone, limestone, slate, dolomite) is popular among owners of country houses. Paved and walking garden paths are made from it. Flagstone can be yellow, gray, brown.

Laying is carried out on mortar, dry mixture or sand. The method depends on the type of paving and how the path is used. A flagstone walking path looks great on the lawn. Stones for it are selected with a thickness of 1 to 7 cm. They are laid with a gap of 4-5 cm.

Concrete garden paths

The process of making concrete paths is not complicated. But it requires time and physical strength. You can buy ready-made concrete or mix it yourself from water, cement and sand. At the preparation stage, the path is marked: soil 25 cm thick is removed, the bottom of the trench is leveled.

A cushion 15 cm thick is formed from sand and crushed stone. It is leveled and compacted. Provide a slight slope to one side or an elevation in the center. Reinforcing mesh is laid, formwork made of boards is placed along the edges of the trench, and concrete is poured.


When finished, the concrete coating should rise 2-3 cm above ground level.

It is mixed from 1 part M-500 cement, 3 parts sand and water at the rate of 2.5 liters per kilogram of cement. Crushed stone is added for strength. All concrete work is carried out in dry weather at an air temperature above 0 ° C, the concrete surface is leveled as a rule. Cover with plastic wrap for 7 days.

If desired, decorate the concrete surface:

  • painted with acrylic paint;
  • use the ironing method;
  • a pattern resembling paving stones is applied to the uncured concrete;
  • press in pebbles and shells.

Paving slabs for covering paths

The main paths of movement in the country should be non-slip, frost-resistant, and have a decorative appearance. Their strength and durability are a must. Paving slabs are an affordable and popular material. It is used where a hard coating is needed.

Advantages of paving slabs:

  • durability;
  • decorativeness;
  • withstands high loads;
  • comfortable for movement;
  • easy to keep clean.

Make paths from . You will need sand, crushed stone and tools:

  • tamping;
  • shovels;
  • level;
  • pegs and string;
  • mallet (rubber);
  • Bulgarian;
  • brush (broom).

On a note!

The ideal thickness of flagstone for garden coverings is 4 cm.

They make markings, remove the soil, and level the bottom. A cushion is formed from coarse river sand and crushed stone, and curbs are installed along the edges. The pillow is compacted and spilled with water. Start laying the tiles. Be sure to leave gaps (seams) of 3-6 mm. At the end of the work they are filled with sand.

Alternative materials for garden paths

Coverings made of concrete are decorated with various rubbish, which is abundant in the countryside. They use screws, bottle caps, pot lids, broken dishes, old tiles from the bathroom, unwanted coins, and buttons.

They are putting up formwork. Mix the cement mortar and pour it onto the prepared area. All the “good” that was found at the dacha is laid out on top. Carefully press each part into the solution. When it dries, the formwork is removed.

Using plastic stoppers

Multi-colored caps from plastic and glass bottles are used to create beautiful patterns on concrete surfaces. The lids are pre-sorted by size and color. If desired, the motifs of the patterns are made in advance. To make them you need an awl and fishing line.

The awl is heated and holes are made in the side walls of the lids. Using fishing line, multi-colored parts are connected according to the chosen pattern. The garden area is prepared and poured with concrete. The motifs are laid after the concrete surface has set a little, but has not hardened.

How to use broken tiles

Practical summer residents do not throw away old tiles; they use them in arranging their summer cottages. Broken tiles serve as an excellent decoration for garden paths. Small colorful rugs are made from it in different parts of the garden. Mark the boundaries, remove 8-10 cm of soil, level and compact the surface.

Install the formwork. A layer of fine crushed stone is poured, poured with concrete, and leveled with a trowel. When the concrete surface begins to set, the shards are laid, creating a unique pattern. Finish the work by sealing the seams. Use putty or liquid solution. You can quickly and inexpensively make an exclusive garden path from waste tiles.

It is difficult to decide which path to make at the dacha - from wood, concrete or natural stone. Each material has its own advantages. The type of paving must be chosen, taking into account the type of soil, the size of the path, and its practical application.

Neat, gracefully meandering between green spaces and landscape decor, are an integral attribute of any garden. So, if you want your site to be truly well-groomed and complete, do not neglect the paths. Fortunately, to arrange them you don’t need to spend fabulous sums and involve professional designers - you can make beautiful paths with your own hands, seriously saving on both materials and labor. How? There are many answers to this question, because there are a huge number of types of garden paths that can be laid at low cost. Next, we offer you instructions for the most popular options with accompanying photos and videos - after reading them, you will definitely be able to effectively improve your area.

Wooden round timber is a very simple but original material for garden paths. Raw materials for them can be found on every site - there are probably old trees everywhere that would be time to replace them with new seedlings. It is advisable to use larch or oak - they are the most resistant to external influences, which means they can boast a long service life. The path from the saw cuts is made according to the following scheme:

Advice. In order to protect the path from moisture and increase its durability, arrange simple drainage - place a layer of fine crushed stone between the sand cushion and the saw cuts.

Durable paths made of stones

One of the most durable options for garden paths is made of natural stone. Here you can use cobblestones or rubble - they are equally durable. The path is laid as follows:

  1. Mark the garden path.
  2. From the area where you plan to lay the path, remove the top layer of drainage. The depth of this layer should be 7-10 cm greater than the height of the largest stone prepared for the path.
  3. Fill the resulting trench with a 10 cm layer of sand, carefully level it and compact it.
  4. Place the stones one at a time on the sand cushion, pressing them firmly into the base. The distance between small stones should be no more than 2-3 cm, and between large ones - up to 8-10 cm.
  5. Carefully fill the remaining gaps with cement mortar. Once the track has set, fill the seams with soil or fine sand to make them look more natural.

Garden path made of stones

Classic concrete paths in the country

Concrete is a traditional material for laying paths, which is always popular due to its low cost and ease of use. Anyone can definitely make a cast path:

  1. Mark the boundaries of the path - drive pegs along its contour and stretch a wire between them.
  2. Within the designated contours, dig a small trench up to 30 cm deep.
  3. Place a 5 cm layer of gravel and the same layer of sand on the bottom of the base. Compact the resulting pillow.
  4. Cover the base with chain-link or any other thin metal mesh.
  5. Install lumber formwork along the perimeter of the future path.
  6. Prepare a cement mortar: 1 part dry cement, 1.5 parts sand, 2 parts gravel and 1 part water.
  7. Pour the cent and evenly, with vibrating movements, using a spatula, distribute the composition over the entire area of ​​​​the path. During installation, pierce the mixture with a rod to prevent the formation of voids.
  8. Using the rule, finish leveling the path and cover it with polyethylene.

concrete path

In 3-4 days the path will be ready. All this time, do not forget to gently moisten it with water to protect the concrete from cracking and give it maximum strength.

Advice. To make the path more interesting, even before the concrete mixture has completely set, “drown” various decorative pebbles, glass or shells into it.

Budget garden paths made from tires

They have long been widely used in dacha farming: they are used to make flower beds, and now also garden paths. This trend is not surprising, given the operational characteristics of the material: tires are resistant to moisture and temperature changes, easy to care for, do not slip and are durable. You can arrange a garden path out of them like this:

Tire garden path
  1. Using a knife, divide the tires into two parts: rolling tracks and sidewalls. To make the knife fit into the rubber easier, lubricate it regularly with oil or soap.
  2. Cut ribbons from the resulting rings. Adjust them to length and trim the edges.
  3. Take wide wooden boards and carefully nail rubber bands onto them so that they completely cover the wood - there should be no empty spaces between the elements.
  4. Remove the top layer of soil no more than 5 cm deep along the entire length of the future path and press wooden boards into the base. If desired, the rubber can be painted.

Country paths made of bricks

Another traditional material for garden paths is brick. It is recommended to use clinker products, as they are characterized by high resistance to various types of chemical and mechanical influences. It is important that the bricks are intact and without chips, otherwise the path will turn out not only unaesthetic, but also unsafe.

Brick garden path

The path is laid in this way:

  1. Mark the path: drive a peg around the perimeter and stretch a rope between them.
  2. Dig a trench along the marked contour - up to 25-35 cm in depth.
  3. Place barriers made of bars or boards along the trench.
  4. Cover the space between the limiters, that is, the “body” of the path, with a 10 cm layer of gravel and compact it thoroughly. Place a layer of sand no more than 5 cm high on top.
  5. Remove the limiters and make curbs in their place: on both sides of the path, lay one row of bricks in the “edge” position.
  6. Form the inner space of the path from the bricks: lay them in the usual position, gently tapping them with a wooden spatula or rubber mallet so that they settle.

Advice. The bricks do not have to be laid closely - to give the path a more original look, leave small gaps and fill them with pebbles. In addition, you don’t even have to cover the gaps - after a while grass will grow in them and decorate the path.

Multi-format wooden walkways

Wood is one of the most beneficial materials for making garden paths, as it can be used in completely different forms. Let's consider two common options: paths made of boards and paths made of bark.

Site preparation in both cases looks the same: Path made of boards

Further technologies diverge. So, if you are making a path from boards, prepare the component elements: adjust them in length and width and treat them with an antiseptic. If desired, you can give them a twisted shape. Next, install wooden supports along the edges and in the center of the trench along its entire length and secure them with cement mortar. The final stage is to nail the prepared planks to the supports.

If you want to build a path from bark, make sure that the material is durable - it should not crumble. Be sure to treat the bark with an antiseptic. Before fixing the material in the trench, lay a sand cushion on its base, and then drown the bark in it.

Garden paths made of tiles

Although tile cannot be called a very cheap material, it is still used very often for making garden paths. There are several reasons for this: aesthetic appearance, good performance and ease of working with the material. The technology for laying tile paths will convince you of the latter:

Now you know many interesting ways to make a garden path with your own hands at low cost. By following simple instructions, you can implement any of the above options on your site, so feel free to get to work and discover new opportunities for improving your garden area.

Garden paths at the dacha: video

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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