Spend a couple of weekends in the winter at the dacha - what could be better if you want to take a break from the city noise and crowd? And to arrive at a country house, pre-warmed to comfortable temperature, and even more so.

We have already written about why it is beneficial to use a starter for remote heating of a summer house controlled via a smartphone or tablet. Now let's talk about how to install it yourself. Don't worry: you don't need an electrician, installation tools, wires or special technical knowledge. If you can program, say, a microwave oven with a delay timer, then you can easily handle installing the Switching Lite kit.

You can connect to the included smart clip-on relays electric heaters power up to 3 kW. They are quite enough to warm up the rooms country house medium size in two to three hours. Ready to try? Let's begin!

Control circuit heating devices via the Internet in country house

Estimated time to connect

Maximum 1 hour.

What you need

Switching Lite Starter Kit

2. Internet connection and Wi-Fi router (not included). If your holiday village does not have a landline Internet connection, consider purchasing a mobile Internet router with built-in Wi-Fi.

We are starting to assemble a system for remotely switching on electrical appliances via the Internet

  1. Install on your smartphone or tablet free program Z-wave Home Mate.

For Apple mobile devices it can be downloaded from itunes.apple.com, and for Android devices from play.google.com. Owners Android tablets The Z-wave Home Mate version is suitable, for smartphone owners - Z-wave Home Mate (Phone).

  1. Carefully read the instructions for the mobile application, Z-Wave controller and relay.

Instructions in Russian can be downloaded here:

It is more convenient to print these documents in advance so as not to read from the smartphone screen - you will need your mobile device to make the settings.

  1. Connect the Z-Wave controller to the WiFi router.

The procedure is simple. In short, run mobile application, scan the QR code on the back of the controller with your smartphone camera and enter the factory password and username specified in the instructions. Then go to the device list screen and click on the controller name. See more details. And it will help you complete the task even faster.

Important! After connecting, be sure to change the factory password of the Z-Wave controller. Changing your password is a standard security procedure for any smart device connected to the Internet.

  1. Connect the relay to the controller.

To do this, select “Add device” in the application: for 60 seconds the controller will go into search mode for a new device. Then plug the new relay into the outlet. The controller will detect it and add it to the network. The relay name will be displayed in the general list of connected devices. Try turning the relay on/off via the app.

Important! When adding a new device for the first time, the controller should be no more than 1 m away from it. After successfully adding it to the network, the relay can be connected to any outlet no more than 30 m away from the controller.

  1. Connect your heaters to smart relays and try controlling them through the app.

Did it work? Your system is ready to go! Now, when leaving home for the dacha, just launch the program on your smartphone and turn on the heating remotely. In the app, you can program outlets to start and stop working automatically at set times.

Not only heaters, but also other household electrical appliances can be connected to smart sockets. And most importantly, the Switching Lite kit will become the basis of your future smart home. Unlike devices that use mobile network GSM and SMS messages, the system based on Z-Wave technology is easy to expand. Just buy additional sensors for motion, temperature, opening and closing doors and windows, water leaks, alarms, etc. Moreover, you do not have to purchase a SIM card for each module, as required by GSM products. And the convenient and intuitive Z-wave Home Mate application will help you manage your smart home without any hassle.

Smart home system helps reduce heating costs

The Smart Home system is a method of automatically controlling ventilation, water supply, household appliances(like any other that the owner wants to include in such a system). Within the framework of such a system, it is possible to implement smart heating at home.

Today, this is no longer a whim; such systems significantly save energy resources, and as a result, the owner’s money. As a result, the owner of the house receives desired comfort for life. At the same time, a smart home heating system reduces the costs of something that a person simply cannot survive without in temperate and cold climates. Here's how it works.

How does the Smart Home heating system work?

Approximate diagram of the “smart home” system

Thermal conductivity of walls and ceilings, quality of windows, presence of drafts and air humidity, type heating system and the way heat is supplied all affect the indoor climate.

Modern heating systems can differ functionally: these are classic radiators, and “warm floors”, etc. In country houses they are installed individual boilers for heating and providing hot water, a boiler can be used in the apartment.

Important! Smart system heating the house will not have a particularly positive effect (especially in financially), if you do not eliminate structural defects in the insulation of the building, due to which it happens.

All this can be controlled by a single system, which is called a “smart home”. This is a control computer unit associated with home appliances, as well as with internal and external system temperature sensors. According to the information from the sensors and the set mode, such a system is capable of lowering or increasing the temperature in the room. In addition, it can adjust the amount hot water ready for use in the boiler.

How to ensure heating control in the Smart Home system?

If you try to implement a “smart home” heating system with your own hands, positive effects can be achieved even without combining heating systems under the general control of a computer.

Controllers connected to indoor temperature sensors can be installed on heating elements and heating units. After this, the heating devices can be set to operate (the order of turning on and off by time or when the temperature reaches a certain value).

The disadvantages of this solution are the following:

  • each such device will have to be configured separately;
  • it will not coordinate its work with other systems in the house;
  • each separate system will not respond to temperature changes from the outside, since it simply does not have such data.

More effective solution is to create a room heating system controlled by a single control unit, which can be set general mode work (taking into account the operating features for each group of heating devices separately).

For both simple and combined heating systems, a good decision will determine temperature zones, setting separate heating parameters for each of them. A smart home whose heating is configured in this way will heat the living spaces more strongly, heat the garage with less activity, and ensure that the temperature in the wine cellar does not rise.

Weather-compensated heating control

An important link in the “smart home” system is the weather-sensitive controller

Weather-compensated heating controller is one of the key elements to create comfort using a “smart home”. External temperature sensor allows you to correlate the temperature outside the room and inside, and then, using a given curve of this ratio, determine the operating mode without human intervention.

A weather-dependent heating controller will control the heating of the room, responding to changes in the weather outside: it will evenly increase the temperature when it gets cold, or it will stop heating if it’s hot outside.

Since the weather heating controller reacts to the external temperature, it can maintain heat according to a given program and prevent overconsumption. Smart heating country house will lower the temperature when there is no need to heat the premises (if the owners have left).

Integrated heating control in the Smart Home system

An integrated approach involves heating control combined with operation monitoring ventilation system and water supply systems. This allows you to fully maintain a certain climate in the house, taking into account air humidity and temperature indicators in different rooms.

Interesting: A smart home whose heating is properly adjusted will help you sleep better! To do this, during sleep the temperature drops a couple of degrees from comfortable.

You can set different operating scenarios for all systems controlled by the Smart Home, and implement an alert function if any of the subsystems fails.

In addition, you can use mobile communications to give commands to the system. Smart heating of a country house will begin preparing living quarters for receiving guests upon such a signal in advance.

Integrated management of heating, ventilation, water supply and electricity in the Smart Home system results in and increases energy efficiency (the energy crisis dictates decisions in domestic construction).

Pros and cons of the Smart Home heating control system

Heating control using a smart home allows you to achieve the following:

  • the climate in the house or any selected room will exactly correspond to the owner’s feeling of comfort, in accordance with the operating program of the heating devices chosen by him;
  • automated control of the heating system can significantly reduce energy consumption;
  • intelligent control of household subsystems at home will allow you to control them remotely and not worry about possible breakdowns(the computer will react to a malfunction).

The disadvantage of such technologies is still their availability due to the fairly high cost of equipment and system installation.

Some home owners are faced with the problem of insufficient allocated power and doubt that they will be able to establish full heating based on film electric heaters. Special heating control unit TR-102 it solves this problem very simply.

The device is designed to work with a system that is divided into four zones. Each of them turns on one by one, maintaining the set temperature in the room. The thermostat displays each control zone and regulates the temperature in it. Block TR-102 allows the user to significantly limit the maximum connected power of film electric heaters throughout the entire facility where heating is installed.

For example, when maximum power 15 kW systems, the heating control unit TR-102 limits the maximum power of the heaters by almost half (up to 60%), which is 9 kW. The main condition for comfortable heating when limiting power should be in accordance with its heat losses of the object. In our example, when limiting the maximum power to 9 kW, the maximum heat losses should not exceed 7 kW.

Main functions of the heating control unit TR-102

. maintains a given mode in four separate thermal zones, turning on the heaters of each of them cyclically;
. blocks control of zones that are not controlled;
. displays the status of each controlled zone;
. indicates the duration of zone control on a special indicator;
. the TR-102 unit is able to save settings even in the event of a power outage;
. The device operating program is protected from outside interference;
. the device is capable of transmitting information about the state of controlled zones to a PC (Modbus RTU protocol);
. programming of the device is carried out via a PC or special buttons located on the panel.

Design and operating principle of TR-102

The block is made of plastic and includes 9 connected S-type modules. The design is intended for subsequent fixation on a DIN rail. This is a very compact device, overall dimensions heating control unit TR-102 90 x 139 x 63mm.

When connected to the heating system, the device tests its condition by polling control sensors. When a corresponding signal (normal closing or opening of contacts) is received from the first sensor, the corresponding relay (K1) is turned on, contacts 8 and 9 are closed, and 7 and 8 are opened, the remaining channels (K2, K3 and K4) are blocked. At the same time, the time countdown begins to appear on the indicator of the TR-102 unit.

The purpose of the device is to prevent the simultaneous activation of heaters in all thermal zones and control their operation. Until the temperature in the control zone reaches the set value or the programmed heating time has expired, the remaining zones will not work.

When the set time (40 minutes by default) expires or the signal from the sensor disappears (that is, the set temperature is reached), the device will begin to monitor the second sensor, then the third and fourth. Subsequently, the cycle is repeated in a circular system. If there is no signal from one of the sensors, the device switches to the next one in order.

Elements of the heating control unit TR-102

1 - indicator indicating the number of the channel under control;
2 - digital time indicator for seven segments;
3 - “up” button;
4 - “down” button;
5 - “enter” button (used for programming the device);
6 - button for viewing parameters and programming the device;
7 - RS-485 communication activity indicator;
8 - programming mode operating indicator;
9 - indicator indicating device failure;
10 - indicator signaling the on/off of the load relay.

Requirements and operating conditions of the TR-102 unit

Heating control unit TR-102 universal, it operates on a voltage of 24-260 V and does not depend on polarity. The operation of the thermostat sensors is set during programming. The manufacturer guarantees reliable operation of the device in a wide range of conditions:

. temperature ranging from -35 to 55 degrees Celsius;
. storage - from -45 to 70 degrees;
. atmospheric pressure - 84-106.7 kPa;
. humidity (at t=35°C) - 30-80%.

Average term operation of the heating control unit TR-102 for at least 10 years. The manufacturer provides a warranty (from the date of purchase) for 36 months, in the case of:
- compliance with connection rules;
- no damage to the factory seal;
- compliance with the rules of storage and use;
- absence of damage to the case (chips, cracks, etc.), signs of opening.

As a result of the promotion modern technologies Every person can turn their home into a “smart home.” Thus, coordinating the heating of your home using the Internet or GSM cellular network is becoming increasingly popular. Manually adjusting the temperature when heating a room is not always effective. Automatic thermostats used in some homes are also becoming irrelevant today due to limited functionality.

The advantage of using GSM administration is that problems with organizing such control do not arise when using any heating equipment. Almost all modifications available on the market similar units capable of performing additional tasks. They can transmit information remotely to mobile phone homeowner and change room temperature settings. To implement such functions, mechanisms equipped with a GSM controller are used. It is a multi-purpose control element included in the structure of a “smart home” with automation of familiar functions.

Thanks to the development of new technologies, homeowners have the opportunity to monitor and remotely control the heating of a country house via the GSM cellular network or via the Internet

The main task of the control module is data transmission, as well as their regulation using GSM communications.

This device provides the following capabilities when coordinating heating functions:

  • remote adjustment of radiator temperature or adjustment of boiler operating parameters;
  • remote reception and sending of messages about the state of heat supply;
  • messages about leaks in pipes (this function is available in expensive modifications);
  • inclusion of auxiliary gadgets to enhance security, etc.

Such capabilities make it possible to control the heating function even from a distance of hundreds of kiloliters. In fact, by installing a GSM controller, the home owner receives a universal remote control for heat supply coordination.

Attention! To perform the presented functions, not only the controller is used. Correct operation of the unit is possible by adapting other equipment to a module that supports the global digital standard cellular communication, as well as the availability of mobile network coverage.

Heating control system elements

The heating control unit is a set of elements combined into a single circuit. Their selection becomes key to ensuring the efficiency of the system. Items may have different characteristics. The main indicator of their effectiveness is the possibility of forming multilateral communication between the control unit, the owner and the heating elements.

The basis of the system is a special electronic unit that has 1 or several slots (sockets) for installing conventional SIM cards for cellular communications

Almost any GSM complex operates with the participation of the same elements, which may differ only in the basic configuration and controller resources.

Typical configuration of elements of the GSM heating coordination system:

  • connecting wires;
  • several temperature meters;
  • GSM controller;
  • leak detector;
  • scanner electronic keys;
  • access control mechanism;
  • GSM signal reception and broadcast antenna;
  • battery;
  • an ethernet adapter that provides interaction with other elements;
  • blocks intended for connection to the boiler;

Control unit "TR-102"

For example, consider one of the most popular modifications today GSM systems. Its main purpose is to maintain temperature in 4 zones. It occurs in a cyclic mode thanks to the thermostat. This displays the current administration area.

Remotely control the simplest energy-independent heat generators that do not have electronic systems, it won't work

The TR-102 unit performs the following functions:

  • blocking control of unnecessary areas;
  • cyclical support temperature regime in 4 thermal zones;
  • displaying information on an integrated indicator with LEDs;
  • setting up the unit using a computer or keys on the front panel of the unit;
  • transferring information about regulated zones to a computer via an open communication protocol;
  • saving configurations after power failures or unauthorized logins;

The presented heating control unit does not depend on power outages. An additional advantage of this system is the bimetallic sensor for thermoregulation, which is user programmable.

Conditions for using the TR-102 block:

  • storage is carried out at temperatures from -45 to +70 °C;
  • operation is possible at temperatures from -35 to +55 °C;

At the same time the norm atmospheric pressure should be from 84 to 106.7 kPa, and air humidity should be 30–80%.

Heating control methods

Remote throttling may differ in the method of data transfer. The key here may be the standard functionality of the transmitting panel, as well as the capabilities of the owner’s phone. Receiving information via SMS is the simplest thing the device should do. There are modifications of control units that have an integrated module for messages sent to control and configure functions. Such messages have a specific format. This method of coordinating boiler functions is considered the most common.

Normal mode automated unit heating system control acts as remote control with a thermostat and monitors the maintenance of the set temperature in the rooms

Important! Effective remote administration of heat supply can be carried out by knowing the level of error in the indicators. Please note that the information received in the message may differ from the actual information.

Errors in system performance:

  • electronic modifications of temperature meters by ±0.5° C;
  • shut-off and control valves – from 0.2 ° C to 0.5 ° C.

Heating control devices

Programmers and thermostats

The key parts of the heating control system are thermostats and programmers. They are electronic devices, in some modifications equipped with a control panel, which helps control the operation of the boiler. In addition, such a device allows you to synchronously change the indicators in two connected components.

In addition, an additional function of the programmers is adjustment using SMS with cell phone or commands transmitted over the Internet.

You can select a suitable modification of this device based on a set of basic characteristics, which may include:

Control via the Internet occurs in the same way, only through a different communication channel between the homeowner and the electronic unit in the house

  • remote communication between components using radio transmitters;
  • operation of radiators (depending on the settings) can be in comfortable, normal or economical mode;
  • the number of connected circuits can be increased by connecting additional modules;
  • heating control via mobile phone;
  • data transfer via SMS, etc.

These functional features make the presented elements quite convenient and in demand.

Zone devices

Such heat supply control elements are installed directly on radiators and boilers. In this case, adjustment by the system is carried out via Internet connection. These devices are presented electronic thermostats. They are capable of changing the water temperature in each individual battery or the system as a whole. The differences between these thermostats are ease of installation and affordable price. At the same time, the complexity of setting up the system is reduced, especially since they do not require a separate control cabinet. Zone devices allow the use of several thermostats that are connected to one control unit.

Heating remote control modules

The function of remote control of the heating network can be provided by special modules included in the package with shut-off and control valves and programmers.

The number of additional functions of the devices is limited by the number of connected sensors and executive relays of the electronic heating control unit itself

Internet control

Control using the Internet block is as convenient as SMS control. It features the following features:

  • installation of specific software systems into a smartphone, laptop or other gadget;
  • simple interface that can be easily combined with Android or Windows OS;
  • unlike SMS blocks, restrictions on the number of connected users have been removed;
  • Parameters are adjusted where there is access to the Internet (you do not need to use roaming for this).

When traveling abroad, experts advise not to use roaming functions to regulate heat supply via the GSM system, as this can be fraught with large financial costs. In that case the right decision will entrust control of the heating system to friends you trust.

Control over work heating radiators can be produced using local devices presented mechanical regulators temperature. They cannot connect to electronic controls. Their only advantage is their low cost.

GSM heating control scheme "smart home"

Usually you can install the system yourself. This requires checking the condition and analyzing the capabilities of existing equipment. It is also important to correctly select the missing components. Typically, a set of control devices is built from a single block, which is the connecting link between all components of the heat supply.

Control systems based on coolant temperature control operate regardless of current conditions

It must be installed subject to the following conditions:

  1. The control unit should be located at a distance of no more than 300 meters from the user. To increase the distance, radio-controlled modifications are purchased, coordination is connected via the Internet or cell phone.
  2. The use of a controller based on heat supply control boards ensures the installation of additional functions.
  3. Produced careful selection locations in the house for installation of the control unit.

Air conditioning control

In addition to monitoring heat supply, GSM devices allow remote control of the air conditioning system. This is done using IR or Wi-Fi modules (requires connection to a phone or personal computer), as well as GSM controllers.

Internet control

In summer, air conditioners or systems consisting of several units are often used as cooling tools. So, in ordinary apartments you can lower the temperature to short terms by using the turbo function. But in buildings where, for example, servers are located, there must be round-the-clock air cooling. The uninterrupted operation of powerful equipment provokes the release of heat. In such a situation, constant monitoring of microclimatic indicators in the room allocated for this equipment is required. Such processes cannot be carried out manually. For this purpose there is remote control. This is done using devices for remote monitoring of indicators in the room.

Weather-dependent regulation is considered the most progressive and effective, since it allows you to quickly respond to changing environmental conditions

In the case when an Internet network is present at the facility, the unit for remote control of the functions of the air conditioning complex can be launched using gadgets running on the Android or iOS OS. Such devices are climate modules designed to interact with modern air conditioners. They provide the ability to remotely regulate the operating mode. To do this, a special program for GSM communication is installed in the gadget. IN general scheme thermoregulation turns on a laptop, phone or personal computer and an adapter connected to the air conditioner. To transmit information as additional component For remote control of the air conditioning system, Wi-Fi or infrared protocol can be used.

SMS control

It is most convenient to remotely coordinate the parameters of home air conditioners using messages. It is not only convenient, but also profitable. Used appliances can be turned off remotely to save energy. Such technologies are used in devices included in the " Smart Home" GSM controllers are suitable for premises where there is no Internet network. In this case, thermal sensors are used for correct operation. Operating modes are regulated using software, which is installed both in control units and in communication devices. Thus, you can change the power of the compressor, the speed of rotation of the fan motor, etc.

Computer control

For industrial systems Computer control of VRF air conditioners via a network is best suited. In this case, remote communication protocols are used.

When connecting a remote control module, the following problems can be solved:

  • excessive energy consumption;
  • 24-hour climate control;
  • reduction of equipment service life;
  • consumption human resources etc.

Moreover, on a positive note GSM applications coordination of air conditioning systems is to ensure comfortable conditions for workers and visitors of offices, entertainment centers, etc.

The topic of this article is a GSM module for heating control. We will try to find out what he can do, what additional accessories it is equipped with and what characteristics it has.

First acquaintance

What is the heating control system that interests us?

In fact, this is a low-power and economical highly specialized computer that allows you to control the activation and parameters of the heating system remotely. It also polls external sensors and notifies via SMS about any problems or deviations in the operation of the system it controls.

Let's try to describe the possibilities it offers more clearly.

Imagine that you are going to arrive at your dacha in 30-degree frost. IN general case you will have to go into a frozen one, and then wait several hours for all the rooms to warm up to an acceptable temperature.

Here you simply send a message in advance to the SIM card with which the GSM module for heating is equipped - and the house will already be warm by the time you arrive.

The capabilities of the module do not end there:

  • If the supply of gas or electricity stops, you receive a notification on your mobile phone.
  • If you receive an error message, you receive an SMS.
  • If there is a coolant or gas leak, the heating control unit again notifies you of this.
  • In order to maintain an economical heating mode in the house during your absence, you give a command by message or call (many modules are equipped with a navigation system by pressing buttons on the phone with voice comments).
  • Finally, at any time, via a call or message, you can receive an SMS with information about the temperature of the coolant and air in the room, the condition of the boiler and some other parameters.

Disclaimer: of course prerequisite is the coverage of the node location area by the cellular network of any operator. In addition, many heating system control units can receive commands via the Internet.


To get more detailed information about how remote heating control works - let's just study the description of one of the modules. The domestically produced “XITAL GSM-4T” complex will serve as an example for us.

In the photo there is a GSM control module in basic configuration.


Let's start with the main thing - ease of use. What can the system manufacturer offer us?

The official website of the Xital company contains:

  • User manual including detailed description functions of the device, algorithms for its connection and configuration.
  • Diagram of the control unit indicating the order of connecting temperature sensors, coolant spill sensors and other peripheral devices.
  • Message codes for requests for key information.
  • Software for smartphones that allows you to fully control the heating operation through a convenient graphical interface. Any novice mobile phone user can install and configure the program with their own hands. operating system. It should be noted, however, that the manufacturer provides versions of the program only for IOS and Android.


Of course, to connect a GSM node you need a digitally controlled boiler. It's obvious that central heating and its heating control frame (so sometimes called for its specific shape elevator unit) be controlled electronic device cannot: alas, weak currents are unable to rotate the valve handles.

What characteristics does the system offered to us have?

  • The total number of remote temperature sensors can reach 5 pieces. A wired connection is used, and the wire for it is supplied separately. However, at a cost of 5 rubles per linear meter its purchase is not burdensome.

The maximum distance from the sensor to the central station is 100 meters.

  • Operating temperature range - from -55 to +125C. Obviously, it covers any reasonable temperature values ​​both in the house and in the heating system.

Nuance: ordinary SIM cards designed to operate at positive temperatures. If the house is left without heating most of the time, the manufacturer recommends purchasing a special low-temperature SIM card.

  • All GSM alarm functions are supported: it is possible to connect fire sensors and notify of a burglary, turn on a siren and listen to premises. You can even attach a gate opener to the unit, the main function of which is to control the heating by telephone.
  • Peak consumption of the entire system does not exceed 10 watts.

  • GSM heating control can be carried out from 10 numbers registered in the system. Notifications can be sent to all numbers.

Scope of delivery

It includes:

  1. The actual controller with a built-in cellular module and power supply.
  2. A remote antenna that amplifies the signal and ensures communication even in places with poor reception.
  3. A battery that allows the module to operate when the mains power is turned off. It is clear that in this case the module will only be able to send out: for operation gas boiler with electronic ignition you will need an uninterruptible power supply.
  4. Electronic key reader and master key that cancels all locks.
  5. Two remote temperature sensors.

In addition, you can order separately:

  • Thermal sensors. As already mentioned, you can poll up to five at a time.
  • Detectors and sensors fire alarm, water spills, opening doors and windows.
  • Actuating devices (for example, the same relay that supplies power to the electric motor that opens the gate).
  • External microphone for transmitting audio over a cellular network.

Cost and reviews

The price of the Xital GSM-4T described by us in the basic configuration is 7,200 rubles. The cost of other modules offered via the Internet ranges from 3,500 to 25,000 rubles, depending on the configuration, functionality and self-confidence of the seller.

What reviews has the heating control in a country house via GSM received using this device?

In general, studying the forums confirms that in terms of the ratio of cost and functionality, the device is quite worthy. Control of the boiler and other heating devices via an external relay, security alarm tested and works quite adequately.


Information about other implementation options remote control for the heating system you will find in the video attached to the article. Warm winters!

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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