Motivation for losing weight by Irina Pegova

They say and write different things about the reasons that pushed the actress to radical changes in her figure. Some explain Pegova’s rapid weight loss by her desire to find a new image after the divorce. Others suggest health problems that have developed against the background of excess body weight. The actress herself refers to the fact that she began to feel uncomfortable with her weight, although television viewers are accustomed to seeing her “chubby” on screen.

Irina says in her interviews that she has not been skinny since childhood. The beloved grandmother and mother tried to feed the girl well and were glad that the child was growing plump. Recently, the actress has tried to resort to various strict diets, therapeutic fasting, massage and cosmetic procedures. But these measures did not bring the desired weight loss. Pegova does not hide the fact that it was difficult for her to stick to the end of the diet and deny herself hearty dinners after a hard day at work.

The actress agreed to take part in a Starhit magazine project dedicated to weight loss. Nutritionists, psychologists, doctors and trainers were involved in working with this project. They helped Irina adjust her diet, develop a system of physical activity, and regularly monitor the quantity and quality of what she eats. At the end of the project, the appearance of a thinner Irina Pegova on the screens created a sensation. And the actress herself admits that she did not expect such excellent results and intends to continue following the proposed nutritional system. She willingly offers her diet to anyone who wants to try it.

Secrets of the diet and its results

How Irina Pegova lost weight and what diet she followed is of keen interest to women who are accustomed to associating themselves with the actress’ plump movie heroines. Irina does not go into detail about how many kilograms she lost in the process of losing weight. Nutritionists believe that Pegova managed to get rid of at least 15 kg. According to 2018 data, her weight is about 61 kg with a height of 155 cm, but the actress is not going to stop there and plans to lose another 5-6 kg. Her incredible transformation raises many questions among fans about nutritional habits, and the actress is happy to share her diet secrets.

How the actress lost weight:

  • reduced the portion size to the size of a fist and puts food on a large plate - this helps not to eat more than the permitted amount;
  • during the day he eats 5-6 times, tries to chew slowly - this way he becomes full faster;
  • starts the morning with a couple of glasses of water and drinks a lot throughout the day;
  • when feeling hungry, drinks a glass of water - often the body reacts with a desire to eat to thirst, and 10 minutes after drinking water, hunger disappears;
  • I gave up tea and coffee – it is with these drinks that you most often want to eat something sweet and high in calories;
  • excluded fried and fatty foods from the menu, minimized meat and fish in the diet;
  • I completely refused to add salt to dishes - it retains fluid in the body;
  • works out on exercise machines, dances, runs, loves outdoor activities;
  • does not forget about a positive attitude towards life and pleasant incentives to lose weight - for example, new dresses.

Irina believes that it is important to organize the correct entry into the diet - with a gradual abandonment of salt and sweets. And then it is also important to gradually overcome dietary restrictions. Pegova's diet is simple and gives an excellent effect, allowing you to keep your achieved weight stable.

You can read more about how Irina Pegova lost weight here.

Menu for weight loss from Irina Pegova

The actress's diet consists of dietary dishes and products. She cooks soups using lean meat broths, prefers yeast-free or grain bread, and includes a lot of fruits and vegetables in her menu.

During the day, Irina Pegova’s menu looks something like this:

  • before breakfast – 2 glasses of pure still water;
  • 1st breakfast – a piece of grain bread with any cheese or a piece of red fish, sometimes cottage cheese casserole or cheesecakes are acceptable;
  • 2nd breakfast – any fruit, a handful of nuts or several dried fruits;
  • lunch – vegetable salad (warm or cold) with shrimp or boiled beef, vegetable soup with a slice of grain bread;
  • afternoon snack - any fruit or glass of fresh juice;
  • dinner - a piece of lean meat, grilled or boiled, vegetable salad.

Lunch should be no earlier than 2 p.m., and dinner no later than 7 p.m.

Nutritionist advice. The actress’s diet cannot be called nutritious; moreover, it is very low-calorie and low-carbohydrate. With such a diet, a person may experience a constant feeling of fatigue, increased appetite, and have health problems. Irina Pegova’s diet contains very few complex carbohydrates, which may provoke cravings for sweets.

It is known that a full breakfast is the basis of the diet and it should make up about 30-40% of the total daily calorie intake. It provides a person with energy in the first half of the day. The actress's breakfast is too poor in nutrients, so it can provoke overeating during the day.

"Magic" recipes from the star

The actress’s diet is based on a variety of vegetables, which she prepares in the form of salads, stews, bakes, and uses for soups and side dishes.

Boiled broccoli. Cut 200 g of broccoli into florets, boil a liter of water and boil the cabbage for about 10 minutes. Fry 3 tsp in a dry frying pan. flour, add half a glass of broccoli broth and squeeze out a large clove of garlic. Mix everything well so that there are no lumps. Remove the broccoli from the broth, pour over the sauce and sprinkle with any chopped herbs.

Vegetable soup. Wash and peel a large bell pepper, an onion, celery root (about 100 g), half a small head of cabbage. Cut the vegetables into thin strips, add a liter of water and cook for 15-20 minutes over low heat. Let it sit for a while before serving, sprinkle with chopped dill.

Beet salad. Wash a small bunch of young beet tops and a bunch of herbs, dry, and chop finely. Wash and peel the onion and large green apple, cut into strips. Mix all ingredients, season with a spoon of olive oil.

Sports and the daily routine of the actress

Irina Pegova recalls that as a child she was involved in gymnastics and athletics. This helped her return to the sports training that accompanies the diet. The actress goes for morning jogs and can be found in the gym and at group dance classes, which she loves very much.

Pegova’s sports activities and regular training are monitored by her personal trainer. In his opinion, cardiological exercises are the best way to help lose weight.

Along with nutrition and physical activity, Pegova made changes to her daily routine. According to the actress, proper rest is necessary for a slim figure. If you sleep less than 8 hours a day, the body is in a state of stress and begins to accumulate energy instead of expending it. This significantly slows down the weight loss process.

Pegova’s nutritional system, together with physical activity, allows the actress to keep her weight stable for a long time.

Watch the video below to learn about preparing delicious dishes from Irina Pegova.

The weight gain of show business stars does not go unnoticed by fans and paparazzi. Surprisingly, most of them delight viewers with their former slender forms within a few months. This happened with the famous artist Irina Pegova. The girl was always famous for her curvaceous figures and was proud of them. But after the birth of her daughter, the actress completely forgot about her figure and plunged into household chores and caring for her daughter, which affected Irina’s figure.

Irina Pegova gained noticeable weight, but despite her excess weight she was able to play leading roles in films. How Irina Pegova lost weight, and what prompted her to undergo the transformation presented? Today we only know that actress Irina Pegova has noticeably lost weight and changed her image. Now she is a slender woman with short hair, bleached blonde, and a happy mother of her daughter Tatyana. By the way, Irina lost a little weight - with a height of 155 cm, her weight after losing weight is 61 kg. The actress plans to lose another 7 kg. Fans follow the results, and Pegova willingly shares the secrets of her weight loss.

Irina Pegova began acting in 2002. Then Irina could boast of slender, but very noticeable forms. Despite the lack of thinness, which is what most stars strive for, the girl was proud of her curves and easily got leading roles in films, playing them impeccably and receiving a large number of awards and prizes. After the birth of her daughter, her curves noticeably increased, although it was difficult to call her a “full-fledged fatty.”

The actress’s successes were noticed and given wide publicity. The girl herself told all her fans that a slim body is not a guarantee of success or a solution to problems.

The woman began to lose weight rapidly after her divorce from her husband, actor Dmitry Orlov. What prompted the decision to lose weight is unknown. Surely Irina decided to start a new life, but where would she be without a new appearance? The actress went on a diet, began to actively engage in sports, as if in her youth, and was able to please herself and her fans with a new appearance - Irina Pegova lost weight and cut her hair, achieving approval and admiration from millions of viewers, fans, acquaintances and relatives.

Principles of losing weight

Before going on a diet, Pegova analyzed the situation and came to the conclusion that losing weight is possible only with a comprehensive effect on your own body, as well as under the close supervision of a nutritionist, to whom she immediately turned. As a result, Irina Pegova came to certain conclusions in losing weight, which she shares with fans:

  • Initially, it is necessary to establish the cause of weight gain and completely eliminate it. Irina herself did this, losing more than 20 kg in a few months - the reason for her weight gain was stress.
  • It is forbidden to overeat while eating - you need to get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger. She never followed this rule, so Irina quickly changed her habits.
  • Regardless of the situation, it is important to eat food 5 times a day to prevent a wild feeling of hunger in the evening.
  • Along with the diet, it is important to use physical activity, which is largely due to which Irina lost weight.

You should choose a sport that you like. It is necessary to achieve a feeling of satisfaction from exercise, and not grueling workouts with muscle pain. Sport should give you a boost of energy, and not take away your last strength.

Photo by Irina Pegova

Diet features

Irina Pegova's diet is strict and low-calorie. It should be noted that the artist lost weight with the work of a nutritionist who could promptly monitor the woman’s condition at a certain stage of weight loss.

Therefore, before deciding to use this particular diet, it is necessary to consult with nutritionists and attending physicians if you have diseases of the internal organs. Pegova’s diet, with the help of which she lost several tens of kilograms, is presented in the following menu:

  • for breakfast you are allowed to eat only a tablespoon of oat bran and kiwi;
  • second breakfast allows you to eat an apple;
  • lunch consists of a bowl of vegetable soup, which can be replaced with the same small portion of broccoli puree;
  • For dinner you can eat a small piece of boiled beef.

During the day, Irina drank water and green tea in unlimited quantities. Of course, it is difficult to stick to such a low-calorie diet, but Irina is strong and she did it, as a result of which she lost significant weight in a few months.

Physical activity

In her youth, actress Pegova was involved in athletics and gymnastics. Her achievements in athletics can be seen in the film “Space as a Premonition”, where Pegova, already in impressive shape, runs fast and wins the competition. This can be seen today, because the girl has returned to her former hobbies. Now Pegova runs in the morning and never misses a workout in the gym, because she needs not only to lose weight, but also to maintain her new slender figure. Irina added fitness exercises to running and works with a personal instructor, who also monitors her condition during the transformation. This once again proves that the woman has taken her own appearance seriously.

A rather powerful incentive was added to an active life position, which Irina always had with interest. To motivate her to lose weight, an artist buys a dress she likes, but in a smaller size, and loses weight to show off her outfit and attractive petite figure at a social party. As Pegova herself says, this is an indescribable feeling of delight and envy in the eyes of others. Irina Pegova has lost weight, as evidenced by her stunning photos before and after losing weight. But using the presented nutrition without proper examination and observation by a specialist is strictly prohibited. The menu, although balanced, is low-calorie and monotonous, so you can not only break down, but also provoke the development of serious diseases, including hormonal and endocrine disorders. Beauty, of course, requires sacrifice, but without long-term recovery and treatment.

Top 7 best drugs for weight loss:

Name Price
990 rub.
147 rub.
990 rub.
1980 rub. 1 rub.(until 03/05/2020)
1190 rub.
990 rub.
990 rub.


Varicose veins;

Severe pneumonia, pleurisy;

Cardiovascular pathologies;





Obesity and many others.

This is not a complete list of all pathologies that the drug fights.

The effectiveness of the drug for medical purposes in the treatment of skin, respiratory, venereal, cardiovascular, oncological, and gastrointestinal diseases discouraged critics.
However, among scientists, ASD caused general surprise and distrust, largely due to the fact that its creator was a veterinarian by profession.

Based on this, Dorogov was transparently hinted to change the last letter of the abbreviation, reveal the secret of the formula and officially accept as co-authors scientists with a doctorate in the field of human medicine.

But the case still had to be closed, since it was not possible to find people who bought the drug, after which the research continued.

The drug is able to maintain the stability of hormonal balance in the body, improve metabolic processes, and also coordinate the work of internal organs.

In conclusion, we can say that when fighting such a dangerous enemy as lung cancer, all means are good, but we should not forget about the traditional treatment prescribed by the doctor. You should also not deny yourself spiritual practices and faith in the best, because it has happened more than once that even the most hopeless cases ended in complete recovery.

Treatment option No. 3

Dilute 5 drops of ASD-2 in 50 ml of drinking water, then wash it down
infusion of oregano and so on 4 times a day. The course of admission is strict, since the admission is tied
By the time we start at 8, 12, 16 and 20 hours, according to this scheme we take 25 days.
Afterwards we take a break for 10 days, during this period we take metronidazole 0.25 mg/3
once a day.

Together with taking ASD-2 for oncology, we do the same procedures:
intestinal microenemas. To prepare, take 50 ml of warm boiled water
36-37C and 12 drops of the drug, then take the “birch tree” pose or put
pillow - this allows the drug to be completely absorbed.

Option 4: Scheme of A.V. himself. Dorogova for the treatment of cancer

12 hours
16 hours
hours 20 hours

5 drops — 5 days 5 drops — 5 days 5 drops — 5 days 5 drops
— 5 days

10 drops — 5 days 10 drops — 5 days 10 drops — 5 days 10 drops — 5 days

15 drops — 5 days 15 drops — 5 days 15 drops — 5 days 15 drops — 5 days

20 drops — 5 days 20 drops — 5 days 20 drops — 5 days 20 drops — 5 days

25 drops — 5 days 25 drops — 5 days 25 drops — 5 days 25 drops — 5 days

30 drops — 5 days 30 drops — 5 days 30 drops — 5 days 30 drops — 5 days

35 drops — 5 days 35 drops — 5 days 35 drops — 5 days 35 drops — 5 days

40 drops — 5 days 40 drops — 5 days 40 drops — 5 days 40 drops — 5 days

45 drops — 5 days 45 drops — 5 days 45 drops — 5 days 45 drops — 5 days

50 drops - until recovery 50 drops. - until recovery 50 drops. —
until recovery 50 drops. - until recovery

And I almost forgot, it is extremely necessary to use the drug ASD-2
carefully. The drug loses its properties upon contact with air - this is one
a minus, but not significant enough in relation to its medicinal properties.

The drug must be drawn up with a syringe and a needle through a rubber cap, removing
aluminum circle (no need to remove the entire plug). To prepare the necessary
dosage for administration, it is necessary to administer the drug directly into water without
air enters, administer the drug slowly.

I also want to note that the drug
has a rather pungent odor due to the content of carboxylic acids, compounds with
sulfhydryl group, cyclic and aliphatic carbohydrates, as well as
amide derivatives.

Good afternoon. Today we’ll talk about the treatment of lung cancer with a drug such as ASD 2. You’ve probably wondered how to treat lung cancer with ASD 2? I am a herbalist and in my practice I advise people to use it in the treatment of this disease. This article is about how to be treated with this drug.

ASD 2, an antiseptic Dorogov stimulant, was obtained from frogs decades ago. There is unofficial information that with the help of this drug Beria’s mother was cured of cancer. The drug ASD 2 is used for gynecological diseases, tuberculosis, impotence, blood disease, kidney disease, etc.

The drug contains: carboxylic acids, cyclic and aliphatic hydrocarbons, amide derivatives, compounds with an active sulfhydryl group, water.

Appearance: yellow to dark red liquid (usually light yellow with a brownish tint).

Properties: high water solubility, sharp specific odor.

The drug is intended for external and internal use.

Method of taking the drug:
on an empty stomach in the morning, 5 drops per 50 grams of strong, cold tea and wash it down with tea (preferably without sugar) and increase by one drop every day. When we reach a dose of 15 drops, we stop at this dose for 5 days.

After that we go back, reduce 1 drop at a time to 5, drink this for 1 month. After this, we take a one-month break and again repeat the course of treatment for lung cancer ASD 2
. Can be used 2 times a year for prevention.

But on another forum I read the following phrase: I give ASD 2 to my father 2 times a year (he is 87 years old) for prevention: we start drinking from 1 drop to 20 and back to 1 drop per 20-30 ml of water before meals . Also a good way to prevent diseases.

Socialites always strive to look good, as they are constantly being watched by the public. First of all, this concerns their weight, outfits and fashionable hairstyle. One of these celebrities is Irina Pegova. Irina always belonged to the category of “curvy” women, and therefore, she tried every day to lose extra pounds, but in vain. However, recently the public was greatly surprised when she appeared at one of the public events in excellent physical shape, and with a new haircut. The headlines “Irina Pegova lost weight and cut her hair” immediately appeared in glossy magazines. After which not only journalists, but also many of her fans were interested in the secret of such a quick transformation.

Reasons for wanting to lose weight

In 2011, Irina divorced her husband Dmitry Orlov, and it was this moment that became a turning point not only in her personal life, but also in the results of shedding extra pounds. Before this, Irina tried a large number of different diets many times, but the effect was short-lived. Although the artist belongs to the category of those women who, being overweight, still remain attractive and have a majestic feminine charm, it still causes damage to their health. Therefore, in three months she appeared before the public completely different, but her beauty did not go away with the kilograms.

After a loud and difficult divorce, Irina received custody of her daughter, and in order not to fall into depression, she took care of her body and career. If earlier she could happily eat fatty foods and sweets, then with the decision to lose weight she set strict limits for herself in terms of food. The artist says that before starting work on weight loss, it is worth initially identifying the problem and working on solving it. Otherwise, after losing weight, the weight will return again and possibly in a larger volume.

Her secret was to simultaneously follow two rules: adjusting the diet and introducing physical activity. Using just one thing is a very common mistake. If you eat right, but don’t exercise, the weight will, of course, go away, but stretch marks will appear, the skin will sag and become flabby. But physical exercise will help you cope with this. But if you play sports without correcting your diet, you increase the risk of gaining weight, which is completely undesirable.

Irina's power system

In addition to losing weight, Irina cut her hair, which in total gave her a fresher, more cheerful, healthy and rejuvenated look. Recalling the diets she has tried, she can easily note that most of them are absolutely useless. Among the most popular are:

  • Dairy;
  • Chicken;
  • Starvation.

Moreover, the latter can lead to serious diseases of the digestive system, such as the formation of ulcers, pancreatitis and gastritis. In addition, the artist could not adhere to such a nutrition system for a long time and the kilograms spent with difficulty came back very quickly. I could hold back during the day, but at night I could eat plenty. But arranging fasting days for the body is very useful, but you should introduce them gradually. You can also combine it with one of your favorite diets, for example, eat only fruits or vegetables, or dairy products. This is exactly what Irina Pegova does.

At the moment, the artist adheres to separate meals during the day. The daily diet includes:

  1. For the first breakfast, he eats bran or coarse bread with cheese, and rarely red caviar. The artist also prepares porridge, muesli with fruit;
  2. For second breakfast, eat fresh fruit, dried fruit or nuts;
  3. For lunch, he prepares a salad of fresh vegetables, as well as lean meats (boiled, steamed or baked), or seafood. It is allowed and recommended to stew vegetables, especially green ones. They help improve skin elasticity. Therefore, it is worth enriching your diet with broccoli, cabbage and greens;
  4. Dinner consists of protein products (meat, fish) without side dishes.

Irina completely excluded from her diet:

  • Fried food;
  • Sweets;
  • Coffee and tea;

As a child, the woman spent a lot of time in the village with her grandmother, who played one of the main roles in the girl’s sudden weight gain. Refusal of tea and coffee is due to the fact that there is a high risk of not being able to restrain yourself and eat sweets with a cup of tea or coffee. Therefore, it is better not to tempt fate.

But the use of kefir in her life is one of the main rules. This is one of her favorite drinks since childhood. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Eliminates bloating, normalizes acidity and intestinal microflora.

Physical activity

As a child, Irina Pegova did gymnastics and athletics, which significantly helped keep her weight within normal limits. But as she grew older, she decided to replace daily workouts with morning jogging, which turned out to be insufficient. The woman does not hide the fact that sport is almost the main solution to her problem of excess weight. Therefore, she regularly visits the gym under the supervision of a personal trainer. Irina believes that dancing can also help with this problem and therefore goes to weight loss dances. In her case, she chose group classes, since in a team it is easier to give 100%, because there is competition nearby, although it is unnoticeable.

Naturally, the artist has her own personal nutritionist, who is absolutely not satisfied with the results of her ward. But she is not going to leave her, of course, Irina is not shedding the considerable kilograms she may have lost, but she is still moving towards her cherished dream by leaps and bounds. With a height of 155 cm, she weighs 63 kg, so she wants to lose at least 7 kg. In her opinion, it is then that the figure will become truly ideal.

  • Accurate weight;
  • Type of training and time spent on it;
  • The number of calories eaten and daily diet.

This diary helps you adjust your diet, type of workout, and, if necessary, increase your workout time.

The main recommendation from Irina Pegova and her nutritionist is to change not only the daily diet, but also the diet. It is worth giving up three meals a day and replacing them with 5-6 meals a day. At the same time, the feeling of hunger will decrease significantly, and the load on the stomach will also decrease, which will absorb nutrients much faster and easier. The serving size also needs to be reduced by 2 or even 3 times. At first it will be psychologically difficult, but then gradually this regime will become a habit.

Food should not contain large amounts of fat. The artist advises consuming products such as:

  • Fruits and bran for breakfast;
  • Low-calorie diet soups or boiled vegetables for lunch;
  • Boiled meat without fat for dinner.

If you feel hungry between meals, snacks are allowed and even recommended. They consist of fruits or vegetables, but not sandwiches or fried ham. You should also definitely carry out a control weighing at the end of the week and record it in a special table. This helps track weight loss trends and increase incentive.

Television project “Everyone is Losing Weight”

Almost all of her adult life, the artist stubbornly struggled with extra pounds. Although they did not interfere with her either in her career or in her personal life. She tried folk remedies, all kinds of diets, and even salon treatments, but she failed every time. Ultimately, she decided to take part in a project from StarHit magazine, where a nutritionist, professional trainer and physiotherapist developed a system of training and proper nutrition. In addition, they helped her believe in her own strength and not give up.

Pegova Irina is a fairly popular theater and film actress. Many people know her from a number of domestic films.

Throughout her time working in the theater, Irina has played many different roles.

It is no secret that the actress has always been a curvy woman. In each of her images, this very feature remained unchanged, by which Irina was always recognized by her fans.

However, it was recently noticed that the actress has changed her image a lot.

She successfully lost weight, changed her long hair to a short, stylish hairstyle... In a word, she transformed. How did Irina Pegova lose weight?

Such a decisive step came as a shock to many fans, because they were used to seeing her in a certain way. What is the reason for such changes, and how did this strong woman decide on them?

Eternal difficulties

As it became known from the stories of Irina herself, her tendency to be overweight began to emerge quite a long time ago.

It started around the time when she was visiting her grandmother in the village. We all know how kind and generous grandmothers can be. And Irina’s grandmother was no exception. She always tried to feed her granddaughter as best as possible.

It was after this that Irina began to notice that her weight began to gradually increase. The mark on the scale was never stable after that.

Even when the woman started acting in films, her weight continued to grow. Most likely, this was due to an unbalanced and irregular diet.

A film set, after all, what kind of diet regulation is there? Like most women, Irina’s situation worsened even more after the birth of her daughter.

After some time, the actress also decided to separate from her husband. This was precisely the last straw in the cup of creating a new personality.

After the divorce, the woman began to actively get rid of extra pounds.

Before finding a method that was effective for herself, she tried many different techniques, which, to put it mildly, did not always work.

The methods that Irina used either gave a very short-lived effect or did not work at all.

However, all the experiments carried out undoubtedly rewarded the actress with invaluable experience. It was with his help that she was able to create her own unique approach to weight loss, which gives such amazing results. And the photos of Pegova, who has lost weight, which have spread all over the Internet, prove this.

Features of Pegova's weight loss

While the actress was struggling with her excess weight, she tried a huge number of different diets.

She even “sat” on fasting and special cosmetic procedures!

As Irina herself says, all these methods did not give the necessary long-term effect. And the result that was achieved using such extreme methods disappeared very quickly. It was then that the actress realized that she needed to completely change her usual lifestyle in order to really achieve something.

What rules did Irina use to achieve her goal? Below are only the main recommendations. However, with the help of them you can achieve quite good results and find the figure of your dreams.

  • You need to eat often (up to 5 times a day) and in small portions. Take yourself a small plate and put food in it. Just don’t go for more afterwards;
  • When eating, it is better not to be distracted by any external factors such as a book or TV, because this can easily lead to overeating. Carefully monitor the condition of your body and stop eating as soon as you feel slightly full;
  • It is better to remove a variety of candies, cakes and other desserts from your diet altogether. If you still cannot do without sweets, then at least reduce their consumption as much as possible;
  • To avoid overeating, drink water and do it as often as possible! Before meals, after, and also in between. This step will relieve you of the feeling of incomplete satiety;
  • Water is a symbol of life. Water is good, no, even wonderful! But tea and coffee - not so much. Okay, you can still sip a cup of tea (especially green or herbal) during a break, but it’s better not to mess with coffee at all;
  • Still yearning for sweets? Try eating fruits instead. They contain very few calories and...they are almost as sweet as your favorite candy! In addition, they are much healthier for the whole body. When eating fruits, do not forget about vegetables, because they should also be present in a proper and balanced menu. Just don’t go heavy on potatoes, but everything else is for your health, as they say;
  • Try not to indulge too often in fried, smoked and fatty foods. It’s also better to forget about baking, as well as other flour products;
  • Moderate physical activity has never harmed anyone, quite the contrary! The benefits of various exercises have long been proven. So choose something optimal for yourself and go ahead! At this rate, your weight loss will happen even faster and more confidently.

Irina observed all of the above for several months. It was thanks to these rules that she became so slim.

The actress admitted that she is by no means going to stop there. With the help of these recommendations, she continues to lose weight to this day!

The woman noted that one of the key points in gaining a new figure is also the right attitude. “The main thing is the desire to change and the willingness to overcome any problem,” says Irina.

Diet of Irina Pegova

First you need to find out why you are gaining excess weight. This is the first and most important step, because finding out the reason is the main thing in losing weight (and not only in it).

Only after this can you select the most suitable solutions.

Calories are not always to blame for weight gain. Often people themselves become hostage to poor nutrition due to all kinds of stress and nervous breakdowns.

Especially for the actress, the diet was selected personally, based on the habits and capabilities of the body.

Irina’s nutritionist calculated the daily diet based on the needs and wishes of the woman herself. A plan for moderate physical activity was also drawn up. Otherwise, what is weight loss without it?

Irina was told to keep a special diary, where the following was written:

  • Mark on the scale;
  • Food consumed;
  • Physical activity.

After a couple of months, significant improvements were noticeable. They were expressed both in stabilizing weight and in new habits. Over the past period, the actress has taught herself to eat healthy food and do it correctly, which is also important.

Detailed menu of Irina Pegova

  • Foods with a large amount of fats and carbohydrates were removed from the diet, because it is from them that the body receives the most calories. Such products have been replaced by plant foods;
  • The diet became fractional, that is, the actress ate about 5 times a day, in small portions, without overeating. This approach keeps the stomach in good shape and prevents it from stretching;

The advantage of Irina’s diet is that it is simple and convenient for every woman, because there are no time limits in it.

If you want to change your diet, here is one example diet:

  1. Breakfast: oatmeal, diet bread;
  2. Snack: a couple of red apples;
  3. Lunch: soup with vegetables (without adding oil, salt and potatoes);
  4. Dinner: 230 grams of boiled chicken breast or any fish.

In between main meals, you can eat various fruits. Don't forget to drink water too! It removes everything unnecessary from your body.

It is mandatory to give up cigarettes and alcohol. And look again at the photo of Irina Pegova before and after losing weight:

Stages of weight loss

  1. Preparation. You should accustom yourself to the new menu gradually. For about a couple of weeks, try to spend more time outdoors, drink the required amount of water and, if possible, eat less salt.
  2. Normalization. This period of time may be different for each person. At this stage, the main task is to normalize weight.
  3. Consolidation. This stage is intended to consolidate the results. The body must learn to receive the required amount of calories without feeling discomfort. The duration can be from a year to several years.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer to teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):