Published 09/01/17 09:19

Increase in salaries for teachers in 2017 in Russia, latest news: on September 1, Russian public sector employees will have their salaries raised.

Increasing wages for public sector employees in 2017 in Russia: latest news

Russian public sector employees will have their salaries increased from September 1, 2017. Income will increase for doctors, paramedical and junior medical staff, social workers, cultural workers, teachers in schools and additional education institutions, kindergarten teachers, teachers working with orphans, and researchers. There are 10 categories of workers in total. T

“I would like to confirm today that, as part of the implementation of presidential decrees, we have twice this year intkbbee We will increase wages for public sector employees. We are allocating more than 5.4 billion rubles for the May increase alone,” said Moscow Region Governor Andrei Vorobyov.

It is reported that from September 1, 2017, the salaries of doctors were increased by 6%, by 19% for nurses and by 10% for junior medical staff. Teachers of schools, kindergartens, additional education institutions, teachers working with orphans, as well as workers of cultural institutions will receive 5% more. But the salaries of educational and support staff of kindergartens (nannies) were increased by 70%. Thus, the average salary of school teachers will increase to 51.1 thousand rubles, kindergarten teachers - 58.9 thousand, and nannies - 23.4 thousand rubles per month. The salary of cultural workers will be 42.3 thousand rubles in state and 39.2 thousand in municipal cultural institutions.

Incentive payments to directors of schools near Moscow were also introduced.

1.8 billion payments are expected to be provided by optimizing the activities of institutions, the rest of the money will be taken from the regional budget. The increase will be most noticeable among junior teachers in kindergartens. Their salaries will increase by 70% from September 1.

In Russia, the financial systems of education are not at a very high level, so educators and teachers often complain about extremely low salaries, which are unrealistic to live on. The government has long begun to discuss the possibility of increasing teachers’ salaries in the Russian Federation.

The latest news from the press about this is also often mentioned, but Russians still don’t have much reason to rejoice. Russia has not yet emerged from the crisis in which it has been stuck since late 2014. So public sector workers feel it more and more.

Who are the teachers

Nowadays, a teacher is one of the most popular professions in the country, which initially arose as an educational method of training generations for their successful entry into social life. As Confucius, the famous philosopher, said, the task of every teacher is to open new horizons for the thinking of his students.

In other words, such a person must teach the student something, and also give him an impetus so that he strives to obtain knowledge on his own. Of course, not every person can master such a profession. After all, it's quite difficult. If you look at one popular media, a teacher should have the following qualities:

  • be able to communicate in different styles;
  • have the ability to empathize;
  • have creative thinking;
  • be confident and also radiate cheerfulness;
  • have the ability to reflect.

And, if you look at this entire list of qualities, you can draw conclusions that being a teacher is not as easy as it seems at first glance. So this work should be paid accordingly.

The statistics are not encouraging

As the Minister of Education said, there are more than 200 thousand surplus specialists working in the country’s schools. Only, this is not entirely true. In many Russian educational institutions one can see a shortage of workers. And it is very difficult to form a teaching staff. The saddest situation can be called the one where in schools there are 20-30 students per teacher.

It is also difficult to find the person who would want to teach rural children, because no one wants to work for 8-10 thousand rubles. If we talk about the salary of school employees located in large cities, then the salary here is much higher - 20, 40. In some schools in Yakutia, the salary consists of 50 thousand rubles. Only in such cities life is more expensive.

Should we expect a salary increase in 2017?

In 2017, teachers’ incomes will still increase, because this planned event was fixed by federal presidential decree back in 2012. This text of the bill on salaries suggests that they should increase by 1.5-2 times compared to the level of the 12th year. so that every year there must be an increase.

For this purpose, a special income indexing program was created. According to the system, workers' salaries are multiplied each year by an inflation factor. Such an event was already canceled last year because there were quite a few funds in the state budget. But in 2017, the indexation of teachers’ salaries will still be as planned – on April 1. In this area, some changes can also be observed, because now the salary is not multiplied by the coefficient that corresponds to inflation, by 12 percent, but only by 5.5 percent.

Teachers' salaries will thus become higher, but the recalculation will not particularly cover the difference between the average statistical income of each person and the high cost of services and goods. However, indexation can make teachers' salaries very high, especially if they work in the outback.

At the end of 2018, the State Duma approved an updated version of recommendations regarding the establishment of an updated system of remuneration for employees of budgetary institutions, including teaching staff. This decision was determined by the tripartite commission for the regulation of social and labor relations. At the same time, the rules that were in force before have lost their force and will not be used in 2019. Today we’ll talk about changes in the remuneration system for teaching staff and how the approach to this issue will change.

In 2019 with new indicators and without salary reduction

Starting from 2019, remuneration for teaching staff will be calculated taking into account the new indicator. From now on, when determining the income of teachers and lecturers, the average monthly earnings of hired employees of private companies and individual entrepreneurs must be taken into account. Starting from this year, this criterion must be taken into account when developing cost plans aimed at increasing the amount of remuneration for teaching staff and employees in other budget sectors. In July 2018, the government of the Russian Federation issued a decree, according to which Rosstat was obliged to prepare the above data by 04/15/2019.

When the tripartite group discussed the new regulations, a clause was added to the document about the inadmissibility of reducing wages for employees of kindergartens, schools and state universities. In accordance with this norm, in 2019 the level of remuneration for teaching staff will not be lower than in 2018. Accordingly, kindergarten teachers will receive a salary no lower than the Russian average (last year - just over 28,000 rubles).

Another important news for teachers was the inclusion of the minimum wage indicator. Last year, this figure was at the level of 6,200 rubles. The new recommendations determine that an employee of an educational institution cannot receive a salary lower than the established indicator, provided that he has fully complied with the established norm and worked a sufficient number of hours. However, no one is immune from situations in which a teacher works less time than he is supposed to. If an employee had to face such a nuisance, wages will be calculated based on the time actually worked, based on the minimum wage.

In order to ensure the full implementation of the recommendations in the institution, the employer, as well as government officials, need to pay attention to certain aspects. In particular, these include:

  1. The salary level must be established in accordance with the qualification group of the employee.
  2. If an employee of a budgetary institution works in a position that is not related to professional categories, the rate of his salary is calculated based on the difficulty of the duties assigned to him.
  3. It is imperative to take into account the need to use incentive payments and all kinds of compensation. This issue should be reflected in regional and municipal regulations.
  4. Only the head of a kindergarten, school, university, or other budgetary organization has the right to approve the staffing table.
  5. After the implementation of new recommendations in an educational institution, the teacher’s income should be no less than it was before. This standard applies to all employees, without exception, whose standard of work has remained at the same level or increased.
  6. The wage rate should be determined based on the employee’s performance of his own professional duties over a certain period of time (week, month, year).

As for the labor standards for teachers, now its change in one direction or another will directly affect the final earnings. Therefore, the recommendations provide for the reflection of the actual workload of the teacher in the employment agreement. This rule will affect such workers as:

  • school teachers;
  • university teachers;
  • coaches of children's sports sections;
  • persons engaged in activities in the field of additional education.

Taking into account these innovations, any changes in the teacher’s working hours should also be reflected in the employment agreement. However, you should remember the conditions under which this may become possible:

  • by agreement of the parties to the contract;
  • in exceptional cases - unilaterally by the head of the educational institution. This norm can be used if the amount of working time according to the curriculum has decreased, the educational organization has not recruited a sufficient number of students, etc.

Another important innovation is additional attention to teachers with secondary specialized education. The recommendations provide for the impossibility of infringing on the labor rights of employees who do not have a higher education. Accordingly, reduction factors can no longer be used for a specialty that requires an employee with a higher education diploma. Thus, the absence of the necessary document will no longer allow the employer to save on remuneration for an employee of the educational institution. In this regard, he has equal rights with teachers with higher education.

Today, these recommendations have been approved by a considerable number of teaching staff. Indeed, the new document has significantly expanded their opportunities in terms of remuneration and increased their protection from unlawful actions of the head of an educational organization. It is expected that these recommendations will be in effect over the next few years and gradually refined so that the income of teachers grows to a decent level.

As you know, a school teacher is a fairly broad concept that combines several specialties. Therefore, teachers receive different salaries, depending on many conditions, ranging from a specific position to the specifics of the region and the status of the school. However, the procedure for calculating salaries and bonuses for employees of Russian public schools is general, so it can be used, in particular, when calculating the salary of a primary school teacher.

Components of wages

Teachers' salaries consist of:

  • base part;
  • compensatory;
  • incentive payments;
  • bonuses.

In ordinary schools, where there are no correction classes and other special conditions, the calculation of a teacher’s salary depends on the number of lessons taught and the number of students. Extracurricular workload is also taken into account here, for example, checking homework, performing the duties of a class teacher, and so on. There are also coefficients depending on the experience of the teacher and the category of his qualifications.

Compensation payments are provided if a teacher works at night, in dangerous conditions, in particular, with chemical reagents. Incentive payments are included in bonuses and are intended to reward teachers for students’ good performance in exams, students’ victories in competitions, the introduction of new didactic educational materials and other successes in their work. However such a bonus cannot exceed 60% of the salary. Bonuses for teachers follow the principle of other budgetary institutions: quarterly and annual bonuses are paid, and a certain amount is accrued on holidays.

Teachers' salaries must undergo annual indexation, which, for example, amounted to 7% in 2016.

How is the salary of a secondary school teacher calculated?

Today on the Internet there are several electronic online programs for calculating salaries for teachers. These programs, of course, require data verification, but on average they can tell you how to calculate a teacher’s salary. Calculations can also be done manually.

First, you need to take the base rate (20 hours a week for primary school) salary, which today is 3000-3500 rubles. Increasing coefficients may be applied to the base rate if the teacher:

  • teaches in the village (0.25);
  • in a correctional facility (0.2);
  • in a boarding school for orphans (0.2);
  • in a boarding school (0.15);
  • has the skills to teach local dialects, for example, the Chechen language (0.15).

The following coefficients are added to it:

  • for having a higher education as a teacher;
  • qualification category;
  • honorary title (up to 0.2);
  • work experience;
  • availability of an academic degree (10% for a candidate’s dissertation and 20% for a doctoral dissertation);
  • status of an educational institution (lyceum or gymnasium), which gives a bonus of 0.15.

The management of the educational institution has the right to set coefficients for the complexity of the taught discipline. These payments are made from the funds of the school itself, so the state does not regulate them.

Other types of payments are added to the base rate. So how to calculate the salary of a primary school teacher?

Approximate calculation of the real income of a primary school teacher with average qualifications

To make it clear to a person what to expect from working in primary school, a rough calculation can be made. The data obtained is relevant at the beginning of 2017. To determine the salary, we take the following data:

  • average work experience (from 5 to 10 years), which gives + 10% to the salary;
  • first category (coefficient 1.5);
  • complete higher pedagogical education, for which a bonus of one-third of the base rate is awarded;
  • the proposed teacher presumably works in a regular school and does not have additional merit in the form of honorary titles and academic degrees;
  • schools set coefficients for the complexity of subjects, but for an ordinary primary school teacher such an allowance does not exist;
  • 15% of the salary is paid for classroom management in primary schools;
  • another 10% is due to compensate for the time spent checking notebooks;
  • exactly the same amount is paid to the head of the classroom; it is usually paid to a primary school teacher.

As a result of the calculation the amount turned out to be 10115.88 rubles. This is the income that a person who wants to work in an elementary school should focus on.

Average salary of teachers

As you can see, the basic salary at school still does not reach the average in the regions. Nevertheless, in our time, regional incentive programs are being implemented, under which bonuses are paid to teachers. This makes it possible to significantly bring teacher salaries closer to the statistical average. In addition, regular mandatory bonuses, which generally serve as a good addition to the basic salary, cannot be ignored.

Recently, Russia has been characterized by a not very high level of funding for the education system, which is why teachers and teachers are dissatisfied with their salaries, which are impossible to feed their families. Many government agencies and ministries are puzzled by finding ways to increase salaries for Russian teachers in 2017. Since Russia has not fully coped with the crisis in which it has been for several years, public sector workers have to feel its blows themselves.

School teachers have never received high salaries, and after the economic crisis developed, the situation completely worsened. The financial component really plays a huge role in choosing a profession, so the prestige of a teacher began to gradually decline.

Rosstat specialists conducted a survey that helped them identify that teachers in general education schools receive approximately 18-20 thousand rubles.

Moreover, the income of residents of large cities was taken into account. In small settlements, the situation is even worse: teachers there earn about 13-15 thousand rubles.

In this regard, the authorities have adopted a number of new bills aimed at increasing teacher pay this year.

Moreover, the scientific workload will also increase, which will affect both teachers and school students, and such innovations should be paid accordingly.

Previously, the president signed a decree that public sector salaries should increase annually and by 2018 their level should increase by 150% compared to 2012.

After the decree was signed, indexation was carried out, and the budget allocated a fairly large amount to increase the salaries of public sector employees. However, after the outbreak of the crisis, activities to fulfill the requirements indicated were suspended.

The indexing procedure was frozen and then only partially carried out. It must be said that the indexation of teachers' salaries in 2017 is planned in full, that is, they will increase by 5.5%, while inflation will reach 6%. Such indexing will make it possible to fully cover the increase in the cost of food and utilities. Despite this, it would not be possible to call this salary large.

Discussing the question of what will happen to teachers' salaries in the near future, members of the government decided to reorganize the education system of the Russian Federation and introduce “effective contracts,” which are employment contracts. In these documents, in addition to job responsibilities, criteria for the quality and efficiency of work are also discussed. Consequently, only those employees who will take their job duties seriously and constantly strive for self-improvement will be able to count on high wages.

In fact, an increase in teachers' salaries should become a motivation for teachers to strive to improve their qualifications: writing scientific papers, defending dissertations and obtaining new academic titles. And this will best affect the quality of education of school students.

It should be noted that teachers in regular schools have never been able to boast of high salaries. In addition, during the crisis the situation deteriorated so much that the prestige of the teaching profession dropped significantly. The authorities cannot but react to this, because it is teachers who give children knowledge.

Therefore, it is important that schools come to those who can not only read the material and give grades, but also help them develop as individuals.

Not everyone can fulfill these responsibilities, so it is not surprising that many believe that one must be born and not become a teacher.

Without the prestige of the profession, one should not expect that the best of the best will go to schools. In addition, there is no hope that, given the low level of income of teachers, children will receive a quality education.

As a recent survey conducted by Rosstat showed, employees of secondary school institutions today receive approximately 18-20 thousand rubles. But these statistics include the salaries of teachers in large cities. And in villages and small towns, teachers earn about 13-15 thousand rubles. Of course, salaries in private schools are higher, but there are not so many such schools in the country.

And the authorities are well aware that it is now difficult to live on a salary lower than 20 thousand rubles in Russia. Therefore, a number of new bills have been adopted that will increase teachers’ salaries in 2017. Thus, these changes imply an increase in the scientific workload, but it will also be paid accordingly.

According to the authorities, salaries will act as an incentive for employees of educational institutions to perform their job duties efficiently. The new level of salaries in schools will also help reduce corruption in this area. For many teachers, it will allow them to give up private students, whom in their free time they prepare for studying at universities, receiving additional remuneration for this. They will be able to devote the freed time to preparing for lessons. All this only means that increasing teachers’ salaries in 2017 is an urgent need.

The new method of calculating wages, adopted in 2015 (On Improving Statistical Accounting), lowered this figure by more than 12 percent. Based on this, the government does not plan to index payments to public sector employees and wages will not increase from January 1, 2017. Thus, teacher salaries depend on the regional average. Each region has been tasked with increasing teacher salaries in 2017, but it will be achieved in different ways. Judging by the news available at this moment, indexation for public sector employees will be officially carried out from April 1, 2017.

Thus, given the fact that the country is still struggling with the crisis, the government will not be able to allocate a large amount from the budget to increase the income of this category of the population. Previously, the president signed a decree, which describes the information that public sector salaries should increase annually, so that by the 18th year their level would increase by 150% compared to 2012. We are talking about the so-called May decrees of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

After the signing of these decrees, indexation was carried out. A large amount was allocated from the budget to increase the salaries of public sector employees. Many Russians were happy about this, but with the onset of the crisis, the process of increasing teachers’ salaries stopped. The authorities had to freeze the indexing procedure and then carry it out, but only partially, but it must be said that the indexation of teachers’ salaries in 2017 in Russia is planned in full, that is, they will increase by 5.5%. But according to official forecasts, inflation could reach 6%.

In reality, inflation may be 1-2% higher. However, indexing will almost completely cover the increase in the cost of food and utilities.

Earlier, the government said that the education system in Russia would be reorganized. So-called “effective contracts” will appear. They are essentially reminiscent of employment contracts. But they also discuss quality criteria and work efficiency. When signing such a contract, only those employees of educational institutions who will take their job duties seriously and constantly strive for self-improvement will be able to count on a high salary.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):