Game "Colorful locks"

Development fine motor skills hands using zippers for clothing, as well as color perception, because. All lightning bolts are multi-colored.

Program content. Development of color perception and fine motor skills of the hands.
Age of children. 2-4 years.
Equipment. Board with multi-colored locks.
Progress of the game.
Educator: Look how bright our board is.
-What color is it?
Child: Red.
-What do we have on the board? (Children’s answers)
-What color is this padlock? (Children's answers)
-Show me the lock yellow.
-What color is this? (Children’s answers)
Educator: Try to unfasten the lock.
- Now fasten it.
-Did it work out? (Children’s answers)
Independent play activity.

Theatrical game in Russian folk tale"Turnip".

Program content. Introduce a new fairy tale, offer to follow the development of the plot based on illustrations, learn to name the characters and their actions, and emotionally perceive the actions of the heroes. Invite the children to act out the fairy tale on a flannelgraph.
Age of children. 2-4 years.
Equipment. Flannelograph, pictures of fairy tale characters, a book with illustrations, a small toy mouse.
Progress of the game. Children, look what a tiny guest came to us today
(showing the mouse).
-What mouse? (Children's answers)
-What else can you call it? (Children's answers)
-This mouse boasts that she managed to pull out the largest turnip. She even brought us such a “fairy tale”. Let's listen to a fairy tale.
As the story progresses, I show illustrations. Conversation after telling the story:
-Children, did the mouse pull out the turnip itself? (Children's answers)
-Name those who helped her. (Children’s answers)
-Why did they help her? (Children's answers)
Who wants to play this fairy tale? (Distribute pictures from the flannelgraph theatre)
Let's repeat the fairy tale together. (Pay attention to the sequence of actions of the characters and the intonation with which they speak). Children display their pictures sequentially.
-Don’t brag, mouse, because we all worked together, in unison!

Game "Autumn Leaves".

Program content. We learn to find and correctly name a color, to coordinate a noun with an adjective. We develop coordination of hand movements. We form spatial concepts and cultivate correct physiological breathing and long oral exhalation.
Equipment. Kit autumn leaves. (red, yellow, green, orange).
A game to develop speech breathing.
Educator. I have autumn leaves, what color are they? (children’s answers)
Let's blow on the leaves so that they fly away. (children blow)

We are autumn leaves
Scattered out of the circle.
We flew, we flew,
And then we got tired of flying.
The breeze has stopped blowing
We all sat down in a circle.

Didactic game "Find a pair"

Invite the children to take one piece of paper from the table.
-Find a pair for your leaf. By color.

-Find a couple of leaves. According to the form.

Didactic game “Harvest”

Program content. We enrich children's understanding of vegetables. Let's introduce the general concept of vegetables. We develop visual memory and visual attention.
Equipment. “Bed” (box with pockets), pictures of vegetables.
The teacher shows a “bed” with vegetables.
-What do you think this is? (Children's answers)
We came to the garden.
What is growing there?
There are carrots, zucchini,
There are turnips and garlic.
We'll take the baskets
Let's reap our harvest!
-What grows in our garden bed? (Children’s answers)
-What color is the turnip? (Children’s answers)
-What color is a carrot? (Children’s answers)
-What shape is it? (Children’s answers)

Game "Collect the Whole".

Program content. We teach how to assemble an entire object from individual parts;
develop thinking and attention; We teach the perception of a holistic image of an object.
Equipment. A picture depicting an object, a set of parts of a picture cut into parts (4 parts).
Move. Lay out the details of the picture on the table. Invite the children to look at the whole image of the picture. Ask the kids to find these parts on the table and assemble the picture.

Play corners groups




Didactic game: “Traffic light”, “the sidewalk is for pedestrians, and the road is for cars”, “Trucks”.


Role-playing game: “Home”, “Mothers and Daughters”, “Let’s give tea to the dolls”, “We welcome guests”.
Didactic game: “Dishes” (Tea room, dining room); “Furniture”, “What’s missing?”; “Name the object.”
Game situation: “Let’s prepare dinner for the dolls”, “Mom feeds the baby”


Outdoor game: “Get the toy”, “Across the stream”, “Funny ball”, “Sparrows and the car”.
Walking on paths to prevent flat feet.


Table theater, puppet theater, mitten theater, dramatization games.

Anna Sidorenko
Nature corner in 1 younger group

Corner of nature in 1st junior group.

1) Permanent objects:

Houseplants: chlorophytum 2, nephrolepis, Kalanchoe 2, Fittonia skeleton, geranium.

2) Temporary objects (design by seasons):


On the wall is a poster depicting an autumn landscape;

Yellow fabric on the bedside table "fallen leaves";

Bouquet of autumn leaves.


On the wall is a poster depicting a winter landscape;

On the stand is a doll dressed for the season;

On the stand white fabric, snowdrifts made of cotton wool;

Bouquet of bare branches.


On the wall is a poster depicting a spring landscape;

On the stand is a doll dressed for the season;

There is a white fabric on the cabinet, a blue ribbon - a stream;

A bouquet of twigs with buds, the first flowers.


On the wall is a poster depicting a summer landscape;

On the stand is a doll dressed for the season;

There is green fabric on the stand "grass";

Bouquet of twigs with leaves, flowers.

3) Cabinet No. 1:

Natural vegetables (+garden) and fruits (+ wood, or their dummies;

Sets of pictures depicting animals (domestic and wild, birds (domestic and wild), insects, vegetables, fruits;

Albums "Seasons"; books with illustrations depicting animals;

Didactic games natural content“Who eats what?”, “Whose house?”, “Whose baby?” and others;

Audio recordings: "Birdsong", "The Sound of a Brook", "The Sound of Rain", "Storm", "Wind", "Crunch of Snow".

On the windowsill there is a watering can, equipment for caring for flowers, a sponge for wiping leaves, a spray bottle, and a passport for indoor plants.

Houseplant passport

GERANIUM (pelargonium)

Geranium can be grown on the windowsill, in the garden or on the balcony. In addition to its beauty, geranium creates a positive aura around itself. She is easy to care for, she is rarely exposed to diseases, and requires moderate watering and not a very nutritious earthen mixture, resistant to drought, has high vitality. They bloom for a long time with large and colorful inflorescences.

Light: bright. The plant tolerates direct sunlight.

Temperature: in summer - indoor. In winter, pelargoniums are kept as cool as possible, at a temperature of 8-12°C.

Watering: moderate, as pelargoniums do not like waterlogging. In winter, plants are watered very sparingly.

Humidity: On hot days you can spray.


Nephrolepis is a species of fern commonly found in the tropics of Australia, Asia and America. Lush green leaves, easy care and beneficial properties nephrolepis made him a welcome guest in many homes.

Light: diffused, should be shaded from midday rays.

Temperature: moderate, spring-summer period the optimal temperature is about 20°C, at temperatures above 24°C there should be high humidity, since high temperatures does not tolerate well.

In autumn winter period the optimal temperature is within 14-15°C.

Watering: in spring and summer, water abundantly; in winter, water moderately; the soil should always be slightly moist.

Humidity: High.


Fittonia is one of the most common ornamental flowering plants; it belongs to the Acanthaceae family. Fittonia is native to the swampy forests of South America. The leaves are dark green, matte, and oval in shape. Depending on the type of plant, Fittonia can reach up to 60 cm in length. Beginners in the flower business are very fond of Fittonia, because the flower is quite unpretentious in care.

Fittonia skeleton is a very elegant variety. The leaves are oval and velvety, olive in color with reddish veins. The coloring of the leaves is so spectacular that it sometimes gives the impression of a luminous effect.

Light: A lot is needed daylight, you can place the plant on the east and west windows.

Temperature: Optimal temperature the temperature in the room should not be higher than 25 degrees. Temperature changes should be avoided, so it is not recommended to take them out into the open air.

Watering: During active growth the flower needs abundant watering And high humidity air. IN autumn-winter period Watering should be reduced slightly, but under no circumstances should the soil be allowed to dry out. The leaves must be regularly sprayed with settled and warm water.

Humidity: High


Homeland of chlorophytum - South America. It is one of the most common indoor plants. This is not marvelous: It grows quickly, has beautiful curved leaves, and in spring and summer, first small white flowers and then tiny rosettes of leaves appear on thin stems. They can be separated and rooted. Chlorophytum is a light-loving plant.

Light: Bright diffused light. Grows well near an east or west window. In a place that is too dark, the plant loses its decorative appeal.

Temperature: Moderate. In winter, not lower than 18°C. Unpretentious chlorophytum will not die at unfavorable temperatures, but this will certainly affect its appearance.

Watering: Abundant from spring to autumn. The soil should be kept moist all the time. Moderate in winter.

Humidity: In summer, from time to time, it is useful to spray the leaves and arrange warm shower. Spraying is required if the plant is kept near a heating system.


This thick-trunked flower came to us from warm edges: from Madagascar. Despite this, Kalanchoe is a rather unpretentious indoor plant that can easily be grown at home.

Light: Constantly needs sunlight, but there are several features for lighting the pot. From the morning until two or three o'clock in the afternoon, you can keep Kalanchoe on a windowsill or any other place with abundant exposure. sunlight on a flower. However, after lunch, Kalanchoe should be covered or moved into the shade, creating a feeling of night.

Temperature: It feels most comfortable at 17-19 degrees, but if the temperature in the room drops to 5-6 degrees nothing will happen to the plant.

Watering: The plant does not tolerate excess moisture. If the soil is constantly too wet, the first thing to suffer is roots: the process of rotting begins. Spring and summer

water the Kalanchoe with cool water (it is advisable to keep one glass jar, constantly replenishing her: It is better to water with old water). Water in such a way that you do not touch the stem with water; if it gets moisture, it does not absorb it, and it is possible that the process of rotting will begin. Watering should be done moderately, so that the soil is sufficiently moist, but not wet, and water should not leak out.

in autumn and Kalanchoe in winter should be watered twice as little as in warm time year. Never leave water on the tray (it is even advisable that it be completely dry). Should be watered according to necessity: Wait until the soil is completely dry and you can safely add water.

Humidity: Cannot be kept in rooms with high level humidity.

Publications on the topic:

WITH early age Children develop not only the foundations of their personality, but also most of their values, in particular their attitude towards nature. Corner.

The long-awaited spring has arrived, which everyone is waiting for after being tired of winter. All living things miss the warm sun rays, reaches out to the sun.

Corner of nature in the 1st junior group “Fairy Tale”. A corner of nature in a preschool educational institution was developed by a teacher of the highest category, Ustyuzhanina Olesya Vladimirovna.

I bring to your attention a corner of nature. For a long time, using corners of nature, where pictures were attached with Velcro and inserted into pockets.






Goal: developing self-service skills, the ability to dress and undress; developing communication skills, the ability to greet each other, say goodbye to each other; involving parents in the process of educational work, uniting teachers and parents.

1. Information stand for parents;

2. Information stand “Traffic Regulations”;

3. Information stand “Announcements”;

5. Advice from educators (consultations);

6. Stand “We are artists”;

7. Mobile folder for parents;

8. Individual lockers for undressing.



Goal: development of physical qualities (speed, strength, flexibility, endurance and coordination); accumulation and enrichment of children’s motor experience (mastery of basic movements);

formation in pupils of the need for motor activity and physical improvement.

1. Rubber balls, plastic balls ( different sizes);

2. Tambourine large and small;

3. Jump ropes, dumbbells for children;

4. Skittles; ring throw;

5. Cubes, flags, braids, rattles, ribbons;

6. Didactic material"Sport";

7. Massage balls;

8. Sandbags;

9. Hats for outdoor games;

10. Sultans;

11. Hoops of different sizes;

12. Massage paths and mat;

13. Gurneys;


Goal: acquainting children with accessible natural phenomena, with domestic animals and their cubs, with vegetables and fruits; observations of indoor plants.

1. Indoor plants;

2. Natural material;

3. Nature calendar, passport of indoor plants;

4. Equipment for caring for indoor plants;

5. Boxes for seedlings, vases for flowers;

6. Figures of domestic and wild animals;

7. Didactic games on ecology;

8. Album “Seasons”;


Goal: to cultivate the need to work, to participate in joint labor activity equal to everyone else, the desire to be useful to others, to enjoy the results of collective work.

1. Aprons.

2. Equipment for caring for indoor plants: rags, sticks for loosening, watering cans, napkins for wiping dust, brushes, spray guns, oilcloths large and small;

3. Equipment for washing toys and washing doll clothes: basins, clothesline, clothespins, soap, oilcloth aprons.


Goal: introducing children to history and sights native land, animals and plants, transport; with state symbols of the native country and city; developing children's interest and respect for their family and their preschool institution, people's work different professions, achievements famous people cities and countries.

1. Symbols of the state;

2. Set of postcards “My Homeland”;

3. Didactic material “Defenders of the Fatherland”, “May 9 - Victory Day”, “Great Patriotic War” - military vehicles;

4. Russian flag.


Goal: development of productive activities of children; development of children's creativity; introduction to the fine arts.

    Materials for drawing: albums, watercolor and gouache paints, colored pencils, water jars, stencils for drawing;

    Material for modeling: plasticine, stacks, individual oilcloths;

    Material for manual labor: glue, glue brushes, glue container, napkins, colored paper and cardboard, white cardboard, corrugated paper;

    Application and drawing samples;

    Non-traditional drawing techniques: signets, drawing with cotton swabs, finger palette, stencil.

    Types of painting: illustrations for fairy tales;


Goal: developing listening skills, ability to handle a book; formation and expansion of ideas about the environment.

    Books according to the program, children's favorite books, baby books, toy books.

    Thematic albums for consideration: “Professions”, “Seasons”, “Kindergarten”.


Goal: development of speech, sensory perception, fine motor skills, imagination.

1. Matryoshka dolls;

2. Pyramids;

3. Mosaic;

4. Mushrooms by color and size;

5. Lacing;

6. Lotto;

7. Subject plot pictures;

8. Velcro manual;

9. Frames - inserts (various in size, color, shape).

10. Dienesh blocks;

11. Didactic and educational games for the development and perception of the properties of size and shape: “Loto”, “Shapes”, “House-shapes”.



Goal: development of spatial concepts, fine motor skills, creative imagination.

1. Designer small and large “Lego”;

2. Plastic floor constructor;

3. Puzzles;

4. Toys with lacing and fasteners;

5. Small toys for playing with buildings: figures of people and animals, models of trees;

6. Transport small, medium, large: cars and trucks.

7. Samples of buildings.


Goal: creating conditions for children’s creative activity, development of imagination; formation of gaming skills and abilities; nurturing friendly relationships between children.

Sets of toys and objects reflecting the operations of work and social life available to children: “Shop”, “Doctor”, “Chauffeurs”, “Hairdresser”, “Family”.

    Items of clothing and accessories indicating role affiliation.

Role-playing game “Beauty Salon”:

    Drape capes for dolls and children;

    Hairdresser's kit;

    Hair magazines.

    Hairpins, headbands, bracelets, beads.

Role-playing game “Shop”:

    Cash register;


    Bakery products;


    Vegetables, fruits .

Role-playing game "Chauffeur":

    Steering wheels; chest machines;

    Various machines;

    Traffic light;


Role-playing game "Hospital":

    Medical gowns and caps;

    Vision test chart;

    Height meter;


Role-playing game "Family":

    Set doll furniture;

    Set of large tea and kitchen utensils;

    Dolls, clothes for dolls;


    Set of pastel accessories for dolls;

    Ironing board, irons.

    A set of large-sized furniture commensurate with the height of the child “Room”, “Kitchen”.

Role-playing game "Sailors":

    Peakless caps, capes;

    Steering wheel;




Goal: development of auditory perception and attention; formation of performing skills.

1. Pipes;

2. Rattles;

3. Guitar;

4. Accordion;

5. Tambourine;

6. Musical toys;

7. Wooden spoons;

8. Didactic material “Musical instruments”;

9. Attributes for mummering: hats, beads, sundresses, skirts, scarves.


Goal: developing listening skills; development of children's creativity based on literary works.

1. Small screen for tabletop and puppet theaters;

2. Puppet theater;

3. Table theater;

4. Theater on flannelgraph;

5. Caps and masks of various characters for fairy tales about animals;

6. Theater - aprons;

7. Finger and glove theater;

8. Disc theater;

9. Theater on sticks and rubber bands;

10. Elements of costumes and jewelry for disguises: scarves, aprons, vests, beads, wreaths, bracelets, dresses, skirts.


Goal: formation of cognitive activity, observation, development of curiosity.

1. Jars;

2. Soap bubbles;

3. Measuring cups and spoons, balls, colorful glasses;

4. Hourglass;

5. Sand-Water Center;

6. A set of rubber and plastic toys;

7. Tanks with cereals.

8. Aprons;

9. Scoops, various molds, small toys for burying (balls, cubes, rings and other geometric shapes of different sizes and colors);

10. Sticks, rakes, sieve, buckets;

11. A set of toys from different materials(for the game “What floats - what sinks?”), water mills, watering cans, funnels, sieve;

12. Clothespins, tubes, sponges, cereals (rice, buckwheat, semolina, millet).

13. Card index of experiments.

Educator: Verba A.N.

One of the determining factors in raising children is the subject-development environment. For children of this age, the main thing is to have enough space in the group to satisfy the need for physical activity. A properly organized developmental environment allows every child to find something to do, to believe in their strengths and abilities, and to learn to perform their first tasks. mental operations with objects and toys, gaining sensory interaction experience. And also the first experience of active interaction with adults and peers, understanding and appreciating their feelings and actions, and this is precisely what lies at the basis of developmental education.

For this purpose, the following centers have been formed within the group space:

In the dressing room there is a corner for parents, information stands where you can place necessary information, folders with consultations, advice, moving folders. There is also a corner-exhibition of children's fine art works and a modeling corner, where children's works are also exhibited.

Zone of motor activity.

The need for movement is important task when organizing a subject-development environment. In the “Motor Activity Zone” there are balls, gymnastic sticks, skittles, jump ropes, attributes for outdoor games, as well as aids necessary for morning exercises- flags, rattles. I use object replenishment of the corner in outdoor games and games in a group, on the street, individual and free activities.

In the area of ​​gaming motor modules technical toys have been collected: cars - trucks (children can easily roll dolls in them, soft toys, transport construction parts); cars, strollers. There is also a game room here building material of different sizes and primary colors for constructing buildings and toys for playing with.

Fine art corner.

Early age is most favorable for development visual arts. Therefore, in the corner of visual arts there are felt-tip pens, crayons, pencil sets, plasticine, drawing paper, gouache and brushes. This allows children to develop an interest in creativity, forms aesthetic perception, imagination, and independence.

Book corner.

Since the development of active speech is the main task of children’s development, sets of subject pictures and sets of plot pictures are selected in the corner of the book.

For the development of fine motor skills a zone of sensory-motor development has been created, which is aimed at the development of speech, sensory perception, fine motor skills, and imagination. Equipment: lacing toys of various types, didactic panel with buttons, different types mosaics, pyramids, board and printed games. I made a panel with my own hands to develop fine motor skills (winding colored caps).

Music and theater center.

Children really like our music and theater corner. There is musical instruments, which bring children many joyful moments. And, in addition, they develop phonemic awareness and the baby’s sense of rhythm. In the corner there is a finger theater, puppet theater, and tabletop theater. This stimulates children's individual creativity. Children enjoy using all the attributes.

Game zones “Plot-role-playing games”.

The main activity of our kids is play. Play area creates conditions for children’s creative activity, develops imagination, develops gaming skills and abilities, and fosters friendly relationships between children. Kids not only get acquainted with objects that are new to them, but also learn to operate with them, transfer the acquired knowledge and skills into daily life. All toys and attributes are placed so that children can play with them freely and then put them away.

Corner of nature located near the window, here I created conditions for observing indoor plants according to the age of the children and the requirements of the program. Together with the children we take care of the plants; in the corner there is a mini-garden where we plant onions and watch them grow.

When creating a subject-development environment, I tried to make it diverse, bright, colorful, information-rich, which ensures meaningful communication between teacher and child.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):