Most designers argue that the larger the footage of the room, the less rationally it is used. It’s another matter when the room is small, but you want to fit as much as possible into it. Then the owners begin to look for the most practical design of a one-room apartment, thinking through the use of every living centimeter.

Those who really know exactly what “little space” is are the owners of one-room apartments.

A small living space should include a kitchen, a children's and work area, and a bedroom. At first glance, this seems impossible, but as practice shows, there are no unsolvable problems.

The design of a one-room apartment is the most difficult to think through, since often in one room you have to place a sleeping place, a living room, a kitchenette, and even a place for a child.

We list effective tips from designers on creating your dream interior.

Minimalism style A suitable option for decorating a one-room apartment. There is no need to think that it is better to leave a table, chair and bed in the room. This means purchasing multifunctional furniture and interior items: a sofa with a built-in tabletop, a large table that folds up and turns into a small coffee table. Modern manufacturers offer furniture in different sizes, so all these elements can be made to order in the required sizes.
Light, airy interior To visually increase the space, you can use mirror surfaces, zone them using partitions made of light, translucent fabrics, thin, strong glass. If partitions are not needed, zoning can be done during renovation. An important point here is the competent selection of finishing materials. The flooring in different areas should be different: in the kitchen - tiles, in the living room - laminate. You can lay a fluffy carpet in the sleeping area. Each zone should have individual lighting.
Placement of accents Do not use only dark or only light colors in the interior of a one-room apartment. There are 2-3 main accents. For example, dark shelves and light walls, or the walls and ceiling are light, and the floor is a rich, dark shade. But you shouldn’t use a lot of dark, it will visually make the room smaller.
Redevelopment The walls inside a small room make it even smaller, cutting it up. Therefore, if they are not load-bearing, it is better to disassemble them.
Multifunctional use of the pantry Older houses have a storage room that can be used in a practical way. It will perfectly serve as a built-in wardrobe or dressing room. There will be no need to install a “big box” in the main room.
High ceilings If the ceilings in the apartment are high, you can install the bed above the floor. It's called a loft bed. The base can be a great cabinet. Thus, 2 furniture elements are connected at once.
Proper use of decorative elements and textiles Do not overload the interior of a one-room apartment with figurines and boxes of different sizes. It is better to decorate windows with thin, light fabrics or roller blinds.

Making the interior of a one-room apartment practical is quite difficult.

The footage of the same type of Khrushchev is 26-28 square meters. m. Therefore, you need to organize the space as efficiently as possible. This must be done from the entrance. The hallway is usually narrow and small; there should be as little furniture there as possible. If you have a pantry, you can organize a closet there and hang 2-3 hooks on the hallway wall.

You won’t be able to speed up much in such an area, but there are several ways to still make the apartment comfortable.

To make the space visually wider, you can place a large mirror. The shoe rack model is narrow, with a seat on top. If there is no storage room, a small wardrobe is installed in the room. It is better not to place unnecessary details in the form of shelves or vases. It is better to place the main light element above the mirror.

The light source can be one or more.

A kitchen space in a Khrushchev-era building occupies no more than 6-7 square meters. m. When planning the design of a one-room apartment, you need to purchase furniture with built-in appliances for the kitchen.

Remember that the stove in such a kitchen must be electric and not gas.

The dining area should be arranged near the window; preferably, a table model that is attached to the wall and folds up if necessary. A window sill in a small kitchen is not for flowers. It must perform more serious functions. If the option is wide, it can be a table or an extension of the work area for cooking.

The set is located along one or two walls.

The most difficult thing is the competent organization of the space of the main living room. The interior of a one-room apartment implies one stylistic solution. It can be minimalism, hi-tech, classic. But zoning will still have to be done.

Small but functional partition.

There should be a minimum number of bright colors; it is better to exclude frequent small patterns altogether. To prevent the interior from seeming gray and boring, you can add 1-2 accents. For example, with a bright pattern on one wall, the material is of a similar shade, but of different texture.

The most important feature of this layout is functionality.

If you don’t like bright colors, you can create zoning using the play of light or air partitions. For example, an open shelf from ceiling to floor.

The main task is to visually expand the space.

Kitchen decoration

If the apartment is in a new building, then redevelopment can be done without any problems. The most suitable option is a studio. Here, the element dividing the space can be a bar counter. Also serves as a dining table. Or additionally install a transforming table in the kitchen. It can serve as an element for eating or, when folded, as a coffee table.

The apartment should contain furniture that you really need.

The kitchen set can be placed either along one wall, if the size of the room allows, or along 2 walls. The window sill will be a great addition to the tabletop; it can be made of the same material. The oven is placed at eye level, the microwave oven is slightly higher, and a “dishwasher” or washing machine fits perfectly below.

You can make several narrow drawers for small items under the window sill, or use it as a tabletop.

Decoration of toilet and bathroom

If possible, it is better to remodel, minimize the space for the bathroom, separating precious meters for the main room. The toilet and bath are often connected. The furniture set is standard: shower or small bathtub, toilet, sink. If space allows, you can install a washing machine. Most often it is located in the kitchen.

It is advisable to combine white with some other soft color, such as blue or beige.

Storage system

Competent interior design of a one-room apartment implies a multifunctional storage system. In new houses, the balcony is no longer relevant; it is connected to a common room. In old houses this is more difficult, so all that remains is to insulate it and store common items there.

A balcony is not suitable for storing clothes, as foreign odors and dampness can penetrate.

A significant advantage of older houses is the presence of a storage room. There you can equip a spacious closet for clothes and shoes.

If there is no pantry, then when planning renovation work you need to determine exactly where the dressing room will be.

Hinged doors are undesirable, it is better in the form of a coupe. To make the space look visually larger, doors or partitions can be glass. Corner furniture elements take up less space than standard ones, so they are preferable.

In a small room, floating or translucent furniture will look lighter than full-fledged and massive furniture.

If the width of the hallway is more than 300-350 cm, then a storage system can be built there. It is better to make a cabinet to order so that it fits perfectly into the interior and has the most convenient height and width.

It is advisable to give preference to options for cabinets with mirrors.

The interior of a one-room apartment involves compact furniture elements. More often, they are sliding or folding. The sleeping place can be raised onto the podium, and drawers for linen and things can be built inside it. Currently, manufacturers offer a huge selection of transformable furniture.

Built-in or easily transformable furniture will save space and your room will not look crowded and cluttered.

The podium can also be built on the balcony; the majority of seasonal items will be stored there, replacing each other. It is better to hang open shelves on the frames. Next to the bed you can put a table that can “grow” and move apart.

If you are accustomed to the fact that you can only work with a computer on your favorite sofa, then it is not at all necessary to purchase a computer desk for yourself.

Small apartment for a family with a baby

Each family has its own ideas about the ideal apartment. In fact, even a small one-room apartment can be turned into a comfortable paradise. When developing an apartment project, it is necessary to take into account the square footage, family composition, age of each of them, interests and hobbies.

In order to visually expand the interior, it is necessary to use light, soft and unobtrusive colors.

All furniture should be multifunctional. It is not necessary to install everything along the walls, strictly in one line. Dedicated islands and podiums are welcome here. For a baby, a loft bed would be an ideal option. In the free lower part you can install a roll-out table or a small built-in wardrobe. It is not possible to provide a full bed for adults, only a sofa. But, if you look hard enough, you can buy a model with an orthopedic mattress.

It is necessary to pay attention not only to the color of the walls, but also to the furniture.

The hallway must have shelves. If you install doors, then sliding ones. The color of the canvas should be similar to the color of the walls so as not to stand out, which can visually reduce the space.

It is possible to combine the bathroom and toilet, but this may not be suitable for some family members.

Therefore, you first need to consult with everyone.

Lighting secrets

With the help of proper lighting, even geometric errors in the room can be corrected. If you need to visually expand the space, then it is better to use devices with bright lamps in the design. If you direct the light of lamps, including spotlights, upward, they will “raise” the ceiling, it will seem higher.

Don’t forget about lighting, which should be not just a lot, but a lot.

Lighting by zones must necessarily combine the main light source (chandelier) and spotlights. General lighting can be a little muted, secondary lighting should be brighter, as they are intended to illuminate work areas.

In the sleeping area, the lighting can be dim and soft. If you like to read, you can hang a brighter light source on the bedside table or above your head.

It is advisable not to limit yourself to one lamp, but to purchase several lamps that will need to be placed in different functional areas.

In the bathroom, the main light is provided by halogen lamps, and the dressing mirror can be additionally illuminated.

In the hallway, the lighting should be general and bright, so that it is convenient to undress and dress, and fix your makeup before going out. If the room is small and narrow, you can add spotlights.

When there is a lot of bright light, the room visually appears larger.

One-room apartments at one time solved many problems that concerned the rapid resettlement of city residents from communal apartments. Much time has passed since then, and these little ones, still in use today, no longer meet the standards of modern comfortable living.

But they are present in the housing stock, and, by the way, they occupy a fairly large percentage. There are many questions regarding the convenience of living for them, and one of them is the kitchen in a one-room apartment, which will be discussed.

So, there is only one living room here. And it is everything: bedroom, living room, study and nursery. There is another room that is not residential, but is often used as such. The conversation turned to the kitchen.

The attitude of our compatriots towards cuisine is “warm”, “cordial”. We are all accustomed to considering this room as something very close. And here the point is not that food is prepared and consumed in the kitchen.


  • News is discussed;
  • Decisions are made on some problems;
  • Moral teachings are given to children;
  • The children themselves often prepare their homework here;
  • We even watch TV here sometimes;
  • We welcome guests;
  • We read newspapers and books;
  • We just talk about various topics.

That is why, when starting a kitchen renovation in a one-room apartment, we develop an entire project, taking into account all the developments of professional designers.

Everything is taken into account:

  • and the style of the room as a whole;
  • and adjusting furniture to the area and overall interior design;
  • and a selection of household appliances;
  • and solution of space illumination.

There are no trifles in this matter if you really want to create coziness and comfort, not forgetting, of course, functionality.

Arrangement of furniture and equipment

You will have to ensure the correct arrangement of furniture. Many may think that this criterion does not greatly affect indoor comfort.
And this is a big mistake. The thing is that the main purpose of the kitchen is cooking.

This means that comfort should be directed not only towards eating food, but most likely towards its preparation. Therefore, convenience for the person who will cook should be given priority.

There is a certain area that is considered working. And it is in this zone that only three objects need to be correctly placed: the hob and the refrigerator.

What are the options here?

  1. Install everything in one line(photo above) - an option that is convenient and functional. But it can only be installed in one-room apartments with a large kitchen.
  2. Corner location. And here you have to solve one problem - where to install a refrigerator or sink. There are many options, for example, a stove near the window, a sink in the corner near the adjacent wall, a refrigerator installed at the entrance.
    The result is a kind of triangle, which is considered the optimal arrangement of furniture and equipment. There is an option with the sink located near the window sill, then the stove is installed in the center of the wall, and the refrigerator is installed on the opposite wall, opposite the stove. Everything is the same, but the refrigerator is placed in line with the hob.
  3. Island option. It is clear here without words that such placement can be used if the kitchen has sufficiently large overall dimensions.
    You can place a stove and sink on the island, and the refrigerator can be placed against any wall.

The optimal distance between the corners of this triangle should not be more than one and a half meters. But these are just the wishes of the designers.

United space

Increasingly, customers set designers the task of combining a room and a kitchen. There is nothing complicated about this.

There are many benefits from such a merger.

  • Firstly, it creates a completely new volume that can be given a unique and comfortable look. Studio apartments are what they call combined premises today.
  • Secondly, the living space increases, which is important for small apartments.
  • Thirdly, the possibility of purely human contact arises when member seven in the kitchen does not fall out of the general conversation or simple communication.
  • Fourthly, there is a great opportunity to decorate the entire apartment in various style directions. You choose the design yourself, specialists adjust the remaining elements to it (see also).

It should be noted that this is a fairly large number of advantages. But it is necessary to talk about the disadvantages of the combined space. And the main one is the smell that is released during the cooking process and spreads throughout the apartment, absorbing into furniture, clothes and other things.

The decision to ventilate the room more often will not be a 100% guarantee. Let’s add here the fact that the studio apartment will have to be cleaned, cleaned and washed more often and thoroughly.

Furniture for the kitchen in a one-room apartment

In principle, kitchens for a one-room apartment (meaning a suite) are selected according to the principle - convenient, beautiful, comfortable or not. There are simply no other criteria. If the kitchen space is large enough, then the options are, one might say, unlimited.

You can install ready-made kits, or you can make a custom-made kitchen set.

The price of one or the other will depend on the number of furniture elements and the quality of the materials used. In such a kitchen you can install a soft corner or a straight sofa, a large dining table, even a bar counter will look out of place here. And if the space is united, then the boundaries of the use of furniture elements greatly expand.

Furniture in a small kitchen

In the kitchen of a one-room apartment with small overall dimensions, you obviously can’t get around. But even here you can choose something original and functional. For example, a folding table and chairs; today, a table that extends from the kitchen unit is very popular.

You can install a corner, but it takes up a lot of space, however, its drawers, which are located under the seats, can be used as a place to store kitchen utensils. Manufacturers offer special podiums for refrigerators. These are peculiar low cabinets with a large and spacious drawer. But the best option for a small kitchen is wall cabinets; the more of them, the better for the housewife.

Conclusion on the topic

As you can see, in order to take into account all the nuances of the kitchen space in a one-room apartment, you need to pay attention to a large number of different circumstances. And if you decide to do everything yourself, without resorting to the help of professional designers, then you will have to learn a lot in terms of the design approach. Therefore, we have prepared a video for you that will help you understand all the intricacies. Let this be your instruction for action.

The layout of most one-room apartments involves a small kitchen, which requires a sink, stove, furniture with a countertop, household appliances and a table with chairs. The design of the room, in this case, should be reasonable, the place for cooking should be comfortable, and the interior should be attractive. Such tasks cause certain difficulties even for professionals. And although there are already quite a lot of standard designs, housewives are trying to decorate the kitchen in such a way that it acquires individuality and looks more spacious. In fact, the design of a small kitchen has its own secrets, knowing which can significantly improve its visual perception and convenience.

About color

You should start by choosing a color scheme. The volume of the kitchen in a one-room apartment will visually increase and become spacious if the decoration, furniture facades and flooring are made in light colors.

If the windows of the apartment are oriented to the south, you should choose cool colors, and if they are to the north, warm and sunny ones.

A white ceiling will never “press” from above, and pastel-colored furniture will not limit the space. To avoid the effect of a hospital ward in the room, it is recommended to refresh its overall design with contrasting accessories or elements, stripes, small patterns on the walls or floor. When decorating walls, do not forget that a vertically placed print on wallpaper or curtains can visually raise the ceiling, but narrow the room, while a horizontally placed print will expand the walls, but make the room lower.

As a contrast for a kitchen designed in a minimalist style, black or gray is suitable; for a modern kitchen, green or blue. Brown shades will fit into the design of most style solutions, and bright colors will look interesting in eclecticism. But any accents must be harmoniously combined with the surrounding environment, otherwise there will be a clutter and, as a result, a visual reduction in space.

Lighting and textiles

A small kitchen should not have massive chandeliers or sconces. The best option would be backlights and spotlights installed for each zone separately. The design of the work surface in combination with the kitchen apron will only benefit from an LED strip placed under wall cabinets or shelves.

It is recommended to place the lamps above the table and stove, and if the layout allows, in wall niches. In addition, a small single lamp should be hung on the kitchen ceiling in a one-room apartment for general lighting, and if the ceiling is covered with plastic or when installing a suspended or tensioned structure, built-in lighting fixtures should be installed.

It is important to know that no matter how spacious the kitchen layout is, you should not install suspended or suspended ceilings if its height is less than 2.5 meters. They will reduce the volume of the room not visually, but actually.

Natural lighting should be approached responsibly. The kitchen should be light, so dark curtains on the windows will look out of place, even if the apartment layout is oriented towards the sunny side. Curtains should be chosen in soft colors, and in summer you can protect yourself from direct bright rays with reflective fabric.

An interesting option for a small kitchen would be roller blinds or Roman blinds that cover only the window opening, as well as vertical or horizontal blinds. The print on the fabric should not be large, and towels, napkins and other kitchen textiles must be selected taking into account the interior style.


The floor in a small kitchen should be covered with easy-to-clean and moisture-resistant coatings. The best options are:

  • linoleum;
  • ceramic tile;
  • PVC tiles.

Materials should be plain or with small, unobtrusive patterns.

Linoleum is cheaper and warmer, but it melts when it comes into contact with hot surfaces and wears out over time. PVC tiles are easier to install and more durable to use. It does not split or swell, and an element that has become unusable can be easily and quickly replaced with another.

Ceramic tiles are natural materials. It is more practical and durable than linoleum and PVC, but it can crack if a heavy frying pan or pot is accidentally dropped on the floor. This problem can be completely solved by replacing the broken tile with a new one. A significant disadvantage of ceramics is the high cost of material and installation work.

Rational kitchen design

Expediency and validity should be a priority when decorating a kitchen. The layout of a one-room apartment does not allow you to hide excess utensils and small household appliances in pantries or built-in closets located in the hallway. Often they are simply missing or used to store clothes and shoes. Therefore, when thinking about kitchen design, it is necessary to provide for maximum placement of appliances and utensils in a limited space.

For small kitchens, it is recommended to purchase only the most necessary household appliances and compact furniture with sliding rather than swinging cabinet doors. When open, they will not take up extra space and will not cause inconvenience to the owner. The work table can be made a little smaller in width, and kitchen rails or regular shelves can be hung above it. For a one-room apartment, such solutions are quite acceptable.

Do not forget that open shelves will require cleanliness of the dishes displayed on them and perfect order. They are limited in area, so unnecessary items that could clutter the kitchen will not appear on them.

There is one important point that you should pay attention to when choosing kitchen furniture. It refers to the volume of floor and wall cabinets, as well as the shelves located in them. The correct internal layout will help hide pots, various jars of cereals, small equipment and all sorts of small things behind the facades. The distance between the cabinet shelves should not be too large, otherwise unused space will appear, which will ultimately affect the functionality of the furniture module.

A pencil case that occupies space from floor to ceiling and wall cabinets located to the very top make it possible to place the maximum number of kitchen utensils in them. They should be laid out according to the principle of necessity. Everyday utensils, salt, sugar, cereals and spices should be on shelves located within arm's reach. And household appliances used from time to time, holiday glasses, flowerpots and dinnerware can be placed on the upper tiers.

Furniture facades should not be chosen in bright colors. For the interior of a small kitchen, it is recommended to purchase sets with glossy or glass doors. Closets with a large number of small elements should be avoided; they will create the effect of disorder and clutter.

Often in a one-room apartment, washing machines are located in the kitchens, since its layout does not allow large household appliances to be installed in the bathroom. When choosing your favorite machine model, you should think about its dimensions. The more compact it is, the less space will be required to install equipment.

A folding dining table and chairs will fit harmoniously into a small-sized kitchen, and the refrigerator from it should be moved to the corridor or even the hallway. All this will free up space and increase usable area.

It is better to choose a stationary dining table for a small kitchen space in a round or oval shape. This will visually reduce its size. The presence of drawers in the design will allow you to store any kitchen or table items in them.

Large decorative elements should be discarded, as well as a large number of small details. Kitchen design should be simple and moderately strict. In this case, it will visually look more spacious.

Cardinal options

The most radical way to increase the space intended for cooking and eating is to buy a new two- or three-room apartment, the layout of which includes a large kitchen. But, unfortunately, not everyone can use it.

Most often, owners of one-room apartments solve the problem of increasing kitchen space in another way. They break down walls or partitions between the kitchen and the room. But this is allowed only if the structures are not load-bearing, and also with permission from the relevant services.

Designers offer numerous design options for the openings created as a result of redevelopment. They install:

  • tables;
  • bar counters;
  • open shelves in the form of racks;
  • sofas;
  • screens;
  • sliding doors;
  • cornices with curtains.

If a one-room apartment has a large corridor or loggia, then sometimes the kitchen is moved into them. It turns out to be tiny and cramped, but the owners, in this case, have one more room. The main problem of such a redevelopment is the relocation of communications and ventilation above the slab.

A new design can transform a kitchen beyond recognition, so before you start decorating it, you need to carefully consider all the nuances that may affect its appearance and ease of use. This will save you from any disappointments in the future.

Designing a one-room apartment is not an easy task. This is due to the fact that a single living space must perform several different functions at once - provide an opportunity for work or study, serve as a place for communication, relaxation and sleep at night, and in some cases, also be a children's room. In addition, the size of such apartments, as a rule, does not allow the designer to use standard solutions; it is not enough to simply fence off a separate corner for each zone; it is also necessary to preserve as much as possible the feeling of free space, which increases the comfort of living.

We present to your attention 12 of the best modern designs of one-room apartments.

1. One-room apartment 42 sq. m.

The use of light colors in the apartment design made it possible to create coziness in a small space and maintain a feeling of spaciousness. The living room has only 17 square meters. m. area, but all the necessary functional areas are located here, and each of them performs several functions at once. Thus, the relaxation area, or “sofa,” turns into a bedroom at night; a relaxation corner with an armchair and a bookcase can easily be converted into a study or playroom for a child.

The corner location of the kitchen made it possible to organize a dining area, and the floor-to-ceiling glass door leading to the loggia added light and air.

2. Design of a one-room apartment without redevelopment, 36 sq. m.

In this project, the load-bearing wall proved to be an obstacle to changing the layout, so the designers had to work within the given space. The living room was divided into two parts by an open shelving unit - this simple solution is very effective in many cases, allowing for visual delimitation of zones without cluttering the space and reducing the light flux.

The bed is located near the window, and there is also a kind of mini-office - a small desk-bureau with a work chair. The rack functions as a bedside table in the bedroom.

In the back of the room, behind a shelf that acts as a bookcase and a display case for souvenirs, there is a living room with a comfortable sofa and a large TV. A wall-sized wardrobe allows you to store a lot of things and does not clutter up the space; its mirrored doors visually double the room and enhance its illumination.

The refrigerator was moved from the kitchen to the hallway, which freed up space for the dining area. Wall cabinets on one of the walls were abandoned to make the kitchen seem more spacious.

3. One-room apartment 40 sq. m. m.

A good project that shows how convenient it is to arrange an apartment for one or two people, taking into account all the requirements for a modern level of comfort, without resorting to changing the original planning solution.

The main room is the living room. From the furniture in the room: a comfortable corner sofa, a large-screen TV mounted on a hanging console - on the opposite wall. A spacious storage system is provided for clothes and other necessary items. There is also a coffee table, adding completeness to the interior. At night, the living room transforms into a bedroom - the unfolded sofa forms a comfortable place to sleep.

If necessary, the living room can easily be converted into a study: to do this, you need to open two doors of the storage system - behind them is hidden a tabletop, a small shelf for documents and books; the work chair extends from under the tabletop.

In order not to burden the space, which is already not too much, the kitchen abandoned the traditional top row of wall shelves, replacing them with open shelves.

At the same time, there are even more places where you can keep kitchen utensils and supplies - the entire wall opposite the work area is occupied by a large storage system with a niche in which a sofa is built. Next to it is a small dining group. A rationally organized space allowed not only to maintain free space, but also to reduce the cost of kitchen furniture.

4. Modern one-room apartment 37 sq. m. m.

The design of this one-room apartment is 37 sq. m. every square centimeter was used. The sofa, armchairs and coffee table, forming a relaxation corner, are raised onto the podium and thereby highlighted from the total volume. At night, a sleeping place is pulled out from under the podium: an orthopedic mattress ensures a good night's sleep.

The television panel opposite is built into a large storage system - its volume made it possible to correct the initially irregular, too elongated shape of the room. Beneath it is a living flame, covered by the glass of a bio-fireplace. The box above the storage system hides a screen that can be lowered to watch movies.

The small kitchen accommodates three functional areas:

  • a storage system with a worktop and kitchen equipment is built along one of the walls, forming a kitchen;
  • near the window there is a dining area consisting of a round table and four designer chairs around it;
  • There is a lounge area on the windowsill where you can relax and drink coffee over a friendly conversation while enjoying the views from the window.

5. Project of an apartment with a dedicated bedroom

Even in a small one-room apartment, you can have a separate bedroom, and for this you do not need to move walls or build the space like a studio: the kitchen occupies a separate volume and is completely fenced off from the rest of the apartment.

The project provides for the location of the bedroom near the only window. There is a standard double bed, a narrow chest of drawers that serves as a dressing table, and one bedside table. The role of the second bedside table is performed by a low partition between the bedroom and the living room - its height allows you to maintain the feeling of a large space and provides daylight to the entire living area.

Lilac wallpaper with an elegant pattern harmonizes with the mustard color of the walls in the kitchen design, made in the same style as the room.

6. Apartment design 36 sq. m.

Maximum functionality and impeccable design are the main advantages of the project. The living room and bedroom were visually separated by wooden slats: starting from the bed, they reach the ceiling and can change orientation similar to blinds: in the daytime they “open” and let light into the living room, in the night they “close” and isolate the sleeping area.

Light in the living room is added by the lower lighting of the console chest of drawers, effectively highlighting the main decorative piece of furniture: a coffee table made from the cut of a huge trunk. On the chest of drawers is a biofuel fireplace, and above it is a TV panel. Opposite is a comfortable sofa.

The bedroom has a dual-purpose wardrobe; it stores not only clothes, but also books. Bed linen is stored in a drawer under the bed.

Due to the corner arrangement of the kitchen furniture and the island-oven, it was possible to organize a small dining area.

7. Corner apartment 32 sq.m. meters

In the project of a one-room apartment, the living space is divided into two: private and public. This was possible thanks to the corner location of the apartment, which resulted in the presence of two windows in the room. The use of IKEA furniture in the design allowed us to reduce the project budget. Bright textiles were used as decorative accents.

A ceiling-to-floor storage system separated the bedroom and living room. On the living room side, the storage system has a niche for a TV, as well as shelves for storing things. Near the wall opposite there is a structure of drawers, in the center of which sofa cushions form a cozy place to relax.

On the bedroom side, it has an open niche that replaces the owners with a bedside table. Another cabinet is suspended from the wall - you can place a pouf under it to save space.

The main color in the design is white, which makes it visually more spacious. The dining table folds down to save space. Its natural wood countertop softens the strict style of decoration and makes the kitchen more comfortable.

8. Apartment interior in a modern style

The main condition set before the designers was to maintain the isolated position of the kitchen. Additionally, it was necessary to provide a fairly large number of storage spaces. The living area was to accommodate a bedroom, living room, dressing room and a small office for work. And all this - on 36 square meters. m.

The main idea of ​​the modern design of a one-room apartment is the separation of functional zones and their logical combination using contrasting colors of the spectrum: red, white and black.

Red in the design actively highlights the relaxation area in the living room and the office on the loggia, logically connecting them to each other. The elegant black and white pattern decorating the headboard is repeated in a softer color combination in the decoration of the office and bathroom. A black wall with a TV panel and storage system visually moves the sofa part away, expanding the space.

The bedroom was placed in a niche, having built a podium - it can be used for storing things.

9. Project of a one-room apartment of 43 sq. m.

Having received at their disposal a standard “one-room apartment” of the 10/11/02 PIR-44 series with a ceiling height of 2.57, the designers decided to use the square meters provided to them to the maximum, while doing without redevelopment.

The successful location of the doorways made it possible to allocate space in the room for a separate dressing room. The partition was lined with white decorative brick, as was part of the adjacent wall - the brick in the design highlighted a seating area with an armchair and a decorative fireplace.

The sofa, which serves as a sleeping place, was highlighted with patterned wallpaper.

A separate resting place was also created in the kitchen, replacing two chairs in the dining area with a small sofa.

10. Apartment 38 sq. meters in a standard house, KOPE series

The combination of white, gray and warm beige shades created a relaxing, calm atmosphere. The living room has two zones. Near the window there is a large bed, opposite which, above a tall narrow chest of drawers, there is a TV panel mounted on a bracket. It can be turned towards a small sitting area with a sofa and coffee table, accented by a plain beige floor carpet and located in the back of the room.

The upper part of the wall opposite the bed is decorated with a huge mirror attached to the wall on a special frame. This adds light and makes the room visually much more spacious.

The corner kitchen provides plenty of storage space. The combination of gray oak fronts of the lower row of cabinets, white gloss of the upper ones and the shiny surface of the glass apron adds a play of textures and shine.

11. One-room apartment 33 sq. m.

The apartment is designed in a modern style - a lot of wood, natural materials, nothing superfluous - only what is necessary. To separate the sleeping area from the rest of the living space, glass was used - such a partition takes up practically no space, allows you to maintain illumination of the entire room and at the same time makes it possible to isolate the private part of the apartment from prying eyes - for this purpose a curtain is used, which can be closed if desired.

In the decoration of an isolated kitchen, white is used as the main color, with the additional color of natural light wood.

12. Apartment 44 sq. meters from the nursery

An excellent example of how competent zoning can achieve comfortable living conditions in a limited space for a family with children.

The room is divided into two parts by a structure built specially for this purpose, which hides a storage system. On the children's side there is a closet for storing clothes and toys, on the living room side, which serves as a bedroom for parents, there is a spacious storage system for clothes and other things.

In the children's area there was a loft bed, under which there was a place for schoolchildren to study. The “adult part” serves as a living room during the day, and at night the sofa turns into a double bed.

The most problematic part of such a small apartment is the kitchen, which requires special attention. Kitchen design in a one-room apartment is not an easy choice of materials and furniture arrangement, but an attempt to turn a gray box into a stylish and comfortable corner.

The main problem of a small kitchen is the inability to fit everything you need into a limited area. A stylish room is not necessarily cozy, and the practicality of a room often harms its visual appeal. This dissonance baffles even experienced designers—especially those accustomed to working on larger-scale projects.

Traditionally, to solve the problem of a small kitchen area in a one-room apartment, experts offer one of the following solutions:

  • Working with the interior is about using a variety of techniques to create the most practical space. For this purpose, designers add a balcony to the room, as well as part of the corridor, if this does not harm the overall layout of the apartment. In an isolated kitchen, you should use space rationally, allocate space for a work desk or a small folding sofa. The complex design is compensated by the convenience of future use of the premises.
  • Connecting a kitchen with a room is considered an ideal solution to obtain a more spacious room, but is not very practical in terms of using this space. Such a merger is appropriate only if no more than two people live in the apartment. Decorating a combined kitchen is a more problematic task, since it is necessary to simultaneously create two images - both for the living room and for the food preparation area. Also important are the issues of the possibility of dismantling the wall (unless it is load-bearing) and the subsequent coordination of this procedure with government authorities, since renovated housing requires official registration.
  • Moving the kitchen into the hallway is only possible if the size of the corridor allows you to place at least a small set and all the necessary furniture there. In addition, certain difficulties may arise with the legalization of the transfer of the “wet zone”. This option is ideal for those who rarely cook at home or prefer to order food in restaurants.

ADVICE! The kitchen connected to the living room requires careful zoning and equipment with a good ventilation system so that aromas do not spread throughout the apartment.

Solving the size problem

The right color and selected range of shades for finishing walls and ceilings is what allows you to create a stylish design. In this case, the classic rule of using light shades requires addition. For example, for a room with windows facing south it is better to use cool light shades, and for a northern room warm pastel colors are more suitable. This simple technique will not only expand a small space, but also make it comfortable.

ADVICE! Fans of dark colors should not despair: careful and precise use of even black, graphite or dark blue is quite acceptable.

Recently, all-white interiors have become fashionable. Of course, such a design will look good. But to prevent the kitchen from looking like a hospital ward or operating room, white should be wisely diluted with bright color accents. Designers recommend choosing the most neutral tone possible as the main shade: for example, gray or beige. And use more expressive colors, patterns or ornaments in doses, stringing them onto the background like beads.

A light ceiling and walls in combination with a richer floor is an ideal design option. This technique enlarges the room and makes the room more harmonious.

Features of choosing furniture

After determining the main color direction, you can choose furniture for the kitchen. Since the small area of ​​the room does not allow filling it with assorted and massive furniture, designers have to focus on the most functional and practical samples.

ADVICE! The style of a one-room apartment is transparent: minimalism, modern, classic or high-tech - these are the most likely solutions for a small home. The strict design of these styles allows you to create an original and livable space.

For such a kitchen, the ideal option would be to order furniture according to an individual design and size: slightly smaller countertops, narrow and tall upper cabinets, sliding doors instead of traditional hinged ones, an additional tabletop with a sliding mechanism - all this will help make a small room more comfortable. Designers advise minimizing the set and equipping the kitchen only with what is really necessary. If more than two people never gather in the kitchen, then a folding table with two stools will be quite enough for a comfortable meal, and such a dining area will not take up space.

The key to creating a cozy and comfortable space is built-in appliances, functional storage systems, placement of all appliances, dishes and products in optimal places.

Important details: light, textiles and decor

Equally important for the kitchen of a one-room apartment is the correct use of those details that may seem secondary. The notorious lamp or curtains in the interior play a more important role than the pattern on the wallpaper.

The ideal light in a small kitchen is a maximum of natural light and dosed artificial light. Instead of the usual massive chandelier under the ceiling, you should opt for spotlights, LED strip on furniture, and a neat sconce in the dining area. For general lighting, you can use a laconic ceiling lamp, which should not attract attention, but only serve as a light source. Since natural light is extremely important for a small room, there is no question of any dark, voluminous and bulky curtains.

Simple and even strict roller or Roman blinds will help solve the issue of isolation and protection from excessive light, but will not steal precious centimeters of the room. Such asceticism is also appropriate in terms of decor. A small number of decorations, figurines and parts that have no semantic or functional load will only add rigor and thoughtfulness to the interior. There is no point in cluttering an already small kitchen with unnecessary and useless elements, even if they look attractive or are dear to your heart. Simple and expressive decorative elements will make the room more stylish: one or two paintings, a few memorable details and a vase with fresh flowers are enough.

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