It is a common ornamental plant. It can often be seen in flower beds, gardens and front gardens. It is beautifully flowering and unpretentious plant, which covers the flowerbed with a single carpet. Iberis flowers are so densely arranged that the foliage is almost invisible; Iberis umbelliferum is also famous for its pleasant, subtle aroma. Gardeners love this plant for a long time and beautiful bloom and ease of maintenance.

Iberis belongs to the Cruciferous family, but unlike most plants of this family, Iberis is not eaten. This is an exclusively ornamental plant, which is intended to decorate flower beds, lawns, and front gardens.

Structural features of Iberis:

  • Iberis umbellifera really looks like an umbrella. Its inflorescences are quite flat and wide. From a distance it may seem that this is one large bud, but the inflorescence consists of a large number of small flowers (1 cm in diameter).
  • The color can be of different colors: from pure white to bright pink, lilac.
  • The plant is a perennial subshrub up to 40 cm high. The bushes are quite compact with large inflorescences. IN natural environment these plants are found in Central European countries. The name of the flower comes from ancient name Spain - Iberia. This plant is also called Iberian, variegated.
  • Iberis does not have dense foliage. Usually the stem is quite bare, pubescent with no a large number sheets.

Iberis umbellata is usually grown in open ground, since for potting it's a little big. But if you wish, you can decorate balconies and gazebos with this flower. Iberis go well with various flower bed plants. They bloom for quite a long time, about a month, so they are ideal for flower beds.

Some argue that Iberis has and healing properties, but the umbellate variety of this flower is medicinal purposes rarely used.

Usually, flowers and seeds are plucked from Iberis, which are then used for medicinal purposes. The above-ground parts of the plant are quite bitter in taste, but are considered useful for work cardiovascular system. Iberis decoctions are also used for various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, to increase appetite. The flowers have a choleretic, analgesic and tonic effect.

Iberis contains not only useful, but also quite toxic substances. Medicines from this plant must be prepared carefully and in accordance with the dosage. It is not recommended to use this plant without consulting a doctor. It is also contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women and infants.

Iberis umbellata is usually propagated by seeds, however vegetative propagation is also possible. The choice of propagation method depends on the wishes of the gardener, but annual iberis umbelliferous is much easier to propagate by seed method. It is perfect for beginners.

Iberis propagation methods:

  • Seeds can be purchased at the store or collected yourself. Iberis umbellatiform produces pods that contain seeds. The pods are not only formed in the fall, they ripen unevenly throughout the summer, so it is recommended to collect them as they ripen. The pods are dried, the seeds are removed and stored in a dry, dark place until the sowing process.
  • It is recommended to propagate Iberis seedling method, but some gardeners sow seeds directly into open ground with the onset of the first warmth. You need to sow seedlings in March so that they can be planted in the ground in May. If the seeds are sown directly into the ground, then it is better to do this no earlier than mid-April.
  • If you decide to propagate Iberis, then cuttings need to be harvested after flowering has ended. Undamaged cuttings up to 5 cm long are cut. The cut cutting can be immediately planted in the ground and create greenhouse conditions. To accelerate rooting, solutions of phytohormones are used. It is worth remembering that Iberis flower is very lush and grows well. To obtain a dense flower carpet, the distance between seedlings should be at least 15 cm.

Seeds for seedlings are sown not in one large box, but immediately in small containers, since Iberis does not really like transplants and does not tolerate them well. Soil for seedlings can be purchased at the store. It is slightly moistened, and the seeds are deepened a little, by 1 mm.

In order for the seeds to germinate well, the containers are placed in a warm, bright place and greenhouse conditions are created: covered with film or glass.

Seedlings must be regularly ventilated to prevent the seeds from rotting. Seedlings need to be watered regularly, but avoid overwatering. The light should be diffused so that burns do not form on the leaves.

If the seeds are planted directly in open ground, you must first make shallow furrows and then place the seeds there. Sowing depth is no more than 1 cm.

In order for Iberis to bloom all summer, you can plant the plant twice a season: in May and July. Flowering time at proper care reaches 1.5 months.

Iberis umbrella is famous for its unpretentiousness. To grow this plant, it is enough minimal care. Even a beginner can grow Iberis. However, you shouldn’t completely abandon the flower. For the plant to bloom luxuriantly long time must be observed simple rules for caring for Iberis:

  1. Iberis needs regular watering, but does not tolerate clay soils where moisture is retained. Before planting it, you need to choose a place with sandy or rocky soil that will allow air to pass to the roots. If the soil is dense, good drainage is necessary. Iberis should be watered with a small amount of water as the soil dries out. If the summer is too hot, watering is done more often. You should not overwater the plant or allow water to stagnate, as the roots of Iberis quickly begin to rot.
  2. Usually, Iberis is pruned by autumn, but Iberis umbellata is an annual, so pruning is not necessary. It is enough to collect the seeds. Wilted flowers need to be removed. This will improve the health of the plant and give the flowerbed a neat appearance.
  3. The flowerbed needs to be weeded regularly so as not to interfere with the growth of the bush. Weeds are taken away nutrients from the soil and deplete it.
  4. Iberis does not need frequent feeding. Here it is more important not to overdo it than to underfeed. For the most magnificent and long flowering 2 feedings per season will be enough: when the first leaves appear and at the beginning of flowering. For feeding, you can use complex ones purchased in specialized stores.
  5. Iberis loves light and is quite tolerant of heat. The plant blooms best in sunny places, but can grow in partial shade. It is worth considering that shading can affect the size and number of flowers.
  6. The annual Iberis umbellata is removed entirely in the fall. It is advisable to dig up the soil, remove all roots and large stones. This will help prevent weeds from appearing.
  7. It is also important to periodically loosen and weed the soil. This will allow the roots to be saturated with oxygen, and the moisture will not stagnate. Without loosening, a crust forms on the surface of the soil, which prevents air from penetrating to the roots.
  8. After removal, it is better to burn faded plants, as they may contain larvae of various insects.

Iberis diseases may be associated with improper care(fungal diseases due to waterlogging) or with various pests, insects that feed on plant sap:

  • False powdery mildew. This disease affects Iberis with excess humidity: too frequent or abundant watering, long rains. The disease is caused by a fungus, the spores of which successfully overwinter in the remains of shoots and leaves, which is why it is recommended to burn plant remains. The course of the disease may stop on its own in dry and hot weather, in the absence frequent watering. The disease can be treated with special medications or folk remedies type of garlic solution.
  • Kila. This disease affects cruciferous crops. The infection may not be noticed immediately, as it starts from the root. The root system of Iberis becomes covered with growths and swellings and becomes deformed. Due to root damage, nutrients from the soil do not reach the plant. It begins to dry out, grows poorly, and does not bloom. A diseased plant most often dies. To avoid further infection, you need to treat the soil, greenhouse frames, and seeds.
  • Blackleg. This fungal disease, which causes the death of the plant even at the seedling stage. To protect plants from this disease, you need to carefully treat the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate, sterilize it, or buy it ready-sealed in a store.
  • Earth fleas. This small bugs, which feed on plants and can jump. Flea beetles prefer to feed on seedlings or young plants. Bugs leave round holes in the foliage of the plant. Ground flea beetles can lay their larvae on leaves or in the soil. Regular tansy repels fleas. It needs to be spread between the rows.
  • Mealybug. Mealybug attacks garden plants, it attaches itself and draws nutrients from the plant. The pests leave a white, sticky substance on the plant. You can get rid of insects using ordinary soap solution or special disinfectants.

It is best to till the soil in advance before planting Iberis. Special preparations will allow you to disinfect the soil, destroy insect larvae and fungal spores that cause rotting.

More information can be found in the video:

The Iberis plant is also called Iberian. It belongs to the Brassicaceae (Cruciferous) family. It can also be called: peppercorn, stennik, variegated. Distributed throughout Eurasia mainly in the subtropical zone - Türkiye, Crimea, Southern Europe, the Caucasus. In Russia it can be found in the lower reaches of the Don River.

Iberis: description of annual and perennial species

Let's look at the main types of plants.

Iberis umbellata

This is an annual small flower that reaches a height of about 27-30 cm. It has a fragrant, bright aroma, an excellent honey plant. Flowers can be of different shades - lilac, purple, pink. They are collected in brushes and are small in size. These brushes look like umbrellas, which is what gives them their name. The diameter of the inflorescences is about 5 cm; a lot of them grow during the flowering period, so they often look like lush bouquets, and the flowers completely obscure the foliage. There are also white flowers consisting of 4 petals.

Among umbrella representatives especially popular Pomegranate ice- its flowers are white and scarlet, and the bush itself grows wide and spreading. It blooms for 7-8 weeks starting in June. The plant is quite unpretentious and can decorate any garden well.

Also interesting is the variety Iberis Blackberry meringues. Its flowers are white, lilac, dark lilac (closer to blackberry). They resemble this berry, which is why they got their name. The aroma is fragrant, and the density of flowers is very high. Perfectly decorates the space.

Iberis Gibraltar

It also looks like a small bush, has many lilac or pale pink flowers. It is most often classified as a juvenile because it usually does not survive its second winter. It reaches a height of no more than 25 cm, and spreads in diameter about 40 cm. Gibraltarica blooms in spring and develops well if it receives plenty of sun. Therefore, it should be planted not in the shade, but on the sunny side.

It's interesting that initially lilac flowers at the end of the flowering cycle they may acquire a white color.

Among this species, the Chameleon stands out especially. It got its name because of the coloring of the inflorescences - from white to purple. The flowers are very fragrant and the foliage has a pleasant dark green hue. It is grown quite often because it is unpretentious in care and frost-resistant. Loves not only sunny places, but also slight shade.

Iberis evergreen

This representative is a long-term. It is slightly larger in height than its counterparts - about 40 cm. A characteristic feature are narrow leaves. The inflorescences are collected in a long narrow shape, reminiscent of umbrellas. It mainly blooms at the very end of spring, but it happens that it blooms again in the second half of summer. The flowers are white, grow profusely and completely cover the leaves during the period of maximum development. Interestingly, these flowers have been cultivated since the end of the 17th century.

Iberis bitter

Is also perennial plant. Shrubs normally have a height of no more than 20-30 cm. The inflorescences are collected in a raceme, the flowers are often white and can sometimes have a shade of light purple tones. The leaves are pinnate, the stem has pronounced ribs. Blooms in early summer. Interestingly, this type of Iberis is used in medical purposes. Its infusion is bitter (hence the name), and it has a choleretic, anti-inflammatory effect. It is used to treat heart disease, bronchitis, gout, and is used to heal wounds and in many other cases.

Other plant species

There are some other types of Iberis. This is for example, Iberis Crimean. It is a perennial plant, its shrubs are shorter than its counterparts - about 8-11 cm. The leaves have shades of gray-green tones. The flowers are initially purple but quickly turn white. Usually blooms in spring. This plant is demanding on the calcium content in the soil. Like many other species, it loves illuminated, sunny places.

Iberis rocky mainly grows in rocky areas in southern Europe - from Italy to the Black Sea. Evergreen low-growing bush (grows no more than 15-16 cm). The flowers are white, small and produced in very large quantities. During the period of its maximum flowering, the clearings look as if they were covered with snow. They also love light, but grow quite successfully in light shade. At the same time, they are unpretentious; in terms of soil, they can grow well on loams.

A variety similar to this Snowflake, which has white flowers that decorate the clearing, as if strewn with “snow” (English “snow” - snow). This plant is also a perennial, and can reach a maximum height of 15-20 cm.

Also quite common among gardeners Iberis hyacintoides Express. Its bushes are noticeably taller - up to 35 cm and even up to 40 cm. The flowers are numerous and snow-white. It is usually planted in the foreground or along the edges, which perfectly decorates the interior of the garden. A flowerbed or garden inside the border looks more contrasting. This gives it visually more volume.

How to plant Iberis (video)

Popular plant varieties and options for use in landscape design

Among gardeners, the most popular varieties are Iberis umbellata and Gibraltar. Although you can often meet other representatives. These flowers are quite unpretentious and at the same time very beautiful. The fact is that the inflorescences are very dense and resemble bouquets. In this regard, they are often used to decorate the garden. Very good option- plant them along the border of the flower bed, thereby creating a living border.

You can also decorate in patterns by planting seeds in zigzags and separating some plants from others with a living border. Great option there will be an alternation different varieties(white and lilac, scarlet and red). To do this, you need to alternately plant seeds of different types - for example, Pomegranate Ice is beautifully combined with Blackberry meringues.

Iberis tolerate the neighborhood well with other flowers - they, as a rule, are lower than all other representatives and do not create any competition. The bushes are almost always wide, resemble beautiful hemispheres and can look great both when planted symmetrically and when planted along a certain contour. Perfect for decorating an area in the form of alpine slides, lawns, as well as decorating in the form of borders.

Technology and timing of planting Iberis in open ground

Iberis attracts gardeners because it is quite easy to grow, and with its help you can decorate your garden well. Moreover, to grow these flowers you only need to know the basics of agricultural technology. You can grow flowers directly from seeds. To do this, you need to organize their sowing and create conditions for cultivation.

Landing in the ground

Iberis is well adapted to transplantation; normally, plants will not get sick. It is better to plant seedlings shallowly(no more than 10 -12 mm). The distance between them should be at least 16-20 cm, since almost all bushes grow very wide in diameter. Shoots will appear in one and a half to two weeks.

If you want to prolong flowering, then plant the seeds in a specific place for the winter. And if you don’t want to grow seedlings, then take another method as a basis - cuttings. This method is especially effective for perennial species.

Features of cultivation (video)

Landing location

You can plant Iberis even in not the most best soil- sandy or rocky. It is best if the area is open to sunlight or the shadow is weak (for example, from other low bushes). It is not necessary to fertilize the soil and additional watering is used only in cases where the summer is particularly hot.

Pests do not cause much damage to flowers. It happens that midges settle on them. If there are too many of them, spray the bushes with a small amount of a weak solution of any insecticide.

How to grow Iberis from seeds

You can buy Iberis seeds at any store. Next you need to prepare for sowing. In general, this is quite easy to do, despite the fact that Iberis grows in the wild to the south of our latitudes. You can sow it in open ground, or you can grow it from seedlings.

Seeds for seedlings are sown in March. They need to be placed at a depth of about 1-2 mm and grown in greenhouse conditions. Be sure to create conditions for ventilation. When the first shoots appear, you can begin to get them accustomed to different temperature conditions- that is, harden. Shoots appear very quickly (the first shoots take 9-10 days). They can already be planted in the flowerbed in May, when the air temperature rises to about 8-9 above zero (average daily).

Iberis: secrets of plant care and main problems when growing

Of course, when growing Iberis, some difficulties may arise. For example, representatives of the fungus Plasmodiophora brassicae (also called clubroot cruciferous). Outwardly, this will be noticeable only in various atypical changes in the root - normally it has a rod shape. And according to external signs, this will affect the stagnation of normal growth rates and the rapid withering of plants.

To take care of flowers, you can first take care of its quality before planting them in the soil. It's better to disinfect it special solution. If you are faced with the problem of fading Iberis, it is better to dig up the diseased plant and disinfect the soil so that the rest are safe.

Another enemy of the Iberian woman is mealybugs, cabbage aphids. To protect the plants, you should treat the soil with ash or insecticide.

Varieties of Iberis (video)

When the plant has bloomed, it is better to cut it back by about a third, as the shape will be neater and more compact.

In general, it is not for nothing that Iberis has gained popularity among gardeners, both amateurs and professionals. It is really undemanding, the conditions for care and cultivation are among the simplest compared to others country flowers. But the honey aroma and the rich decoration possibilities that it gives will not leave any summer resident indifferent.

Iberis, or Iberian, is a plant of the cruciferous family with small, delicate flowers And pleasant aroma, which is widely used in landscape design and floristry. He is unpretentious, does not demand special care and tolerates temperature changes well, so even an inexperienced gardener can grow it. To do this, you need to choose the right variety and know about some of the features of Iberis - planting, care and basic growing rules. Photos will also help with this.

Features of growing Iberis

Iberis is a subshrub growing up to 50 cm, with a tap root system, small lanceolate leaves and small flowers, collected in inflorescences-umbrellas. The most common petal color is white, but some species have pinkish, purple and dark red hues.

Iberis is also called variegated, wallflower or peppercorn

The plant has many varieties - among them there are herbaceous, semi-shrub, frost-resistant, heat-loving, as well as annual and perennial varieties.

For cultivation in the domestic climate, perennial varieties are most often used - they tolerate winter well and delight owners with their elegant appearance for several years in a row.

The flowering period lasts 1.5–2 months - depending on the variety, the first inflorescences can be seen in May or August. Iberis blooms thickly and luxuriantly - sometimes the leaves are completely hidden under numerous flowers, and the area is filled with an intense fragrance.

Plant propagation is possible both by seeds and vegetative way(by dividing a bush, seedlings), but experienced gardeners prefer the first option. Due to the taproot system, Iberis does not tolerate transplantation well. It is much easier to collect seeds that remain viable for four years and plant them in the ground. The exception is in regions with an unstable climate, where frosts are observed in April and May - in this case, it is better to grow the flower as seedlings.

What climate is it suitable for?

In the wild, Iberis is found mainly in the mountains of southern Europe and Asia Minor, in the Caucasus, Crimea and on the banks of the Don, so the optimal climate for it is hot or temperate. It withstands frost, but reacts poorly to sudden temperature changes and lack of snow. Accordingly, it is better to cover the plantings for the winter - if it is too low temperatures And large quantities precipitation, the plant may die. Otherwise, Iberis is quite hardy, and its cultivation does not require any special conditions.

Iberis is an excellent honey plant

Photos and descriptions of popular varieties

There are about 40 varieties of Iberis in the world, but the most popular are perennial species, which tolerate cold winters, frosts and other climate difficulties well.

Not all types and varietal varieties of Iberis have the pleasant smell characteristic of this plant.


Solid oval size sheet plate evergreen iberis does not exceed 7 cm

A subshrub 30–40 cm high, found in the wild in the south of Asia Minor and Europe. It has dense leaves with rich colors, umbrella-shaped inflorescences and white flowers with a diameter of no more than 1.5 cm, which appear in mid-June. If you regularly remove faded inflorescences after the first flowering, the evergreen Iberis will bloom again at the end of August and will delight the eye until the first frost. Common varieties are findell, snowflake, little jam, whiteout. Highlight separate variety evergreen iberis is bitter, its height is 20–30 cm, and the flowers sometimes have a light purple hue.


Crimean Iberis is cultivated mainly as an open ground plant, which is excellent for decorating personal plots due to the more frequent or dense growth of stems to each other

The natural habitat of the plant is the Crimean peninsula, from where the plant got its special name. A variety of flower that reaches only 5–10 cm in height, but looks very impressive - thick gray-green leaves and purple inflorescences, which acquire a white tint after the buds open. Blooms mainly in spring, prefers soft and temperate climate, severe frosts tolerates it quite poorly.


Iberis Gibraltar is suitable for landscaping rocky areas

It is considered a perennial plant, but in cold winters it blooms only 1–2 times. The bushes grow up to 25 cm, have small narrow leaves and umbrella-shaped inflorescences, which before flowering have a lilac tint, but over time their petals become almost white. The most popular variety among gardeners, which is often used in decorative purposes, - canditaft. Its large inflorescences have larger size than other species, and slightly resemble dahlia flowers.


Iberis rocky is used for rockeries, borders, mixborders, rocky areas, tolerates haircuts well

In nature, this plant species is common in the rocky regions of southern Europe. Stems up to 15 cm high are covered with a large number of light pink or cream flowers already at the end of April. Flowering lasts 1–1.5 months, the most common varieties are Weiss Risen and Tom Tamb.


Iberis umbrella has the most bright colors from all plant varieties

This annual has branched stems that grow 40 cm in height. They are covered with brownish-green smooth bark and small, entire leaves. In June, many dense corymbose inflorescences with snow-white fragrant flowers bloom. They bloom for more than two months. The main varieties are red rush and pink dream. Red rush is a subshrub about 30 cm high covered with carmine-red inflorescences. Pink Dream - many small bright pink flowers bloom above the low dark green shoots; this cold-resistant plant can withstand short-term frosts.

Landscape designers use Iberian mainly for edging flower beds and creating alpine slides, but the plant is also well suited for other purposes. Its petals have a noble, pastel color palette, so they go well with other crops. Iberis looks especially impressive among evergreens dwarf trees and creeping plants. Another universal option that is suitable for any garden is a combination of small Iberis flowers with large bells.

Most species have long been cultivated by humans as ornamental plant, the plant became widespread in the 17th century in central Europe.

Photos of application options in the garden and on the site

Iberis is good in group plantings on rocky slopes, in rock gardens and on alpine hills. Inflorescences on tall stems, characteristic of medium-sized varieties, can be cut to make bouquets that last 7–10 days. In some countries, young shoots of Iberis are eaten, depending on their taste sweetish and reminiscent of broccoli In the garden or along paths (paths), plant such a small but spectacular plant in a clearly visible place. It is desirable that the soil under Iberis have a high calcium content for better growth and further development, Iberis effectively decorates the garden and terraces, filling the air around with a pleasant honey aroma. In the garden, as a rule, Iberis is planted on small elevations, for example, it can be a small rocky hill or a flower bed. The flowering of Iberis is so abundant that during this period the plant is compared to clouds or snow caps Iberis is one of the best plants for growing in large open areas

Planting methods

Iberis can be planted with seeds or seedlings - the material for sowing is sold in gardening stores or you can collect it yourself. The best option- grow the plant by sowing in open ground to prevent damage to the seedlings during transplantation, but in regions with late frosts it is better to choose the second option.

Planting seeds in the ground

Iberis is planted in open ground in the second half of April, when spring frosts are left behind. Optimal temperature air temperature is +10–15°C, but soil heating should also be taken into account. If it has not warmed up at all, it is better to wait until the end of the month to plant. To ensure constant flowering, the seeds are planted with a break of 2-3 weeks.

For planting, it is best to choose an area with loamy or rocky soil that is well lit. sun rays and drains - excess moisture is extremely dangerous for the root system of Iberis and can very quickly ruin the entire planting. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Dig holes no more than 10 cm deep at a distance of 12–15 cm from each other - this important condition, since on fertile soils Iberis can grow greatly.
  2. Distribute the seeds evenly and lightly sprinkle with soil (there is no need to plant the plant too deeply), if necessary, moisten the soil. It is better to place different varieties of Iberian weed away from each other, otherwise cross-pollination will occur.
  3. Wait for the first shoots and thin them out so that the distance between the bushes is 20–25 cm.

If the air temperature is 18–20°C, sprouts will appear within 7–10 days, at an air temperature of about 15°C - after 14–20 days.

Growing seedlings

If all the conditions necessary for the normal growth of Iberis are met, the plant takes root well

The optimal time for planting Iberis seeds for seedlings is mid-March. To do this, you need to take shallow containers and a sand-peat mixture, and then perform the following steps:

  1. Steam the soil (if necessary) and loosen it well.
  2. Distribute the seeds over the surface and press slightly to a depth of no more than 1–2 mm; the top can be lightly dusted with clean river sand.
  3. Cover containers with seeds with glass or polyethylene and place in warm place With good lighting, the temperature should be kept between 15–18°C.
  4. Crops must be periodically ventilated and moistened, but only with a spray bottle, otherwise the seeds will simply rot. The first shoots should appear in 1–4 weeks.
  5. After the sprouts appear, the shelter should be removed, and young plants should be hardened off from time to time - taken out into fresh air for a short time.
  6. On open place seedlings are planted after they reach a height of 7 cm - around the middle or end of May. Seedlings should be planted at a distance of 12–15 cm from each other to a sufficient depth, without shaking earthen lump and being careful not to damage the delicate roots.
  7. After planting the seedlings, the soil around them should be compacted and slightly moistened.

Iberis will begin to bloom only in the second year.

Since the Iberian has a core root system, picking the plant is not recommended, although some gardeners carry out a similar procedure

Video: sowing Iberis seeds

Caring for Iberis in open ground

Iberis is one of the most unpretentious plants that do not require special care or serious expenses.

Moderate watering of plantings is necessary only in intense heat and in the absence of precipitation for a long time - the rest of the time the plants will extract moisture from the lower layers of the soil.

IN regular feeding Iberis also does not need - no more than two times per summer period feed the plantings with complex mineral fertilizers. This is done after the first leaves appear and at the beginning of the flowering period. Fertilizing will have a positive effect on the splendor and abundance of flowers - after fertilizing they become more spectacular. To ensure that the planting looks neat and does not grow too much, it is recommended to regularly cut off the wilted inflorescences.

Iberis leaves are hardly noticeable due to the almost covered inflorescences

Care after flowering

To save aesthetically pleasing After planting, after flowering, it is necessary to trim the stems - at least 1/3 of them are removed. The pods that form in place of the flowers can be collected for seeds. When the plants reach the age of 5–6 years, they need to be replanted, otherwise the inflorescences will become small and sparse, as a result of which the flower bed with Iberis will lose its decorative properties.

Iberis flowers are suitable for cutting; they are often used in floristry

Despite the fact that most varieties of Iberis are frost-resistant plants, in temperate and harsh climates it is better to properly prepare them for winter.

In the southern climate, in the last ten days of autumn, it is enough to add a little compost to the soil around the plantings - it is important not to overdo it, otherwise the bushes will subsequently grow too much.

If Iberis grows in regions with harsh, snowless winters, the plantings should be covered with fallen leaves, spruce branches or dry brushwood sprinkled with a small amount of hay.

Possible problems when growing a flower

Gardeners, as a rule, do not have problems with growing Iberis, but to do this they need to choose the right site for planting the plant. On too heavy and wet soils, Iberis is affected by fungal diseases. If other plants belonging to the cruciferous family (cabbage, radishes, etc.) previously grew on the site, there is a high probability that a pest called cabbage clubroot lives in the soil. It remains in the soil for a long time and is destructive to the root system, so before planting it is best to treat the area with a fungicidal solution.

After pollination of Iberis, small flattened pods with two valves ripen; inside there are small brown seeds.

Of the pests, Iberis is often affected mealybugs, flea beetles and aphids.

If characteristic damage to the foliage appears, which indicates infection of the plant, it is necessary to immediately treat it with special insecticide preparations.

The beautiful Iberis flower, with a pleasant aroma, is popular with many summer residents, the planting and care of which has many interesting aspects. It is unpretentious in breeding, easy to care for, and blooms throughout the summer. They decorate alpine coaster And masonry, decorate flower beds, lawns, etc. Iberis is suitable for growing in containers, landscaping terraces, loggias, and even for decorating a wedding bouquet.

Description of the flower

A native of Spain, Iberis is a semi-shrub plant with lush thickets. Branched shoots can grow both in height (up to 30 cm) and spread along the ground. The bush has oblong dark green leaves and basket-like inflorescences containing about 40 buds.

Iberis blooms profusely and is accompanied by strong aroma. The first flowers open in May or August, flowering lasts two months. Due to the numerous inflorescences, the leaf mass of the flower is not visible, and the plant itself is often compared to clouds. The color of the buds comes in different shades, but the most common are white, pink, lilac, and purple petals. In the photo, a flower bed of Iberis flowers is in full glory.

Iberis is good. After flowering, it produces small pods with a large number of small seeds inside.

Growing and planting Iberis

Breeding a plant can be done in three ways.


Iberis seeds are sown directly into open ground after the end of frost to a depth of 10 mm. The first shoots appear after 2 weeks. Dense shoots must be thinned out, leaving 15 cm between shoots.

In order for the plant to bloom all summer, you need to know when to plant Iberis. Growing from seeds of different varieties can be carried out in two stages with an interval of 3 weeks.


This method is used to obtain seedlings by the beginning of May. Iberis seeds are planted in a container with loose soil at the end of March. They are scattered on the surface and sprinkled with river sand. To obtain greenhouse conditions, the container is covered with glass and placed in a bright and warm place. Watering the seeds is done as needed using a sprayer. The first shoots appear after 10 days.

Transplantation is detrimental to Iberis, so seedlings must be planted in a flowerbed as carefully as possible and together with a clod of earth. The planting hole must be deep so that the root part of the sprout can freely fit in it.


This method is carried out in the fall. The cuttings are cut into fragments 12 cm long and planted in pots with soil. Greenhouse conditions are created for future seedlings. Iberis will be planted in open ground and cared for in the spring of next year.

The plant must be planted in loamy or rocky soil, which will not allow moisture to stagnate. For planting, you should choose an area well lit by the sun.

Iberis care

All varieties of Iberis are unpretentious and do not require special care. But it’s still worth adhering to some rules:

  • It is necessary to water the plant moderately and only in dry weather;
  • It is allowed to feed Iberis twice throughout the summer: the first time at the moment the sprouts appear, the second time during the budding period;
  • remove after flowering wilted flowers and buds, the stems should be cut to one third of the length as the bush grows;
  • the space around the flower should be regularly cleared of weeds, then the flowerbed with Iberis in the photo will be well-groomed and beautiful.

Iberis is prone to self-seeding, so young shoots will appear near the bushes after flowering. It needs to be removed or can be used as seedlings.

Perennial Iberis

Besides annual plants, there are perennial varieties of Iberis. Grown from seeds, in the first summer it is limited to modest inflorescences. Full color and rich aroma the plant produces only in the second year. Perennial varieties Iberis are frost-resistant and adapt well to conditions mountainous area. But it is better to learn about the resistance to cold of each specific variety from the instructions.

In order for the perennial Iberis to have a well-groomed appearance all summer long, the flower’s faded stems must be cut off. When the plant reaches five years of age, Iberis bushes must be replanted, otherwise the inflorescences will become small and the plant will lose its decorative appearance.

Peculiarity frost-resistant varieties Iberis are branched stems. Creeping along the ground and intertwining with each other, they create an air “cushion”. By retaining heat and not drying out the soil, it guarantees a good winter in the absence of snow. But for greater safety, it is better to cover the shrub with coniferous spruce branches for the winter, and sprinkle fallen leaves on the surface of the soil. Planting and caring for Iberis long-term photo the same as an annual plant.

Growing Iberis from seeds - video

Iberis umbrella is a low plant from the Cruciferous family. Gardeners value it for its lush inflorescences, which cover the entire space of the flowerbed and at the same time exude a delicate aroma. Often these flowers are used for cutting and even used as one of the components wedding bouquets. Readers of “Popular about Health”, from this article you will learn what is remarkable about Iberis, how it is planted in open ground and cared for, and when to sow Iberis. How to grow this plant from seeds?

What does Iberis umbrella look like??

This plant is herbaceous with erect thin stems, its height is approximately 25 cm. The horse system is rod-shaped, so the flowers react negatively to transplantation. The inflorescences are racemose, lush, and resemble an umbrella in appearance. Depending on the varietal, flowers can be executed in different color palette– pink, purple, white, lilac. The flowers are simple, four-petaled, small. Each brush or inflorescence reaches a diameter of 5-6 cm, and there are so many of them on the bushes that they can create a thick flower cap, due to which the leaves are not visible.

When to plant Iberis umbellata?

Since the Iberis flower does not tolerate transplantation well, it is mainly planted directly on the flowerbed in spring or autumn. Now we will look at the seed method of growing Iberis umbellata in open ground.

The seeds of the plant are small enough that they are not soaked or any procedures are performed before sowing. Choose a place on the site so that moisture does not accumulate there. Iberis is not picky about soil, the main thing is that it is not too viscous. It is advisable to choose an area that is well lit or in light partial shade.

Early May for most regions - the right time for sowing Iberis. At this time, the temperature rises to 16 degrees during the day, and there are no frosts at night. In such conditions, Iberis umbellata will quickly sprout - it will take about two weeks. Small seeds should not be buried deeply in the soil - deepen them half a centimeter, no more. You can sow thickly, every 5 cm, but you will still have to thin out the plantings later. The bed is watered every 2 days, but not too much, so as not to wash it out of the soil planting material.

As already mentioned, sprouts will appear in 14 days. Wait until the plants grow a little (at least 7 cm in height), then remove the weakest specimens. Leave about 20 cm of space between flowers, because the plants grow quickly and form quite lush curtains. If you want the flowering of Iberis umbellata to continue until September, then sow in two stages with an interval of 3 weeks.

How to grow Iberis from seeds to seedlings?

Seedling growing method Umbrella Iberis not so common among gardeners. It's all about the sensitivity of flowers to transplantation due to the structure of their root system. However, in cold regions where it is not possible to sow seeds in May, some gardeners use seedling method. In mid-April, you can start sowing Iberis seeds in a box.

Take a light one loose soil, fill the box 6 cm with it. Place the seeds on top, sprinkling them in a thin layer river sand. Leave enough free space between seeds - about 6 cm. Moisten the soil with a spray bottle. Cover the crop with film and place the box in warm room which is well lit. After 2 weeks you will see the result of your work - shoots will appear. Now the greenhouse needs to be removed. Moisten the substrate regularly, but not abundantly. When the seedlings get a little stronger, in mid-May they can be transferred to a flower bed. Iberis is not picked at home!

Transplanting Iberis umbellata into a flowerbed is a matter that requires care. Try to pry up each seedling along with a lump of earth so as not to injure its roots. Immediately place the plants in pre-prepared holes (distance 20 cm) and compact the soil around each seedling. There is a possibility that some specimens will not take root in the new location, but most of them will still be able to cope with stress after transplantation. Water the flowers with a thin stream of water.

Important! If you bought seeds of different varieties of Iberis, then plant them away from each other. Otherwise, cross-pollination of plants will occur, resulting in next year flowers will lose their varietal properties. Iberis with white inflorescences will grow in your flowerbed.

Caring for umbrella iberis

In the ground, Iberis umbelliferum does not require much attention from the gardener. These flowers need regular watering if there is no rainfall or in extreme heat. They don't need subcortex either. Is it for more lush flowering can be deposited twice per season mineral fertilizers. Weeding at the stage of development and growth is necessary procedure. After flowering ends, the stems of Iberis are shortened by a third. And after 4-5 years, so that the flowers do not lose their decorative effect, they are planted.

That's all the wisdom of growing Iberis, sowing seedlings and caring for it. Absolutely unpretentious, aromatic and beautiful flowers are able to delight gardeners for about two months with lush inflorescences, which, moreover, exude a delicate aroma. Cut Iberis remain fresh for about 7 days, which is also one of their advantages.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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