When it’s cloudy and dreary outside, and everyone stays at home, you don’t have to be bored!

Family games for children and adults will help you while away a rainy evening, arrange a fun holiday for a group of different ages, or just have fun for no reason.

The whole family is at home: what to do?

Family games not only unite a small and friendly team, but also develop individual abilities - ingenuity, logic, memory, observation, speed of reaction, imagination.

They are very useful for kids, but no less important for older ones.

After all, it is at such moments that people feel truly family and friends, turning into a strong family from advertising posters.

An ideal option for spending time together at home is a game whose rules are clear and accessible to all participants, grandmothers and toddlers alike.

Below we will present you the most popular family games for children and adults.

Some require props (game board, chips, cubes, cards, outfits, pencils, paper), which should be thought about in advance. Others are completely spontaneous and require no preparation.

Floor and board games for the whole family

It’s great when you have a magic shelf in your arsenal with treasured boxes, purchased on occasion and without.

“Monopoly”, “Settlers”, “Operation”, “Family”, “Scrabble” (aka “Scrabble” or “Wordmaker”), “Activity”, assorted adventure games with chips and dice...

Detective, strategic, economic, card, humorous and serious, all these family board games will add a unique flavor to your everyday evenings.

Unusual card games (the classic “Uno”, its humorous analogue “Svintus”) require a special deck of cards and knowledge of the rules.

For “Twister” you will need a branded set consisting of a floor covering with multi-colored circles and a spinning “drum”, and also the remarkable flexibility of the participants (it’s almost like yoga!).

Don't forget about your favorite classics, especially if you're playing with elderly relatives.

The older generation will be happy to join in such quiet family games as lotto, dominoes, backgammon, checkers or “Battleship”.

The whole family can collect puzzles of increased complexity with their favorite landscapes or characters. And also, train your memory and manual dexterity with the help of the Memory game.

The most creative companies can conduct experiments and show tricks - there are a lot of thematic sets for this.

Contact games (creative, with elements of communication and guessing)

If you are tired of everything you have and want to get some fresh inspiration and creativity (and the right team has gathered), play creative or theatrical games.

1. "Associations"
Participants are divided into teams. Cards are prepared in advance, on each of which 8-10 words (objects) are written.

The player’s task is to use associations to explain the meaning of each word so that his team can guess.

The more points from the card are solved, the more points your group has. Adjectives with the same root cannot be pronounced.

2. "Crocodile"
A similar game, only the word guessed by the host or the opposing team must be explained using gestures and pantomimes (without uttering a sound).

With a small number of people, you can play without dividing into teams - then the one who guessed goes “to the board” to show a new word.

3. "Who am I?"
Another guessing game for which you will need stickers with adhesive backing and felt-tip pens. Participants come up with pseudonyms (“code names”) for each other.

Real people or movie characters are chosen (from Carlson, Kolobok and Batman to Madonna and Michael Jackson). Names are written on paper and pasted on the participants' foreheads.

The hero, who is destined to find out who he is, asks simple questions, the participants answer “Yes” or “No”. Example: “Am I a cartoon character?”, “Am I round?”, “Do I like honey?”

4. “We have contact!”
The chosen leader thinks of a concept or object and names the first letter (for example, “T”).

All other participants come up with words starting with the letter T and try to describe them to each other, but without the leader guessing.

If someone in the team understands what his friend is trying to communicate, he says: “There is contact!” From this moment on, within 10 seconds the presenter must also guess this word.

Don't know? Then the participants pronounce it simultaneously on the count of three, after which the presenter is obliged to give out the second letter of the hidden word. Now “Contact” includes items starting with two letters, and so on.

The dialogue goes something like this:
– I have my word. This is a delicious dessert made from cream cheese and eggs.
- There is contact! (count to ten, the host does not know the answer)
- One, two, three - Tiramisu.
- Okay, the second letter is O. Now you need to come up with words starting with “TO.”

5. “Make up a fairy tale”
A game that requires a minimum of paraphernalia - just paper and pen. The team needs to compose a fairy tale.

The difficulty is that each participant writes only one sentence on a piece of paper, completely unaware of what his previous colleague came up with.

Then the page is folded and passed to the new participant, and so on in a circle. At the end, the fairy tale is solemnly read aloud: as a rule, it’s never boring!

6. “What’s missing/changed?”
A game to develop memory and attention. The participant must remember as accurately as possible everything that is on the table or in the room.

Then he goes out and the team makes changes to the interior. The player must guess which item is missing or has changed its place.

7. "Masquerade"
Trying on unusual images is a favorite pastime for children, but adults will not be bored at your costume ball.

The game options vary - you can come up with outfits from scrap materials (paper, beads, glue, fabrics, ribbons, felt), or use those prepared in advance.

Based on the results of dressing up, you can organize a costume procession, a competition for the best image, or stage a play for grandparents.

8. “Fanta”
At major holidays, the adventurous game “Fanta” remains the most favorite pastime of guests.

Cards with assignments are placed in a magic bag, and each participant asks the question “What should this phantom do?” takes out one at a time.

To add excitement, some versions of the game include valuable collateral (a banknote, a phone, a toy).

The most important thing is that tasks for forfeits are humorous, decent (we play with children!), safe and not offensive!

Family games are a great way to spend time with your kids, have fun and bond as a family. It is also useful for adults to relax a little and return to childhood, at least for a short time.

Intellectual games are perfect for spending time together between children and adults, both on everyday days and during holidays. Simple but interesting games have proven themselves to be excellent, here is a list of them:

  1. Associations. You need to name the word and the next participant must come up with the most logical and closest semantic association for this word. Moreover, the association can be absolutely anything; it depends on the imagination and imagination of the players.
  2. Wishes. This game is perfect for the holidays and can be played at the table. Seat all the family members mixed together and ask everyone to wish the one sitting on the right what they want most. You can’t think for a long time and the one who thinks about it drops out.
  3. Fairy tale. In order to start playing, you will need a piece of paper and a writing pen. The first participant must write the first sentence of the fairy tale and folds a piece of paper so that what is written is not visible. The next participant must write a continuation and so on, pass the piece of paper around until each player writes a continuation of the fairy tale on paper. The funnier and more interesting the players' options are, the better the fairy tale will turn out. When everyone has written their options on paper, unfold the piece of paper and read the fairy tale to the players. This tale will amuse both adults and children during a family holiday at home.
  4. Searching for what's missing. This will be useful for both adults and children, because it develops visual memory and attentiveness. The inventory will be colored oilcloth and small items such as cosmetics, boxes, jewelry, cutlery, and souvenirs. It is desirable that all these items be different and there be enough of them. Lay everything out on an oilcloth on the table and let the participants sit around it. Have everyone look carefully at the objects laid out on the table, and then have everyone close their eyes. The presenter must remove one or more objects from the table, and the participants will have to guess what exactly the presenter removed. Whoever guessed right wins.

Board games for children and adults

Outdoor games

Outdoor family games can be very fun and funny. Children love them because they allow children to release some of their energy, because kids are very active and they definitely need to move a lot.

The fun of searching for treasure is a whole detective story for children. Parents should write assignments on pieces of paper or prepare cards with explanatory pictures for those children who cannot yet read well.

Hide gifts for children in different places in the apartment. On the plan, be sure to select the place from which you want to start the game. With each surprise, you can hide an explanatory note, and you can also make a map where you can mark all the significant places.

Be sure to help your baby if he is confused or slightly lost. Only then will such fun be interesting and educational. This game can easily be started at home, it can be on a family vacation or weekend. The budget will be very small, surprises may not be expensive or even made by yourself. But you will definitely need to prepare.

Outdoor games

If you went on a picnic in nature or went to the park for a long walk, then you should definitely know that you can also play interesting family games in nature. If you have, for example, a ball, then you can already come up with fun tomfoolery with the kids

But, if you have the budget and you bought two balls, you can arrange the game “Pass the ball to your neighbor” in nature. Everyone stand in a circle, let the two players who are opposite each other take the ball in their hands. At the signal, start passing the balls into each other’s hands so that one ball seems to be catching up with the other. Which of the children ends up with two balls in their hands at once is awarded a penalty point.

Also in nature, you can play a simple game “Don’t give the ball to the leader” with a ball. Choose one or two leaders and place everyone playing in a circle. The players will throw the ball to each other, and the presenters must touch the ball, or even better, intercept it. If this happens, the player who threw the ball poorly must become the leader.

In nature, “Edible and Inedible” will be great fun for children. Place the players in a circle or in a line and choose a leader. The fun is for the presenter to say the word and at the same time throw the ball. If the word means something edible, then the player catches the ball. If the presenter names something inedible, then the ball must be hit.

On paper

If you decide to play with the kids at home, then if your budget allows, you should buy it on paper. This will be a great option for games at home, because on any free evening or weekend you can take out your board games and have a good time with the kids. Board games such as lotto, checkers, chess, dominoes, monopoly, memory and others allow you to develop the speed of thought, dexterity, memory, attention and concentration. Be sure, if your family budget allows, buy these board games for your children.

If you decide to play with the kids, and you don’t have any ready-made board games, then you can easily make them yourself. Everyone knows what tic-tac-toe or . Draw out the playing field you need on paper and your improvised board games are ready. You can also draw a labyrinth, pictures to compare, tanks or dots on paper.

Dear guys. The game takes a long time to load. Therefore, be patient. Everything will be loaded soon :)

Everyone has heard about the popular simulation game called The Sims. Games about family are now popular among computer enthusiasts. What is the essence of such applications? Simulation games, as you know, help create a person’s life in electronic format, and at the same time you can perform any actions familiar to everyday life. And also there is the ability to try on several roles at once, be it a housewife, a business lady or some kind of animal. All these games are completely safe and suitable for any age, both children and adults. They give children the skills to live a great life, care and responsibility.

Ashtons fits the definition of a simulation game. Here you are given a character whose life you control. To begin with, you create his image, namely, model his hairstyle, clothes and facial features, then proceed directly to completing tasks. But sometimes this task is skipped, and you are immediately given 2 heroes - a guy and a girl. Names can be standard, or you can change them in the settings.

Immediately after you click on the link and find the game, click “play” and go to the characters. A small nuance - the game at this level can take a long time to load, due to the fact that the graphics are full and colorful. So, you are already a family and are moving into a residential area. Gradually, you become acquainted with your neighbors, and you begin to place your belongings around the perimeter of the yard. But the point is family game The fact is that the Ashtons family are young entrepreneurs who decided to organize their own resort during the winter season. Therefore, you will have to actively get down to business and help them check in all arriving guests, without exception. In addition to providing housing, the responsibility for a comfortable stay also lies on their shoulders. You will have to clean around the perimeter, in the rooms, bring firewood, heat their houses, and also conduct constant entertainment events.

As you progress through the level, the heroes' skills increase, and the amount of money also increases. This will allow the heroes to improve their resort. According to reviews, it is noted that the game has a positive effect on the emotional state of people, will allow you to relax after a hard day at work, and is simply pleasant with its music and graphics. More and more people are not just playing this flash application, but are trying to download it to their computer! You have to try it to understand how interesting and useful it is. Leave your comments, others will find them useful.

What, besides common living space, unites several people in a family? Friendly Sunday lunches, cozy dinners together, big family holidays... But now, the feast and fun are over, and adults again freeze in front of the TV, children return to their favorite computer games, and the apartment again becomes a communal apartment for several people immersed in their own affairs. Sad. Why not spend the evening doing some common activity so that your children have something to remember later with warmth and love? After all there are many games and entertainment for the whole family, and we are ready to offer them to your attention.

Games for the whole family

Let's not talk about playing cards, dominoes, lotto, backgammon, checkers and chess. Everyone knows these games. We want to talk about creative games that every member of the household will enjoy, games that are exciting and unifying. For example, "A Tale in a Circle" . You can play this game at home, or you can use it to while away a long journey so that the road does not seem so tiring. So, someone says the first phrase, for example: “Once upon a time there was a princess.” The next participant continues: “And she had a favorite doll.” Then the next storyteller comes in, and so on in a circle. A fairy tale can end in ten minutes, or it can last for several days. The main thing is that this game requires the participation of the whole family.

Game for attentiveness and memory “What has changed?” . Lay out several objects on the table and invite the presenter to carefully study their location. Then, when the host leaves the room, make some changes to the order of things on the table and invite the returning host to find these changes. Sometimes it can be very difficult (one little girl simply took the refill out of the pen, and her mother wondered for half an hour what had changed), but it is very fun.

Game "Adjectives" . The presenter, having retired, writes a short story, deliberately omitting all definitions before the nouns, and invites the other players to take turns naming any adjective, which the presenter immediately writes into his story. The result is a fun read-aloud that generates lots of laughter and lifts your spirits.

The next game is called "Crocodile" , but there must be at least four players. Two teams are formed. The first team thinks of a word and calls it to one of the players of the second team. The task of this player is to pantomime the mystery so that his team can guess the word. The team can ask questions that can only be answered with “yes” and “no,” and also only with pantomime. If the word is guessed, the teams switch places.

In addition to games, you can come up with other entertainment that will bring your family together and bring pleasure to everyone. For example, work out together on the weekend cooking something delicious . Make dumplings or bake pies with different types of fillings, and don’t drag them into your room to the TV or computer, but have tea at a common table. Or master some outlandish dish together, because it’s both healthy and fun when done with the whole family!

You probably have a lot of family photos, but you don’t have enough time to put them in an album. Call your family for help, let them help you sort photos by dates and events , let them come up with interesting, funny captions for photographs, because for loved ones there is nothing more valuable than family memories. So remember different stories from your life, arranging the pictures in places. It will be interesting for both you and your children.

Natalya Kaptsova

Reading time: 5 minutes


We invite you to consider several ideas for games and competitions for family holidays and leisure; let’s talk about what games and competitions you can come up with with your family that will be interesting to both children and adults, allowing everyone to play without exception. As you know, cozy family evenings bring all family members very close, so we suggest you organize such events and repeat them as often as possible.

Intellectual and educational games for the whole family, allowing you to get to know each other better and show your abilities

  • Game "Associations" for adults and children from 3 years old
    This is a very simple and at the same time educational game, which requires both a large vocabulary and the ability to develop logic.
    Rules. A word is called, then the next participant selects the closest and most logically appropriate, from his point of view, association to it. The association can be absolutely anything, and the initially guessed word can lead to completely unexpected turns in the logical chain.
    Example. The first hidden word is “toy”. The next participant associates it with a ball, the ball reminds of football, football of the field, field of flowers, flowers of summer, summer of the sea, sea of ​​swimming. And so on. Words can be absolutely anything, nouns, adjectives or verbs. This will make this game even more exciting and fun for the whole family.
  • Kind family game “Wishes” for adults and children from 2.5 years old
    This game is very suitable for family holidays, and especially for the New Year.
    Rules. Family members sit at the table. It is advisable so that everything is “mixed”. For example, grandmothers sat next to their grandchildren, and parents sat next to their children. The essence of the game is that each player must wish something to the family member sitting to his right, what, in his opinion, he wants most. The participant who thinks for a long time is eliminated.
    For example, if dad works a lot, then the child wishes him to go to the seaside together, and if the eldest son graduates from school this year, then we can wish him successful admission to the institute he dreamed of entering. The game brings family members closer together and helps them get to know each other better.
  • Creative and fun game "Fairy Tale" for adults and children from 10 years old
    Rules. The only details you need are a sheet of paper and a pen. The first participant writes the title sentence of the fairy tale and folds a piece of paper, passing it to the next one so that he can write a continuation. And so on in a circle. The main thing is that each subsequent participant does not see what the previous one wrote.
    Example. The first participant writes on a sheet of paper “Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman”, passes it on to the second, where he comes up with his own continuation of the fairy tale “and they flew to distant lands to save Vasilisa the Beautiful”, the next participant, not seeing what the previous ones wrote, continues “which turned out to be later, the little humpbacked horse.” The options can be completely different and the most unpredictable. At the end we unfold a funny fairy tale, read and all laugh together at the gobbledygook of family creativity.
  • Developing observation game “Searching for the Lost” for adults and children from 3 years old
    This competition for the whole family develops attentiveness and visual memory of its participants.
    Rules. For props you need a colored tablecloth and many small items. These can be tubes of lipstick, small boxes, caps, ballpoint pens, teaspoons, matchboxes - in general, anything you find at home. The more varied the details, the better. All these utensils are laid out on the table, which is previously covered with a tablecloth, and the participants sit around. The essence of the game is to remember all the objects lying on the playing field and immediately notice the object that disappears from the table.
    Example. The driver invites the players to look carefully at the table and try to remember many more objects and how they are located. After which everyone must close their eyes, and the driver removes from the table and hides one of the objects. At his command, the participants open their eyes and try to figure out which object has disappeared. The one who guesses becomes the driver.
  • The “12 Months” drawing competition is suitable for adults and children over 7 years old.
    This educational and fun competition is suitable for any family holiday. The competition reveals drawing abilities and will be interesting for both children and adults.
    Rules. Participants are divided into two teams. Each team is given 12 A4 sheets, colored pencils or markers. The task is that after the agreed time, the teams must provide all 12 sheets, on each of which they will draw one of the 12 months of the year. The team's task is to guess which month is depicted in each drawing of the opponents.
    Example. As a hint, you can mark some events in the pictures that symbolize a particular month. For example, March is associated with March 8, April with Cosmonautics Day, and December with New Year's troubles. And so on. The team that guesses the most pictures wins. Well, the second team can be awarded incentive prizes for intelligible images.

Active and energetic games and competitions for the whole family that you can play at home

  • Clockwork catch-up game "Zhmurki" is suitable for adults and children from 3 years old
    This fun game is familiar to many of us since childhood. And until now, Zhmurki are one of the main children's entertainments at family holidays, in which adults are happy to participate.
    Rules. The point is very simple. First, a driver is chosen. They blindfold him. The rest of the players stand around him, facing the center. At the signal, the driver begins to catch the participants, and they run away and dodge him. The driver must guess the caught participant by touch, without untying his eyes. If he guesses correctly, then the person caught becomes the driver. The winner is the one who is caught the least number of times or not caught at all.
    Example. It is better for the drivers to initially make one of the adults so that he can show by example how you can play this game at home without destructive consequences. Children scatter in different directions within the same room, and a blindfolded participant tries to catch them by touch and, without peeking, determine who got caught.
  • A fun musical game “Masquerade” is suitable for adults and children from 6 years old
    Rules. Props include a large bag and a lot of different clothes. The brighter, funnier and more unusual the clothes are, the better. This could be underwear, national costumes, fur hats, stockings and tights, grandma's leggings, mother's evening dress, and so on). All clothes are placed in a bag, a presenter and a DJ is selected. The host turns on the music, to which all the other participants begin to dance and pass each other a bag of clothes. When the music turns off, the participant who still has the bag in his hands must randomly pull out an item of clothing from it and put it on himself. The game continues until the bag is empty.
    Example. The music can stop at anyone, just as the thing that the participant takes out of the bag can be the most unusual. For example, a dad might come across his daughter’s swimsuit, and a grandma might come across a flamboyant miniskirt. As a result, everyone will look very funny and colorful.

We hope that the listed entertainment will brighten up an ordinary evening at home. After all, all these competitions and games are for the whole family, in addition to the fact that will bring a good mood and a lot of fun to your home, even more They will bring you closer, allow you to get to know each other better and even discover some new abilities.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):