Carrot. She is delicious as in fresh, so cooked in different ways. The main advantage is not only this.

The vegetable is high in nutrients. It is a storehouse of B vitamins, as well as C, E, H, K, A (beta-carotene). For better absorption, it is recommended to use it with vegetable oil.

This is important for the smooth functioning of almost all organs in the human body - from the heart to the eyes.

You can store carrots at home, on the loggia, in the underground.

You need to make a decision by first assessing the existing conditions. With all the advantages and disadvantages different methods, the most common option for storing carrots is in the cellar in winter.

Preparing for winter

How to store carrots in winter? To do this, you need to take care of cleaning it from the garden in a timely manner. The ripening period of a vegetable depends on many conditions.

Having cleared the vegetable from the ground, we first cut off the tops just above the root crop, then the head itself, about half a centimeter. This will protect the vitamin vegetable from sprouting during winter and prolong winter period storage

After this, it is important to dry the carrots outside or in a well-ventilated area.

Storage duration

  • Boxes with carrots in sawdust or treated clay - all winter;
  • Boxes with carrots in sand - from six months to 9 months;
  • Storing carrots in the cellar, in boxes - from six months to 8 months;
  • IN plastic bags V freezer– about 2 months;
  • In the garden all winter.

The time that should be allocated for growing carrots is indicated on the bag of seeds. Therefore, there is no need to throw it away (or immediately determine the harvest date using the calendar).

Unripe carrots will be tasteless. Overripe - too sweet and attractive to insects and rodents.

Some gardeners believe that it is much easier to preserve early ripening varieties carrots. The explanation for this is simple - the longer the root crop ripens, the more vitamins it accumulates.

This makes it sweeter, more aromatic, but at the same time leads to rapid fading. But there are gardeners who are ready to argue with this.

Vitamin vegetables that ripen on average in 100 days do not rot for a long time. Plus or minus ten days. But it is worth taking into account the conditions created during cultivation. The soil should be rich in nutrients, watering should be moderate, and fertilization should be done strictly according to the instructions.

How long carrots will not lose their qualities depends on a number of factors:

  • variety;
  • quality of preparation of root crops;
  • storage temperature;
  • humidity percentage;
  • protection from pests.

The highest shelf life indicators are carrots of the Berlicum, Forto and Nuance varieties - 7 months of storage.

Storage methods carrots in winter

Sand storage

Storing carrots in sand is the most suitable method for those who have cool rooms.

Needed: water, a box (treated with lime) and sand (preferably clay). It will prevent vegetables from drying out and rotting, and will also help maintain a suitable temperature. This will enable root vegetables for a long time remain unchanged without losing taste.

How to store carrots in sand? One bucket of sand will require a liter of water. Approximately 5 centimeters of wet loam cover the bottom of the box. Carrots are placed on it, leaving a small gap between the root vegetables. Everything is covered with a layer of sand. A new row of vegetables is placed on it and so on until the box is full.

Some summer residents use dry sand instead of wet sand. Instead of boxes there are ordinary buckets.

Freezer for a small harvest

Storing carrots at home using a freezer is the easiest way.

Vegetables are chopped using a grater or special electric devices. The resulting mass is put into plastic bags and sent to the freezer. This is also true for storing beets.

Bag storage

You need a cool room and large polyethylene bags. We put vitamin-rich vegetables in them.

To prevent them from rotting, there is no need to tie the bags, then the air humidity will be on average 95% - optimal conditions storing carrots. Carbon dioxide in unclosed bags will collect in small quantities, which will prevent the process of rotting and the development of diseases.

If condensation begins to collect on the polyethylene, it means the humidity level in the room exceeds the permissible values.

The situation can improve slaked lime. It is also called fluff. Placed next to the bags, it will pick up excess moisture. And the question of how to preserve carrots for the winter will no longer bother you.

Storage bed

With this option for storing carrots, there is no need to remove them from the garden bed. Another question is how to trim the tops.

For this, it is better to use garden shears. The ridge is filled with wet sand and covered with plastic film. Sawdust is laid on it. You can use dry leaves of trees and shrubs or peat.

The harvest stored in this way is harvested closer to spring.

Onion-garlic storage

You will need: boxes, onion and garlic peels. It contains active essential oils, which will create protection against the occurrence of rot.

The husks are laid out at the bottom of the box, and the carrots are placed on top. Let's alternate. This way you can store not only carrots, but also beets.

Storage pan

The first step is to trim the carrots.

The second is vertically, close to each other, place it in enamel pan, cover with a napkin and a lid on top.

It is better to leave the dishes with their contents in the cellar for the winter. This is the best way to store carrots.

Sawdust storage

For this method of storing carrots you will need: sawdust (preferably coniferous trees) and boxes.

Phytoncides, which the needles are rich in, prevent root crops from sprouting sprouts and tops, and also protect against the development of harmful fungi.

Sprinkle sawdust on the bottom. We put vegetables on them. Cover with a layer of sawdust and make a new row of carrots and continue until the container is full.

Clay storage

You will need: water, boxes, film and clay.

By covering the vegetable with a thin layer, it creates protection against wilting. Bring the clay and water to a homogeneous mass. Cover the top of the container again with about 2 centimeters of water. Leave the mixture for 3 days.

The bottom of the drawers (can also be used) cardboard boxes) cover with plastic film. You can store carrots and beets in them. They are stacked without touching each other.

Everything is filled with clay, the consistency of which resembles sour cream. After it dries, there is again a row of root vegetables. We repeat the steps until the box is full.

You can do it differently. Vegetables are dipped into clay, thick as sour cream. Dry in warm room. Then they are put away in boxes.

Moss storage

Dry, peeled carrots are laid out in a cool place for a day. Later they put it in a box where a layer of moss (sphagnum) has already been laid.

The root vegetables are covered with sphagnum moss and a new row of vegetables is placed on it. Beetroot can be stored in the same way.

Film storage

How to store carrots in an apartment using cling film?

The answer is simple - each carrot is wrapped in film, placed in a cardboard box and covered with a piece of natural fabric. It is recommended to keep vegetables in a cool room.

Paraffin storage

Dry root vegetables are immersed in hot paraffin. To improve elasticity, you can add beeswax.

We store processed vegetables at average temperature air 0 degrees. They won't lose theirs taste qualities up to six months.

Miracle - infusion

This question is simple when you know the recipe for a special infusion. You will need: 1 liter of water and 100 gr. onion peels. Combine the ingredients into glass containers. Leave for five days.

Immerse the carrots in the resulting liquid for a few minutes. Dry thoroughly and place the vegetables in a cardboard box without touching each other.

Vegetable storage

How to prepare and store beets and carrots for the winter when the harvest is large?

Use vegetable storage! They make it possible to maintain the required temperature and humidity conditions. But, in this case, it is important to get rid of root vegetables that have even the slightest damage.

Broken and crooked specimens also cannot be placed in the general mass. Often, there are containers in vegetable stores. They should be no higher than 3 meters. Otherwise, you will have to regularly ventilate the room and cover the vegetables with burlap or similar materials.

Despite constant care to preserve the crop, at least 20 percent spoils in winter. This figure is significantly lower when gardeners use vegetable storage facilities equipped with freezers. But few people have these, due to the high cost.

Protecting crops from pests

The storage period will not be shortened if access to vegetables by insects is limited.

How can you achieve this:

  • we disinfect the place where the crop will be stored;
  • We place bait for insects or rodents, or traps, a meter or two from the boxes with vegetables;
  • We use special repellers.

Root crops are often damaged carrot fly. This happens during the maturation period. Such vegetables will be difficult to preserve in winter.

A very good option is storing processed carrots in winter. You can cut out the damaged areas and leave the root vegetables in a ventilated area until the cut areas are sealed by a crust.

Where to store carrots

Storing carrots for the winter at home or in the cellar

There are still ongoing debates about where and how best to do this. In the first case, preserving vegetables will be much easier. But even in the second case, if you choose the appropriate technology, you can keep vegetables until spring.

How to store carrots in the cellar?

Despite the fact that this is one of the oldest and most proven methods, novice gardeners often have this question. Carrots, like many vegetables, are stored well there. But it is important to comply with the main requirement - the storage should not freeze and water should not collect there.

It is advisable that the room be dark most of the time. Having mastered the simplest rules, the question of how to properly store carrots in the cellar will no longer bother you.

Where to store carrots in an apartment?

The easiest way is to keep it in cardboard boxes, in a dark place, in the coolest room. Whether the box will be filled with husks, sand or something else depends on what is easiest for the housewife to get.

Harvesting and winter storage

The relevant question is not only how to properly store carrots in winter, but also how to properly harvest. These vegetables are not afraid of frost, but it is better to remove them before the onset of cold weather. Otherwise, such a crop will not be stored for long. Vegetables will be juicy if they are not watered the day before they are removed from the ridge.

It is important to carefully clean the root vegetable. Some gardeners wash it before storing it for the winter. Moreover, each fruit separately, under running water. However, many summer residents are convinced that this measure reduces the protective functions of carrots and they do not last long in the winter.

Root vegetables are stored for about a week at an average temperature of 12 degrees Celsius. This time is enough for the cuts and other damage to heal. After this period, the carrots must be carefully sorted, discarding the spoiled fruits. Slightly damaged ones are suitable for pickling cabbage. After this procedure, the carrots are ready for storage for the winter.

General conclusions

How to store carrots at home?

Many people ask this question. The best option would be plastic bags. They allow you to preserve throughout the entire storage period optimal humidity. And so that there is no oversupply carbon dioxide from carrots in bags, several holes are cut out on them, no more than 1 centimeter in diameter.

Kraft bags are also convenient. Harvest undergoes selection and cooling, and then placed in bags. They cannot be closed. The carrots are covered with sand on top. It should be moist.

If we are talking about peeled root vegetables, then it is better to immediately think about how to store carrots in the refrigerator. The freezer will significantly increase the shelf life of vegetables.

One more thing important requirement worth remembering: sunny vegetable cannot be kept in the same room with apples and potatoes. There is an opinion that this leads to rapid spoilage of all vegetables. First of all, the orange root vegetable. But the proximity of beets and carrots is acceptable.

Whatever storage option you choose - in winter at home or in special premises, it is important to remember that it likes humidity of about 90% and air temperature within 0 degrees.

Changes of even 5 degrees can lead to crop germination and withering. That is why many housewives who do not like difficulties store winter supplies of carrots in the refrigerator. But this option is not suitable for everyone.

As you know, carrots are one of those products that people use for food throughout the year. Since vegetable prices rise significantly in winter, people try to stock up on some supplies. Possible places for storing carrots are not particularly surprising in their diversity, because not every person has a cellar, however, even there carrots can begin to rot after some time.

What should you do first?

The first thing anyone who wants to store this vegetable needs to do is long time, this is to trim the tops. It is extremely important to do everything right. First you need to trim the vegetation slightly above the head of the root crop. If carrots are bought at the market, the leaves are often already trimmed.

Next you need to remove the head itself, about one centimeter thick, trying to make the cut even. After this procedure, it is advisable to dry the carrots. Trimming the tops helps preserve all the necessary vitamins and minerals in the root crop. nutrients, and also prevents rapid rotting or drying out of the product. Before placing the carrots directly into the storage location, you need to carefully sort them out again.

The most important stage

How to store carrots? The storage itself needs to be prepared for the winter. Normal procedure garbage disposal, ventilation and disinfection will not take much effort and money, but will provide maximum long-term storage vegetables Most optimal temperature The temperature at which it is recommended to store carrots is +1 degree Celsius. The humidity in the room should be at 90-95%. To ensure this indicator, you can use ordinary plastic bags, because they prevent moisture from evaporating from the carrots. The package itself should be kept open. This is necessary so that the volume of carbon dioxide released by the root crop does not exceed the volume of oxygen. Otherwise, inventory will quickly deteriorate.

Many people wonder how to store carrots for the winter. However, not everyone knows that the solution to this problem can be the use of ordinary wet sand. This will help those who do not know how to store carrots in the cellar. You can moisten the sand with water (one liter per bucket). It is recommended to place carrots in boxes in layers. Each root crop should be surrounded by sand on all sides.

How to store carrots in the cellar?

An important rule: it is unacceptable to lower the temperature to 0 degrees and increase to +3 Celsius.

The most common way to store carrots is to simply pour them on the floor in the cellar. This solution to the problem is the simplest and does not require special costs time and effort, however, as practice shows, the long-term storage of reserves is significantly reduced.

Many people try to store this vegetable in boxes made of wood or drywall. The storage methods described above in sand or in plastic bags are also very common.

Another fairly effective option for storing carrots is to place them on shelves, the bottom of which is about a meter away from the floor (the rest can be placed at any distance from each other).

How to store carrots in the basement?

This option is in many ways similar to storing vegetables in a cellar, but has its own characteristics.

In the basement, as in the cellar, it is customary to place carrots in boxes. In this case, the container should have a maximum capacity of approximately 20-30 kilograms of vegetables. Firstly, it will provide extra bed for other root vegetables, secondly, tightly closed boxes will help keep supplies in good condition for a long time. It is recommended to place the boxes without touching the walls or floor. To do this, just place them on a small stand. This solution will reduce the threat of mold and rot on root crops.

An effective way is to store carrots in pine sawdust. Vegetables can be covered with sawdust in the same boxes or in any other container. If the reservoir is deep enough, there may be several such layers.

What can you do in the apartment?

An excellent option for those who live in an apartment and want to know how to store carrots is the proposal to place root vegetables on the balcony. A regular box with insulated walls is quite suitable for this. How to store carrots in an apartment without worrying about their safety? Easily. You just need to sprinkle it with onion peels, and the supplies will not lose their appearance for a long time.

If it is not possible to place vegetables on the balcony, then you can dilute ordinary chalk with water to the consistency of sour cream with ten percent fat content. Carrots must be placed in this liquid. It is preserved better, but in the future some difficulties may arise when washing root crops.

Alternative option

Before storing carrots in the refrigerator, it is best to freeze or can them. In this form, it does not form toxins that are dangerous to human health. Therefore, preserving root vegetables in dried, frozen or canned form is the best option.

Which varieties last longer?

Every person who decides to buy or grow carrots thinks about which varieties among the existing variety are best suited for storage. Experts say that mid-season and late varieties of the root crops in question last longer than others. One of the most common is the “red giant”. Its properties this mid-season variety keeps until mid-spring, while it is unusually soft.

Another excellent variety- "Viking". These carrots contain large number carotene, which is very beneficial for the human body.

Among the late varieties high level The differences in preservation are as follows: “Moscow Winter” and “Cardinal”. They can be successfully stored until the end of April - beginning of May, without worrying about losing any beneficial properties root vegetables

The main advantages of the vegetable

Carrots are rightfully considered an invaluable storehouse of nutrients. It contains many different vitamins and mineral salts, as well as carotene, essential oils and many other substances. This root vegetable is successfully used to get rid of vitamin deficiency, anemia, tuberculosis, colds, gastritis and many other health problems. In general, carrots can increase the body’s resistance to various immune diseases and increase a person’s physical and mental activity. In addition, carrots are widely used in cosmetology as a highly effective anti-aging agent.

Therefore, it is important to eat this root vegetable throughout the year, especially in those seasons when there is a decrease in the body’s immune defense and a lack of vitamins. To do this, it is important to know the basic ways to store carrots and organize optimal conditions for this vegetable.

How well carrots will be preserved depends primarily on the maturity of the root crops. The ratio of glucose and sugar in them also has a strong influence. If the carrots have not been affected by any infection, but still cannot be preserved for a long time, the problem most likely lies in the incorrect selection of variety or bad conditions growing and storing crops.

We think in advance

Harvesting carrots is only half the battle, because you need to be able to preserve the harvest. Statistics show that half of the entire harvest is spoiled due to the fact that the owners do not store, transport and collect it correctly.

This may sound a little strange, but it’s worth thinking about how to store carrots before you pick them. A week before harvesting, water the beds generously. This will make the vegetables juicy, in addition, it will be much easier to pull the carrots out of the ground. A couple of days before harvesting, water the beds and trim the tops, leaving only two centimeters. If this is not done, the moisture will evaporate, the usefulness of the substances contained in carrots will decrease and the root vegetables will wither much faster. And carrots without tops will take up much less space.

You should also remember one simple rule: carrots that are damaged will not last long. Do not peel dirt from vegetables. After all, it provides additional protection against diseases, so peeling carrots should be done only before consuming it.

Harvesting does not pose any particular difficulties. Carrots need to be dug up or pulled out of the ground, shake off excess soil and simply put them in one pile. Root vegetables have a higher temperature in the ground than outside, so they should be covered and left outside for three days. During this time, the weakened vegetables will begin to wilt, which means you can sort the good ones from the bad ones.

When the temperature reaches –1 degree, carrots begin to freeze; at temperatures from +4 to +5, they germinate. Therefore, the most optimal temperature conditions For storage, you can call the interval from 0 to +2 degrees. If your place of residence is in a warm climate, you can not dig up the carrots, but simply cover them with a small layer of peat or straw, and then cover them with soil.

Storing carrots in the cellar

A good way is to place carrots in plastic bags with holes. There is no need to close the packages. You can pour sand into them. More best option- take a wooden box, pour a little sand into it, lay out vegetables there and cover it again with a layer of sand. Experienced gardeners use this method most often, because it can be called the most reliable of all. Sawdust great alternative sand. From time to time, both should be sprayed with water.

If the harvest is not very large, you can store it in a clay shell. This is done like this: stir the clay until it becomes sour cream and immerse all the root vegetables in it one by one for about 3 minutes. Then remove them and dry them. This “cover” will provide excellent protection for your crop from disease and wilting.

How to store carrots in an apartment

City residents have the opportunity to save carrots for only three months. It is best if you put the vegetables in boxes, cover them with film and monitor changes in temperature outside. When it begins to decline, the carrots should be wrapped and brought indoors. If you have a large refrigerator, you can wrap the root vegetables in bags and store them on the lowest shelf.

In general, carrots store much worse than other vegetables. After all, root vegetables round shape are preserved many times better than those that have an elongated shape.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with some of our recommendations on how to properly store carrots in winter. Autumn is the harvest period and housewives are faced with an acute question: how to preserve root crops for the winter? One of the most finicky vegetables in terms of storage is carrots. She rots at high humidity and withers in the heat, and bacteria and fungus easily penetrate through the thin skin. Improper storage also leads to loss of taste and nutrients, which the root vegetable is so rich in.

Harvesting and preparing it for storage

The success of preserving the root crop and its beneficial properties depends on the carrot variety, growing conditions and region and harvest time. Root crops are harvested in September, 90-120 days after planting.

You should dig up the root crop with a pitchfork or garden shovel. When tearing out the vegetable by the tops, make sure that the fruit does not break.

When digging, avoid mechanical damage to root crops. Carrots with scratches, cuts or breaks cannot be stored for long periods of time.

It is important to know that harvesting should be carried out in dry weather. This will completely dry the vegetables and prevent large-scale rotting. To dry, spread the root vegetables on wooden surface under a canopy (on the veranda, loggia, in the garage) or on the street (subject to good weather). An important condition for drying is constant circulation. fresh air and minimum humidity. The duration of drying depends on the initial state of the root crops, but on average it is 2-5 days.

Selection of root crops for storage

Before storing vegetables, they must be sorted and prepared. You need dried carrots clear away soil and dirt. To do this, gently wipe it with gloved hands. Don't knock vegetables on the ground and do not throw them to avoid damage.

Thoroughly sort through the entire harvest. Vegetables with signs of spoilage (dark spots, soft spout or spine) and damaged (with cuts, scratches or breaks) are subject to rejection. Remember, even one spoiled root crop can lead to infection and destruction of the entire crop.

For storage, choose firm, mature and healthy carrots suitable varieties.

The best preserved are “Moscow Winter”, “Nantes 4”, “Chantane”, “Nigel”, “Samson”, “Cascade”, “Vitamin 6”. Varieties such as “Parizhskaya Karotel” and “Amsterdamskaya” are not subject to long-term storage.

Having selected vegetables unsuitable for storage, sort the rest in size. It is recommended to use small carrots first, then medium ones and then large ones. This requirement is due to the fact that large root crops are stored better and longer.

After sorting, carrot tops sent for storage must be cut with a knife or scissors. Leave a tail of 2-3 cm.

Optimal storage conditions and periods

To preserve carrots, it is necessary to create a favorable microclimate for them. Optimal temperature storage −1…+1 ℃, and humidity air – 90-95%. Ideal place which meets all the requirements is cellar.

For ease of perception, we summarize the information about the storage times and places of carrots in a table:

To extend the shelf life of carrots, do not place them near apples. Fruits emit ethylene, which leads to rapid spoilage of root vegetables.

Helps increase storage time regular inspection of workpieces. View all products, remove spoiled root crops and cut off sprouted tops.

Storage methods

Basement and cellar

The ideal place to store carrots is a basement or cellar. In such rooms, optimal temperature and humidity are maintained, which allows you to preserve vegetables until next harvest. At proper storage, Can all year round enjoy delicious and juicy fruits, rich in vitamins and minerals.

Before storing carrots, prepare the room: remove all last year's preparations, sweep well, ventilate and dry the cellar. If necessary, insulate it and waterproof it.

Take care of air ventilation, which should be of medium intensity. If there is an excess of air, the carrots will begin to sprout, and if there is not enough air, they will wither.

Simple and good methodwooden boxes with lid. To create the blank, prepare containers. The boxes must be absolutely dry and tight. Place root vegetables in prepared containers in several rows, but not more than 20 kg. Close the box with a lid and place it in the cellar at a distance of 10-15 cm from the wall - this will protect the fruits from dampness and accumulated condensation. If possible, place containers on small stands. This method allows you to compactly place a large amount of product even in limited space. The carrots will remain fresh and will not rot, sprout or wither.

To store carrots you can use tree sawdust coniferous species . Place the root vegetables in a box, layering them with shredded wood. Sawdust releases phenolic substances that protect the crop from diseases and rotting.

If after harvesting onions for the winter there remains husk, use it to store carrots. Place the raw materials in bags (boxes) and place the root vegetables there. The husk will absorb excess moisture, protecting vegetables from rotting and sprouting. In addition, the released phytoncides will prevent the proliferation of bacteria and minimize the risk of developing diseases. Place the prepared container on a small hill in the basement or cellar.

Another way to store vegetables in the cellar is to mix chalk and cleaned wet sand. Pour the mixture into the box, place the carrots with the thick end up, and add another layer on top. The advantages of this method: chalk prevents the growth of bacteria, and wet sand preserves the freshness and taste of vegetables for a long time.

An interesting way to store carrots in the form of a pyramid. The sequence of creating a blank is quite simple. Place a thick layer of sand on the bottom of a drawer or shelf. It is important that it is barely damp, but not wet. Place a row of carrots and cover with the next layer of sand. Then lay the fruits again, but in a checkerboard pattern in relation to the first row. Repeat the steps several times, but make sure that the height of the pyramid does not exceed 1 m.

The river sand that will be used for storing carrots must first be sieved and calcined to destroy pathogenic microorganisms.

You can store carrots in chalk solution:

  1. Mix chalk with water until you obtain a homogeneous mixture, the consistency of liquid sour cream.
  2. Soak each root vegetable in the solution and dry well.
  3. Place the carrots in wooden boxes or simply place them at the bottom of the basement.

An unusual way to store carrots - in clay solution. The clay shell will protect the carrots from spoilage and rotting. Before storing root vegetables, dip each vegetable in clay mortar and dry. The clay should completely cover the carrots. Once completely dry, place the fruits in a basket or box and place them in a cool, damp place.

Clay mortar can also be used for pouring. To do this, fill 1/2 a bucket of clay with water and leave for a day. Then mix everything well and add a little more liquid. The finished clay should have a consistency similar to liquid sour cream.

After preparing the mixture, prepare the container: line the bottom of the box or bucket plastic film. Then place a layer of carrots so that the roots do not touch each other. Fill everything with clay and let it dry slightly, and then start laying out a new layer. Repeat until the entire container is filled.

For those who don’t want to bother with boxes and sand, another common method for storing carrots is suitable - in plastic bags. Place the root vegetables in plastic bags and place them at the bottom of the cellar. Make such packages small so that they hold no more than 2-2.5 kg of root vegetables each. Then at regular inspection you will be able to promptly remove the package in which the carrots have begun to deteriorate, and in the remaining packages the product will remain intact.

Be sure to make several holes in the bags that will serve for ventilation and condensation removal. In this form, the carrots do not dry out or wither. The shelf life of such products cannot exceed 4 months.


If you don’t have a cellar or basement, you can store carrots at home in the refrigerator. To do this, place the dried fruits in plastic bags and place them in a vegetable drawer. The shelf life of carrots in this form is quite short - no longer than 2 months.


You can store carrots in the freezer for 12-14 months. For freezing, choose juicy and firm fruits. Dry and limp ones are not suitable for this purpose.

You can freeze carrots whole. Wash the vegetables well, cut off the tops and peel off the outer skin. Place the products in freezer bags and place them in the freezer.

You can also pre-carrot grind on a grater, in food processor, cut it into cubes or strips. Place the prepared raw materials in small containers, zip-lock bags or regular plastic bags. (This storage option will save time during cooking.)

Drying carrots

Carrots that are considered unsuitable for fresh storage (damaged, having an “irregular” shape, small, etc.) can be dried. To do this you need:

  • rinse the root vegetables, peel them, remove blemishes;
  • Blanch the carrots in boiling water for 10-15 minutes;
  • grind according to future uses. You can cut the root vegetables into circles or cubes, grate them on a coarse grater or use a shredder.

The processing method is chosen depending on the capabilities and desires of a particular housewife. Carrots are easy to dry in the oven,microwave oven or electric dryer.

Air-solar drying, which our grandmothers often used, requires much more effort and takes quite a long time (usually about 2 weeks). But in this case the product turns out to be very high quality. Carrots dried in natural conditions", can not only be included in a wide variety of dishes. It fully retains its beneficial properties fresh vegetable and is used for brewing healing tea, providing exclusively beneficial effect on the human body.

Dried carrots are stored in any container (glass or tin cans, fabric bags, etc.), which well protects the contents from moisture and the penetration of household pests. In this form the product does not lose consumer properties within 1 year


In order to store carrots all winter, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for them. Additionally, we suggest watching the following videos or researching similar queries on this topic on the Internet: Rate this article:

No natural protection Tomatoes do not suffer from late blight. If late blight attacks, any tomatoes (and potatoes too) die, no matter what is said in the description of the varieties (“variety resistant to late blight” is just a marketing ploy).

Natural toxins are found in many plants; Those grown in gardens and vegetable gardens are no exception. Thus, the seeds of apples, apricots, and peaches contain hydrocyanic acid, and the tops and peels of unripe nightshades (potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes) contain solanine. But do not be afraid: their number is too small.

From varietal tomatoes you can get “your own” seeds for sowing next year(if you really liked the variety). But it is useless to do this with hybrids: you will get seeds, but they will carry the hereditary material not of the plant from which they were taken, but of its numerous “ancestors”.

A new product from American developers is the Tertill robot, which weeds weeds in the garden. The device was invented under the leadership of John Downes (creator of the robot vacuum cleaner) and works in any weather conditions autonomously, moving over uneven surfaces on wheels. At the same time, it cuts off all plants below 3 cm with the built-in trimmer.

Oklahoma farmer Carl Burns developed unusual variety multi-colored corn, called Rainbow Corn (“rainbow”). Grains on each cob - different colors and shades: brown, pink, purple, blue, green, etc. This result was achieved through many years of selection of the most colored ordinary varieties and their crossing.

Compost is the rotted organic remains of the of different origins. How to do it? Put everything in a pile, hole or large box: kitchen scraps, tops garden crops, weeds mowed before flowering, thin branches. All this is layered phosphate rock, sometimes straw, earth or peat. (Some summer residents add special composting accelerators.) Cover with film. During the process of overheating, the pile is periodically turned or pierced to bring in fresh air. Typically, compost “ripens” for 2 years, but with modern additives it can be ready in one summer season.

Gather medicinal flowers and inflorescences are needed at the very beginning of the flowering period, when the content of nutrients in them is highest. Flowers are supposed to be picked by hand, tearing off the rough stalks. Dry the collected flowers and herbs, scattered in a thin layer, in a cool room at natural temperature without access to direct sunlight.

One of the most convenient methods for preparing a harvest of vegetables, fruits and berries is freezing. Some believe that freezing causes the nutritional and health benefits of plant foods to be lost. As a result of the research, scientists found that the decrease nutritional value when frozen it is practically absent.

If we take all the root vegetables that are grown in dachas, then carrots are the most difficult to preserve in winter. However, resourceful gardeners can offer more than one way to store this useful and delicious vegetable: in the house, cellar, on the balcony and even in the garden bed itself.

How to properly store orange root vegetables? Taking into account the complexity of the procedure, home conditions and the availability of materials, you can choose the best option for you from those discussed below.

One of the most important conditions high-quality preservation of root crops - timely and correctly harvested crops.

The carrot variety determines its ripening time, which is usually indicated on the seed package. Therefore, it is better to save the bag or calculate the approximate harvest days in advance. What is this for? Vegetables dug up earlier than expected will be unripe, with a minimum amount of sugars, which will significantly worsen the taste of carrots. Root crops that are overexposed in the soil, on the contrary, accumulate sugars and amino acids in excess, which magnetically attracts pests - mice, rats, carrot fly larvae.

If you cannot accurately determine the harvesting time, monitor the color of the tops. When the lower leaves begin to turn yellow, the carrots can be dug up.

After the vegetables are dug up, the tops are immediately removed. If this is not done, the green part will have time to draw out a considerable share of moisture and nutrients from the root crops.

  • First, the greens are cut off a little above the head.
  • After this, the head is cut off in a layer of 5-10 mm, capturing the growth point, while it is important to make the cut evenly and smoothly.

Such drastic pruning prevents carrots from sprouting in winter and wasting useful elements, does not allow fruits to wither and promotes their best storage. Trimmed root vegetables are dried for two to three hours in the sun or ventilated under a canopy.

It is recommended to keep the prepared vegetables in a cool room (10-14°C) for a week or a little more. During these days, the carrots will go through the so-called “quarantine”: it will delay cuts and minor mechanical injuries, and identify diseased and low-quality root crops.

When putting carrots into storage, they first go through them again, throwing out all unsuitable vegetables.

Method 1. How to store carrots in sand

Required materials: sand ( best option– loamy), water, boxes.

The “sand” method is very popular among those who have a cool pit in the garage, a good underground floor or cellar. Sand reduces the evaporation of moisture from root crops, inhibits the formation of rot, and maintains constant temperature conditions– this ensures good keeping quality of carrots.

Before use, the sand needs to be moistened - take a liter of water per bucket of sand. Then it is poured into boxes at the bottom 3-5 cm thick, and carrots are placed on top, trying to keep it between them. minimum distance. And then sand and root vegetables are laid out one by one until the container is filled.

Some gardeners prefer to use dry rather than wet sand, and put carrots in buckets rather than boxes.

Method 2. Storing carrots in sawdust

Required materials: boxes and remnants of processing coniferous trees.

Pine or spruce sawdust is also great way preserve carrots for a long time. Phytoncides found in wood inhibit the spread of pathogenic fungi and bacteria and block the germination of root crops.

The laying method is similar to sanding: layers of vegetables alternate with sawdust.

Method 3. How to store carrots in plastic bags

Required materials: film bags designed for weight from 5 to 30 kg.

Polyethylene bags with carrots placed in them are left open and stored in a cool place. At the same time, the air in such a container maintains an optimal level of humidity - 96-98%, which allows root vegetables to maintain their freshness.

In addition, carrots themselves release carbon dioxide during storage. If the bag is open, its concentration is insignificant, just enough to prevent disease. If the bag is tied, the amount of carbon dioxide will far exceed the amount of oxygen, and the vegetables will spoil. When you want the bags to be closed, do not forget to make holes in them for ventilation.

It happens that condensation settles on the inner walls of the bag - this indicates increased humidity in the room. Fluff lime can help. If you scatter it around the bags, it will absorb excess moisture.

Method 4. Storing carrots in clay

Necessary materials: cardboard boxes or crates, clay, water, polyethylene, garlic.

The clay layer on the root crop performs protective functions and protects the carrots from withering throughout the winter period.

Two methods are used to treat orange vegetables with clay before being sent to storage.

Pouring clay

Fill half the bucket with clay and add water. Let stand for a day, then stir and add water a second time. For three to four days the clay should be under a ball of water two to three centimeters deep. Before use, the well-mixed mixture will resemble thin sour cream.

We lay a film on the bottom of the boxes, then put a layer of carrots (without touching each other) and pour in the clay solution. When the first layer of clay has dried, lay out the root vegetables again, fill and dry. This way we fill the entire volume.

Dipping in clay

According to this method, unwashed root vegetables are dipped first in garlic and then in clay mash. Then they are laid out to dry in a well-ventilated place - under a canopy, on a veranda or attic. Dried vegetables in a “clay shell” are placed in boxes or crates.

Garlic mash is made like this: a glass of cloves is twisted in a meat grinder and diluted in two liters of water.

Clay mash is prepared by diluting the clay with water to the consistency of sour cream so that it does not drip from the fruit.

Method 5. Storing carrots in moss

Required materials: boxes made of plastic or wood, sphagnum moss.

Dry and unwashed root vegetables are kept in a cool place for a day, after which they are placed in containers in layers, alternating vegetables and moss.

Moss has certain preservative properties, retaining the required concentration of carbon dioxide inside the box. In addition, the mossy layers are very light and do not weigh down the container with carrots, like sand and clay.

Method 6. Storing carrots in pans

Required materials: bulk enamel pans.

After collecting carrots from the garden, you need to wash them thoroughly, cut off the tops and “tail” and dry them in the sun.

After this, the root vegetables vertical position Place tightly in a saucepan. Top layer Cover with a napkin and close with a lid. Containers with carrots should be stored in a cool cellar, where the vegetables will last well until the new harvest.

Method 7. How to store carrots in onion skins

Necessary materials: onion and garlic peels, boxes.

This method operates on the same principle as preserving root vegetables in pine sawdust - phytoncides, which garlic and onion flakes are rich in, prevent the development of putrefactive processes.

That is why carrots are stored well if you fold them in layers, sprinkled with dry peels, which you probably have left over from harvesting garlic and onions or have accumulated over the winter.

Method 8. Storing carrots in the garden

Experienced summer residents do not dig up part of the carrot harvest, but leave it in the garden bed itself for the winter. And in the spring, they dig up fresh root vegetables and feast on them until the next harvest.

The tops of wintering carrots are completely cut off. Next, a layer of coarse sand is poured onto the bed and covered with polyethylene.

The top is insulated with fallen leaves, peat, sawdust, humus, and then covered with roofing felt or another film. This shelter keeps the carrots juicy and tasty and helps withstand the winter cold.

  • Thoroughly washed and trimmed root vegetables are wrapped in cling film so that the surface of each carrot is completely covered and does not come into contact with others.
  • Carrots tolerate winter well, sprayed in advance with bulbous or pine infusion. To do this, 100 g of needles or husks are poured with a liter of water and kept for five days. This infusion is not only sprinkled on vegetables, you can dip root vegetables in it for ten minutes, dry it and store it.
  • A rather original way to preserve carrots using paraffin: clean and dry fruits are immersed in hot paraffin, to which a little wax is added for greater elasticity. Carrots processed in this way can be stored at a temperature of 0-2°C for about 4-5 months, remaining juicy and strong.
  • You can dust the root vegetables with chalk, using about 150-200 g per 10 kg of vegetables, or dip the carrots in a chalk suspension (30%) and then dry them thoroughly. Chalk provides a slightly alkaline environment that inhibits decay.
  • Carrots are stored well, wrapped each separately in newspaper or plain paper.
  • If there is a risk that root vegetables will be spoiled by rodents, dried Saracen mint - kanufer - will help. Cover the boxes with plant stems and leaves, and mice will avoid them.
  • When your carrot harvest is small, it is quite possible to store it in the freezer. Root vegetables are simply ground in a food processor and frozen in plastic bags or plastic containers.

Whatever method you use to store orange vegetables, take note:

  • Carrots are best preserved at an air humidity of 90-95%.
  • The temperature in the room where the fruits are overwintered should be 0-1°C.

Successful work, and may the well-deserved harvest please you with freshness and taste all winter!

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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