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Good morning is a magical wish that a person receives first of the day. Then other words and remarks will rain down, businesslike, ordinary and sometimes not always pleasant, but you, as if in an exciting game having received miraculous “protection”, will no longer react painfully to all the bustle and everyday life of this day. Good morning will accompany you all day until the evening.

Share your good morning with your loved one. After all, if he had a good night, he slept well, and literally in the first minutes after waking up he received “Good morning” from you - what could be more wonderful than his smile and a pleasant thought about you!

A ray of sunshine at dawn
Let my love greet you
Let the window sill fall
Delicate powder.

You open your eyes, sit down,
You will smile, you will shine
And quietly tell me:
"Good morning!"

Happiness will suddenly become a rainbow,
A new day will beckon you.
Let him be bright and wise!
Good morning!

Today will be a good morning
Both you and me.
After all, you and I are together again
We meet him: you and me.
Let the rays wake you up
You smile back at them.
May today be a good day,
You are my favorite person!

Good morning, dear little man!
May our union be strong and eternal.
The sun gives you its affection,
I'll bring you a cup of coffee.
Enjoy your favorite drink
I admire your smile.
Waking up with you every morning -
Isn't this truly happiness?

Morning Good day
With the golden lips of dawn he kisses me,
Holding my palm in warm fingers - and I have nothing to fear -
Will lead to a supportive warm Good Evening.

The first ray of sun
Shines through the window
Will crawl to your ear
And dives into the pillow,

I wish I was the sun
And your window
Closed for me
While you are sleeping today!

Well, how long can you sleep?
I wake you up hopelessly!
I'll wake you up forever!
I whisper to you: “Good morning!”

Good morning - wishes in Ukrainian

The sun opens its eyes, the sleepy month dies,
Svitanok is throwing away, good morning to bed!

Looking early at the end,
Are you sleeping? Wake up, darling!
I give you a hundred kisses,
I'm flying with good morning!

How will you let yourself go,
That's what you think of the world -
I wish you happiness
And I’m just screaming for you!

I will send you a gift -
A kiss on the cheek!
Good morning! Laugh
And marvel at me!


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    1 Hello

    hello (tu), hello; srv. Greetings. [Hello, green Bukovino! (Samiil.). The helmet greets you from your husband (Franco)]. To convey - through whom to whom - to convey greetings (greetings) to whom. With sincere, comradely, communist greetings, greetings. Hello to you! - hello to you, hello to you! No answer, no voice, no obedience. Without a word, the one left is a non-welcome. [Unwelcome spivets (Shchegol.)].

    hi, -y; (greetings) hello, hello

See also in other dictionaries:

    HELLO- HI, hi, husband. A good wish addressed to someone, an expression of sympathy, solidarity. I send warm greetings to your family. Please accept my warm regards. With greetings, with communist greetings, with comradely greetings... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Hello- Hello, fools! Hello, fools! Genre melodrama comedy Director ... Wikipedia

    Hello- wow, hello, hello, what a miracle, ciao, greetings, salute, just think, you see, fathers of light, healthy, I wish you health, ours to you with a tassel, you live well, my respects, amazing, hello, shelom, ours respect, hello faces,... ... Dictionary of synonyms

    HELLO- HELLO, husband. 1. Addressed to anyone. expression of feelings of personal affection, good wishes, solidarity. Send, convey to n. to. Please accept my sincere point 2. Hello! Greeting when meeting or parting (colloquial). I'm leaving, p.! 3. hello!… … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Hello, I'm- Yogi Bear Hey There, It's Yogi Bear! Type of cartoon hand-drawn Genre family cartoon Director ... Wikipedia

    Hello- invigorating (Kruglov); affectionate (Bunin, Fofanov); gentle (Kruglov); fiery (Tulub); gratifying (Fet); melodious (Vl. Soloviev); light (Nadson); warm (Rathgauz); cold (Polonsky) Epithets of literary Russian speech. M: Supplier of His court... ... Dictionary of epithets

    Hello- HELLO, arch. - Friendliness. - Davydka, it’s indecent to treat them like that right away. Kindness and greetings must be kept. I forgot about the sovereign's order (1.303). See Samotik Pass. sl. 207: “affability, friendly address, attitude” (simple, arch.) ... Dictionary of the trilogy “The Sovereign's Estate”

    Hello!- HELLO, ah, m. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Privet.ru- This term has other meanings, see Privet.ru. Privet.ru ... Wikipedia

    Hello- noun, m., used often Morphology: (no) what? hi, what? hi, (see) what? hi, what? hi, what about? about hello; pl. What? hello, (no) what? hi, what? hi, (see) what? hi, what? Hello, what about? about greetings 1. If you... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    HELLO- Say hi to Johnson. Jarg. they say Joking. Go to the toilet. Nikitina 1998, 107. Greetings from the depths of the soul (from the stomach). Jarg. they say 1. Belching. 2. Vomiting. Maksimov, 339. Greetings from the cemetery. Jarg. angle, angle Joking. iron. 1. Cheap winter cloth… … Large dictionary of Russian sayings


  • Greetings from California, Yuri Maletsky. Yuri Maletsky made his debut in 1986 in the magazine Continent, then still a tamizdat magazine. In 1997, his first book “Shelter” was published, the story “Love” was among the six finalists for the Booker Prize... Buy for 450 rubles
  • Hello, Mitya Kukin! , Lev Kuzmin. The main characters of the stories "Hello to you, Mitya Kukin!" and “Olyoshin’s Nail” - boys who in their childhood experienced the misfortune that war is so generous with - the loss of relatives. But even in difficult times...

Reply from painting[guru]
healthy bulls!

Reply from Eurovision[guru]
"privit", "good morning"

Reply from Sedge[guru]
healthy boules!

Reply from User deleted[active]
Hello! Good morning! Nadobranich!
Hello! Good morning! Good night!

Reply from Andrey Smirnov[guru]
Hi, good mornig, etc. don’t bother yourself.

Reply from Yatyana[guru]
And what "etc." Are you still interested?

Reply from Irina Kurzhumova[active]
I am what I am
I am what I am
Probably so :-), even though I’m from Ukraine, I have a little problem with Ukrainian

Reply from Nicole Kotova[newbie]
Good day!
Learn Ukrainian language! You will need everything in life. I am Ukrainian (Kirovograd region). How can I understand Russia?! No, we do not despise Muscovites, we are a noble nation. I respect that Ukrainian Volodya is good for my life. With the fate of your skin, you’ll get comfortable. It’s possible that you didn’t understand a word.

Reply from Yatyana Dmiterko[newbie]
Nicole, you have been asked to write a greeting. for an event. and here you are pouring out your hatred

Reply from Elena Kotrekhova[newbie]
No, I understood everything... I still served in Western Ukraine in 1984-1986. Rozumiya vkrainsky language... there is such a Russian song (combatant), and in it these words: “let the enemies remember this, we are not threatening, but we are saying, we have gone, we have gone halfway around the world with you, if necessary, we will repeat!... These are grandfathers my missing people in the war and your missing grandfathers wrote the same thing... And I wouldn’t want to repeat it...

    1 Kind

    1) kind (to whom, - for whom or to whom), affectionate, (good-natured) - good. [It’s a good word not to guess. Vin is kind to me (before me). Bone is blessed for Grigor]. Kind - affectionate. Very kind - kind, good-natured. [The soul is kind. There were kind people, deceased people (M. Vovch.)]. To become, to become kind - to be kind, to be kind, to be affectionate, to be kind; rinse. [Baba got a little closer to Mikoli.] To make someone kind - to make someone kind, ( provincial) - rozbrushati. To do a good deed is to do good (good). Be kind, be kind (please) - be affectionate, be affectionate, be affectionate, give (give) affection, thank you (you). [Say, be kind, to me. Tell me, thank you, for which you are: both from gentlemen and from men (Grench.)];

    2) (good) - kind, garniy, good. [It’s really good. Have a good voice. A good (garniy) robotnik from nogo]. In a good hour - good hour to you, in a good hour. Are you in good health? - how good are you?]. What good - buv, buv, sometimes, who knows. [Aren't you crazy? Don’t be surprised at him, so that you don’t go anywhere for a while]. Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night - good morning, (only among intellectuals) - good morning; good evening; dobranich; on dobranich.


    be kind - be kind; be kind

    all the best - all the best, all the best (good)

    2 in the morning

    3 morning

    1) morning, -nku

    2) theater. wound

    4 Kind

    5 three times

    morning, morning; (three times - usually) three times

    6 triple

    7 three times

    morning, morning; (three times - usually) three times

    8 triple

    9 triple

    math. threefold, triple, triple

    10 threefold

    math. ; tech. tripled

    11 khutro

    I x'morning

    tech. fur

    II khutr`o

    tech. fur ( material)

    12 intrauterine

    intrauterine, intrauterine

    13 dirt cheap


    utridesheva; (three times cheaper) morning (three times, morning) cheaper; (very cheap) very (super) cheap

    14 at exorbitant prices

    extremely expensive, three times more expensive.


    utriroad; (three times more expensive) morning (three times, morning) is more expensive; (very expensive) very (super) expensive

    15 three times

    in the morning, three times, three times, three times, three times. Triple woven - tripartite, tripartite.


    morning, morning; ( three times) three times, three times

    16 triple

    see Triple.


    triple; ( three times) morning, morning; (three times more) three times (morning, morning) more

    17 spirit

    1) (incorporeal being, good or evil) spirit. [Yangoli - heavenly spirits]. Evil spirit (devil) - unclean spirit, evil spirits, evil spirits, enemy. An evil spirit in the form of a ghost, fooling people - mara ( uv. maryuka, marishe), mana. [Mara yogo stained. Damn you, Maryuko!]. Spirits (ghosts, ghosts) - spirits, ghosts. [There are spirits, maniacs, witches and mermaids all around (Kul.)];

    2) (soul, spiritual principle, direction, determination) spirit. [Small in body, but great in spirit (Nom.). Richness of spirit. Such a pantheistic spirit surrounds Krimsky’s poetry (Efr.). A new article was written in the same spirit]. Russian and Polish spirit - Ruschina and Polshchina (Kul.), Russianness and Polishness. The spirit of someone has risen up, the spirit of someone has risen. [The spirit entered me as much as a little bit (Franco)]. To fall, to fall - to lose heart, owls become sad in spirit. Raise the spirit, give spirit - add spirit to someone, give spirit, give spirit. Get together - gather courage (courage, courage), gain courage, gather courage (Steph.). Decline - ha - loss of spirit, znevir"ya. Lost in spirit - lost in spirit. I didn’t have enough spirit - there was no courage;

    3) (disposition, mood) spirit, humor, mood (r. -royu). [In a cheerful soul (mood)]. Not in the spirit - not in a good mood, not in a good humor, in a bad mood. If you’re not in the right spirit, you’re swearing at your soul, it’s bad, you’re not in a good mood (humour, mood) [It’s bad for you] ( mocked) he is not in a good mood - he has a fly in his nose;

    4) (breath) - spirit, breath, breath. [Over him the wills with their spirit died (Chub.)]. It takes your spirit away - it takes your breath away (sobs), it takes your spirit away (takes your breath), your spirit dies (locks up). It took the spirit away - it took away the spirit, it took away the spirit, it took away the spirit, it took away the spirit, it took away the spirit, it took away the spirit, it took away the spirit. Take a breath - breathe out, breathe out, breathe out, take a breath, breathe out, breathe out, breathe out, breathe out. [Give me the spirit of news (M. Vovch.)]. Conceal the spirit - contain (lock up, zamuvat) the spirit (viddikh), move and quietly die. To give up (to die) - to let go (to let go) of the spirit, to lower (lower) the soul, to die or die of the spirit, to lower (lower) the spirit, ( description) give God's soul;

    5) (steam) couple, spirit. [Dikhnesh, then a couple (spirit) is visible, - it’s so cold in the hut];

    6) (smell) spirit ( mind. darling, r. -shka), groin. [Smoking for the spirit yalovets (Kotl.). Wolf spirit. National scent. Moscow spirit]; (stench) rotten spirit, smord (r. -rodu). A heavy spirit is an important spirit ( eg, at the room). The spirit is coming - just a little, just a little. [Don’t take any lard: just a little bit];

    7) (speed) spirit, ment, swing. In one breath - breath. [Tomorrow uduh buli-b at home (M. Lev.)]. With all my might - with all my might, ( family name) for all screensavers. [To escape the spirit]. Spirit, darling - spirit, darling, one spirit, for one spirit; swing, mittyu, vment. [I blamed the beer with my soul (Kots.)]. With a living spirit - we live in one fell swoop; one leg here, a friend there. What the spirit has - how much the spirit has, the body has spirit (M. Vovch.), for the whole battle. Free spirit (moderate heat in a bread oven) - light spirit;

    8) (confession) confession (r. -di). Be in good spirits - be on the alert, be on the alert, owls confess. Go to the spirit - go to the confession. Not a rumor, not a breath about him - rumors followed him, no news, no whispers about him, no rumors, no news about him, no news about him.

    1) spirit, -y

    to lose heart - to become disheartened, to become angry

    2) myth. spirit, -a

    good spirit - good spirit

    3) (breath) spirit, -y; died, -u, viddikh, -u, dikhannya

    [one, united] spirit - (quickly, instantly) [with one, one] spirit, for one spirit, take in, mittyu; (in one go, right away) [one, one] spirit, for one spirit; fragrant

    4) (air) spirit, -y

    forest spirit - forest spirit

    5) (smell) spirit, -y; groin

    heavy spirit - important spirit

    18 Name

    1) im"i (r. im"i and archaic name, im. pl. names), name(s), ( dial) name, (title) name, name, name; mind. Namely, for hire. The proper name of the godfather is vlasne, khreshchene im"ya (name). The name of an object, animal is the name of speech (object), creature. The name of a father, a friend is father's, friend's name (name). Full name - external name, first name. [Khiba cannot be called by the first name: Gerasim? (Mova)]. First name, patronymic, surname - first name, according to my father’s nickname. To give a name - to give a name to someone; cf. To name, to give a name 1. To bear a name - to be called. To "reveal your name" - to name, to "reveal your name" (name). By name - on im"ya (on m"ya), on name, on name, [Literary person on "im"ya Zacharia (St. P.). On name Yalina (Lipov. p.)]. To be someone only by name - buti kim only (ly) on the name, im"yam. Call someone by name - call someone by name. What's your name? - how do you like it, how do you like it? What is your name (name)? [I don’t know who you are and what is your name (Samiil.)]. What's his name? - how is it (yogo) on im"ya (name)? how is yomu im"ya (name)? [And what is the name of that gentleman? Ivan? (Zvin.) What is the name of that gentleman? (M. Vovch.)]. By his name - yogo im"yam, for yogo im"yam, (by him) by yomu. School named after Frank - school named after Frank. In the name of whom, what, whose - it - in it "I whom, what, in it" I am (whose I am) ( gal.) in the name of whom. [In the name of the people I take you, the enemy of great order (Kulish)]. In the name of the law, the king, the emperor - in the name of the law, in the name of the king, the emperor, ( gal.) in the name of Tsar. I beg you in the name of our friendship - I bless you in the name of our friendship. In the name of what - in the name of what. [In him is my merit (Kulish)]. In the name of God - in him I am God. In the name of someone - for whom, for whom (whom). Buy an estate in the name of a wife - buy a garden for a woman named, for a woman. A letter addressed to such and such - a sheet of paper addressed to such and such. On behalf of whom, on whose behalf - in whom, on whom, in whose name, ( gal.) in the name of whom. [They operated instead of the master himself and on his day they populated the unworldly deserts (Kulish). They gave Devison his death (death sentence) (Grench.)]. On my behalf - in my name, in my name, ( fam.) with my lip. [So tell him with my lip that he is a fool (Zvin.)]. Have no other name than - not the mother of another im"I, as; do not come from anything. [Enlightenment will not be a laughing stock; we will not get out of the bystruk (Kvitka)]. Their name is legion - and their name is legion ;

    2) (reputation, fame) glory, im"ya. A good, honest name is good glory, good im"ya. [They received good glory (Shevch.). All my wealth is my good name (Kotl.)]. A bad name is bad fame, disgrace. To acquire a name, to make a name for yourself - (h) get, gain (your) name, fame (and glory). To sully your good name is to tarnish (temper) your good name, your good glory. A person with a name is a person with a name;

    3) gram.- ім "я. Noun, adjective, numeral - namenik (speechman), prikmetnik, numeral (-ka). Proper noun, common noun, collective - ім"я власне, загілненье, зрірне.

    1) im"i" genus. p. Name and im"I; (preim. about the personal name of a person, about the names of objects, phenomena) Name, name

    in the name of someone or something - in it "I am someone or something"

    in the name of someone or something - in the name of someone or something

    the name of someone - the name of someone

    call things by their (own, real) names - call speeches by their (powerful, true) names

    in whose name - (addressed) on it "I'm talking"

    bear the name - mother im "ya"

    on behalf of someone - in the name of someone

    by name - on ім "я", on іменья

    with a world name - with a light name (name)

    make (make) a name for yourself - make yourself a name

    only by name - (outwardly, formally) tilki (less, more) behind the name (for the name)

    2) gram. im"i"

    adjective - prikmetnik

    noun - name holder

    numeral noun - numeral

    collective name - zbirne im "ya"

    19 every

    1) (any, all) skin, skin, ( dial) kozhdiy, (every) syak, syak, (without designation of person) kozhne, kozhde, syak. [Only a comrade can be known in every moment (Kotsyub.). Each flower threw one pearl at my feet (Samiil.). I’ll sit down to do dinner - every day I’m not sure (Kotsyub.). Everyone hears yishov (L. Ukr.). “I know them all now and I don’t need to name them here (Grench.)]. For every soul it falls - for each person it falls. - leathery, leathery, skinless [Renewing in my memory right up to the smallest detail, right up to the leathery shine (Crim.)]. At home, step by step - on the skin; what is not a croque, (then)… S - dogo (according to the layout) - in front of the soul. [At the meeting it was decided: to buy a car in Kiev, and take the money from it from the soul (Zvin.)];

    2) (both one and the other and the third, each next) skin, skin, skin. [One person goes to the skin (court) house (Kvitka). Each one has a burning hole, the hole is sold (Kvitka)]. -dogo tenth (flog) - sho-tenth (beat, s_kti). dy of us - dermal (kozhne) of us. Calendar for the th month - calendar for the skin month. On -dyy two, three (accounts for) - scho two, scho three, then y... [Scho five versts, then y korshomka (Rudan.)]. [Scho bayrak, then kozak (Order)]. At the exit - at every exit. buffet - what (skin) five stations. With -smoke time (then further) - de-dali, ch-time. [De-dali it became more and more difficult and it became more difficult to know how to work (Kotsyub.)];

    3) (in denotation of time) skin, skin, skin, scho; A) famous, wine and creativity pad. (-smoke, -blow, -smoke) is transmitted through genus. or eminent. n. (kozhen, dermal, dermal) or “scho” with genus. or eminent. n. [Every week we went to visit (Nikov.). Every quarter (scho-quarter) of the skin was sniffing tobacco (Kherson). God's day for the ribs (Shevch.) Water someone else's field every day and every night (Shevch.). I’m pushing, I’m pushing for a day, for a year (Chub.)]. -every time, hour, day, evening, month, year - once, once, once, once, (constantly) all, (every hour) what-year, what-godini, what-day, what- day, day-by-day, day-by-day, what-evening, what-evening, what-month, sho-rik, sho-roku. - I blow a night, a minute, a week - sho-nights, scho-tizhnya, scho-praise. -smoke in summer - skin summer, sho-summer, sho-summer. - good morning, Sunday - what-wound, skin wound, skin wound, what-week, what-week; b) wine pad. with the preposition “in”, “through” (-dyy, -duyu) and creative. pad. With sentence"s" is transmitted genus. pad. With sentence"for" or genus. without a preposition from “kozhniy” or “scho” with genus. or eminent. case. [Disasters have happened because of skin injuries (Nikov.). I’m ready for skin diseases (Crim.) Skin diseases. It took me a week or two to get to church (Steph.)]. On Wednesday (come) - skin environment (come). In the next minute - skin lesions, ( gal.) in every hvil. After last Monday - another Monday. Happy year - sho-rik, sho-rok, sho-year, let's go to the river. Any minute - sho-khvilina. With -smoke once (worse) - scho-time (then worse), chim-time (worse), (for) every time (all worse).

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

      • Next

        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):