Who loved chemistry laboratory work at school? It was interesting, after all, to mix something with something and get a new substance. True, it didn’t always work out as described in the textbook, but no one suffered because of this, right? The main thing is that something happens, and we see it right in front of us.

If in real life If you are not a chemist and do not encounter much more complex experiments every day at work, then these experiments, which can be done at home, will definitely amuse you, at least.

Lava lamp

For the experience you need:
— Transparent bottle or vase
— Water
- Sunflower oil
- Food coloring
— Several effervescent tablets “Suprastin”

Mix water with food coloring and add sunflower oil. There is no need to stir, and you won’t be able to. When a clear line between water and oil is visible, throw a couple of Suprastin tablets into the container. We look at the lava flows.

Since the density of oil is lower than that of water, it remains on the surface, with the effervescent tablet creating bubbles that carry water to the surface.

Elephant toothpaste

For the experience you need:
- Bottle
— Small cup
— Water
— Dish detergent or liquid soap
- Hydrogen peroxide
— Fast-acting nutritional yeast
- Food coloring

Mix liquid soap, hydrogen peroxide and food coloring in a bottle. In a separate cup, dilute the yeast with water and pour the resulting mixture into the bottle. We look at the eruption.

Yeast produces oxygen, which reacts with hydrogen and is pushed out. The soap suds create a dense mass that erupts from the bottle.

Hot Ice

For the experience you need:
— Capacity for heating
- Transparent glass tumbler
- Plate
– 200 g baking soda
— 200 ml of acetic acid or 150 ml of its concentrate
— Crystallized salt

Mix acetic acid and baking soda in a saucepan and wait until the mixture stops sizzling. Turn on the stove and evaporate excess moisture until an oily film appears on the surface. Pour the resulting solution into a clean container and cool to room temperature. Then add a crystal of soda and watch how the water “freezes” and the container becomes hot.

Heated and mixed, vinegar and soda form sodium acetate, which when melted becomes aqueous solution sodium acetate. When salt is added to it, it begins to crystallize and generate heat.

Rainbow in milk

For the experience you need:
- Milk
- Plate
— Liquid food coloring in several colors
— Cotton swab
— Detergent

Pour milk into a plate, drip dyes in several places. Soak a cotton swab in detergent and place it in a plate with milk. Let's look at the rainbow.

The liquid part contains a suspension of fat droplets, which, in contact with the detergent, split and rush from the inserted stick in all directions. A regular circle is formed due to surface tension.

Smoke without fire

For the experience you need:
— Hydroperite
— Analgin
— Mortar and pestle (can be replaced with a ceramic cup and spoon)

It is better to do the experiment in a well-ventilated area.
Grind the hydroperite tablets to powder, do the same with analgin. Mix the resulting powders, wait a little, see what happens.

During the reaction, hydrogen sulfide, water and oxygen are formed. This leads to partial hydrolysis with the elimination of methylamine, which interacts with hydrogen sulfide, the suspension of its small crystals resembling smoke.

Pharaoh snake

For the experience you need:
- Calcium gluconate
- Dry fuel
— Matches or lighter

Place several tablets of calcium gluconate on dry fuel and set it on fire. We look at the snakes.

Calcium gluconate decomposes when heated, which leads to an increase in the volume of the mixture.

Non-Newtonian fluid

For the experience you need:

— Mixing bowl
- 200 g corn starch
- 400 ml water

Gradually add water to the starch and stir. Try to make the mixture homogeneous. Now try to roll a ball from the resulting mass and hold it.

The so-called non-Newtonian fluid during rapid interaction behaves like solid, and when slow - like liquid.

Our actions:

Figure 3

Figure 4

Our actions:

1. Pour milk into a container.

Figure 4

Figure 5 Figure 6

Our actions:

1. They cheated balloon.

Figure 10

Figure 11

1 experience.

Our actions:

Figure 14

Figure 15

Our actions:

Figure 16 Figure 17

Figure 18 Figure 19

Figure 20 Figure 21

View document contents
"Chemistry in the kitchen"

Orenburg region

Orenburg district

Chernorechye village

1.Introduction……………………………………………………………………… 3

2. Main part………………………………………………………4

2.1 Cooking and chemistry………………………………………………………. 4

1.Chemistry and substances………………………………………………………. 4

2. Chemical reagents in the kitchen …………………………………………. 5

2.2. Experiments in the kitchen………………………………………………………. 6

1.Experiment with vinegar and soda……………………………………………………6

2.Experiment with milk and paints……………………………………………………………….. 6

3. experiment with milk writing and heating……………………………………………………… 6

4.Experiment with sunflower oil…………………………………………………………….6-7

5. Plastic from milk……………………………………………………… 7

3. Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………. 8

4. List of references………………………………………………………. 9

5. Appendix………………………………………………………….10-12

1. Introduction

I really like helping and watching mom when she cooks in the kitchen. One day, while my mother was preparing breakfast, I saw her adding something sizzling and bubbling to the pancake batter. At that moment, mom looked like a sorceress. I asked: “What is this and why are you putting it in the dough?” Mom smiled and replied that the kitchen is a small chemical laboratory.

I read what “chemistry” is in the encyclopedia. In the photographs I saw different test tubes and jars. But what is the connection between delicious pancakes and chemicals and transformations? This is what I decided to find out, and my mother happily agreed to help me with this. When my mother and I thought about the products in the kitchen, it turned out that the kitchen is nothing more than a chemical laboratory. And the products themselves are chemicals.

Thus was born a project on the topic "Chemistry in the kitchen".

Object Our research included products and substances that mother uses for cooking.

Subject is

We have set ourselves target

To achieve our goal, we decided to go through the decision adach:

1. Find out what chemistry and chemical substances are.

Hypothesis: 1.I assumed that the kitchen is a chemical laboratory.

2. I admitted that it is possible to prove with the help of experiments that entertaining chemical experiments take place in our kitchen every day.

2.Main part 2.1.Cooking and chemistry

1 Chemistry and substances

Chemistry - one of the sciences about nature, about the changes occurring in it. The subject of the study of chemistry is substances, their properties, transformations and processes accompanying these transformations.

There are a huge amount of useful and harmful substances around us! For example, in nature there are natural substances, that is, those that were created without human intervention. This is water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, stone, wood and others.

Although I have not yet studied chemistry at school, I already know such a common element in nature as water. This substance can surprisingly have three states - liquid, solid, gaseous.

It was in the kitchen that I traced all her states.

If you boil water, it turns into hot steam - gas.

If you freeze water in freezer, then the water turns into ice. In this case, ice takes up more volume than water. Therefore, to prevent the bottle from bursting in the freezer, mom does not fill the water completely, leaving extra space in the bottle. Understanding countless useful and harmful substances, learning their structure, properties, and role in nature is one of the tasks of chemistry. All people need it - the builder, the farmer, the doctor, the housewife and the cook.

Chemistry has existed since ancient times, but it became a real science quite recently - no more than 200 years ago. Theoretical basis chemistry was founded by the ancient Greek scientists Anaxagoras and Democritus. By the creators modern system ideas about the structure of matter are considered: the great Russian scientist M.V. Lomonosov, French chemist A. Lavoisier, English physicist and chemist J. Dalton, Italian physicist A. Avogadro.

2 Chemical reagents in the kitchen

Since I learned that chemistry is the science of matter, it would be reasonable to assume that there are many different substances in the kitchen. And when preparing various dishes, chemical reactions.

I wonder how a kitchen resembles a science laboratory?

Let's reveal Kitchen Cabinet. Vinegar, baking soda, vegetable oil, sugar, flour, salt, milk, starch.

There is nothing chemical here, you say. Regular Products nutrition.

But it was not there! These are real chemicals with the help of which tasty, nutritious and healthy dishes. These substances even have chemical names.

vinegar - acetic acid;

sugar - sucrose;

starch is a polysaccharide,

milk - lactose;

Total chemistry!

It's time to conduct a series of chemical experiments in the kitchen.

I intend to conduct all experiments with the help of my mother.

2.2. Experiments in the kitchen

1 Experiment with vinegar and soda “Vulcan”

Baking soda is sodium bicarbonate NaHCO3.

Vinegar is a colorless liquid with a sharply sour taste and aroma. It contains acetic acid.

When they are mixed, a chemical reaction occurs - carbon dioxide and water are released. This can be seen from experience - the mixture bubbles and begins to increase in volume. Therefore, the so-called lava of a volcano is obtained.


1. This property of vinegar and soda is used very often in the kitchen when making baked goods - pies, buns and other dough dishes. This reaction is called “quenching soda.” When carbon dioxide is released, it saturates the dough and the baked goods become airy and porous.

The most important thing when using soda is to bake the dough immediately, since the chemical reaction takes place very quickly. You can extinguish soda fermented milk products(for example, kefir) - if they are part of the dough, then it is not necessary to add vinegar.

Milk is a liquid that contains various substances, including fat. The detergent attacks the fat in the milk and a chemical reaction occurs between the fat and the BIOLAN detergent.

A chemical reaction is the process of mixing different substances, as a result of which new substances are formed, while they become a different color, or a gas is released, or energy is released.

In our case, energy has been released that moves the paints. ( For a description of the experience, see the appendix)

Milk contains water and other substances such as the protein casein. When we ironed the sheet of paper with an iron, we heated the milk to a temperature of +100 °C. After this, the water evaporated, and the casein protein fried and turned brown. For a description of the experience, see the appendix.

4 Experience with sunflower oil

Sunflower oil is oil made from sunflower seeds. It is often used in the kitchen for frying, salad dressing, and baking.

Him interesting properties.

First we conducted an experiment with a balloon.

This experiment showed that the oil spread around the edges of the hole in hot-air balloon and did not let air out, so the ball did not deflate.

Little secret- it was possible to pierce the ball only in places where it was not under strong tension, that is, where it was softer (at the very top and next to the knot). The rubber stretched, and then contracted and, with the help of oil, no longer allowed air to pass through. The skewer was slowly pushed and turned, and it easily entered between the rubber molecules, which were connected in long chains. This experience showed more physical properties oils and rubber.

It does not sink in water and does not mix with it. For a description of the experience, see the appendix.

5 Experience in producing plastic from milk

Plastic consists of long molecules, which gives it flexibility. Milk contains the protein casein; its long molecules are suitable for plastic production. For a description of the experience, see the appendix.

4. Conclusion

Having studied the literature and carried out experiments, we were convinced that many of the processes occurring in our kitchen are chemical phenomena.

So my hypothesis was confirmed - the kitchen is a chemical laboratory.

5 Literature

1. The program “NEOKuhnya” on the “Carousel” channel, directed by Alexander Dashko.

2.www.alhimik.ru/teleclass/azbuka/1gl.shtml - electronic version of the chemical alphabet from the newspaper "Chemistry" of the publishing house "First of September".

3.N.M. Zubkova "Scientific answers to children's "whys". Experiments and experiments for children from 5 to 9 years old." Publishing house Rech 2013

4. Olgin O. Let's do some chemistry!: Entertaining experiments in chemistry / Ill. E. Andreeva. – M.: Det. Lit., 2002. – 175 pp.: ill. – (Know and be able to!).


1. Experiment with Vulcan vinegar and soda.

Our actions:

1. Cut off the neck of plastic bottle- this is the base of the volcano.

2. Plasticine was put on the bottom of the neck and placed on a large plate.

3. Pour 2 tbsp inside the bottle. l of soda and added red paint to make the volcano beautiful.

4. While the volcano is sleeping (Figure 1).

5. Pour water mixed with vinegar in a ratio of 4:1 (4 parts water and 1 part vinegar) into the neck of the bottle.

6. A chemical reaction has begun between baking soda and vinegar. The volcano began to erupt with red lava (Figure 2).

Picture 1

Figure 2

Our actions:

3. Take a cotton swab and soak it in dishwashing liquid.

4. Dip this cotton swab into a container with milk and paints (Figure 3).

5. As a result, the paints “ran away” from the cotton swab to the sides. While you hold the stick in the milk, the colors constantly spread from it into different sides, you get very beautiful swirls and patterns (Figure 4)

Figure 3

Figure 4

Our actions:

1. Pour milk into a container.

2. Take a sheet of paper and a brush.

3. We soaked the brush in milk and began to write on paper with “milk ink” (Figure 4)

4. It worked invisible inscriptions on paper.

5. Let the milk dry for 10 minutes.

6. Ironed a sheet of paper with milk notes. (Figure 5)

7. As a result, the phrase appeared Brown. In our case - “Chemistry in the kitchen” (Figure 6).

Figure 4

Figure 5 Figure 6

Our actions:

1. Inflate a balloon.

2. We took a long narrow one wooden stick(skewer) and soaked it completely in sunflower oil(Figure 10).

3. Slowly pierce the ball right through with this stick. The balloon didn't burst! (Figure 11)

Figure 10

Figure 11

1 experience.

Our actions:

1. Pour oil into a transparent glass.

2. Using a syringe, drop water tinted with green gouache into the oil.

3. There were droplets of green water in the oil, which did not mix with the oil but simply floated in the glass (Figure 14).

4. We dropped a fizzy tablet into the oil and the reaction of carbon dioxide release began, the bubbles of which began to move the “balls” of green water and lift them to the top (Figure 15).

It was one of the most beautiful experiences of the project!

Figure 14

Figure 15

5. Experience in producing plastic from milk.

For the experiment we will need: milk, vinegar, a small saucepan, a mold.

Our actions:

1. Heat the milk in a saucepan so that it is warm, but does not boil or foam (Figure 16).

2.Remove from the stove and add a few drops of vinegar (Fig. 17).

3. The resulting mass is similar to liquid rubber(Fig. 18).

4. We carefully wash this mass under running water (Fig. 19).

5. Pour it into the molds. (Fig. 20) We wait three days.

6. The plastic is ready (Fig. 21).

Figure 16 Figure 17


Figure 18 Figure 19

Figure 20 Figure 21

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Orenburg region

Orenburg district

Municipal budget educational institution

"Chernorechensk secondary school named after the holder of the Order of the Red Star A.I. Gonyshev"

Chernorechye village

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Hello! I, Daria Plotnikova, a 3rd grade student at the School named after Alexander Ivanovich Gonyshev

Allow me to introduce my research work “Chemistry in the Kitchen”.

I really like helping and watching mom when she cooks in the kitchen. One day, while my mother was preparing breakfast, I saw her adding something sizzling and bubbling to the pancake batter. At that moment, mom looked like a sorceress. I asked: “What is this and why are you putting it in the dough?” Mom smiled and replied that the kitchen is a small chemical laboratory. This is what I decided to find out, and my mother happily agreed to help me with this. When my mother and I thought about all the products in the kitchen, it turned out that the kitchen is nothing more than a chemical laboratory. And the products themselves are chemical substances with their own properties and characteristics.

This is how the project was born topic"Chemistry in the kitchen" .

Object Research began on the products and substances that mom uses for cooking.

The subject is study of phenomena occurring with substances and products in the kitchen.

Purpose of the study : find out how our kitchen is similar to a chemical laboratory.

To achieve the goal it was supposed to solve the following problems adachi:

Learn what chemistry and chemical substances are.

Conduct chemical experiments with edible products.

Prove that the kitchen is a whole chemical laboratory

Hypothesis: 1. We assumed that the kitchen is a chemical laboratory, that with the help of experiments it can be proven that entertaining chemical experiments take place in our kitchen every day.

Let's try to prove it.

There are a huge amount of useful and harmful substances around us! For example, in nature there are natural substances that were created without human intervention. These are water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, stone and others.

There are substances created by man. They are called artificial substances. These are plastic, rubber, glass and others.

Any substance is either in pure form or consists of a mixture of pure substances. Due to chemical reactions, substances can be transformed into a new substance.

I'm not studying chemistry yet, but I can already say that water comes in three states.

It was in the kitchen that I traced this. If you boil water, it turns into hot steam - gas. If you freeze water in the freezer, the water turns into ice. Understanding useful and harmful substances, learning their structure, properties, and role in nature is one of the tasks of chemistry.

Since I learned that chemistry is the science of matter, it would be reasonable to assume that there are many different substances in the kitchen. And when preparing various dishes, chemical reactions probably occur. I wonder how a kitchen resembles a science laboratory?

Let's open the kitchen cabinet. Vinegar, baking soda, vegetable oil, sugar, flour, salt, milk, starch.

Nothing chemical, you say, not here. Regular food.

But it was not there! These are real chemicals with the help of which tasty, nutritious and healthy dishes appear on our table. These substances even have chemical names.

For example: salt is sodium chloride;

baking soda - sodium bicarbonate;

vinegar - acetic acid;

sugar - sucrose;

starch is a polysaccharide,

milk is lactose.

Total chemistry!

It's time to conduct a series of chemical experiments in the kitchen.

My mother helped me in conducting the experiments.

Experiment with Vulcan vinegar and soda.

Pour 2 tbsp inside the bottle. l of soda and added red paint to make the volcano beautiful. Next, pour water mixed with vinegar in a 4:1 ratio (4 parts water and 1 part vinegar) into the neck of the bottle. A chemical reaction began between baking soda and vinegar. The volcano began to erupt with red lava


Pour milk into the container. Add three types of colors - red, Blue colour, green color. We got it beautiful patterns in milk. Take a cotton swab and soak it in dishwashing liquid. We dip this cotton swab into a container with milk and paints. As a result, the paints “ran away” from the cotton swab to the sides. While we hold the stick in the milk, the colors constantly spread from it in different directions, creating very beautiful patterns.

Pour milk into a container. Take a sheet of paper and a brush. We wet the brush in milk and write on the paper with “milk ink”. The result was invisible inscriptions on paper. Let the milk dry for 10 minutes and iron the sheet of paper with the milk notes. As a result, a brown phrase appeared. In our case - “CHEMISTRY IN THE KITCHEN”

Experience with sunflower oil.

Inflate the balloon and take a long narrow wooden stick (skewer) and soak it completely in sunflower oil. Slowly pierce the ball right through with this stick. The balloon didn't burst!

Pour oil into a transparent glass and use a syringe to drop water tinted with green gouache into the oil. There were droplets of green water in the oil, which did not mix with the oil, but simply floated in the glass. We put a tablet of fizz into the oil, the reaction of carbon dioxide release began, the bubbles of which began to move the “balls” of green water and lift them to the top. It was one of the most beautiful experiences of the project!

Experience in producing plastic from milk.

For next experience We will need: milk, vinegar, a small saucepan, a mold.

Heat the milk in a saucepan until it is warm, but not boiling or foaming. Remove from heat and add a few drops of vinegar. The resulting mass is similar to liquid rubber. We carefully wash this mixture under running water. Pour it into molds. We wait three days. The plastic is ready.

Having studied the literature, done experiments, we were convinced that many of the processes occurring in our kitchen are chemical phenomena.

So my hypothesis confirmed - kitchen - chemical laboratory ..

To master all the subtleties of the art of cooking, you need to know a lot. A real culinary specialist must be a person educated in the field of chemistry, biology, biochemistry, and nutritional physiology.

During this project, we were able to complete the assigned tasks. We learned what chemistry and chemical substances are, and conducted chemical experiments with different products. Thus, we proved that the kitchen is a whole chemical laboratory.

Thank you for your attention!

View presentation content
“Plotnikova Daria. presentation of work"


3rd grade student

MBOU "School named after A.I. Gonyshev"

Plotnikova, Daria

Head of work:

Gonysheva Svetlana Vladimirovna

teacher primary classes

An object:

products and substances that mother uses for cooking.


study of phenomena occurring with substances and products in the kitchen.

Target: find out how our kitchen is similar to a chemical laboratory.


1. Find out what chemistry and chemical substances are.

2. Conduct chemical experiments with edible products.

3. Prove that the kitchen is a whole chemical laboratory.




sodium chloride;


acetic acid

baking soda - sodium bicarbonate



We have chemical reagents in our kitchen!


milk - lactose

Experience with sunflower oil

Conclusion: having studied the literature, performed experiments,

we are convinced that many processes,

chemical phenomena occurring in our kitchen.


Kitchen - chemical laboratory

Thank you for your attention!

When my daughter found out that I wanted to write a negative review about her kit for chemical experiments at home, she said, “Mom, no need for a bad review.” But still, I am writing a review, a mother, and a review for the same mothers and fathers, so I will express my personal opinion.

When I was a child, I had the “Young Chemist” set - I loved it, although I don’t remember why. I don’t remember what chemical experiments it allowed me to do, but I remember that I loved this set, although I wasn’t particularly interested in chemistry. So I (fool!), inspired by childhood, bought a similar set for my daughter - a set for experiments “Chemistry experiments in the kitchen” from Ranok-Creative...

Before you get indignant, I’ll give you a dialogue with my daughter (13 years old) about the review:

Mom, no need for a bad review.

Did you like the set?

Dotsya, you’ve had it for over a year now. How many times have you used it?

As they say, no comments.

But I will still comment on a few of the declared 100 experiments, I’ll even comment in pictures so as not to be unfounded! Pictures are photos from the instructions pages.

Example No. 1. Here are descriptions of two different experiments on removing scale from a kettle (don’t look at the numbers 3 and 4 - these experiments are actually from different sections, they just coincided):

The only difference is that in one case they take vinegar, and in the other lemon juice.

Example 2. Again two different experiments from two different sections, this time mixing acid and soda:

The only difference is that in one case they take vinegar, and in the other citric acid and water.

Example 3. Now we’re doing “submarines” - studying the density of fresh and salt water (the sections are different again):

The only difference is that in one case they take a potato, and in the other an egg.

I took examples offhand, there are a lot of them!


Question 1: And what does the set have to do with it??? In the examples given, nothing from the set is used! You might as well issue just the instructions as a separate brochure, and parents won’t overpay for a beautiful box!

Question 2: What kind of children are these experiments designed for? It says 10+, but I’m not interested in age, but rather in level of knowledge. If a child understands the given formulas, then he knows for sure that the reaction of soda with acid will be the same, even if you take vinegar or a solution of citric acid. And if the child is so small that he is interested in doing these experiments separately, then why are you giving formulas at all?!

Question 3: How many experiences are you talking about? 100? What if we remove these repetitions? If you just write in my first example that instead of vinegar you can use lemon juice? And in other examples, if we do the same? Is this already 50 experiments? This brochure will even be twice as thin!

Question 4: In my last example with eggs and potatoes, where is the chemistry at all?! Am I the only one who thinks this is physics?! Probably not alone, because the experiment with an egg on the internet is described everywhere in the physics section...

It's bullshit, not a SET!

90% of experiments are carried out without the participation of a kit at all!

My daughter persuaded me to give the rating not 2, but 3, citing the fact that “there are still several interesting experiments" . Ok, I'll give it a 3. It's a stretch. Creaking my heart. Purely for the sake of “a few interesting experiences”...

P.S: Better buy the Znatok electronic construction set - you definitely won’t regret it! Suitable for both girls and boys. In the review I described various real jokes with him - a very funny thing, if you show a little imagination

Municipal educational institution

"Secondary school No. 10"


« Entertaining chemistry in the kitchen"


student of 4th grade

Shchetinina Daria


Ivashova Tatyana Vasilievna,

primary school teacher



1. Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………..page 3

2. Theoretical part

2.1. What is chemistry………………………………………………………..page 4

2.2. Chemicals in the kitchen…………………………….page 4

3. Practical part

3.1 Study public opinion…………………………….page 5

3.2. Experiments in the kitchen…………………………………………………………….pp.5-7

4. Final part ………………………………………………………….page 8

5. Used sources …………………………………………………………. p.9

1. Introduction

My mother is a chemist. This is an amazing profession! I often visit her office and every time I am surprised at how boldly and interestingly my mother spends different experiences, like a real sorceress, transforms some substances into others. And all this without magic wand and magic spells. It fascinates me every time. Chemistry is the science of “real magic”.

I like watching my mother at home when she is in the kitchen. I noticed that she adds something sizzling and bubbling to the pancake batter. To the question: “What is this and why should it be put in the dough?” Mom smiled and replied that the kitchen is a small chemical laboratory.

I already had some idea about chemistry, I saw different test tubes, jars with beautiful liquids inside. But what is the connection between mom’s delicious pancakes and chemicals and transformations? This is what I decided to find out, and my mother happily agreed to help me with this.When my mother and I thought about all the products in the kitchen, it turned out that the kitchen is nothing more than a chemical laboratory. And the products themselves are chemical substances with their own properties and characteristics.Thus the idea of ​​research was born - to conduct own experiences in the kitchen.

An object research - products and substances that are used for cooking.

Subject is the study of phenomena occurring with substances and products in the kitchen.

Target : prove that chemical experiments can be carried out in the kitchen.

Z adachi:

1. Expand your knowledge of chemistry by studying literature

2. Conduct chemical experiments with products in the kitchen.

3. Prove that the kitchen is a whole chemical laboratory.

Hypothesis: suggested what can be done in our kitchen entertaining experiments.

2. Theoretical part

2.1. What is chemistry?

Chemistry science is amazing. As soon as a person appears on White light, he enters the world chemical substances. The first breath, and now there is a mixture of gases in the lungs, the first sip of mother's milk - and the protein begins to work in the baby's body.

Our body is a “chemical reactor”, because it transforms some substances into others and at the same time releases energy for life. Understanding countless useful and harmful substances, learning their structure, properties, and role in nature is one of the tasks of chemistry. It is needed by a builder, a farmer, a doctor, a housewife, and a cook. So what is chemistry?

Chemistry - one of the sciences about nature, about the changes occurring in it.

S. Ozhegov’s dictionary says thatThe subject of the study of chemistry is substances, their properties, transformations and processes accompanying these transformations.

There are a huge amount of useful and harmful substances around us! There are natural substances in nature that were created without human intervention. These are water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, stone, wood and others.

There are substances created by man. They are called artificial substances. These are plastic, rubber, glass and others. In addition to useful ones, there are harmful substances, which are becoming more and more every year! Harmful substances are substances that cause illness and injury in humans. For example, exhaust gases from cars and smoke from factory chimneys, mercury in thermometers, chlorine in cleaning products.

Any substance is either in pure form or consists of a mixture of pure substances. Due to chemical reactions, substances can be transformed into a new substance.

Chemistry has existed since ancient times, but it became a real science quite recently - no more than 200 years ago. The theoretical foundations of chemistry were laid by the ancient Greek scientists Anaxagoras and Democritus. The creators of the modern system of ideas about the structure of matter are considered to be: the great Russian scientist M.V. Lomonosov, French chemist A. Lavoisier, English physicist and chemist J. Dalton, Italian physicist A. Avogadro.

2.2. Chemicals in the kitchen

I wonder how a kitchen resembles a science laboratory?

Let's open the kitchen cabinet. Vinegar, baking soda, vegetable oil, sugar, flour, salt, milk, starch, meat. Nothing chemical, you say, here. Regular food. But it was not there! These are real chemicals with the help of which tasty, nutritious and healthy dishes appear on our table. Mom said that these substances even have chemical names.

For example: salt is sodium chloride

baking soda - sodium bicarbonate;

vinegar - acetic acid;

sugar - sucrose;

starch is a polysaccharide,

milk - lactose;

meat proteins and fats

3. Practical part

3.1 Public opinion research

We compiled a questionnaire and studied the opinions of students (24 people)


Answer options

What does chemistry study?

I know-9

I don't know-15

Do you know chemicals?



Is it possible to conduct chemical experiments at home?



Would you like to conduct experiments at home?



Results: The guys know little about chemistry and chemicals, almost all of them have a great desire to conduct experiments at home! (17 people out of 24).

3.2. Experiments in the kitchen.

Experience No. 1 "Egg - Submarine»

You will need:liter jar with plain water, table salt, as a “submarine” - an ordinary egg.

Course of action: Pour half a jar of water and put an egg in it. We see that the egg has sunk.Pour a glass of salt into the jar and stir thoroughly. The result is that the egg surfaced like a submarine. Salty water helps to stay on the surface. And therefore it is much easier to swim in the sea than in the river. And in the Dead Sea it is completely impossible to drown due to the fact that the water there is unusually salty.

Conclusion: The egg is heavier than ordinary water, but lighter than salted water, so it does not sink.

Experience No. 2- "Funny Bubbles"

You will need: glass or small jar, lemon, baking soda.

Pour into the bottom of a glass or small jar baking soda. Cut a lemon and squeeze lemon juice. Add lemon juice to a glass of baking soda. So what do we see? bubbles appeared at the bottom of the glass.

Conclusion:acid combines with soda to release carbon dioxide , the same one which we exhale. And if you take more vinegar and soda, you can even inflate a balloon with gas!

Experience No. 3- "Sorting"

We will need: Paper towel, salt- 1 tsp. ground pepper - 1 tsp, balloon.

Course of action : Mix salt and pepper thoroughly with a spoon. Inflate the balloon, tie it and rub it on wool fabric or head. Bring the ball closer to the salt and pepper mixture. What do we see?The pepper stuck to the ball, and the salt remained on the table.

Conclusion: Using a ball, you can sort spilled substances.

torture No. 4-“
Lemon the Magician"

You will need: two glasses, two tea bags, lemon, boiling water.

Procedure: You need to brew tea in 2 glasses so that the color is the same. In one of the glassesadd a piece of lemon. So what do we see? The tea brightened before our eyes!

Conclusion: Lemon is a real magic bleach!

Experience No. 5 "Secret Letter"

You will need: small container, milk, sheet of clean paper, brush, iron.

Action code:
Pour milk into a container. Take a sheet of paper and a brush. We wet the brush in milk and write on the paper with “milk ink”. The result was invisible inscriptions. After 10 minutes, iron the sheet of paper with milk notes. As a result, the secret of the letter was revealed! We saw the inscription “CHEMISTRY” Why? Milk contains water and other substances such as the protein casein. When we ironed the sheet of paper with an iron, we heated the milk to a temperature of +100 °C. After that the water evaporatedand the casein protein fried and turned brown.

Conclusion: milk may be the secret dye! And you can write to them!

Experience No. 6 "Miracle Oil"

You will need: balloon, sunflower oil, skewer

Action code:
Inflate a balloon, take a narrow wooden stick and soak it completely in sunflower oil. Slowly pierce the ball right through with this stick. The oil spread around the edges of the hole in the balloon and did not let air out, so the balloon did not deflate.

Conclusion: Thanks to the oil, the ball didn't burst!

ABOUT torture No. 7 "Gray Chocolate"

You will need: glass of water, chocolate bar, spoon

Procedure: Spoon water onto chocolateWrap the chocolate in foil and place in the refrigerator (not in the freezer compartment! ). After 1-2 weeks, take out the chocolate.

Appeared on the surface of the chocolate white coating- the chocolate has turned grey. These are sucrose crystals, as water attracts them.

Conclusion: Chocolate may turn gray due to water

Experience No. 8 "Pepsi-Cola is a cannibal"

she will need:
empty glass, Pepsi-Cola, piece raw meat

Procedure: Pour Pepsi-Cola into a glass, add a piece of raw meat to it and leave for several days.A piece of meat dissolved, and an unpleasant sediment appeared in the glass.

Conclusion: Pepsi Cola can dissolve even pieces of meat!

Experience No. 9 "Desired Gelatin"

Gelatin is an animal glue obtained from the cartilage, veins and bones of calves, piglets and dried for long-term storage. When it is filled with water, it swells.

You will need: food gelatin, water, containers, jelly mold

1. Pour gelatin into a container and pour a glass of warm boiled water, leave for 30 minutes.

2. The swollen gelatin was stirred with a spoon and poured into a saucepan.

3. Heat on the stove, stirring with a spoon. The gelatin dissolved and a “magic” solution was obtained.

4. Poured into the mold. Let it cool.

5. After that, put it in the refrigerator until it hardened.

6. Removed from the molds and it turned out to be a beautiful jelly.

Conclusion: Using gelatin you can make edible figures!

Experience No. 10 "Colored Bubbles"

You will need: sunflower oil, water, gouache, glass, syringe


1. Pour oil into a transparent glass.

2. Using a syringe, drop water tinted with green gouache into the oil. There were droplets of green water in the oil, which did not mix with the oil, but simply floated in the glass.

. Drop a pop tablet into the oil.

Conclusion: It was one of the most beautiful experiences! Bubbles of carbon dioxide began to move the “balls” of green water and lift them to the top! Simply beautiful!

4. Conclusion

Having studied the literature and carried out experiments, we were convinced that many of the processes occurring in our kitchen are chemical phenomena.

So, my hypothesis was confirmed -You can conduct experiments in the kitchen!

The assigned tasks were completed: we learned what chemistry and chemical substances are, and carried out chemical experiments with products. Therebywe proved that the kitchen is a whole chemical laboratory.

5. Sources used

1. The program “NEOKuhnya” on the “Carousel” channel.

2.www.alhimik.ru/teleclass/azbuka/1gl.shtml- an electronic version of the chemical alphabet from the newspaper "Chemistry" of the publishing house "First of September".

3.N.M. Zubkova "Scientific answers to children's "whys". Experiments and experiments for children from 5 to 9 years old." Publishing house Rech 2013

4. Olgin O. Let's do some chemistry!: Entertaining experiments in chemistry / Ill. E. Andreeva. – M.: Det. Lit., 2002. – 175 pp.: ill. – (Know and be able to!).

You can show chemical experiments and tell your child about the world of organic and inorganic chemistry while preparing lunch. Elena Kachur’s book “Fascinating Chemistry” presents unusual and at the same time simple experiments with “homemade reagents”: soda, citric acid, salt. The main characters of the book are Chevostik and Uncle Kuzya.


Now we will carry out one very interesting chemical reaction. For it we need lemon juice and a little baking soda. Every housewife has it in her kitchen. We will pour it into a transparent glass clean water. Add a pinch of soda to it. Stir well.
- The white soda powder has dissolved and is returned to the glass. clear water.
- Not water, but a soda solution. Add lemon juice to it...
- Oh! The liquid in the glass began to bubble, and transparent bubbles of some kind of gas rose from the bottom.


Its formula is CO2. C is the abbreviation for the element carbon. O - oxygen.
- And “two” means that next to each carbon atom there are as many as two oxygen atoms.
- Oh yes Chevostik! Right!
- Uncle Kuzya, what kind of element is carbon?
- Another good friend of yours. Coal is made up of this element. Graphite - dark gray center a simple pencil. And the hardest stone on Earth is diamond. But let's return to our gas. It has a name - carbon dioxide.


Oh, yes, I know about him! We inhale oxygen, and we exhale this same carbon dioxide. You talked about this when we were learning on our journey how a person works.
- Absolutely right. And the chemical reactions that release this gas are used by many mothers and grandmothers when preparing delicious pies, pancakes and pancakes.


Carbon is found in most different forms and types. There is some carbon in humans too!
- Why do these goodies contain gas, and even carbon dioxide?
- He helps housewives make the dough fluffy and airy. They add special baking powder or baking soda with something acidic, and the dough begins to undergo a reaction similar to what we just observed.
- Gas bubbles remain in the dough, and the pancakes turn out lacy! Which useful gas. Only we had almost none left in our glass.
- The chemical reaction is over. All the soda and lemon acid reacted.


Uncle Kuzya, why did you call lemon juice acid? Because it's sour?
- On the contrary, these acids got their name because sour taste. Acids are the name of a group of chemical substances. We literally know some acids by taste: these are oxalic, malic, citric, lactic, acetic acids. Everyone knows and healthy vitamin C is also an acid. Ascorbic.
- Now I will know why sorrel and apples are sour. Because of the acids!
- But most acids have nothing to do with food. And you should never try them: many acids are very hot, and some are poisonous.
- Why do chemists study such harmful substances?
- Acids are not harmful at all, they bring great benefits. For example, sulfuric acid is necessary to produce fertilizers, without which it is impossible to grow good harvest. Without it you cannot make paper, paints, fabrics, shoes, medicines. Other acids have a lot of work to do, too. We have it in our stomach hydrochloric acid, its formula is HCl. This acid helps us digest food.
- These acids are amazing substances. What other groups of substances are there?

We have already talked about oxides. In addition to acids and oxides, there are alkalis. They, like acids, are caustic and should not be touched or tasted to avoid getting burned.
“But they probably also turn out to be something very necessary.”
- For example, detergents and soap that we use every day. And now I want to tell you how to pacify burning acid and caustic alkali with the help of chemistry. To do this, you need to... mix them.


Wouldn't that make them twice as dangerous?
- Vice versa! They will turn into a salt solution. The fact is that any acid necessarily contains a hydrogen atom. And in every alkali there is an inseparable pair: an oxygen atom with a hydrogen atom. If you mix an acid and an alkali, the hydrogen from the acid will combine with the oxygen-hydrogen from the alkali. And you get a company familiar to us - two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen.
- Yes, this is H2O! Water! And it's not hot at all!


The remaining atoms of acid and alkali also combine, and some kind of salt is obtained. Salts are the name of another group of chemicals.
- I'll remember this. Uncle Kuzya, now let's carry out the following chemical reactions. I really enjoyed this activity.
- Then I propose to figure out where there are acids and alkalis near us.
- How do we do this? What if you can’t put acids in your mouth, but it’s better not to touch alkalis?
- Dangerous acids and alkalis are unlikely to be found in our home. And cabbage will help us deal with those that are available. True, not ordinary, but red-headed.
- I know her, she has beautiful leaves purple. But how it will help distinguish an acid from an alkali is completely unclear to me.
- Now everything will become clear. First we need to squeeze the juice out of the cabbage. Turn on the juicer... Done!
- The juice turned out to be dark purple in color.
- Now pour water into a glass, add lemon juice to it, and then pour in a little juice red cabbage.
- Ah! Purple cabbage juice has changed color! It turned red!
- Let's continue our research. In another glass, dilute a little soap in water. What do you think, Chevostik, if you add cabbage juice to soapy water, what color will you get?
- Red? Or purple?

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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