Made for the hall of a private apartment in St. Petersburg. Painting with classic elements of the southern landscape - cypress trees, columns, veranda, with several plans, space, airy haze. The image is multi-colored, but made in somewhat restrained colors (at first it was assumed that it would be a tinted grisaille, a monochromatic image). The painting was done on canvas in a workshop due to the impossibility of doing it directly on the wall and was subsequently mounted on the wall in a special frame - a frame. painting material - acrylic.

An example of classic interior design with paintings with well-recognized architecture of an Italian city. A reminder of a sunny and romantic Italian city cannot but evoke pleasant and rosy associations. It is no coincidence that the painting occupies the entire wall, framing the interior door and giving the viewer the illusion of air and space. The painting is done in a realistic manner in a light tone with acrylic paints on textured decorative plaster, which connects it well with the rich decoration of the surroundings: marble floors, plaster stucco. The matte surface virtually eliminates glare on the painting.

View of an ancient French street leading to the sea, balconies, walls covered with wild grape leaves, forged fences and gratings, pavements; a cozy alley with stone steps and a cafe where you can hide from the hot sun. The realistic execution of the plot expands the space, makes it possible to be transported to a completely different country, culture, and to dream during the cold St. Petersburg winters about the distant sunny cities of the Cote d'Azur. The landscape has what is called a “portrait” resemblance: each house is carefully painted, with careful study of the material sent by the customer.

Painting in the style of a tapestry. Wall painting in the apartment in the bathroom is realized in an unusual way. The idea of ​​decorating the bathroom was to create a painting on the wall in the form of an imitation of a tapestry (a picture embroidered with threads), but done with paints in the appropriate style and with many details. However, according to the project, the bathroom certainly had to have smooth ceramic tiles covering all the walls. The solution was found at the intersection of classic hand painting and modern technologies: printing from a sketch, handmade on ceramic tiles. The printing was carried out in Italy on large-sized thin tiles.

The griffin is a mythical winged creature with the body of a lion and the head of an eagle. Griffins were often depicted in Byzantine iconography - both in paintings, frescoes, mosaics and in stone reliefs. Byzantium inherited the ancient ideas of the griffin as a vigilant guard; they were also placed as talismans on armor (shields, armor), they decorated the walls of rooms with paintings of griffins; in Scythian art they were among the attributes of the so-called “animal style”. In St. Petersburg, the famous Bank Bridge is decorated with griffins (architect P.P. Sokolov).

The painting of the bedroom with a pheasant is made in a very light color scheme on textured plaster - this is determined by the nature of the room, its decoration and the desire of the designer - wallpaper with stylized birds and flowers with a predominance of cold and gray shades was chosen especially for the bedroom. The colors and character of the painting pattern echo the selected wallpaper, which creates a single artistic ensemble of the interior. The composition of the bedroom painting is based on the symmetry of the right and left sides. This creates a feeling of harmony, calm and balance.

“Ginnotaki” using characteristic Japanese scenes: cherry blossoms, pagodas, Mount Fuji... The painting was initially designed taking into account the style of the restaurant and the features of the interior. Between the paintings it was planned to install an aquarium with fish, as well as a panel with streams of water, which would create the stylistic integrity of the space. The interior was supposed to have different lighting, which had to be taken into account when choosing a composition: after all, the painting should be viewed from several points of view and in different spaces, as well as the choice of color: intense and bright, which is well perceived in dim lighting...

for the Design Center on the street. Marata. A combination of picturesque and decorative approaches to decorate the hall with sculpture and stone. The extreme richness of detail forces the viewer to carefully examine each piece of the painting. In this hall it was planned to organize an exhibition of works made of natural stone and samples of stone decoration. The composition of the work is interesting due to its non-standard solution, since the wall itself began to participate in the image: the niche in it is made in a realistic manner and depicts a sunlit terrace and a background landscape, the framing of the landscape is decorative, but with…

in a modern city apartment located in a residential area of ​​St. Petersburg. The wall decoration is based on ancient European towns with historical buildings, a bridge and a river. The painting was done with acrylic paints in warm and gentle colors that harmonize with the beige color of the kitchen furniture, wall and floor tiles. During the work, acrylic for wet rooms, artistic acrylic paints, and colors were used; To protect the image, the wall was completely covered with matte varnish. When composing the image, we took into account the future location of the table - bar counter...

in an estate near St. Petersburg. This is an external painting that forms an extended wall that delimits the levels of the site. The elongated size of the composition, as well as the very location of the painting (outer wall) determined the nature of the image. For the painting, motifs of a typical Karelian landscape were chosen from which a single, complete composition was created. The purpose of the painting was to deceive the viewer - to hide the wall with a natural image of stones and vegetation, to turn it into part of the surrounding landscape: the colors of the painting are close to natural

Painting with luminous colors in a restaurant and nightclub. The painting was developed based on “future” and “deep space”, focusing on the modern architecture of the building and design elements of the club. Painting in a circle on the ceiling and painting the walls in the bar, part of the design of a restaurant - night club in a residential area of ​​St. Petersburg. painting material: artistic oil paints, imported alkyd enamel, acrylic paints, semi-matte protective varnish. The painting is designed to be perceived in normal lighting, mixed lighting, and also in nightclub mode...

Wall painting in a children's room on the “Jungle” theme, done in a soft, light version with images of exotic animals and birds... Initially, it was planned to make a more complex composition, with space and more details. But after a conversation with the customer and discussion of the sketches, we settled on a more laconic, lighter version, emphasizing the flatness of the walls. On a light ocher-pinkish background, the silhouettes of maidens, branches, vines and exotic animals are clearly visible. The painting was done in a free pictorial manner...

for a game room - the entire image is made with fluorescent paints and is invisible under normal lighting, but when illuminated with ultraviolet lamps, a futuristic landscape appears. When painting the wall, several types of luminous paints were used, which made it possible to achieve greater materiality and space in the depiction of objects.

Made for a nightclub. The subject of the painting (a view of Earth from space) was chosen based on the purpose of the room and the existing design. Due to the purpose of the painting, the image must be quite bright, saturated and have a glossy shine, so oil paints in combination with enamel were chosen as the execution material. This made it possible to achieve depth and brightness of color and at the same time perform soft transitions and fusion of paint, as well as obtain the reliability and durability of the paint coating.

Bedroom painting for an elite apartment in Moscow, light airy painting in a classical manner in very light colors. This painting brings austerity, lightness and balance of true classics to a modern interior. The painting fills the bedroom with a feeling of sunlight and air, images of Italy and Greece and is done in such a way as not to conflict with the interior, wallpaper, and future furnishings. Such painting is a wonderful continuation of the high-quality designer interior of the apartment.

People have always believed that painting walls is a wonderful way not only to decorate their home, but also to attract happiness, peace and good luck. This design direction has not lost its relevance at all; rather, on the contrary, artistic wall painting is becoming more and more popular today. This is understandable - an original design option for the surrounding space can transform a room, fill it with warmth, beauty and comfort.

How it all began

Decorative wall painting is associated with the emergence frescoes. Translated from Italian, “fresco” means “fresh.” The technique involved applying paints diluted with lime water to wet (fresh) plaster. This method made it possible to obtain durable paintings that did not lose the brightness of colors over the centuries.


The fresco was widespread in Rome and Greece in the 2nd millennium BC. Aegean art was popular among the elite and was considered the best method of decorating walls and ceilings. The unique technology of work has preserved the creations of ancient masters to this day and told about the beliefs, customs and traditions of their ancestors.

The sequence of creating a clean fresco was first described Cennino Cennini(1447). The image was applied to the plaster using powder, ocher or coal. Only rich people could afford such beauty: artistic painting is a labor-intensive process that requires high skill and appropriate remuneration.

Today, painting walls in the interior has become more accessible, but it still cannot be called a cheap pleasure. Handmade work is considered the best way to create an exclusive interior that has no analogues. The variety of styles and genres guarantees stunning results - mesmerizing and realistic.

Application technique: varieties

The concept of “painting the walls of a room” includes many ways of applying images. It is customary to distinguish between 2 main types: traditional and modern techniques, which in turn are divided into several subtypes.

Imperishable classic

Traditional wall painting is a monumental work done manually, without the use of modern equipment. In addition to the above fresco, traditional techniques include:

  • encaustic- applying melted wax or oil paints to the plaster. Although another option is more often used - the image is applied to a canvas or wooden panel and then glued to the wall;

  • alsecco translated from Italian as “dry”. This technique of painting walls involves applying a color mixture to dry plaster. The paints were ground on eggs with the addition of lime and vegetable glue mixed with tempera, acrylic and oil solutions;
  • sgrafitto translated as “scratched.” The procedure is technologically quite complex - the wall is covered first with black and then with white primer. The design is scraped onto the white ground until a black background appears. The technique was invented by the ancient Greeks and became widespread during the Renaissance.

Achievements of the current century

Modern variations are no less interesting, but more varied.

  • grisaille translated from French as "gray". The peculiarity is that the drawing is done in a palette of all shades of gray - this gives the composition a sculptural orientation;
  • drawing on decorative plaster. In this case, before starting work, the walls are finished in order to give the required volume. A painting on a wall treated in this way looks like a real one - “living” and “breathing”;

  • acrylic painting walls are extremely in demand due to quick application and drying, the ability to convey the play of light and tones;
  • visible and invisible colors glow in the dark and attract everyone's attention. The technique allows the use of coloring mixtures with the addition of mother-of-pearl and light-accumulating particles that shine in ultraviolet light - a truly mesmerizing sight;
  • graffiti- a technique familiar to many, which involves the use of aerosol cans of paint;
  • vinyl painting- one of the latest developments, loved by many for its ease of execution and cost-effectiveness. The ornament, which is applied to vinyl wallpaper, brings the desired breath of novelty into the familiar environment and, with the right approach, becomes the main decoration of the interior.

Stencil painting

Question how much does wall painting cost- the first thing that worries those who want to decorate their home with “living” paintings. The cost depends on many factors: the complexity of the design, the application method, the size of the composition, and the chosen subject.
On average, an ornament will cost from 2,000 to 15,000 thousand rubles. per sq.m., landscape sketches - from 6,000 to 30,000 thousand rubles. per sq.m., compositions depicting animals and humans - from 20,000 to 60,000 thousand rubles. per sq.m.

If you want to create on your own, then stencils for painting walls will help you. This is a simple and affordable way to decorate a room with borders, friezes, ornaments and flowers. There are a large number of ready-made templates for painting on sale, but if you want something unusual and definitely in a single copy, then you can make the stencils yourself. It is enough to take a sheet of plastic or thick cardboard, draw the outlines of the desired design and cut it out.

All that remains is to fix the stencil on the wall and paint it using a special stencil brush and water-dispersion or latex paints. To create single-color patterns, single templates are suitable, while the use of multiple shades requires the presence of a multi-stencil consisting of several parts.

Wall painting with stencil pictures is especially popular when decorating children's rooms. The topic can be any depending on the age, gender and preferences of the child. It has been proven that the formation of taste begins in childhood - surround your baby with bright, interesting and educational stories that stimulate the development of imagination, and he will grow up kind, smart and talented.

DIY artistic painting

First of all, you need to decide on the location of the drawing and purchase materials for the work. If the choice of area for juicy experiments depends only on you, then paints and brushes must be purchased, taking into account the recommendations of professionals.

So the best acrylic paints are varnish and matte. They are non-toxic, dry quickly and are resistant to mechanical stress (the created sketch can be washed, but without fanaticism - with special diligence, you can erase anything).
Brushes for acrylic paints must be purchased with artificial bristles. Preferably in different sizes, which will help you choose the optimal smear depending on the tasks at hand.


Next stage - surface preparation. The wall is puttied to perfect smoothness - there should be no bumps or depressions. Then it is painted with white paint, just white, and not tinted - otherwise we will get a faded pattern with spots. Before applying the pattern directly to the wall, it would be a good idea to work out the sequence of sketching the details on paper.

Draw an outline with colored pencils; if you use a simple pencil, then under the influence of acrylic paints it will blur and instead of a picturesque landscape, an artistic “daub” will appear in front of us. Make sketches from large to small details, i.e. identify the main elements first, and then supplement them with secondary ones


It is also necessary to paint over the drawing in stages - give yourself a rest. Intervals will help not only to maintain the thirst for creativity, but also to see minor mistakes and shortcomings. The paint is applied from large to small parts, from light to darker tones.

Final step- varnishing. Although the procedure is not mandatory for acrylic paints, it is better to play it safe and securely fix the created masterpiece, but when using watercolors and gouache, a varnish coating is extremely necessary! The varnish is applied carefully using a spray bottle in several thin layers. Now your efforts are reliably protected from the influence of dust and time; all you have to do is wipe the created splendor with a damp cloth from time to time.

Artistic wall painting is a very interesting activity that requires inspiration and special responsibility. Try to put a piece of your soul into your work, and then the result will delight the eye and fill the space with a special, festive mood.

A modern person strives to give his apartment individuality and create comfort in it. Painting the walls in the interior can help solve this issue. Thanks to the large number of existing styles, anyone can apply a simple design to the walls, even if they have absolutely no experience in this matter. The types, advantages and disadvantages of each of the existing styles are discussed in this article.

Most designers believe that decorating walls with painting allows you to solve several problems in a particular room at once:

  • reduce or increase space;

  • implement zoning;
  • adjust the arrangement of furniture;
  • place certain accents, making the image the main one in the room or, conversely, emphasizing the general idea of ​​the interior.

When choosing a sketch, you must remember that any drawing carries a certain charge of energy, which will influence the person’s state and create the mood in the room as a whole.

Important! Designers do not recommend choosing images of scenes of violence, wars, disasters, monsters, aliens, etc. because of their negative energy.

Wall painting in an office space should create an appropriate image and put employees in a working mood. Photos of wall paintings in the interior, which are presented in large numbers on the Internet today, will help you decide on a suitable image.

At the same time, do not forget about the theme - it must fully correspond to the functional purpose of the room:

  • for the kitchen it is appropriate to choose still lifes, images of cutlery, etc.;
  • a world map, books, paintings, etc. will look harmonious in the office;
  • the children's room will be decorated with characters from your favorite cartoons, fairy tales, toys, etc.;
  • For the bedroom it is best to choose calm, peaceful scenes.

After choosing an image, you should pay attention to the painting technique.

Main types of painting

Today, various types of wall paintings can be used indoors.

Artistic painting– making drawings on the walls using different styles and colors. This includes stained glass, still lifes, portraits, frescoes, etc. Complex drawings must be ordered from professional artists, but simple graphic images can be done on your own.

Airbrush– the design is applied using an airbrush. Complex plots will be beyond the capabilities of a beginner, but you can try to make simple elements yourself using a spray gun.

Chalk drawing and lattering- This is a technique of applying a drawing with chalk onto a fabric base or slate board. Lattering techniques require learning, but simple lettering can be done even by a beginner. Photos of painting walls in an apartment with chalk are presented in large numbers on the Internet.

Create images using stamps, tape, or stencils– this technique is best suited for beginners and those who have no drawing skills at all. To make the drawing beautiful, you must be careful in your work.

Decoupage– creating pictures using wall stickers.

3D painting– sometimes this type of drawing is called snag. With its help you can significantly expand the space and give the room a non-standard look. This type of painting is the most difficult, so only a professional artist can perform it.

Any of the above types of application, with the correct selection of patterns, will be an excellent interior solution in any room.

Wall painting in the interior: popular motifs

The subjects of the drawings can be very different in theme and technique. The most common are:

  • plants are floral motifs, trees, large flowers and buds. Patterns can be applied contour, graphically or drawn in small details. The theme of cherry blossoms or birds on tree branches is very popular;
  • surallism, abstractionism - this theme is actively used in the design of modern kitchens;
  • still lifes, sea views, quiet village streets, Provence motifs, village scenes - this theme is chosen for a classic interior;
  • ornaments and patterns - themes are actively used for painting walls in the bedroom, living room, kitchen and corridor. Applying such drawings does not require much experience in drawing, since most of them use stencils and stamps;

  • images of forks, spoons, cups, plates are used to paint walls in the kitchen;
  • geometric elements - such designs can be found in any room. Creating such an image on the wall does not require any special experience in drawing, and all you need to apply is adhesive tape, a building level, a stamp and paint.

When choosing a pattern for a room, you need to take into account personal preferences, the general style of interior design and the price per m2 of wall painting.

Important! If you decide to apply a drawing on the wall yourself, then you need to choose simple plots with a minimum number of lines and maximum ease of execution.

Features of popular drawing techniques

Each of the techniques used for painting walls in the interior has a number of features and difficult aspects. Therefore, before choosing a plot for a room, you need to carefully study all the nuances. This will help to understand whether a person can complete the work independently or whether it is necessary to involve professionals for this. Sometimes, to save money, you should choose a different type of painting, or a less complex plot.

Artistic painting of walls in the interior

This type of application is actively used in modern premises, which is confirmed by the large number of photos of artistic wall paintings shown on the Internet. This style is perfect for both a residential apartment and an office. Thanks to a large number of implementation options, everyone can choose the right solution for themselves.

Main styles of artistic painting:

  • classical. This style always remains fashionable and in demand. Among its main characteristics are restraint, harmony, simplicity of lines and symmetry. A drawing made in this style will add nobility and style to the interior. It will be an excellent decoration for the living room, bedroom and corridor. At the same time, the classic style goes well with modern or non-standard elements, allowing you to maintain the overall style of the interior;
  • baroque. This style gives the room pomp and luxury. It looks great in office spaces and spacious rooms of private houses, but it is not suitable for small apartments. Baroque differs from other styles in the large number of elaborate elements, the presence of large buds, flowers, leaves, etc.;

  • Empire style A distinctive feature of this style is a large amount of gilding and small details. That is why painting a wall in a house using the Empire technique requires a professional approach. Otherwise, there is a high probability of overloading the image with unnecessary details and ruining its effect;
  • modern This style is very popular among designers. This is due to the softness of the colors and the spatiality of the images. Most often, it is dominated by motifs with wavy light lines. This style of painting walls with flowers goes well with elements made from natural materials;
  • anime. Painting in this style appeared along with the growing popularity of Japanese cartoons. Anime is great for decorating a Japanese-style interior; in addition, this style is often used for wall painting in a children's room.

It must be borne in mind that most artistic painting requires some experience in drawing. Some subjects can only be done by a professional artist, which significantly increases the price of painting walls in an apartment.

The technique of artistic drawing has virtually no drawbacks, since a large number of design options allows it to be used for any room. It is easy to implement, and in addition, it is suitable for all types of paints that are presented on the construction market today in a wide range of shades and prices. Wall painting using artistic techniques is the most affordable type of wall decor.


This technique of painting walls on the street recently began to be used for designer decoration of interior spaces. Airbrushing opens up wide opportunities for the artist to realize various ideas, thanks to the use of an airbrush (air brush). By adjusting the jet pressure, you can get an even background and create smooth and natural transitions between colors. The resulting image on the wall amazes with its bright colors and realism.

Advantages of airbrushing:

  • absence of drips and streaks in areas where paint was applied;
  • Smooth surface;
  • the ability to apply patterns in hard-to-reach places;
  • the ability to significantly change the spatial perception of the room;
  • the ability to hide obvious shortcomings of the room.

The high price of painting walls in the interior is the main disadvantage of this style.

Related article:

Interior of different rooms. Options for frescoes depending on the application technique. What materials can be used.

Wall painting in a room with a 3D effect

This type of painting is also called a three-dimensional pattern or “faux”. This is due to the unusual effect that the image creates on the wall. Thanks to a special execution technique, the drawing seems to come to life. Wall painting with a 3D effect will allow you to visually correct design flaws and give the interior an unusual sound.

A significant disadvantage of this style is the high cost of application, since you will have to order wall painting with a 3D effect from a professional artist, whose services are expensive. The better the quality of the painting, the more impressive it will look in the interior.

One of the varieties of this style is the relief technique. To apply it, a special stencil is used, with the help of which three-dimensional drawings are created on the surface. The thickness of the lines and resulting surfaces can vary, resulting in an unusual end result.

Stencil painting of walls

This type of painting has been known for a long time and at one time was actively used in various institutions and at home. Then they forgot about stencil painting, but today it is again very popular.

Among the advantages of this type are ease of execution and low financial costs. The main thing in this case is to choose a suitable pattern that will emphasize the peculiarity of the interior and add zest to it. Don't forget about the right combination of colors.

A stencil for painting walls can be purchased ready-made in a set with paint. A large number of drawings on the Internet allow you to make it yourself. Next, a brush or roller is enough to create a unique image on the wall.

Preparing the surface for painting

After the choice has been made as to which technique will be used to decorate the walls, it is necessary to prepare the surface. It must be leveled and plastered. If desired, it can be covered with non-woven fabric or simply coated with a special acrylic primer.

Important! Before applying paint, the wall must be thoroughly dried, cleaned of small dust particles and degreased. If this is not done, the end result may turn out smudged and dirty.

In order not to stain the floor, walls and furniture around, the surfaces must be covered with film. If the drawing is large-scale or starts from the ceiling, you need to stock up on a stepladder, thus making your work much easier in the future. You can invite a master whose price for painting walls and ceilings will suit you.

Tools and paints for wall painting

Once the surface is prepared for painting, you need to select the appropriate type of paint. In the kitchen, the best option is to paint the walls with acrylic paints, which can withstand high temperatures, humidity and frequent washing. You can choose water-based paint, but it does not withstand moisture as well as acrylic.

If the walls will be painted in a nursery, bedroom or living room using non-woven wallpaper, then it is best to choose latex paints. Oil paints have a long drying time and a persistent unpleasant odor, but they are best suited for painting fine details. Fluorescent paints glow in the dark and allow you to create unusual paintings. They are great for any room in the apartment.

Aerosol paints can be either matte or glossy. They are great for beginners, for painting large surfaces, for working with stencils, and painting walls and ceilings.

After choosing the type of paint, you need to decide on the tool to use. For stencil painting, a roller, wide brush or spray gun is best. If you plan to draw small details, then you cannot do without brushes of different thicknesses.

To avoid a large amount of paint on a brush or roller, you need to purchase a special construction tray. It will also be convenient to mix the base with the colorant to obtain the desired tone or shade.

Important! In addition to paint and tools, do not forget about solvent, rags and protective clothing for yourself. This will allow you to remove paint drips in time and clean your hands from it.

The main stages of wall painting

Applying an image to a wall consists of a number of main steps:

  • preparatory. At this stage, the idea of ​​future painting is selected, taking into account the wishes of the owner and the characteristics of the particular room. Photos of drawings on the walls in the apartment can be found on the Internet or in a magazine. When it is finally selected and approved, it is necessary to prepare the surface of the walls for applying paint. For ease of transferring the image, its sketch must be printed in color;
  • painting. At this stage, the future image is marked. To do this, use a pencil and a ruler. After this you can start painting. It can take place in different ways: from small parts to larger ones, and vice versa. Sometimes they first draw the outline of the drawing itself, and then paint over the middle;
  • final. At this stage, the finished drawing is coated with matte varnish. This will protect the image from external influences of negative factors.

Important! It is easier to transfer an image from paper to a wall if you first divide the surface into cells. This copying method will greatly facilitate and speed up the work process.

Sometimes, to artificially age an image, it is coated with a special decoupage varnish. The resulting painting will become a real decoration of the room.

Stages of applying an image using a stencil

This type of wall painting is the simplest and is great for beginners and even children. With its help you can create bright and unusual drawings. You can buy a stencil for painting walls and decor in a ready-made form, or you can make it yourself.

The main stages of painting walls with your own hands using a stencil:

  • The places where it is planned to place the stencil must be marked with a pencil;
  • the surface to be painted is thoroughly cleaned and degreased;
  • the selected stencil is firmly fixed. To do this you need to use tape. The finished stencil most often has a self-adhesive surface, which ensures a tight fit;

  • painting is carried out using a roller, wide brush, foam swab or spray gun;
  • After the finished drawing has dried, it must be coated with transparent varnish. This will save the image and avoid it being washed off in the future.

Important! To ensure a neat image, paint should be applied in two thin layers. Its excess should be removed using a foam sponge.

Painting walls in the interior will solve many spatial problems and give the apartment a unique and individual style. The ease of execution and affordable cost of materials allow you to carry out this type of finishing work on your own.

One of the popular ways to decorate a house or apartment is to paint the walls in the interior: photos of exquisite paintings that turn typical rooms into stylish corners can be found in fashion magazines and on the Internet. Decorating your home with such images is becoming fashionable, but often in the desperate desire to make their home more attractive, ordinary people forget about style and appropriateness. It is wall painting that is considered the very technique that can both spoil and decorate the interior.

Wall painting: exquisite decor for all rooms

Interior painting, according to the designer, is appropriate in almost any room and in any style. The versatility of this decorative technique, as well as its originality, make such images popular in modern design. Artistic painting can change the mood of a room and make it more aristocratic and sophisticated. A high-quality pattern on the wall will remain unshakable for many years, since the techniques used make it possible to create extremely durable coatings.

ADVICE! You should select an image for wall painting based on the style of the room: pastoral paintings for Provence, pop Art for modernism or abstractionism in a minimalist interior.

Artistic painting of walls in the interior of an apartment is a great way to create a unique design. The choice of subjects, colors and finishing features of the painting will help to add its own unique feature to each room. This decoration technique is appropriate in all rooms of the house:

  • To decorate the living room, a neutral theme will suit all family members. At the same time, it is important to select subjects and motifs that create a positive mood: for example, a seascape or a view of a garden. In addition, plots that can visually expand the space are often used for the living room.
  • Wall painting in the bedroom is used as often as. Peaceful sea and mountain landscapes, images of flowers or the starry sky, as well as all kinds of romantic paintings are considered traditional. You should not overuse the abundance of details in the painting in the bedroom - this can have an irritating effect on the inhabitants of the room.
  • Painting is no less popular walls in a children's room. Instead of standard photo wallpapers with long-familiar cartoon characters, individually designed scenes are used for the children's room, taking into account the child's hobbies and preferences. The standard color scheme for a children's bedroom is delicate pastel colors, calm and expressive. Flashy and bright colors are only appropriate in the interior of a teenager’s room.
  • For kitchen decoration, painting is used a little less frequently due to the usually small size of this room, which does not allow for the most competent use of the wall plane. Most often, the wall in the dining area is painted with an image of a city or summer landscape.

All options for wall painting ideas should be selected only with an experienced designer, since a seemingly attractive picture in a large format on the wall may not look very good. In addition, a specific plot should be selected according to the style of the room, its layout and the furniture that is planned to be placed in the room. Since such a wall inevitably becomes the semantic center of the interior, it should not dominate or suppress.

Types and techniques of wall painting

Wall painting work is carried out by specialists in wet or dried plaster. These techniques differ as radically as watercolor and oil painting.

Experts highlight the following technologies for indoor wall painting:

  • Fresco is the application of an image on wet plaster, involving the use of water-soluble paints. This method of working with wall paintings is considered quite complex and requires the maximum professionalism of the master, which is associated with the instant drying of the paints and the difficulty of making adjustments to the picture.

Paintings on the wall perfectly enliven and diversify the interior of the room. What if the wall itself turns into a painting? Such a room design will definitely become unforgettable, original, fashionable, relevant... You can choose many more epithets to describe the design of such a room. But one thing can be said absolutely for sure - such an interior will not be boring and boring.

Not so long ago they were in fashion. This addition to the decoration of the rooms somewhat enlivened the overall impression of the interior, but quickly became boring. After all, it is impossible to invest a part of your soul and transfer it to a photo, but when painting a picture, the artist always gives away a piece of himself. An image created by hand will have positive energy and transmit it to the people living in the house.

Selection of a subject for painting

Each room in the house has its own purpose, which means that the subject of the painting to be painted on the wall must be selected to match the meaning and color scheme to the overall interior.

It is important to create an atmosphere of comfort and harmony in the living room, because this room brings the whole family together and welcomes guests. You spend a lot of time in it. The subject of the painting painted on the wall should be pleasant for all family members. These can be calm landscapes, images of animals and much more.

The bedroom, as we know, is a place of rest and relaxation. Any motifs related to sleep are suitable for painting the walls in this room: the night sky, clouds, zodiac signs, landscapes.

Advice: combine two drawings in one. During the day, a painting depicting a landscape or floral motifs will be visible, and at night the starry sky or the Milky Way, made with fluorescent paints, will appear.

If you want to give your child a real fairy tale, paint the walls in the interior of his room. Any subjects related to children and childhood, toys, cartoons are suitable. Choose soft, pastel colors so that there is no unnecessary stress on the baby’s psyche. When decorating a nursery for an older child, be sure to take his wishes into account when choosing a design.

Kitchen design is also easy to diversify. For a small room, an image of a window with some kind of extensive panorama or a terrace on the shore of a lake is suitable. A monochromatic or pale kitchen can be brightened up with a still life with juicy fruits or berries.

Advice: In the room where food is prepared, choose the wall opposite the stove and sink for painting. Then the picture will not be spoiled by greasy stains or splashes from washing dirty dishes.

Wall painting in the bathroom has several features. Firstly, you need to choose moisture-resistant paint. Secondly, the finished painting should be protected by covering it with varnish. Unlike other rooms, in the bathroom it is not necessary to match the subject of the painting to the overall design. On the contrary, the wall on which the painting is made can be complemented with other interior details. Any pattern will suit you, just don’t take dark colors - they will reduce the volume of an already small room.

The hallway or corridor is the calling card of any home. The impression of the entire apartment depends on how this room is decorated. The dimensions of standard hallways, as a rule, do not allow you to enhance the interior with furniture. Interior painting in the hallway will be an excellent solution for creating a cozy and warm atmosphere. The drawing here is abstract, made in light, calm tones.

Various wall painting techniques

With all the variety of techniques for painting on walls, two main types can be distinguished: traditional and modern techniques.

Wall painting using traditional techniques is considered more labor-intensive, since it is done exclusively by hand without the help of any tools or devices. The following techniques can be classified as this type:

The drawing is applied with water-soluble paints on wet plaster, which, after drying, gives a thin protective layer over the entire picture. This technique can be used for painting concrete, stone and brick walls. You need to work quickly, so only a professional artist can handle the fresco.

Alsecco. It differs from the previous technique in that the paint is applied to previously prepared plaster. During operation, the surface is wetted as necessary. Painting using this technique is less durable than fresco, but has richer tones.

Sgraffito. The technique is very complex. The design is scratched into several layers of plaster to different depths. The image turns out to be one color, but in a variety of shades and tones. Correcting mistakes is almost impossible, so stencils are used for painting using this technique.

Encaustic. The design material is molten wax with colorant, which is “burnt” to the wall. In another option, hot wax is applied to pieces of fabric and then transferred to the surface.

Three-dimensional painting (“blende”). This technique is very complex, but the result is unusual and interesting. The essence is this: a relief image is applied to the surface, which is subsequently rubbed over with paints. The resulting picture has a 3D effect.

Painting various surfaces in modern technology includes the use of various devices and tools. Therefore, the result is faster and cheaper than traditional options.

Airbrush. The paint is blown onto the surface with an airbrush. The image is voluminous, colorful and very durable. Various surfaces are suitable for this technique; dry and liquid dyes are used.

Graffiti. This technique is similar to airbrushing, it differs only in the result. The resulting images are inscriptions or abstractions.

Grisaille. This is an imitation or transfer to the wall of black and white, aged photos. The drawing turns out realistic, reminiscent of a frozen frame from an old movie.

Painting on decorative plaster involves the preliminary application of an additional layer of texture. After the surface has dried, painting is done with paints.

Painting with special and acrylic paints. These two techniques are the most popular. Invisible paints are used to decorate bedrooms and children's rooms, which begin to glow at nightfall. Acrylic paints have a wide range of colors and shades. Any surface is suitable for painting. The paint is easy to apply, dries quickly, and if you need to change the environment, it can be easily washed off.

DIY wall painting

Are you convinced that creating a picture on the wall is a job exclusively for professionals, and also very expensive? Believe me, artistic painting of walls in the interior is not an easy art, but it is quite accessible to the common man.

Preparation. To create your own masterpiece, you will need the following set of tools: brushes, a simple pencil and a long ruler, paints and varnish. First, choose a drawing and the wall itself, which is destined to become a painting. Its surface is cleaned and re-plastered. An acrylic primer is applied under the drawing. While the wall is drying, start preparing a stencil or sketch of the image.

Main job. To transfer a picture to the wall, you need to draw it into squares (1cm*1cm). Scale the image and apply enlarged squares to the prepared surface. Redraw parts of the plot one by one, checking the “source”. You can start coloring. To obtain the desired color, add colorant to white acrylic paint little by little, gradually achieving the desired tone.

Advice: It’s easier to paint a picture with each color separately. To do this, the colors used can be numbered and marked on the wall where to apply which tone. Then you will be able to correctly calculate the required amount of paint, and the work will go faster.

Finishing touch. Look at the results of your labors. If you are happy with everything and don’t need to fix anything, then feel free to varnish the image. A matte varnish is suitable for this purpose; the surface will not glare, and the image will come out more realistic.

Do-it-yourself wall painting will make the design of your home unique and individual. Choose a subject for the image that matches the style of the rest of the interior items, and your work will become a real decoration of the room for many years.

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