Institute or university), the level of programs being implemented, their focus, as well as the quality of training of graduates. Newly organized individual branches or universities, as well as newly introduced specialties, can receive accreditation only after the first graduation. Any university must provide the necessary documents upon the first request of incoming students. Additional information about the educational institution can be found in Rosobrnadzor. The accreditation of a university itself is different from the accreditation of its program. The curriculum of an institute or university is approved by the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation, any university can have accredited and unaccredited programs, the main reason is unsatisfactory quality. If you are taking an unaccredited program at an educational institution, then you should not expect a state diploma. Accreditation may be unexpected; as a rule, specialists who analyze the quality of an educational institution take part in it. Students who are tested according to a special program can also participate in accreditation; this will confirm the reputation of the university. The scientific program and the quality of education are checked, the selection of personnel and the conditions of education are assessed. Much attention has recently been paid to university websites, transparency and reliability of the information posted. After successful completion of accreditation, the university is issued a certificate and a certain annex to it, which indicates the accredited specialties. The certificate may indicate the type of educational institution (higher education institution), type. No one can be independently certified without a head office. Each branch must have a copy of the certificate and application. If for some reason a university was unable to pass accreditation, Rosobrnadzor can give the educational institution time to improve the situation as a whole. An accredited higher education institution is considered more reliable and prestigious; such a university will receive government support, and students are entitled to all the benefits provided by law.


  • if the university has not been accredited

In order for your company to cooperate directly with foreign companies, it must be accredited in embassy(or Consulate General) of the exact country where your business partners work.


Most often they fall under:
- higher education institutions,
- mass media,
- medical institutions,
- diagnostic centers,
- laboratories and research institutes,
- certification centers.

Types of accreditation

There are two types of accreditation: state and non-state.

Non-governmental is carried out by certified (i.e. previously “verified” by the state) private non-profit organizations, which may have their own divisions, for example national or regional.

State accreditation is carried out and regularly confirmed by various federal services. As a result of passing any of the accreditations and upon completion of all procedures, if the result is positive, a state certificate is issued, giving the right to carry out activities within the framework of the state standard. Thus, specialists prove a high level of quality in the provision of services to the “inspected” organization and make a final assessment of its activities as a whole.

Accreditation in journalism

Unlike many fields where an organization receives accreditation, a journalist is often accredited to a specific person. As a rule, this is required to organize the participation of a media representative in briefings or press conferences. In most cases, it is enough to submit a personal application

In 2017, Rosobrnadzor deprived dozens of universities across the country of accreditation and licenses. In recent months, hundreds of students from MITRO, the First Moscow Law Institute, the Moscow Academy of Economics and Law and other universities have been left out of higher education, many before defending their diplomas. Students are worried about the future of their education, and for good reason. A university without accreditation does not have the right to issue state diplomas, because the presence of accreditation just means that the quality of education meets federal standards. Other privileges are also lost: students are no longer guaranteed a deferment from the army, the institution cannot use tax breaks or maternity capital when paying for education.

If accreditation is lost, the university must notify students within five working days and also post an announcement online. However, as a rule, management withholds information until the last minute, and for many students the news comes as a surprise.

Lack of accreditation does not deprive a university of the opportunity to educate students. In accordance with the Federal Law “On Licensing of Certain Types of Activities,” a university will close only if it loses its license. A university deprived of accreditation can issue its own diploma - a non-state standard, but such a “crust” has no value.

“No one needs this document in modern conditions. Both in professional organizations and firms, and in the civil service, a non-state diploma is not valued. With it, among other things, you cannot enroll in a master’s program or get a second higher education,” explains Grigory Shabanov, vice-rector for academic affairs at RosNOU.

How to transfer to another university

If a student does not want to remain a dropout, the only way out is to complete his studies elsewhere. The procedure for transferring from a university deprived of accreditation is regulated by the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation.” It sets out a special procedure that guarantees that students' rights are respected. By law, the university is obliged to ensure the transfer of students to other universities while maintaining the conditions of study. The student has the right to count on the same specialty, form and cost of training, course.

According to the general director of the legal bureau “Amelin and Kopystyrinsky” Alexander Amelin, the transfer period does not depend on the time of the school year.

“The student must write a transfer application addressed to the management of his university. For minors, such a statement is written by one of the parents or a legal representative. Within 5 days, the university is obliged to provide a list of educational institutions ready to accept students,” says the lawyer.

He adds that it is possible to change the specialty. Then in the application you need to write about your desire to transfer to another educational program.

If a student does not agree with the transfer, he can obtain a certificate and independently transfer to other universities. However, according to Grigory Shabanov, in this case not a single serious university will accept him. Therefore, the student needs to try to choose the best option from those organizations that the rector’s office offers him to choose from. As soon as the student has chosen a new university, it is worth contacting this organization and clarifying whether it actually carries out the transfer, and also once again discussing the conditions that will be preserved.

State certification at another university

Sometimes universities that have been deprived of accreditation do not inform students about this and proceed with graduation as if nothing had happened. In this case, in order to receive a state diploma, students have the right to undergo state final certification as an external student at an accredited university.

“The Russian New University provides the opportunity for students of other universities to pass the GIA, but only if they studied in the areas of training that we have. Otherwise, we would have to separately develop a huge package of methodological and regulatory documents for each profile. In addition, not all universities conscientiously comply with the legislation in the field of education, and we cannot take their students either,” says the vice-rector of RosNOU.

According to Shabanov, the duration of the procedure depends on how prepared the student is. All disciplines studied after the university was deprived of accreditation are subject to re-certification. This also applies to practice, so the university must find time to conduct consultations, recertify the person, schedule a defense time, provide time to prepare for the exam, and at the same time comply with all deadlines set by the Ministry of Education. As a rule, this takes from three to six months. The student receives a diploma from the university in which he passed the state final certification.

In what cases can you receive compensation?

A fairly large percentage of the adult population of our country believes that accreditation is the right of a journalist or media representative to receive information from its owner. And this is true, but there is one significant nuance - the presented category has a broader meaning, which is not limited to journalism.

The accreditation procedure is an official confirmation that a certain object or service fully complies with the characteristics, standards and indicators established by the competent authorities in this matter. The main goal is to help service users or product buyers purchase an object that meets their expectations and stated technical and operational characteristics.

If we define this category in simple words, without using special terminology, then we can say that accreditation is a statement by a specialist that the product/service is 100% of high quality and the manufacturer (or seller of the service) is not deceiving you. This article talks about all the nuances and important points that are related to accreditation. The information presented is of interest not only to people professionally involved in the study of this category, but also to ordinary readers who care about their education and increasing their erudition.

Essence and goals

Many readers have already guessed that this procedure is impossible without the participation of a party that gives an opinion on the compliance of the product/service with certain criteria and operational parameters. To do this, the expert must have the appropriate qualifications, be competent in a specific field of activity, and also need to have established standards (this point relates to the functions of the state). The need for such a concept as accreditation arose in parallel with the development of industrial production, when standards and norms began to be approved to ensure the ability to compare the results obtained in a specific sector of the economy.

For example, steel for mechanical engineering meets one requirement, and for construction – another; deviation from the requirements can lead to serious negative consequences. But how can an enterprise that produces metal parts for machines know that the raw materials are of high quality and reliable?

Creating your own laboratories with a large staff of scientists is a very expensive “pleasure” that will significantly increase the cost of products, and if there is a competent body confirming the quality of raw materials, the problem can be easily solved without additional financial costs for business entities. If you think carefully, every reader will remember a lot of situations that they have encountered before, without even knowing that this is accreditation.

The procedure under consideration allows us to obtain a conclusion that a company (factory, institution, organization), service or product meets certain criteria and declared characteristics. Interested subjects, participating in competition with each other, are constantly working to improve these criteria. As a result, accreditation helps to establish a high level of trust between market participants (producers, consumers, experts, government organizations) and constantly improve the quality characteristics of the goods and services offered, which is the main goal of this procedure.

In addition, accreditation in modern economic realities pursues the following goals:

    Identifies the strongest and most promising participants in their industry. If the driving school has been accredited, then you can safely contact us to obtain the necessary knowledge and skills as a driver.

    Provides an independent, objective assessment of the quality of services provided or manufactured products.

    Minimizes the participation of government agencies in assessing the activities of independent commercial structures. In most cases, the role of the state is reduced only to approving standards for each sector of the economy (for example, 95 gasoline should have certain properties, and 76 gasoline should have others).

    Ensures that the results provided by different market participants are up to date. Laboratory research data from individual certification bodies can be combined and complement each other through accreditation.

    Stimulating competition between different commercial entities. If company “A” has passed accreditation, it means that the management of company “B” will strive to reach the same level today, and in a week – to work better than its competitors.

    Accreditation helps to divide market participants into certain categories, which makes the competition between them more civilized and fruitful.

If we draw one general conclusion, then all of the listed goals of accreditation are aimed at ensuring that the consumer receives quality services and goods, and that manufacturers work using fair methods of competition.

Main forms of accreditation

Business representatives interested in how to obtain accreditation must first understand its basic forms, which depend on a number of external factors and the individual characteristics of each company.

Depending on the region where the company operates, there are different levels of standards for each form of accreditation.

The legislation of many countries determines the list of areas of activity of enterprises for which corporate accreditation is allowed. In this case, international, national or the enterprise's own standards can be used. Very often, by setting its own criteria, the company’s management obliges suppliers of raw materials and consumables to adhere to certain quality standards.

Industry accreditation is associated with the individual characteristics of certain areas of activity in the country’s economy. The results of this procedure are relevant within the state, region or at the international level, subject to appropriate agreements, between participating countries.

Regional accreditation is most often carried out within small territories or individual areas that are located in the same country. Much less often, compliance with regional standards is checked for entities that conduct their activities “under the flags” of different countries.

Many readers have already guessed that national accreditation is carried out within one state, which can be based both on its own and on international standards. There are situations when agreements are signed between countries that are aimed at recognizing the results of national accreditations bilaterally. In this case, these procedures are considered international.

The highest level according to the presented classification model is occupied by international accreditation, which is based on the application of international standards and recognition of the results of procedures performed in different countries of the world. If the last condition is not met, then accreditation loses its international status.

Depending on the object of accreditation, there are:

    accreditation of institutions/enterprises, organizations (legal entities and individuals who are business entities);

    accreditation of individuals (experts in a certain sector of the economy);

    and accreditation of a specific type of activity (medicine, education, etc.).

Depending on the nature of the event, there is a voluntary and mandatory form of accreditation. The latter option, as a rule, is a monopoly of government agencies, and the main goal of mandatory accreditation is considered to be the preservation of the health and safety of residents of the Russian Federation. The voluntary version of the procedure allows organizations and enterprises to carry out their activities without accreditation, and the mandatory form excludes this possibility. If an institution continues to operate, ignoring the need for mandatory accreditation, its management is subject to administrative/criminal liability.

Another criterion used in the classification system of existing forms of accreditation is the validity period. But both open-ended and time-limited accreditations are periodically checked by competent authorities for compliance with established standards and norms.

Accreditation system and criteria

Any accreditation system includes:

    purpose of creation;

    organizational and technical elements that ensure the functioning of the accreditation system;

    participants who are related to both the system itself and its elements;

    services and products – the results of the work of participants in the accreditation system.

The goals of creating an accreditation system are to increase the efficiency of competition, increase the trust of participants in each other, etc. The constituent elements include norms, rules, standards and regulations that may belong to one separate system or relate to different areas of accreditation.

Among all possible participants in the system, it is necessary to highlight the mandatory ones who take part regardless of the form of accreditation: experts (competent specialists in their field), organizations that are interested in the result of the procedure under consideration, the accreditation body, etc. There is a certain pattern according to which the number of participants in the system depends on the rank of the procedure itself (international accreditation can have more than seven participants, and industry accreditation can have no more than four). Experts are individuals and legal entities, the main thing is a high level of competence in the matter presented.

All services that are included in the accreditation system can be divided into two types. The first (this also includes products and material objects) is everything that undergoes accreditation. The second are services and work to ensure the accreditation procedure or the direct activities of experts.

Without delving into the smallest details and giving a brief but meaningful definition of the accreditation criteria, we can say that this is a minimum list of actions that applicants must perform in order to undergo the accreditation procedure. It is not difficult to guess that the more complex the system, the higher the requirements for applicants.

There are general and specific accreditation criteria. The first ones are established by laws and special national legislative acts; their main goal is to regulate the general requirements for accreditation. Particular criteria can be found in additional rules and regulations; they are aimed at detail and describe all the nuances that the applicant must know so that the accreditation procedure is carried out at the highest level and does not drag on indefinitely.

Documents confirming completion of the accreditation procedure

The main document that confirms that the applicant has passed the entire accreditation procedure is the certificate.

The main points of this document include:

    Name of the authorized body (including government agencies) that issued the certificate. At this point, it is necessary to have additional papers confirming the competence of this organization.

    Full name of the accreditation system to which the applicant belongs.

    The full name of the enterprise (commercial entity) that has successfully completed the procedure in the specified accreditation system.

    The date of issue of the submitted document and its validity period, if the accreditation form is valid for a certain period of time or an indication that the certificate is unlimited.

    List of activities (accreditation) that the certificate holder can carry out. The full name of the work envisaged is indicated.

    Document identification number. Not only the unique number of this certificate is indicated, but also the number under which the document confirming the completion of the accreditation procedure is entered into the appropriate register.

    A unique accreditation mark that corresponds to a specific system.

    Additional details, including signatures of the persons who issued the certificate.

In principle, you have every moral right to do this, the main thing is not to overdo it so that representatives of the target audience do not turn your achievement into an object of ridicule. As a rule, this is done at the suggestion of competing companies. In addition, before you start using the received mark for marketing purposes, check with representatives of the organization that carried out the accreditation procedure about the rules for its use. For some systems there are quite strict restrictions in this matter. Sometimes business entities refuse the accreditation mark, which must be promptly notified to representatives of the organization that issues it.

Passing the accreditation procedure and licensing certain areas of business activity. Despite quite a lot of common points that are typical for these categories, they are completely different, both from a legal and economic point of view. And obtaining a license cannot be equated to passing the accreditation procedure.

Despite the fact that accreditation is a rather multifaceted procedure that is associated with a large number of different important nuances, in general, it does not cause any problems for understanding even for people who are not related to the study of economic disciplines, while this procedure has a huge practical value for ordinary consumers.

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The license and accreditation of a particular university is a point that applicants must pay attention to. It is the licenses of universities that allow them to conduct educational activities. The document is issued by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science (Rosobrnadzor) on the basis of the conclusion of a special expert commission, which evaluates all the resources available to the university for training qualified specialists (equipping the educational process, equipping classrooms, compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, staffing of professorial and teaching staff, etc.). Both the parent university and all its branches must have a license. Previously, a license was issued to an educational institution for five years; currently, universities receive a “perpetual” license. You can check whether a university or its branch has a valid license on the Rosobrnadzor website

Accreditation of universities indicates that the educational programs of the university and the quality of training of graduates comply with state standards in education. The document is issued by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science (Rosobrnadzor) for 5 years, after which it is necessary to go through the accreditation procedure again.

The appendix to the accreditation certificate contains a list of accredited programs, the accreditation status is indicated by type of educational institution (university, academy or institute), level of education at the university, names of branches and degree (qualification) that will be awarded to graduates. When submitting documents to educational institutions, applicants must check the level of accreditation of universities and certify that they have read this information in writing.

Accreditation of universities allows graduates to be issued a state-issued diploma upon graduation (in the absence of accreditation, a diploma of the established format). With a state diploma, young people can enter graduate school and take a position in the civil service. In addition, only universities that have state accreditation , have the right to grant a deferment from the army for the duration of full-time studies. You can check the accreditation of a university and see the list of accredited universities on the Rosobrnadzor website

State accreditation of a higher educational institution is a procedure for recognizing the quality of an educational institution and its compliance with educational standards, carried out by state quality authorities.

The university accreditation procedure takes place every five years. Opened universities or their individual new branches can receive accreditation only after the first graduation of students.

In case of successful accreditation, the educational institution receives a standard certificate and an annex to it, which lists the accredited specialties in this higher educational institution. In addition, the certificate indicates the name and type of educational institution, its type: academy, university, institute. The branch is not certified separately from the parent institution. Each branch of the university must have a certified copy of the accreditation certificate and its annex.

Accreditation procedure

In order to pass certification, each university is checked on time by the National Accreditation Agency. The level of knowledge of both students and teachers is assessed.

In addition, a mandatory requirement is the presence of teaching in a number of specialties and the conduct of scientific activities by the university. For example, a type of educational institution such as an institute can train students in only one area and not conduct scientific activities at all.

Purpose of accreditation

The final result of the accreditation procedure is the receipt by the university of a certificate of state accreditation, which confirms the status of the educational institution and the quality of the education offered. Only accredited universities have the right to issue state diplomas. Universities that have not passed state accreditation have the right to issue only established diplomas, which are less valued by some employers than state ones. An accredited university is in any case more reliable and more prestigious. In such educational institutions, all benefits are strictly guaranteed to students, and state support is provided to accredited universities.

The advantage of studying at an accredited educational institution

In addition to the fact that at an accredited university, students are guaranteed to receive, if they can write or, naturally, pass it, a state diploma, they always have the opportunity to continue their studies in master's and postgraduate studies. Such institutions have a number of advantages and benefits over graduates of non-accredited educational institutions.

  1. Only an accredited university has the right to grant deferment from the army, and only for those specialties that are listed in the appendix to the certificate.
  2. Opportunity to study on a budget basis and receive student benefits. At unaccredited universities you will not receive government benefits or support for your studies. Such universities can only offer their own programs organized within them.
  3. By enrolling in an accredited university, you insure yourself against the sudden closure of an educational institution.
  4. It is worth noting, however, that the quality of education and the amount of knowledge do not always depend on whether the university is accredited or not.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):