The harvest season has ended and many legumes Overripe fruits remained. Well, nature itself gives us the opportunity to stock up on seed for next year. But when to collect and how to dry peas for seeds, so that they do not disappear over the winter and maintain good germination, it is worth understanding in more detail.

Considering that in lately Almost all seed material costs a lot of money, and its price is not always justified by quality; many gardeners are already thinking about preparing their own seeds.

The readiness of the pods is determined by the appearance of a whitish mesh coating on its leaves

Like other seed material, it is recommended to collect peas for sowing from the most productive, healthy bushes. By preserving the varietal characteristics of the mother plant, there is a high probability that next season’s plantings will also delight you with an abundance of fruits. Therefore, when planning to prepare seeds at home, you should mark the most promising bushes in advance, even during the period of maximum fruiting, by tying them, for example, with a bright ribbon or marking them with a peg. It is even more rational to find pods with the maximum number of peas on them and wait for them to fully ripen. Thus, only the best of the best will be included in the seed material, in sufficient quantities and completely free of charge.

Now about when to harvest peas. The readiness of the pods is determined by the appearance of a whitish mesh coating on its leaves, followed by their complete drying. If you do not have the opportunity to constantly monitor the ripening of the pods, then you can simply cut off the selected bush and hang it upside down under a canopy. In this case, all young, still forming pods should be removed so that the remaining vital forces of the plant are directed to the ripening of full-fledged seeds.

Video about collecting peas for seeds

You can collect seed material at home at the beginning of fruiting. If, in your absence at the dacha or due to an oversight on the plot, the first pods of green peas have already become overripe, have become rough and tasteless, shouldn’t you throw them away, really? In this case, you just have to wait for whitish “webs” to appear on the valves, indicating the ripening of the fruit. After that, they are carefully cut with scissors along with the branches and tied together in several pieces and also sent under a canopy for ripening.

Advice! Even if you collect still green pods, the readiness of which you doubt, there is a high probability that they will still “arrive” during drying. The main thing is to hang them in a cool, shady, well-ventilated place and in 2-3 weeks the seeds will ripen and dry.

It should also be said about weather conditions. Harvesting peas for seeds must be done in dry weather, otherwise you may receive low-quality seed material. The fact is that if a couple of days before there was even slight precipitation or morning fog, the pods could be saturated with moisture and their peas could germinate.

When the bush has completely dried out and the pea leaves have acquired a characteristic brown tint, they can be removed from the dryer for shelling.

Qualitatively selected and prepared seed material must also be properly preserved

We select the fullest pods with the maximum number of beans, cut them from the bush with scissors or pick them off by hand. Then, lightly pressing on the flaps, we release the peas. During the peeling process, immediately discarding the bad ones - blackened ones, irregular shape or damaged by pests.

Video about growing peas

Next, the peas need to be completely dried and now it is better to do this at home. To do this, it is scattered in one layer on paper or a linen napkin spread on the table and left for about five to seven days. During this time, the peas dry out completely.

Peas are well known in our area. Many people grow it on their personal plots. In addition, it is often used as an ingredient in the preparation of various dishes. Next, we will tell you in more detail about the characteristics of peas, planting and caring for this plant.

This crop belongs to annual self-pollinating plants from the legume family. Its homeland is considered to be South-West Asia. It was there that it began to be grown back in the distant Stone Age. The stems can reach a length of up to 0.27 m. At the end of the leaf petioles there are tendrils, with the help of which the stem clings to the support and holds the plant in vertical position. It is known that most legumes are good green manures. Peas are no exception, as they enrich the soil with nitrogen. This is possible due to the presence of beneficial microorganisms present on the roots. They can absorb nitrogen from the atmosphere and “supply” it to the soil.

Pea flowers usually have a white or lilac-purple hue. They themselves look like moths. The first flowers after sowing may appear within a month. U early ripening varieties they appear in the axils of the 6th and 7th leaflets. In later varieties it is a little further from the stem. New flowers are added almost daily.

Peas are considered a self-pollinating plant. Despite this, it is not recommended to plant several different varieties of this crop nearby. Otherwise, cross-pollination is possible.

The fruit of the pea is a bean. Different varieties crops usually bear fruit various shapes, color, size. Inside the pod there may be 5-9 seeds, which are arranged in one row. Depending on the plant variety, they can also be different shapes and colors. Their surface can be smooth or wrinkled. The seeds have a skin that is usually the same color as the flowers.

As for the root system, peas have a taproot type. The roots usually go deep enough into the soil and branch well. It is thanks to them that the plant is able to enrich the soil in which it grows with useful nitrogen.

Culture is usually divided into three groups:

  • sugar,
  • peeling,
  • semi-sugar.

The first of them differs in that it does not have partitions inside the pod. Typically these varieties are grown only for their immature beans. They, along with the seeds inside, are used for cooking. As for the group of shelling varieties, there is a parchment layer on their inner leaves, due to which the fruits are considered unsuitable for food. They are usually grown for their green peas, which are then canned. Separately, a semi-sugar variety of the crop can be distinguished. It has a parchment layer only on beans that have already been dried.

Brain varieties are considered the highest quality peas. They are available within each group. Their seeds have an angular-square shape and taste very sweet. The surface of the fruit is usually wrinkled.

Peas: photo

Preparing for landing

Before planting seeds, they need to be sorted out in order to weed out broken and spoiled ones in advance. Those that turned out to be suitable for sowing must first be warmed up. Then soak in a solution of water and boric acid for about 5 minutes. When the seeds are sufficiently swollen, they can be planted in the soil. Growing peas is not a difficult task. After all, when proper preparation seeds for planting, it produces normal seedlings even without the use of growth stimulants.

How to plant peas

Peas will do best in an area where crops such as potatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins and cabbage were previously grown. It will be especially useful to add potassium and phosphate fertilizers. Thanks to this, the pea seeds will taste more tender. You should not apply such fertilizing immediately before planting. Otherwise, you risk getting a harvest with a large number tops and a small number of pods. When spring comes, you can add compost.

When to plant peas? So, he can tolerate quite low temperatures. For example, seedlings “survive” frosts down to -5 degrees. Therefore, this crop begins to be sown quite early. This is usually done in late April, when the soil has time to dry out. IN summer time It is advisable to harvest early ripening pea varieties no later than July 10.

The soil for planting this crop must be fertile. In addition, peas do not take root well if too much readily available nitrogen is added to the soil. He also needs enough light. He is quite demanding of him. Therefore, the best place to plant this vegetable crop there will be a sunny area, protected from the wind.

By the way, you can plant not only pre-germinated seeds. Peas are also planted dry. But you should prepare it before planting. In particular, it is necessary to take measures aimed at protecting against pests, especially from nodule weevils. To do this, peas can be kept for 4-6 minutes in a solution of boric acid. In this case, it is enough to take 0.2 liters per liter of water. acids.

The normal sowing density is 85-120 seeds per 1 square meter. m. Depending on the composition of the soil, seeds on the site should be planted to a depth of about 35-55 mm. It is recommended to plant deepest on clay soil, and to a minimum depth it is enough to plant on sandy light soils.

Pea growing technology involves preliminary preparation beds. To do this, first make a furrow 200-260 mm wide using a flat hoe. In this case, a distance of about 500-550 mm should be maintained between the rows. The finished bed is filled with compost, which must then be mixed with soil. Then you need to distribute the pea seeds over the garden bed. There is usually a distance of about 55 mm between them. Each pea is sprinkled with earth, which should be well compacted. If everything was done correctly, the first shoots appear within 7-14 days.

Peas: growing and care

Peas do not require much care. It is enough just to cover the seedlings in time, water and weed the bed. After the first shoots appear, they need to be protected from attacks by animals, and in particular birds. This can be done by covering it with a regular fishing net.

It should be noted that peas cannot tolerate hot weather well. Therefore, on too warm days it needs to be watered abundantly. The norm during this period is considered to be watering at the rate of 9.5-10 liters of water per 1 square meter. m. In normal cases, it should be watered at least once a week. For 1 sq. m, it is enough to pour about 8-10 liters. water. When watering, you can also add nitrogen phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. So, during the flowering period, during watering, it is recommended to apply mineral supplements. At the end of watering, it is necessary to mulch the soil. The soil around the peas needs to be loosened periodically. This is especially useful during the initial growth period.

Pea bushes should be tied up. This must be done before flowering begins. It is recommended to install pegs every 0.5-1 m as supports. In addition, it is necessary to erect horizontal guides. They can be made, for example, from rope or wire. This will prevent the stems from being left on the ground, where they could begin to rot. excess moisture. In addition, on such supports they will be well ventilated and warmed up in the sun.

After the seedlings have become sufficiently strong and have begun to grow, a net or rods should be placed near them. They are needed as a support for the pea tendrils. It is thanks to them that he can grow upward. You can create a support from a light metal mesh that is attached to the corners of the site. It is well suited for double-row planting of peas. This method does not require a garter. In addition, it is good because it protects plants from certain pests, including rodents.

The time for the first feeding of peas is usually selected at the moment when the plants in the garden reach a length of 80-95 mm. Then the procedure can be repeated once every two weeks. Repeated feeding is not as important as watering. Peas need to be watered systematically. This is especially true in dry weather. But in this matter you need to know when to stop, because... This crop also reacts poorly to excess moisture. When color appears on the plants and the beans begin to swell, it is recommended to water regularly and systematically. A special schedule is drawn up for this.

In the first season, young peas can be tasted within a couple of weeks after sowing. It should be collected very carefully. To increase productivity, it is recommended to pick fruits daily during the ripening period. In this case, only the strongest and most suitable ones need to be torn off. If pods were found on the stems that had become overripe and dried out, they should be removed from the bush. This is done because they impair the development and growth of young fruits.

Diseases and pests

  1. So, starting in the fall, the area for peas should be dug up.
  2. It is better to sow peas in the first warm days of spring.
  3. It is recommended to treat young sprouts with infusion of tobacco, burdock roots or celandine leaves. For the same purpose, you can use decoctions of tomato tops or wormwood.

One of the most unpleasant diseases for peas is considered powdery mildew. This disease can affect almost all plants in the garden and significantly reduce the likelihood of obtaining a harvest. To combat this disease, use an infusion field thistle. To prepare it, take 290 grams of leaves of this plant, add a bucket of water and leave for about 8-11 hours. The prepared infusion should be sprayed on all plantings. After a week it is necessary to spray again.

Harvesting and storage

The first pea harvest is harvested in mid-summer. Moreover, the beans are collected as they ripen. Therefore, you will have to do this in several passes. Hulled varieties usually begin to be picked when the grain size reaches its maximum size. In this case, there should be no mesh on the sashes. If it is present, it means that the peas are overripe.

Harvesting of sugar spade beans usually begins as they develop into a flat shape. At the same time, they should be tender, meaty and juicy. From 1 sq. m. of crops of this variety, you can harvest 1-1.3 kg of crop.

It makes sense to completely remove peas from the garden only when the lower pods are ripe and dry. Cut plants should be hung in bunches in some dark and dry room. This is where they will have to fully ripen.

Pea seeds are often used for food in their unripe form. Peas are consumed both fresh and canned. Less often it is used dry or frozen. The fruits are often used to prepare various soups, meat dishes, and salads. Often it serves as a decoration for a particular dish.

Since childhood, we have been familiar with the unique taste of young sweet peas. It grows calmly in its garden, blooms, is filled with vital energy, and when it begins to ripen, it has no peace, because it so wants to feast on fresh pods or peas. Therefore, if there is a piece of free space left on the site, set it aside for peas.

Peas will not only please children during the ripening period, but will also be useful for preparing various preserves and twists. Then it will be much nicer to add a can of self-grown peas to your salad than to buy it in a store.

Peas are a herbaceous plant that belongs to the legume group. You can't confuse it with anything. curly annual green contains huge amount useful substances, vitamins and minerals. The culture is grown for the purpose of canning, preparing various salads and eating fresh.

Peas are very tasty and healthy. There are varieties whose fruits can be consumed together with the pods. It fills the body with energy, helps strengthen memory and revitalization brain activity . It is recommended to consume peas for people who lead an active lifestyle, as well as for those whose work involves increased mental and physical stress.

Peas contain a huge amount of antioxidants, which has a positive effect on cell regeneration. Regular consumption of fresh green peas has been proven to be excellent preventive method against cancer.

The fruits of the culture have a good effect on work digestive system, help get rid of heartburn. Peas are also rich in saturated fats, which improve skin and hair condition.

Seed material

How to plant peas to get a decent harvest? This main question problem faced by gardeners who have allocated a small garden bed for the plant in their summer cottage. So, half the success depends on quality seed material, which is prepared in the fall during harvesting.

To begin with, the collected raw seeds must be treat with insecticides. Then we place them on a table with vibration and select a third of the total quantity, those that are heavier. Then the grains are sifted through a large sieve and only the seeds are selected same size, which are being prepared for planting next year.

Contact of cotyledons with moisture can cause premature germination or the formation of fungus, which will make the seeds unsuitable for further use. The best place to store seed material is wooden boxes with insulation.

Soil preparation

Peas belong to picky plants, but growing it can be simple and easy if you follow certain rules.

Before planting peas, you need to properly prepare the soil. When sowing seeds, it should already be slightly warmed up. sun rays. It is recommended to dig up the bed and apply fertilizer since the fall, since the roots of the peas go deep into the ground and they need to be provided with good nutrition.

It is not recommended to bring it under cultivation fresh manure, as it promotes the growth and development of stems and leaves to the detriment of the crop.

Peas loves light and warmth, well-warmed, windless, quiet areas are perfect for it. The harvest of a crop largely depends on its predecessors. The plant loves the soil where there used to be tomatoes, pumpkins, early potatoes. The crop can be planted in the same place only once every four years.

The mechanical composition of the soil for peas does not have of great importance. These can be sandy, loamy, clayey soils. Excess acidity is neutralized by adding lime.

Planting peas

To grow the crop, no seedling preparation is required; the seeds are sown directly into the ground. For best shoots they are pre-soaked for 12–18 hours in water. You can also treat the seeds with a growth regulator - water with microfertilizers.

Peas refers to cold-resistant crops, so sowing starts early. Germinates already at a temperature of 4–7 degrees. The seedlings are not afraid of frost, but in order not to risk it, you can cover the bed plastic film. The planting time for peas lasts from late April to early May.

The optimal distance between rows of peas is 15-20 cm, in a row between plants - 5-6 cm, sowing density per linear meter - 16-19 pieces. If you exceed this figure, the plant will take longer to ripen, and the size of the beans will not reach its maximum. But, in total, the yield will be higher.

The peas are laid out in shallow grooves of 3–4 cm. However, the depth of the seeds may vary depending on the time of planting. If it is mid-April, then 2–3 cm will be enough. To prevent birds from stealing seeds, it is worth covering the bed with light non-woven material.

The first shoots appear within a week to a week and a half. Long period growth in the soil negatively affects the development of peas. Cultivation requires attention. Having some knowledge of care will ensure a better harvest.

Pea care

Proper care for peas will provide it with an attractive appearance during the development period, protection from pests and good yield. It consists of watering, periodically loosening the soil, fertilizing and constructing a reliable support.

The culture loves moisture. Its deficiency leads to the falling of flowers and ovaries. The watering regime will differ depending on the period of plant development. During flowering it needs abundant watering twice a week, while you need to monitor the condition of the soil, preventing it from drying out.

When the plant has not yet bloomed, you can water it only once a week, also taking into account weather conditions. After rain, a crust may form on the garden bed, which must be removed by loosening.


Strong support can improve the quality of the pea harvest, especially in cases with tall plants. You can do it this way:

  1. Prepare stakes two meters high.
  2. Prepare a wire mesh.
  3. Secure the stakes to the garden bed.
  4. Stretch a net between the stakes.

Of course, in decorative purposes peas are used extremely rarely, but they are perfect for decorating a gazebo, terrace, or balcony, forming green trellises or wings.

Top dressing

Fertilizers are applied for the first time when the plant reaches a height of 5–8 cm. Perfect in this case granular nitrogen. After the procedure, the bed must be watered generously.

Before flowering begins, the soil is fed with diluted fertilizers with microelements. They can be replaced with mullein solution. It is also used during the flowering and formation of beans.


The plant begins to bloom 30–60 days after sowing. Harvesting, which lasts up to 40 days, can begin a month after flowering. Green pea blades can be harvested every 2–3 days after the start of the ripening period; mature bean grains are harvested then When fully ripe lower pods of the crop.

The plant is pruned at the root, tied into bundles and left hanging in a ventilated area until fully ripened.

After harvesting, the tops are cut off, and the roots, previously chopped with a shovel, are buried in the ground, which serves as an excellent fertilizer that improves the structure and fertility of the soil.

Diseases and pests

It’s not enough to just plant peas in the ground, you also need to court and fight with diseases and pests, because the latter also love to eat sweetish fruits.

One of the most dangerous enemies of peas is an insect that hibernates in the soil, known as the pea codling moth or leaf roller. The moment the crop begins to bloom coincides with the emergence of butterflies from the cocoon.

Butterflies lay about two hundred eggs on the flowers, stems, beans and leaves of the plant. A week later, caterpillars emerge from them. Small pests get inside the pea and eat its contents, leaving the gardener without a harvest.

There are several methods to combat the pea codling moth. Here are the most effective:

To prevent the appearance of codling moths, it is recommended to preventive measures. They consist of a special heat treatment seeds before sowing, winter digging of the site, preventive spraying with tomato or garlic broth.

The disease that most often affects peas is powdery mildew. To get rid of it you need to cook infusion of field thistle. To do this, just soak the leaves of the plant in water and leave overnight. Once a week you need to spray the peas with this infusion.

Pea varieties

Pea varieties are divided into peeling and sugar. The former are distinguished by the excellent quality of the fruit, but their valves are inedible. The latter are eaten together with the leaves, which are characterized by a good sweet taste.

  • Adagum peas - mid-season variety. The length of the plant reaches 80 cm, mature seeds are yellow-green. The fruits are suitable for consumption raw or for canning.
  • Ambrosia peas are an early ripening sugar variety. Technical ripeness occurs 50 days after the first shoots. The height of the stems is 50–70 cm.
  • Vera peas - very tasty early variety, used fresh or canned. The growing season of the plant lasts from 47 to 60 days. Stable yields are ensured by the crop's resistance to pests and diseases.
  • Sfera peas are an early variety of shelling peas, the stem length of which is about 80 cm, the seeds are yellow-green, semi-brain-shaped, round.

The choice of variety depends on the preferences of the gardener and the subsequent purpose of using the crop. Thus, sugar crops have a good sweet taste and can be consumed directly from the garden, while shelled crops are more suitable for harvesting and canning.

28.09.2016 21 922

How to grow peas in the country?

Summer residents are often interested in how to grow peas; it is not always possible to get good beans; the seeds have not sprouted, the plants have withered, or a worm has eaten them. Although the culture is quite unpretentious, it has its own nuances and technology that will help you avoid mistakes and collect delicious harvest.


Pea varieties

In vegetable growing, it is customary to separate varieties of shelling peas and sugar peas. Peeling - grows in small bushes, often in standard form, with short internodes on the stems. Each bean contains 4-10 grains different sizes, which are smooth, round, brain (wrinkled), depending on the varietal characteristics. Root system shelling peas are located at a depth of one meter.

For winter preservation and frost, hulled varieties with brain grains are grown. Smooth grain peas quickly overripe, lose their sugar content and soft consistency. Sugar varieties are tall, grown for natural fresh consumption.

Among the shelling pea varieties, the most popular, according to reviews from summer residents, are Vera, Alpha, Premium, Avola, Voskhod, Viola, Adagumsky, Early Gribovsky, the best sugar ones are Oscar, Giant, Ambrosia, Bastion, President, Inexhaustible 195, Druzhny, Everest, Senator .

When to plant peas?

Time for sowing peas open ground V southern regions, in the Kuban differ from planting in the Urals, Siberia, in middle lane, Leningrad region, Moscow region, because climatic conditions are different, which means the time will be different. To decide when to plant peas in the ground, you need to take into account that the seeds germinate at a temperature of +2°...+5 °C and are not afraid of slight frosts (up to -5 °C).
Agronomists recommend sowing the crop as early as possible so that the beans are less affected by pests and diseases. In the spring, as soon as the soil thaws and warms up a little to a suitable temperature, start sowing. You shouldn’t wait for complete warming, peas love moisture, the soil is moist after winter, which is necessary for good germination.

Nowadays, many gardeners and farming enthusiasts practice winter sowing of peas; in this case, they plant dry seeds on frozen soil when there is no longer any heat. When planting in winter, the seeds are not treated with anything to prevent them from germinating, otherwise they will die.

in the photo - planting peas in open ground

To harvest at different times, you need to sow at intervals of 10-12 days. Obtaining early beans is achieved by growing seedlings at home and then planting them in the ground. To decide when to plant pea seedlings, you need to know varietal characteristics and desired harvest time.

Would you like to eat? green peas already in June, seedlings should be sown in March and choose smooth-grained or early (super-early) wrinkled varieties. To obtain pea beans in August, sowing is done in open ground in April and May. Summer sowing is usually completed before mid-July in order to harvest in September-October, provided that ultra-early ripening varieties are sown.

Preparing and sowing peas in the garden

For spring planting It is recommended to treat pea seeds for better germination and germination. The peas must be soaked in hot water at a temperature of +45°...+47°C for 2.5-3 hours. To reduce the risk of planting low-quality seeds affected by pea weevil, planting material need to be immersed in a solution of table salt (30 g/1 l) for 5-10 minutes. The floating seeds (usually they contain bugs) are thrown away, those that have sunk to the bottom are removed and washed in water.

Peas can be pre-germinated to ensure earlier germination. Take a piece of bandage or gauze, wrap the seeds, moisten them well with water, do not flood them, leave them in a warm place at room temperature until they hatch. It is not recommended to wait until the cotyledon has completely emerged from the shell, so as not to damage the green embryo when sowing. To disinfect planting material, the beans are washed with potassium permanganate (a weak solution), immersed in liquid for 15 minutes.

It is better to grow peas in beds after cucumbers and cabbage, where they were previously introduced. Return the peas to their original place after 3-5 years. Preparation of the bed begins with pre-treatment of the soil, weeds are removed, the soil is dug up, loosened, and fertilizers are applied.

in the photo - growing peas in the country

In autumn you can use compost and humus (5-7 kg/m²), mineral fertilizers(phosphorus-potassium), nitrogen is used in spring. Fresh manure is not applied to the garden bed; it is better to apply it under the previous crop. Nitrogen fertilizers are used mainly on clayey, heavy and infertile lands, in fertile soil peas are able to independently synthesize nitrogen, accumulating it at the ends of the roots, but after the formation of nodules.
When there is not enough nitrogen in the soil, apply nitrogen-containing fertilizers to initial stages, before planting in the spring. On sandy loam and sandy soils, it is necessary to use molybdenum, which ensures an increase in yield by 1.5-1.7 times, especially for acidic soils. The acidity of the soil for growing peas should be in the range of 6.0-7.0 Ph. Acidic soils must be limed.

Seeds are sown in the garden bed, maintaining a distance between rows of 50-60 cm, depending on the variety being grown. Pay attention to the plant placement diagram indicated by the manufacturer on the bag of seeds; tall peas grow and develop poorly and produce small harvest when landing incorrectly. The depth of planting pea seeds is 4-7 cm; on shallow soils they are sown deeper; on heavy soils, shallower planting is used.

Care, collection and storage

To grow tasty and juicy peas, watering is required, it is especially important to pay attention to irrigation during flowering and in the initial stage of fruit appearance. On dry, dry days, the number of waterings is increased, as is the volume of water applied (up to 10 l/m² during drought). 3-4 waterings are required per season. The soil under peas should be kept loose and free of weeds. Weed the beds in a timely manner and loosen them.

Pea harvesting begins when the beans are suitable for shelling. Harvesting ahead of schedule, even by one day, leads to a decrease in yield by 10-15%, and delaying fruit harvesting leads to a decrease in the quality of beans. It is recommended to remove sugar pea varieties every 2-3 days. It is better to harvest shelling peas in the phase technical ripeness, 12-14 days after flowering, when the beans are still milky and have not lost their bright color green color. It is better to pick fruits in the morning.

in the photo - harvesting green peas

To keep green peas long term, resort to freezing or canning. Many housewives dry green peas; to do this, boil the grains in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, drain in a colander and rinse in ice water. Allow the water to drain and place in a dryer or oven preheated to +45 °C. Leave for 10 minutes, remove, cool for 1.5 hours. After loading into dryer and leave until dry at a temperature of +60 ° C. The readiness of peas can be easily determined by their dark green color and wrinkled surface.

It is important to remember that peas must be processed immediately after harvesting (canned, frozen, etc.), otherwise after 2-4 hours the grains will lose a significant part of their sugar, amino acids and vitamins. To preserve their beneficial properties before processing, shelled beans are placed in water at a temperature of +10 °C, so the peas can sit for up to 6 hours without losing their beneficial properties.

Ripened ripe peas for storage do not need to be dried in an oven or a special electric dryer; it is enough to spread the shelled beans on a newspaper, cotton cloth, clean tray in a warm, ventilated room with relative humidity no more than 65%. The peas are left in this form for 2-3 days.

To store all types of peas, take only glass containers. The jar of beans is tightly closed and put in a dark place. It is not advisable to use plastic or paper bags for these purposes, since there is a high probability of insects and worms appearing in pea grains.

Varieties, cultivation and care of peas in the garden

Despite the widespread and popularity peas in summer cottages, get good harvest This crop is not for everyone, as it has its own growing secrets.
All varieties of peas are divided into four varieties: feed, grain, vegetable (shelling) and sugar. Gardeners use the first two varieties to obtain organic fertilizer and sow them after
digging up potatoes or harvesting cucumbers, early cabbage, radishes, lettuce. Only shelled varieties produce green peas. They have beans with a parchment layer, making it easy to thresh the peas. Sugar
varieties are planted to use young beans as a whole. In grain varieties, green peas are of low quality and contain little sugar. But ripe seeds boil easily, which is why they are prepared for soups.


Pea growing technology should maximize flower formation and pollination to ensure a good harvest. To do this, one should take into account its relationship to four environmental factors - heat, light, humidity and batteries.


Peas belong to the group of the most cold-resistant plants. Shoots appear at a temperature of +4-5 °C. They are not afraid of short-term frosts, but at high temperatures (more than +20 °C) the plants grow slowly and form small beans with a small amount of green peas. Optimal temperature during the growing season it fluctuates within +20 °C.


Peas are very demanding of light. When shaded, it grows poorly - it stretches, the stems lie down and break, and the yield decreases. Particularly sensitive to shading tall varieties, so they are planted sparsely. Some varieties respond to longitude daylight hours and when sown in summer to obtain a harvest in the fall, they do not bloom.


and air. Peas require the greatest amount of moisture two weeks before mass flowering and fruiting. Its lack leads to the rapid conversion of sugars into starch, which is undesirable for obtaining high quality green peas and sugar tender beans. However, peas do not tolerate waterlogging of the soil. For example, in swampy summer cottages, plants quickly turn yellow and die, and if it is still cold, there is a risk of peas becoming infected with root rot.


The short growing season of the crop requires a high level of soil supply with nutrients. The special value of peas is that they develop on their roots. nodule bacteria. They fix atmospheric nitrogen and convert it into amino acids and protein. After plants die, nitrogen enriches the soil. This crop grows well only on neutral and slightly acidic soils with plenty of calcium. Acidic swampy and alkaline saline soils are not suitable for it.


Peas may not be combined with all vegetable plants. To create natural supports on a pea bed, plant cold-resistant plants vegetable beans, decorative sunflower or oats. It is better to choose a well-lit area in which any
vegetable and ornamental plants except legumes. After peas, you can sow or plant any crops that will still have time to form a harvest before the end of autumn - black, white and daikon radishes, Peking and cauliflower)", kohlrabi, sweet corn and green beans, lettuce, spinach.


Peas are self-pollinating vegetable plants, this makes it possible to sow nearby various varieties. If you choose them correctly, this crop will bear fruit continuously. It is best to sow at the same time optimal timing 4-5 varieties With different growing seasons. Or sow one early ripening variety every 7-10 days. But with the second option, the yield will be unstable in the later periods.
Peas are sown early in the spring, so soil preparation begins in the fall. The soil is dug up, humus and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are added (50-60 g of superphosphate and 20-30 g of potassium salt per 1 m2). Acidic soils fed with wood ash. In the spring, the area for sowing is fertilized with a small amount of saltpeter (up to 10 g/m2). sufficient for intensive starting growth. Pea shoots will be rare or will not sprout at all if you dig up the beds only in the spring, as this will lead to drying out of the top layer of soil.
Deadlines spring sowing coincide with the period of the first field work. First, the bed is leveled with a rake, nitrogen and other fertilizers are applied, and rows are marked. Then, with a hoe, furrows are made to a depth of 5-6 cm and peas are sown. After planting the seeds, the rows are lightly rolled with a roller or pressed down with a foot.


If the bed is narrow, no wider than 1.5 m, then sowing grooves are made every 15 cm. If it is wide, then for ease of plant care and harvesting, peas are sown in strips of 2-5 rows. 45-50 cm are left between the ribbons. 110-120 seeds of low-growing early-ripening varieties and 90-100 late-ripening varieties are sown per 1 m2. Tall peas are sown in ribbons from two rows, leaving 20 cm between them, and 60 cm between ribbons. 50-60 seeds are sown per 1 m2. Free space Between the ribbons in the spring you can sow lettuce, spinach, radishes or plant shallots. These plants will free up this space in a month or a month and a half.


After the shoots have appeared, weeding and loosening of the rows are regularly carried out until the peas begin to flower. When the plants are 12-15 cm high, they can be lightly hilled with a short break. This technological technique is used mainly in small areas. When hilling, weed seedlings are covered, so the peas become more resilient. Boned varieties are especially responsive to hilling. In dry weather, it is advisable to water the peas several times. If you need to speed up fruiting, in a small part of the plot you can pinch the tops of the stems after the third or fourth inflorescence.
Harvest every 2-3 days. For shelling pea varieties, the beans should be fully developed, but still juicy and green. The size of green peas reaches 6-7 mm. During this period it is of the highest quality. For sugar varieties, the beans are harvested when the seeds are first identified. Then the parchment LAYER inside the flap and the fiber along the seam of the bob are undeveloped, and the quality is the highest. Green peas are eaten raw, frozen, or dried for the winter.


Peas are often attacked by weevils, cutworms, nematodes, and tripe. But since this dietary product, it's better to use safe methods struggle. For example, rotation of vegetable plants is effective against nematodes. In dry
and in hot years, only aphids cause significant damage to peas. At the first signs of a plant being colonized by this pest, it is worth scaring it off with decoctions and infusions of wormwood, garlic, onion peels, allium leaves, tansy and tobacco dust. For better adhesion, add a little soap or boil the soapwort roots. Increases resistance against aphids and the application of potassium fertilizers in the fall. The harmfulness of the pea grain beetle (bruchus) for producing green peas does not matter. Damage from other pests is not as significant.


According to the duration of the growing season from germination to technical ripeness, all varieties are divided into ultra-early ripening, early ripening, mid-early and mid-ripening. Early ripening is closely related to plant height - the higher it is, the later and less productive the variety. This characteristic also affects the quality of green peas. In early ripening varieties, sugar turns into starch faster, which requires intensive harvesting. To obtain green peas in the fall, early ripening varieties are used, which are sown in July. Sugar pea varieties are more tender, more demanding in terms of the implementation of recommended technological methods and less productive than other varieties.


At dachas, late-ripening “poked” (“stake”) pea varieties with a height of more than 1.5-2 m are sometimes grown. Such plants require supports and periodic direction of deviated shoots. Supports are placed after the formation of 3-4 leaves. Stalk varieties can also be used for landscaping.

Early ripening pea varieties are planted in mid-summer to produce green peas.
Sugar varieties are more demanding in terms of cultivation technology and are less productive.
This variety is used for food consumption and as decoration for landscaping.
The short growing season of peas requires a full supply of nutrients.
To speed up the fruiting of this crop, pinch the tops of the stems.
Peas early date crops are less damaged by the pea codling moth. The caterpillars are dangerous because they eat the seeds inside the green pods.

good and productive varieties peas
Polish variety of early ripening. The beans are juicy and tasty, up to 8 cm long, with 6-7 sweet seeds. Young beans can be used as a sugar variety. Plant height up to 70 cm. Early ripening variety, you can get an additional harvest by sowing in late summer.
Dutch variety mid-early terms maturation.
You can get early products by early sowing in the spring. Plant height up to 80 cm. Bean length 7-8 cm, number of seeds - up to 8 pcs. One of the best varieties for freezing. The variety is resistant to root rot and yellowing of the stem tips.
Dutch variety of medium ripening. Suitable for cultivation at all sowing dates. Plant height is 70-80 cm. Bean length is 9-10 cm, produces up to 10 seeds. It is distinguished by the intensive formation of beans that form at the top of the plants, very highly productive. An excellent variety for producing green peas.
Dutch variety of medium ripening. Suitable for cultivation during spring sowing. Plant height is 85-95 cm. Beans 9-10 cm long form 9-10 small seeds. The variety is characterized by high productivity.
German variety of medium ripening. IN warm years ripens at the level of early ripening varieties. Plant height up to 85 cm. The bean is large, up to 10-11 cm long, with 7-9 dark peas. Ripe seeds are wrinkled. Excellent for green peas during spring sowing. Highly resistant to fusarium.
Early ripening variety. The length of the plant is 67 cm, it forms up to 12 beans. The variety is suitable for growing green peas, canning and fresh use. Zoned in all climatic zones Ukraine.
7. Swift
A new variety of Ukrainian selection, medium ripening period. Stem length 85-92 cm. Number of seeds in a bean - up to 9 pcs. The variety is used for fresh consumption, drying and canning.
Mid-season variety of Ukrainian selection. The stem length is 85-100 cm. The beans are 8-10 cm long and form 9-10 brain seeds. Recommended for fresh use and canning.
High-yielding variety mid-season maturation. The length of the stem is 80-90 cm. Beans 8 cm long form 7-8 medium-sized brain seeds. The variety is suitable for growing green peas, canning and fresh use. Zoned in all climatic zones of Ukraine.
Russian variety of medium ripening. In cool years - mid-late. Plant height is up to 80 cm. The beans are 6-8 cm long, the peas are large and sweet. Recommended for cultivation during early-spring sowing periods.
New Russian variety average ripening periods. Plant height is 70-80 cm. The beans are purple, up to 8 cm long. The variety is decorative, used in landscape gardening. So far poorly studied in terms of yield and disease resistance.
Dutch universal variety early ripening. Stem length is about 73 cm. Beans with an average number of seed buds, medium length, narrow, yellow, with pronounced parchment. The variety is used for canning and fresh.
Early ripening variety. Plant height is 60-66 cm. The beans are 7.5-8 cm long, they contain 7-8 brain seeds. The variety is suitable for growing green peas, canning and fresh use. Zoned in all climatic zones of Ukraine.
Early variety. The plant is 58-82 cm long. The beans are 8-9 cm long, 7-9 brain seeds ripen in them. The variety is suitable for growing green peas, canning and fresh use.
Russian variety of medium-early ripening. The plant is up to 55 cm high. The beans are 4-5 cm long. Young sweet beans are used for food when the green peas are still small and do not exceed 3-5 mm. Doesn't thrash well. Recommended for cultivation at all sowing dates.
Chinese collection variety. Mid-season. The plant is up to 70 cm high. The beans are large, 12-14 cm long. Only young sweet beans are used when the green peas are still small and do not exceed 5 mm. Doesn't thrash well. Recommended for cultivation during spring sowing. Great for freezing whole beans.

Pea dishes and recipes

Pea dishes
When it comes to what can be made from peas, for some reason only banal pea soup comes to mind. But green peas can be combined with many products, resulting in original, and most importantly, delicious dishes.


. 1 large onion
. 4 strips bacon or lard
. 2 medium potatoes
. 400 g frozen green peas (fresh peas in pods should be very young)
. 800 ml chicken broth
. salt, ground black pepper
. 1 a. l. vegetable oil

1. Cut the onion and bacon into cubes.
2. Fry bacon and onions in vegetable oil until golden brown.
3. Peel and cut the potatoes into pieces, boil in chicken broth, add defrosted peas and sauté. Cook over high heat for 5-7 minutes.
4. Grind the soup with a blender, add salt and pepper to taste. The blender must be used with a metal attachment. Before serving, garnish the dish with the remaining onion sauté and herbs. Can be served with wheat croutons.


. 1 chicken thigh, boned
. 4 medium potatoes
. 2 large onions
. 4 small bell peppers
. 4 tomatoes

. salt, pepper
. vegetable oil
1. Cut the chicken and fry until half cooked and golden brown.
2. Peel the potatoes, cut into small pieces and add to the chicken. Fry until the potatoes are half cooked.
3. Add onion and pepper, cut into half rings, to the resulting fry
and fry for another 5-7 minutes. (you can add water or chicken broth). A.Add chopped tomatoes and peas, close the lid and simmer for another 10 minutes. Before serving, the dish can be sprinkled with chopped dill or parsley.


. 1 big carrot
. 1 small onion
. 2 pieces of bacon or smoked lard
. 200 g thick mashed potatoes
. 1 cup green iced peas
. ground black pepper and salt
. vegetable oil
. a few sprigs of fresh basil
1. Peel the carrots and boil them whole until tender. Cut into slices and saute in vegetable oil with a finely chopped half of the onion. Add pepper and salt.
2. Grind the carrots and onions in a blender until a homogeneous puree is obtained.
3. Cook the peas for 10 minutes. Drain the water, and then sauté in vegetable oil with smoked lard and half an onion. Chop peas
in a blender, after adding a few sprigs of fresh basil.
4. Place all three purees in layers into cups and pour cheese sauce on top. Serve the appetizer warm.

Growing peas: summer residents share their experience

There's a difference between peas and peas!

Therefore, when buying its seeds, I pay attention not only to the beautiful packaging, but also to the words written on it. I advise you to do the same.

There are three types of peas: brain peas, shelling peas and sugar peas.

Sugar snap peas good in salads, it can be canned. The young pods are eaten whole! Well, there’s nothing to say about the taste; the name sugar speaks for itself. But I don’t recommend drying it for the winter.

Most Popular – shelling peas. Having planted it, you can eat the tasty pods and prepare them for future use. After all, it is what is dried for the winter for soups and cereals. And at the beginning of fruiting, shelling peas taste qualities is in no way inferior to sugar. But once you leave it on the bush for a little while, it becomes tough and acquires a floury taste.

And one more view - brain peas.

Its peas are sweet, almost the same as sugar peas. It is suitable for canning, but it is better not to cook soup from it - the peas will boil too much, and you will end up with a puree rather than a soup.

I never feed my peas, as the spring humus dressing is enough for them.

I usually only plant shelling peas and sugar snap peas. The first one is used for the winter - I dry it and prepare various dishes. The second is for the grandchildren, so they can eat from the garden. My husband and I don't mind eating sweet peas either.

Where to plant peas

My pea beds are located in a well-lit and ventilated place. After all, as it grows, its lashes intertwine quite tightly and various pathogens or pests can settle inside, which will be dangerous not only for peas, but also for other plants in the garden. So blowing the plantings with a breeze is a kind of prevention against all misfortunes. The soil there is loose and fertile - every year I add humus from the compost bed.

Pea shoots

In order for the peas to sprout quickly and smoothly, I make sure to warm them up. The easiest way is to put the peas on the windowsill for 3-4 days. The spring sun will warm them up, and the shoots will appear faster. You can also immerse the peas in hot water, but its temperature should not be higher than +50 °C, otherwise you will simply cook them.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer to teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):