Adonis is a medicinal herb that is of great interest for medicine. Based on Adonis extract, tablets and tinctures are produced that show high effectiveness in the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia, kidney diseases, and to maintain heart function.

Adonis flower

Adonis spring flower (adonis vernalis - Latin name) is a herbaceous representative of the genus of the Ranunculaceae family, includes 20-45 species of multi- and annuals. Grows in Asia and Europe. Annual treatment plant: Adonis summer - blooms in summer, found in southern Russia, Central Asia and Western Europe; autumn hairy plant - common in the Mediterranean, blooms in summer. Adonis perennial: Volga; Amur; spring; Siberian. The plant is endangered, it is not listed in the Red Book, it is included in the Appendix of the CITES Convention.

Adonis spring - description

Adonis spring plant is a perennial medicinal flower:

  • Height reaches 60 cm.
  • It has a wide rhizome with a diameter of up to 4 cm.
  • The stem of the plant has no leaves; they are located at the very bottom and look like small scales.
  • The flowers are bright yellow, can be seen in the photo, located at the top of the branch. The size is large, diameter up to 6 cm.
  • The adonis flower grows in Russia, Crimea, Siberia, Young and Central Europe. Found in forests, mountain slopes, and flat areas. Adonis blooms in spring.
  • Fruits: seed-leaflets with a hook-shaped spout.
  • Folk names plants: Montenegrin, yellowflower, starodubka.

Adonis - medicinal properties and contraindications

Preparations based on the herb adonis have beneficial features for the body:

  • vasodilator;
  • diuretic – excess fluid is removed, effective for kidney diseases;
  • stabilize heart rate;
  • normalize sleep and act as a sedative, especially on nervous system;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • cardiotonic;
  • painkiller.

The medicinal properties and contraindications of Adonis vernacular are associated with the medicinal components included in its composition. Already long time The plant is used as a remedy for the treatment of kidney and heart diseases (neurosis, chronic failure). For example, hare poppy, when used simultaneously with bromine, can treat epilepsy. Indications for use medicinal herb The swimsuit is as follows:

  • heart disease, especially at the stage of decompensation;
  • shortness of breath associated with heart rhythm disturbances;
  • kidney disease and inflammation (dropsy, kidney stones);
  • glaucoma;
  • jaundice;
  • myositis;
  • fever;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • insomnia;
  • convulsions caused by taking camphor and pyrotoxin. Adonis helps with convulsions caused by an overdose of narcotic drugs;
  • enhances the body's resistance to infectious diseases, influenza, pneumonia, scarlet fever;
  • painkiller, prescribed for diseases of the muscles or joints.

The most important functioning substances of the plant are cardiac glycosides; they have a positive effect in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system. They can increase the stroke volume of the heart and slow down the heart rate. Medications obtained from Adonis, due to their properties, are used for heart failure and cardiac neuroses. Adonis is very poisonous, it is necessary to follow the rules of administration.

In case of overdose, you should call a doctor, do a gastric lavage, take Activated carbon. Bed rest and a gentle diet are prescribed, but taking emetics is not recommended. Medicines based on Adonis cannot be used if a person has:

  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • colitis (acute and chronic form development of the disease);
  • hypertensive diseases;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • tachycardia, bradycardia;
  • tendency to form blood clots.

Herb Adonis - application

Spring adonis is approved for use in medicine and is recognized as a medicinal product. The use of Adonis spring must be strictly according to the instructions, otherwise severe poisoning is likely. Consult your physician before using the herb. For children (only over 3 years old), 1-2 tsp is recommended. The dose depends on the age and condition of the child.

Adonis spring herb - HerbaAdonidisvernalis

Adonisspring- Adonis vernalis L.

Ranunculaceae family - Ranunculaceae

Other names:

- spring adonis

- steamed herb

- black grass

- Montenegrin

- old man

- goldenflower

- hairy

- swimsuit

Botanical characteristics. Perennial wild herbaceous plant with 3-4 stems 5-20 cm long at the beginning of flowering, and then growing to 40 cm or more. The stems at the base are covered with brown scale-like leaves: the stem leaves are sessile, alternate, palmately cut into 5 lobes; The leaf lobes are entire, narrowly linear, glabrous. The flowers are solitary, yellow, large. The fruits are oval with a hook-shaped style bent downwards. Blooms in April-May, bears fruit in June-July. The entire plant is poisonous. Adonis develops to its maximum at 40-50 years of age.

Spreading. Steppe and forest-steppe zones of the European part of the country, Siberia. Grass harvesting is mainly carried out in Altai, Bashkortostan, Western Siberia, Kemerovo and Novosibirsk regions, Stavropol Territory, and the Middle Volga region. There are also other types of adonis. The Volga adonis is not harvested.

Habitat. Along the edges of forests, open slopes, in meadows, in steppes, especially on limestone.

Harvesting, primary processing, drying. It is advisable to harvest grass during the period of mass fruiting, when it contains the maximum amount of cardenolides. This also makes it possible to increase the collection of raw materials while causing the least damage to the thickets. Considering the lack of potential fruit supply (seeds sprout only after 10-12 years), slow development individuals (maximum development only by the age of 50), you must carefully follow the rules for the procurement of raw materials.

The stems are cut above the brown scales at a height of 7-10 cm from the soil surface with a sickle, pruning shears, scissors, or mowed with a scythe along with other plants, and then adonis shoots are selected from the mowed mass. You cannot (!) break off or pull out shoots, as this leads to damage to the renewal buds. For approximately every 10 m2 of thickets, 1-2 well-developed specimens should be left uncut for seeding. Harvesting in the same place, subject to collection rules, can be carried out no more than once every 3-4 years. In order to protect the thickets, it is necessary to organize reserves and stop plowing the lands occupied by thickets of spring adonis.

The collected raw materials are placed in a loose layer in open containers (boxes, wicker baskets), since they quickly turn black in bags. When transporting over long distances, the car body must be equipped with racks or grates on which the grass is laid out. Before drying, remove foreign plants and mineral impurities, cut off stems with brown scaly leaves if they got into the raw materials.

The grass is dried in dryers at a temperature of 50-60°C or in good weather in ventilated attics, under awnings, laying out in a thin layer on a stretched mesh, gauze or racks; During the drying process, the raw materials are periodically turned over. Before packaging, it is kept indoors for 2-3 days and only then packaged.

Standardization. The quality of raw materials is regulated by the State Fund XI.

Features various types Adonis

Plant name

Life form and distribution

Diagnostic signs

Adonis Turkestan - Adonis turkestanicus Adolf

Perennial herbaceous plant. Grows in the mountain meadows of Central Asia.

The leaves are pinnately dissected, sessile, the leaf lobes are lanceolate. Large yellow flowers fade when dried and acquire a bluish tint.

Golden Adonis - Adonis chrysocyathus Hock. f. et Thorn.

Perennial herbaceous plant. Grows in the high mountain meadows of the Tien Shan. The raw material base is limited.

The leaves are long-petiolate, three-pinnately cut, the leaf lobes are rhombic. The flowers are large, golden, the outer petals have a purple tint. The raw material can be used to obtain K-strophanthin-b.

Siberian Adonis - Adonis sibiricus Pair.

Perennial herbaceous plant 60-70 cm high. Grows in Western and Eastern Siberia, in the Western Urals.

The leaves are pinnately divided, the leaf lobes are lanceolate and toothed. The flowers are smaller than those of spring adonis and bright yellow. Biological activity is low.

Adonis amurensis - Adonis amurensis Rgl. et Rodde

Perennial. Occurs scatteredly: Sakhalin, southern Kuril Islands, Primorsky Krai. Perennial up to 20-30 cm high. The growing areas are the same as for spring Adonis.

Biological activity is higher than that of spring Adonis.

Volga Adonis - Adonis wolgensis Stev.

Perennial up to 20-30 cm high. The growing areas are the same as for spring Adonis.

The bush has a spherical shape. The leaves are pinnately dissected, their lobes are wider and pubescent. The flowers are small, pale yellow. The fruits are oval, with a straight (not bent) nose pressed to the fruit. Biological activity is low.

Security measures. To regenerate the thickets, some of the plants are left untouched. The culture of spring Adonis has not yet been successful. Plants from seeds grow very slowly; It takes years to produce full-grown plants suitable for harvesting. In old, traditional harvesting areas, a periodicity of 4-5 years should be observed. Therefore, scientists continue to search for new thickets of adonis. Other types of adonis are also being studied - perennial and annual. Annual low plants with red flowers, although they have cardiotonic properties, but produce a small above-ground mass. Perennial herbaceous plants have a large aboveground mass and yellow flowers. It is necessary to organize reserves for spring Adonis.

External signs. According to GF XI, the stems are 10-35 cm long, up to 4 mm thick, slightly ribbed, leafy, with or without flowers, sometimes with buds or fruits. The leaves are alternate, sessile, semi-stem-embracing, palmately dissected into 5 lobes, of which the lower two are pinnately dissected, the upper three are twice pinnately dissected. The flowers are solitary, golden yellow, regular. The fruit is a composite, consisting of individual, almost spherical nuts with a hook-shaped column bent downwards. The smell is weak and characteristic. The taste is bitter, it is not recommended to try poisonous raw materials. The grass comes to pharmacies cut. The raw material consists of small pieces of green stems and leaf segments; parts of flowers and fruits up to 10 mm in size are included. The quality of raw materials is regulated by numerical indicators; weight loss after drying - no more than 13%; browned parts - no more than 3%, crushed parts - no more than 2%; fallen leaf segments - no more than 5%; plants with stems with brown scaly leaves - no more than 2%, organic impurities - no more than 2%, mineral impurities - no more than 0.5%. The authenticity of raw materials is determined by morphological characteristics and microscopy. Diagnostic signs are bubble-shaped and hose-shaped hairs, large, elongated leaf segments, sinuous, and sometimes there are clear thickenings. The stomata are oval-shaped, large, located along the length of the leaf, surrounded by 4-5 epidermal cells.

Microscopy. In a microscopic examination of a leaf surface specimen, highly convoluted walls of the epidermis with clearly defined longitudinal, wavy folding of the cuticle are of diagnostic value.

Numerical indicators. The biological activity of 1 g of herb should be 50-60 ICE or 6.3-8 KED; humidity no more than 13%; total ash no more than 12%; browned parts of the plant no more than 3%; plants with stems with brown scaly leaves, no more than 2%; the content of organic impurities is no more than 2%, mineral impurities - no more than 0.5%.

For crushed raw materials: particles that do not pass through a sieve with a hole diameter of 7 mm, no more than 10%, particles passing through a sieve with holes 0.25 mm in size, no more than 10%.

Chemical composition. The grass contains 0.13-0.83% cardiac glycosides; green fruits and leaves are the richest in them. A total of 25 individual cardiac glycosides were found in the plant. The above-ground organs of the plant contain K-strophanthin-b and cymarin, and the roots contain K-strophanthin-b. The specific cardenolide of adonis is adonitoxin, which is hydrolyzed to adonitoxigenin and l-rhamnose. In addition to glycosides, 2,6-dimethoxyquinone, phytosterol, flavonoids - 0.59-1.2% (flavone glycoside - adonivernite), steroid saponins (6.8-9.4%), were also isolated from the herb. organic acids(0.6-1.2%), ascorbic acid (33.4-49.2 mg%), carotene (1.3-2.6 mg%), as well as choline, coumarins, adonite alcohol (4%) . The seeds contain cardiac glycosides of unknown nature. The following were isolated from the roots: cymarin, K-strophanthin-b, saponin-like substances, coumarin, vernadine. The content of cardiac glycosides varies depending on the phase of plant development; their highest content and pharmacological activity are observed in the flowering and fruiting phases. Glycosides accumulate in the underground organs of the plant at the end of the growing season.

Storage. In a dry place, protected from light, according to list B. Biological activity 55-60 LED. Shelf life: 1 year after the date of study.

Pharmacological properties. The priority of experimental research on Adonis belongs to N. O. Bubnov (1880), who, at the suggestion of S. P. Botkin, studied galenic dosage forms Adonis. Adonis drugs belong to the group of cardiac glycosides. They slow down the heart rhythm, increase systole, lengthen diastole, increase the stroke volume of the heart, and moderately inhibit intracardiac conduction.

Adonis glycosides change the bioelectrical activity of the heart and repolarization processes in the cardiac muscle, which is reflected on the ECG in the form of prolongation of the P-Q interval, flattening of the T wave and a decrease in the ST segment. When studying the phase structure of the cardiac cycle, signs of stimulation of cardiac activity were found: shortening the period of isometric contraction of the left ventricle, lengthening the ejection period, decreasing the myocardial contraction index.

Experimental data suggest that in heart failure accompanied by conduction disturbances, Adonis aggravates atrioventricular conduction disturbances to a lesser extent than digitalis.

Adonis preparations have more pronounced diuretic properties compared to other cardiac drugs, which are associated with cymarin. In experiments on cats, diuresis under the influence of cymarin increased in some cases by 100%.

In experimental myocarditis, cymarin helps eliminate acute heart failure, weakens inflammatory and subsequent sclerotic changes in the heart. Systematic administration of cymarin at a dose of 0.1-0.5 KED significantly reduces hypotension, usually observed in experimental myocarditis, slows the pulse, and increases the speed of blood flow.

With the combined use of Adonis with other cardiac glycosides, a potentiation of the action of the glycosides and an increase in the diuretic effect are observed.

The effect of Adonis drugs, like other cardiac glycosides, manifests itself more clearly in pathology.

A characteristic feature of Adonis preparations is a sedative effect, noted in the last century. Adonis is effective for convulsions caused in animals by cocaine. Pre-administration of Adonis tincture or infusion prevents the death of animals, as well as the development of convulsions caused by camphor and picrotoxin.

The cardiac glycoside adonitoxin was isolated from Adonis vernacular and other species of this plant, which, along with cymarin, determines the pharmacological characteristics of Adonis preparations: moderate systolic and diastolic effects, a smaller effect on the tone of the vagus nerve compared to digitalis preparations and a small cumulative effect.

Cymarin has high biological activity. 1 g of the substance contains 38,000 - 44,000 ICE, or 6369 KED. In terms of the nature of its action, it is close to strophanthin, but its cumulative properties are more pronounced.

In the 60s, at the Institute of Chemistry of Plant Substances of the Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek SSR, N. K. Abubakirov, R. Sh. Yamatova et al. The possibility of the transition of cymarin monoside to K-strophanthin-b bioside under conditions of slow drying of Adonis was proven.

Medicines. Grass (cut). Dry spring adonis extract (used in the manufacture of tablets), Adonis-bromine tablets. A water infusion, which is also included in many mixtures (Bekhterev, Traskova, etc.).

Application. Adonis is used for relatively mild forms of chronic circulatory failure. Indications for the use of Adonis include cardiac neurosis, vegetative dystonia, infectious diseases that occur with symptoms of weakened cardiac activity, kidney disease with signs of cardiovascular failure.

Adonisidum is a new-galenic preparation from the herb adonis. The liquid is yellowish in color. The biological activity of 1 ml is 23-27 ICE, or 2.7-3.5 KED. Higher doses for adults: single 40 drops, daily 120 drops. Highest single doses for children orally: up to 6 months - 1 drop, up to 1 year - 2 drops, 2 years - 3 drops, 3-4 years - 5 drops, 5-6 years - 6 drops, 7-9 years - 8 drops , 10-14 years - 10-15 drops. The drug is stored with caution in a cool place, protected from light. The biological activity of the drug is monitored annually. Adoniside is the main part of the drug cardiovalene.

Adoniside dry (Adonisidum siccum) - amorphous powder, brownish-yellow color, biological activity of the powder is 14000-20000 ICE, or 2083 KED. Tablets with an activity of 10-15 ICE are prepared from the powder; take 1 tablet 2-4 times a day after meals.

Adonis-brom tablets (Tabulettae Adonis-brom). Contains dry extract of Adonis and potassium bromide, 0.25 g each. Tablets are used for heart neuroses and chronic heart failure. Prescribe 1 tablet 2-3 times a day.

Infusion of spring adonis (Infusum Adonidis vernalis). Prepared from 6 g of herb and 200 ml of water; Take 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day. For children, the same infusion is prescribed 1 teaspoon or 1 dessert spoon 3-4 times a day. Higher doses of dry adonis herb: single 1 g, daily 5 g. Higher single doses of adonis herb for children: up to 6 months - 0.03 g, from 6 months to 1 year - 0.05 g, 2 years - 0.1 g , 3-4 years - 0.15 g, 5-6 years - 0.2 g, 7-9 years - 0.3 g, 10-14 years - 0.3-0.5 g.

Adonis is part of Traskow's anti-asthmatic medicine and Bekhterev's medicine (infusion of spring adonis herb 6:180 ml, sodium bromide 6 g, codeine phosphate 0.2 g. 1 tablespoon 2 times a day).

A beautiful early flowering perennial, which is not the last among those used in. It is also widely known for its medicinal qualities. Listed in the International Red Book due to systematic destruction.


A unique plant because it can be grown both; belongs to the Buttercup family. Grows in temperate climate Europe and Asia. Regardless of the species, this flower creates low but rather lush bushes, which during flowering are covered with bright yellow and red, similar to flowers.

Adonis Characteristics:

  • with single or branched stems up to 50 cm high, on which there are leaves consisting of many narrow finger-shaped segments;
  • grows in sunny places and in partial shade, prefers light fertile ones;
  • demanding of soil moisture and cannot tolerate drying out;
  • One flower grows on the stem - bright, with glossy petals, up to 6 cm in diameter. The flowering period depends on the species and can last from April to June;
  • the fruit is a multi-hazel, numbering up to 30 wrinkled seeds, at the end of which there is a spout;
  • all types of plants do not tolerate transplantation well;
  • adonis is medicinal, and its use in medicine is widespread, but along with this it also has contraindications.

Did you know? According to ancient Greek mythology, the flower is a symbol of love between the goddess Aphrodite and common man Adonis, who was mortally wounded by a boar while hunting. The goddess mourned her beloved for a long time and in memory of him, from drops of his blood, she grew flowers that bloom in early spring.

Common types

The genus Adonis consists of 32 species of annual and perennial plants. Let's look at the most common of them.

Adonis summer

The plant is widespread in western Europe and Central Asia. People also call it “an ember in the fire.” It has the following characteristics:

  • annual up to 50 cm high with straight stems that sometimes branch;
  • the leaves are petiolate and consist of dissected parts;
  • One small flower with a diameter of up to 3 cm grows on the stem. Its petals are red with a black base. Blooms all summer;
  • the seeds germinate very poorly, so it is best to sow in the fall, since in winter they will undergo a natural procedure and germinate well in the spring;
  • prefers light areas, but can also bloom in partial shade;
  • grows on any and very hot days is necessary.

Of all the varieties of Adonis, this variety is the most common, widely known and in demand. It grows in steppe zone Europe, the Caucasus and Crimea. Spring Adonis is also popularly called: Montenegrin, hare poppy, spring adonis. It can be described like this:

  • perennial plant, up to 40 cm high. Grows in the wild on forest edges or clearings, as well as among numerous thickets;
  • the stems are bare and smooth, located vertically upward. almost no branches;
  • the leaves have an elongated oval shape up to 2 cm in length and consist of many divided lobules;
  • the root is short and thick, located strictly vertically, and thread-like roots of a dark brown color extend to the sides;
  • the flower grows at the top of a stem with a diameter of 5 cm and has a rich yellow color. Depending on the climatic conditions in the area where it grows, the flowering period lasts from mid-spring to early summer. The flower appears immediately after the snow melts, and then the green mass of the plant grows;
  • the fruits ripen in July, are ovoid in shape and are located in wrinkled boxes of 30 pieces each;
  • a medicinal plant widely used in the treatment of heart ailments.

Spring adonis has been known in culture since the 16th century. In Europe, breeders created garden and home forms of the plant, which have been widely used in landscape design since the 18th century.

Grows in the Far East, Japan and other territories. A perennial plant with the following characteristics:

  • plant height is up to 15 cm. The stems are bare, they have dissected bright green leaves on long cuttings;
  • bright yellow flowers reach 5 cm in diameter and appear before the leaves. The flowering period lasts about half a month;
  • The plant reproduces by dividing the bush, because its seeds have zero germination.

In Japan, Adonis Amur has been cultivated for a long time. Many varieties have been created there. Eg:
  1. "Ben Ten" - White flower, with fringe along the edge of the petal;
  2. "Ramosa" - double flower dark red color;
  3. “Hinomoto” - the inside of the petals are dark orange with a red tint, and the outside is bronze-green.

This is the only plant species that, after careful selection, has retained all the characteristics of a wild representative, changing only the color of the flower.

Another name for this variety is Apennine. perennial flower grows in Mongolia, Siberia and eastern Russia. It can be described like this:

  • grow up to 60 cm in height. If weather conditions are suitable for their growth, they grow well and their stems branch;
  • flowers have a large number of petals are rich yellow in color. A fully bloomed bud is about 6 cm in diameter;
  • flowering occurs in May-June;
  • The aerial part is used as a medicinal raw material, and it is harvested from the beginning of flowering to the ripening of the fruit.

This species is found in Tibet and the Tien Shan. It is included in the International Red Book. There are few places left where you can find golden adonis, and its numbers are declining as people uncontrollably collect the plant as a medicinal raw material. It looks like this:

  • perennial with high decorative and medicinal qualities;
  • In nature, a flower blooms at 25 years of age, and the plant lives up to 100 years. When grown in the garden, it grows for no more than 20 years;
  • bushes up to 40 cm high with long leaves, which have a triple dissection;
  • The flowers are yellow in color, the outer side of the petals has a purple tint.

This plant species is found in Central Asia and the Pamirs. This perennial has the following characteristics:

  • reaches a height of up to 70 cm, the trunk is covered with curly hairs;
  • flowers are solitary, up to 6 cm in diameter, yellow-orange, the lower part of the petals is light blue;
  • the peculiarity of this species is that at the same time the plant has buds, open flowers and seeds;
  • are on the stems side shoots several orders, so one adult bush can have up to 250 flowers;
  • loves rich in organic matter;
  • The plant is medicinal and its aerial part is used in medicine.

Planting in open ground

One of the ways to obtain quality planting material is planting seeds in open ground. To do this, you need to know some nuances: the correct sowing and care of seedlings.

Important! If seedlings do not appear in the spring, there is no need to worry, because they can germinate in a year. To do this, the soil must be kept moist.

When to plant adonis

Since the seeds of the plant quickly lose their ability to germinate, sowing in the ground annual species Adonis flower must be done immediately after collecting them. The planting procedure is carried out in November, with the planting material being deepened a couple of centimeters into the ground. Perennials germinate well if the seeds were obtained from plants that are at least six years old, and they germinate at 5°C. As with annual species, planting is carried out in the fall before winter. If seed material is purchased at a specialized store, then sowing in the ground is carried out in the spring.

Sowing seeds

For sowing, it is necessary to prepare soil consisting of sand, leaf soil and (3: 1: 1). The seeds are planted in moist soil to a depth of 2 cm. If we plant in a greenhouse in the spring, we cover the planting site with plastic film to create a microclimate. Shoots appear after 14 days. Before winter, we sow the seeds in containers with the same soil as for the greenhouse. Store in a cool place; When the snow falls, we take the boxes outside and cover them with snow. The first shoots will appear in spring at temperatures environment not lower than 20°C.

Important! Please note that before the onset of cold weather, the transplanted sections must take root, and this requires at least a month.

Seedling care

Pledge strong seedlings- compliance with the characteristics of cultivation, which imply correct lighting and regular. Flower crops need bright, but at the same time diffused sunlight. Watering is carried out as the soil dries, followed by loosening it. As the seedlings grow, they are broken through, leaving a distance between them of at least 15 cm. If the seedlings have grown and become stronger, they are transplanted into open ground to a permanent habitat. Depending on when the seedlings appeared, the time for replanting them may be spring or autumn.


Adonis can be propagated by dividing the bush and sowing seeds. The second option was described above, and let's talk about the first now:

  • The procedure is suitable for plants no younger than 4 years old. It is carried out in August and September, but it can also be done in the spring only before the sap begins to flow;
  • Dig out the bush carefully so as not to damage the roots. The cuttings must be large, have one bud for growth and roots;
  • the cuts must be disinfected by sprinkling them and immediately planted;
  • The planting site is dug deeply with the addition of .

Caring for planted trees is the same as for seedlings. If flowers appear on the plant, you need to cut them off so that the plant does not waste its energy on them. Otherwise, young, poorly rooted bushes may simply die.

Important! H In order for the Adonis divisions to take root well and grow, large bushes need to be divided only into two parts.


If a suitable place is chosen for planting a flower and it is fertile, caring for it will not be difficult:

  • the plant is very demanding on soil moisture - it should not dry out, but it also does not like stagnant moisture;
  • the ground around the bushes must be loosened so that a crust does not form, which blocks the access of oxygen to the roots;
  • buds located on the surface of the earth, of which on next year sprouts will appear, during the season it is necessary to cover with soil;
  • complex ones are applied twice a season: when buds form and in early autumn;
  • responds poorly to transplantation. If necessary, please note: the bush is dug up with a lump of earth so that the roots are not damaged;
  • The plant is winter-hardy, so there is no need to dig it up for the winter - just in the fall, carefully cut the stems at a distance of 2-4 cm from the ground.

Diseases and pests

Since the plant is very poisonous, it is not susceptible to any invasions.

Did you know? The medicinal properties of adonis are widely used in the treatment of heart diseases. The plant was officially recognized in medicine in 1880 after a series of tests carried out in the clinic of Professor Botkin.

Medicinal properties of adonis

All types of plants are medicinal. For this purpose, only the above-ground part of the flower is used. The highest quality raw materials are collected on a dry and sunny day when the plant blooms. It must be dried in the shade, spread out in a thin layer. The finished herb is stored in paper boxes and fabric bags for up to 3 years.
It should be noted that Adonis, or popularly “Adonis”, has undoubted medicinal properties and can be of great benefit, but still has a number of contraindications.

Thanks to medicinal composition the plant is used:

  • for cardiac disorders - rhythm disturbances, low blood pressure, heart disease and associated shortness of breath;
  • for neuroses and psychoses, especially in drug addicts and people who abuse alcohol;
  • for infectious kidney lesions - increases the formation and excretion of urine;
  • for infectious diseases such as tonsillitis, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, coughing;
  • as an analgesic for rheumatic joint pain.


  • peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • inflammatory bowel processes;
  • hypertension;
  • gastritis of the stomach;
  • atherosclerosis of the heart;
  • during the period of bearing a child, it provokes a miscarriage.

Important!Adonis vernatum is a poisonous and potent plant, so using it without consulting a doctor is extremely dangerous, especially if you have a heart condition. For children under 3 years of age, the plant is prohibited in any form.


IN traditional medicine Adonis is present in the following preparations:

  • "Bekhterev's medicine" - a sedative;
  • "Cardiovalen" - for the treatment of nervous diseases;
  • "Adonis-bromine" is a cardiac remedy.

IN medicinal herb used for making tinctures and decoctions:

  • for insomnia: Take 200 ml of vodka or alcohol into a jar for 25 g of crushed herb. Shake well, close the lid and infuse in a dark place for 2 weeks. Then the finished tincture is filtered and used 20 drops at night as a sleeping pill, and as a sedative - three times a day. Store in a cool place;
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Adonis spring adonis spring photo and description plant flower herb application properties where it grows pharmacognosy

Latin name Adonis vemalis

Ranunculaceae family - Ranunculaceae

Other names. Spring adonis, Montenegrin, yellowflower, hairwort, starodobka, swimmer, goldenflower.

Kazakh name. Gulzhaprak, baygishek, koktemp ugulzhapyrak, ugulzhapyrak, zhanargul.

Adonis (adonis) is one of the first spring flowers, the appearance of which marks the awakening of nature. The steppe, filled with moisture from melting snow, blooms, spreading out as a bright multi-colored carpet. Even ancient peoples who deified natural phenomena incomprehensible to them, struck by the change of winter peace rapid growth vegetation, created poetic legends.

The ancient Greeks created a myth about the beautiful young man Adonis, the son of the king of Cyprus. He was so beautiful that he had no equal even among the gods of Olympus. He was loved by the eternally young, golden-haired Aphrodite, the goddess of love, daughter of Zeus. She hunted with him timid deer and gentle fallow deer, but avoided fierce animals and asked Adonis to beware of them in her absence. But the frivolous young man, keen on hunting, chased a wild boar. Adonis did not have time to pierce the boar with a spear, the enraged beast rushed at the hunter and mortally wounded him with its fangs. Aphrodite wept bitterly over the body of her beloved young man and, in memory of him, raised her from his blood. beautiful flower, blooming every spring. Seeing the inconsolable grief of the goddess, the ruler of the sad kingdom of shadows Hades began to release Adonis to earth, where he spent six months with Aphrodite, and then returned to the dead kingdom of Hades. He came with the first bright rays of the sun, nature came to life, and a bright golden flower, named Adonis in honor of the young man, bloomed in the steppe.

The species definition vernalis (spring) indicates early flowering plants.

The Russian "gonitsvet" (from "burn" and "color") alludes to the color of the flower.


Perennial herbaceous plant of the Ranunculaceae family, up to 50 cm high.

Stems several, they form a bush of densely leafy shoots, ending in a large yellow flower. At the bottom of the stem there are brown scales, in the axils of which renewal buds are formed.

Rhizome thick, short, dark brown in color.

Leaves sessile, serrately divided, with narrow linear lobes. B The median leaves are sessile, pentagonal in outline with a palmately divided blade into narrow lobes (up to 1 mm wide).

The shoots are bare or (at the beginning of development) slightly pubescent.

Flowers single, bare, located at the ends of the shoots, large (2-7 cm in diameter). There are 5 sepals, they are green, sometimes with a purple or brown tint, and pubescent. There are 15-20 petals, they are bright yellow, oblong-elliptical, slightly narrowed at the apex, finely jagged. There are many stamens and pistils. . It blooms for the first time at the age of 3-5 years.

Fetus complex, composite, oval, consist of numerous single-seeded nuts attached to a hollow, elongated receptacle.

The nuts are obovate, small (3x5 mm), cellular-wrinkled, hairy, at the apex with a hook-shaped beak about 1 mm long. When ripe, the fruits acquire a grayish or yellowish-green color.

Blooms in March - May; the fruits ripen in June.


Spring Adonis or Spring Adonis distributed in middle lane the European part of Russia, Ciscaucasia, the steppe part of Western Siberia and Bashkirtostan, Ukraine.

Spring adonis grows in steppe meadows, meadow steppes with mesophilic herbs, and, to a lesser extent, in fescue and feather grass steppes.

The beginning of adonis flowering depends on climatic features habitats and weather conditions.


Agricultural technology

Bloom individual plants begins in the 3rd year, and full development occurs in the 4th-5th year.

The duration of cultivation in one place is no more than 10 years.


Adonis vernatum is a rare plant. And therefore it must be protected. Adonis is propagated by rhizomes and seeds. For harvesting, Adonis vernatum is best grown from seeds. Despite the fact that its seeds are difficult to germinate, they can still be sown first in boxes, and in the spring the seedlings can be planted in a previously prepared warm, dry area with calcareous soil.

You can sow adonis seeds in the soil in spring or summer, but they will not germinate well. They are planted in the same way as the rhizomes, planting them to a depth of 2-3 cm and sprinkling them with a soil-humus mixture with the addition of lime. They germinate in 25-30 days. The first two years, seedlings develop very slowly.

Rhizomes are planted in autumn or spring in moist soil, after cutting them lengthwise according to the number of buds. The row spacing should be at least 60 cm, the distance between plants 30 cm.

When cultivating this valuable gift of nature, we must not forget that spring Adonis is a poisonous plant.

Turkestan adonis - Adonis turkestanica (Korsh.) Adolf differs from spring adonis by its long (10 - 20 cm in length and 3 - 8 cm in diameter) twisted rhizome, bluish shoots, densely pubescent curly hairs. Turkestan adonis is endemic to Central Asia. It grows at an altitude of 2000 - 3500 m above sea level within the alpine and subalpine belts. At the lower limit of distribution it grows in steppe groups - in juniper forests, rose gardens and mountain steppes; most abundant in tragacanths. It develops best on rich humus soils. In the mountains of western and central Gissar, thickets of industrial importance are found in the Khoja-Gur-Gur-Ata mountains, in the basins of the Takob, Maykhura, Lyuchob, and Karatag rivers. The total area of ​​thickets here is 692 thousand hectares with an estimated reserve of 139 thousand tons.

Cardenolides (strophanthidin, cymarin and convallotoxin), coumarins (scopoletin and umbelliferone), flavonoids (vitexin, orientin and adonivernin), as well as pentahydric alcohol, saponins and carotene were isolated from the aerial part of Turkestan adonis.

In Turkestan adonis, the highest biological activity was noted in the fruiting phase. The similarity of the cardenslide composition and the clinical trials conducted allow us to recommend it for medical use along with spring adonis. ‘

Golden adonis - Adonis chrysocyatha Hook. f. et. Thoms, recommended as a possible source of K-strophanthin. Contains cymarin, adonivernitine, K-strophanthin and steroid-type saponins.

Grows at an altitude of 2500 - 4000 m above sea level, mainly on alpine meadows Pamir-Alai and Tien Shan.

Chemical composition

Active ingredients

The herb contains cardiac glycosides (cymarin, adonitoxin, etc.), saponins, adonidoside, adonilic acid, quinones, phytosterol and coumarins. In terms of the nature of their effect on the heart, adonis preparations occupy an intermediate position between strophanthus and foxglove. Biologically active substances This plant accumulates less in the body than digitalis preparations, which have a more pronounced sedative and diuretic effect.

In addition to cardenolides, coumarin (vernadine) was found in the roots and rhizomes.

Adonis vernal Application

Medicinal use

Collection and processing of medicinal raw materials

Due to the fact that it was not possible to introduce spring adonis into cultivation, the need of the pharmaceutical industry is satisfied only by collecting raw materials from its wild thickets. In this regard, it is necessary to take special care of its existing reserves, which are being reduced every year. For the purpose of protection, it is necessary to organize adonis reserves, stop plowing the lands occupied by its thickets, and introduce rational methods their operation with a procurement regime once every three years.

The medicinal raw material is herbs. It is harvested from the beginning of flowering until the fruits fall. After the fruits fall off, the grass loses its biological activity. Raw materials collected during the flowering phase have the greatest biological activity. The plant is cut at a height of 10-15 cm from the soil surface, rather than pulled out, so that it does not die. Harvesting is carried out in the same place no more than once every 2-3 years. Some large bushes must be left untouched to ensure seeding.

The collected raw materials are loosely placed in open containers, as they turn black in bags. Dry as quickly as possible in an oven or dryer at a temperature of 40...50°C, since glycosides are better preserved with rapid drying. In hot sunny weather, dry under a canopy or in the attic, spreading it in a thin layer on a mesh or gauze, stirring frequently.

The biological activity of adonis varies depending on the phase of development, the age of the plant and the characteristics of its habitat. The maximum biological activity of adonis raw materials was noted at the end of flowering - the beginning of fruiting. The best raw materials were found in the Stavropol Territory and Kemerovo Region.

The raw material is ready if the thick stems break easily. It should consist of dried stems with leaves and flowers or young fruits. The color of the leaves and stems is green, the corollas are golden yellow. The smell is weak, not characteristic. The taste is bitter. Humidity should not be higher than 13%; total ash - no more than 10%; browned parts - no more than 3%.

Store in a closed container without access sun rays no more than 1 year.

Application in official and folk medicine

Adonis - antique folk remedy. Back in the 17th-18th centuries, its grass and roots were widely used in folk medicine for various heart diseases. Back in the eighties of the last century, the Russian doctor N.A. Bubnov, working in Voronezh region, observed how local healers successfully treated cardiac disorders using the herb adonis. He extensively and deeply studied the adonis under the guidance of the greatest clinician S.P. Botkin.

Used in medicine aboveground part(grass) Adonis vernalis L.

As a result, the adonis herb and preparations made from it have become firmly established in medical practice. An infusion of the adonis herb (Adonis) is part of the ankylosing spondylitis mixture, which also contains sodium bromide and codeine.

Adonis vernal pharmacognosy

Adonis preparations are widely used in medical practice to treat cardiovascular diseases. Adonis drugs increase and slow down heart contractions, increase stroke and cardiac output and eliminate congestion in patients; to a greater extent than other glycosides, they calm the central nervous system. The active ingredients of Adonis are:
Cymarin is a highly active cardiac glycoside. When introduced into the body, it has a characteristic effect on the heart of cardiac glycosides: it increases the strength of heart contractions and slows down the rhythm. The speed of action on the heart is similar to strophanthin. It differs from the latter in less toxicity, weaker cumulative properties and a pronounced diuretic effect.
Anatoxin has high biological activity and a pronounced effect on the heart. Drugs. Adoniside (in ampoules), dry adonis-bromine extract (dragees), infusion; In addition, it is part of a number of complex cardiac remedies.

From the adonis herb, the industry produces the drug adonizide in 15 g bottles. Adults are prescribed it 20-30 drops 2-3 times a day, children - according to their age.

Adoniside, obtained from adonis, is part of the complex preparation cardiovalene. Dilates the blood vessels of the heart and kidneys, strengthens heart contractions, raises tone, increases urination, reduces swelling, relieves suffocation during severe coughing.

In folk medicine, the infusion is used for kidney inflammation, shortness of breath, swelling of the legs and infectious diseases(typhoid, influenza, scarlet fever, etc.). To prepare the infusion, pour 1 tablespoon of herbs into 2 glasses hot water, boil for 5 minutes, leave for 30 minutes and filter. Take 1 tablespoon 5-6 times a day every 2 hours.

Recipes for various diseases


Collection 1. Pour crushed Adonis herb with 40% alcohol or vodka in a ratio of 1:10. Leave in a dark place for 10-15 days. Used as a sedative and mild sleep aid, 15-20 drops 3 times a day.

Collection 1. Pour 7 g of dry Adonis spring herb with 1 glass of boiling water, wrap and leave for 1 hour. Drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for joint and muscle pain. After each month of treatment you need to take a break for 10 days.

Collection 1. Pour 1 tablespoon of Adonis into 1.5 cups of boiling water, leave for 2 hours in a dark place, and then strain. Take the infusion 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Chronic heart failure

Collection 1. Pour 2 tablespoons of chopped Adonis herb with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.


Attention! The plant is poisonous.

Adonis preparations are contraindicated for gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastritis, enterocolitis and angina pectoris. Treatment is carried out only on the recommendation and under the supervision of a doctor.

Adonis vernal (Adonis vernal)

Adonis spring (Adonis) - a plant listed in the Red Book Krasnodar region. It has a bright yellow color. I add its fruits to various medications. Helps cope with heart ailments, neurological problems and kidney diseases.

The plant got its unusual name from mythology. Ancient Greece. Adonis is the name of the lover of Aphrodite, the goddess of love. This flower personified the feeling of the goddess for a man. The plant has a bright yellow color and appears at the first rays of the spring sun. Average height reaches 50 centimeters. Adonis belongs to the Buttercup family. People often call it Adonis for its bright color.

Description of the flower

The upper leaves are smooth with a slight bend at the ends, the lower leaves are brown with a scaly surface. The flower is at the top and directed towards the sky. Flowering occurs in early April.
The plant is distributed mainly in Eastern Europe or its central parts. The climate of the Krasnodar Territory, the Caucasus, and Siberia is suitable for it. He is comfortable on mountain slopes, limestone, and forest edges.
The flower has not previously been cultivated, so its active growth is not observed.

Use of the plant

Adonis is listed in the Red Book of the Krasnodar Territory, however, it is actively used in medicinal purposes. When collecting adonis, you need to know the basic rules. Flowers can be picked no more than once every five years, without damaging the main part of the plant.
The healing properties of adonis have been known for many years. Pharmaceutical preparations are prepared from it that help cope with heart ailments and kidney diseases. Infusions eliminate cramps and calm the nerves.

Despite all the beneficial properties, adonis is a poisonous plant. Medicines containing it are strictly prohibited for the following categories of the population:

  • children under 12 years old;
  • people suffering from hypertension, diseases of the stomach and duodenum;
  • patients who have confirmed atrioventricular heart block.

Any use of such drugs should be carried out under the close supervision of a physician.

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