During repair work in any room, plastering is an indispensable process that requires compliance with GOST.

Gypsum plaster

Today there is a huge variety of mixtures in composition and binder that can be selected for specific jobs and surfaces.

To make the surface even and smooth, as well as to final prepare the walls for decoration, it is customary to use gypsum mass, the use of which is allowed even in the bathroom. The following requirements are put forward for this substance:

  • elasticity;
  • good adhesion;
  • possessing astringent properties.

It is compliance with such requirements that will allow us to answer the question: “Which gypsum plaster is better?”

Composition and characteristics of gypsum plaster

The main component of gypsum plaster is gypsum. For the treatment of premises this material has been used for for long years, since the mass turns out to be quite cheap.

In addition to the main component, the composition according to GOST includes various fillers and modifying binder additives made from polymers.

Due to their astringent structure and composition, gypsum solutions can reduce the cost of the solution, giving it greater elasticity. In turn, polymer additives impart impermeability to the substance and also increase adhesion to the wall being treated.

This substance is manufactured according to GOST in the form of a dry powder. To breed him for further application, you need to maintain a proportional ratio of dry powder and water. The thickness of the solution depends on what work is being done and in what room the finishing is planned. If you need to level the walls in a room, you should dilute a more liquid solution; it will be easier to distribute over the surface and easier to apply in a thin layer. To eliminate the curvature of structures, you will need a thicker consistency that will hold its shape well.

The universal composition and technical characteristics of the mixture allow you to use it with your own hands, both for preparatory work, and for finishing premises.

Advantages and disadvantages of the mixture

Today, leveling walls with gypsum plaster is used quite often. The gypsum mixture has found its way wide application in finishing work indoors and has the following advantages:

  • the composition includes natural ingredients, which makes the mixture environmentally friendly;
  • smooth and uniform texture allows you to achieve maximum surface evenness;
  • high level of adhesion;
  • small specific gravity;
  • good material for heat and sound insulation;
  • thanks to the binder, it is characterized by plasticity;
  • the material is easy to apply;
  • does not shrink;
  • breathes easily and allows air into the room;
  • the mixture can act as a finishing coating;
  • fireproof;
  • economical application.

Like any others Decoration Materials, gypsum mixtures have certain disadvantages that are worth paying attention to:

  • the mixture is not moisture resistant (it is better not to use it in the bathroom and other wet areas);
  • it is necessary to isolate metal objects from contact with gypsum plaster;
  • high price category;
  • easily amenable to mechanical stress.

If the composition was manufactured in accordance with GOST, and its application was correct, such a coating will hide any unevenness and create an ideal flat surface.

Do-it-yourself sequence of work

Before you begin the plastering process, you need to decide on the amount of material you will need to finish the room.

As we said, the consumption of gypsum plaster is less than cement plaster, therefore, for the work you will need 2.5-3 times less material.

To apply a solution 10 mm thick, you will need ≈9 kg of dry matter per 1 m2. But, remember, if the walls in the room are especially uneven and have certain defects, much more material will be used to seal and level them.

To apply gypsum plaster, you need to prepare the walls as best as possible. They must be cleaned of old materials and dirt with a soft brush and treated with a primer.

Next, according to the instructions, you need to knead the solution. The composition should be homogeneous, and not everyone can achieve this with their own hands. For such purposes, you can use a construction mixer. It is better to leave the resulting solution for a few minutes to gain strength, after which you can begin plastering the walls.

To achieve maximum adhesion, it is better to throw the gypsum solution onto the surface, and distribute the mass from bottom to top using a trowel or rule. If the walls in the room are too deformed, you won’t be able to do it with your own hands and a trowel, it’s better to use beacons.

If the surface requires too thick a layer of plaster, you will need a reinforcing mesh.

The gypsum composition hardens within 45-60 minutes, so during this period of time you will need to use up the entire ready-made mixture.

On the surface, the mixture sets after 1-3 hours, it all depends on the climate in the room.

It is at this stage that, after wetting the walls with water, the surface is grouted using a sponge trowel.

Are you wondering how long it takes for gypsum plaster to dry? After 5-7 days from the moment of applying the mixture, the surface will finally dry out, and it will be possible to continue with the following finishing work.

What gypsum-based mixtures are most popular?

Decorating the walls of the house with gypsum plaster

As of today construction market exists great amount companies that produce plaster mixtures. They differ in composition, characteristics, binder, etc.

It is impossible to say which company produces the most ideal “product”, because the technical characteristics of any gypsum mixture must comply with certain standards that are responsible for the result of the finished substance - GOST.

  1. Volma

This manufacturer has tried to develop a material that is intended for both DIY work and machine finishing. According to GOST, the material is presented in white and gray color. Decorators focus on a variety of color scheme, thanks to which this brand of plaster allows you to easily create relief paintings that retain their shape well and for a long time.

  1. Rotband from Knauf

This company has long taken a leading position in the building materials market. Gypsum plaster from Knauf is another proof of this, although it is not particularly cheap. Thanks to this gypsum plaster, you will carry out finishing at the highest level with your own hands.

  1. Prospectors

The manufacturer "Starateli" took care of producing plaster according to GOST in several variations, which have various technical characteristics: dry mix, moisture-resistant, etc.

Such gypsum plaster hardens very quickly and becomes unsuitable for subsequent use.

More detailed Comparative characteristics these three representatives are displayed in the table.

No matter how high-quality the gypsum plaster is, mixtures based on this ingredient have a short shelf life - no more than half a year. For savings technical characteristics the mixture must be dry and in the package without damage.

Tile and gypsum plaster in the bathroom: can they be combined?

When answering the question “Is it possible to lay tiles on gypsum plaster?”, it is better to give a positive answer. But it’s also worth considering certain subtleties of this process, because it is usual for such work cement plaster It has long list distinctive features from plaster.

In a bathroom, shower or other wet rooms, the coating should be special, and preferably cement-based. You can also use dry gypsum plaster with a special binder for the bathroom.

For wet rooms and bathrooms, the material must comply with GOST and be resistant to high humidity. It is better that the plaster contains astringent additives, which will provide excellent performance characteristics.

Every day, the use of tiles in the bathroom is receding further into the background, because dry gypsum-based plaster for treating wet rooms is a more budget-friendly and original option.

What is plaster grinding? Technology of work Plaster for the bathroom: features of work in wet rooms

Plaster is used to level walls. At the same time, the question often arises: which mixture is better to choose – cement or gypsum? Plastering walls is a costly process, both in terms of labor intensity and money consumption. Therefore, it is understandable that any owner would want to choose a material that will create reliable adhesion to the base, will not crack, will not fall off, and will last for many years. It is quite difficult to unequivocally answer the question of which plaster is better - gypsum or cement - to cover walls. Each mixture has its own advantages, disadvantages, and features.

Plaster is used for work outside and inside the house. Its task is to eliminate defects in the base and level it. In addition, it creates protective layer, which prevents the penetration of moisture, the spread of fire, and heat loss. The main task that plaster must cope with is to prepare the wall for further finishing.

When choosing a mixture, it is necessary to take into account its purpose and composition. According to its purpose, plaster can be ordinary or decorative. Conventional mixtures are used for interior or exterior work; they can also be universal or special. Decorative compositions allow you to create a relief, structural or Venetian coating. Mixtures of different compositions are offered for sale. The most popular are gypsum and cement plaster. To better understand which one to choose, you need to understand their main characteristics.

Features of the gypsum mixture

The basis of gypsum plaster is gypsum with different fillers, helping to reduce consumption, and plasticizers, improving adhesion to the surface. A gypsum-based solution is used to level surfaces and prepare them for subsequent finishing. It is not used in wet areas. Depending on the size of the filler, fine-, medium-, and coarse-grained mixtures are distinguished. To obtain a thin layer, use a fine-grained composition. To level out large differences and eliminate large defects, a coarse-grained mixture will be required.

Gypsum plaster is usually used for interior work. For external ones it is better to take cement. Although there are gypsum compositions that, by adding additional components to them, cope well with the influence of negative factors. However, they will cost more than cement ones.

The solution can be applied in a fairly thick layer, and it will not crack when drying. Therefore, it can be used to eliminate even large defects and damage. Advantages of gypsum plaster:

  • Environmentally friendly. It does not contain harmful components, is not aggressive, and is absolutely harmless.
  • Vapor permeability. Due to its porosity, gypsum regulates the humidity in the room: it absorbs excess and releases moisture when necessary.
  • Creates a sound and heat insulation layer. This is especially true in panel houses.
  • Effectively removes unevenness.
  • Plastic and easy to apply.

It is not recommended to use gypsum plaster in rooms without heating. It is convenient when working in hard to reach places because it dries quickly. In addition, if the layer is perfectly even, then it does not need to be puttied.

If you decide to use a gypsum mixture, then you need to take into account its inherent disadvantages:

  • it sets quickly, so you cannot prepare a lot of solution at once;
  • with a large layer thickness it may shrink;
  • does not “fit” well on metal;
  • how better quality, the higher the price.

An important advantage of the gypsum mixture is its cost-effectiveness. Compared to cement, it will require 1.5 times less for the same area.

Features of the cement mixture

In residential, utility rooms, for internal and facade works Cement plaster is often used. The binding component is cement, the strength of which is determined by the brand. Sand is used as a filler. The quality of the solution largely depends on it. Sand is considered good if it contains dust, silt, and clay impurities. Therefore, river or quarry sand is usually used.

Its coarseness affects the finished plaster. If the particles are large, it will be difficult to obtain a smooth surface and you will have to grind it for a long time. On the contrary, too fine particles cause the cement plaster to crack after drying.

The ratio of sand and cement is affected by required strength mortar and cement brand. Usually it is 1 in 3 or 4. Polymers help improve the plasticity of the solution. Increases vapor permeability slaked lime. Cement plaster has the following advantages:

  • affordable price;
  • you can buy a dry mixture, and it’s also easy to prepare it yourself;
  • suitable for work inside and outside the building;
  • has high adhesion;
  • creates a durable coating;
  • tolerates humidity and temperature changes well.

The cement mixture takes much longer to dry than the gypsum mixture. Therefore, you can have time to eliminate small defects on the surface. In addition, this property allows you to dilute a lot of solution at once, reducing preparation time. Disadvantages of cement mortar:

  • The application process is very labor-intensive and long. Classic technology involves the implementation of 3 layers: spray, primer and grout. They also take time to dry.
  • The cement mixture does not adhere well to plastic or wood.
  • Because of high density cement creates additional load on the base. It must be calculated in order to be taken into account before plastering.

Gypsum or cement: what to choose?

It is difficult to say unequivocally which plaster is better. The choice of mixture depends on the characteristics of the room and the tasks that will be solved with its help. For leveling walls in a living room, when preparing them for wallpapering, painting, creating relief design It is better to use a gypsum composition. To restore walls in the kitchen and bathroom, if necessary, strengthen and level them, it is recommended to use cement mortar. Such a surface will be resistant to any impact, durable, and reliable.

Regardless of what mixture is used, to obtain high-quality plaster layer it is necessary to take into account the influence of certain factors. First of all, the weather affects the plaster. Plastering should be carried out at positive temperatures, normal humidity. From draft and strong wind drying is accelerated. These factors increase the unevenness of moisture removal, as a result of which the surface cracks.

The cause of poor quality is often the heterogeneity of the mixture. This often occurs due to inaccurate adherence to proportions when mixing independently. May lead to cracking a big difference in thickness: a thin layer dries faster. To improve adhesion and protect walls from fungus, applying a primer should be a mandatory step before plastering.

The quality of plastering work depends half on the skill of the master’s hands, half on the right choice material. Each type of solution has its own characteristics in work and operation.

For interior decoration living rooms recommend gypsum plasters, and cement plaster is suitable for wet unheated premises, outdoor works. Comparing disadvantages and advantages different compositions, you can save a lot and get excellent results.

Plaster is called layer of mixture applied to the surface of structures from various materials. Rough finishing also refers to plastering work. Plastering solves the following problems:

  • level and smooth surfaces;
  • increase thermal insulation properties;
  • protect the material from moisture and destruction;
  • reduce the level of audibility of extraneous noise;
  • mask seams between elements;
  • increase fire resistance;
  • give an aesthetic decorative relief.

Gypsum plasters are called powdered dry gypsum mixtures and plasticizer additives. Their main purpose is to finish internal surfaces.

Important! The dried plaster layer should not peel off from the surface, cracks are not allowed.

Cement plaster mixtures are produced mixing sand, cement and water V different proportions. Special formulations contain additional components, imparting the desired qualities.

Which is better - gypsum or cement plaster?

On shelves construction stores a huge selection of dry mixtures, ready for use. Ready composition just dilute with water. Focusing on the field of application and technology of work, plaster mortar choose under specific tasks . When choosing, compare the properties and cost of the mixture.

Cement compositions 1.5-2 times cheaper than plaster. Mixing the solution yourself will further reduce financial expenses. Moisture-resistant gypsum plasters are much more expensive than conventional ones.


Gypsum plaster is not used for finishing external structures.

What is easier to work with?


Gypsum mortar easily and quickly applied to the surface, is well leveled. A reinforcing mesh is not needed; the low specific gravity of the gypsum mixture significantly reduces material consumption. Much more cement mixture will be needed for the same volume.

The initial setting time of the solution is 0.5-1.5 hours, after 2 hours the surface can be rubbed. The plaster applied in 1 layer dries in only 2-3 days, speeding up Finishing work. There is no shrinkage, the smooth surface does not require any modification. TO shortcomings gypsum mixture is characterized by rapid hardening.

Added gypsum mortar retains properties for an hour on average. The material not produced during this time will go to waste.


Cement-sand plaster holds well on different types of material, but does not adhere well to plastic, wood or previously painted surfaces.

The initial setting of the solution occurs within 3 hours, grouting begins 5 hours after application.

The period for complete drying of plastered surfaces can take up to 28 days.

Shrinkage 1-2 mm per meter. On a porous material, such as or, the consumption of cement plaster mixture will be minimal.

Application area

Environmentally friendly gypsum compositions without harmful impurities are used in dry, heated rooms. The composition covers uneven walls and ceilings well, it is light and flexible. Ability of gypsum plaster bring out excess moisture through surface pores useful in apartment buildings.

The wet spot dries without leaving marks or streaks; mold and mildew are excluded. Gypsum provides greater levels of sound insulation and warmth than cement. The walls are finished with gypsum mortar:

  • living rooms, dining rooms, offices;
  • hallways, corridors, dressing rooms;
  • living rooms, children's rooms, bedrooms.

Note. For kitchens, baths and other wet areas purchase moisture resistant gypsum plaster. Moisture-resistant mixtures are more expensive.

Cement-sand plaster is universal. The mixture is applied to both internal and external surfaces, without distinguishing between heating and humidity conditions premises. Unheated buildings are plastered with a cement-sand composition. garages, building facades.

The finished surface is gray, grainy, rough to the touch. After drying, cement plaster does not respond to humidity and temperature changes, reliably protecting the wall material from destruction.

DIY cement plaster

All plaster compositions contain three components: binder, filler, solvent. The binding component is Portland cement. For plastering premises, cement grades M 400 -500 are chosen.

The filler will be sand, yellow quarry or river. Before mixing, the sand is sifted to remove impurities and debris. Dissolve the dry mixture with water.

Proportions of cement-sand mixture

The usual ratio of Portland cement to sand in plaster mortar 1:3. Cement and sand are poured into a pre-prepared container, mixing thoroughly with a trowel or trowel.

Add water to the dry mass, mixing vigorously using a drill with an attachment. The result will be a homogeneous gray mixture with a creamy consistency.

Cement-lime plaster mortar

Cement-lime mortar is sufficient universal. Lime adds plasticity, the plaster mixture with increased adhesion adheres well to surfaces. Depending on the proportion of components and the quality of Portland cement, grades of mortar M10–150 are obtained.

To obtain a solution of grade M150, mix:

  • 1 part Portland cement M400;
  • 0.2 parts lime;
  • 3 parts sand.

There are two ways to mix cement-lime plaster mortar.

IN first case cement is mixed with sand, strained lime milk. The solution is stirred to a homogeneous consistency.

Second way begins with the preparation of lime dough. Then add sand and water to the dough, mixing. The cement is injected last.

Ready-made plaster for walls

Rating of gypsum compositions

Leaders in popularity in the professional field, including for home renovation are considered:

  • « Rotband" The Knauf company has long established itself in Russian market as a manufacturer building materials good quality. “Rotband” is applied with a layer thickness of up to 50 mm, the time of using the mixture is 20-25 minutes;
  • « Volma formation" Chemical and mineral additives increase the time of use of the solution to 40 minutes, suitable for applying a layer up to 60 mm. The composition dries completely within a week;
  • « Gipswell T-25"produced by Osnovit. Plaster consists of gypsum with modified additives. Ecologically clean coating good quality, excellent output excess moisture. The mixture has a low consumption.

Ready-made cement mixtures

According to the craftsmen, among dry cement plasters, “ Knauf", offering a range of products to choose from for various purposes and flowers. The assortment includes everything - from front to finish decorative cement plaster.

A good characteristic is low mixture consumption, good grip with surfaces made of different materials. The quality of the compositions is also indicated by the packaging. Two layers of paper with interlayer film specified different time release on bags will reduce the risk of buying a fake.


When purchasing a ready-made mixture, the packaging is carefully inspected for tears and wetness.

Useful videos

Comparison and review of types of material for rough and fine interior finishing:

Comparative test of hand-applied plaster, which one is better to work with:

What you need to know before you start plastering the walls, look:

Watch the process correct plastering brick walls:

When choosing between gypsum and cement compositions, you need to remember that there is no single unambiguous solution. The cement mixture is used to level walls and ceilings in basements, garages, and boiler rooms. Gypsum mortar is an excellent choice in residential premises, when independent execution works

We will be happy to answer clarifications and questions in the comments (see others for the construction of private houses).

The direct purpose of plaster is to protect walls from any influences. Especially it concerns exterior finishing walls Its next direct purpose is to level the walls. It is impossible to imagine renovation without the use of plaster. Achieve Perfectly smooth walls, corners and slopes, prepare the surface for tiles, under wallpaper or for painting - plaster can do it all. But, before you start plastering the walls in one case or another, you need to understand the types of plaster and for which surfaces they are best suited.

Types of plasters

During the renovation process, the question arises of what plaster mixture should be purchased in order to level the walls. It all depends on the planned work plan. Let's figure out what categories types of plasters are divided into:

  • by readiness for use;
  • by composition, which is based on binder material;
  • as intended.

Depending on which plaster mixture is chosen, the scope of work is determined. Each category of material has its own specific pros and cons. This includes the ease of working with the material, its preparation for work, as well as how much time and effort it will take for final cleaning.

So, the plaster material can be dry and wet. Wet is the type that needs to be applied to the surface. After some time it freezes. Dry sheets include drywall sheets. Where to stop. It is clear that with the help plasterboard sheets Leveling the surface will occur much faster than using various mixtures. But this method is best used in cases where the walls are too crooked and the room is quite large. The process of installing drywall itself involves the use of some space. If the room is small, then using dry plaster is not advisable.

Plastering ready for work

When ready for work, plaster material can be three types. They are produced in the form of dry mixtures or pastes. The third type is homemade.

According to the composition of the plaster

Based on their composition, plaster mixtures are divided into ordinary and decorative. Common plaster mixtures are:

  • Clay based. They are usually used for plastering wooden surfaces. Since clay itself is a very weak material, lime is most often added to the composition.
  • Cement based. They are cement-sand or sand-lime. This is one of the most available materials because of its price. Compositions with the addition of sand of different fractions are used. But these mixtures have a slight drawback. This is the possibility of cracks forming. Especially if very fine sand is used. Cement plaster, which contains lime, is suitable for plastering walls in rooms with high humidity.
  • Based on gypsum. Such plasters are suitable only for dry rooms. The surface after treatment with this plaster is very pleasant to the touch. A flat and smooth wall is completely suitable for wallpapering. If you work on the surface more carefully, you can apply painting.
  • Lime based. Such plaster mixtures are universal. The only exception is that they cannot be used in rooms with high humidity. For example, in bathrooms.

Important! Plaster mixtures based on gypsum set very quickly. Therefore, you need to knead a small amount and try to produce it very quickly.

These materials are considered good for rough work. With their help, surfaces are leveled, cracks are sealed, and surfaces are prepared for further finishing.

The next type of plasters in terms of composition is decorative. They are:

Of all the above decorative plaster mixtures, the most expensive is silicate-based. On the same level there is silicone plaster. The cheapest is mineral plaster. All types of plaster considered are perfect for leveling walls in ordinary dry rooms.

Leveling the walls in the bathroom

On the modern construction market there is a wide selection of materials that are suitable for leveling walls in rooms with high humidity. There are, of course, differences in technology of use, methods of application, and also in price. You can choose different types plastering: leveling with plasterboard, using special mixtures and using plasters. Let's take a closer look at plastering. In order for the leveling process to proceed efficiently, it is necessary to comply certain rules. Of course, before starting work it is necessary to prepare the surface. And these works should be carried out taking into account the material from which the wall is made.

Bathroom walls with a vertical level difference of about 10 cm or more are best plastered using beacons. Lighthouses can be either metal or wooden. Slats can act as wooden beacons. First, you need to use the same plaster or alabaster to fix the slats on the surface of the walls in a level. They are fastened at a distance from each other equal to the width of the rule that will be used when tightening the plaster.

Question: which plaster is better - gypsum or cement - is relevant when carrying out major and repair works construction work. These binders are a sought-after base ready-made mixtures for leveling, lining and preparing surfaces before finishing decorative finishing. Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages, choose correct option not easy. The main guidelines are: price, operating conditions, ease of installation and timing of its completion.

Being universal, cement-sand plaster is well suited for both external and internal work. It is not afraid of dampness and temperature changes and is often used to level walls, slopes and other surfaces (even unheated and basements), finishing in conditions high humidity, processing concrete structures in order to increase thermal insulation properties. This perfect option masonry mortar when constructing buildings made of aerated concrete or foam block. Distinctive features cement mixture is high adhesion, durable and strong, it should be selected when conducting capital construction or for restoration according to old surface(subject to compatibility of materials). This point is important: cement does not adhere well to plastic, wood or painted surfaces.

Significant application limitations include the complex application process and long term drying. The work is carried out in several stages: spraying, throwing, rubbing and grinding. It is difficult to obtain a perfectly flat surface using cement plaster; not everyone has the necessary skills, whereas such problems do not arise with gypsum. It takes a long time to dry - up to 3 weeks, even if a thin layer is applied. The resulting surface is porous and poorly suited for subsequent decorative finishing (dark, needs puttying and sanding). In general, cement mixtures are not decorative, with the exception of types with special additives.

Plasters on gypsum base are more plastic and do not shrink, as a result - this is an ideal option for leveling internal walls. They dry much faster; additional puttying is not necessary; their structure is already quite smooth. The main color of gypsum plaster is white, it does not show through wallpaper or paint. At the same time, it easily comes into contact with coloring pigments, it can be chosen as an independent decorative finish, and it also accepts the required form, including three-dimensional patterns. Their low weight makes it possible to apply gypsum mixtures without the risk of overloading structures, and only poor water resistance prevents them from being called universal. When exposed to moisture, gypsum is destroyed, so this plaster is not used for exterior work.

Comparative Benefits Review

The advantages of cement-based mortars include:

  • Strength and durability. They are best suited for restoration and exterior finishing work and withstand mechanical and other external influences well.
  • High quality adhesion to aerated concrete, smooth surfaces natural or artificial stone, previously plastered walls. This perfect plaster for foam blocks (both masonry and finishing), its consumption on porous material is minimal.
  • Low cost, cement types of plaster are 1.5–2 times cheaper than gypsum. This applies to both ready-made building mixtures, and those involved themselves.
  • Moisture resistance is the main advantage cement mortars. It is this property that allows them to be used as plaster for slopes, cladding of bathrooms, toilets and kitchens. Gypsum under the same conditions is permissible only with subsequent protection of the surface with tiles. This ability also allows you to use cement compositions for outdoor work.

The advantages of gypsum plaster are:

  • Quick and easy installation. They dry twice as fast as cement ones, with the same layer thickness, and are easy to process.
  • No shrinkage processes. When hardening, the risk of cracking is minimal compared to cement plasters.
  • Plasticity: solution without special effort takes a certain shape or is distributed along the wall with required thickness layer.
  • Environmental friendliness and vapor permeability. This is a “breathable” plaster, safe for humans and favorable for the indoor microclimate.
  • Sound and heat insulation abilities. The porous and lightweight structure retains heat better than others and prevents the penetration and spread of noise.

Thanks to the listed properties, gypsum mixtures do not require reinforcement (except for layers of 50 mm), and do not drain from vertical walls and hold the given shape well. Their use significantly reduces repair time; construction skills are not required for the work. Reviews testify in favor of gypsum in terms of cost savings, thanks to its minimum consumption. While they are inferior in strength and moisture resistance to cement-sand compositions, they are superior in decorativeness and ease of application. But you can definitely choose which one you need: gypsum or cement plaster, only if you take into account all external factors.

Characteristics and properties

An important parameter is material consumption; cement mixtures are cheaper, but are also required in larger volumes. When leveling significant surface deviations, it is advisable to calculate the thickness of the layer; in some cases, it is more advisable to choose drywall. In particular, gypsum plasters are not suitable for creating layers over 50 mm (they are applied in several stages and take a long time to dry), and cement plasters, in addition to complex and labor-intensive application, will make the wall heavier. To decide which mixture is better, you should take into account all the operating properties and operating conditions. The main parameters of binders are given below.

Characteristics and propertiesPlaster base
CompoundGypsum, plasticizersCement, sand, possibly a small proportion of lime
Approximate consumption per 1 m2 for manual application of a layer, 10 mm thick, kg9–11 17
The same with mechanized, kg7,5–8,5 11–14
Curing speed2–3 days (maximum - 7, when a particularly thick layer dries)3–4 weeks
ShrinkageAbsent1–2 mm/m
Moisture resistanceProcessing required special compounds, gypsum does not tolerate high humidityHigh
Average cost of 1 kg of ready-made plaster mixture, rubles25–30 15–20

To summarize, it can be noted that plasters made from a cement mixture are more suitable for exterior work and cladding rooms with high humidity, and gypsum plasters are more suitable for interior decoration. But we should not forget about exceptions: there are many compositions with modifying additives on the building materials market. They can speed up the drying time of cement mortars and enhance their plasticity, insulating properties and decorative properties.

In turn, dry gypsum mixtures are available for sale, intended for preparing walls in the bathroom (for example, Rotband), with their help repairs in the sanitary area are carried out in a matter of days. There is no point in giving clear preference to any one material; before purchasing, carefully study its characteristics and conditions of use.

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