The heating point is the main element heating system, the efficiency of which largely determines the quality of hot water supply and heating of the connected facility, as well as the operation central system. For this reason, they must be designed individually for each object, taking into account technical features and nuances.


The heating point is located in a separate room and is a set of elements designed to distribute heat that comes from the heating network to the heating and ventilation system, as well as hot water supply to industrial and residential premises, in accordance with the parameters established for them and the type of coolant.

Thermal unit (diagram thermal unit below) allows not only to distribute heat among consumers, but also to take into account the costs of its consumption, as well as to ensure savings in energy resources. It maintains comfortable conditions in the building with economical use of resources by automatically regulating the heat supply to the heating, ventilation systems, as well as hot water supply in accordance with the established schedule, taking into account the outside air temperature.

Standard configuration

To ensure reliable operation heating point it is important that it is equipped with the following minimum set technological equipment:

  • Two plate heat exchanger(collapsible or soldered) for hot water supply and heating systems.
  • Pumping equipment for pumping coolant to heating devices buildings.
  • Water treatment system.
  • System automatic adjustment temperature and amount of coolant (flow meters, controllers, sensors) to take into account heat supply loads, control coolant parameters and regulate flow.
  • Process equipment - regulators, instrumentation, check valves.

It is worth noting that the complete set of the heating unit technological equipment depends largely on how heating networks connected to the heating system and hot water supply.

Basic systems

The heating substation consists of the following main systems:

  • Heating system - maintains the set air temperature in the room.
  • Cold water supply - provides the necessary pressure in residential areas.
  • Hot water supply - designed to provide the building with hot water.
  • A ventilation system that heats the air that enters the building's ventilation system.

Thermal unit: independent thermal unit diagram

Such a scheme is a collection of equipment divided into several units:

  • Supply and return pipeline.
  • Pumping equipment.
  • Heat exchangers.

Depending on the type of circuit, the equipment that makes up the thermal unit will differ. Thermal unit diagram developed according to independent principle, will be equipped with a system of heat exchangers used to regulate the temperature of the circulating liquid before it is supplied to the consumer. This scheme has a number of advantages:

Dependent circuit

This heating point connection diagram is simpler. In this case, the coolant reaches the consumer directly from without any transformations.

On the one hand, this connection method does not require the installation of additional equipment, and accordingly, it is cheaper. But during operation, such an installation is uneconomical, since it is not regulated at all - the temperature of the circulating fluid will always be the same as set by the heat energy supplier.

Operating principle

The coolant from the boiler room is supplied through pipelines to the heaters of the heating system and hot water supply of the apartment, after which it is sent through return pipeline to heating networks, and then to the boiler room for reuse.

Through pumping equipment The cold water supply system supplies water to the system, where it is distributed: one part is sent to the apartments, and the other goes into the circulation circuit of the hot water supply system for subsequent heating and distribution.


As mentioned above, the thermal unit consists of large quantity elements - inlet and outlet pipelines, manifolds, pumps, temperature regulators, instrumentation and more. This is a rather complex system, so maintenance of thermal units should consist of the following main steps:

  • Inspection of heating system elements (instruments, pumps, heat exchangers). If necessary, these components are replaced or repaired, as well as the heat exchangers are cleaned and flushed.
  • Inspection ventilation system (shut-off valves instrumentation, automatic control devices).
  • Inspection of the hot water supply system.
  • Checking the make-up unit.
  • Control of coolant parameters (flow, temperature, pressure).
  • Inspection of hot water supply thermostats.
  • Inspection of other devices that involve the installation of thermal units.


Properly developed design documentation is of decisive importance. The thermal unit design can be useful in case of any technical issues from the organization supplying heat supply, as well as with repeated annual approvals.

After all, it has not yet been determined what devices will be installed, how the thermohydraulic regime will be regulated, where the equipment will be installed, and what the resulting cost of installing the thermal unit at the facility will be.

With the development of science and technology, as well as with the advent of economic opportunities, the level and number of human requirements for comfort rises. Modern standards life is demanded from residential buildings creating very comfortable conditions for accommodation. The lack of certain properties in housing causes various diseases and stress, and a full-fledged living environment is an indispensable condition for a person’s physical and mental state.

Relevance of the problem

In addition to heat, water, and electricity, a modern residential building must be provided with other options necessary for comfortable living, for example, telecommunications and other networks. For this purpose, as a rule, technological openings for input are provided in the underground part of the building. engineering communications. The technology for organizing technical holes is quite simple. Temporary plugs must be made in the formwork, which are dismantled after hardening. concrete mixture. However this technology has one significant drawback - in addition to communications, water quite easily passes through these holes, which floods basement Therefore, special attention should be paid to waterproofing the places where utility lines enter.

If leaks are detected at the places where utility lines enter, they should first be eliminated using Peneplag (or Waterplug) mixtures. It should be remembered that waterproofing the service entrance with quick-hardening dry mixtures to stop leaks is temporary. Long-term waterproofing of this unit must be carried out in accordance with one of the options discussed below.

Technology of work execution

Option #1
Adjacency metal sleeve it is insulated to concrete using mixtures of Penecrit, Penetron and Penebar waterproofing tape.

1. Preparation of fines

Degrease the sleeve and wrap it tightly with a Penebar tourniquet in accordance with Figure 1.

3. Filling the groove (the space between the sleeve and concrete)
Fill the hole around the sleeve tightly mortar mixture“Penecrite”, having previously moistened the concrete surface and primed it with the “Penetron” mortar mixture in one layer.

Option No. 2
The junction of the plastic sleeve to the concrete is insulated with one-component polyurethane glue “PenePoxy” and mixtures “Penecrite”, “Penetron”.

Sequence of work:
1. Preparation of fines
Around the sleeve, make a hole in concrete with a depth of at least 75 mm and a width of 25 mm. Clean the pipe from dust, dirt, paint and other materials that prevent the glue from tightly adhering to the pipe.

2. Filling the groove (the space between the sleeve and concrete)
Fill the space between the sleeve and the concrete tightly without breaks with PenePoxy glue in accordance with Figure 2. If possible, dry the concrete before applying the glue.

Fill the remaining space around the sleeve tightly with the Penekrit mortar mixture, having previously moistened the concrete surface and primed it with the Penetron mortar mixture in one layer.
Treat the Penecrit mortar and adjacent concrete surfaces with the Penetron mortar mixture in two layers.

3. Care of the treated surface
The treated surface should be protected from mechanical influences and negative temperatures for three days. Make sure that the treated surface remains damp during this time. The following methods of moistening are used: water spraying, covering the concrete surface with plastic film.

Option #3
The junction of the plastic or metal sleeve to the concrete is insulated using two-component epoxy adhesive “PenePoxy 2K” and waterproofing tape “Penebar”.

Sequence of work:
1. Preparation of fines
Around the sleeve, make a hole in concrete with a depth of at least 75 mm and a width of 25 mm. Clean the pipe and concrete from scraping residues.

2. Installation of the Penebar waterproofing harness
Degrease the sleeve and wrap it tightly with a Penebar tourniquet in accordance with Figure 3.

3. Filling the fines (the space between the pipe and concrete)
Fill the space between the sleeve and the concrete tightly without breaks with PenePoxy 2K glue using a spatula in accordance with Figure 3.

Important!!! PenePoxy 2K adhesive is applied only to a dry surface.

4. Care of the treated surface
Make sure that the glue is not exposed to moisture during the day.

Greetings to everyone who reads my blog! Today I want to offer you another article that is dedicated to heating. In this article I will tell you about a strange place in the basement of your house called a heating point (or heating unit). The article aims to give you general idea about what a thermal unit is, how it works and why it is needed. Let's begin to understand these issues with the most fundamental of them.

Why do you need a thermal unit?

The heating point is located at the entrance of the heating main to the house. Its main purpose is to change the parameters of the coolant. To put it more clearly, the heating unit reduces the temperature and pressure of the coolant before it enters your radiator or convector. This is necessary not only so that you do not get burned from touching the heating device, but also to extend the service life of all heating system equipment. This is especially important if the heating inside the house is distributed using polypropylene or metal-plastic pipes. There are regulated operating modes of thermal units:

  • 150/70
  • 130/70
  • 110/70

These figures show the maximum and minimum temperature coolant in the heating main.

Also, according to modern requirement A heat meter must be installed at each heating unit. Now let's move on to the design of thermal units.

How is the thermal unit arranged?

At all, technical device Each heating point is designed separately depending on the specific requirements of the customer. There are several basic schemes for the design of heating points. Let's look at them one by one.

Thermal unit based on an elevator.

Scheme of a heating point based on elevator unit is the simplest and cheapest. Its main drawback is the inability to regulate the temperature of the coolant in the pipes. This causes inconvenience for the end user and a large waste of thermal energy in the event of thaws during heating season. Let's look at the figure below and understand how this circuit works:

In addition to what is indicated above, the thermal unit may include a pressure reducer. It is installed on the feed in front of the elevator. The elevator is main detail this scheme, in which the cooled coolant from the “return” is mixed with the hot coolant from the “supply”. The operating principle of the elevator is based on creating a vacuum at its output. As a result of this vacuum, the coolant pressure in the elevator is less than the coolant pressure in the “return” and mixing occurs.

Thermal unit based on a heat exchanger.

A heating point connected through a special heat exchanger allows you to separate the coolant from the heating main from the coolant inside the house. The separation of coolants allows for its preparation using special additives and filtration. With this scheme, there are ample opportunities to regulate the pressure and temperature of the coolant inside the house. This allows you to reduce heating costs. In order to have a clear idea of ​​this design, look at the figure below.

The mixing of coolant in such systems is done using thermostatic valves. In such heating systems, in principle, aluminum radiators can be used, but they will last for a long time only if good quality coolant. If the PH of the coolant goes beyond those approved by the manufacturer, then the service life of aluminum radiators may be greatly reduced. You cannot control the quality of the coolant, so it is better to play it safe and install bimetallic or cast iron radiators.

DHW can be connected in a similar way via a heat exchanger. This provides the same benefits in terms of temperature and pressure control hot water. It is worth saying that unscrupulous management companies can deceive consumers by lowering the hot water temperature by a couple of degrees. For the consumer this is almost unnoticeable, but on a household scale it allows you to save tens of thousands of rubles per month.

Summary of the article.

The passage of the pipe through the foundation is carried out in accordance with SNiP standards. The technology for connecting the cottage's utility systems depends on the type of foundation:

According to the requirements of SNiP, the entrance of the pipeline to the building is insulated: waterproofing and thermal insulation.

  • monolithic slab - first, two water supply lines and two sewerage pipelines are installed (one working, the other backup), then sleeves with pipes coming out of them are installed in the risers, and reinforced concrete is poured;
  • — the technology is similar to the previous one, only the sleeves are mounted in the vertical walls of the base at a depth below the freezing mark;
  • made strip foundation— technological gaps are left between the blocks, laid with red brick, into which sleeves/pipes are embedded.

Ready-made solutions for sealing the input node of engineering systems

The passage of the sewerage through the foundation must be at least 1.5 m from the entrance of the water supply pipeline (from sleeve to sleeve), regardless of the material of the pipes.

If the networks are on different levels in the same vertical, they should have a distance from sleeve to sleeve of 0.4 m (usually the water supply pipeline is located above the drainage system).

For the convenience of developers, the industry produces special products - sealed bushings of two types:

Detachable products are used for installed pipelines, one-piece modifications are installed before connecting the mains according to the diagram presented below:

This is much more convenient and reliable than sealing the passage points utility networks solution followed by coating with primers.

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Outlet of the drainage main

At the design stage, drawings of the wiring of engineering systems are prepared. Therefore, when pouring and installing the foundation, the location of the risers is already known. In addition, in project documentation included hydraulic calculations depending on daily water consumption, therefore the characteristics of the mains (flow diameter, sewer slope) are known. Thus, at this stage it is possible to lay sleeves of the required diameter.

IN individual construction for drainage systems, a socketed PVC pipe Ø110 mm (maximum Ø160 mm) is most often used, for which an asbestos cement or steel sleeve Ø200 mm is sufficient. In some cases (pressure, vacuum lines) a pipe Ø50 mm is used, for which sleeves Ø 75 mm or Ø100 mm are used.

According to SNiP requirements, the pipeline entrance to the building is insulated:

  • waterproofing - ensures that the foundation and plinth do not get wet;
  • thermal insulation - protects the main from freezing when the foundation strip is laid shallowly.

For monolithic foundations A backup line is needed, since repairs are extremely difficult. Costs for opening a monolithic slab when major renovation will be significantly higher than the production of a duplicate highway during construction. In rare cases, they use the lateral supply of engineering systems to a cottage resting on monolithic slab. In this case, attachments are used residential building, in which the pipes are additionally insulated or heating is supplied to the extension. A caisson is installed in this room (a well in which the pipeline is insulated and shut-off valves are located).

The design negatively affects the design of the facade and the architecture of the cottage, so this technology is rarely used.

The sewer passage is not equipped with compensators, since PVC pipes have a slight linear expansion, the wastewater has time to cool before leaving the house. If there is a ground floor, basement, engineering systems are attached to the walls with brackets. The sewerage passage in buildings without a basement is arranged similarly to the laying of a pipeline external sewerage in a trench, and this will require the following:

  • geotextiles;
  • a cushion of sand, gravel, ASG mixture;
  • geotextiles;
  • backfilling with soil.

When choosing screw piles as the base of the cottage, the sewer passage is insulated in mandatory. In addition, the base is manufactured using ventilated or wet facade with a thermal insulation layer ( basalt wool or extruded polystyrene foam). In this case, you can reduce the amount of excavation work:

  • sewerage passes under the house through the air;
  • the pipe is buried in the ground at the outlet;
  • The septic tank is mounted higher than in the standard version.

The sewer outlet does not freeze due to the room temperature of the wastewater, and there is no passage through the foundation.

All buildings, especially residential buildings, equipped with various utilities: water supply, electrical cables, sewerage, gas, etc. As a rule, the input of these communications is located in the recessed parts of the building and consists of pipelines that are “embedded” into the walls or foundation. Communication entry points are among the most vulnerable, since it is quite difficult to provide high-quality waterproofing (and usually the builders erecting the building do not do this). As a result, already in the first years of operation of the facility, these places become a source of leaks that disrupt the entire waterproofing system of the building.


Leaks that form at the points where utility lines are introduced gradually destroy the foundation of the building. Corrodes when exposed to water reinforced concrete structures, water “stands” in the buried parts of the structure, in winter the walls freeze, which is why cracks appear in the structure of the building, and interior decoration falls into disrepair. The only way protection from these negative consequences is the sealing of utility inlets.


Today there are many technologies for waterproofing sleeves of communication inputs, but the most reliable, economically justified and effective is sealing these weak points using the injection method. This method involves filling voids with a special elastic polymer material, which evenly fills all cracks, pores and voids. When in contact with water it expands, providing excellent waterproofing.

SDT LLC - proven methods of waterproofing utility inlets

Sealing of pipeline liners is one of the main activities of SDT LLC. We have already successfully completed more than 30 similar projects at various sites and in the most various conditions. By contacting us, you can be sure that all work will be carried out by professionals in the field of construction, tested and proven technologies using the most modern and quality materials. By choosing SDT LLC as your partner, you will receive a guaranteed result and reliable protection from leaks in places where communications enter.

General procedure for sealing communication inputs using the injection method

  1. The work begins with sealing the space between the concrete and the liner of the communication pipeline;
  2. The area of ​​concrete around the sleeve is chipped to a distance of 3x3 cm, and then caulked using a special repair compound;
  3. If possible, a profile made of hydrophilic material is placed in the space between the sleeve and the wall;
  4. Holes are drilled around the sleeve approximately at a distance of 5 cm. They are located at an angle of 45° to the concrete in increments of 15-30 cm from each other. The holes go through the concrete all the way to the sleeve;
  5. The holes are cleaned of cement particles and other construction dust;
  6. Injection packers are installed in the cleaned holes;
  7. An O-ring is installed and tightened on each packer;
  8. Injection is carried out: from left to right, from packer to packer;
  9. Injection is carried out as follows: on the second packer the check valve, a hose is connected to the first packer, through which the sealant is supplied; when excess material begins to flow out of the second packer, the check valve is returned to it. Next, a similar procedure is performed with each packer;
  10. After injection is completed, the packers are removed and the holes are sealed with a special construction staff;
  11. After sealing the area between the concrete and the sleeve is completed, sealing is carried out between the sleeve and the pipeline. It is performed with a special elastic sealant.

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This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):