It is fair to note that gas boilers with an atmospheric burner still remain one of the main products on the market heating systems. They are used both in private houses and in apartments of small buildings. The power of the most popular models is about 15-35 kW. But the maximum value reaches 100 kW. Among gas options Burners with this design are found only. This device is quite sufficient for heating a small room.

Features of gas boilers with atmospheric burner

Regarding the advantages of such units with this type of burner, we can say the following:

The disadvantages of this development are also obvious:

  • since boilers have open camera combustion, then there is potentially a threat of an emergency;
  • the air intake diagram provides for the presence certain conditions boiler operation. As a rule, boiler rooms are equipped in accordance with safety regulations.

As you can see, on the one hand, comfort and ergonomics are ensured, and on the other hand, the safety of the heating system is reduced. Heating of the room can reach 200 square meters. There are both single-circuit and . Service life thanks to reliable design can last up to fifty years.

Operating principle of the equipment

Main heating device is an atmospheric burner. It heats the heat exchanger (in most cases cast iron) due to the gas supply. The design usually includes:

  • nozzle;
  • burner head;
  • ejection tube;
  • air regulator.

The essence of the process is ejection, that is, mixing two media and feeding them in a certain direction. Atmospheric burners can be:

  • with partial mixing;
  • with complete mixing.

Mixing is done in advance. In the first case, half of the air is combined with gas through nozzles, and 50% enters the combustion chamber directly. In the second case, suction involves connection gas mixture with in full oxygen. Models with this form of mixing are not supplied to the CIS countries. with an atmospheric burner need a good gas supply. If the pressure is below 17 mbar, the main component of the heat generator is damaged (the holes in it become larger), and subsequently the equipment turns on with a noticeable pop.

The atmospheric burner is ignited by a pilot burner, which in turn is activated by ignition (piezo or electric). When the heat exchanger reaches the desired temperature, the main burner turns off. This is controlled by a special sensor. To increase the temperature, the gas supply valve opens.


The main characteristics include the following:

  • power up to 100 kW;
  • weight on average reaches several tens of kilograms;
  • large-sized models;
  • the amount of heated water is 10-30 liters per minute;
  • coefficient useful action– up to 92%;
  • multifunctional electronic unit.


Popular manufacturers of boilers with atmospheric burner are the following:

  • Buderus;
  • Viessmann;
  • Vaillant.

Among the new models stands out Buderus Logano G124WS (20 – 32 kW), Viessmann Vitogas 100F (29 – 60 kW) and Vaillant atmoCRAFT (65 – 115 kW).

Atmospheric burner - a burner with pre-mixing of gas with part of the air; belongs to the class of ejection burners operating at atm. pressure or vacuum in the furnace up to 20 Pa. G.a. consists of a gas nozzle, ejector. mixer, heads with a large number openings and primary air regulator. Preliminary mixing of gas with part of the air necessary for combustion and called. primary, carried out in ejection. mixer, where primary air is ejected by a gas stream. From there, the mixture with uniform concentration fields of fuel and oxidizer under excess pressure enters the gas pump head. From it, the gas-air mixture flows through the holes at a speed that ensures stable combustion. The part of air required for complete combustion of gas and so-called. secondary air, enters the flame directly from environment due to the diffusion and ejecting action of the flowing jets. The burner flame has 2 cones: internal. brightly outlined, green-blue in color and externally, having a non-skin. blurred contours and pale purple color. In internal In the cone, that part of the gas burns out, the edges are provided with primary air (the gas burns with a kinetic flame).

Ext. the cone represents a diffuse flame. type. G.a. works with coefficient primary air a1 - 0.45...0.7. To ensure complete combustion of gas, depending on the operating conditions of the atmospheric burner, coefficient. excess air fluctuates between 1.3-1.8. The head is usually a manifold with a large number of outlets. The design of the heads of the burners of gas stoves corresponds to the dishes, the edges are installed on them, and the burners of iodine heaters, boilers, boilers, etc. - the dimensions of the furnaces of these units and the working conditions in them. The head of the atmospheric burner is located in the furnace so that it is provided with the supply of the necessary secondary air, standards. development of the flame cone and removal of gas combustion products. Height combustion chamber design such that the internal the flame cone did not come into contact with the cold heating surfaces, because this leads to chem. incomplete combustion of gas and the appearance of carbon monoxide (CO) in combustion products.

Internal height the flame cone depends on the gas composition, the primary air coefficient, the exit velocity of the gas-air mixture and the diameter of the outlet holes. To ensure stable vacuum in the plane of the G.A. head, install. in the furnaces of units, they are equipped with draft breakers (see Draft breaker). Advantages of gas pumps: simplicity of design and reliable operation, ability to operate at low gas pressure; no need for pressurized air; stable operation over a wide range of thermal power changes; noiselessness. Gas engines, as a rule, run on gas low pressure and are used in household gas appliances (stoves, water heaters), in heating installations of companies, food (restaurant stoves, boilers), in laboratory practice, in cast iron heating systems, boilers and dryers.

Table burner gas stove PGCh-K model 1445 is designed for burning natural and liquefied liquids. hydrocarbon gases, equipped with a vertical. cast mixer, which has a thread for union nut for connecting to the gas pipeline of the stove and installing the nozzle. It has 2 rows of holes with sizes and pitches that prevent the merging of flames. The top row of holes is the main one, the bottom row is for creating a stabilizing flame (to increase combustion stability).

Gas burner instantaneous water heaters HSV-18 has an increased ejection ability designed for burning natural and liquefied liquids. hydrocarbon gases. Has 2 ejectors. tubes, which are connected to the general distribution. collector. Gas into each ejector. the tube is fed through a nozzle with three holes. This design makes it possible to reduce the size of the ejector. mixer and at the same time increase the coefficient. primary air<х до 0,75. К распределит, коллектору присоединена головка горелки, состоящая из 13 трубок с щелевыми отверстиями, располож. вдоль продольной оси по краям каждой трубки в 2 ряда. Щели для выхода газовоздушной смеси образованы за счет вырезов в стальных пластинах, вставляемых в верхнюю часть трубок. Стальная пластина обеспечивает необходимую термостойкость горелки. Устойчивость горения в отношении отрыва обеспечивается малыми скоростями истечения газовоздушной смеси из отверстий и взаимным поджиганием факелов, а в отношении проскока -- докритической шириной щели. Эти горелки могут использоваться в кипятильниках, дистилляторах, варочных котлах и др. установках с близкой тепловой мощностью.

Ezhekts. The GGI burner is designed for burning natural and liquefied liquids. hydrocarbon gases in the furnaces of restaurant stoves, food boilers, bakery ovens, dryers and other gas-using units operating under vacuum. 3 gas-burning units have been developed: GGI-2 with one, GGI-4 with two, GGI-b and GGI-10 with three burners. Its peculiarity is that the head does not have a collector with a large number of holes, but a conical one. tube with one large diameter hole. As a result, the burner flame lengthens. Due to the vacuum in the firebox, secondary air flows through the annular channel between the head and the special. the casing goes to the root of the torch. The burner has the ability to regulate the amount of primary and secondary air. Combustion stability is ensured by the supply of primary air with a -0.5, i.e. formation of a non-flammable mixture. In this case, flame breakthrough is prevented, and separation is impossible due to the fact that the flow rate of the gas-air mixture does not exceed the speed of flame propagation. Group ejection The low pressure burner is used for burning natural gas in the furnaces of cast iron boilers (such as “Universal”, “Energy”, “Tula”, etc.). It consists of a gas manifold, to which pipes with 3 holes are welded. A mixer is mounted vertically on each pipe. In its upper part there is a ring stabilizer and a cover with slotted holes for the exit of the gas-air mixture. The distance between the mixers is 230, the length of the mixer is no more than 240, the diameter is 50 or 60 mm. Secondary air enters the torch root through a channel between the fireclay bricks and the mixer. Torch length at<х - 0,4 -- около 0,6 м. Диапазон устойчивой работы горелок по давлению 100--2000 Па, номин. давление -- 1000 Па. Для топок продольной формы разработаны горелки эжекц. многофакельные ГИ-Н 8 типоразмеров с номин. тепловой мощностью 17--105 кВт, работающие в диапазоне давлений 350-- 1500 Па, и ГКС с тепловой мощностью 19--60 кВт и рабочим давлением в диапазоне 50--1800 Па (для природного газа). Эти горелки работают с коэфф. первичного воздуха, равным 0,4--0,6.

24 . Operation of gas-using installations. Ignition of gas-fired installations

When starting to receive gas into the gas pipeline, check whether the valves of the gas pipeline to the unit (boiler) and the valves (valves, taps) of the gas burners are closed, and then open the candle at the end of the gas pipeline. Then they open the valve on the gas pipeline and let gas in, monitoring its pressure on the pressure gauge. After gas comes out of the candle, close its valve (faucet), ventilate the firebox and boiler flues for 10 hours 15 minutes, adjust the draft so that the vacuum at the top of the firebox is equal to 20 hours 30 Pa (2 hours 3 mm of water column).

Ignition of mixing burners (with forced air supply) should be done as follows: check that the valves in front of the burners are closed, close the air damper, open the valve at the portable igniter and ignite the gas coming out of it. Then the igniter is inserted into the firebox and its flame is brought to the burner outlet; slowly open the gas valve in front of the burner and after igniting the gas coming out of the burner, the igniter is removed from the firebox and hung in place.

If the gas does not ignite or, after being lit, goes out, it is necessary to close the tap in front of the burner, stopping the gas supply, ventilate the firebox and flues for 10 hours 15 minutes by opening the air damper. Only after this can you start igniting the burner again.

If the burner ignition was successful, open the air damper on the air duct slightly and adjust the flame so that it does not become smoky and that excess air does not tear the torch away from the burner. Then gradually open the gas valve in front of the burner and gradually add air using the air damper, achieving normal gas combustion: the flame should be stable, non-smoking (transparent) and not coming off the burner.

When the flame comes off, you should reduce the air supply; if the flame is long and smoky, you need to reduce the gas supply. To avoid flame separation due to excessive excess air, the load should be increased by first adding the gas supply, and then the air supply, and the load should be reduced by first decreasing the air supply, and then the gas supply.

If the boiler has several burners, they are ignited sequentially, in the same order.

If all burners go out during lighting, you should immediately stop supplying gas to them, remove the pilot from the firebox and ventilate the firebox and flues for 10 hours 15 minutes. Only then can the burners be re-lit.

The procedure for igniting medium-pressure injection burners with a plate combustion stabilizer is somewhat different from the procedure for igniting mixing burners and is as follows: after checking that the valves in front of the burners are closed, open the primary air regulators, check the gas pressure in front of the burner valves, open the gas valve in front of the portable igniter, which is lit into the firebox, bringing the flame to the burner outlet. Then open the tap in front of the burner (about halfway) until a clearly audible noise appears from the flow of gas, which should ignite.

When adjusting the injection burner, care must be taken to ensure that the flame does not jump into the burner, especially when its load is reduced. In this case, the burner is turned off, and after cooling it is turned back on. If strong pulsations appear in the furnace, reduce the gas supply.

The remaining burners are lit in the same way, after which the tap of the portable igniter is closed, removed from the firebox and hung in place.

When lighting gas burners, you should not stand in front of the peep holes (kindling hatches) so as not to suffer from a flame accidentally thrown out of the firebox. Operating personnel must be provided with personal protective equipment.


  • - rekindle extinguished burners in the firebox without first ventilating the firebox and flue ducts of the unit (boiler);
  • - light the gas torch from a nearby burner or from the hot masonry of the firebox.

Ignition of the furnaces of boilers (installations) equipped with automatic control of the combustion process and automatic safety or complex automation must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of production instructions for their start-up, configuration and operation.

Atmospheric type burners are characterized by the absence of separate special mixing devices with gas and air supply. In atmospheric burners, gas is mixed with atmospheric air directly in the burner itself.  

However, atmospheric burners have a significant drawback: under certain conditions, a backfire is observed in the burner. In Fig. 8 - 2 shows a diagram of an atmospheric burner. Gas enters the burner through a gas pipeline, then leaves nozzle 1 into mixing chamber A. From the mixing chamber, the gas-air mixture enters the diffuser and then into the burner head. Such a burner is more economical than a diffusion type burner and does not have a smoky flame. Recently, a flameless atmospheric burner (Fig. 8 - 38) has become widespread for glass heating and annealing operations.  

For atmospheric burners, sometimes used for burning gas in the furnaces of low-power boilers and in some furnaces, it is typical for two separate flows to enter the combustion zone, namely: a) a homogeneous gas-air mixture containing not all the air necessary for combustion, but only part of it (the so-called primary air), and b) additional (secondary) air. For the most part, atmospheric burners work as follows.  

The main advantages of atmospheric burners are: simplicity of design, the ability to operate on low-pressure gas, the absence of forced air supply and air ducts, shortening of the flame due to pre-mixing of gas with air and due to the outflow of mixture from small-caliber holes.  

Pre-mixing of gas with part of the air required for combustion is the basis of atmospheric burners. When flowing from nozzle 2, the gas injects part of the theoretically required air from the atmosphere.  

Preliminary mixing of gas with part of the air necessary for combustion and called primary is carried out in atmospheric burners.  

Preliminary mixing of gas with part of the air necessary for combustion and called primary is carried out in atmospheric burners. Primary air is sucked by a gas stream into the ejector, where mixture formation occurs, so the burners are also ejection. A mixture with uniform concentration fields of fuel and oxidizer under some excess pressure enters the burner head. The gas-air mixture exits the head through the holes at a speed that ensures stable combustion and burns with a Bunsen flame. Secondary air diffuses to the flame directly from the ambient atmosphere. The flame of an atmospheric burner has two cones: an inner one, brightly outlined, green-blue in color, and an outer one, which has somewhat blurry contours and a pale purple color.  

Preliminary mixing of gas with part of the air necessary for combustion and called primary is carried out in atmospheric burners. Primary air is sucked by a gas stream into the ejector, where mixture formation occurs, so the burners are also ejection. A mixture with uniform concentration fields of fuel and oxidizer under some excess pressure enters the burner head. The gas-air mixture exits the head through the holes at a speed that ensures stable combustion and burns with a Bupsen flame. Secondary air diffuses to the flame directly from the ambient atmosphere.  

The work table of a four-burner gas stove P4/1 model of the Moscow plant. The gas apparatus is stamped from a steel sheet with two burner inserts. Two Mosgazproekt atmospheric burners are installed under each liner (Fig. XXII. The burner ensures stable combustion of gas with an increased primary air coefficient. Thanks to the horizontal arrangement of the torches, greater combustion completeness is ensured. Secondary air approaches the flame both from the periphery of the surrounding atmosphere and from the center burners through a special channel.  

Injection burners have a mixing device design similar to atmospheric type burners, but of a more advanced form. The design of the fire nozzle for injection burners (as opposed to atmospheric burners) has the shape of a confuser and in many designs is tightly adjacent to the refractory tunnel, or directly to the combustion chamber.  

There are two common types of gas boilers - with an atmospheric burner and with a forced-air burner. Before choosing a boiler, it is important to decide what kind of burner it will have. We study the principle of operation, features of the device, advantages and disadvantages. What to prefer and why?

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In the photo:

The important difference between gas boilers is not in the appearance of the device, but in the design of the gas burner.

Atmospheric gas burner

Air supply is the same as in a conventional gas stove. They are also called “gas burner for a boiler with an open combustion chamber.” The burner in these devices is a tube, the walls of which have holes for the gas to escape. The gas, mixing with the air in the room, is ignited by an electric fuse or piezoelectric element.

It differs from the gas burner in shape. Atmospheric gas burners for heating boilers are not round! The heat exchanger of such boilers is rectangular, and the burner follows this shape. This increases the heating efficiency, and therefore the performance and overall efficiency of the boiler. Atmospheric boilers are considered simpler models. They usually have relatively low power, however, such equipment is quite suitable for most country houses. More powerful units are not equipped with atmospheric burners for safety reasons.

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In the photo:

The main elements of a boiler with an atmospheric burner (view, internal diagram, burner design).

Blast burner

With a closed combustion chamber. That is, such a gas burner for the boiler does not come into contact with the atmosphere in the boiler room. Air for the gas-air mixture is supplied forcibly - through special air channels using an electric fan - one or more.

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In the photo:

The main elements of a boiler with a forced-air burner (view, internal diagram, burner design).

Advantages of forced-air burners

  • High level of security. Unlike atmospheric burners, in forced-air burners, fuel combustion occurs in a closed, isolated space.
  • Higher boiler performance. A boiler with such a burner has a special heat exchanger design. It represents
    a double-walled barrel turned upside down: a burner torch burns inside it, and coolant circulates between the walls. Thus, heat extraction during gas combustion occurs not only directly above the burner, as in atmospheric analogues, but also to the side of the torch. Due to this, a larger volume of liquid is heated per unit time.
  • Less sensitive to pressure changes in the gas pipeline. When the fans are running, the pressure drop below the established norm is not as critical here as for atmospheric burners, which immediately go out.
  • Easy to replace with a different type of burner. If necessary, the blower burner can be removed and replaced, for example, with a diesel one.

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In the photo:

Disadvantages of forced-air burners

  • Higher electricity consumption. An atmospheric gas burner, which does not require electric fans, consumes significantly less.
  • Dependence on electricity. If there is no electricity, the burner does not work and the boiler turns off.
  • Increased noise level during operation. It is caused by intense air movement in the ducts and the operation of fans. You can cope with this drawback using a sound-absorbing casing or simply by placing the boiler away from living quarters - in the attic, in the basement, in an extension, etc. In any case, although boiler manufacturers claim that their equipment can be installed anywhere, it still has no place in the bedroom.

Which type should I choose?

Atmospheric - it’s easier to choose an economy option. Among boilers with atmospheric burners, it is easier to find compact but reliable models with low power and two-stage flame settings. Simple atmospheric burners are in any case cheaper than forced-air burners. For a small house this is a good option. But do not forget that among atmospheric burners there are modern models with automatic settings.

Examples of gas boilers with atmospheric burner

Among the blowers there are more advanced and powerful models. As a rule, more expensive and powerful boilers are equipped with forced-air burners. Blowing devices are inferior in terms of noise level and energy consumption, but gain somewhat in terms of performance and safety. It is believed that blower burners have a wider range of settings.

Examples of gas boilers with a forced-air burner

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The choice of a heating boiler is largely determined by the ability to organize the supply of fuel on which it will operate. Gas, diesel, solid fuel, electric... Which boiler to choose?

The gas burner for the boiler is its most important component. The choice of this component determines the operation of the boiler, its efficiency and productivity.

The demand for such burners is quite high, since the type of fuel they use is considered one of the cheapest today. There is a wide range of gas burners. Therefore, in this matter you need to be careful and take into account all aspects.

Gas burners for boilers are structures within which gas and oxygen are mixed. The mixture flows to the outlet holes and there ignition occurs from a spark or piezoelectric element and a stable, stable torch is formed.

The main task of the listed elements in boilers is to maintain stable and constant combustion of the resulting mixture. As you can see, the design of the boiler with a gas burner is quite simple and its installation will not cause difficulties.

A gas burner consists of several components: a nozzle, an ignition system, an automation system and a flame presence sensor.

Its structure must, first of all, be safe. In addition, this element of the heating boiler must burn the mixture without residue, and the release of harmful substances must be minimal.

Low noise level is another requirement for devices. You definitely need to pay attention to the service life.

Gas burners for heating boilers with automation are another safety requirement. As soon as the fire goes out, the fuel supply automatically stops. This is one of the main criteria for her selection.

They have found their application in household heating colas and in industry. Gas, despite its high consumer qualities, has a fairly low cost compared to other types of fuel. This makes gas burners in demand and popular.

Atmospheric gas burner.

Today, gas AOGV boilers - gas heating water heating devices - are of great interest. A distinctive feature here is the energy dependence of the boilers, that is, they can operate without an electrical network.

In addition, the noted devices are fully automated by the automatic control system, which plays the role of an automatic thermostat and reduces the amount of fuel consumed.

Classification of gas burners

The main types of gas burners: atmospheric/injection, blast/ventilation, and diffusion-kinetic. The first is characterized by an open combustion chamber. Air is supplied by being sucked into the gas flow.

Atmospheric gas burners consist of a tube or several tubes into which fuel is supplied. Low pressure is formed in the tube, due to which air is sucked from the room. Such burners are usually part of the boiler.

Most often, atmospheric gas burners are used for domestic heating boilers. The area that they can heat is no more than 100 sq.m. In addition, heaters can be used in boilers of various types - from expensive to cheap designs.

Blast gas burners for heating boilers have a more complex design and operating principle.

Ventilation burners have a closed combustion chamber. Here the air is supplied by a fan. Thus, it becomes possible to set the flow power of the gas-air mixture. This in turn leads to high efficiency values.

Blower burners must be purchased separately from the boiler, as an additional unit.

These burners for heating boilers have their advantages. Firstly, it is safety, since they have a closed combustion chamber. The second advantage is the high level of efficiency. Forced-air gas burners for boilers are insensitive to pressure changes.

They also have their drawbacks: high noise levels compared to atmospheric ones, high energy costs, and the high cost of the device itself.

As for diffusion-kinetic gas burners, they occupy an intermediate place between atmospheric and blast ones. Air is not completely supplied to the chamber, but is then added to the flame. They are not used in domestic boilers.

This type of burner has its pros and cons. The main advantage is considered to be achieving the maximum efficiency value. The disadvantage here is the high cost.

Other differences

In addition to the above, depending on the type of adjustment, there are other types of gas burners. These include single-stage, two-stage, smooth two-stage, modulated.

The structure of a gas burner.

The operating principle of single-stage gas burners is to automatically close the gas valve as soon as the coolant reaches a certain temperature. Thus, the gas burner automatically goes out.

After the gas reaches the temperature of the lower limit, the gas valve automatically opens, which leads to the complete ignition of the burner. Such devices are very convenient to use in gas household appliances.

Two-stage gas burners for the boiler operate in two systems - 40% and 100%. The burner starts working at 40% immediately as soon as the coolant heats up to the desired temperature and the gas valve is closed. The automatic system allows you to switch from one work system to another.

Smoothly adjustable two-stage gas burners operate in two modes. Here the transition to another mode is carried out more smoothly than in two-stage ones.

For continuous heating of the boiler, modulating burners are used. Unlike a boiler with an atmospheric burner, this type of burner covers a wide power range. In addition, modulating options significantly save gas.

Due to the automation of the process, the service life of such units is much longer. The flame height in a gas burner for modulating heating is automatically adjusted.

In turn, modulated options are classified depending on the operating principle of the modulating units.

There are burners with modulation:

  • mechanical;
  • pneumatic;
  • electronic

Burners with electronic modulation ensure high control accuracy. Today, modulating gas burners made in Italy are considered the best.

Gas burners for universal boilers

Why do we need universal boilers? In fact, fuel for solid fuel boilers, such as firewood and compressed straw, is quite low in price. If the price of one type of fuel rises, you can easily switch to another.

The design and operating principle of a gas burner for universal boilers is more complex. Burners for solid fuel boilers transfer fuel from one type to another. The efficiency of a gas boiler depends on the choice of burner.

Types of universal boilers using a gas burner

Let's look at the example of a universal wood-coal-gas boiler. Such boilers use an atmospheric gas burner, where gas and air are mixed naturally. You can also use a blower system equipped with a fan.

Which one to choose is up to the buyer, but it should be mentioned: fan models are volatile and noisier.

An automated gas burner is performed using a fan circuit. Gas and air are mixed in it, after which the resulting mixture enters the nozzle and ignition occurs.

Design features of the burner for a gas boiler.

A fan, gearbox and automation system are built into the burner side, with the help of which the gas burner is adjusted.

Today, the most famous are universal gas/diesel boilers, since the structure of these substances during combustion is very similar. This makes switching to another fuel quick and easy.

There are also more expensive models of universal boilers that operate on many fuel options. For example, boilers: wood-coal-electricity-gas-liquid fuel. There is only one type of fuel here. It is on this basis that the boiler power is calculated. Accordingly, other types of fuel are secondary.

Using a liquid fuel element will reduce the efficiency of the heating equipment. When heating firewood, diesel, briquettes, the heat rises from the bottom up and heats the coolant. If a burner is used, it spreads horizontally.

As a result, the rear wall of the boiler is exposed to the greatest heat. After long use it may burn out.

Additional thermal insulation will help solve this problem. Diesel fuel must be stored in appropriate places. These include plastic containers and rooms with a protective tray. Sometimes it is buried next to the boiler room, if the soil allows. The issue of storage should be thought out in advance.

Universal boilers are often used in car repair shops. If the object is located in a place without access to a gas main, then universal heating devices will be an excellent choice.

Not only wood, coal or pellets, but also used oil can be used as fuel. This fuel provides fairly high efficiency.

At the same time, consumption can vary significantly depending on power. A sufficient supply of this material is required, which is only possible with large-scale turnover.

Switching from heating one type of fuel to another is sometimes simple, and sometimes labor-intensive. Changing from diesel to gas can be particularly dangerous. The first, as a result of prolonged operation of the heating system, leaves soot in the chimney.

After switching to gas, it may crumble and block the chimney. Then carbon monoxide can enter the room, which is fraught with serious consequences.

Of course, in this case the burner should turn off automatically. Nevertheless, it is not worth risking your life and it is better to turn to specialists. They will definitely clean the chimney after changing the heating operating mode.

All the above transition conditions are characteristic only of single-fuel systems. Their design involves burning fuel in one chamber. On the one hand, such a device is the most economical. If you do not plan to change modes frequently, then there is no point in overpaying.

Based on the materials used, boilers are divided into cast iron and metal. The first option is the most reliable. Their design allows them to withstand severe thermal loads. They are able to provide a long service life even at high operating powers.

The disadvantage of the devices is their bulkiness and weight. When choosing, it is necessary to think in advance about all possible options for operating the specified heating device.

Double-furnace boilers are more practical and easier to use. Especially when it comes to frequent switching from one type of fuel to another. At the same time, they have significant dimensions. The fireboxes in them can be located in different ways: next to each other, one above the other.

In this case, the same coolant circuit is heated by different types of fuel, and the transition is carried out without additional installation work, manually or automatically, depending on the additional equipment used.

Installation of a gas boiler with a burner.

Each compartment is made specifically for a specific type of fuel. The result is high efficiency and cost-effectiveness due to changing operating modes. Switching from one work option to another does not cause any difficulties. In some models it can be done automatically.

These heating systems are especially effective in conditions of power outages, unstable gas supply, and the high cost of connecting to the main line.

Given the availability of solid fuel materials and their relatively low cost, they have no equal. On the other hand, the price of a universal system is quite high.

Homemade units

There are craftsmen who remake heating systems with their own hands. On the Internet you can even find the necessary diagrams for changing the devices of gas burners, their installation and adjustment.

Typically, metal is used as a material for the manufacture of heating systems. A cast iron firebox would be much more reliable. However, it is not possible to use it at home.

An excellent option for manual work is to order the system from specialists. They will be able to manufacture the device in accordance with all the customer’s wishes. However, the possibility of defects in the boilers cannot be ruled out, which may appear after some time.

Why do you need homemade heating units? The fact is that the marked options have a lower cost. They are made mainly because of the desire to save money. At the same time, these options are inferior to their factory counterparts in efficiency.

Over a long period of operation, it may turn out that the homemade option will be even more expensive.

Usually only solid fuel and electric units are manufactured. Making a gas or diesel boiler is extremely dangerous. In addition, their installation in the house is strictly prohibited.

According to the principle of operation, a homemade product is no different from a purchased version. It will burn fuel and heat the coolant filled with water.

The main disadvantage of this unit is the lack of warranty. Factory equipment will work and perform its functions. Even if the buyer stumbles upon a defect, he will be able to exchange the product for another.

It is better to use pellets, firewood, and coal as fuel in self-made units. These materials are less dangerous than gas. It is impossible to make heating devices based on the latter.

Simple solid fuel units are the most popular and widespread homemade devices. They are simple, and their design is in many ways similar to a conventional stove. In addition, they are versatile.

Like a conventional stove, these systems can operate on any solid fuel. The main thing is that it burns.

Main parts of a gas boiler.

The efficiency of homemade equipment is significantly lower than factory equipment. It is influenced by many factors.

Among them:

  • thermal insulation;
  • combustion completeness;
  • the correctness of the conclusions.

The efficiency of the unit directly depends on the combustion temperature. The higher it is, the lower the efficiency. In high-quality systems, the temperature in the firebox is maintained at 120–150°C. Higher values ​​reduce the safety of pipes. This in turn significantly reduces the durability of the unit.

When manufacturing heating boilers with a burner, it is better to protect yourself as much as possible from the possible consequences of its operation. Therefore, you should consider a separate purchase of an automatic gas burner, which will be installed in an atmospheric or blown boiler.

You can also make electric heating units with your own hands. Their design may vary. It all depends on the person’s needs. The simplest option is to install a heating element directly into the heating system. In this case, there is no need to make a boiler.

The pipe with the heater must have a sufficiently large diameter. It should be easily removable for repairs and cleaning.

Systems without a heater deserve special attention. Its role is played by water itself. A current is passed through it, and heating occurs due to the movement of water ions. The liquid itself must contain salt.

It is extremely difficult to make such a device. Electric current passes directly through the coolant, so the entire system must be reliably insulated.

One of the dangers of this device is electrical breakdown. Essentially the same as a short circuit. Gas may also accumulate in the system. As a result, heating efficiency will decrease.

From all of the above, the best option is a solid fuel unit. Its body can be assembled from heat-resistant steel. It is characterized by increased strength, less wear and high resistance to thermal influences.

However, heat-resistant steel is expensive and in practice is rarely used in homemade boilers. Another option is cast iron: this material tolerates heat well, although it is difficult to work with. Equipment for the manufacture of cast iron stoves is available only at specialized enterprises.

It is important to understand that without the proper experience and skills, it is better not to make a heating system yourself. Safety must come first. It is enough to make even one inaccuracy, and this can lead to disastrous consequences.

Bottom line

Gas burners have found their application in household heating systems, as well as in industry. Gas, despite its high consumer qualities, has a fairly low cost compared to other types of fuel. This makes gas burners in demand and popular.

This review discusses the main types of gas burners, their advantages and disadvantages. This information will definitely be useful when choosing a boiler for heating, taking into account the place of its use: house, apartment, cottage.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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