What to do if your corridor is so narrow that a closet, chest of drawers or even a shoe rack does not fit there? Of course, you can resign yourself and leave the space unused, or you can show a little imagination and play with the shape and color of the wall, turning it into some kind of functional space.

So, we need the hallway to look beautiful and at the same time be functional. The task is not easy, but we have imagination!

The blank wall we have is an excellent material to work with. You just need to take a creative look at the problem of space planning. First, we need to divide it into several parts. This can be done using color, light, and various hangers and hooks. In this case, you can use non-standard hangers, for example, as shown in the picture, use paintings with black and white drawings on which to attach coat hooks. It will look impressive and very functional. In our minimalist design, it is better to give preference to the black and white color scheme, because it is ideal for small spaces.

A horizontal strip in the form of photo hangers will be our main decorative element, and the main guide in our design. It is better to make a main recess in the middle of the corridor, on which you can hang the main frame with a photo or an LCD monitor. Below the strip of photographs, you can symmetrically place shelves on which we will store various small items. And under the shelves you can place stylish shoe boxes.

A good design element for our corridor will be magnetic boards that can be placed next to the door. You can leave keys on them, as well as attach reminders of important dates or matters.

Electric lamps made in the form of metal pipes can be an excellent addition to our interior. They will not only provide additional light in the corridor, but will also be able to vertically delimit its space, which will give the interior a unique atmosphere.

This design will appeal to all lovers of simplicity and modernity. However, it can be improved to suit your taste, show a little imagination, experiment with details and colors and create your own design masterpiece in the hallway.

PR: wait... L: wait... CY: wait...

You've probably heard the term "minimalism" here and there, especially in the last few years, but what exactly is it and how can we make the most of it?

Minimalism can be described as eliminating all unnecessary elements and focusing on what is necessary. As such, minimalism attracts success.

While minimalism is often simple on the outside, a lot of thought, practice and time goes into creating and designing a minimalist object. So, here are some ways you can use to be minimalist.

1. Achieve consistency

A minimalist logo can be incredibly useful when it comes to creating a brand identity. Use this bar design from Simon McWhinney as an example. By keeping the logo very simple and the color palette minimal, the design becomes flexible enough to be used in all corporate media quite seamlessly, creating a consistent and very memorable brand.

2.Explore hidden connections

Going minimalist doesn't mean your design has to be any less creative. In fact, when you're not bogged down in details, you often get a chance to explore and play with the clever relationships hidden in your design. Look at the branding done by Interband for the Australian Opera, the minimalist design explored the well thought out connection between the words "OPERA", "OPERA AUSTRALIA" and "OZ OPERA".

3. Play with spatial relationships

Minimalism can allow you to look at spatial relationships in your design in ways you haven't seen them before. Take into account how your design interacts with other elements to create a larger design, such as these lined business cards designed by Trevor Finnegan.

4. Be smart

Minimalism does not mean the absence of illustrative elements, but rather the careful choice of when and where to use them. By working with illustrative elements that turn a company name into a logo, similar to what Frame Creative did with this branding, you can create a very visual and also very minimalist design.

5. Use precision

Minimalism is often about removing all unnecessary things and focusing on communication. Look at how these business cards from Jake Frey are designed, displaying his contact information neatly and accurately, without making flashy visuals necessary.

6. Use a modular grid

As you already know, grids are very useful (some might say vital) for many types of design, and this is especially true for minimalism. If you don't have many elements in your design, this is a good opportunity to play with your modular grid. Take note of this cutting-edge design from Jessica Giboyne, who uses a grid layout to create a strong sense of disciplined copy of blocks of text with headings and graphic elements, generating a clean, simple and effective design.

7. Let's achieve functionality

Minimalism can be great for functionality. A neat, clear, and not cluttered design can serve as easy navigation, as in James Cape's content page design. Minimalist design and clear typographic hierarchy make navigation through the page content fast, simple and functional.

8. Find your balance

The relationship between visual elements such as photographs and typographic elements is important to getting it right. Good design often takes care to ensure that no element overwhelms another without good reason. In this example post from Mother Design, simpler photographs are paired with large, informative amounts of text, while full, large images are paired with smaller blocks of text, thereby creating balance and harmony between pages.

9. Break some rules

As noted, minimalism gives you a special chance to experiment with your design in ways you haven't seen before, and sometimes that means bending the rules a little. Take this logo from Rabbi White as an example, by showing half of the logo upside down as a bit of outrageous design, it creates something that in any other example would look unreadable. But thanks to the incredible simplicity and minimalist nature of the brand, this crazy solution works really well as a visual element.

10. Visualize your font

Type is an important weapon that should not be forgotten, especially when it comes to minimalism. It can act as a visual element, especially when it is slightly modified to suit the situation, much like the open spread from Italian Vogue. Making the font look like water ripples creates a strong visual effect without using any pictures, keeping the final design simple and neat.

11.White space is the right space

White space, also known as “negative space,” can sometimes look like just empty paper space, but that's not entirely true! When used correctly, white space can help balance your design, eliminate overcrowding, and help it breathe. Take a look at this example of a book design from Studioahamed where the idea of ​​white space was taken as a starting point and used to the fullest, resulting in a classic minimalist design.

12. Explore your options

What's more minimal than an all-white palette? The design should not be limited to the monitor screen; using it also when the product goes to print, you can give it a unique taste and difference from all the others. By incorporating text printing or embossing effects, your printed products can complement and deepen a minimalist design, as shown in this example from Adam Buente.

13. Texture

When studying minimalism, it's easy to see that, as a general rule, to be minimalist you should mostly use flat-panel printing, but this is not a strict requirement. Adding texture to your design can add depth and effectiveness to your desires without going overboard with minimalism. Texture definitely works well when it's balanced with neat, soothing colors, just like the website/branding example above from Watts Design, who use texture in balance with simple photography and branding to create a very effective design.

14. Think outside the box

Quite literally. Minimalism can allow you to be more playful with the placement and composition of your elements, as shown in this post from Gregmadeit. Placing type at the edge of the page creates a unique eye-catching effect without compromising the readability of the text.

15.Be open

When you have a few elements fighting to be seen, you have to be much more open with your message and communication in general. This is especially powerful when it comes to web design, when we all log in and browse pages, a simple message with a guide to action, as shown on Nine Sixty's website, helps give the reader an idea of ​​who they are to you in that very moment .

16. Use scale

Using minimalism, you must say with precision what your audience's eyes will be directed to first, and one way to achieve this is scale. Look at the elements in the spread from Saturdays Magazine, the eye immediately goes to the largest element: the quote on the right page, then the photo, then the text. A simple design that is just scaled will help you dictate the correct reading order for your audience.

17. Not everything is black and white

Many people believe that monochromatic color palettes are all that is used in minimalism, but this is not entirely true. Color can be used to create an eye-catching design without going beyond minimalism, as long as the palette remains very small (1-3 colors are best). Check out this example from Moruba, where bright yellow combined with a stark black and white logo work together to make a truly successful and striking (while still being minimalist) design.

18. Be more active

Minimalist design can really help increase the fluidity of your ideas, especially in practical settings. For example, this branding from Buro Ufho consists of a simple logo with a serif font and two blocks of color fills. This noteworthy branding has a high level of flexibility within its color palette; The color of the diagonal blocks can be changed quite easily without losing any of the signature features, all thanks to the simple yet unique minimalist design.

19. Use symbolism

Minimalism is a good chance for you to explore the depth of symbolism with your design. Try and think about the object, about the things that are associated with it, about why the object was produced. For example, the design by Jennifer Carrow for the cover of the modern book “Against Happiness”. By transforming the font into a sad face symbol, you get a smart and memorable design.

20. Iconography

Icons are useful little icons that most of us use every day, from application icons to icons in the computer's taskbar. Icons can be used very effectively in the world of minimalism. They can enhance accessibility, reduce the amount of text or fonts you have on your page, and help other users perceive your design visually. Take a look at how this website from Spab Rice uses icons on the page to aid navigation and explain their content.

21. Think typographically

Less is more, especially when it comes to minimalist typography. Using 1-3 fonts is your best chance at creating a minimalist and functional design, just like Kalpakian's example did. Minimal use of backgrounds and moderate use of fonts creates readability

22. Minor changes. Big reward

The beauty of minimalism in fact is that small changes can produce big results. Take, for example, the logo for The Pines. A simple grotesque font combined with just two stripes creates a small but beautiful visual effect that does not spoil the originality or minimalism of the logo.

23. Focus

Don't forget why you started designing: content. Minimalism works extremely well when it shows content with a simple design, allowing the viewer's attention to immediately go to the content of the page rather than its appearance. See how Darrin Higgins' minimalist web page design simply lets the content be the focus.

24. Contrast

Designing with high contrast will help bring your visual elements and content to the forefront and make for an easy-to-understand design. In this example, a page from Mads Burcharth, the black background of the page contrasts with the rich color of the content images, creating a simple but charming design.

25. Design for the future

Minimalism can be a vital component to your design as it has the potential to be timeless. The fewer elements your design includes, the less likely it is that they will go out of style or become irrelevant. A famous and excellent example of this is Google. Look at the screenshots of the Google page 10 years ago and today. The subtle changes made, white spaces, focus on content and minimalism of the website keep this design timeless.

To conclude the above, minimalism is not a necessary aesthetic subject or style that you can recreate, but rather a way of thinking about your design.

In typography, try to limit your use of fonts to create a more cohesive and less confusing design. Give importance to your use of vertical systems and layout within the sheet for greater readability.

In the language of color, use monochromatic schemes in all their forms, but don't feel limited by them. In the right situation, adding color here and there can really help highlight the main points of your design and create a focal point for important elements.

Finally, try to decide what can be removed, whether it is a color from your palette or an image from your composition. Decide what can be cut, what can be replaced with something more concise. Just erase as much as you can until what's left is what's really needed.

Minimalism originated in the 1960s in America. Over time, this style has undergone changes, but is still popular. Paintings, clothes, interiors... you can find him everywhere. Today we’ll talk about minimalism in graphic design.

Today, minimalism as a style in graphic design is not yet able to compete with other abstract and busy styles (grunge, vintage, pop art, etc.) because it is not used widely enough, but in the near future minimalism may catch up and even overtake some styles, since people have already “overeaten” abstract and bright, bulky and loaded graphic materials.

Criteria for minimalism

So, what is minimalism specifically in graphic design? This is a simplification of the composition, the use of free space in one’s works, an emphasis only on the main details and their highlighting, a simple presentation of the subject, conditions, and products.

Minimalism affects criteria such as ergonomics, i.e. using less to create the desired composition, maintaining relationships between thematic elements (for example: 2 or more different elements in an illustration), creative work (for example: graphic design of several products from the same manufacturer in one material), etc.

To put it in an accessible way, this is: the correct and simple use of only what is necessary - by removing all unnecessary (or not adding it at all) we get free space. The correct arrangement of free space in work provides ergonomics, does not distract and concentrates on what is needed. In other words, we get usability at work.

Think carefully about your design elements; it’s better to pay attention to one element than to “rivet” ten more.

Use of color

Color in minimalist graphic works is an important criterion, and it is color that contributes to perception. Often 1-2 primary colors and several shades of selected colors are used for one work. The most commonly used colors are white, black, gray and yellow, as well as their many shades. But this is not a rule; no one limits the use of only classic colors.

Sometimes, reading various articles about minimalism in design, you see people saying that it is worth strictly limiting the palette to black and white. In my opinion, this is a misconception, in this direction you can use any colors, the main thing is to respect the composition (theme or purpose of the work) with the selected colors.

Font and text/typography

Typography is also a fairly important criterion for minimalist design. Here the choice of typefaces depends on the subject or purpose of the work. The font should be meaningful, visually accessible and not visually overwhelming. It is advisable to use no more than 2-3 font sets (for example: 1. heading, 2. text, 3. callouts and copyrights; or 1. title, 2. slogan, 3. text).

In general, the use of typography directly in minimalism (graphic design) is quite flexible; you can choose a non-standard font, make an emphasis in the form of enlarging the required text, increase indents, etc. But in this case, the main thing is the correct selection of the topic and the conclusion of the text in the composition. For example, I give more preference to standard fonts (Arial, Helvetica, Garamond, Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Times) with changes in the necessary parts (for example, in illustrations or printing). I like the strict use of type. Well, in general, it all depends on the topic or area of ​​work and the typeface may be different.

The main thing is to limit the number of typefaces, correct positioning of the text in the work (placement, position, indents, relationship to other elements).

Conclusion based on criteria

It is worth noting: composition without unnecessary elements (only what is necessary), use of free space, choice of color(s), based on the theme or working conditions. Less variegated colors (it is better to use strict or soft colors/tones/shades), less number of colors, typeface suitable for the theme or working conditions, less number of fonts used, giving emphasis to the font (size, indents, positioning and placement, relationship with other elements ), correct position of elements and highlighting important details.

On my own behalf, I will say that everyone has a vision of minimalism in their imagination, and everyone can have their own. The minimalist movement has no standards; the main thing is to avoid unnecessary things, use less and maintain functionality. Those. simple work with the desired effect (advertising, illustration, cover, etc.).

Even if it is impossible to remove unnecessary elements from the work, you can use not the minimalist style, but its properties: with the help of free space, the right colors and the accent of the font, you can highlight (submit) the main details of the work, thereby relegating unnecessary elements to the background...

Examples of minimalism in the graphic design industries

Well, now it’s worth taking a look at the works in the minimalist style across the graphic design industries.

Packaging design (products)

Here is an example of simplifying packaging design - creating in a minimalist style.

Printing: posters

Graphic posters for films in the style of minimalism.

Printing: book covers

Graphic design of book covers in a minimalist style.

Illustrations / computer wallpaper

Minimalism in computer graphics, namely in the design of wallpaper for the OS desktop.

We have translated for you an interesting note by TheNextWeb author Amber Lee Turner, which talks about the origins of flat design, how it is changing interfaces now and what awaits flat style in the future.

If you are even slightly interested in graphic design, then you cannot help but hear about the term “flat design”. This trend first appeared on the Internet several years ago, and recently flat design has exploded and become extremely popular thanks to large companies that have begun to actively use flat design.

But where did this flat design come from? And why do we see it on the Internet? As with everything in design, knowing the history of the style will help you make more informed decisions when using flat design.

Let's take a look at what flat design is, what past design trends influenced it, and find out how it became so popular.

What is flat design?

For those of you who are not familiar with the meaning of flat design, you should know that flat design is a design style in which elements are devoid of any stylistic features and do not appear to be an embodiment of real objects (aka skeuomorphism).

From a layman's point of view, flat design is devoid of elements such as gradients, shadows, textures, which are intended to make the elements more dimensional and realistic.

Today, it seems that designers are gravitating heavily towards flat design because it is perceived as fresh and modern and allows you to focus on what is most important: content and message.

By getting rid of all kinds of stylistics, designers make their projects more durable and now using flat design is the most correct strategy.

But this does not mean that other styles are not taken into account at all. Often, to denote the opposite of a flat style, the term “rich design” is used, which is characterized by the presence of a large number of various decorations - bevels, reflections, shadows, gradients. “Rich design” is used to make things more “tactile”, more convenient for users browsing the website and using mobile applications.

It is important to understand that “rich design” is not the same as skeuomorphism. Skeuomorphism involves the conscious use of physical analogues of certain elements (toggle switches, buttons, skin textures, etc.) so that they look familiar to users.

Where did flat design come from?

Most of what we see now on the internet or digital world comes from print and artistic ancestors. It's difficult to say exactly when the era of flat design began and where its origins lie, but there are several clear periods in design and art from which the flat style took inspiration.

Swiss style

The Swiss style (sometimes called the International Typographic Style) is the first flat design inspiration that comes to mind, so it's worth going into more detail.

Swiss design primarily focuses on the use of grid guides, sans-serif typography, and a clear hierarchy of content and design. During the 40s and 50s, Swiss design could often be seen in many photographs as a design element.

Typography is one of the key elements of the Swiss style and here we cannot fail to mention the Helvetica typeface, which also appeared in Switzerland in 1957 and is actively used to this day.

It is interesting to see how flat design was used even before Microsoft and Apple introduced it into their designs and made it popular, because the Swiss style can be traced even in Germany in the 20s of the 20th century. At that time, it became very popular and its elements were used by the famous German Bauhaus school - art lovers will not let you lie that the Bauhaus placed a lot of emphasis on typography, which has much in common with the Swiss style.


A huge influence on flat design can also be found in the history of minimalism. Today, the term "minimalism" is often used interchangeably with flat design, but minimalism was popular long before flat design was invented. Minimalism has its own long-standing traditions in architecture, fine arts, and design.

Minimalism has a rich history and spans a variety of art forms, but where flat design is now dominant, elements of minimalism are often used. Elements of minimalism such as strict geometric shapes, bright colors, and clear lines are also used in flat design.

One of the most famous works of art in the style of minimalism is this painting by Yves Klein “Blue Age”:

It's safe to say that the mixture of Swiss style and minimalism has greatly influenced flat design and the modern look of the digital world.

The era of flat design from Microsoft and Apple

History repeats itself and the same is true for flat design. As we learned above, flat elements could be found back in the 20s of the 20th century.

Quite a few solo designers have worked with flat design, but it was Microsoft and Apple that made it so popular. Well, let's talk about them.

Microsoft and the Metro interface

Microsoft started working with flat design long before the Metro interface appeared. In the mid-2000s, Microsoft released a competitor to the iPod - the Zune player (I'm sure some of you still remember this name - editor's note).

The same Zune from Microsoft - look at the interface, doesn’t it remind you of anything?

It was with the release of Zune that a unique design style emerged, with an emphasis on large typography. The Zune's software design was starkly different from most Microsoft software products at the time. After all, Windows Phone 7 was released only at the end of 2010, and the design of this mobile operating system took a lot from the Zune software interface. Large and vibrant shapes based on grid guides, sans serif typography (grotesque), flat icons.

Microsoft will soon call this interface Metro

This design became so popular that Microsoft released the Windows 8 desktop OS, which is based on the Metro interface. Clear square shapes, an emphasis on typography, bright colors - all this has migrated to personal computers. The same interface is used in almost all Microsoft products, including the Xbox 360.

How Apple shook up skeuomorphism

Even though Microsoft had been working on a flat interface for a long time, Apple also had some tricks up its sleeve. At first, Apple slightly hinted that it was going to abandon skeuomorphism, and with the announcement of iOS 7 in June 2013, it became clear that the Cupertino team had firmly decided to use flat design.

Since Apple had many followers at that time, the release of the “flat” iOS 7 made this design style more popular than ever. And this happened in an extremely short time (meaning the rapid transition from iOS 6 to iOS 7 - editor's note).

Apple's design aesthetic has greatly influenced the design of mobile applications and websites, as most designers have finally come to regard this style as the most modern and appropriate. When Apple switched to a flat style, skeuomorphism instantly became outdated and a huge number of sites and applications urgently needed a redesign.

This can be clearly seen in mobile applications, which have seriously changed their design and interface to meet the standards of iOS 7. And this has allowed users to get used to the flat iOS 7 relatively quickly.

Adaptive design

It's also worth noting that one of the reasons why flat design has become so popular is because of what's called "responsive design." With the development of Internet technologies, users of a variety of devices began to access the Internet - and primarily from mobile devices. This forced designers to use responsive design so that sites looked equally good on full-fledged computers and on smartphones and tablets. And designers used a lot of “flat” elements when developing responsive websites.

Flat style allows web design to be more efficient. Without unnecessary interface elements, sites load faster, giving the user the opportunity to focus on the content.

This also fits well with the trend of increasing mobile device screen resolutions. It's much easier to display clean, simple shapes and typography than it is to upload heavy images every time that look different on different screen resolutions.

The future of flat design

Of course, we don't have a glass ball that predicts the future, but it is quite clear that flat design, like everything else, does not last forever and will later be replaced by some other style. After all, flat design has obvious disadvantages and designers will continue to experiment, which will ultimately lead to the emergence of a new dominant style that will leave flat design in the distant past.

In this regard, it is interesting to see what kind of design work is currently being done at Google. On the one hand, there are a lot of flat elements in their applications, but Google has not abandoned many skeuomorphic elements - for example, they still use shadows. Apparently, the “good corporation” wants to take the best from each of the styles and create its own, unique style.

Nowadays, flat design is seen as an exciting fashion trend, and it is definitely a significant milestone in the history of design. But don’t forget that in many ways, flat design is just the reincarnation of Swiss style and minimalism in the new digital world.

Minimalism as an art style originated in the 60s of the last century. America became his homeland. The main features of minimalism are simplicity of forms of expression, as well as a literal, objective approach.

The author of the term “minimalism” was the British philosopher and art critic Richard Wollheim. He identified this direction by analyzing the work of artists who in their works pursue the least possible intervention in the world around them.

The origins of minimalism lie in movements such as pop art and suprematism. The development of the direction was also influenced by the work of K. Malevich and the trends of the Bauhaus school.

Main features

Gradually, minimalism moved away from all other painting styles. As a result, its main features were formed. This is primarily the expressiveness of colors, as well as smoothness and geometricity.

Russian constructivism, in the wake of increased interest in it, encourages artists to widely use industrial materials to express their ideas. Paintings are often characterized by asymmetry and repetition of various geometric shapes. The space of the painting is, as a rule, simple and unloaded.

Color in minimalism serves the purpose of zoning space, rather than expressing emotions or conveying mood. The movement is also characterized by a lack of subjectivity and realism: the artist strives for the viewer to independently perceive the object.

Refusal of the necessary in favor of the most necessary

Another feature of minimalism is the desire to demystify art in order to be able to identify what is its fundamental basis.

In the foreground, minimalists have a form with which they convey the depth of color. The subjects of the paintings are filled with metaphors and symbols. Painters convey emotions in a non-standard way: they use lines and various geometric shapes for this. Also, the works of minimalists carry some kind of subtext and often have acute social meaning.

Minimalist artists

American artist, master of post-painterly abstraction Frank Stella (b. 1936) lived mainly in New York, where he began as a draftsman and designer.

In 1959-1960, Stell’s series of works “Black Paintings” was published. As the name implies, the dominance of black lines was a distinctive feature of the paintings.

This creative rise of the artist was noticed by the owner of the New York gallery Leo Castelli, who realized the genius of the master and exhibited his paintings at home.

The “Black Paintings” were followed by “Aluminum Paintings” and then “Copper Paintings”. In memory of terrible historical events, a series of works “Polish Villages” is being created.

Frank Stella: "What you see is what you see"

In his works, Stella preferred black as the dominant color, and in general gravitated toward monochrome, but sometimes he departed from his traditions and then works were born, such as in the “Concentric Squares” cycle, in which polychrome and relief appeared.

Frank Stella has been awarded the U.S. National Medal of Arts and the International Sculpture Center's Lifetime Achievement Award.

Ellsworth Kelly (1923-2015) was an American artist and sculptor, one of the main representatives of minimalism, hard edge and color field painting.

Kelly's work is characterized by exceptional clarity and simplicity. Clear abstract contours of geometric surfaces are made with intense color.

In the late sixties he worked as a sculptor, and later began using metal in his works. The artist’s oeuvre includes a number of works in the genres of pop art and surrealism.

" I don't want to draw people. I want to draw something I've never seen before"

Ellsworth Kelly died on December 27, 2015 at the age of 92. He was awarded the US National Medal of the Arts.

Spanish artist Anton Lamasares (b. 1954) expressed his thoughts in his works in a deliberately primitive form.

Due to the lack of towels, he used wood, ribbed board, packaging and varnish. This is how his personal artistic style developed, which attracted the attention of critics. Initially interested in expressionism, he later developed into a kind of minimalism.

At the age of 19, he participated for the first time in an exhibition of young artists held at Praza da Princesa in Vigo. Since then, exhibitions have been held a huge number of times in different countries of the world.

The artist's works are held in numerous renowned cultural institutions, such as the Reina Sofia Center for the Arts, the Galician Center for Contemporary Art, the Madrid Museum of Contemporary Art and the Marugami Hirai Museum in Japan, as well as in many private collections and foundations.

Jose Esteban Basso

Chilean artist Jose Basso can be called the standard of minimalism. The artist himself calls his style “ritual painting.” His paintings are laconic, restrained and laconic, allowing you to rest and relax without thinking about what you see. A minimum of objects, pure colors, no detail, no texture, just frozen infinity...

The master’s works evoke only positive emotions, filling the viewer with light and warmth and allowing them to enjoy lightness and simplicity; one can safely meditate in front of them.

In addition to painting, the artist also does photography and computer graphics, and of course, all these works are also characterized by restraint and taciturnity.

Flow evolution

Gradually, such directions of minimalism as neo-minimalism and post-minimalism developed. The first is characterized by inaccuracy and vagueness, while representatives of the second are distinguished by their desire not so much to convey the idea itself, but to emphasize the method of such transmission.

The purpose of minimalism

The significance of this direction in art is in the fight against academicism and dogmatism, the desire for simplicity, the complete rejection of all sorts of excesses in favor of depth of meaning. To do this, artists revise existing canons, abandon previous rules in favor of new ideas for conveying color, and also use images of geometric shapes.

Minimalism today

Nowadays, the ideas of minimalism have penetrated into various industries, for example, interior design, landscape design, fashion design and more. Also, minimalism has not bypassed information technologies, for example, web design and software (development of software interfaces). Quite often we can see the results of the influence of minimalism in the development of technical solutions, for example, in the automotive industry, in household and engineering equipment.

In our wall painting work, our studio also sometimes uses the principles of minimalism.

Minimalism in graphic design is a simplification of composition, an emphasis on important details.

Nothing superfluous and a lot of empty space. Basically, works made in this style use 1-2 colors and several shades of these colors. A clear font does not carry a visual load and uses no more than 2-3 font sets.

“It`s faster than you think”

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