The ring slowly rises up the Stick!

The thread is attached to one end of the stick. Place the ring on the end of the stick to which the thread is attached. Now, when you quietly pull the thread, the ring will begin to rise up the Stick.

Focus 2:

You pull the Magic Wand out of a small wallet!

For this trick you will need your Magic Wand and an Old Wallet.

Before the show:

1.Ask an adult to cut a small hole in the bottom of the wallet.

2.Hide the wand in your left sleeve.

During the performance: Take the wallet in your left hand, and with your right hand, through the hole in the bottom of the wallet, pull the Wand out of the sleeve!

Focus 3:

The rope, wrapped around the Stick and threaded through the ring, is removed from the Stick, although the ring still remains on the rope.

For this trick you will need a Magic Wand, rope and a ring. Wrap the rope around the Stick three times, then close the Stick with your finger, then wrap the string in the opposite direction three times. Your finger will not allow the rope to slip!

Try to make sure that both ends of the rope hang down approximately the same length. Now ask the spectator to put a ring on the rope and tie the ends together. Then ask the spectator to pull the rope straight down. The rope will slip past your finger and fall down!

Focus 4:

Use the watch and the stick to find the selected number.

For this trick you will need your Magic Wand and a wrist or wall clock. Draw the audience's attention to the wall clock and ask any of them to think of any number from 1 to 12.

Tap the stick on the numbers on the dial. At the same time, the spectator must count one for each blow, starting from the number following the intended one. For example, if the viewer thinks of the number 7, then he should start counting from the eighth beat and so on until 20.

You make the first 7 strikes on any numbers on the dial. On the eighth beat, hit the number 12, and then continue to hit each number, moving counterclockwise (to the left). When the viewer has counted

to 20, your Wand will be on the number he chose!

Focus 5:

The ball rolls along the stick without falling off it.

For this trick you will need a Magic Wand, a Thin Thread and some kind of Ball.

The thread must be attached to one end of the stick.

Hold the other end of the Thread with your fingers so that it is “next to” but “behind” the Stick. Thus, the Stick makes Thread invisible to the Spectators!

Now place the Ball on the Stick so that it is held by the taut Thread. Now you can roll the Ball along the Stick in any direction, without the spectators noticing, moving the Thread closer and further from the Stick.

Focus 6:

You wrap the Stick in newspaper and then tear the newspaper and Stick into small pieces. And then your Wand becomes whole again!

For this trick you will need your Magic Wand, a piece of newspaper and a Homemade Wand. Before the performance, make a paper copy of the Magic Wand. To do this, paint the middle part of a sheet of paper black, then roll the sheet into a tube and glue it together.

The more authentic your Double Wand looks, the more effective the trick will be.

Wrap up during the show

Double Stick into the newspaper, and then tear the newspaper with the Stick inside. It should look as if the Stick has disappeared, torn.

To make the Wand appear again, you can take it out of your sleeve.

Focus 7:

"Reverse Loops" (second option)

The spectator pulls the rope straight through the Stick.

Instead of using the ring, this time ask spectator hold the rope by the ends and - pull!

Focus 8:

The wand rises out of the bottle in an incredible way.

Before performing the trick, attach a very thin thread to one end of the Magic Wand. Attach the other end of the thread to a button on your clothing. Show that the bottle is empty and ordinary. Now lower the stick into the bottle with the end where the thread is attached. And using magical passes, lift the Wand from the bottle.

Focus 9:

You place the Magic Wand on the table and every time you pass your hand over it, it moves.

Each time you pass your hand over the Stick, at the same time blow on it in the direction of your hand movement. Blow unnoticed by the audience, for example - open your mouth slightly and exhale without straining your lips and other facial muscles, and the Wand will begin to move as if by the will of the Magical Energy emanating from your palm.

Advice from the Focus Store.Org:

This trick looks great at a party or over a milkshake when you use a regular Cocktail Straw instead of a Stick.

Focus 10:

Your hard, wooden Magic Wand, on command, turns into rubber, gaining illusory flexibility.

Hold the stick horizontally between your thumb and index finger. Lightly hold the Stick by one end and swing your whole hand up and down.

With your swings you must achieve an optical illusion, even for yourself, that the Wand has acquired “rubber” flexibility and “went in waves” from your movements.

Focus 11:

To show that you have magical powers, you make the Magic Wand float in the air.

Wrap your left hand around your right hand so that you can hold the Wand against the palm of your left hand using the index finger of your right hand, as shown in the picture.

Focus 12:

"Flying Stick" (second option)

This is a variation of the previous trick. The Magic Wand floats in the air between your hands.

Interlace your fingers as shown in the picture so that the index finger of your right hand is on top. Now you can discreetly hold the Wand with the index finger of your left hand. From the front, this illusion seems very impressive, unless the audience starts counting your fingers.

Many people in childhood dream of becoming wizards or magicians. After all, a miracle is not just an inexplicable phenomenon, but also a state of mind. So why not become a wizard at least for a while? The main attribute of any wizard is not only his hat and cloak, but also his magic wand. You can do it yourself.

For work we will need the following materials:

  • sheet of black paper
  • fax paper tube,
  • glue,
  • scissors,
  • pen or pencil,
  • silver thread,
  • culinary foil.

How to make a paper magic wand for a magician:

1. As always, to create simple crafts with children, we choose only available materials. If you don’t have a fax paper tube, pick up something similar.

2. Cut out a rectangle of black paper along the length of the tube so that it can wrap around the tube itself several times.

3. Glue it with black paper using a glue stick. In this case, this is the best option, since PVA glue on thin paper will give extra waviness.

4. At the tip of the tube, fold the paper inward if it protrudes.

5. We wrap our magic wand with silver thread - it is used for embroidery by needlewomen. Can be found in sewing supply stores.

6. From culinary foil, cut out two circles with a slightly larger diameter than the tube, and two rectangles several turns of the tube itself.

7. Thickly coat the tip of the stick with glue.

8. Glue the circle, closing the hole in the tube.

9. Fold the rectangle in half and glue it to the edge.

10. It turns out like this in the end.

11. A magic wand made of paper and cardboard is ready! All that remains is to read the spell correctly and wish with all your heart something good and bright!

Tricks with a magic wand

(a regular black stick with sliding white paper tips).

A stick that doesn't fall.

Let the children hold your magic wand in their hands. If you are not a wizard, then, of course, it should fall from you. Then you take it in your hands, cast a spell properly, and... Oops! You unclench your hand, but it doesn’t fall, and it holds on so tightly!

Here's the secret... You can give them a try again - it's very funny to watch.

A stick that you insert into your leg with terrible agony and suffering.

Solemnly place your foot on a hill and... squeeze the stick into your foot with appropriate facial expressions.

Here's the secret... The children are amazed! And then, slowly - back.
In general, it is better to do magic tricks wearing long sleeves and very slowly.

Hat tricks
(with double bottom).

How to make a hat.
You need a large sheet of black Whatman paper. Make a cylinder, then a lid-top, as shown below, drawing a circle with chalk along the diameter of the cylinder and 2 cm larger for the bends. For the margins, again draw a circle in diameter, a circle 1 cm smaller than the diameter (for bends) and 5 cm larger. Cut out the margins along the last two lines and glue in the same way.

And here is the secret of the double bottom: a sort of butterfly the diameter of a hat with four wings - two circles glued together. Children will not pay any attention to any irregularities - folds at the bottom of the hat, especially since you need to show the “empty” hat in passing.

And then you can show the following tricks:

Collecting coins from thin air.

You take off your hat, demonstrate its emptiness, and place it in front of you. Then, with a slight wave of the hand, a coin (chocolate) appears in the hand from somewhere above. You importantly put it in your hat and suddenly see another coin in another corner: - grab it! - another coin collected! Put it in your hat. You can look somewhere together, in someone’s ear for example... Have fun, but don’t forget to put them in a hat, because... then you take out a whole bunch of coins and give them to the kids.

The secret is that you should always hold the coin in your hand (you can glue it to your fingers), and practice hiding it, smoothly “taking it out” and “putting it” in the hat, in which a whole arsenal of coins has long been hidden.

I was exposed in the very first seconds by one very smart girl, so the trick with the appearance of coins did not work out for me, but after doing a lot of magic on the hat (and pouring a bunch of coins out of the sleeve), to my complete amazement, I was able to treat the children with chocolate from the “empty” one. hats. I preferred pour coins out of sleeve, because I already had a tiny white rabbit (stuffed, of course) hidden in my hat. And of course, when I handed out the chocolate, we started to fishing a rabbit out of a hat. The magic words were “abra-kadabra”. At first I tried to do it alone: ​​you cast a spell, cast a spell, touch the hat with your wand,... pause, look into the hat - empty. The children are delighted! The magician didn’t succeed! I try again - the same result. More delight. Let's do it together then: loudly in chorus - “abra - kadabra”! Rabbit?.. rabbit?.. We conjured everything together about seven times, and when the little rabbit finally appeared, that was enough! (Parents later wondered why the children came from the matinee with the words “abra - kadabra”).

By the way, colored scarves that are pulled out one after another can also be hidden in such a hat, but I have not practiced this yet.

And finally - trick with glasses

It's almost a game of thimbles that attracts not only children, but also adults. Only in our case, the game is not a ball, but a mouse, which is always in the center, no matter how you move the glasses. (What a capricious mouse!). Try to move the glasses slowly so that children can keep track of where they think the mouse is.

The secret is simple: there are actually three mice. And each under its own glass. The only thing is How you raise your glasses. Make thick white or black cardboard circles slightly smaller than the diameter of the glass, glue the mice to them, and when you need to lift the empty glass, just squeeze it a little (it should be plastic or paper) and hold the circle.

And now - balls!

The balloon needs to be slightly underinflated. Leave a tail (about 10 cm).
Start with the knotted edge. Everything is achieved by twisting and twisting.
Use a marker to draw eyes, antennae, etc.

Here are the possible options:

That's all!

6. Floating egg.
Show the children two identical jars filled with water and two hard-boiled eggs. Invite the children to place one egg in a jar of water. It will sink. And “bewitch” the second egg and drop it into the second jar. It will float. Invite the children to exchange eggs. The result will be the same. Their egg will sink, but yours will not.
The secret of the trick: in one jar there is plain water, and in the second there is a concentrated salt solution. This is what keeps the egg afloat.

7. Colored water.
The magician shows three jars of water, closed with lids (screw caps). He points out that the jars contain ordinary water, then says the magic words:

* * *

You, water-water, you are my cold friend,

Become, O water, not light, but green.

* * *

You, water-water, you are my beautiful friend,

Become, water-water, not simple, but red.

* * *

You, water-water, light as frost,

Become, water-water, not simple, but blue!

* * *
The magician shakes the water in the jar, the water turns the desired color.
The secret of the trick: the inside of the lids is covered with watercolor paint (red, green, blue). Water is poured into jars in advance.

8. Magic coin.
The magician asks the child to pick up one of the five coins, squeeze it in his hand, hold it, then put it on the table. The magician mixes them and finds the right one.
The secret of the trick: the coin you held in your hands is warmer than the others.

9. Miracle boxes.
The magician pulls the matchbox halfway out of the case and shows it to the audience. He turns the box upside down and slowly moves it back. Here the box is shown from the other side of the case, but again bottom down! You can repeat it again, the effect is the same.
The secret of the trick: the box is cut into two equal parts. Turn one of them bottom down and the other bottom up. In this position, both parts are glued together with a thin strip of paper (this is not visible in the case). Now, no matter how many times the trick is repeated, the box will always turn over.

1. Comic trick with slippers.

The clown brings out a paper bundle. Unties him. He takes out a clean rug from the package. He shows it to the audience from all sides: nothing is hidden in it. Spreads it on the floor. Still holding the rug with his hands by the edge, he pulls off the slippers with one foot from the other and covers them with the rug. Makes “magic passes” in the air with his hands. He lifts the rug and points to the shoes that appeared “from nowhere.” Blows a kiss to the audience. He bows solemnly in all directions. And he doesn’t notice that his slippers “by themselves” (they are pulled by strings) are quickly “leaving” from the stage. Having finished bowing, the clown looks for his slippers with his eyes. They are nowhere to be found! Covering his feet with a rug, he trotts off the stage in embarrassment. And at the same time he still tries to smile.

I, of course, simplified the proposed option. There was no paper bundle, there was a baby blanket folded in four. I spread it out, covering my feet and, when I was making passes, I quietly got out of my slippers, and they left almost immediately after the rug was lifted. I followed them with my head and shoulders down. Our friend’s dad had the most lively reaction; he asked in surprise: “How is this?”

2. Endless thread.

(This trick was transferred to M.A. Mikhailova’s book from A. Akopyan’s book “50 Entertaining Tricks.” M.: Iskusstvo, 1964)

The magician notices a white thread on his jacket, near the lapel, and tries to brush it off several times. But the thread does not “blow away”. The magician takes its end and pulls it down. The thread begins to pull out of the jacket. The more she stretches out, the more surprised the magician is. And the length of the thread is several tens of meters! Mechanics of the trick: a white thread from a spool is wound onto a short colored pencil (as much as it can be wound), placed in a side inner pocket and its tail (1-2cm) is pulled with a needle through the fabric of the jacket to the outside. The pencil is needed so that “there are no traces left” in the pocket if one of the spectators asks the magician to show his pocket; a pencil is not a reel; it will not help solve this trick.

I did this trick less emotionally, and we asked the children to swipe and remove the thread. The problem was that the child recognized me in the image, and when I gasped at the moment of pulling the thread, my daughter got scared: I’m a strict mother, she thought that I had ruined something. A year later, the same trick went off with a bang, but everyone wanted to try it, and there were only two threads.

3. Glass on paper.

Place two glasses on the table at some distance from one another (the glasses should not be heavy). Give the audience a piece of paper and ask them to place a third glass on top of the paper placed on the glasses. No one will believe that a thin piece of paper can withstand the weight of a glass placed on it. To do this trick, you need to fold a sheet of paper like an accordion (along the long side), and the glass will stand.

This number failed for us, the glasses were plastic and the paper held them without any additional effort. Parents got involved at the third focus, probably too early for children. Then we entertained our parents and grandmothers for another ten minutes.

Series of messages " ":
tricks, holidays
Part 1 - Tricks

This spectacular trick can be an independent number in the program.

External effect. During the performance, the magician repeatedly uses his “magic” wand as a distraction. He emphasizes to the audience that she is the most ordinary, simple, not prepared in any way. For example, he knocks with it on a glass standing on the table, and the audience clearly distinguishes the sound of wood hitting glass. Then he wraps the stick in a sheet of paper (Fig. 33, A And B) and taps the glass again with it, after which he quickly, with a sharp movement, tears the wrapped stick in half (Fig. IN). Taking both halves in the palm of your hand, he crumples them (Fig. G) and throws the paper backstage (Fig. D). The wand disappears.

Props. Imitation of a "magic" wand made of paper.

A small sheet of paper.

Secret consists of a false stick made of paper. After gluing it, it is painted in exactly the same way as the real thing.

Small wooden plugs are inserted into the false wand at both ends, with which the magician knocks on the glass. To make the sound sharp, like from wood, the paper is exposed in some places, and the cork wood is carefully painted over.

A false stick is placed on the table under the cover of some object or in the inner pocket of a suit, where the real one is also placed. Instead, at the right moment, the magician takes out a false wand, with which he performs the trick just described.

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