Lovers of potted plants know that violet is a very delicate, beautiful and easy-to-care flower, which, when handled correctly, produces luxurious inflorescences of different shades. But to achieve abundant flowering, you need to know how to care for violets at home. Only compliance with certain rules of care will allow the potted plant to produce a bountiful harvest of flowers with the brightest and most beautiful buds.

Description of indoor flower

The scientific name of the flower is Saintpaulia. This is a very delicate small flower that requires close attention and careful care and adherence to the basic principles of growing at home. The perennial has a low stem on which medium-sized fleshy leaves are collected in a rosette, and inflorescences appear from the leaf rosette.

Violet amazes with its variety of shades and riot of colors:

  • blue;
  • purple;
  • white;
  • lilac;
  • wine shade;
  • pink and others.

Violet flowers can also vary in size and shape. It all depends on the variety of perennial and the main points of caring for it. Every gardener knows that when violets appear in the house, it is necessary to follow certain “tricks” so that potted plants bloom beautifully and actively.

Variety of varieties and types

Indoor violets have a wide variety. All of them differ in size, shade of inflorescences and have some features for caring for the plant, depending on the variety.

The most popular homemade violets include the following varieties:

  • Usambara violet;
  • night violet;
  • alpine violet;
  • mini violet and others.

All of them have extraordinary beauty and attractiveness. Flower growers all over the world are trying to get such indoor flowers into their home and achieve abundant flowering in order to admire the riotous color.

Uzambara violet is one of the most common varieties of these flowers. It is not too demanding to care for, takes root well at home and is small in size. On the windowsill you can place several pots with different varieties of violets.

Within this species there are several varieties that are attractive to gardeners. They differ in the size and color of the inflorescences. As a rule, Saintpaulia blooms almost all year round and pleases the eyes of all households.

Night violet is often planted in open ground. This is a rather tall plant that has its own peculiarity. It blooms at sunset and continues to bloom throughout the night, emitting a unique aroma. When morning comes, the flowers fade.

Alpine violet or European cyclamen can be planted in a pot and cultivated as a houseplant, or can grow in open ground. It differs from its relatives in its abundant, fairly tall flowers, densely located on the stem. Bright and fragrant, they invariably attract admiring glances.

Mini violets are known for their size and variety of colors. Many small pots of such violets can be placed on the windowsill to enjoy the beauty of these flowers every day. They are quite demanding to care for, but with the right manipulations they will delight the grower with riotous flowering.

How to choose in the store?

Flower shops often sell the most common non-varietal violets, which are grown on an industrial scale. They are not too expensive, anyone can buy them in online stores.

However, if you want to become the owner of a unique, varietal violet, in this case you need to turn to private breeders for help. Such plants are stronger and more resilient and easily adapt to new conditions with proper care. They will delight the gardener for many years. Such violets are usually sold at exhibitions.

Experts do not advise choosing flowers in online show rooms. This often leads to the fact that a blooming violet, having found itself in new growing conditions, loses its inflorescences and does not take root. The gardener's grief will know no bounds if this happens.

After purchase, you should keep the label with the name of the indoor plant variety. Subsequently, if the card is lost, it will be quite difficult to restore the name of the variety and study the features of caring for it, since more than 25 thousand hybrid violets are known in the world, similar to each other.

Features of care

All the basic rules for keeping violets can be divided into several points:

  • lighting features;
  • humidity and temperature conditions;
  • watering rules;
  • growing conditions (pot, soil);
  • application of fertilizers.

Caring for violets at home is not too difficult if you study the basic points and do everything according to the rules. By following the tricks of experienced flower growers, you can get a wildly blooming flower garden or decorate your windowsill with bright, unusual violets of different varieties.

Selection of capacity

Perennial plants do not have a very large root system, so you can get by with a small flower pot. Experts try to plant young violets in a container with a diameter of approximately 5–6 cm, and adults in a container with a diameter of 10–12 cm. For miniature varieties, very small pots with a diameter three times smaller than a leaf rosette are suitable. It is very important that there is a drainage hole in the bottom of the pot.

Soil Features

Saintpaulia prefers slightly acidic soil. You can purchase it at a specialty store or make it yourself. To make the right soil for violets on your own you will need:

  • leaf soil - 1 part;
  • peat – 2 parts;
  • charcoal – 1⁄2 parts;
  • moss – 1⁄2 parts.

Small pebbles or expanded clay are placed at the bottom of the pot. This is necessary for proper drainage. You can also simply sift the garden soil and combine it with sand and use it to plant violets. The plant is replanted once a year.

Correct location of the pot

The flower loves a lot of light, but at the same time prefers diffused light, not direct sunlight. That is why for the location it is better to choose a window sill on the east or west side of the house, where there is a lot of light, but it will not negatively affect the delicate plant. In addition, the pot needs to be placed on a slight elevation. This will help avoid freezing of the root system in winter.

You will also have to care for violets at home using fluorescent lamps. The fact is that these plants need at least 10 hours of daylight. In winter, there is not enough natural light, so you will have to use special paws with diffused light.

Signs of lack of light:

  • elongated leaves;
  • twisted sheet plates;
  • pale foliage.

At the same time, you need to know that if the rosette has become denser and more twisted, there is too much light. The violet should feel comfortable in its permanent place of growth and receive everything it needs. This is the only way to get beautiful flowers.

Temperature and humidity in the room

The most comfortable temperature for violets is considered to be 20–22 degrees above zero. In winter, +18 degrees is allowed. But even in 30-degree heat, the plant does not feel too good. Stops blooming, fades and becomes wilted. In order to avoid this, carry out regular ventilation using an air conditioner or a split system that cools the air. But it is not recommended to allow drafts.

To properly care for violets, you need to provide them with sufficient humidity in the room. Usually these are quite high figures - about 50 - 60%. In addition to this, the flower pot is placed on a tray with wet expanded clay and sprayed around the plant, without getting on the leaves.
It is very important not to spray the flower itself, as this can significantly harm the Saintpaulia. During the heating season, it is better to remove the plant from the windowsill under which the radiator is located.

Features of watering and feeding violets

Decorative indoor plants require a lot of moisture. But it needs to be fed correctly so as not to spoil the root system and provide a sufficient amount of moisture. There are several options for watering violets:

  1. Through the pallet(water is poured into the pan, occupying a fourth of it, and a pot with a flower is placed there for half an hour, this time is enough for the plant to be saturated with moisture; after the process is completed, excess water can be drained);
  2. Drip method(to implement the method, a special watering can or just a plastic bottle with small diameter holes made in the lid is used, water is poured under the violet leaves until the drainage allows moisture to pass through, after which the process is completed, and excess water is drained from the pan);
  3. Dive(on too hot summer days, when all living things are languishing from the sun, you can water by immersing the flower in water for 1 hour, then allow the moisture to drain well and return the plant to its place);
  4. Wick(an interesting method of watering, which is perfect for violets, for this they take a thin cord and pass it through the drainage hole, folding the second end into a ring in the middle of the soil, then lower the lower tip of the cord into a container of water placed under the pot and covered with a lid).

All these methods help saturate the soil with moisture and provide comfortable conditions for indoor violets. In this case, you should not spray the flower. If water gets on the leaves when watering, it is better to wipe them with a dry cloth.

2 months after transplantation, the plant needs to be fed and then do this at least once a month, and during flowering - twice a month. To gain green mass, violets require nitrogen fertilizers, and for abundant flowering, a potassium-phosphorus mixture.

You can purchase complex fertilizers in specialized stores. Breeding them is quite simple, in accordance with the attached instructions. The main thing is to follow the dosage and water the plants with fertilizer at the root, without affecting the leaf rosette.

Transplanting violets

It is necessary to replant Saintpaulia after purchase if the plant is not a varietal plant and was purchased in an online market. Usually the soil there is heavily waterlogged and oversaturated with fertilizers, and the quality of the soil itself leaves much to be desired.

In other cases, if there is no urgent need for replanting, you can do this about once a year to renew the soil and provide comfortable growing conditions for the perennial. Transplantation is carried out by transferring an earthen clod, where the violet root system has already taken root and formed.

It should also be noted that violets are not replanted during flowering or bud development. This can only be done as a last resort, when certain circumstances require it. In this case, all inflorescences and unopened buds will need to be carefully removed.

Violet propagation methods

Saintpaulias reproduce quite easily. To do this, you need to cut off a leaf from the second row of the plant’s rosette with a sharp, disinfected knife. After this you need to put it in water. You can add a growth stimulator or activated carbon.

A few days later, when the first roots appear, you can plant it in cups with substrate. Fine expanded clay is poured into the bottom of the glass, and then soil is filled with the addition of perlite. The cutting is buried a couple of centimeters into the soil and covered with cling film with several holes. In this state, the cutting adapts and takes root faster.

The main reasons for the lack of flowering

You need to care for violets correctly, otherwise a phenomenon such as a lack of violet flowering may occur. This can happen for various reasons:

  • light(the lack of light negatively affects flowering, this is indicated by the curled and upward-pointing leaves of the flower, but giving too much light is also bad, since burns may appear on the delicate leaves);
  • fertilizer(excessive use of nitrogen mixtures leads to an increase in green mass, while the budding process slows down, flowering is delayed, and the use of mixtures with a high potassium content is also not allowed, this will lead to yellowing of the perennial);
  • quantity and quality of water(overwatering or lack of moisture is not allowed, this quickly affects the flowering of violets, it is also not recommended to use cold, unsettled water);
  • air humidity(in city apartments, humidity varies between 30 - 40%, this is very low for indoor violets, to avoid unpleasant consequences, you need to purchase a humidifier or simply install a saucer with wet expanded clay next to the potted plant);
  • soil quality(the soil in the pot should be easily breathable and moist; soil that is too dense can slow down the processes of budding and flowering)
  • capacity(if the pot is large, the plant will first try to grow to its pot, and only then delight the owner with beautiful flowers);
  • age(only young violets bloom profusely, from 1 to 3 years; if the age exceeds 3 years, most likely the plant will not bloom).

Proper care makes it possible to ensure proper development and active flowering of indoor plants in the proper time frame. If the violet does not bloom for a long time and there are other signs of violation of the Saintpaulia care regimen, you need to reconsider your principles of flower processing.


Violet is a very beautiful and unusually attractive potted plant, which many gardeners are trying to get their hands on. But most beginners believe that they are very whimsical and require a lot of strength and energy from the grower until they bloom. In fact, care is quite simple, the main thing is to know the basic secrets and use the accumulated experience of breeders who have been growing violets for many years.

The most beloved and common indoor plants are violet or Saintpaulia. It is popular due to the large number of colors and different shapes. This flower is not very demanding, so it is grown by many flower lovers without much effort. But there are several nuances on how to care for violets at home.

Planting and care at home

Indoor violet flowers photo

In order for a flower to bloom well and not die, it must be provided with suitable conditions throughout the year.


Saintpaulias are very fond of light, which affects the health of the plant and its bright color. But direct sun exposure to plants should be avoided. This can cause the leaves to burn very quickly. The most suitable side for the growth of this indoor flower is the north. Therefore, you should choose window sills on the north or northeast side.

You can also resort to using artificial lighting. But such light should be uniform so that during the growth period the leaves do not turn towards the light source. The lamp should be installed on top of the plant.

If it is not possible to install a lamp above the flower, then you should periodically rotate the pot on the windowsill to receive light evenly.

Based on the condition of the flower, you can determine whether it receives enough light:

  • there are a lot of leaves, the color is bright - the lighting is chosen perfectly;
  • leaves stretch upward - there is little light;
  • The leaves are curled and pale - there is not enough light.


Since violets bloom almost all year round, special attention should be paid to the temperature regime in the house. The air must be heated to at least 16°C. This temperature must be maintained constantly for the plant to bloom well. You need to be prepared for the fact that during the hot months of summer - July-August - the plant may stop blooming.

Air humidity

Saintpaulias love moist air. To do this, maintain humidity at 50% or 60%. Therefore, such a flower grows very well in the kitchen, where there is always steam in the air after cooking.

In winter, the heating season begins, the heating is turned on and the air becomes dry. Therefore, indoor flowers can be kept on a pallet by placing moisture-retaining objects under it: moss, newspapers, drainage.

In addition, you should avoid places where there is cool air. Drafts are the enemies of Saintpaulias.

Watering violets

Watering is a very important process when growing any indoor plant, and Saintpaulia is no exception. You need to water at the same time, with a certain regularity. The watering process can occur in two ways:

  • The water is at the bottom of the pot in the stand. It is left there for a while, the plant heals, the excess liquid is drained;
  • water comes from above. This should be done carefully so that the liquid does not fall on the leaves, but clearly under them.

The need for watering depends on how dry the soil is and whether the leaves underneath the plant are dry.

Watering during the warm season

In summer, Saintpaulias are watered once a day. It is advisable to water the plant in the morning so that more moisture is retained in the soil.

Watering during the cold season

In winter, the indoor plant does not need frequent watering. Once every 2-3 days is enough, and the procedure must be carried out during the day.

To water the flowers, you need water that has previously settled for 3 days. You can use filtered water, but it must match the temperature in the house, because Saintpaulias are very fragile and delicate flowers.

What soil to choose

Plants are replanted on average once a year. In this case, you should pay attention to the plants, because signs for transplantation may appear much earlier. You should inspect the plant to see if shoots have appeared, if there is plaque on the surface of the soil, if the root system is compacted. In such cases, transplantation should begin immediately.

Transplantation of violets is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. buy a new flower pot. The container must be clean and disinfected. The height of the pot can be up to 10 cm, and the diameter can be from 15 to 20 cm;
  2. prepare the ground. You can buy it in a store or make it yourself. To prepare the soil, you should take peat, black soil and sand (ratio 3:5:1). Next, the prepared mixture must be disinfected using a manganese solution. Before planting, the soil must be moistened;
  3. prepare the plant. Pre-moisten the soil of the flower and carefully remove it from the pot. Then inspect the rhizome and remove damaged roots;
  4. perform a transplant. To do this, drainage is poured onto the bottom of the flowerpot. Next, pour out a small layer of prepared soil, install the root of the plant and begin to slowly add soil, compacting it a little. After the soil completely covers the Saintpaulia root, it is moistened.

The best time to transplant is spring. Flowering plants can also be replanted.

Plant nutrition

Young flower growers often ask: how to feed violets? Specialized stores have a lot of products for feeding plants. But you can also use everyday things as fertilizer for violets, for example:

  • Black tea;
  • citrus peel;
  • coffee grounds;
  • sugar;
  • onion;
  • yeast.

You need to feed the flower during growth, but not more often than after 14 days. Also, if the appearance of the plant requires additional care, you can fertilize it.

Pot care and pruning

Violet plant photo

In order for the plant to bloom well, it is necessary to form the correct rosette. To do this, only 3 rows of leaves are left, the rest (lower ones) are cut off. They are much weaker than the upper ones and darker. After that. As the leaves are cut off, the trunk of the plant will be exposed. It can be buried in the ground or left as is, and the decorative appearance of the plant will change slightly.

You also need to remove dry and yellow leaves, as well as flower stalks that have already faded. Such care will contribute to the healthy growth of your indoor pet.

How to propagate

To ensure that the entire window sill in the house is decorated with brightly flowering plants, you can grow them yourself. There are 4 main methods of propagation: seeds, cuttings, leaves and peduncles. The most common method is propagation by leaves. Therefore, many people ask the question - how to grow a violet from a leaf at home? You should select a suitable leaf, separate it from the plant and immerse it in water. When the roots of the leaves reach 4 to 7 cm, it can be planted. Such a root can bloom only after 1 year.

How to plant at home

First you need to free the flower from the pot. This must be done extremely carefully so as not to damage the root. If the leaves grow very low, they can be trimmed. Each Saintpaulia bush requires a separate container; in extreme cases, you can plant 2 cuttings in 1 container. After planting the separated flowers, they should be placed in a well-lit and warm place to allow them to take root.

Pests and diseases

If problems arise with the development of your indoor “pet,” you should determine the cause of the disease before choosing a treatment method:

Particular attention should be paid to the conditions under which the plant is kept, the condition of the soil and the watering regime. Perhaps something needs to be changed and improved.

The main pests that affect Saintpaulias are:

  • mealybug;
  • woodlice;
  • mosquitoes;
  • mites;
  • thrips.

The danger of pests is that they cannot be identified immediately. This takes a long time and the plant dies. Therefore, you need to constantly carefully monitor the condition of the flower for its successful growth.

Violets are considered a symbol of eternal love, peace and constancy. The French have a legend about Napoleon and Josephine, which describes how such flowers constantly haunt them, even after death. And in Germany every year they celebrate the festival of violets on the first Sunday of March. In addition to their decorative beauty, these flowers are also used in medicine to treat problems with the kidneys, lungs and skin.

Violets (Saintpaulias) are very popular among a large number of gardeners. These small compact plants amaze with the beauty of their cute flowers that can decorate any room.

If violets are properly cared for, they will cause absolutely no trouble to their owner. Many flower growers collect entire collections of these spectacular flowers, since there are a great many varieties and varieties of them. Despite the fact that the collection may contain a large number of specimens, caring for them is quite simple. The fact is that they need to be cared for in the same way, and this, of course, makes the life of a “collector”, and even a simple gardener, much easier.

Suitable lighting

Such flowers are very delicate, fragile and they need warmth. It is only possible to successfully grow violets indoors if they have enough light. Before you start breeding these “little beauties,” you need to evaluate the quality of lighting in your home. If you cannot provide the violets with enough light, then it is better not to start growing them. The fact is that how well they grow and develop is affected by the lighting.

Experienced gardeners recommend choosing a place in the house that is very well lit, while these plants need diffused soft light. It should be remembered that violets can be damaged by direct rays of the sun, so they should be placed on a south-facing window with great care. In this case, it is recommended to shade them. This is quite simple to do; you need to close the window with a light curtain to the height of the violets.

If you spend a long time in the kitchen, then the pots with these cute flowers can also be moved to this room. The fact is that violet is perfect for a bright kitchen room with high air humidity. In addition to the fact that the flowers themselves will look much better in the kitchen, they can also make this room much more comfortable and beautiful.

You can tell that violets do not have enough light by their appearance. Outwardly they will become faded and lethargic. The leaf plates will begin to stretch upward, and the cuttings will be pulled out. In general, such changes will have an extremely negative impact on the appearance of the outlet.

In winter, when the days are shortened, it is recommended for violets to provide additional lighting. For this, fluorescent lamps are used. Daylight hours for such flowers should be approximately 13–14 hours.

In a special store you can purchase a soil mixture intended for growing violets. It's incredibly light. However, it has one big disadvantage, namely, during watering, the liquid does not saturate the substrate, but simply flows down the walls of the container in which the flower grows.

The way out of this situation is to prepare the soil mixture for planting with your own hands. To do this, you need to sift the garden soil and pour a small amount of sand into it. Then it should be calcined in the oven to remove pests and pathogens. It is also important to make a good drainage layer of expanded clay at the bottom of the container. In this case, there will be no stagnation of liquid in the root system after watering.

There are a large number of varieties and types of violets and many of them differ not only in color and shape, but also in size. However, despite the fact that some bushes may be smaller and others larger, the root system of all of them is equally small. In this regard, to plant such a flower you need to choose a compact pot. If you plant a violet in a large container, then it will grow for a long time and its flowering will not come very soon.

However, it should be remembered that a too small pot is also undesirable for this plant, because it will not be able to develop normally. For young rosettes and children, a pot with a diameter of 5–6 centimeters is suitable. An adult violet should be planted in a pot with a diameter of 10 to 12 centimeters.

Also, when choosing a pot, you should take into account the type of plant. They are divided by size:

  • subminiature - rosette diameter less than 7 centimeters;
  • miniature - diameter less than 20 centimeters;
  • large - a rosette of more than 40 centimeters.

Flower growers who have considerable experience apply the following rule regarding violets: you need to choose a pot whose diameter will be 3 times smaller than the rosette of the flower.

Many gardeners hesitate to grow these flowers simply because they have no idea how to water them correctly. Violets are quite capricious regarding watering. It should be remembered that such a plant does not like excessively frequent watering, drafts, or severe drying of the substrate.

The frequency of watering depends on the season. So, in a week the violet needs to be watered 1 or 2 times. The water must be soft, well-settled and at room temperature. When watering normally (not through a tray), great care must be taken. The fact is that if droplets of moisture fall on the leaves or petioles, rot may begin to develop.

It is best to water the flower through a tray. To do this, you need to pour liquid into it to a height of 2/3 of the height of the pot itself. After 20–30 minutes. do not forget to pour out the remaining liquid from the pan, because otherwise the roots may rot.

Never use a spray bottle to moisten violets. However, such flowers prefer high humidity. The way out of this situation is an open container filled with water, which must be placed in close proximity to the plant. Instead, you can take a wet cloth or sponge.

Once every 4–8 weeks, these flowers can be given a shower for hygienic purposes. After this, it is necessary to remove from the plant all moisture that has not drained away. To do this, remove all droplets and carefully inspect the growing points of the flowers so that they are dry.

Reproduction methods

Cuttings are the best way to propagate Saintpaulias. In this case, the cuttings can be immediately planted in the soil mixture, and they should take root fairly quickly and easily.

It is necessary to plant leaves with young roots very carefully. The fact is that the roots are very fragile and are easily injured. The cuttings are planted in the soil mixture for violets at an angle of 45⁰. It must be covered with a cap on top, which must be transparent. Before young leaves appear, the plant should be in conditions close to greenhouse ones.

The soil of violets should be renewed once every 2–3 years. To do this, the bush must be freed from the pot and old soil. Rinse in the shower, first removing old and diseased leaves. Then it is planted in an old pot filled with fresh soil.


For abundant flowering, Saintpaulia requires potassium and phosphorus, and for the growth of leaf blades, nitrogen. While the plant is young, it is fed more with nitrogen fertilizer, but an adult specimen needs more phosphorus-potassium fertilizer. Do not add too much nitrogen to a pot of mature violets, as this may cause it to fail to bloom.

Such a plant can get sick if it is not cared for properly. Yellowing of foliage can begin due to excessively low air humidity or due to direct sunlight. If there is excessive humidity or low temperature, rot may appear on the roots and foliage, which can cause the development of fusarium and gray rot.

The plant is also susceptible to powdery mildew. And among the pests that can settle on it are aphids, nematodes, mites, thrips, and fools.

The affected leaves need to be cut off, and then the plant itself should be treated. To “treat” violets, you can use Agravertin, Fitoverm and Fundazol (depending on the disease).

For a beginning florist, violets are an excellent choice; planting and caring for them at home should not cause any difficulties. Violets (Saintpaulias) were previously grown as garden plants. They began to be grown indoors only in the last century. They look beautiful in a pot, do not require labor-intensive care, and if you create the right conditions for them, they will bloom magnificently and for a long time.

What should the external environment be like for a violet?

You can often hear from beginners that we grow flowers according to all the rules, but they don’t want to bloom. This happens if something is missed in creating an external environment suitable for violets. Firstly, these flowers love good lighting. Daylight hours for them should last at least 10 hours. But these flowers do not like direct sunlight, and therefore they are shaded. The light needs to be diffused. In winter, when the duration of daylight is less than the violet needs, additional lighting is used - fluorescent lamps.

Violet is sensitive to air humidity. It is necessary to place a cup of water next to the flower pots.

The indoor violet is a heat-loving plant. From spring to early autumn, it is necessary that the room temperature be +20...+22°C. In winter, the temperature should not be lower than +18…+20°C. Drafts are contraindicated for this plant. At the same time, violets need fresh air, so the room needs to be ventilated regularly, but flower pots will have to be moved to another room at this time.

Watering: choosing a method

Caring for violets also means proper watering. If it is too abundant, the plant may become sick, and the root may begin to rot. The soil in the flower pot should not dry out and become a hardened lump, so on average you need to water it 2-3 times a week. This is a general rule, and in each specific case the frequency of watering depends on the humidity of the room, the time of year and the material from which the pot is made.

There are 3 main watering options:

  • ordinary,
  • pallet
  • wick.

The last method is convenient because with the right settings, the violet can be watered once a week or less.

The wick method involves the use of a cord that absorbs moisture from a container of water and ensures its flow into the pot with the substrate. This allows you to maintain the proper level of humidity and at the same time prevents root rotting. The wick method allows you to smooth out changes in housing conditions, for example, in late spring, when sudden heat begins.

The wick method has many advantages. It provides good conditions for the growth and development of violets - the plants bloom earlier and bloom more abundantly. This method allows you to provide plants not only with water, but also with nutrients, while the dosage of fertilizer is calculated and the appropriate aqueous solution is made. The method ensures that the violet receives all nutrients and moisture evenly.

This type of watering also has its disadvantages. If the diameter of the cord and the material from which it is made are selected incorrectly, and the wick absorbs more water than necessary, this will lead to waterlogging of the substrate and rotting of the roots. During the cold season, if you simply leave the violet on the windowsill, very cold water will flow through the wick, which can also negatively affect the condition of the plant’s roots, so you will have to move the pots with violets to where they will be warmer.

Breeding violets at home with wick watering can be associated with some difficulties. When using this method, the rosette becomes larger. If the grower grows only a few rosettes, this does not matter much. But if he grows many varieties at once, then enlarging the rosette reduces his capabilities - there is not enough space for all the varieties. In addition, if violets are grown not on window sills, but on racks, then difficulties may arise with the additional load that a container of water will create. You need to find a place for it and select it so that there are gaps between the container and the pots.

Due to the difficulties that arise with the wick method in cold weather, many experienced gardeners switch to another method of watering for the winter, most often the tray method, since it is much simpler.

Subbottom watering assumes that water will not fall on the above-ground part of the violet. Direct contact is generally excluded here. Warm water is poured into a tray on which pots of violets are placed. When it is clear that the soil is saturated with moisture (but no later than 15 minutes from the start of the procedure), the water can be drained from the pan.

Caring for violets at home also involves choosing a watering method after analyzing all the advantages and disadvantages of each method. Some gardeners choose tray watering as the easiest method.

How to properly care for violets? This flower, like other plants, needs to be washed regularly to remove dust, literally leaf by leaf. This is done approximately once a month. But after this procedure, the leaves need to be dried - paper napkins are used for this.

Violet is very sensitive to water temperature and its quality, so for both irrigation and showering it is better to use water that has been previously settled for 2 days, then boiled and cooled to a temperature of +18... 22 °C.

Plant nutrition

In order for Saintpaulia to bloom beautifully, you need to feed it with mineral fertilizers. They do this only 2 times a year. In spring, violets are fed during the period of active growth. The second time this is done after it has faded, that is, in the fall. In winter, the plant, when it is at rest, does not need to be fed. Complex mineral fertilizers are used for this.

During transplantation, plants use a small amount of humus or humus for feeding. It should also be noted that only mature plants need to be fed.

How to replant a violet?

This flower needs to be replanted no more than once every 3 years. The plant periodically needs fresh soil. You can buy a special substrate for violets in the store, or you can take garden soil that has undergone special treatment against pests. There should be a layer of drainage at the bottom of the pot. The pot itself is selected so that its diameter is 2-3 times smaller than the diameter of the plant. In a container that is too large, the violet simply will not bloom.

To replant, the soil should be moist, but not stick to your hands. For replanting, you can only use new pots so that the plant does not become infected. Contrary to popular belief, it is better to use plastic pots than glossy ceramic ones.

For replanting, loose soil mixed with sand or peat is required. Expanded clay is used for the drainage layer. When transplanting, the violet is planted so that its lower leaves barely touch the surface of the ground. For some time after this, the plant needs to be covered with plastic film, creating greenhouse conditions for it. You can water only the next day after transplanting. But you need to ventilate regularly so that condensation does not collect under the film.

Propagation of violets by cuttings

The most popular option is propagation of violets by cuttings. It is best to choose a leaf from the middle of the rosette, that is, neither too young nor too old. It can be pinched off or carefully cut with a small sharp knife so as not to damage the plant and not leave a tall stump. You need to cut the cutting as close to the ground as possible.

It is desirable that the cutting be at least 47 cm long. It must be cut obliquely, at an angle of 45°. If the cutting surface is 2-4 cm long, this will be enough for the leaf to take root well and produce more rosettes.

Not all leaves take root, so it is advisable to take 2-3 leaves from the variety you like at once, if possible. It is not at all necessary to buy a pot to root such a leaf. You can get by with disposable plastic cups or yogurt containers. It is best to take shallow glasses. If you have a shallow container with a large diameter, then several leaves can be planted in one container at once. The distance between them should be at least 5 cm so that it is convenient to dig them out later.

Not all violets propagate equally well from cuttings. There are so-called chimeras - these are varietal flowers of unusual colors. Their leaves take root well, but they do not retain the coloring or beautiful shape of the leaves.

How to grow a violet from a leaf, in the ground or in water, is of interest to many novice gardeners. In fact, both methods are equivalent. In both cases, this environment must be disinfected, for example, using activated carbon. If the cutting is placed in water, you need to ensure that it does not rot. The water should be warm, but not hot. The roots of the leaf will appear in about 1-2 weeks, and then it can be planted in the ground. Some gardeners wait longer - until new shoots appear, and this happens after about 1-2 months of being in water. Shoots appear from the cutting site. If the grower decides to wait for them to appear, then he still needs to make sure that they grow enough so that they are not covered with soil when planting. Do not dig the cuttings too deep, otherwise the sprouts will not appear soon. The maximum depth is 1.5 cm.

Some people believe that violets germinated in water will bloom faster. In fact, this is a controversial issue. Experienced flower growers who know how to care for violets at all stages of the development of this plant will probably say that when grown in water, there is always a risk that the cuttings will begin to rot. The quality of water does not always meet the requirements of this plant.


Rooting violets in the ground has its advantages. But there is also a nuance here: you need to choose a super-light substrate, looser than what is usually used for “adult” violets. The soil mixture will have to be prepared independently using a special soil for Saintpaulias, to which clean river sand (pre-calcined) is added. You can also use sphagnum moss for this; it is also sold in flower shops. Moss, even if it is fresh, needs to be lightly baked in the oven to disinfect it. To prevent it from burning, it needs to be laid out on food foil.

The substrate should be regularly watered with warm water so that it does not dry out. Rooting in soil occurs more slowly than in water, but the risk of root rot is eliminated. The seedling should be kept away from drafts. Direct sunlight is contraindicated for him. It is recommended to make a greenhouse for it, covering it with plastic film. Approximately 2 months after rooting, when the grown shoots are already visible, the plant must be transplanted into a permanent container, having previously treated both it and the plant itself with special agents against pests and fungi.

Violet is one of the most common plants among amateur gardeners. It is difficult to grow it without special knowledge, but if you follow the recommendations, it will bloom regularly and have beautiful, healthy greenery.

Botanical characteristics of Saintpaulia

The species that so many housewives now grow is called Uzambara violets. They were first discovered in eastern Africa at the end of the 19th century. The German soldier Walter Saint-Paul saw this plant taking root in moss on a stone.

He collected the seeds and sent them to Germany, where his scientific father grew the flower with the help of the director of the local botanical garden. Subsequently, the flower was named in honor of the discoverers - Saintpaulia.

The indoor violet belongs to the Gesnerieceae family. Most plants of this family are perennials, inhabitants of the neotropics region, which includes all of South America, Australia, India and some regions of Africa.

Under natural conditions, violets live near rivers and waterfalls, the splashes and moisture of which float in the air, providing the plant with water, because the violet can absorb it with its leaves and roots.

The ornamental plant tries to hide in the shade of tall trees so that the scorching rays of the tropical sun do not burn its delicate fluffy leaves with small hairs and flowers.

Varieties of violets for home cultivation

In the wild you can find about 20 types of Saintpaulias, differing in the shape and color of the leaves, the color of the peduncle and its shape. For home growing, you can choose any variety and even create multi-colored compositions from them, because caring for indoor violets at home in a pot is almost the same. If you learn to care for one species, you will have to do the same with others.

There are Saintpaulias:

  • According to the size of the socket - up to 8 cm, up to 15, up to 20 and standard 20 - 40 cm in diameter.
  • According to flower size – small-, medium-, large-flowered and especially large.
  • According to the shape of the flower structure - wasp, bell, pansy, classic violet and 2 star shapes – classic and round.
  • According to the degree of “curly” peduncles: double, semi-double, simple, comb, clove.

Moreover, each subspecies can have several colors. There are two-color violets.

Genus Pansy

The flowers are double at the edges, most often arranged in two rows - small on top, larger on the bottom.

Variety Lions Pirates Treasure

The middle of the flower is bright pink. There is a purple border around the edge. A semi-double variety whose leaves also have a wavy texture along the edges.

Cinderella's Dream

The flowers are white, with a lilac edge, semi-double. The edges are jagged. The leaves are wavy.

Melody Kimi

The variety is deep blue in color with a light center.


A variety of Pansies with petals of the same size, arranged in one row. The variety is classified as semi-double.

Caves Heavenly Star

Six-petalled, pink flower. The color resembles Lions Pirates Treasure, but the petals are arranged in one row.

Goddess of beauty

Belongs to terry varieties. It has a large rosette diameter and dark pink flowers, the petals of which are arranged in 3 rows above each other.

The magic of love

Purple terry Saintpaulias with white edging on the petals. The rosette is large and consists of dark green leaves.

Black Prince

The flowers of this double variety are brownish-burgundy in color. The yellow stamens in the center stand out brightly against the background of the languid color of the petals.


Terry tricolor: petals of lilac, pink and white.


White-pink semi-double flowers with ruffled edges. The leaves are light green in color with elongated petioles. If the ambient temperature rises, the pink tint disappears from the color - the flowers turn white.

Austin smile

The rosette is compact, consisting of dark green pubescent leaves. The flowers are large, pale pink, the petals are arranged in one row. Along the edge there is a thin border of bright pink color.

Flower shape - bell

Violets, whose flowers resemble bells in shape, are not able to fully open due to the structural features of the peduncle: the fused bases of the petals. There are several specimens of this species worthy of home breeding.


Flowers are cornflower blue with wavy edges. The variety is classified as semi-double. The leaves have decorative value: they have a white edge on a dark green background.

Sea wolf

Why they gave such a name to soft lilac terry violets is not clear. The variety has a large dark green bunch of leaves in a rosette. Blooms luxuriantly. The petals are wavy, arranged in 2 rows. With proper care they grow up to 8 cm in diameter.


One of the easiest types of violets to care for. It blooms magnificently, producing several buds at once. The color is blue with pink spots. It is impossible to find two completely identical flowers.

Variety of violets "Chalice"

These are some of the most beautiful varieties with different colors and peduncle shapes. The bases of the petals are less fused than those of bells, but the flowers do not fully open, maintaining the shape of a wide bowl.

Ming Dynasty

The most beautiful variety of this type of violet: white peduncles with a pink tint along the edge of heavily corrugated large leaves.

Bu Meng

Varieties of violets are double and semi-double. The flowers are light blue. The petals are arranged in several rows, have a round shape, not corrugated.

Varieties of violets "Osa"

The peduncles are distinguished by an unusual structure: the two upper shortened petals have the shape of a tube. The other three elongated ones hang down.

Lily White

The flowers are completely white, the petals are separated. They are narrower than other varieties. The rosette is small, but the peduncles are large - up to 4 cm.


Purple flower stalks with an unusual shape: a tube and two ordinary petals. The leaves are dark green, vesicular in structure.


Saintpaulias are a deep purple hue, very wavy at the edges. The lower part of the peduncle is pink.

Spring care

Caring for violets in a pot at home is to ensure that they bloom. If the plant produces buds, it means it is healthy and has strong immunity. This is influenced by several factors:

  • Proper watering. Violets should not be watered from above so that water gets into the internodes, leaves, and buds. This causes tissue rotting due to fungal infection.
  • Lighting. Direct sunlight in summer is especially dangerous for violets. They cause leaf burns. A damaged plant will not bloom.
  • Feeding. To grow buds, Saintpaulias consume a lot of nutrients, especially potassium and phosphorus, but ordinary fertilizers are not suitable for them - you need to buy a mixture for violets. In addition, it is necessary to maintain an acidic soil environment, since excess carbonates leads to withering of plants.
  • Proper planting in a pot. You cannot replant violets into large pots, because they spend all their energy on growing the root system, so they forget to bloom at the right time.

Video: Violets for beginners

In the spring, when the plant wakes up, all the main activities are carried out with it. How to care for violets at home, to bloom all summer long:

  • At the beginning of March, it is necessary to feed those plants that are not planned to be replanted with a mixture for violets. It is carried out by watering at the root. Before fertilizing, moisten the soil, then drain the remaining liquid from the pan. The soil should be constantly moist, but without stagnant water.
  • In the spring, the rosettes are thinned out - the lower leaves that formed first are removed. They won't grow anymore, so there's no point in wasting nutrients on them.
  • In the spring, those violets that have grown since last year are replanted.

If plants are transplanted into new soil, fertilizing is not carried out.

Summer events

How to care for violets in the summer at home:

  • Periodic bathing to remove dust from fuzzy leaves. It is carried out in hot weather to dry faster. Flowers cannot be washed - only leaves. The soil is covered with film. Enough 2 baths per month.
  • In summer, fertilizing is carried out once a month with a complex mixture with a low amount of nitrogen.

In summer, Saintpaulias are shaded from direct sunlight on the windowsill.

Autumn care

In autumn, plants are propagated and planted in separate pots. The last fertilizing can be done in November to stimulate bud formation and the roots to gain strength after flowering. During the winter months, partial shade is suitable for violets, as the formation of chlorophyll slows down, so a lot of light is not needed.

Propagation of Saintpaulia

Propagation of violets by leaves at home is carried out in cases where it is necessary to save the plant after improper care. If the cuttings begin to rot and no stepson have grown, there is only one way left - leaf.

To do this, take a sheet, cut off all the rotten parts and lay it on the ground. Place a glass of soil under a plastic bag and wait for roots to form (for this, the leaf must have veins from which they grow).

Cuttings are a propagation method in which the entire leaf with stem is used. How to propagate violets, step-by-step process:

  • A leaf with a stem breaks off from a violet.
  • Placed in water to grow roots. Can be stimulated by root, epin. An activated carbon tablet is placed in the water to prevent the cuttings from rotting.
  • Transplanted into the ground.

Stepchildren grow from strong, healthy violets. They are cut and placed in water to grow roots, then planted in pots.

Chimera violets, which have stripes of a different color on the main petal color, can only be propagated by peduncles. These are rare varieties that do not retain their maternal characteristics when propagated by cuttings and leaves. You need to choose a flower that is in bloom or one that is already fading. It is cut off and wrapped in damp sphagnum moss.

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