Liquid wood has many advantages. Let's talk about what it consists of, where it can be used, what to look for when buying this material, and also how to make it yourself.

What is liquid wood made from?

Of course, real wood cannot be liquid. This phrase means wood-polymer composite (WPC) - a new building material, which includes the following components:

  • crushed wood base (sawdust, shavings, etc.),
  • connecting part (polyethylene, polypropylene and so on),
  • additives (additives).

Moreover, the wood itself can be contained in WPC up to 80 percent. Moreover, this is not freshly cut material, but waste from lumber production. That is, during the production of WPC, not a single tree was actually harmed.

The strength of products made from liquid wood sometimes exceeds even that of laminated veneer lumber. Indeed, thermoplastic polymers act as a binder during the manufacturing process, sintering particles of sawdust and shavings into a monolithic mass.

Well, the most interesting component of this alloy is the additives. They protect the wood base from fungus, mold and moisture. They are the ones who paint the products a pleasant “woody” color. Additives also make it possible to foam WPC, resulting in a light but durable mass.

To mix all the components, WPC manufacturers only need to heat the composition until it liquefies and provoke the effect of co-polymerization. After which the hot mass is poured into the mold. And after this casting has cooled, during which forced cooling is allowed, we get finished product– wood polymer.

Where can I use WPC?

Wood polymer has the properties of natural and man-made materials. It looks and smells like wood and does not rot, react to temperature fluctuations or be destroyed by ultraviolet light like plastic.

Products made from wood plastic have found their application in both construction and design. WPC makes an excellent base for flooring. Liquid wood boards can even be used to lay open terrace. And they will not warp or crack from the cold or rot from rain or snow. You can also cast blanks or parts for furniture items from wood polymer. And they will hold the load better than particle boards.

In addition, elements of external and internal decor are made from WPC. Additives do not affect environmental friendliness; polyethylene is even used food industry, and wood is the most favorable option for human health of all building materials. Therefore, finishing from WPC will be more appropriate than plastic panels or vinyl wallpaper. Although similar option will require good ventilation of a room trimmed with wood-plastic.

In addition, this material does not burn well and tolerates proximity to brick or concrete. Where the tree begins to draw moisture and rot, the WPC lies and does its job for 40-50 years. That is why wood plastic is very promising finishing material for external work.

In a word, natural wood there is only one undeniable advantage over the liquid analogue - low cost. WPC boards and products are slightly more expensive than natural wood materials. However, given the fact that lumber with similar durability and strength can only be obtained from valuable species wood, the price difference is not as staggering as it might seem.

How to make WPC with your own hands

To do this you need to do the following:
  1. 1. Take sawdust. Moreover, the type of base is not important here - you can take both pine and oak shavings.
  2. 2. Pour the chopped wood into a coffee grinder (preferably electric) and grind it into “flour”.
  3. 3. Prepare a container for mixing. This could be a basin, a bucket, or a small jar.
  4. 4. Pour wood “flour” into a container and fill it with PVA glue. Moreover, if you need high strength, use not stationery, but construction compounds or wood glues based on them.
  5. 5. Beat the mixture with a mixer until smooth. For large volumes it can be a construction mixer.

If the composition turns out to be too liquid, you need to add sawdust. If you get a very thick mass, add PVA glue.

True, according to the above recipe, you will not get a full-fledged wood-plastic material, but its analogue. But in structure and basic qualities homemade material will practically not differ from the factory one. It can be used to seal holes, stakes and other defects in real WPC, as well as for casting decorative elements, not bearing operational load.

When sealing defects with self-made WPC, the following technology is used: a chip or hole is applied to the damage site and filled with the resulting mass, using a rubber spatula to grout joints in the tiles. After hardening, the remaining mass is sanded with fine-grained sandpaper and painted to match the color of the surface.

To pour homemade WPC into a mold, use a liquid composition that resembles the consistency of a concrete solution. Moreover, to squeeze bubbles out of the casting, the filled mold passes through a vibration stand. After which it is left alone until completely dry. Small defects on the surface of the casting can be filled with glue or sanded.

Inspect the board or other liquid wood product. If there are light dots on its surface, then you have a product of dubious quality, since such a defect signals poor-quality grinding and kneading of wood flour. Under open air such a product will not last long. The dots will begin to turn black, attracting rot and moisture, after several years of use.

Pay attention to the texture of the product. For finishing, they often prefer to use a smooth, almost polished surface. For flooring Smooth boards should not be used under any circumstances, they are very dangerous. It is best to take a rough version, even with corrugation applied.

If possible, find out the composition of the wood flour used in the production of WPC. Best option– wood waste hardwood. Such materials burn poorly. But the resinous ones conifers will reduce fire safety your home to several points at once.

Look at the color of the product. It should be uniform. Spots, light areas and other defects indicate poor mixing of the components. Such a board looks bad and is inferior in strength even to ordinary wood, not to mention high-quality WPC.

Find out what warranties are provided. Reliable manufacturers provide a guarantee of 20-25 years. If in the specification to the board we're talking about about 4-5 years, then there are obvious mistakes in the composition of such a wood polymer. Try to refuse such a purchase.

If you follow these tips, the purchased WPC products will not disappoint you for 30-40 years of service.

It's no secret that natural wood has a rather limited service life and is very susceptible to all kinds of aggressive natural factors. This is precisely what explains the desire of people to find a wood substitute that is similar in properties, but superior in quality. The result of one of the attempts to create artificial wood became the so-called liquid tree", which will be discussed in this article, in which, together with the website, we will study in detail all its advantages and disadvantages, understand the properties and determine the scope of application of this material.

What is wood polymer composite

Wood-polymer composite: what is it and what is it for?

WPC or, as this material is also called, “liquid wood” is the latest development of the chemical industry, which combines all best qualities wood and polymers. If you look at the composition of this material, it contains wood, ground into dust, and a natural or artificial polymer, which is a binding element.

In some cases, the composition of the wood-polymer composite includes chemical additives that improve certain properties of this material. If we look at the composition in more detail, the wood component in “liquid wood” contains up to 80% - this material, in essence, is made from waste from the wood processing industry. IN progress is underway everything - sawdust, twigs, and substandard conditions.

Wood plastic decking board photo

The most interesting thing about this material is that in processing it is completely identical to natural wood - it is sawed, planed, sanded, holes are drilled in it, nails are hammered into it, screws are screwed in and they can even be chopped with an ax. In general, in its basic qualities, wood plastic is close to wood, although with some reservations, expressed in the advantages that composite materials give it.

Gazebo made of wood-polymer composite photo

As for the scope of application of wood-polymer composite, it is used instead of wood in almost all areas where it is used. There is no point in listing the entire scope of application of this material, since it is quite extensive. As for construction, high-quality floors are made from it and used as a material for wall cladding.

Moreover, along with already finished products(boards, slats and other products), “liquid wood” paint is also produced from this material, which not only imitates the structure of wood, but also makes any surface inaccessible to external factors.

Wood polymer composite boards photo

Advantages and disadvantages of wood-polymer composite

Let's get straight to the point and look at all the benefits that we get when using wood plastic. There are not so few of them:

  • Firstly, moisture resistance, which is several times higher than that of natural wood.
  • Secondly, strength and wear resistance. The surface of the wood-polymer composite not only does not wear off, thin women’s heels with metal heels do not even leave any marks on it. In addition, WPC is a non-slip material, unlike varnished boards.

Scope of application of wood-plastic: decking boards

  • Thirdly, it is resistant to temperature changes. Manufacturers claim that liquid wood can withstand temperatures from -50˚С to +180˚С - there is no need to test it, it is better to take their word for it. In addition, the polymer components that make up wood plastic perfectly resist fungus and mold and do not provide food or shelter for countless insects.
  • Fourthly, ease of installation, which is practically no different from working with wood.
  • Fifthly, ease of care. Unlike natural wood, WPC does not require periodic painting or varnishing, and certainly does not require scraping or sanding.
  • Sixth, durability. If, again, we talk about floor coverings made of this material, then, according to manufacturers, a high-quality wood-polymer composite can last for half a century without losing its original appearance. As a rule, a natural wood floor requires repainting and minor repairs after 3–5 years.

In general, it looks like humanity has once again found an ideal material that has no flaws. Except for one thing - the cost, which, as a rule, does not fall below $80 for one square meter. Although, if you compare it with wood and take into account everything above listed benefits, it's not very expensive.

Practical “wood-like” covering made of wood-polymer composite photo

How to make liquid wood with your own hands: technology features

Another important advantage of the wood-polymer composite is that it is quite easy to make at home. Of course, this will not be the same material that is produced at the factory, but it is quite possible to make its simplest analogue with your own hands. Ask why is this necessary? Well, at least to repair the cabinet door from which the canopy was torn out by its roots. You can’t just screw a self-tapping screw into a dilapidated chipboard, but liquid wood is quite capable of restoring its former strength.

How to make a liquid tree with your own hands photo

Making liquid wood with your own hands is quite simple - all you need is sawdust and PVA. Yes, yes, almost all craftsmen whose work is, in one way or another, connected with wood are familiar with this material. Sawdust is ground into dust using an ordinary coffee grinder and mixed with PVA to obtain a thick paste.

Subsequently, this paste is applied to the damaged area of ​​​​wood and, after it hardens (3-4 hours), it is sanded with sandpaper. In addition, if it is necessary to give color to this material, then a dye is added to the paste. If you choose the right color, then with the help of such homemade putty you can easily eliminate defects even in or.

How to repair a hole in furniture using liquid wood

Wood-polymer composite, no matter what the manufacturers claim, is not a panacea and cannot completely replace natural wood. In some cases it quality characteristics, of course, will turn out to be indispensable, but, alas, they will not help in others. For example, this material is the least suitable for manufacturing.

Construction on suburban area is not limited solely to the construction residential building. Associated buildings for recreation, storage and auxiliary work are also constructed, for which appropriate building materials with the necessary characteristics are selected.

From the materials that are used on fresh air, requires thorough strength, durability and resistance to impact environment. Therefore, for the construction of buildings such as terraces, gazebos and open areas, choose the most quality material. And first of all, this concerns the floor covering, which experiences a greater load in comparison with other elements of the building.


For flooring of buildings located on outdoors, the reliability of the material is extremely important. Therefore, solid wood boards are usually used to make flooring. However, more recently, a new building material has appeared that has better characteristics.

This is a WPC decking board that has all the advantages natural material in the absence of its shortcomings. High performance characteristics are successfully combined with ease of installation and lack of costs during use. WPC production volumes are growing every year, for example, one of the leaders in WPC production in Russia, the Smart Decking company, produced only 10,000 m2 per year in 2008, and in 2016 it was already about 60,000 m2.

The production of WPC involves the use of two types of raw materials - wood (mainly shavings) and polymer. This combination made it possible to achieve unique strength and durability of the material.

What to choose: natural wood decking or WPC?

To understand which is better - wood-polymer composites or solid wood, it is necessary to consider and compare the characteristics of both materials.

The durability of WPC boards is about 40-50 years, while solid wood boards are about 15-20. But only if wooden board properly soaked by everyone protective equipment. In this case, wood requires not only initial treatment with varnish or paint, but also periodic renewal of the coating. WPC decking boards in this regard are not only more convenient, but also profitable to use, since they do not require additional care during use.

The main advantages of wood-polymer composite

In addition to durability, WPC has a number of additional advantages that lead to its use as a floor covering for buildings located in the open air:

How much does a WPC board cost?

It makes sense to separately mention the cost of WPC. At first glance, a facade board made of wood-polymer composite seems prohibitively expensive. However, if we take into account the fact that a significant part of the costs for additional consumables It’s just not necessary; in the end it turns out that decking from WPC is quite profitable.

In addition, installation of flooring is so simple that you can do it yourself without the involvement of a specialist. The board can be laid on almost any substrate with the exception of waterlogged soil. However, after conducting a qualitative drainage system and this problem is being solved.

Is it really expensive?

WPC board, the price of which is slightly higher in comparison with solid wood, perfectly compensates for this disadvantage with its resistance to environmental influences. This material does not swell from high humidity, does not fade under sunlight and does not dry out from high temperatures.

The estimated cost of wood-polymer composites varies between 300-470 rubles. for linear meter depending on the manufacturer and brand of the product. Another factor influencing the cost of a board is the type of wood used in its manufacture. The more valuable the wood, the more amount, which will have to be paid for the material for construction.

Operating conditions for WPC boards

Even such a material that is unpretentious to the conditions of use has its limitations in operation:

  • WPC decking boards are not used in areas with permanent high humidity without access to wind and sun rays. Decking in mandatory must be ventilated periodically. Otherwise, even this building material may become moldy.
  • It is absolutely unacceptable to use composite decking while constantly being in water.
  • And the last limitation. Do not use the material in rooms where frequent and large temperature changes are possible, for example, in a steam room. This may cause the board to become deformed.

I must say that even though the decking is made of wood polymer composites practically does not fade in the sun, slight discoloration is still possible.

From all of the above we can conclude that the rather high cost decking boards made from wood-polymer composites will pay for itself later due to the durability of the material. While a solid wood coating will deteriorate much earlier. Therefore, we can say with confidence that the future lies with the DPK.

Materials based on several components, which determines their operational and technological characteristics. Composites are based on a matrix based on metal, polymer or ceramic. Additional reinforcement is performed with fillers in the form of fibers, whiskers and various particles.

Are composites the future?

Plasticity, strength, wide scope applications - that's what makes modern composite materials different. What is this from a production point of view? These materials consist of a metallic or non-metallic base. Flakes are used to strengthen the material greater strength. Among them we can highlight plastic, which is reinforced with boron, carbon, glass fibers, or aluminum, reinforced with steel or beryllium threads. If you combine the contents of the components, you can obtain composites of different strength, elasticity, and resistance to abrasives.

Main types

The classification of composites is based on their matrix, which can be metallic or non-metallic. Materials with a metal matrix based on aluminum, magnesium, nickel and their alloys gain additional strength due to fibrous materials or refractory particles that do not dissolve in the base metal.

Composites with a non-metallic matrix are based on polymers, carbon or ceramics. Among the polymer matrices, the most popular are epoxy, polyamide and phenol-formaldehyde. The shape of the composition is given by the matrix, which acts as a kind of binder. Fibers, strands, threads, and multilayer fabrics are used to strengthen materials.

Manufacturing composite materials is carried out on the basis of the following technological methods:

  • impregnation of reinforcing fibers with matrix material;
  • molding reinforcement tapes and matrix in a mold;
  • cold pressing of components with further sintering;
  • electrochemical coating of fibers and further pressing;
  • deposition of the matrix by plasma spraying and subsequent compression.

What hardener?

Composite materials have found application in many areas of industry. We have already said what it is. These are materials based on several components, which are necessarily strengthened with special fibers or crystals. The strength of the composites themselves depends on the strength and elasticity of the fibers. Depending on the type of reinforcement, all composites can be divided:

  • on fiberglass;
  • carbon fiber composites with carbon fibers;
  • boron fibers;
  • organofibers.

Reinforcing materials can be laid in two, three, four or more threads; the more there are, the stronger and more reliable the composite materials will be in operation.

Wood composites

Wood composite is worth mentioning separately. It is obtained through a combination of raw materials different types, with wood being the main component. Each wood-polymer composite consists of three elements:

  • particles of crushed wood;
  • thermoplastic polymer (PVC, polyethylene, polypropylene);
  • a complex of chemical additives in the form of modifiers - up to 5% of them in the material.

Most popular type wood composites- This is a composite board. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it combines the properties of both wood and polymers, which significantly expands the scope of its application. Thus, the board is distinguished by its density (its indicator is influenced by the base resin and the density of wood particles), and good bending resistance. At the same time, the material is environmentally friendly and retains the texture, color and aroma of natural wood. The use of composite boards is absolutely safe. Due to polymer additives, the composite board acquires high level wear resistance and moisture resistance. It can be used for finishing terraces, garden paths, even if they have a heavy load.

Production Features

Wood composites have a special structure due to the combination of a polymer base with wood. Among materials of this type we can note chipboards of different densities, oriented chipboards and wood-polymer composites. Production of composite materials of this type is carried out in several stages:

  1. Wood is crushed. Crushers are used for this. After crushing, the wood is sifted and divided into fractions. If the moisture content of the raw material is above 15%, it must be dried.
  2. The main components are dosed and mixed in certain proportions.
  3. The finished product is pressed and formatted to obtain a marketable appearance.

Main Features

We have described the most popular polymer composite materials. What it is is now clear. Thanks to layered structure it is possible to reinforce each layer with parallel continuous fibers. It is worth mentioning separately the characteristics of modern composites, which differ:

  • high value of temporary resistance and endurance limit;
  • high level of elasticity;
  • strength, which is achieved by reinforcing layers;
  • Due to rigid reinforcing fibers, composites are highly resistant to tensile stress.

Metal-based composites are characterized by high strength and heat resistance, while they are practically inelastic. Due to the structure of the fibers, the speed of propagation of cracks, which sometimes appear in the matrix, is reduced.

Polymer materials

Polymer composites are presented in a variety of options, which opens up great opportunities on their use in different areas, ranging from dentistry to the production of aviation equipment. Composites based on polymers are filled with different substances.

The most promising areas of use can be considered construction, oil and gas industry, production of automobile and railway transport. It is these industries that account for about 60% of the volume of use of polymer composite materials.

Thanks to high stability polymer composites to corrosion, smooth and dense surface products that are obtained by molding, the reliability and durability of the final product increases.

Let's look at popular types


Glass fibers formed from molten inorganic glass are used to reinforce these composite materials. The matrix is ​​based on thermoactive synthetic resins and thermoplastic polymers, which are distinguished by high strength, low thermal conductivity, and high electrical insulating properties. Initially, they were used in the production of antenna radomes in the form of dome-shaped structures. IN modern world Fiberglass plastics are widely used in the construction industry, shipbuilding, production of household equipment and sports items, and radio electronics.

In most cases, fiberglass is produced on the basis of spraying. This method is especially effective in small- and medium-scale production, for example, hulls of boats, boats, cabins for automobile transport, railway cars. Spraying technology is convenient and economical, since there is no need to cut the glass material.

Carbon fiber reinforced plastics

The properties of polymer-based composite materials make it possible to use them in a wide variety of fields. They use carbon fibers as a filler, obtained from synthetic and natural fibers based on cellulose and pitches. The fiber is thermally processed in several stages. Compared to fiberglass plastics, carbon fibers have a lower density and a higher density while being light and strong. Due to their unique performance properties, carbon fiber reinforced plastics are used in mechanical engineering, rocket engineering, space and medical equipment, bicycles and sports equipment.


These are multicomponent materials based on boron fibers introduced into a thermosetting polymer matrix. The fibers themselves are represented by monofilaments, strands, which are braided with an auxiliary glass thread. The high hardness of the threads ensures the strength and resistance of the material to aggressive factors, but at the same time, boron plastics are fragile, which complicates processing. Boron fibers are expensive, so the scope of boron plastics is limited mainly to the aviation and space industries.


In these composites, the fillers are mainly synthetic fibers- ropes, threads, fabrics, paper. Among the special properties of these polymers are: low density, lightness compared to glass and carbon plastics, high tensile strength and high resistance to impacts and dynamic loads. This composite material widely used in such areas as mechanical engineering, shipbuilding, automobile construction, in the production of space technology, and chemical engineering.

What is the effectiveness?

Composite materials due unique composition can be used in a variety of areas:

  • in aviation in the production of aircraft parts and engines;
  • space technology for production power structures devices that are exposed to heat;
  • automotive industry to create lightweight bodies, frames, panels, bumpers;
  • mining industry in the production of drilling tools;
  • civil engineering for the creation of bridge spans, elements of prefabricated structures in high-rise buildings.

The use of composites makes it possible to increase the power of engines and power plants, while reducing the weight of machinery and equipment.

What are the prospects?

According to representatives of the Russian industry, composite materials belong to a new generation of materials. It is planned that by 2020 volumes will increase domestic production products of the composite industry. Pilot projects aimed at developing new generation composite materials are already being implemented across the country.

The use of composites is advisable in a variety of fields, but it is most effective in industries related to high technology. For example, today no one aircraft are not created without the use of composites, and some of them use about 60% polymer composites.

Thanks to the possibility of combining various reinforcing elements and matrices, it is possible to obtain a composition with a certain set of characteristics. And this, in turn, makes it possible to use these materials in a variety of fields.

Modern direction during the construction of gazebos, terraces, baths, country houses focused on the use of natural wood. But the technical characteristics of wood do not allow long time resist moisture, temperature changes and other external factors.

Question alternative material became so acute that short terms An analogue of natural raw materials was created, but with more stable characteristics - a wood-polymer composite.

Composition of wood-polymer composite

The main components in the production of composites are:

— polymers with thermoplastic properties (PE, PP, PVC);

- crushed wood almost to the state of flour;

- modifiers (chemicals) that are added to improve technical and performance characteristics.

Presence in the lineup chemicals does not exceed 5% of the total mass, which makes the use of the material absolutely safe for human health.

Technical characteristics of wood-polymer composite

The properties of the composite resemble something between wood and plastic, combining only positive qualities. Its properties facilitate installation and processing, and its strength significantly extends its service life. TO distinctive characteristics include:

Read also: Ondulin (photo): characteristics, pros and cons, installation features

Wide operating temperature range (from -40 to +70 degrees);

Elasticity (can be given different shape);

Moisture resistance;

Strength (500 kg per 1 sq.m.);

Environmental friendliness;

UV resistance and aggressive environments.

Advantages of WPC

Lack of microbiological processes;

Fire safety;

Resistance to moisture, ultraviolet radiation and other external factors;

Has increased mechanical strength;

Simple processing and installation;

Does not emit toxic substances;

Wide scope of application;

Easy care;

The assortment line is presented in a variety of shades and textures to choose from.

Disadvantages of WPC

The use of a composite requires the arrangement of the premises to be well ventilation system;

Does not tolerate a combination of two factors at once: high temperature and humid environment;

High cost.

Scope of application of WPC

Wood-polymer composite is actively used in various fields of industrial activity. It is used in interior decoration auto and water transport, for the arrangement of piers, moorings, pool sides. The material received even greater recognition in the construction of gazebos, platforms, and fences. In private construction, the composite is used for the construction of bathhouses, terraces, and garden paths. Even in apartment buildings polymer wood is used to decorate balconies, loggias, and bathrooms. The material, light in weight and processing, adequately replaces lining and siding. And the ability to accept different shapes allows you to implement interesting design solutions when designing the design.

Read also: Using Lego bricks (photo) in construction

Types of composite products

Decorative finishing elements (picket fences, railings, boxes, logs, etc.);

Flashings (used to cover the assembly seam in window and doorways);

Siding (lightweight facing material);

Decking (board increased strength, used as the main building element).

Rules for installing wood-polymer composite

There are nuances that should be observed when working with the material. This will help avoid unpleasant surprises during operation.

Laying should only be done at positive temperatures.

When installing the decking, leave ventilation gaps between the boards and under the structure.

Direct contact of the composite with the ground should be avoided.

Before installation, it is necessary to draw up a design diagram for the timely completion of the necessary connecting elements.

The material must be adapted to local conditions before processing. To do this, after unpacking it must be left for 36 hours to prepare.

If the composite is used as a flooring, it is necessary to provide a sediment drainage system. Usually the structure is made at a slight slope. If laying is carried out on a monolithic coating, special grooves are made in the boards to drain water.

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):