But they still require a more extensive explanation.

Let's first focus on daily and weekly repeating tasks.

A cleaning schedule for your apartment will help you maintain peace and quiet in your home and will also reduce the time it takes to do the job if you stick to it.

If you think that organization and cleaning are in no way connected, you are mistaken. One directly depends on the other (and vice versa). If your home is organized, it will be much easier for you to clean it. You will feel comfortable in it and consider it, if not perfect, then at least clean and tidy. Organization allows us to identify places to store things and develop habits of putting things in those places. But at the same time, any solution to an organizational problem begins (and sometimes ends) with cleaning. And besides, even the most organized home cleaning is necessary, including to keep things organized.

How to Create a Cleaning Schedule for Your Home

Step #1: Consider what cleaning tasks in your home need to be done daily and weekly

Our life goes on every day in a vicious circle. Clothes become dirty and need to be washed, dried, ironed and put back in the closet. It’s the same with dishes, for example.

Therefore, we want to ensure that our home does not turn into a place where this cycle one day stops closing. The baskets are filled to capacity with dirty laundry, the sink is full of dirty dishes, there is only dust and dirt all around.

Unfortunately, most of us can't afford to hire house help to do all this dirty work, and we have to make the whole wheel turn ourselves.

The cleaning schedule is cyclical, i.e. constantly and with a certain periodicity repeating (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, every six months or year).

Having a cleaning schedule and sticking to it is one of the best and most in a simple way making sure that housework is completed on time and the cycle does not stop.

Of course, not everything needs to be done every day. Therefore, you should have several cleaning lists:

  • daily
  • weekly
  • monthly
  • and a seasonal cleaning schedule (in a seasonal one, you can divide tasks into quarters, half-years, or into those that need to be done once a year).
The most important of these graphs are daily and weekly, because doing just these things prevents our house from turning into a garbage dump, and you will be firmly confident that everything is under control. It is these graphs that we will focus on now.

In order for you to be able to adhere to the schedule you have drawn up, remember the most important rule - it must be realistic. You must clearly define what tasks should be in mandatory carried out on a daily and weekly basis. But at the same time You must be able to complete them. If you work full time, and write in your schedule as a daily task to wash the floors throughout the house, it is likely that your schedule will remain only the most plain paper. Therefore, think about which things are really necessary and possible to do every day, and which are enough to be done once a week or even once a month (etc.)

If, nevertheless, in your opinion, in order to achieve cleanliness of your home, you need to do more daily and weekly than you can, it’s time to attract helpers and distribute some of the overwhelming responsibilities to other members of your family.

All houses and apartments differ from each other (in area, number of rooms, their functional purpose), but most of them are still similar. Therefore, to create a cleaning schedule, I suggest you use the templates I prepared:

Step #2: Create two house cleaning schedules: daily and weekly

To more clearly understand how to correctly distribute daily and weekly tasks, I suggest you consider several ready-made practical solutions.

1. Weekly cleaning schedule according to the Fly Lady system

If you are not yet familiar with the fly-lady system, you can familiarize yourself with it on the official English-language or Russian-language website.

This is what the weekly cleaning schedule looks like using the Fly Lady system (on the left are tasks that need to be completed once a week, on the right are tasks that need to be performed once a day throughout the week.

Every day, according to the fly lady system, you need to:

  • dismantle hot spots (hot spots) where dirt, garbage and things that are completely unnecessary accumulate there;
  • refresh the toilet and sink;
  • wipe surfaces in the kitchen (stove if necessary);
  • carry out Kelly's task.
Weekly tasks (performed once a week) are (in the fly-lady system this is ECU or weekly cleaning hour):
  • vacuum the floors;
  • wipe the dust;
  • wipe mirrors and doors;
  • remove magazines (and apparently everything that comes across the top in the wrong places);
  • change bed sheets;
  • to throw out the trash.

Monthly household chores (in the fly-lady system these are mainly Kelly’s tasks (mainly because they also add seasonal and annual household chores, which are suggested to be done 15 minutes a day (clean the ventilation grill or radiator in the bathroom, etc. ), that is, those things that we do only once a month:

  • wipe down the refrigerator;
  • wipe down the microwave;
  • wipe switches and sockets;
  • wash the baseboards;
  • polish furniture, etc.

These tasks in the fly lady system are divided into a month and are performed in each zone. In short, the entire apartment is divided into 5 zones, in accordance with 4 full weeks of the month + several days at the beginning of the month of an incomplete week (if such exist). Everyone divides their house or apartment into zones in their own way, but most often everything is quite similar.

"Zone 1: first few days of the month until next Sunday: entrance, hallway, corridor

Zone 2: first full week of the month: kitchen, dining room, pantry

Zone 3: second full week of the month: children's room, bathroom
Zone 4: third full week of the month: bedroom, toilet
Zone 5: the last few days of the month from Monday to the 1st -living room, balcony"

But before you create your list of daily, weekly and monthly tasks in each zone, I recommend making a complete list of all possible tasks in your home for each zone (or room). Use the template: Cleaning schedule by room (zone) for the whole year. A basic spring cleaning plan will help you fill it out.

Take it as a basis and distribute what tasks you do daily, weekly or once a month. Seasonal cleaning and things that need to be done once every six months (for example, replacing the filter in the kitchen hood or even once a year (for example, deep cleaning of carpets or dry cleaning of sofa upholstery).

photo: cleanmama.net

I love the fly lady system for its versatility. It can be modified, customized and improved.

The main difference between this schedule and the schedule in the fly system is the distribution of the list of weekly recurring tasks performed in the fly system. According to the fly system, all of them are performed on Monday during the weekly cleaning hour. No matter how much I try, an hour is not enough for me to complete all these tasks, or on Mondays I am exhausted by this ECHU (weekly cleaning hour) so that these Mondays have become no longer pleasant to me in principle. In my opinion, ECU on Mondays is only possible if you are a housewife. I would do this cleaning on the weekends, but (again:) I like the idea that on weekends you still need to relax and spend time with your family, take care of yourself and your hobbies. So I decided to look for alternatives and came across the blog cleanmama.net

For Becky, all these things that are done on Monday according to the fly system are evenly distributed throughout the week. On Monday: we clean the sinks and toilets (according to the fly system, this must be done daily), on Tuesday we wipe the soap, on Wednesday we vacuum, on Thursday we wash the floor, on Friday we take out the trash, on Saturday we change sheets and towels.

The following daily routines are also performed daily:

  • wash
  • ironing
  • all exposed surfaces are wiped
  • clean floor (the floors are cleared of anything that could fall on them, i.e. from everything unnecessary that should not be on the floor. There is no need to vacuum and wash the floors every day. This is just an analogue of analyzing hot spots in the fly-lady system :)

If you liked Becky's Weekly Cleaning Schedule, you can print this schedule and use it for yourself:

Download weekly cleaning schedule in pdf

The cleaning schedule is also very good in my opinion and deserves our attention. Weekly tasks are distributed mainly by the type of surface being cleaned, with repeating routines performed daily and one additional task added to them: vacuuming or mopping the floors. Moreover, each case concerns only one area (kitchen or bathroom, for example).

Download weekly cleaning schedule in pdf

In this schedule, tasks performed once a week are distributed depending on the corresponding zone (room) of the house. It’s very convenient and, unlike the fly system, you don’t have to remember which zone you’re working in this week. On Monday it’s the kitchen and dining room, on Tuesday it’s the living room, on Wednesday parents' bedroom and bathroom, Thursday is dedicated to the children's bathroom, Friday to the children's room (and guest room). I added a children's room to the original schedule because... in our country, these are still more likely to be children's rooms than guest rooms. That is, if in all the previous schedules we simultaneously vacuum the entire apartment on some day, this schedule asks us to focus every day on a specific area of ​​our home. Every day, approximately the same routines are performed as in all other schedules.

Download weekly cleaning schedule in pdf

I think illustrative examples give more insight into how to separate daily tasks from weekly (monthly or yearly) tasks. So now you are ready to start creating your own daily and weekly schedule cleaning. I suggest you download the following template for this:

Download weekly cleaning schedule template in pdf

A few more writing tips daily to-do list:

Your weekly cleaning schedule is a list of repetitive tasks that you must do daily (or once a week) sufficient to keep your home clean. Try to keep this list as simple as possible.

Be realistic and after making your list, look again at how long your daily activities will take. This list should not be too long and take more time than you can spend on it, because in addition to daily and weekly tasks, you should spend time doing the most ordinary (including personal) routines.

You can also break down your schedule and determine which list items you will do in the morning, which in the afternoon (if you don't work), and which in the evening.

A few tips for writing weekly cleaning schedule:

As I said above, you need to make a list of things that you will only do once a week. I recommend dividing their implementation evenly for each day of the week and spending 15-20 minutes a day doing this. You can start from the type of activity or room (see more details above) or even combine them, as is more convenient for you.

Every day, once you have completed your daily routine, you can begin performing one or more weekly recurring tasks.

Only you can decide how to distribute them so that they fit into your life schedule, and don't forget to involve helpers in the cleaning process, because almost most of our energy goes into cleaning our house. Be realistic when scheduling recurring tasks each week.

Step #3: Create a Habit of Sticking to Your Daily and Weekly Cleaning Schedules

Once you have created what you think is a good cleaning schedule for your home, your next step is to force yourself to get used to it and stick to it strictly. I say force because, unfortunately, this is true. Give yourself at least one month to do this, and believe me, it will be easier later, because following this schedule will become a habit for you. But at first it will be very difficult.

How to force it, you ask? So, you've made your cleaning schedule. Print it out. But don't put it in your home organizer, and hang it as a reminder to yourself in the most visible place. This could be your home command center, your desktop, or any other place that you will constantly pay attention to. Use this schedule to remind yourself what task you need to complete today. No less important task after execution is the execution control process.
For control, fill out and hang it in a visible place, or even better, just print it out and attach it to a tablet that you can carry around the house with you.

If you think you don't need this, you're wrong. At least try to use it for a few months until you form a habit. Perhaps in the future you will simply understand how convenient it is. And how nice it is to put a tick on the list after completing another task!

If you declutter and organize your home regularly, following this schedule won't cause you too much trouble. But if your home is not yet organized and cleaned, it is likely that there will be a lot more cleaning than you would like. So don't expect results right away. give yourself time , engage in regular decluttering and organization of your home and, believe me, it will become much easier for you to solve cleaning problems than it seems at first. The main thing is to follow the schedule regularly , regularly engage in decluttering and organizing your home.

But be realistic and revise your schedule if necessary if you feel it's too much for you. You cannot let maintaining cleanliness in your home turn into flour and hard labor for you.

Remember that your cleaning schedule should be consistent with your typical routine. Try to make your schedule as flexible as possible, and try to get most of it done.

Finally, don't be afraid to rework your schedule if it turns out that it doesn't meet your needs. Work with your schedule for a few weeks, you may realize that you have been too harsh and demanding and the schedule you created simply cannot fit into the time you have and you have failed. Or perhaps, on the contrary, you were too modest and relaxed, and your schedule cannot provide the minimum cleanliness that you wanted to achieve. Don't despair, try changing the schedule to better suit your needs and time constraints and try again.

Don't forget, no matter how ideal your schedule is, ultimately it is only a tool that is created to help you with cleaning, and not the basis of your slavery. If you feel that this is happening, redo the schedule again so that it can fit your needs, and, most importantly, capabilities.

Depending on what things, surfaces and corners in the house are used and become dirty most quickly, we have compiled an approximate cleaning schedule and divided the cleaning tasks into 7 categories: daily cleaning, cleaning once a week, two weeks, a month, a quarter, half a year and a year.


The daily cleaning schedule starts with the first and most obvious:


Make it a habit to wash the dishes after every meal, or at least wash the dishes that have accumulated during the day in the evening before going to bed, without leaving them for tomorrow. Dirty dishes becomes a very convenient environment for bacteria to multiply, and in the morning it will be more difficult to wash it off. This also includes pet bowls.

Kitchen table and floors

Do not leave it on the table and kitchen countertops dust, crumbs, grease and other food waste unless you want to encourage bacteria to grow right in front of your nose. The same applies to the floor, where the same crumbs and food particles fall, and where residents and pets walk, who will then spread garbage throughout the apartment. It is best to wipe the floors and tables not just with a damp cloth, but with a disinfectant.


Imagine how often a day he wipes his hands on kitchen towel even one person - let alone a whole family! The amount of bacteria remaining on it is enormous. That's why we've added this to our cleaning schedule: Be sure to start washing your hand towels daily.

Once a week

But some furniture and plumbing need to be monitored at least once a week:

  • Wipe kitchen cabinets, doors and drawers on the outside of the countertops with a cleaning product - grease and dust accumulate on them. The same applies to hob slabs
  • An important point on how to keep your home clean is washing the trash can. Many people do not do this for months, but in fact, in just one week, a lot of bacteria accumulate in it.

  • Clean the toilet special means, you can use vinegar or bleach so that plaque does not stagnate on it and rust does not form.
  • The weekly cleaning plan includes washing the bathtub and/or shower stall with gentle cleaners or antibacterial sprays to remove bacteria, dirt and grease.
  • Don't be lazy to vacuum the carpets on the weekend, upholstered furniture, as well as pillows: not only dust, but also pet hair clings to them.

Every two weeks

  • An important detail on how to properly clean an apartment is caring for door handles and light switches. Bacteria actually accumulate on them every day, but they definitely need to be wiped with cleaning products at least once every two weeks.
  • Do you have a rug in your bathroom? At a minimum, it needs to be cleaned and vacuumed, and can also be washed in a washing machine to prevent the formation of mold. For the same reason, don't forget to wipe down your shower curtain.

  • The cleaning schedule for 2 weeks includes cleaning microwave oven. Remove the turntable from it and wash it with detergent, and put a glass of water with lemon in the microwave itself to heat for a few minutes. Grease, dried pieces of food and dirt will soften, and you can wipe the “insides” of the stove with a rag.

Every month

  • Bathroom and kitchen drains can become clogged with hair, grease, and small debris. To soften it all and pierce it, fill the hole with a solution baking soda and vinegar, leave for 10-15 minutes and rinse with hot water.
  • But here's how to properly clean your apartment if you have Dishwasher: Without dishes, run a wash cycle with a glass of vinegar and then with baking soda.

  • Empty the bag and clean the vacuum cleaner filters on time so as not to store a bunch of dust in the house and at the same time improve the efficiency of the device.
  • Be sure to wash all children's clothes in the washing machine. Stuffed Toys. Select the “delicate wash” mode.

Every three months

At least once a quarter, to keep the house clean, you should:

  • Rinse in soapy water hot water hood filters.
  • Gently clean the walls of the refrigerator soda solution and wash the shelves.
  • Wash the stove front and oven thoroughly, using soapy water and vinegar to loosen old food and grease.

Every six months

Add the following things to your cleaning schedule that can be done in just one day every six months:

  • washing chandeliers, floor lamps and other lamps;
  • delicate washing of pillows and blankets to prevent allergies;
  • cleaning the shower head from plaque, for example, by soaking it in vinegar;
  • cleaning windows inside and out.

Once a year

We leave the most time-consuming part of our cleaning schedule for last:


To properly clean your apartment, carpets need to be not only vacuumed every week, but also washed. A lot of dirt, small debris and dust accumulate in them, plus pet hair, if you have any. This process is labor-intensive, so it’s worth devoting a day to it at least once a year.

Washing machine

The same item household appliances, which helps us keep the house clean throughout the year, also sometimes needs care. You just need to start the wash cycle without laundry by pouring the solution into the water citric acid and putting maximum temperature heating water.


The water heater needs to be flushed every year. It is necessary to completely block the inflow to it cold water, open a hot one - this will reduce the pressure in the tank. And then we simply drain the water from the boiler.

We looked at the most basic things and corners of the house that need to be cleaned to maintain cleanliness. We hope you find this cleaning schedule useful! You can adjust it to suit you if you have the opportunity to wash something more often than the plan described above suggests.

If general cleaning needs to be done urgently, literally in 20 minutes, then a different approach is needed - see the following video for more details:

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

Read also on our website:

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Cleansing the body at home - this is a way to cleanse the body of waste and toxins without the use of medications, but then you will have to use all your will and build your entire life schedule in such a way that nothing gets in your way. hey-s-t-v-va-lo cleansing. A complete cleansing of the body at home lasts 10-12 weeks and consists of 6 stages, some of which are interconnected, so at the beginning of the cleansing you need to be aware that it will not have to be completed halfway. The bottom line is that if you begin to remove toxins from the liver, and therefore suddenly decide to quit, then this can have a very negative impact on your overall well-being, because here The principle “he didn’t know he was sick until he got to the doctor” will work. On the other hand, it is imperative to go through all the stages of cleansing the body after-le-do-va-tel-but, since, for example, cleanse the liver before the stomach is cleansed, not only senseless, but even dangerous.

The essence of separate nutrition is the body’s ability to better absorb proteins, fats and carbohydrates separately, so that they do not linger in the intestines. Practically separate nutrition is best implemented by dividing the time of taking proteins and carbohydrates, when a person eats carbohydrates in the morning and proteins in the evening. It is worth noting that it is better to refuse complex proteins, leaving only fish, poultry, eggs and dairy in the diet of proteins of animal origin, but dairy must be separated into a separate meal, since they are not combined with other products. While cleansing the body of toxins at home, you won’t be able to exercise, or rather, during the first period of cleansing, you can do stretching, jogging, but you need to take a break from training with iron!

Colon cleansing at home: STEP 1

enema - a solution is administered, which includes: 2 liters of chilled boiled water and a tablespoon lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. Time for the procedure: 5-7 am after bowel movement; 1 week - daily, 2 week - every other day, 3 - every third day, 4 week - every fourth day, 5 week and subsequent - once a week. It is necessary to stop the procedures after the bloating of the stomach after meals disappears.
Note* To prevent or get rid of dysbacteriosis, it is necessary, in parallel with cleansing the intestines, for 1-2 weeks, at least 1 hour before tomorrow and 2 hours after the last meal in the evening, eat a clove garlic Garlic does not need to be chewed, it should be swallowed whole, or chopped, with a glass of water.

Liver cleansing at home: STEP 2

mandatory intestinal cleansing, because if the intestines are not cleansed, the blood will carry intoxication from the intestines to the liver, which will become extreme stress for the cleansed liver. After completing the first stage, you need to eat exclusively vegetarian food for 1 week, with daily bowel cleansing.
Way: For two days you need to eat exclusively fresh apple juice, but you can drink it in any quantity, this will not in any way affect the quality of cleansing of the body. On the third day, as usual, you drink fresh drinks, but only until 19:00 in the evening, after which it is necessary to stop any food entering the body, since, according to biorhythms, at this time the liver relaxes, making it possible to remove stones. Now you need to prepare a mixture of 3 tablespoons of refined vegetable or olive oil and 3 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice. You need to drink the mixture while lying on your right side on a heating pad for 2-3 hours, then go to bed. In the morning, the liver will be cleansed, after which you need to do a cleansing enema to make sure that everything comes out, and then you can have a light snack with vegetarian food.
Note* It is necessary to repeat liver cleansing no earlier than after 2-4 weeks, but a situation is possible in which it will have to be carried out after 3-4 days, a signal for which can be “heaviness” in the liver .

Kidney cleansing at home: STEP 3

You definitely need to go through the first and second stages of cleansing the body at home, after which you definitely need to do an ultrasound to make sure that there are no large stones in the kidneys, otherwise expelling them yourself is very dangerous, in which case surgical intervention is necessary!
Way: There are two options for cleansing the kidneys, the first involves the use of watermelons and black bread, the second involves the use of millet tincture and melt water. If you use watermelons, you need to eat 5-8 kg of watermelon per day and eat 100-200 g of black bread for a week, then at night at 2-3 o'clock get into a warm bath, approximately 40-42 °, and eat within an hour and a half of 3-4 kg of watermelon to remove kidney stones. If you use millet, then you need to drink 3 liters per day for 2 weeks, leaving the tincture overnight in melt water. When the millet opens, it needs to be replaced, this usually happens 3-4 times. During these 2 weeks you need to eat only vegetarian food.

Cleaning joints at home: STEP 4

You definitely need to go through the first 2 stages, the third can be done after cleaning the joints, but in this case you cannot complete the procedure on the joints, since the intestines, liver and kidneys must be cleaned, so keep this in mind!
Way: boil water with 5g bay leaf for 5 minutes, after which it must be infused in a thermos for 3-4 hours, then this solution must be drunk 3 days in a row, every day for 12 hours. The food is strictly vegetarian!
Note* If you want to repeat the procedure, then you need to rest for 4 days, continuing to eat vegetarian food, and then the procedure can be repeated.

Cleaning the genitourinary system at home: STEP 5

It is mandatory to go through the first 3 stages; it is also recommended to go through the fourth and consult with a urologist about the need and contraindications for cleaning.
Way: It is necessary to have breakfast only with the marked rice for 2-3 months, after which you cannot eat anything else for 4 hours, and during the entire time of cleansing the body you should eat only vegetarian food. It is also recommended to drink tea with ginger during cleansing, as it prevents the appearance of side effects, which may happen if you suffer from adenoma.
Note* to cook soaked rice, you need to pour 100g of rice into 0.5l of chilled boiled water, which must be changed every day and at this time be sure to wash the rice.

Cleansing lymph at home: STEP 6

Preparation: Be sure to go through all the previous stages of cleansing the body at home, it’s too late to consult a doctor, so if you still have some strength left, start cleansing!
Way: for three days, every morning you need to do an enema, then drink a solution consisting of 100 ml of water and a tablespoon of Glauber's salt. After these procedures, you should take a hot shower to warm up, then you will begin to lose moisture, then you will need to drink special solution in the amount of 100 ml every 30 minutes until you finish it.
Note* the solution is prepared from 2 liters of melt water, 900 ml of orange juice, 900 ml of grapefruit juice and 200 ml of lemon juice. Apart from this solution, you cannot eat anything else during these three days!

Compiled correctly step by step plan cleaning the apartment allows you to keep your home in good condition perfect cleanliness and spend a minimum of time and effort on it. Housewives can create a special schedule for the days of the week in the form of a table. You can indicate that on Monday the bedroom will be put in order and clean, and on Tuesday the bathroom will be cleaned. It is good to indicate mandatory procedures for each day, such as dusting all surfaces.

In something like spring cleaning, the main thing is to enlist the support and help of your family. After all, tasks can be distributed among household members, and everyone can find a job they can do. You can entrust washing windows and chandeliers to one of the adults, but a child can cope quite well with collecting garbage into bags. Each family member should be assigned to put their own things in order.

It is recommended to start cleaning early in order to have time to do everything planned. Even if it turns out that the work according to plan is done, and there is still time left, there is no need to start new stage. It is better to devote this time to rest and gain strength for the next point. After all, the key rule when wet cleaning is not to violate the given algorithm and do everything strictly according to plan.

The first step is to make a list necessary equipment. You need to check whether everything on the list is in stock - you may have to buy some things. It’s better to do this right away so that during cleaning you don’t waste time shopping around looking for the missing detergent or mop.

Here is a visual list of what you need:

  • washing powder;
  • garbage bags;
  • mop, floor rag;
  • dishwashing detergent, soda, laundry soap;
  • vacuum cleaner, broom and dustpan;
  • paper napkins, newspapers for polishing glass and mirrors;
  • rags, sponges;
  • beater for carpets and upholstered furniture;
  • rubber gloves, apron;
  • bucket or basin;
  • special cleaning products for tiles, bathtubs, furniture, chrome parts;
  • special tools for interior items that require an individual approach.

You need to make sure that the equipment is in good condition: whether there are enough napkins for the entire cleaning period, whether the vacuum cleaner works and whether there are enough garbage bags. Especially when it comes to construction.

Collections of unnecessary things

Everyone in their home has a corner for objects and things that “suddenly come in handy.” They accumulate on the balcony, in the storage room, and mezzanine. They are waiting for their time, which usually never comes. You need to get rid of such things without regret. Broken table lamp no one will fix it anyway. Tricycle It’s better to give it to neighbors who have small children. And the cracked one flower pot would be pointless to ever use. Having thrown away all unnecessary things, you can be surprised to notice how spacious your home has suddenly become.

After the room has been cleared of unnecessary things and the garbage has been taken out, you should wash the pantry and balcony, and wipe off the dust from the mezzanines. Carefully arrange things that are left and are really needed.

During the upcoming cleaning, it will be convenient and practical to draw up a plan and follow it point by point:

  • First, you need to remove curtains and curtains from all windows and doors in the room. They accumulate quite a lot of dust. It settles on washed objects and their surfaces. It is also advisable to remove all carpets and rugs not only from the floors, but also from the walls. All these items need to be washed, cleaned, knocked out and folded before the cleaning is completed. It will be more comfortable to walk on a bare floor in indoor slippers or light shoes. Also, from upholstered furniture, you need to remove capes and bed linen, which are sent for washing.
  • Secondly, cleaning should be done from top to bottom and start from the back rooms. It is necessary to remove cobwebs on the ceiling and in the corners of the walls. Wipe dust between furniture and on walls. and lamps. Then windows and radiators.

Rooms: cabinets and shelves

As mentioned above, cleaning begins from the farthest room, gradually moving towards the corridor or hallway. Each room can be cleaned using the same principle. When the curtains, bedspreads and carpets are taken out, they are taken for hanging shelves, shelves and cabinets. A lot of dust and soot accumulate at the very top of cabinets and shelves. Once the outside of this furniture is washed, you can clean up the inside. Remove items from shelves and hangers in the closet and wipe off dust on all sides. If necessary, go through things: send some to the wash, and some may not be suitable for wear at all. Everything unnecessary is thrown away, but some things can be found for another purpose: for example, an old towel can be used as a rag.

Good things that remain should be carefully placed on clean shelves and in special containers. Now you can tackle the upholstered furniture. It is cleaned, vacuumed, knocked out and wiped from dust. The floor is washed last.

Kitchen - the face of the hostess

Start with kitchen cabinets. You need to throw away empty boxes, jars and cracked dishes - they will not be useful. You should throw away products that have expired, as well as cereals that have infested insects. After this, the cabinets need to be washed inside and laid out in them clean dishes and food, then wipe the outside of the cabinets.

Cleaning the kitchen is not significantly different from cleaning other rooms. First, they also wipe the ceiling, chandelier, windows and radiators. Then they start cleaning the ventilation grilles and hoods. Clean household appliances and stoves. The refrigerator also needs to be tidied up: remove food from it, defrost it. Wash the shelves and racks, not forgetting freezer. Sort through the products, throw away everything unnecessary, and put the rest on shelves in the refrigerator. They put order in the lower bedside tables. They are first wiped inside, after removing pots and pans from there. Everything is washed, cleaned and put back in place. Lastly wash kitchen furniture and floor.

Bathroom and toilet

Cleaning the bathroom is carried out according to the same algorithm. All things should be taken out: rugs, basins, washcloths, shampoos and other accessories. Then clean the ventilation grilles and put away the cabinets. Treat the surfaces of the bathtub, faucet, and sink with detergent. Pour into the toilet disinfectant. While all this is soaking, you can wash the walls, shelves and door. Then back to the plumbing. Spray the mirror with glass cleaner and wipe it dry with a crumpled newspaper or napkin. The floors are washed last.

Order in the hallway

Another room where a lot of little things are collected is the hallway. Keys, umbrellas, shoes for different seasons - all this needs to be laid out, hung, and cleaned. Out-of-season items should be cleaned and hidden in a nightstand, which must first be wiped clean of dust.

The hallway is the most accessible room. A bunch of different hands and feet leave their marks on different surfaces. Therefore, all furniture, including front door, you need to thoroughly wash both inside and outside. Spray the mirror with detergent and clean with newspaper. Clean the doormat and mop the floor.

Cleanliness is visible in the details

Once a decision has been made, you need to look into all the nooks and crannies. Sometimes one of the family members collects collections of various things. There is more dust accumulating there than might seem at first glance. Therefore, all figurines and small figures need to be cleaned and washed.

Some people have animals or birds living in their homes. Their bowls and trays, cages and bedding also need to be cleaned. Indoor flowers also needs to be put in order. Remove dry, yellowed leaves. Wipe off dust from pots and stands.

Photos and paintings on the walls need to be dusted off. Treat glass elements with detergent and wipe with dry newspaper or napkin. The peeled sections of wallpaper need to be re-glued. Damaged baseboards need to be repaired. The next step could be putting things in order in your bag, wallet, or computer.

The last stage is washing. All removed curtains, bedspreads and capes need to be washed. After they dry, they need to be ironed. Then you need to hang the curtains, make the bedspreads and capes. The carpets have been washed and cleaned in advance so they can be installed over clean, dry floors.

Cleaning after renovation

If general cleaning is done in a room where repairs or construction works, then the first step is to take out construction waste. Secondly, they get rid of empty paint cans, other containers, remnants of wallpaper and polyurethane foam. Construction Materials, which will still be useful - remove or put in appropriate place. The same goes for tools. Wipe the ceilings and walls from dust and dirt, wash the floor. The next stage is arranging the furniture. Then you can lay carpets, rugs, paths.

We must remember the main thing: it is clean not where they clean, but where they do not litter. If you maintain order and cleanliness throughout the house and do small cleaning regularly, it will go quickly and will not be so labor-intensive.

Our life. It usually takes a lot of effort, energy and time. People who love cleanliness and comfort are well aware that there is no escape from routine ritual. Wealthier citizens can afford to use the services of housekeepers and cleaning companies. But most often, average citizens, especially women, have to restore order and comfort in their apartments themselves.

And if cleaning cannot be avoided, then it’s worth trying to optimize this unpleasant process by thinking through detailed plan cleaning the apartment for a week.

Principles of conducting

To begin with, you should understand that even if you have and implement a plan for weekly cleaning of your apartment, the need to perform daily household chores will not disappear. Routine daily tasks If you stop washing the dishes and making the bed every day, then even the most perfect plan cleaning will have no effect. It will also be necessary to carry out general maintenance periodically. These two rules of daily and global approach to cleaning still need to be followed.

Also, to achieve greater effect, reduce time and effort, and simplify work, you should adhere to the principles of putting things in order:

  • No trash! Get rid of old, dilapidated things, do not clutter the shelves with unnecessary items, and do not turn your apartment into a warehouse.
  • There are no unnecessary, unused things - unnecessary, but in good condition It’s better to give things away or sell them. You should only keep what you need at home. Storing things creates additional problems when cleaning.
  • No unnecessary cleaning products - no need to buy a lot of products and equipment for washing and cleaning. For the most part, this is just a marketing ploy; you can easily get by with the usual means.
  • We are looking for helpers - involving older children and husband in cleaning will speed up the process. Household members should know that cleaning is not only a mother’s task, but also a family and household task.
  • Minimalism - the less things there are around, the less time it will take to clean. This is especially true for busy, working people.

When thinking through the details of the plan and where to start cleaning the apartment, it is always worth remembering these principles. Things in the apartment require attention and care. It is much easier to dust off a chest of drawers that has one or two figurines on it than ten. Cluttered cabinets, shelves, and sofas make the cleaning process very difficult. It is better to arrange the interior using a minimum of details, thereby making your work easier.

We do it daily

The apartment cleaning plan for each day should include:

  1. Cleaning the kitchen. A mandatory ritual should be washing dishes and wiping surfaces after cooking and eating. All utensils and kitchen utensils to their places, take out the trash and check if there are any expired products in the refrigerator.
  2. Cleaning the rooms. Make beds, put scattered objects and things in their places, wipe dust on surfaces, ventilate the room.
  3. Wash. If the family is large, then it is advisable not to collect mountains of laundry. This will create additional difficulties for the housewife when she needs to sort out and iron a lot of clothes at the same time.
  4. Floor care. Every day, food debris, debris and sand should be swept up in the cooking area and in the hallway or hallway. If you have small children, you may need to wash the floor daily, or alternate between wet cleaning every other day and using a vacuum cleaner.
  5. Keeping plumbing fixtures and washbasins clean. The well-known flylady system encourages housewives to begin their routine tasks first by cleaning the sink until it shines. In any case, the plumbing must be free of dirt, sand, stains and food debris.

These rituals will be quite enough to maintain visual cleanliness and order.

Places of increased pollution

Also, the apartment cleaning plan for the day should include complex and so-called red zones. These are the places where dirt and germs accumulate most quickly and actively multiply.

Toilet lid - the presence of microbes on the lid is due not so much to the fact that this is a place to relieve natural needs, but to the fact that the lid is often raised and lowered. At the same time, germs and dirt from your hands remain on it.

Door handles - all family members and people coming into the house handle door handles more than once a day, so the number of germs on them is quite significant.

The keyboard of a laptop or computer, remote control buttons - dirt from your fingers is not particularly visible, but if you moisten an ordinary cotton swab with alcohol and wipe the buttons, you may be very surprised how black it turns.

Change sponges at least once a week, since after washing dishes in a humid environment, microbes multiply very quickly.

Kitchen sink - food residues, grease and dirt after washing dishes settle on the bottom and walls of the sink and create a whole breeding ground for germs and bacteria.

Freezer - it turns out that microbes from frozen meat and fish actively populate the freezer, and not all of them die from low temperatures. The inside of the chamber should be thoroughly washed and disinfected every time the refrigerator is defrosted.

Cutting boards - preferably plastic or glass. If you have a dishwasher, wash them in it, and if you don’t, rinse them thoroughly after each use.

Shower Curtains and Shower Heads: Wet environments and dirt after bathing are the perfect breeding ground for bacteria.

Cutlery drawer - it would seem that the cutlery comes clean into the drawer, but often they are still damp and the water creates an environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria.

Such places must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected regularly. Apartment cleaning can be supplemented depending on the characteristics of the family’s life, the number of its members, and lifestyle.

Unloading ourselves

A typical apartment cleaning plan once a week includes washing and vacuuming the floors throughout the entire apartment, dusting surfaces and household appliances. Many housewives do laundry and subsequent ironing and sorting of laundry on the same day. All these actions in one day lead to the accumulation of fatigue, to the creation of a nervous atmosphere in the family when trying to attract members of the household, and ultimately to the fatigue of the housewife.

It makes more sense to distribute tasks for the week evenly across zones and do everything gradually. This will increase the productivity and efficiency of cleaning, but at the same time you will not have to spend the whole day devoting yourself only to everyday life.

In parts

Many people get lost, thinking through tasks for the week, and cannot decide how and where to start cleaning the apartment. The zone division plan allows for cleaning in several stages. To keep the apartment in order this great option, you will never be dirty.

Once you get the hang of it, you will spend no more than half an hour a day on each zone, but again, it all depends on your intended goals. So, you can brush off the dust and wipe the floor on the balcony in 20 minutes, but re-sorting the contents of the closet and cleaning it takes an additional half hour.

  1. Monday: corridor, hallway. First we remove extra items, which interfere with cleaning, clutter up space and create a feeling of chaos. We get rid of old checks and receipts, boxes. We hide out-of-season clothes and shoes in closets, leaving only what is necessary for a specific period of the year. We wash the floor, wipe off dust from doors, furniture, lamps, and clean the mirror.
  2. Tuesday: kitchen. We remove from kitchen table and countertops, items not related to cooking. These could be toys, newspapers, medicines and more. We wipe dust on window sills, tables, work surface, lamp. We clean the refrigerator, microwave, and dishwasher from dirt inside and out. Cleaning the trash can. Cleaning the sink. Cleaning the stove. Finally, vacuum and wash the floor.
  3. Environment: bathroom and toilet. Cleaning the bathroom can be combined with laundry. Cleaning the bathtub and washbasin. We wipe the tiles. We look through cosmetics and body care products to see if they are needed, leaving only those that are used. We change the towels for fresh ones. At the end I wash the floor. In the toilet, we clean the toilet, wipe the tiles, wash the floor, take out the trash.
  4. Thursday: rooms. We put things in their places, remove unnecessary things, get rid of garbage. We wipe dust on dressers, cabinets, cabinets, doors and window sills. In the nursery we put toys and books in order. We vacuum and wash the floors.
  5. Friday: pantry, balcony. We are working on the far corners of the apartment. If they are kept in proper condition and do not contain mountains of rubbish, cleaning goes quickly. It is enough to wipe the dust, vacuum and wash the floor.
  6. Saturday: add some coziness. On this day you can do more pleasant things that you often don’t get around to. Replace the curtain or tablecloth with a more beautiful one, hang a picture or photo on the wall, or do something else that will help decorate the apartment and add coziness.
  7. Sunday: plans and rest. After a week-long marathon, you can relax and take care of yourself or spend time with your family. You can take 10-15 minutes and think through the details of cleaning for the coming week and make shopping lists.

This weekly apartment cleaning plan is not a strict regulation that must be strictly followed. In some families it will be enough to wash the floor once a week, in others every other day or two, and in the case of small children wet cleaning may be required every day.

On assignments

When performing cleaning tasks, the scope of activity changes every day. This approach to the apartment cleaning plan allows you to change your occupation every day, and the cleaning process becomes less monotonous.

  • Day one: care household appliances. We wipe down all surfaces of household appliances in the kitchen and bathroom. In the kitchen there are stains from hand marks, when cooking, from food on the facades, microwave, oven, refrigerator. To keep your kitchen looking tidy, you should wipe away such marks with alcohol-containing wipes.
  • Day two: washing. We wash, iron and put the laundry in its place.
  • Day three: wet cleaning. We vacuum, dust and wash the floor. Watering houseplants, we wipe the window sills.
  • Day four: we take care of the plumbing and bathroom fixtures. Cleaning sinks, bathtubs and toilets
  • Day five: cleaning the kitchen. The kitchen is the most popular place in the apartment and at the same time the most polluted. This area requires increased attention and it would be a good idea to clean the areas once a week. special pollution.
  • Day six: we pay attention to storage and organization. We are improving storage systems, getting rid of unnecessary things, and putting away things that are out of season. Order will make cleaning much easier.

For people who spend a lot of time at work

There are no particularly fundamental differences in the tasks when cleaning is carried out by people busy at work. We have to perform the same manipulations to maintain order, and do them after working day or dedicate your weekends. The following rules will help make cleaning easier for working people:

  • Separation, delegation of powers - involving the husband and grown-up children in the cleaning process will relieve the tired mother.
  • Optimization and time tracking - it is better to think in advance what exactly and in what time you want to do after work, without being distracted by listening to music, watching news and TV shows.
  • Attracting outside help - it is rational to resort to the help of housekeepers or cleaning companies if you know that during the same time you will earn more than you pay for the services.
  • Minimalism in the premises - restraint in details and objects will make cleaning easier and help you cope with routine tasks faster.

A weekly apartment cleaning plan for working people might look something like this:

  • The first day is washing.
  • The second day is ironing and sorting clothes.
  • The third day is caring for plumbing, bathroom and toilet.
  • Day four - wet cleaning (floors, dust).
  • Day five - keeping the kitchen clean.
  • Day six - cleaning up unnecessary things, putting them in places and on shelves.

Adjustments to the apartment cleaning plan are inevitable given the busy schedules of all family members in working families.

Marathon of tasks for 30 days

The monthly apartment cleaning plan covers larger number tasks than for a week.

Cleaning object

What we do

With my alcohol-containing composition or napkins

Mirrors, paintings, photos

My special glass cleaner

Children's soft toys


Wipe down shelves, remove crumbs and food debris

Washing machine

We clean the drum, clear clogged filters from threads and dirt


Add salt, clean the filters from pieces of food

Computer, TV

We wipe the screens with alcohol wipes and clean the keyboard from dirt and dust.

Cutlery drawer

We wash and disinfect the storage area of ​​the devices.

Cleaning from fat inner surface, bars and door

We clean and vacuum the furniture surface, remove stains and dirt

We put things in order inside, get rid of unnecessary things, put things away out of season

We remove grease, clean and disinfect

Completing all points of the apartment cleaning plan at least once a month will help maintain cleanliness and order in the apartment.

Cleaning up globally

Thoughtful plan spring cleaning The apartment will help you remember about remote corners and keep them clean. Typically, general cleaning is carried out once every six months. Depending on your desire, strength and time, you can clean globally more often - once every couple of months, or less often - once a year.

When paying attention to tasks that are not performed weekly and monthly (washing windows, washing curtains, bedspreads, cleaning carpets). The question often arises of where to start general cleaning of an apartment. An action plan will help answer this question.

Windows, textiles

We remove and wash curtains and curtains, wash windows and window sills, wash bedspreads and blankets

We carefully wipe the furniture from dust, polish if necessary, move and wash the floor behind the furniture, in hard to reach places, wash the baseboards

Global decluttering

We get rid of old things, broken household appliances, children's supplies that are small or not used

Cabinets, racks, walls, indoor plants

It is necessary to remove dust from books, dishes, flowers, ventilate cabinets and remove dust in them and above

Carpets, pillows, mattresses

Knocking out on the street carpets, ventilate mattresses and pillows

Thoroughly wash tiles in the bathroom, kitchen and toilet

General cleaning by zone

A plan for general cleaning of an apartment by zone involves sequentially thoroughly putting things in order in each living space. The actions will be approximately the same, only they are carried out in turn in each room.

The plan for general cleaning of an apartment may differ from one housewife to another and may include other items, but in general the tasks will be similar.

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