Modern Samsung NoFrost refrigerators have an innovative function - NoFrost, which prevents the appearance of icing. It is a positive point for consumers, because it does not require defrosting the refrigerator or freezer. However, despite the high efficiency of the system, it can also break down. So what is the problem with the appearance of icing in the refrigerator or freezer? We will discuss this problem in this article.

How does the NoFrost system work?

Thanks to the No Frost function, the refrigerator automatically defrosts, and there is no need for human intervention. The system itself calculates the period before defrosting, which occurs using special systems and mechanisms. Hidden defrosting is carried out using forced ventilation of the freezer and refrigerator compartment. A drip or weeping mode is installed in the central compartment. When damage occurs, the walls become covered with a small ice crust, not condensation.

Designation "NoFrost"

Important! According to the manufacturer, no ice or frost should form in the compartments. To do this, they introduced a special technology that removes moisture. In particular, for this purpose, the heat exchanger is inserted into a separate section located in the cavity between the walls. To enhance air movement, the refrigerator is equipped with a special fan heater.

As a result, liquid droplets remain in the heat exchanger, which has a lower temperature. As a result, the compartment walls are always completely clean. Frost formed on the evaporator is removed using a built-in defrost mode, the structure of which contains specialized heating elements. The closed-type section is very well insulated, therefore the internal heat remains almost unchanged. The moisture flows away through the drain channel, which is specially created for this purpose. That is why, the appearance of an ice crust in the freezers of Samsung No Frost refrigerators means an obvious breakdown that needs to be dealt with.

Freezing is a sign of breakdown

Need to know! In freezers and refrigerators equipped with the NoFrost mode, food quickly dries out, so food must be stored by first wrapping it in cellophane or placing it in a container designed for this purpose. In the freezing chamber, food products do not freeze together and are preserved in their original state.

Why does icing occur?

In Nofrost refrigeration devices, the occurrence of ice deposits is evidence of damage or failure in the mechanism located inside.

The probable causes of icing in refrigeration mechanisms and freezers with Nofrost mode may be the following:

  • It is necessary to check the rubberized seal on the door. He probably moved away and that's why the door doesn't close very tightly.

  • When ice appears in the Nofrost freezer, something may be clogged with something, or the channels leading water out of the heat exchanger may be broken, or some pipe has jumped out and moisture flows past it. The container collecting moisture is located, as usual, in the compartment with the motor. Evaporation of water from it occurs naturally. It is possible that when there is ice, the water does not flow out where it should, but pours into the freezer, where it freezes.
  • When icing occurs in refrigerators with the No Frost function, the reason may be the combustion of heating elements on the heat exchanger. In such a situation, assistance from the service department is required.
  • Freezing can also occur if the auto-defrost system is not functioning properly.
  • Another reason for the appearance of ice in Samsung freezers is occasional power outages. Unfortunately, this is not uncommon in our country.

If ice often appears in the freezer compartment of your SamsungNofrost refrigerator, contact a repair service. If the warranty period has not yet expired, the refrigerator will be repaired free of charge.

How to defrost correctly?

In a compartment with an average temperature, snow should not appear on the evaporation lobe. In any situation, it is necessary to inspect the rubberized seal. Another likely reason is the storage of food in the compartment that has not yet cooled down.

When defrosting a chamber with a low operating temperature, you must do everything correctly:

  • The refrigeration unit must be unplugged.
  • If ice appears inside the freezer, under no circumstances should you scrape it off with a knife, forks or wooden sticks. The walls of the heat exchanger are thin, so they are easily damaged, and repairs are not cheap.
  • To speed up the process, you can use a container of heated water, but in no case with boiling water. The container must be placed on a cloth or wooden board. You can use a fan or hair dryer, but be sure to turn off the heating function.
  • If you don't want to break anything, allow the system to complete defrosting on its own. At the end of defrosting, you do not need to immediately return the food to the compartment - the refrigerator needs to function for about 30 minutes. This will allow it to return to normal operation. This is especially necessary in the summer.

If there are no problems, refrigerators with the No Frost function do not require manual defrosting. The heat exchanger thaws on its own, but when the function fails, this will become visible instantly, since the temperature increase will become quite noticeable.

Often, buyers began to pay attention to various modern technical properties in household appliances. The know frost function in refrigerators has been reproduced for many years. If you want to save personal time on defrosting, buying such a refrigerator will be the right choice. And if problems arise, many of them can be fixed independently.

Experienced housewives remember the times when refrigerators were not equippednofrostand from time to time it was necessary to defrost the unit. The event is long, labor-intensive and not the most pleasant. Therefore, if you suddenly find that your refrigerator has decided to go back to ancient times and is freezing the “fur coat” in the freezer, you should not leave things to chance.

If you notice increased ice formation in your freezer, first of all, check whether the freezer closes tightly. You may have simply "stuffed" it so much that the door does not fit properly and warm air is entering the chamber. Everything is fine? Then the next step is to check the settings. A “fur coat” can form in the freezer if:

  • Super freeze mode is enabled. In some refrigerator models, it does not turn off automatically - you need to turn it off manually.
  • The temperature is set to very low. This could have happened by accident - the thermostat was touched or the family members “helped”. Or you were afraid that the kitchen was too hot and decided to play it safe this way. Remember: the optimal temperature in the freezer is - 19 ... - 17 ° C. Even if the room is hot, there is no need to choose a cooler mode: a working refrigerator always maintains the set temperature, regardless of the ambient temperature!

The modes are also in order, but is there snow and ice in the freezer? In this case, unfortunately, we have to talk about a malfunction.

The most common reasons why ice forms in the freezer

A lot of ice in the freezer, as a rule, encourages housewives to defrost the unit. Unfortunately, this does not always help. And if after a day or two the freezer is again covered with snow and ice, we are definitely talking about a breakdown. The table below describes the most common breakdowns that cause increased ice formation in the freezer.

Symptom of malfunction

Possible cause

Repair cost *
(work + spare parts)

In a no frost refrigerator, ice and snow accumulate at the bottom of the freezer. Perhaps there is water under the boxes.

The freezer drain hole is clogged. Normally, the freezer is “cleaned” of ice at least once a day: the defrosting heating element is turned on, the ice turns into water and flows down the drainage channel. If the drainage hole is clogged, the water has nowhere to “go”; it accumulates under the drawers and freezes in a thick layer of ice.

It is necessary to clean the drainage hole: for example, rinse it with warm water from a syringe. However, not all refrigerator models have easy access to the drain; you may need to unscrew the back panel of the freezer. If you are not sure that you know how to do this, it is better to seek help from a specialist.

On one's own

from 1000 to 2900 rub.

The back wall of the freezer is covered with a thick layer of ice and snow, while the temperature inside the freezer compartment is higher than the set one, and the unit’s motor runs almost without turning off. The more snow builds up, the higher the temperature, and the less often the compressor turns off.
If the refrigerator model is full of no frost, then the refrigerator compartment will not cool well. In a no frost refrigerator with a “crying” evaporator, the increased temperature will only be in the freezer. In addition, an emergency indicator on the refrigerator control panel may light or flash, and models of electronically controlled refrigerators may beep and display an error message on the screen.

The defrost system has failed, which is responsible for “cleansing” the freezer of ice. A breakdown of the defrost timer, evaporator heating element, defroster, fuse or other component of the “cleaning” system does not allow the refrigerator to start the defrost cycle, and the evaporator becomes “overgrown” with fur coats. As a result, the cooling capacity of the unit decreases, and the temperature in the freezer gradually increases. The motor-compressor tries to compensate for the lack of cooling capacity by constant operation and rarely turns off. In full No Frost models, the cold air supply channel to the refrigerator compartment freezes, and it stops cooling.

It is necessary to diagnose the defrost system, identify the failed unit and replace it.

from 2900 to 8000 rub.

Depending on the number of failed units in the defrost module

The refrigerator rarely turns off. The walls of the freezer are evenly “overgrown” with snow and ice. If in the refrigerator the temperature in the chambers is regulated independently, only the freezer compartment will freeze (for example, in a two-compressor unit). If the design of the refrigerator involves one thermostat located in the evaporator, then the refrigerator compartment will also freeze - you will see ice on the back wall.

Most likely, The temperature sensor has failed. As a result, the refrigerator control module receives incorrect information about the temperature in the freezer and, based on this data, “gives” the command to the motor to freeze more than necessary.

The faulty temperature sensor needs to be replaced.

from 1900 to 3900 rub.

Snow and ice are uneven, b O Larger “growths” are located closer to the freezer door. The temperature in the freezer compartment has increased. The alarm indicator on the unit control panel lights up or flashes. Electronic refrigerator models may beep and indicate a problem with an error on the screen.

More likely The rubber door seal is worn or torn. Because of this, the seal of the freezer is broken. Warm air enters the freezer and you can see the ice located closer to the door.

The seal needs to be replaced.

from 2500 to 7000 rub.

There could also be imbalance of the freezer door fastening system. The freezer door is hinged. In the case when the door fastenings “loose” and “sag,” the tightness of the door is broken and warm air enters the chamber. In this case, you will see more ice near the refrigerator door.

It is necessary to balance the fasteners or replace them.

from 1900 to 4500 rub.

Heavy, uneven frost is visible in the area of ​​the freezer evaporator. The refrigerator motor does not turn off. The freezer temperature is higher than the set value. The alarm indicator on the refrigerator control panel may light up or flash. Electronic models may beep. Once the refrigerator is completely defrosted, the freezer or refrigerator generally stops working at all.

In rare cases, the freezer evaporator may experience freon leak. As a result, the cooling capacity of the unit drops, the refrigerator compressor initially works without turning off, and freezes a large layer of ice at the leak point on the evaporator and in the freezer. After all the freon has evaporated from the system, the freezer compartment or both chambers will stop working.

The evaporator needs to be repaired or replaced and the system needs to be recharged with refrigerant.

from 3500 to 6500 rub.

leak in sealed partfrom 8000 rub.

* The table below shows FULL PRICES for repairs, including the cost of the technician’s work and new spare parts. The technician will tell you the exact cost after diagnosis.

If you find snow and ice in the freezer of your refrigerator, please do not delay in contacting a repair shop. This is not only “inconvenient”, but also indicates that some kind of breakdown has occurred in the refrigerator. If you do not fix it promptly, there is a high probability of more complex, and therefore more expensive, faults to fix.

Contact "RemBytTech":

7 (495) 215 – 14 – 41

7 (903) 722 – 17 – 03

We will repair your refrigerator on the same day you call, and you will forget about problems with refrigeration equipment for many years!

Refrigerators that need to be manually defrosted and washed monthly are a thing of the past. Modern models are equipped with an automatic defrosting system, which performs its functions unnoticed by the owners. True, manufacturers still recommend defrosting the refrigerator manually 1-2 times a year for preventive purposes. And yet, with automatic defrosting technology, this preventive procedure will not resemble conquering an icy mountain peak - the refrigerator parts are covered with only a slight coating of frost.

The most common automatic defrosting technologies are drip (crying) and wind, which are called No Frost. The drip defrosting system is most often found in modern refrigerators. Its essence is as follows. An evaporator is installed on the back wall of the refrigerator compartment (drip technology is not used for freezers). Usually it is hidden inside the wall itself, since the products should not come into contact with the evaporator - this impairs its operation. In this case, water may not flow into a special container, but to the bottom of the chamber. In addition, an “open” evaporator can be accidentally damaged. The evaporator maintains a low temperature of the rear wall, due to which water vapor condenses on it and ice forms. This does not happen with other walls. At the end of the refrigeration cycle, when the compressor stops, the evaporator heats up. The ice that has accumulated on it thaws, and the water flows into a special container along the grooves. When the compressor starts running again, the water in the tank heats up and evaporates. The process starts over again with a new cooling cycle.

In refrigerators with a No Frost system, the evaporator is installed behind the back wall of the refrigerator compartment or above the freezer compartment. It is equipped with fans that circulate air inside the refrigerator. The evaporator, as in a refrigerator with a drip system, ensures a low rear wall temperature. When the compressor stops, the frost thaws and evaporates.

So what are the advantages and disadvantages of No Frost? Many people believe that due to the blowing system in refrigerators with a No Frost system, food dries out faster. From a theoretical point of view this may be true, but in practice there is not much difference. In different models of refrigerators with a drip system and No Frost, food remains fresh for different times, but the No Frost technology does not have a strong influence on this.

There is an opinion that refrigerators with a No Frost automatic defrosting system do not need to be defrosted manually at all. But this, again, is incorrect. Refrigerators with both drip and wind systems should be defrosted once or twice a year.

The main feature of the No Frost system, which is called its main advantage, is the uniform air temperature inside the refrigerator. The temperature difference on the top and bottom shelves of the refrigerator does not exceed two degrees Celsius. For comparison: in refrigerators with a drip system, the difference can reach five to six degrees. And in freezers not equipped with No Frost - up to nine degrees. Temperature uniformity ensures better food preservation.

Another important advantage of No Frost is that the system works in both refrigerators and freezers, while the drip system can only work in refrigerators.

The ventilation system allows the refrigerator to quickly restore temperature after the door is opened. However, this is not too noticeable - the power of the refrigerator plays an incomparably important role here.

Among the disadvantages of No Frost is the relatively high noise level during operation. Fans provide additional noise. However, some models of refrigerators with the No Frost system are equipped with very quiet fans, which makes them much quieter than some of their drip “brothers”.

A rather important disadvantage of No Frost is that the bulky evaporator mechanism “eats” the volume of the refrigerating chamber. As a result, similar refrigerators with a drip defrosting system are noticeably more spacious.

A refrigerator with a No Frost system, all other things being equal, consumes more electricity than a refrigerator with a crying defrosting system. The difference in electricity bills will be small, but for those who are used to saving wherever possible, this is still a disadvantage.

Refrigerators with a drip system and No Frost also differ in price. A refrigerator with windy defrosting technology will cost slightly more than a similar model with “crying” technology. However, this difference is also not very significant.

In general, the advantages and disadvantages of the No Frost system (compared to the common drip system) practically balance each other. Therefore, an automatic defrosting system is usually not a decisive criterion when choosing a refrigerator. But the advantages and disadvantages of different systems are still worth taking into account.

Great work by the craftsmen! I received practically answers to all the questions I was interested in; incl. and with clarifications. RESPECT!

03/20/2017 Sergey

Thank you! The application was accepted and they called me back right away. The next day the repairman arrived, the refrigerator became operational... Many thanks to the master!!! And the best part is that the prices for repairs are reasonable!!!

03/15/2017 Oksana

I liked it all very much. After receiving the application, the master arrived within an hour. He did everything quickly and efficiently.

03/06/2017 Nina

The application was accepted immediately. After 2 minutes the master called back and agreed on a time of arrival. Everything is clear without delay. The car came to life. Thank you

02/28/2017 Anatoly

Good evening! Thanks to your technician for repairing my washing machine. It was working very loudly and rattling (Yesterday the technician came and changed the motor, now there is silence in the apartment

02/18/2017 Ekaterina

There is a lot of enticement on the site - it says refrigerant filling from 2000 to 4500, in the end they took 6200. And the warranty is 4 months instead of 2 years. A 10% discount for pensioners - ONLY for work, which turns out to be miserable. In general, it ends up being much more expensive than expected. Be careful! I don’t yet know how long the refrigerator will work after repair...

02/16/2017 Client

They clarified my problem with the washing machine politely and in detail (when accepting the application) and said that the technician would call me back. After a short period of time (I didn’t even expect that the master would call back so quickly), the master called. The master found out in detail all the problems of the washing machine. An appointment was made for the master to visit. He arrived at the agreed time. carefully fixed it. I'm happy with the renovation. received advice on further operation of the washing machine. Thanks master!!

02/02/2017 Sergey

Many thanks to master Anatoly Kondrashov for repairing the refrigerator. Everything was done quickly and efficiently.

01/12/2017 Elena

You have the best specialists! Thank you very much for the quality work! This is the second time you have saved my household appliances from disposal. Fast, accurate, at fair prices!

01/12/2017 Nina

The service is very polite. We listened to the problem and appointed a repairman. The master called and arrived at the specified time. Completely satisfied with the work done!

01/10/2017 Alina

I would like to express my deep gratitude to master Anatoly Kondrashov. The ZIL refrigerator broke down and I was already thinking about saying goodbye to it. I left a request by phone to the dispatcher, after 10-15 minutes the master called back and said that he would arrive in three hours. He arrived at exactly the agreed time, fixed everything professionally, then checked the functionality of the refrigerator and gave practical advice on operating the refrigerator. Thank you very much!

01/04/2017 Marina Anatolyevna

The washing machine needed urgent repairs. Master Plaksin Pavel called back immediately after the application. He promised to come today as soon as he fulfilled the planned requests. I arrived in the evening at ten o'clock. I figured it out, fixed everything, checked it. Neat, professional. Thank you very much!

12/26/2016 Svetlana

Thank you for your quick and professional response. Your team is “correct”.

12/20/2016 Georgy

At 2.15 I called, at 4 the master was already with me. According to the wife who received the repairman, “the heater on the washing machine burned out. He changed everything quickly, I forgot the name of the repairman, he was wearing a black cap, glasses and camouflage pants. The guy is clearly in the business of repairing washing machines.” Thank you. 

10/19/2016 Valentin

They quickly called back in response to the request, the master contacted at the agreed time and arrived on the same day. The master (Leonid) quickly and professionally identified the problem, dismantled, repaired and reinstalled the Bosh dishwasher (depressurization occurred), and gave recommendations for operation. Work warranty 6 months.

10/03/2016 Ekaterina

The drain of the machine is broken. Master Sergei arrived at the appointed time, quickly examined the machine without further ado, explained what was what, fixed it, cleaned everything up after himself, and left a document with a guarantee. Very pleased!

09/18/2016 Alena

Good day. Thank you for answering my question so quickly. I'll try adjusting the thermostat and observe. Thanks again!

09/03/2016 Ulyana

What kind of service can we talk about if this company does not have the basics: rubber bands for the refrigerator? Around, step by step march

08.08.2016 Vasek Trubachev

The washing machine broke down, I called a repairman (I don’t know his name), he very conscientiously made a diagnosis and honestly told me the cost of repairs and the consequences after the repair, because... the machine was old, then pay a little extra and you can buy a new one. I tried to repair it, soldered something, turned it on, and it burned out. All repairs and diagnostics 400 rub. In another service they would have charged me at least 9,000. Thank you for your conscientiousness and decency. Now I am happy with my new washing machine without the unnecessary costs of repairs.

07/28/2016 Oksana

Yesterday I made an application for repair of a washing machine in Zelenograd. A girl called. I asked what brand of car it was, what the problem was and said to wait for the repairman to call. When the repairman called back, he said that they didn’t have spare parts and he couldn’t repair the car. I just can’t understand how you can make a diagnosis over the phone?

07/08/2016 Valentina

Thanks to master Eduard for repairing the washing machine. He did everything quickly and carefully. I liked the service.

07/08/2016 Irina

Thanks to master Leonid (Lobnya) for the high-quality repair of a washing machine with 12 years of experience. Despite the difficulties that arose due to the installation location of the washing machine (at a height of more than a meter above the floor on a special structure), the master coped with the job professionally. The machine is working again, hooray! I would also like to note the efficiency of the work of the master and the employees of the department for accepting applications - the application was left at 16:00 on a day off, and within half an hour the master was already with us. Another hour later the work was ready. In the future, if my household appliances break down, I will also contact BytTechRem. Thank you for your work!

06/11/2016 Anastasia

I left an application at 9 pm, after sending the message “Your application has been sent. A manager will contact you within 15 minutes.” I waited for a call for 40 minutes, then called myself. It turned out that it was not the manager who would call, but the foreman, and not in 15 minutes, but during his working hours - from 9 to 18. It’s not good to somehow promise 15 minutes and not deliver...

06/10/2016 Vladimir

The refrigerator, born in 1995, broke down... Master Alexander arrived and fixed everything very quickly! Thank you for your prompt arrival and quality repairs!

06/08/2016 Natalya

Many thanks to master Vladimir (surname Korzh). I brought back to life a washing machine that had 15 years of “experience”. Fast and high-quality work, a high level of professionalism is immediately visible. Thank you to your company for such specialists! Best regards, Sergei.

05/29/2016 Sergey

Hurray, the washing machine is working again, the problem turned out to be a failed heating element. Replacement cost 6,500 rubles, warranty for six months.

05/06/2016 Anna

Many thanks to BytTekhRem for repairing my washing machine. I left a request online late yesterday, but today it was already fixed. Thank you!

04/26/2016 Inna

Your service is lame and, as I understand it, you are not interested in orders. On 04/16/2016, late in the evening/at night, I left a request on the website with a fairly detailed and comprehensive description of the problem, wasting my time. On Sun early in the morning, around 9, the master called and said: “I only have “Refrigerator Repair” in my SMS, what happened?” I have a question for those at BytTekhRem who are really interested in orders: 1). Why is there a field for describing the problem in the application on the website if this information is not conveyed to the master? 2). Why should I, half asleep, remember the specifics of the order and repeat the same thing? The master did not want to find out all this information from those of your services that sent the SMS, and said goodbye with the words “Then I can’t help.”

04/20/2016 Vadim

Many thanks to master Anatoly for the prompt and high-quality repair of my refrigerator, as well as for a lot of useful advice and information. In case of any problems with household appliances, I will contact BytTechRem, including this wonderful technician.

04/09/2016 Natalya

We ordered repairs for an Electrolux washing machine. Master Dmitry helped us solve the problem, explained everything and performed the necessary repairs. Now everything works and there are no complaints) We express our deep gratitude to the master for the work done, saved money and nerves!

04/08/2016 Alexander

Hello! Not long ago there was such a problem with the washing machine, I didn’t know what was wrong with it. This is not a woman's business. I turned to you for help, the master (Leonid) arrived very quickly, quickly responded to help and promptly fixed everything well! Thank him very much! Very polite and pleasant employee!) keep it up, wish there were more of them!!))

04/07/2016 Olga

Thank you for repairing my refrigerator. On March 8, I left a request and the repairman arrived on the same day and brought the refrigerator back to life. Happy March 8th to all the women of BytTechRem!

03/09/2016 Olga (Podolsk)

I contacted the company to repair my refrigerator. Unfortunately, the first technician was unable to fix the problem! I called again, and the repairman, Anatoly, quickly identified the problem. Unfortunately, my refrigerator was beyond repair, which Anatoly told me competently and clearly! The amount I paid during the first call was returned back! All without deception! I would like to congratulate all the women of your company on the Spring holiday! I wish you many happy minutes, joy, unforgettable impressions, love, peace, kindness and comfort!

03/05/2016 Nadezhda

A huge human THANK YOU!!! for the efficiency, correct diagnosis and repair of my washing machine!!! I called today at 10.30 am, the girl accepted the order, at 11.30 two mechanics arrived, one of them Ibragimov R., examined and unscrewed my washing machine, immediately made the CORRECT DIAGNOSIS, replaced the brushes that had worn out over 7 years of intensive use of the Candy washing machine, and voila, MACHINE MINE IS LIKE NEW, WASHABLE!!! They issued a guarantee for the work done. I accidentally discovered the company BytTechRem on the Internet based on reviews, I am very glad that I contacted, I will use this company and recommend it to my friends and acquaintances!!!

02/28/2016 Torbina Tatyana

Thank you for the advice on error F-05, we solved it ourselves in 20 minutes and the machine started working again...

02/24/2016 Natalya

We express our deep gratitude and appreciation to master Martsinkevich Pavel for his excellent, qualified work. Despite many requests for Saturday, February 13, Pavel stopped by in the evening at 58/1 Ryazansky Prospekt and diagnosed our Stinol refrigerator, which has been serving us for 17 years. On Sunday, February 14, his day off, the master came to us in the morning, replaced the freezer motor-compressor and did all the necessary additional work. It is a pleasure to deal with such a competent, polite, professional employee. We thank the BytTekhRemniki team for their attentive attitude and high-quality performance of their work. Receipt No. 31****

02/15/2016 Ariadne

We called a technician to repair the ardo washing machine 01/13/16 Master Sergey was with us within an hour of confirming the order. The work was done quickly and within the amount that was agreed upon over the phone. We were very satisfied. Thanks a lot!

01/14/2016 Vitaly Kyrtikova

Happy Holidays to the entire RemBytKhim team!!! I thank Kirill for the quick and clear advice on repairing the refrigerator! The refrigerator works, it makes a loud noise!)) Thank you!!

01/05/2016 Oksana

We ordered the repair of the STINOL-106Q freezer on December 29, 2015. The dispatcher accepted the call after the call in the morning and said that the master would call you back. At 12.30 master Maxim Belov called and said that he would arrive soon. At 2.00 the master was with us. Unfortunately, at this time the elevator suddenly stopped working and he had to take everything up the stairs to the 14th floor. He identified the engine failure immediately and fixed the problem within two hours. Thank you very much that such understanding and responsive people are still around. I recommend using the services of BytTechRem.

12/29/2015 Natalya

Many thanks to your masters! I ordered a repair for a Siemens washing machine (it stopped spinning after 14! years of flawless operation). Everything was done quickly, efficiently, and carefully. Thank you for being! Success and prosperity in the New Year!

12/29/2015 Olga, Moscow, Zyablikovo

Thank you for repairing the refrigerator. Everything was done carefully and quickly. Master Kirill explained everything very competently and repaired everything. I advise everyone.

12/19/2015 Alena Zelenograd

The washing machine repair was carried out competently, quickly, cleanly, and inexpensively. Thanks to Nikolai from the First Channel TV programs :) Service of the highest level. Good luck and prosperity to BytTekhRem and all its employees.

11/10/2015 Julia

Great service!

09/02/2015 Maxim

Thanks for the answer, otherwise I had doubts about the wear of the hinge.

07/02/2015 Lyudmila

I ordered the repair of a washing machine, the master Dmitry did everything quickly and efficiently, he explained everything, well done, thank you, if only everyone had such masters!

06/25/2015 Eduard

Thank you for the good advice IT HAS HELPED, erasing again, HURRAY we managed on our own and with your help. C/U Volkov family Orenburg

06/12/2015 Dmitry

Thanks to master Leonid for the prompt and high-quality repair of the Electrolux EWC1350 washing machine.

06.06.2015 Alexander

Thank you very much. The Bosch Maxi 5 machine beeped and did not work. This is the second time. The first time the master arrived, he quickly did everything, took 2,000 rubles and left. now, thanks to your article. I was able to fix the problem myself.

05/11/2015 Tatyana

Thank you for the prompt repair of the washing machine on Avtozavodskaya Street. The repairman called the same day and came the next day, repaired the car and replaced the parts. All OK.

04/29/2015 Olga

Thank you!!!

04/27/2015 Finally

Thank you to Seryozha for the high-quality repair of the Elektrolux EWT1221 washing machine at the address: Budyonny Ave. 24-*-*. With respect to your company Victor!

04/22/2015 Victor

Thank you!!! The article is written clearly and clearly!!! It immediately became clear what the problem was with the machine!! We will fix it)

04/08/2015 Christina

Many, many thanks to the entire BytTechRem team for helping people!!! Now I will be your reader and recommend it to my friends. Thank you!!!

04/03/2015 Alibek

Good article! Thank you!

03/30/2015 Evgeniy

Cool) I read everything here and repaired it without calling a repairman. I didn't even spend any money!

02/17/2015 Rodion

Competent specialists, they give advice and help simply and clearly. The advice of the experts helped me repair the refrigerator myself. Thank you very much.

01/25/2015 Alexander

Thank you for repairing my MILE washing machine. Yesterday I left a request, the repairman came and quickly repaired everything. Thank you! Shelepikhinskoe highway

12/17/2014 Anna

Thanks a lot! Your article was very helpful

12/07/2014 Katerina

Thank you very much for the help! My PMM is working again! I am immensely happy!

08/20/2014 Tatyana

Thank you very much!!! Your article was very helpful! Sincerely, Victor

08/02/2014 Victor

A company that repairs refrigerators and household appliances...why are there so few companies that repair the equipment you repair? Here I have a Minsk refrigerator, and a Privilege freezer, for example:)

07/06/2014 Evil Refrigerator

Thank you for the article. I've been scratching my head about why the dishwasher won't drain. I messed with the pump - it works. The drain hose is clean. It turned out that the drain hose was clogged inside the machine!!! Hurray, I'm back with clean dishes and a happy wife!!!

06/26/2014 Alexander

Thanks to this site for the article about refrigerator leaks. It turned out that the battery behind the refrigerator was leaking!

06/02/2014 Alexander

Thanks for the repair article, I did it myself in half an hour and everything works!

03/10/2014 Evgeniy

Thank you very much to BytTekhRem, and especially to master Igor! We repaired the Gorenje refrigerator. We arrived on the agreed day, as agreed. We looked at the device and identified the problem. Everything is very high quality, prompt, professional. All liked it! Once again I express my gratitude to the specialist! I highly recommend BytTechRem as an organization of highly qualified specialists.

12/20/2013 Irina

Siemens dishwasher repaired. I liked the work of the master (Dmitry Abibulaev) - promptly, competently, carefully. Thanks to the company and Dmitry.

12/15/2013 Andrey

Thank you very much for your answer! Thank you very much!

12/03/2013 Ildar

The application was accepted promptly, the master arrived at a convenient time. Very pleased! The machine works. Thanks to Dmitry! Fast, efficient!

12/01/2013 Olga S.

Thank you for the competent article on refrigerator repair, it helped!

11/28/2013 Vsevolod

Good afternoon. I would like to leave words of gratitude to your masters. Well done!!

11/17/2013 Rashit

I would like to thank the specialists of BytTekhRem for the prompt response and online consultation on the breakdown of the PMM! To be honest, when I asked for a consultation, I thought that they would start scamming me for expensive repairs, but in the end I got away with a succinct online response that helped in curing PMM. Thank you!

11/11/2013 Alexander

Good afternoon!! This is my first time contacting your company and I am very pleased! I just left a request for repairs online (I would like to note a very nice website), they called back promptly, the master Yuri arrived at a convenient time for me on 10/29/2013, quickly and efficiently repaired the Indesit refrigerator, which freezes like new again! Thank you very much for your work, I will recommend BytTekhRem to my friends and acquaintances! All the best and prosperity to your organization and its employees)) Galina, Mikhailova str., Ryazansky district

10.30.2013 Galina, Moscow, SEAD

Cool, your office is just super!

10/24/2013 Sergey A.

I would like to express my deep gratitude to master Denis. Ariston repaired my refrigerator very quickly. The board was broken, I removed it yesterday and connected it today! Thanks a lot! st. Verkhnie Polya d 22

10.10.2013 Evgeniy

I liked the technician’s quick and qualified response to my request regarding the washing machine filter. Thank you!

08/21/2013 Sergey

Thank you for the prompt repair of the air conditioner breakdown and advice on care! Master Dmitry came with his partner, the guys know the topic thoroughly) I liked the punctuality. In general, I recommend it. Ilya, Maryina Roshcha, order date 08/15/2013.

08/16/2013 Ilya

Amazing people work for you! Less than 10 minutes passed before I received an answer to my question (the freezer broke) - the answer was competent and complete! Thank you very much again

07/18/2013 Elena

Good afternoon I submitted a request to your company for repair of an LG refrigerator on 06/09/13. Master Roman has arrived. We liked his work. He had the parts with him, the repair took about an hour. Thank you! Julia, st. Lyusinovskaya 29

06/14/2013 Julia

Thanks to master Alexey Krotov! And he fixed the washing machine and let me listen to hip-hop :) The machine did not drain, after changing the pump and removing 2 blockages - everything is ok

06/03/2013 Denis

Thanks to master Yuri! And he fixed the refrigerator and healed his soul with conversation! Two in one! Excellent master!!!

01/24/2013 Olga


11/18/2012 VALERIYA

THANK YOU so much for your quick response regarding the General Electric refrigerator. I will follow your advice.

10/22/2012 Nadezhda

Thank you for your quick and concise response regarding the Gorenje refrigerator. My guess was confirmed. Thanks again.

10/04/2012 Alexander

Many thanks to master Vladimirov Sergei! He quickly identified the problem and repaired my refrigerator efficiently.

09/20/2012 Maria

We express our gratitude to Andrey. He arrived promptly after the call and repaired our Electrolux refrigerator. Thank you!

08/16/2012 Konstantin

Thanks to the master, Anton. He repaired the washing machine very quickly. We already thought we would have to buy a new car.

07/15/2012 Veronica

He arrived so quickly and did everything well! Thank you very much to master Yuri.

06/17/2012 Elena

The refrigerator needed repair. We called the BytTechRem company in the afternoon. The order was accepted and the master arrived in the evening. Everything was done very quickly and not expensive. Many thanks to Master Roman.

05/22/2012 Valentina

Thank you for repairing the washing machine. The master did everything very quickly. I will recommend your company to relatives and friends.

04/11/2012 Maria

Master Yuri, repaired the Stinol refrigerator. I already thought that there was no way to save him. And the master arrived and did everything in an hour and a half.

03/12/2012 Valentin

I would like to express my gratitude to master Oleg. The washing machine works like new again. I will recommend your workshop.

03/06/2012 EVGENIYA

Thank you, the masters from BytTechRem! We repaired our Electrolux washing machine quickly and efficiently.

03/03/2012 Pavel

Thanks for my refurbished Stinol. Everything is working.

12/15/2011 Sergey

Wonderful service. Everything was done quickly and on time! keep it up!

07/13/2010 Superman

Tell me, please, do you provide guarantees for repairs?

05/19/2010 Nikita

Good afternoon. I would like to express my gratitude to the master named Yuri. Repaired Electrolux refrigerator. Receipt number 102116. I was able to fix our refrigerator, although they had previously called a repairman and he diagnosed it at a landfill. Thank you.

Let me start with the fact that nothing appears out of nowhere or disappears anywhere. Ice at the bottom of the freezer compartment of the Samsung No Frost refrigerator appears due to the fact that the melted condensate simply has nowhere to go. In general, the following happens: the water drainage channel, which goes from under the freezer evaporator to the container on the motor, becomes clogged. Many people think that this channel is clogged with some kind of muck, that is, due to the ingress of some kind of debris. Yes, indeed, all kinds of herbs are stored in the freezer, such as parsley, dill and the like. Of course, the leaves can get into the channel through which condensation flows, but from experience I can say that this happens extremely rarely. Believe me, the condensate drain channel is clogged with debris in 10% of cases out of 100; in most cases, the culprit for this behavior of the refrigerator is freezing of the drain tube. In the video below I showed how a flexible heating element for additional defrosting is installed. You definitely need to watch this video, then we will analyze the cases and questions of consumers of this equipment regarding this disease

Watch the video why ice accumulates at the bottom of the freezer in the No Frost refrigerator

Let's return to the video and consider some of the nuances that are associated with the installation of a flexible heating element. For the first time this video was posted on YouTube, and now it’s time to explain it on my website, this video was shot by me personally, so I understand very well what I’m talking about. First, let's see how additional defrosting works and why it is needed. From the video above, you should have learned that the refrigerant suction tube from the evaporator passes in close proximity to the water drain tube, as a result, gradual icing of the condensate drain tube occurs. This is the main reason why ice appears in the freezer. Next we will consider the question that interests us most, that is, we will talk about the parameters and where to connect the contacts of our additional heating element

  1. Heating element power→ Can be used from 30 to 80 watts. The most important thing here is that it does not melt the plastic, that is, the drain tube. Take the heating element and connect it to electricity, if you can hold it in your hands when it is turned on, then it is quite suitable for defrosting
  2. Flexible heating element length→ Completely depends on the model of your refrigerator and the location of the freezer. If the chamber is located at the top, then its length will be noticeably longer, since the heating element must be stretched along the entire drain tube. In general, take some long single flexible wire and try to install it in the same way as the additional defrost will be installed. This way you will get the exact length. There is no need to buy end-to-end, it is better to let it be half a meter longer, the extra ones can be placed at the bottom of the freezer evaporator
  3. Where to connect→ This heating element must be turned on together with the main defrost. This means that you need to solder the ends of the additional defrost to the contacts of the main defrost

Well, that’s basically all, as you can see, there is nothing complicated, the heating element itself can be bought in almost any specialized online store, the main thing is to know which one to buy. When you buy, choose one that will fit into a hole with a diameter of no more than 1 centimeter. Next I will answer some questions that are being asked in my workshop about this. I think thanks to my answers, you will be able to understand whether you need to carry out this procedure

I have a Samsung refrigerator with the No Frost system, after I bought it, about three years later, this crap started. In general, water constantly accumulates in the freezer, or rather, water first appears, and then it freezes. We have to defrost the refrigerator every month, although we used to do it once every two years. In general, to prevent food from spoiling, we pull out the bottom drawer and pick out the ice from the bottom of the freezer. Several repairmen were called, they shrugged their shoulders and each time changed the defrost sensor and cleaned the water drain pipe from the freezer evaporator. This helps for a while, but then we notice the appearance of ice again

If you changed the defrost sensor and also cleaned the condensate drain channel and the result remained the same, then you need to install an additional heating element, you can see how to do this in the video above. Cleaning the channel and replacing the defrost sensor is unlikely to help you

Recently my Samsung refrigerator has started acting up, the problem is that water has started dripping from the top of the refrigerator. The freezer freezes perfectly, but recently we saw ice at the bottom of the freezer. The fact is that we haven’t defrosted it for a long time, and closer to summer we decided that we needed to prepare the refrigerator for harvesting berries. We started pulling out food and it froze to the bottom of the freezer. We defrosted the refrigerator for 3 days, then turned it on. After 3 weeks, ice was again found at the bottom of the freezer, and in the refrigerator compartment, water began to drip from above again. The master changed the defrost sensor, as well as the clock mechanism, but things are still there. As before, water is dripping from the top of the refrigerator compartment, and there is ice in the freezer

A classic case for a Samsung No Frost refrigerator with a top freezer compartment. Try cleaning the water drain channel again. It is quite possible that there is something sitting there; this happens quite often in such refrigerators. If this does not help, install a flexible heating element, that is, additional defrosting. I think that the defrost sensor and timer have nothing to do with it at all, most likely we are talking about freezing of the drain tube or its clogging with debris

Once a month I cleaned the drain pipe in the freezer, now the situation has worsened because the spiral of the main heating element has become covered, it does not ring at all and frost is freezing on the evaporator. This heating element is not sold separately in online stores, only assembled with the radiator itself. I watched your video and understood the principle of the system. I have a question: is it possible to use such a flexible heating element as the main one, that is, wrap it around the evaporator and put it in the drain tube. It seems to me, what difference does it make what this radiator will heat?

The difference is big, the fact is that the main heating element is in an aluminum casing and stands on the evaporator itself, thanks to this heat exchange occurs; if you install a flexible heating element, then there will be no such heat exchange and it is quite possible that ice will freeze on the freezer in the future. If you cannot find the original, you can install a universal one. You can see it in the photo below

Photo of glass defrost element for No Frost refrigerators

It is very important here that it fits properly, and the rest, as you put it, the evaporator doesn’t care about heating it. Don't forget about the additional heater, it also needs to be installed. If the drain channel in your refrigerator froze, it will continue to happen again in the future, so it’s better to be on the safe side. When you buy a glass heating element, be sure to find out the dimensions and measure the length of the evaporator, since it is under the evaporator that you will need to install it

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):