As is known, heat flow is always directed towards lower temperature. So, for example, the heat of a house heated in winter rushes out through the enclosing structures (walls, windows, doors, roof) and as a result is lost.

It is estimated that heating uninsulated old houses requires about 220-270 kWh/mChod. According to modern thermal protection standards, energy consumption for newly built houses should not exceed 54-100 kWh/mChod. If we consider that 10 kWh corresponds to the energy obtained by burning approximately 1 liter of liquid boiler fuel, then it is not difficult to calculate how much fuel (money) can be saved if you effectively insulate the house.

Note that heat loss through individual elements of the house is different and depends on the thermal insulation qualities of the structures and their sizes. The maximum heat loss occurs, as a rule, on the outer walls - up to 35-45% of the heat escapes through them (depending on the design).

A significantly smaller percentage of the total area of ​​external fences consists of windows. However, their resistance to heat transfer is 2-3 times less than that of external walls. Therefore, windows account for up to 20-30% of the heat loss of the entire house.

A considerable part of the heat is lost through the roof. Moreover, in one- and two-story buildings, losses are much higher than in multi-story buildings, and amount to about 30-35% of total heat losses. About 3-10% of the heat escapes through the ceilings. Of course, some of the heat flows out of the house through utility pipes.

The temperature characteristics of an uninsulated wall in the summer (above) and winter (below) periods indicate the need for thermal insulation, if only because of the temperature of the inner surface of the wall.

A “cold bridge” is formed, for example, at the junction reinforced concrete floor with a facing concrete belt and an external wall façade: 1 - external wall; 2 - floating screed; 3 - interfloor ceiling; 4 - “bridge of cold”.

If there is a “cold bridge”, condensation may form in the living room. At a room temperature of 20°C, one cubic meter of air can contain 17.5 g of moisture in the form of water vapor. When the temperature on the inner surface of the outer wall drops to 0″C, the indicated volume of air may contain only 5 g of moisture. The remaining 12.5 g of moisture condenses and settles on the cold wall.

Condensation forms where there are “cold bridges”, for example, where the internal thermal insulation is interrupted by a transverse wall: 1 - external wall; 2 - internal thermal insulation; 3 - corner where the temperature is reduced to 6-7°C; 4 - transverse wall; 5 - condensate; 6 - place where the temperature is reduced to 17°C.

Of course, it is impossible to achieve a complete absence of heat leaks in an energy-efficient house. But it is possible to reduce losses to a reasonable minimum. One way is to reduce the perimeter of the external walls. If you do not want to change the architecture of the building, you need to take care of proper insulation. Since greatest number heat is lost through the walls, so we’ll talk about them first.

As is known, there are three main options for wall insulation: place the insulation on the inner surface of the wall; hide it inside the enclosing structure; arrange insulation of the wall from the outside. Each of these methods has its own characteristics.

The energy state of the house is shown by thermographic studies. Heat leaks are clearly visible here.

Internal wall insulation

This method has a number of disadvantages. Obviously, with this arrangement of insulation, the area of ​​the premises is reduced. But this is not the main problem. The main thing is that with internal insulation, the wall is in a zone of negative temperatures, which partly affects the insulation itself. In addition, the natural diffusion of water vapor through the fence is disrupted, and conditions are created for the formation of condensation at the boundary of the wall and the insulation. Increased humidity leads not only to a decrease in thermal performance, but also to the appearance and active growth of fungi and mold. Another serious drawback is that external walls, insulated from the inside, lose their heat-accumulating properties.

Internal insulation. In the absence of a vapor barrier, condensation forms at the boundary of the layers.

Internal thermal insulation using expanded polystyrene (styrofoam): 1 - a combined layer of styrofoam and plasterboard; 2 - adhesive solution; 3 - plasterboard; 4 -styrofoam; 5 - masonry; 6 - plaster.

Internal thermal insulation using mineral fiber boards. Unlike styrofoam, which itself is vapor-proof, additional insulation is required here: 1 - plasterboard; 2 - mineral fiber board 80 mm thick; 3 - vapor-proof film; 4 - masonry.

Thus, internal thermal insulation is advisable only if the house has a unique external design, which can be disrupted by external insulation of its walls (for example, if we're talking about about architectural monuments).

Insulation of an external wall from the inside using a metal supporting structure. Thin soundproofing strips are installed between the wall and the profiles. Mineral fiber boards 50 mm thick were used as insulation.

There are other reasons why you might prefer internal insulation. For example, it is easier to insulate a house from the inside than from the outside. Even an amateur can do this task. Another plus is that a room with internal thermal insulation can be warmed up faster. Finally, work related to internal insulation can be carried out gradually, in separate rooms.

External wall insulation

One of the advanced methods of thermal insulation is “warm facade” or “wet” type external insulation- the most universal and has been used in many European countries for more than half a century. For example, in Germany alone, during 1996, such systems were used on an area of ​​more than 43 million m2!!!

Combined wet system- multilayer construction, which is based on three layers. Thermal insulation layer - slabs made of materials with a low thermal conductivity coefficient (mineral wool or polystyrene foam). The second layer is a special plaster and adhesive composition, reinforced with an alkali-resistant mesh. The third layer is protective and decorative plaster (mineral, acrylic, silicate, silicone), which can be painted with special paints.

This shows the installation of insulation between the main and facing masonry using a compressor unit. Volcanic rock, better known as perlite, is used as insulation.

There are many advantages of external thermal insulation of the “wet” type. The main thing is the ability to provide the façade insulation required by standards using inexpensive means. In this case, the walls will be thin, since they only need to have sufficient load-bearing capacity, and the insulation will not allow heat loss. In addition, the walls will be light, which means that the cost of constructing a foundation, one of the most expensive elements of a building, will be reduced. The air temperature in the rooms of such an energy-efficient house is distributed more evenly, resulting in a more pleasant microclimate. Wet-type systems also significantly improve the sound insulation properties of walls.

Combined “wet” type systems based on polystyrene foam or mineral fiber boards covered with vapor-permeable plaster with fiberglass have proven themselves to be excellent for external thermal insulation.

In summer “warm façade” reduces heating of enclosing structures under the influence of sunlight and high temperature air, so the indoor temperature will not rise sharply.
In order for a “warm facade” to retain its performance properties for a long time, it must meet certain requirements. For example, it is very important that all layers of a “warm facade” not only have the necessary indicators for water absorption, vapor permeability, frost resistance, thermal expansion, but also combined with each other according to these indicators.

Compatibility is determined only by calculation of the system as a whole. Thus, it is necessary that in a multilayer structure, each subsequent layer (from the inside to the outside) allows steam to pass through better than the previous one. Underestimation of this circumstance leads to the use together, for example, of mineral wool insulation with excellent vapor permeability and polymer decorative plaster (thin, but poorly permeable to steam). The result is peeling of the finishing layer. To avoid such situations, experts do not recommend using cheap but unfamiliar materials, as this usually has a detrimental effect on the quality and service life of the “warm facade”.

The basis for “wet” type thermal insulation can be reinforced concrete (panels or monolith), brick or masonry, foam concrete, metal, wood, etc. Some difficulties, according to some experts, are walls made of foam concrete blocks. They themselves are very “warm” and, moreover, have high vapor permeability, which in combination with an external insulation system can lead to troubles: a shift in the dew point into the thickness of the block (instead of the insulation board) or a zone of negative temperatures inside the wall, condensation at the boundary of the insulation and plaster layer. All this reduces the durability of the structure and even destroys it.

Perimeter insulating slabs are used as external thermal insulation in the foundation area: 1 - basement wall; 2 - horizontal waterproofing of the outer wall; 3 - primer; 4 - vertical waterproofing; 5 - perimeter insulating plate; 6 - outer layer.

To avoid these problems, you should carefully select the density and thickness of foam concrete blocks, the type and thickness of insulation, fasteners and materials for reinforced and protective and decorative layers.

Ventilated facade systems

More than 50% of new buildings in Europe have ventilated facades. In this case, the thermal insulation material is laid in a sheathing, to which elements of the outer shell made of slate, boards, slabs, etc. are attached.
A special feature of this system is the presence of a ventilation gap between the thermal insulation layer and the decorative finish. In the summer heat, this design prevents penetration

heat through outer wall into the room. in winter facing slabs protect from the wind, and the air space in the wall acts as additional insulation. A positive point is also the absence of sudden changes in the temperature of the fence. This wall design does not prevent moisture from escaping - they breathe.

External walls can be insulated curtain facades, for example, from fiber cement boards, shingles or tongue and groove boards. It is important that there is a ventilation gap between the cladding and the insulation laid between the sheathing slats, which is necessary for air circulation.

Facade slabs protect the old wall from the effects of rain. Moisture that accidentally penetrates through joints or gaps of fasteners does not reach the insulation or load-bearing structures, and thanks to sufficient ventilation it dries on the inner surface of the cladding without damaging the wall itself.

Often as facing material Fiber cement boards are used in suspended facade systems. They consist of 85% cement and 15% cellulose fibers and various mineral fillers, and are made by pressing.

The composition and unique production technologies give the material environmental friendliness, fire safety, low moisture and sound permeability. The material is durable - its service life is about 100-150 years, and its frost resistance is up to 300 cycles, which is several times higher than that of brick. The slabs are easy to install and process.

Another advantage of the curtain wall system- the possibility of using insulation with a layer of up to 250 mm. For this purpose, hydrophobized mineral wool slabs based on basalt fiber are used, specially developed for ventilated facades. This insulation is absolutely fireproof, environmentally friendly and has good vapor permeability.

The system can be installed fairly quickly. The work is being carried out all year round, since wet processes are completely excluded, which is especially important for Russia with its cold climate.

Roof insulation

The house should be thermally insulated on all sides, including the top. Moreover, it is advisable to insulate not only the ceiling, but also the roof, even if attic space and there are no plans to make it residential.

When thermal insulation is laid on top of the rafters, the roof will be most reliably protected from temperature fluctuations. If this is not possible, the insulation is placed between the rafters, or even under them. It is very important to properly protect the insulation from blowing and moisture from the side of the roofing and from steam from the side of the room.

Shown here is the structure of the roof with the placement of insulation between the rafters: 1 - hydro-windproof film; 2 - vapor barrier film.

Temperature and humidity conditions have a significant impact on the service life of thermal insulation. operation of the structure, exposure to wind, snow and other mechanical loads. In addition, insulation materials must retain their basic functions for a long time (including water and bioresistance), not emit toxic or unpleasant-smelling substances during operation, and meet fire safety requirements.

As a rule, the roofs of country houses are pitched. Strength requirements for thermal insulation materials for pitched roofs they are not so rigid, but it is important that the material does not sag under its own weight and does not shrink. Otherwise, “cold bridges” may appear under the ridge. This effect often occurs when using low-density fiberglass products.

Expanded polystyrene is only partially suitable for insulating pitched roofs: it is flammable, which means it requires fire-fighting measures, including fire-retardant impregnation of wooden structures, installation of fire-retardant layers, etc.

It is most advisable to use hydrophobized slabs made of basalt rocks.
These materials laminated with foil or fiberglass are best suited for insulating unloaded roof structures.

The listed measures for insulating houses must be carried out in compliance important requirement: the insulation must be continuous, without gaps, since any place where the thermal insulation is interrupted forms a “cold bridge”. In addition, in uninsulated places, due to temperature differences, condensation can form, which will certainly lead to the destruction of the structure.

Let's remember physics. As you know, the air always contains a certain amount of water vapor. They determine air humidity, which is higher the higher more moisture contained in 1 m3 of air.

However, the air can only be saturated with water to a certain extent. For example, at a temperature of 20°C, 1 m3 of air can contain 17.5 g of moisture.

If this value is exceeded at the same temperature, moisture from the air will begin to fall out in the form of small droplets - condensation. At the same time, the lower the air temperature, the less water it can contain. For example, at a temperature of 0°C its amount is only 5 g per 1 m3. Thus, if air at a temperature of 20°C begins to cool to 5°C, then 12.5 g of moisture will fall out in the form of condensation.

Window insulation

The thermal balance of a home largely depends on windows.

Modern window systems based on double-glazed windows with effective sealing of seams can significantly reduce heat loss. However, with such reliable insulation of windows, the air in the rooms becomes more humid and saturated harmful substances. In these conditions, the issue of room ventilation becomes acute.

Equipped with well-sealed windows, an energy-efficient house is equipped with a ventilation system with a heat exchanger and an additional heat pump: A - outside air; B - exhaust air; C - air exhausted into the atmosphere; D- supply air; 1 - heat exchanger; 2 - fan; 3 - heat pump.

Modern double-glazed windows have very high thermal insulation properties: 1 - glass; 2 - xenon gas; 3 - drying agent; 4 - butyl seal; 5 - polysulfide seal; 6 - aluminum spacer element.

Modern window designs provide ventilation of rooms when the window is closed.

Recently, specially designed windows have appeared on the market that provide constant air exchange. At the same time, neither draft nor street noise are felt. At the same time, the modern market offers wide range fans and heat exchangers that reduce energy consumption through rational ventilation of rooms.

Windows in an energy-efficient house have another function: receiving additional heat from the sun's rays.

When using highly insulating glass, the temperature on their inner surface is 17″C, which creates a favorable microclimate in the room. At a similar temperature outside the window, the surface temperature ordinary double glazed windows equal to only 9″C.

The use of solar energy in combination with internal heat, the source of which is gas or electric stove, incandescent lamps, human body, etc., helps save energy.

Significantly greater heat savings in the presence of double-glazed windows can be achieved by using a heating system with electronic control.

Heating systems

What components of the heating system need to be modernized to make the house energy efficient?

For clarity, the heating system can be divided into five constituent elements: heat generator (for example, heating boiler), heat distribution unit (pipelines with circulation pump), devices for releasing heat into the room (heating radiators, “warm floors”, etc.), control and regulation devices, chimney.

Currently, the most effective in terms of energy savings are low-temperature boilers using water steam. Unlike traditional heating boilers operating at temperatures of 70-90°C, low-temperature boilers operate in the temperature range of 40-75°C.

Low-temperature heating system using water steam: 1 - low-temperature heating battery; 2 - condensate; 3 - exhaust gas.

The peculiarity of boilers using steam is that, compared to conventional low-temperature boilers, they produce more heat with less fuel consumption and, therefore, less harmful emissions.

Typically, water vapor produced when fuel is burned is lost along with the gases released into the atmosphere. In these same boilers, water vapor passes through a heat exchanger, where it gives off its heat, which is then returned to the heating system.

Low-temperature boilers can also provide a home with domestic water.

Low temperature heating system requires the use of heating devices, the heat transfer surface of which is larger than that of conventional batteries. Therefore, a “warm floor” with its extensive surface goes well with this system.

Heat for heating and domestic water heating is produced by solar collectors and a wood-burning stove.

Modern industry produces a variety of mechanical and electronic control and regulation devices that allow optimal energy consumption. One of them is an outside temperature sensor (usually on the northwest side of the house). It transmits temperature data to the control device, which, if necessary, turns on the burner, increasing the temperature at the inlet of the heating system. Temperature heating batteries support thermostats. These devices are installed both on the heating boiler (central) and in the rooms.

Diagram of a modern heating system: 1 - weather sensor; 2 - specified work program; 3 - central device; 4 - thermostat; 5 - thermostat valve; 6 - mixer with actuator motor; 7 - heating pump.

Time-programmable appliances lower the temperature at night or even during the day when the house is empty (on weekends or during vacations). However, you should not sharply reduce the temperature, otherwise, when it increases, condensation may form on the cooled surfaces. In addition, heating a very cool room will require more energy consumption.

Thus, only by properly insulating your house and equipping it with equipment that allows you to use heat economically will you become less dependent on energy prices. And most importantly, an energy-efficient house will always have a healthy microclimate and comfort.

Calculate the approximate cost of building an energy-efficient home using a construction calculator.

What is an energy efficient home?

  This is a house in which:

  • are provided minimal losses heat through the enclosing structures by increasing the thickness of the thermal insulation of the walls and the use of effective modern insulation materials
  • windows and external doors are used with high heat transfer resistance
  • high tightness of the building is ensured and all air exchange is controlled using supply and exhaust ventilation systems with heat recovery, which reduces heat loss during room ventilation
  • Fulfillment of the above conditions ensures low and ultra-low energy consumption in the house. In Germany, good indicators of an energy-efficient house are considered when no more than 1.5...3 liters of standard fuel are consumed per 1 m² of heated area per year, i.e. no more than 15...30 kW h/m² per year.

    According to the theory of German scientists, any area has its own specific (for a given area) natural renewable sources, which in the case of low energy consumption can completely replace traditional sources energy resources and ensure comfortable living in the house.

    Low energy consumption at home makes it possible to use renewable energy sources from the environment. In this case, energy sources can be of various types: geothermal energy of the Earth, solar energy, wind energy, water energy. In the coastal zone, for example, wind turbines and tidal power plants. In mountainous areas - wind generators and geothermal systems. In flat areas - geothermal, solar installations, etc. This use of the environment is environmentally friendly, ensures the preservation of the environment, and most importantly, provides independence from constantly rising energy prices.

    Despite the high cost of the equipment necessary to obtain heat from renewable energy sources, it becomes competitive with traditional equipment running on gas, electricity, wood and coal, since current operating costs are minimal and practically do not depend on rising prices. In addition, recently the cost of this equipment, which in the recent past was fantastic, has decreased significantly and continues to decrease every year.

    Construction of individual low-rise energy-efficient residential buildings in Russia

    Currently, individual low-rise energy-efficient houses are a pipe dream for the majority of the Russian population. Single copies built recently, at a cost (more than 100 thousand rubles/m²) significantly exceed the cost of ordinary houses calculated according to the standards in force in Russia.

    The specialists of InterStroy LLC were tasked with developing a project and building a prototype of an energy-efficient individual low-rise building, at a cost not exceeding average cost ordinary country house(approximately no more than 60 thousand rubles/m²).

    In the future, based on the results of monitoring the operational properties of the building under construction, it is planned to continue optimizing costs and reducing the cost of construction by another 10-15%. This condition is necessary for the implementation of mass construction of houses of this class in areas with limited energy resources (lack of electricity, gas).

    Preliminary selection of basic architectural and technical solutions

    Before accepting the main version of the “pilot project” for an individual low-rise residential building, specialists from Passive House Institute LLC analyzed several options for planning and design solutions, and also made preliminary calculations for selecting types of insulation materials and their thicknesses.

    In order to reduce the cost of the house, a rectangular house plan was adopted, which made it possible to minimize the volume of external walls per unit area of ​​the building.

    Particular attention was paid to the choice of design of external walls. As a result of comparing various materials (brick, foam blocks, wooden frame, etc.) as load-bearing and enclosing structures, it was decided to use monolithic reinforced concrete structures. Concrete walls have a dense structure, which makes it possible to better perform the required sealing of the internal volume necessary to control and manage air exchange in order to minimize heat losses and maximize heat retention (up to 80%). It also ensures high load-bearing capacity with minimal thickness, which significantly reduces the volume of structures and reduces the cost and timing of work.

    As insulation, among the huge variety of materials presented today (hard, soft, mineral, synthetic, “inflated”, etc.), a new generation of slab mineral wool insulation produced by the company was chosen "SAINT-GOBAIN". In addition, an agreement was reached on joint development with the company "SAINT-GOBAIN" attachment points for insulation (400 mm thick or more) to the concrete surface of external walls.

    Exterior of the building

    Main design solutions of the building

    Architectural and planning solutions

    The architects adopted a modular concept for the building's layout, using which it is possible to connect modules in different directions.

    The module is a square with internal dimensions of 9.6×9.6 meters with a total area of ​​about 90 m2. The square shape was adopted to reduce the material consumption of expensive external walls per 1 m2 of area.

    The modular layout makes it possible to build houses with an area of: 90 m², 135 m², 180 m², 225 m², 270 m², etc.


    The foundation is made in the form of a monolithic reinforced concrete slab 300 mm thick, the basement walls are made of monolithic reinforced concrete 150 mm thick.

    Wall structures of the first, second and third floors

    The external walls are load-bearing, made of monolithic reinforced concrete 150 mm thick, followed by insulation with mineral wool slabs, with external finishing with ventilated facades and partially plaster facades. Internal walls, except for the two piers of the staircase and the first pier of the communication shaft, can be made from any wall materials at the request of the customer (brick, tongue-and-groove blocks, plasterboard, etc.).


    Interfloor ceilings are beamless monolithic reinforced concrete, 160 mm thick, supported on external walls, staircase walls and communication shafts. Monolithic ceiling with a large span allows architects, when decorating the interior, to carry out any individual layout and satisfy the most stringent customer requests.


    The roof was accepted as partially unusable with a single-pitch radius curve with an internal drain and partially usable with a flat slope. The insulation of the radius roof is made from ISOVER mineral wool slabs with a thickness of 600 mm. Insulation of a flat roof – 450 mm of extruded polystyrene foam. Various solutions have been adopted to demonstrate the feasibility of use in this project. various types roofs (both flat and complex with a curved contour, as well as various types of one, two, four pitched).

    Thermal envelope of the building

    Insulation of a building begins from the foundation underneath foundation slab insulation made of extruded polystyrene foam 300 mm thick. Next, the basement walls are insulated with XPS insulation 350 mm thick. The external walls are insulated with mineral wool slabs 400 mm thick. To insulate the roof, parapets and cornices, insulation materials with low volumetric weight, both dense and loose (extruded polystyrene foam, ISOVER, etc.), are used. The choice of various thermal insulation materials is due to the fact that structures operating in different conditions(foundation, basement walls, exterior walls, roof).

    To attach semi-rigid insulation to walls, two options for ventilated and “wet” façade subsystems have been developed. One subsystem consists of I-beams, made of OSB, installed vertically, filling the space between the trusses with “ISOVER” type insulation. The second one is from metal brackets and wooden blocks made in the form of a frame, filled with “ISOVER” type insulation. Together with the Saint-Gobain company, the development of other types of unified subsystems continues in order to reduce their cost and improve their characteristics (for the possibility of attaching insulation with a thickness of 400 mm, 500 mm and more).

    External glazing and doors

    Due to the fact that the thermal design of the experimental house was carried out according to German standards, the architects were given a difficult task. When designing the glazing of the house, the orientation of the house to the cardinal points was strictly taken into account. The minimum glazing is accepted on the north side, the maximum - on the south. In hot summer time, an automatic sun protection system is provided on the façade of the house. In order to reduce heat loss, one input is provided. The windows and doors used must meet the following project requirements: Rо = 1.19 – 1.20 (m² C)/W.

    External decorative elements of facades

    There are various technical solutions, which allow you to eliminate the problems of freezing through these elements. However, they are often expensive and their use in construction will lead to unnecessary increases in cost. Therefore, in this project, the façade finishing elements are various combinations ventilated facade and external facade plaster. The varieties of these materials currently available on the construction market make it possible to satisfy the tastes of the most demanding customer.

    Skillful combination of different types of finishing of ventilated facades, use various colors external painting of sections of walls, as well as the use of different roof structures allows architects to offer customers a wide variety of houses that are not similar to each other.

    Internal layout

    All rooms with maximum occupancy are concentrated on the south side, where maximum glazing is possible. Premises for technical and domestic purposes are located mainly with north side, where there is no external glazing or it is minimal. It was decided to abandon premises with double light due to a significant deterioration in the thermal characteristics of the building.

    Home engineering equipment

    Water supply

    There is a well on the site. The well provides all the needs of the house. The automatic pump control and all equipment for water supply are located in a well equipped above the well head.

    Inside the building in the basement there is an input unit equipped with the necessary shut-off valves and filters fine cleaning water and water flow meters.

    Hot water is heated jointly using a heat pump and solar collectors, and if one of the systems fails, heating is provided using a backup source (in this project, a gas boiler).

    In the event of a pump breakdown, the house has an emergency supply of drinking water of 1000 liters.

    Drains and storm drains

    The roof consists of a flat part with an area of ​​about 45 m2 and a pitched part with a variable slope - 75 m2. On a flat roof, water drains along slopes towards funnels located in the corners of the building. On sloping roof Water also flows along slopes to drainage funnels located at the lowest points in the corners of the building.

    All drained rain and melt water is directed to the drainage wells of the wall drainage of the house.

    Can be used on flat roofs internal drains with a rainwater storage tank in the basement or a buried container in the ground (for use for irrigation).


    The project provides for two types of sewerage:

    1. For the basement, a pressure sewer system is provided using the SOLOLIFT installation (for the bathroom, shower cabins and a drain for collecting water from the floor of the washing room and sauna) and a drainage pump (for pumping water from the pit of the technical room during operation).

    2. For the rest of the house, a gravity sewer is provided with one vertical riser in the technological shaft, a horizontal section under the basement ceiling and an outlet from the building in the basement at a height of 1 m from the finished floor.

    Gravity sewer drains wastewater into a septic tank. The Tver brand septic tank provided for in this project is located 3 meters from the northern wall of the house.


    Initially, this project set the task of using non-traditional, environmentally friendly, renewable energy sources of heat. It has been common practice to use heat pumps (using geothermal heat Earth) and solar collectors using solar energy. The heat generated by these installations, according to calculations by the organization LLC Company ENSO INTERNATIONAL, is enough to heat water and provide the house with heat throughout the year. Due to the fact that the heat loss of an energy-efficient house is significantly lower than in a conventional house, the required power of heating installations does not exceed 10 kW.

    Providing this power is possible from two wells with a total depth of about 200 m (50 W from each linear meter of a well per 200 meters = 10 kW).

    A gas boiler is used as a backup power plant (other types of power plants are also possible: boilers running on wood, coal, diesel fuel, electricity, etc.).

    The heating project using the joint work of a heat pump and a solar collector was carried out by ENSO INTERNATIONAL Company LLC.

    In this project, a modular system is proposed for heating and hot water supply TYRRO with geothermal ground (horizontal or vertical) heat exchanger and function "freecooling" in the summer.

    It is proposed to install solar collectors on special brackets on a flat roof on the south or south-west side of the building. Their area is determined during the design process, based on architectural and engineering considerations. In the summer, solar heat will be used to heat the soil at the site where the ground heat exchanger is installed, as well as to heat the water in the pool and water for watering plants. IN winter time part of the low-temperature heat will be directed to heating the heat pump.

    It also provides for air heating through the ventilation system in winter, and cooling in summer. While the heat pump is heating water, on the other side of the pump in the evaporator circuit (collector located in the ground) the ground will be cooled, increasing the cooling efficiency in the mode "freecooling".


    This house design provides for forced ventilation using supply and exhaust ventilation units with heat recovery. The use of forced ventilation has both advantages and disadvantages.

    The disadvantages of this system, compared to natural ventilation, are:

  • constant operation of ventilation equipment and noise from its operation
  • large one-time costs for equipment and its subsequent maintenance
  • the need to replace air purification filters
  • The advantage is the possibility of high-quality purification of the supplied air, which is an important indicator for the health of people, especially those suffering from allergic and pulmonary diseases. Cleanliness of the ambient air, both in the city and in rural areas, leaves much to be desired. In the city - soot, exhaust gases from cars, etc. In rural areas - microparticles from flowering plants that cause allergic diseases, etc.

    Control and management of air exchange makes it possible to ensure in any room, depending on the situation, the supply of a sufficient amount of air, respectively, oxygen, which qualitatively improves the functioning of the human body, especially his brain.

    The ability to recover heat from air escaping into the atmosphere provides major savings in energy consumption. Modern installations recovery allows you to return up to 90% of the heat emitted from the house along with air in traditional natural ventilation systems. This allows you to significantly reduce operating costs for heat and provides significant budget savings.

    To ensure ventilation in the house in the event of a power outage, a natural ventilation system is provided. To ensure its operation and the possibility of air circulation, windows with micro-ventilation mode are provided.

    To remove exhaust gases from gas boiler, which is a backup heat source, has a separate chimney with access to the roof. Air intake for boiler operation is carried out from the street, and not from the premises.


    According to the technical conditions, 10 kW of electricity is allocated to the site where the house is being built. The house is connected to the electrical distribution board installed on the light pole.

    The house has its own switchboard. A voltage stabilizer is provided. Horizontal layout cable lines are carried out on the ceiling (in cable ducts, trays, HDPE tubes). Vertical distribution of supply cable lines - in a technological shaft in a cable channel, as well as hidden along the walls, in a groove, followed by plastering and painting. A separate power line is used to connect the equipment.

    A backup power supply is provided from a small diesel generator, which ensures the operation of engineering equipment in the event of an emergency shutdown. The generator is connected and operated automatically and is designed for 8-10 hours of uninterrupted operation. During this time, all engineering systems must be switched to a special mode or turned off (depending on the purpose of this or that equipment).


    The house is provided with grounding adopted by building codes and regulations.

    Lightning protection

    To protect against lightning in the summer, the house is equipped with lightning protection that meets the safety requirements in force in Russia.

    Operating Costs and Benefits
    energy efficient home

    Considering the ongoing rise in prices for utilities and energy resources in Russia, houses of this class make it much easier for their owners to survive the rising costs of housing and communal services.

    The increase in prices for electricity and gas presented below, not to mention the increase in the cost of hot water, maintenance and operation of housing, shows that it is several times higher than the statistical increase in the salary of the average working Russian. If the existing dynamics of rising prices for housing and communal services and growth average salary, within several years, payment for utilities will constitute a significant, and perhaps the main, amount of expenses in the budget of ordinary Russian citizens.

    Dynamics of actual growth in prices for gas and electricity
    from 2004 to 2014 and, if the existing dynamics are maintained
    price growth for the period from 2014 to 2024.

    According to preliminary calculations, additional general construction costs to ensure the energy efficiency of the building and the costs of using modern expensive engineering equipment using alternative energy sources, with current tariffs, are justified after 5-6 years of operation. Taking into account the projected increase in tariffs, in the near future, the payback period may be reduced to 2 years.

    An assessment of the heating costs of an ordinary house with an energy consumption of about 150 kWh/m² year and an energy-efficient house of 25-30 kWh/m² year allows us to conclude that the costs of various types of energy resources (gas, electricity, etc.) when operating an energy-efficient house are reduced by 5-6 times, and if tariffs continue to rise, as evidenced by the last 10 years, savings on heating alone will help save your budget.

    The following are the costs of heating an ordinary house with an energy consumption of 150 kWh/m² year and an energy-efficient house with an energy consumption of 28 kWh/m² year with the same areas of 300 m², and using different types of energy installations (electric boiler, heat pump, gas boiler).

    Expenses for operating an electric boiler, rub./year

    Expenses for operating a gas boiler, rub./year

    YearOrdinary houseEnergy efficient house
    2024 116 54521 755
    2019 45 5568 504
    2014 27 3035 097
    2009 10 0621 878
    2004 5 9661 114

    In conclusion

    In the process of designing an energy-efficient house, engineers and architects of InterStroy LLC studied work experience and consulted with specialists, both domestic and foreign organizations working in this direction. Many of the achievements and recommendations that are worthy of attention were implemented in the development of an individual low-rise residential building of the series "IS-33e".

    The construction of energy-efficient houses in Russia is at the initial stage of its development. In the process of working on this project, it became obvious that the modern achievements, technological and technical solutions we use are only a small part of what is currently used in foreign countries.

    We have planned a lot of work to study and implement domestic and foreign developments that are most optimally suited to climatic conditions Russia.

    InterStroy LLC has planned several directions for the construction of energy-efficient houses. Below are some of them:


    1. Continuing the search for the most optimal architectural and technical solutions using various types of materials in building structures, both traditional and new, more efficient materials to achieve a reduction in energy consumption (below 28 kWh/m² year).

    2. News further work on the selection of engineering equipment and systems running on renewable energy sources, as well as combining them with traditional equipment running on gas, electricity, diesel fuel, coal, wood, etc.

    3. This year, complete the construction of a prototype of an individual low-rise energy-efficient house (28 kWh/m² year), at a cost not exceeding the average cost (in the Moscow region) of an ordinary house.

    4. Carry out comprehensive monitoring of performance indicators at this facility (after completion of construction - the next 2-3 years) engineering systems and building structures, which will allow:

  • increase the efficiency of energy efficiency calculation methods applied to the climatic conditions of Russia
  • analyze the building structures used, building materials, engineering equipment, technological and technical solutions to assess the possibility of their further use
  • receive actual expenses and operating costs for the house, with a corresponding breakdown for each area (heating, hot water supply, ventilation, cooling, electricity for engineering equipment, household appliances, etc.)
  • prepare design, technical and technological solutions for possible reduction of energy consumption during the construction of subsequent facilities, ensuring a competitive cost compared to the cost of a conventional house
  • Monitoring data is necessary to optimize and reduce construction costs and subsequent costs. In turn, reducing the cost of an energy-efficient house to a cost comparable to the cost of a conventional house will allow it to borrow worthy place in the housing market.

    It is obvious that for any Client who cares about his financial well-being in the future, choosing to build an energy efficient home will be the right decision.

    Last time we talked about , which is used for insulation. Today we’ll talk about energy-saving technologies for a private home. First of all, you need to understand that all the measures described below must be preceded by high-quality and comprehensive insulation, and only then energy savings, energy efficient heating and ventilation.

    Home energy efficiency classes

    Energy efficiency classes of buildings.

    Energy-saving technologies for a private home increase the efficiency of energy use in all its variations. The more energy is used economically, the higher the energy efficiency class of the house. These same classes are defined by the building codes and regulations of SNIP 03/23/2003. Table No. 3 determines that:

    • new buildings and renovated buildings are assigned classes A, B (B+, B++), C;
    • buildings that are already in use are assigned classes D and E.

    Each house energy efficiency class has a maximum deviation of the actual thermal energy consumption for heating from the standard:

    • class A – 51 kJ/(m*C per day) or more below the norm;
    • class B – from 10 to 50 kJ/(m*C per day) below normal;
    • class C – the gap between an excess of 5 kJ/(m*C per day) and 9 kJ/(m*C per day) below the norm;
    • class D – from 6 to 75 kJ/(m*C per day) above normal;
    • class E – above the norm by more than 76 kJ/(m*C per day).

    Norms specific consumption thermal energy are set taking into account the type of building (housing, public place, clinic or school, administrative building) and number of storeys.

    If you notice, SNIP says that carrying out insulation or modernization measures affect the energy efficiency class. For example, if you , then heat loss will become significantly less. In panel houses, sometimes it is enough to simply seal the cracks using one of the methods to make it much warmer. In addition to external and internal insulation of walls, floors and ceilings, heat loss can be reduced by installing modern plastic windows. Their thermal conductivity depends on the thickness of the profile, the number of glass unit chambers, the presence of spray on the glass and gas in the buffer air zones.

    Create energy saving house It’s more than possible to do it yourself; it’s enough to cut off wasteful energy consumption step by step. The concept of such housing is to save on electricity, heating (taking into account the fact that insulation has already been carried out) and air circulation. With an integrated approach, the results will not keep you waiting, and you will have to pay much less bills.

    Saving electricity

    LED lamps are the most economical in their cohort.

    Let's start with the simplest and most obvious things - saving electricity. The first and main device that deserves attention is a two-tariff electric meter, which separately counts day and night energy. The cost per kilowatt of electricity from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. is four times lower than during the day. Naturally, the meter is not an energy-saving device for the home, but it saves a lot of money, and this is probably the main motivation.

    Real measures to reduce kilowatts used:

    • electrical appliances with energy saving classes A+ and A++;
    • lighting with LEDs or fluorescent lamps.

    It's not much, it's true, but that's all that can be achieved from electrical appliances. All other measures relate to the rational use of energy. For example, you can wash in cold water. Nowadays there are such powders that boiling in the machine is used only when descaling it. By the way, in cold water the scale does not settle so much on the parts of the washing machine. It is also useful to install motion sensors in the common corridor, on landing, in the courtyard of a private house, in other words, where constant lighting is not needed.

    Energy efficient heating

    The operating principle of a heat pump.

    It is impossible to consider energy saving in a private home without heating, because this can actually save money. Heating systems differ according to the type of energy carrier:

    • gas;
    • electrical;
    • solid fuel;
    • liquid fuel;
    • heat pumps;
    • solar systems.

    Everything is simple with gas, it’s good, use it and enjoy life. Now this is the most profitable heating method that does not require large financial investments. Electric boilers They are not economical; the amount of energy they consume is the amount they produce. The only option will reduce costs - this is a two-tariff meter and a heat accumulator. The boiler operates at night at a cheap rate and charges the heat storage tank. During the day, the boiler operates only when absolutely necessary. These are the energy saving elements of a heated house electric boiler, are over.

    and stoves already provide more options for saving. Almost all modern models operate on the principle of afterburning pyrolysis gases, as a result of which the efficiency increases to 85%, which is not at all bad for such units. Pyrolysis energy-saving devices for the home using solid fuel work differently than conventional units:

    The coolant circulates through the tubes in the solar system.

    • the fuel in them does not burn, but smolders;
    • the energy carrier decays from top to bottom;
    • a relatively low temperature is maintained in the firebox (about 450 degrees) and an oxygen deficiency is artificially created. Under these conditions, the pyrolysis reaction begins - the release of wood gases;
    • pyrolysis gas rises into the second chamber, where it is enriched with oxygen, as a result of which it ignites and releases thermal energy. Secondary combustion occurs.

    It is the presence of a second afterburning chamber that is a necessary condition to prevent gas from escaping into the pipe. With this approach, energy efficiency residential buildings naturally grows. About We have already said that their effectiveness depends only on the quality of the equipment, the burner in particular.

    Heat pumps– systems that use the energy of the elements (earth, water and wind). They work on the principle regular refrigerator, only in the opposite direction.

    Heating a house is generally free, but you need an initial investment, and quite a large one at that. Such energy saving systems for the home pay for themselves over 30 years. Heat pumps are not suitable for high-temperature heating systems, since they heat the coolant to 35–40 degrees, which is quite enough for low-temperature “warm floor” systems.

    Solar systems look similar to solar panels, but they work a little differently. A conventional solar battery collects the sun's energy and converts it into electrical energy, while solar systems heat the coolant. There are seasonal and year-round solar systems; they are effective only where there is a lot of sun. Required element heating a house using solar systems is a buffer tank (heat accumulator). About We have already talked about it in one of the previous articles.

    Energy efficient ventilation

    Operating principle of an air recuperator.

    Fresh indoor air is a must. Few people think about this, and when a headache, pathological fatigue, or skin problems appear, everything is attributed to the environment and stress, and the thought does not even arise that the room is simply not ventilated enough. It would seem that everything is simple, you need to open the window, and that’s all. But here a problem arises - heat loss. It turns out that savings and energy-saving technologies are down the drain, everything flies out the window.

    The principles of an energy-efficient house do not allow for conventional ventilation; ventilation must also be energy efficient. For this purpose, air recuperators are installed. These are devices through which air circulates between the room and the street, while the exhaust air gives off its heat to the incoming air. Heated fresh air, which contains a lot of oxygen, enters the house. Heat exchange between flows occurs in a special block; its configuration can be different.

    Disadvantages of the recuperator:

    • energy consumption;
    • fan noise;
    • not all models are effective.

    The advantages are obvious - there is a constant flow of fresh air, there is no draft across the floor, and heat loss is minimized.

    How in demand are energy saving technologies?

    Which way are we going: saving money or saving the planet?

    First, let's summarize. Regarding electrical energy, energy saving is possible when using electrical appliances of class A+ and A++, fluorescent lamps and LEDs. The usual savings have also not been canceled. Energy-saving heating is possible through pyrolysis boilers, solar systems and heat pumps. Recuperators are installed to circulate air without heat loss.

    A set of measures to create an energy-saving house with your own hands costs a pretty penny, but pays off for a very long time (30-50 years). It cannot be said that everyone is striving to conserve the planet’s energy in order to preserve it for future generations. No, this is a banal desire to save money.

    For most, there is no reason to invest a lot at once and start saving after half a century.

    This explains the unpopularity of energy-efficient houses. We don’t live in Japan, where there are no resources at all; our country is rich in this regard. People are not used to saving resources, but they know how to count their money. Therefore, simple energy-saving technologies that show results in short terms. For example, screw in an energy-saving light bulb, go broke on a pyrolysis boiler, or, in extreme cases, a solar battery (one). It’s better not to think about solar systems and heat pumps – they are too much for the middle class.

    The concept itself - an energy-saving house or, as it is sometimes called a “passive house”, appeared in our everyday life along with the advent of new technologies in construction. Certain elements of these innovations were borrowed from military space production as a result of conversion. National construction experience also contributed to the selection of materials and technology.

    • electricity,
    • heat supply,
    • water supply,
    • sewerage,
    • ventilation.

    Electricity - consumption, reproduction, accumulation

    When planning to build a house with your own hands, you need to order a project taking into account your wishes. If you need an energy-efficient home, you should consider installing solar panels on the roof and walls. Include the maximum amount in the project window openings to extend daylight hours. Use for lighting led lamps. Solar panels will provide energy for refrigerators and electronic equipment. At the same time, energy is accumulated in batteries and transferred to lighting at night.

    An energy-saving house is a concept that implies a building where the task of optimizing energy costs is implemented; heat loss is minimized, resulting in a noticeable reduction in energy costs

    Heat supply

    Passive house is warm home, with minimal coolant consumption. Your home will be heated by a combined system, which includes a gas double-circuit boiler and a heat pump. The heat pump requires a well. A twin steel pipe is lowered to a depth of 100 meters. The upper half of the pipes is thermally insulated. The heat pump pumps a liquid mixture such as antifreeze through a pipe. At depth, the mixture heats up and releases heat inside the house. At severe frosts The gas boiler turns on. Heat pumps pump coolant through the heating system. To heat the water, a solid fuel boiler is installed. It is heated with waste and wood debris. The energy-saving double-cycle boiler burns waste without residue and without emitting smoke. You can make it yourself.

    Water supply

    The water in the passive house comes from a well drilled directly from the basement, under the house. The water supply system design is attached to the energy efficient house project. Equipment for such drilling is freely placed in height. Drill columns 1.8 m high are connected by couplings. The depth of the well is 20-30 m. The compressor station ensures that water is pumped into the supply tank as it is consumed. Within six months, your energy-efficient home will receive hot water for domestic needs from a solar collector installed on south side at home, next to solar panels. Excess heated water is sent from the supply tank to drip irrigation beds.


    An energy-saving house passes household wastewater through a recuperator, removing heat to heat the air.

    An energy-saving house passes all types of domestic waste through a recuperator, removing heat to heat the air. There is a septic tank 10-15 meters from the passive house. Two cc plastic tank, in which wastewater is processed by anaerobic bacteria. As processing proceeds, the treated wastewater is pumped out to compost heap. Compost is not only a fertilizer for the garden, but also an excellent fuel for a hot water boiler.


    The ventilation system has a separate project. The passive house is equipped with two recuperators. This device allows you to take heat from the air, which is pulled outside by a fan from the house and heats the cold air sucked in from the street. This eliminates significant temperature differences inside the room. The second recuperator is located on the sewer pipe.

    House project

    An energy-efficient house is designed taking into account heat conservation. Aerated concrete blocks for load-bearing walls they are laid on a special adhesive composition. The walls are plastered on both sides with the same composition. This plaster retains heat due to the filler made of hollow balls with a diameter of up to 1 mm. There will be no cold bridges on the walls. The screed on the floor and in the attic is made from the same composition. The attic roof is being hemmed mineral wool and MDF sheets. With this finishing, a passive house becomes a “thermos”.

    An energy-saving house is, although not a completely closed building with autonomous sources of water, electricity, gas, but it makes it possible to significantly save on heating and lighting

    Triple glazing on three-chamber profiles with insulation is inserted into the windows. The roof overhang, in the project of an energy-saving house, protrudes from the wall by 1 m. A terrace with continuous glazing in wooden frames is being built along the perimeter. With such wind protection you will really have a warm house. Solar panels occupy the entire southern slope of the roof and are mounted as a parapet of the terrace.

    Video: DIY energy-saving house

    Energy-autonomous house

    The design of a passive house requires the fencing of the site. On the north side they put a high stone fence, from the south mesh permeable. Fruit trees They are located on the western and eastern sides of the house, and on the southern side there is a vegetable garden. Most of the work on this project can be done with your own hands. Except for those moments when mechanization, connection to systems and adjustment of electronics are needed. A passive house actually lives a very active life. The earth gives you water and warmth. Solar panels and collectors - light and hot water. And you put your soul into a warm home with your own hands.

    Passive house, eco-house, energy-saving house... Energy-saving technologies are not only thermally insulated walls, solar collector and a heat pump. What qualities must an energy-efficient house and a passive house have in order to be in harmony with nature?

    Today you can increasingly see projects of energy-saving houses. The world is looking for cheap and clean energy. Coal and oil reserves are running out, energy sources are becoming more expensive, undermining the global economy. Not only the economic, but also environmental crisis– global warming is occurring on Earth, more and more weather anomalies and natural disasters are observed, and climate deterioration poses a threat agriculture. And the house, unfortunately, is an active participant in this process. Up to 40% of energy generated in Europe is used by private homes. It is necessary to significantly reduce its consumption, otherwise it may happen that people will not be able to heat and light their homes at all. The house should pollute the environment less.

    Today, great hopes are placed on energy-efficient houses and energy from renewable sources, which can be obtained from wind, sun, as well as from burning wood and biofuels. And homes have significant potential to reduce heat consumption for heating. The house can and should be more environmentally friendly and energy efficient. In an energy-saving house, you just need to use all available possibilities.

    For the environment and the owner

    Energy consumption in life cycle houses from construction to demolition are distributed as follows: 1% goes to construction, 14% to materials, 85% to the cost of energy spent on heating and operating the house. How can you reduce the last digit? It is enough to insulate the house and use effective heating equipment, that is, saving on heating without reducing the quality of life.

    There are many possibilities. Anyone who wants to use available solutions, will build a house that will not only be in harmony with nature, but also save a lot of energy. How many? 40% compared to an ordinary house. Some solutions are very simple and can be used right away; others require significant costs, special technical and engineering knowledge, professionalism of the designer, as well as careful work of installation teams.

    Here are examples simple solutions. In a standby state, household electrical appliances use up to 100 W of energy per day. You can save it by unplugging them. The refrigerator consumes 20% of the electricity in the house - the savings will come from replacing the old appliance with a new, energy-saving, A+++ category.

    Want to save even more? Then we need to reduce the demand for heat. If a passive house only needs 15 kWh/(m2 year) for heating, then is it necessary to spend 40 kWh/(m2 year) (this is how much energy Europe consumes on average today)? Or 120–150 kWh/(m2 year) (this is an indicator of energy costs for newly built houses), and even more so 300 kWh/(m2 year) - this is exactly the energy that old houses consume today.

    What benefits does the customer receive from investments aimed at improving the environment? First of all, lower heating bills and a feeling of harmonious living in harmony with nature. But you will have to pay for the environment - building an energy-efficient house is more expensive than usual.

    But every year the price decreases. What is the risk that it won't pay off? Small. But investments made in energy-saving technologies will not pay off soon; nevertheless, this must be done both for the preservation of nature and for the normal life of future generations.

    Energy prices are rising - which means this time is constantly decreasing! If you replace an old heating boiler with a modern condensing boiler and additionally install a heat recuperator, then you will need to pay 30% less for heating. If you additionally equip your home with efficient household appliances, energy-saving lighting and rationally operate the equipment, you can easily reduce the cost of maintaining your home by up to 40% compared to a standard home.

    Catalog of environmental opportunities

    An ecological and energy-saving house offers a whole range of opportunities to improve the environment and save money. You can start with traditional methods. In this matter, we will not “discover America”, because our ancestors were well aware of the advantages of building with wood. The novelty is that today we need to look at the house as a whole, and not at its individual elements. Both the house itself (materials, construction, equipment) and the lifestyle of the household should be configured to save energy and preserve the environment.

    Energy-saving house: insulating the house. This is the solution that comes to mind most quickly. It is necessary to ensure that the walls and supporting structures are insulated so that they do not allow heat to pass through, as in a passive house. Up to 20% of the heat escapes through the external walls, 35% through the roof, and up to 35% through the floor. Increasing the insulation layer gives an immediate result - reducing heat loss.

    Insulation is good for the environment and beneficial to the owner. The head of the Polish Technical Information Center of the company Isover, Heinrich Kwapisz, gives a calculation for glass wool insulation.

    Question: how much carbon dioxide generated during the production of 1 ton of this insulating material?
    Research result: 2195 kg. And the same ton of insulation used to insulate a house will save 76,000 kg of CO2 over the life cycle of the house. The costs of insulation pay off! Experts argue that a cheaper solution for Ukraine would be mass insulation of houses than the construction of power plants.

    Energy saving house: heat recovery. The presence of ventilation with heat recovery in a sealed house is a recognized necessity. Significant savings can be achieved not through the use of insulation, but through recovery, noted at a conference organized by Rehau, Walter Braun, an architect from Germany who designs passive houses. The actual energy return is 25% of the total heat loss. Another parameter: the recuperator returns 25 kWh/(m2 year), and itself consumes only 3.8 kWh/(m2 year).

    A house with natural ventilation irreversibly loses up to 40% of the delivered energy. Care should be taken that the inside of the house is decorated with environmentally friendly materials, and that the air quality is high - after all, we spend almost 90% of our lives within four walls. If the house is too airtight, then a person has to breathe air that contains an excess amount of CO2, which is bad for his health.

    Energy saving house project. It must meet the needs and expectations of the customer. In general, it should be small, compact, and therefore cheaper to maintain. It is better to make the roof gable so that it does not have a complex configuration. The house should have large, south-facing windows (maximum use solar heat And daylight) instead of large windows on each side.

    Materials for an energy-saving house. It is best to choose a material made from renewable raw materials, such as wood. Preference is given to materials whose production is not associated with large emissions of CO2 and SO2, that is, lightly processed. From an environmental point of view, the acquisition of materials close to construction (reducing losses associated with transportation), the possibility of their recycling and the availability of information about the product are important. published

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      THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

      • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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          What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

    • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):