The touching charm of wildflowers still inspires poets and lovers and gives a romantic mood. Fields and names of which are varied, today can be found in the most prestigious flower shops, because they look incredible in fresh, charming bouquets. And as soon as you imagine a boundless field strewn with blue cornflowers, yellow buttercups or white daisies, fatigue, problems and grievances recede.

Why are they called that?

Often the name of wildflowers speaks about the noticeable characteristics of the plants. Coltsfoot is so named because of its leaves - warm, terry on one side, smooth and cold on the other. The flowers of the crane bird resemble the beak of this slender bird and look like a bell. Oregano has a unique aroma, especially when dried. The tea made from it is very fragrant. Elecampane acquired its nickname because it helps well with weakness and fatigue: it gives a person “nine strength.” It also happens that the name of wildflowers is associated with myths and legends. They say that cornflower is named after St. Basil the Great, who had a special affinity for flowers, and is a symbol of kindness and spiritual purity. The flowers on the stems of Ivan da Marya received their name thanks to the legend of unhappy love. The girl and the guy, having learned that they were brother and sister to each other, so as not to be separated, turned into flowers of different shades. The sleep-grass flower is so called because at night the petals close tightly and the plant droops, as if falling asleep. Another name for this flower is lumbago. According to legend, an angel fired an arrow at a demon hiding in the thickets of this plant and shot through the leaves.

Two names

Each wildflower name has a second (botanical) name. In chicory it sounds like this: Cichorium intybys. Comes from the Greek kio - “I go” and chorion - “alienated by the field”. It is called so because the plant can often be found on the outskirts of fields. The species name intybus can be translated as “in a tube” - the flower has a hollow stem. The thistle plant has a Latin name, Carduus nutans, which comes from the word cardo, meaning “hook.” The white and pinkish flowers of soapwort are scientifically called Saponaria and come from the Greek sapon, meaning “soap”. The hairy leaves and stems of mullein, called Verbascum, come from the Latin word barbascum, which is etymologically related to barba, “beard.” Other plant names: royal scepter, chieftain grass, fur leaf. The botanical name of sage, Salvia, comes from the Latin word salvus and means “healthy.” Sage is widely used as a medicinal plant.

Names of blue wildflowers. Blue linen

Among the flowers that delight us with a cool, heavenly hue, flax can be called the most delicate. Its Latin name - Línum - comes from the Celtic language, in which the word lin means “thread”: the flax stalk consists entirely of thin fibers. Since ancient times, the plant has healed, fed and clothed people. The remarkable quality of linen material is its resistance to rotting and increased strength when high humidity. Oil was made from this flax seed, which generously contains the essential linolenic fatty acid, which is involved in the metabolism of humans and animals and prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Charming doctor

There is no place where graceful and cute cornflowers do not grow. If no ears of grain are observed, it means that there certainly was a grain field here, which is now reminded of by little blue flowers. They bloom from May to September. The Latin name - Centauréa - arose from the Greek adjective centaureus, that is, belonging to a centaur. The myth says that with these flowers the centaur Chiron was cured of the poison of the hydra that bit him. Cornflower belongs to the Asteraceae family and is used medicinally as a decongestant. In folk therapy, infusion of flowers in snow water treats the eyes. In cosmetics, cornflower extract is used to produce cleansing, pore-tightening nourishing products.

How did forget-me-not get its name?

Simple forget-me-nots love moisture; they can be found along streams, in meadows, and along river banks. The scientific name of this flower from the borage family - Myosótis - comes from the name "mouse ear", because when the petals open, they closely resemble the ear of a rodent. And according to legend, the forget-me-not acquired a name when the goddess Flora descended to earth and bestowed names on the flowers. It seemed to her that she respected everyone, but then a weak voice was heard behind her: “Don’t forget me, Flora!” The goddess took a closer look and saw a tiny blue flower, called it forget-me-not and gave it the miraculous power to return the memory of people who had forgotten their homeland and loved ones.

Names of yellow wildflowers. Primrose

Primrose, or primrose, was popularly called “golden keys”. There is a legend. They hinted to the Apostle Peter, guarding the gates to Eden, that someone without permission wanted to get into heaven with fake keys. The apostle, in fright, dropped a bunch of golden keys; it fell to the ground, and flowers similar to it grew in that place. Lovely yellow inflorescences appear in early spring, as if opening the way to light and warmth. No wonder the botanical name - Prímula - arose from the Latin word prímus, that is, “first”. Another name for primrose wildflowers is firstborn. Corollas with five petals are collected in racemes-inflorescences on smooth long stems. They are dried and invigorating tea is brewed. There is a whole vitamin cocktail in primrose leaves. Healers prepare a cure for tuberculosis from its roots. And in the old days they cooked from the flower. Primrose can detect signals from the ultrasonic field that occurs during an earthquake. It accelerates the movement of juices in the plant and makes it bloom faster. This is how primrose is able to warn people of danger.

Priceless sweet clover

In the fields and meadows grows a magnificent honey plant and healer - sweet clover. Its Latin name - Melilótus - comes from the word “honey”. And in Rus', these yellow wildflowers, whose names - bottom, are etymologically related to the Slavic word “bottom”. Infusions and decoctions from the plant helped against illnesses, and fresh leaves and flowers were used to prepare a healing plaster for wounds.

Dangerous and beautiful

What a gratifying picture is a field dotted with golden droplets of buttercups! This flower with silky petals is so sweet and touching. Why does it have such a formidable name? The answer is simple - buttercup is very poisonous juice. It was from it that a potion was prepared that plunged Juliet into a deep, death-like sleep. Scientists named the flower Ranúnculus, from the Latin word for frog, because the buttercup adores wet places. The plant blooms several times during the summer, and if the season is rainy, the flowers will be large and lush, and the stems will grow waist-high.

In conclusion

The names and pictures of wildflowers given in this article are only a small part of the rich flora of our wonderful planet. The gentle inhabitants of meadows and fields are not afraid of either heat or cold; they generously give their healing powers to everyone who is ill. The famous thinker of the Enlightenment, Jean Jacques Rousseau, asked his friends to take him to the meadow if he became so ill that there was no longer any hope of recovery. Then, as the scientist assured, he would feel good again.

Meadow plants are a fairly rich community, developing more dynamically than mountain or steppe ones. Meadow flowers and grasses compete for light, nutrients, and water, and therefore grow much more actively than their forest counterparts, as well as representatives of the mountains and steppes. There are thousands of species of meadow plants, and most of them can be grown in your garden plots.

With photos and names of meadow flowers and herbs, as well as a description meadow plants you can find it on this page.

What are meadow plants?

Camassia (CAMASSIA). Lily family.

(of the six known species, three are cultivated) - plants of mountain meadows of North America. They have an ovoid bulb, belt-shaped leaves in a ground tuft, above which rises a leafless tall peduncle with a raceme of large star-shaped flowers.

Types and varieties:

(C. quamash)- height 25 cm, has a multi-flowered (20-35 flowers), dense inflorescence, blooms in early June.

(C. cusickii)- height 70 cm, loose inflorescence, blooms at the end of May.

Kamassia Leuchtlina (C. leichtlinii)- height up to 100 cm, loose inflorescence, large flowers (diameter up to 5 cm), blue or dark blue, blooms in June, up to 20 days.

Growing conditions. Sunny areas with normally moist clay and loamy soils fertile soils; Drainage is required on leveled areas.

Thermopsis (THERMOPSIS). Family of peas (legumes).

Thermopsis lupine(T. lupinoides)- perennial from meadows Far East with a long rhizome and tall (up to 140 cm) straight stems, leafy beautiful bluish trifoliate leaves. The inflorescence is an apical drooping raceme of bright yellow large flowers. The plant is very decorative, forms a thicket, but ends its growing season in mid-summer.

Growing conditions. Sunny areas with loose fertile soils.

Reproduction. With sections of rhizomes (at the end of summer) and seeds (sowing before winter). Planting density - 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

Merlin (LYTHRUM). Family of loosestrife.

Loosestrife (L. salicaria)- a large (100-150 cm) short-rhizomatous perennial growing in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere in wet meadows, banks of rivers and reservoirs. The stem, bearing numerous narrow-lanceolate leaves, ends in a terminal cluster of bright purple small flowers. The bush is dense, strict, spectacular.

Growing conditions. Sunny areas with moist clay soils.

Reproduction. By seeds (sowing before winter), dividing the bush (in spring). Planting density - 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

Miscanthus (MISCANTHUS). Poa family (grasses).

Rhizomatous tall perennials (100-200 cm) from wet meadows of the Far East, forming large dense turfs, erect stems, lanceolate, hard leaves.
The fan-shaped silver panicles are very beautiful.


Miscanthus chinensis (M. sinensis)- dense, slowly growing clump.

Miscanthus sugarflower (M. saccharifiorus)- forms a loose thicket.





Growing conditions. Sunny areas with rich, wet, peaty soils.

Reproduction. By dividing the bush in the spring and seeds (sowing before winter). Planting density - 5 pcs. per 1 m2.

Aquilegia, watershed (AQUILEGIA). Ranunculaceae family.

When talking about which meadow plants have the largest number of varieties, they immediately call it aquilegia. This flower has about 100 species and dozens of hybrid varieties. In nature, they grow in meadows and cliffs in temperate regions of Eurasia and North America. These are graceful plants with beautiful leaves and an original flower shape. From a thick branching tap root emerges a rosette of trifoliate leaves, often of a beautiful bluish hue.

Types and varieties. Tall (above 60 cm):

Aquilegia hybrid (A. xhybrida)- large flowers of all colors.

"Ballerina"- pink, double flowers.

"Crimson Star"- flowers are red and white.


Hybrids McCann(McKana Hybrids)- the tallest (up to 120 cm) aquilegias with large flowers of all colors directed upwards.

Aquilegia adhesive (A. glandulosa)- lilac-blue flowers.

Common aquilegia (A. vulgaris) - purple flowers with a short spur.

Aquilegia olympic (A. olympica)- with drooping blue-white flowers.

Low (height 10-30 cm):

Aquilegia alpine (A. alpina) - purple flowers with a short spur.

Aquilegia fanata (A. flabellata)- large blue flowers with a pale yellow edge without spurs.

Aquilegia blue (A. caerulea)- flowers are blue and white, thin spurs.

Aquilegia canadensis (A. canadensis)- with red-yellow flowers.

The last two species are rock plants of North America.

Growing conditions. Sunny and semi-shaded areas with light sandy soils. After flowering, cut off aboveground part plants, new leaves grow by autumn.

Reproduction. Aquilegia are juveniles, so they are transplanted in the 3-4th year. They are easily propagated by seeds (sowing in spring or before winter); dividing the bush is poorly tolerated.
Self-seeding often appears. Planting density - 12 pcs. per 1 m2.

Boltonia (BOLTONIA). Family Asteraceae (Asteraceae).

Four species of tall perennial boltonia grow in the meadows of the eastern United States. Their height is up to 150 cm, the stems are branching, leafy with narrow linear leaves.
Numerous small (about 1 cm) baskets, white, pinkish, very elegant, collected in a loose brush.

Look at the photo of this meadow plant: the bush, despite its height, is very graceful and transparent.

Growing conditions. Sunny locations with rich, moist soils.

Reproduction. By seeds (sowing in spring) and dividing the bush (spring). Planting density - 5 pcs. per 1 m2.

What other plants are meadow plants?

Below are the names of meadow plants and their photos with descriptions.

Buzulnik (LIGULARIA). Family Asteraceae (Asteraceae).

Powerful herbaceous plants of wet meadows of Asia. The leaves are large in a basal rosette, the stems are straight (80-120 cm) leafy; yellow baskets in corymbose or racemose inflorescences.

Types and varieties:

Buzulnik toothed(L. dentata = L. clivorum).

Buzulnik "Othello"

"Desdemona"- with dark-colored leaves, the leaves are large, kidney-shaped, large baskets in a corymbose inflorescence.

Buzulnik Hessey (L. x hessei).

Hybrid buzulnik serrated And Wilson's buzulnik.

Buzulnik Przhevalsky (L. przewalskii)- the only drought-resistant species of buzulniks with palmate leaves and a candle-shaped inflorescence.

Buzulnik narrow-headed (L. stenocephala), variety "The Rocket".

Wilson's Buzulnik (L wilsoniana)- with a pyramidal inflorescence.

Buzulnik Vicha (L. veitchiana)-the tallest buzulnik with heart-shaped, sharp-toothed leaves, the inflorescence is a spike.

Buzulnik Siberian (L. sibirica)- the leaves are round, the peduncle is straight, the inflorescence is spike-shaped.

Growing conditions. Sunny to semi-shaded areas with rich, moist soils.

Reproduction. By seeds (sowing before winter or spring) and dividing the bush (in spring). They are divided and replanted rarely (every 8-10 years). Planting density - 3 pcs. per 1 m2.

Cornflower (CENTAUREA). Family Asteraceae (Asteraceae).

A typical plant of temperate meadows of Eurasia and mountain meadows. Bushes with lyre-shaped or oval, often silvery leaves, collected in a basal rosette, and large bright basket-shaped flowers are very impressive. The baskets consist of numerous funnel-shaped flowers along the edge and small tubular ones in the middle.

Types and varieties. Grow in bushes:

- (S. montana)- used in culture more often than other species, it has lanceolate silvery leaves and deep blue-violet inflorescences.

Variety "Parham"- a basket of purple-lavender color.

Knapweed "Alba"- white.

"Rosea" - pink.

"Violetta"- dark purple.

(C. macrocephala = Grossheimia macrocephala)- the tallest cornflower (up to 120 cm) with yellow capitate baskets.

(C. dealbata = Psephellus dealbatus) It is distinguished by very spectacular dissected, grayish lyre-shaped leaves below and bright pink baskets.

In the variety "John Coutts" the middle flowers are yellow.

And "Sternbergii"- white.

Russian cornflower (C. ruthenica)- height 100-120 cm, light yellow basket with a diameter of 5-6 cm.

The thicket is formed by:

Cornflower soft (C. mollis)- can grow in partial shade, the leaves are oval, silvery, above them there are low (about 30 cm) flower stalks with blue baskets.

Fisher's cornflower(C. fischerii)- forms a loose thicket of silvery leaves 30-50 cm high, baskets are pink, fawn, lilac.

Growing conditions. Open sunny areas with fertile, loose, neutral, moderately moist soils.

Reproduction. Cornflowers grow quickly and reproduce well by dividing the bush (spring and late summer) and by seeds. Seeds can be sown before winter (October-November) and in early spring. Shoots appear quickly (in 10-12 days). Seedlings bloom in the second year. Planting density -3-9 pcs. per 1 m2.

Gaillardia. Family Asteraceae (Asteraceae).

Low-life perennials and annuals of dry meadows and prairies of North America. Straight, branched, pubescent stems up to 70 cm high extend from a shallowly located rhizome. The leaves are oval, the inflorescences look like yellow-red daisies on long stems.

Types and varieties:

Gaillardia grandiflora (G. grandiflora)- forms of the city of Ostaya.

Variety Dazzier- red center, orange border.

strong>"Croftway Jellow" - pure yellow.

"Mandarin"- red with yellow, their height is 50-70 cm.

Dwarf variety "Goblin".

Dwarf gaillardia variety "Kobold" 20 cm high, red with yellow tips.

Growing conditions. Sunny areas with loose soils.

Reproduction. By seeds (sown in spring), seedlings bloom in the second year; dividing the bush (in spring). It is necessary to divide and replant every 3-4 years. Planting density - 12 pcs. per 1 m2.

Heliopsis, sunflower (HELIOPSIS). Family Asteraceae (Asteraceae).

Perennials of meadows and prairies of North America. Tall compact bushes (up to 150 cm) of straight, branched, leafy (oblong leaves) stems. At the top of the stems there is a paniculate inflorescence of yellow baskets.

Types and varieties:

Heliopsis sunflower (H. helianthoides).

Heliopsis rough (H. scabra)- leaves are opposite and rough.

Terry varieties:

"Golden Plume"

"Goldefieder"(yellow basket with green center).




Growing conditions. Sunny areas with any dry soils.

Reproduction. By seeds (sowing before winter) and dividing the bush (in spring). Division and transplantation after 5-7 years. Planting density - 5 pcs. per 1 m2.

Doronicum, goat grass (DORONICUM). Family Asteraceae (Asteraceae).

The genus includes about 40 species growing in meadows and sparse forests temperate zone Europe and Asia. These are rhizomatous plants with oval basal leaves and large (up to 12 cm in diameter) yellow “daisies” raised on high peduncles. All species are spring flowering, their leaves die off in mid-summer.

Types and varieties:

(D. orientale = D. caucasicum = D. cordatum)- a typical ephemeroid from the forests of the Caucasus with a long, clear-shaped rhizome, forms thickets, blooms in early spring.

"Little Leo" - low-growing variety.

(D. plantagineum)- plants from the meadows of the Pyrenees, the rhizome is short, clear-shaped, forms bushes up to 140 cm high, blooms in late spring.

Variety "Excelsum"(up to 100 cm high).


"Mme Mason."

A shorter variety of Doronicum - "Grandiflorum".

(D. austriacum)- baskets in a corymbose inflorescence, blooms later - in July, leaves persist until autumn.

Doronicum poisonous (D. pardalianches)- height up to 180 cm, shade-loving, forms abundant self-seeding, stable.

Growing conditions. Doronicum eastern is grown in shaded areas under the canopy of trees with loose forest soils; d. plantain grows well in the sun and partial shade on loose, fertile soils. They are moisture-loving and cannot tolerate dry soil.

Reproduction. Rarely by seeds (sowing in spring), more often by sections of rhizomes with a renewal bud in the summer, after the end of flowering. Planting density - 9-12 pcs. per 1 m2.

Swimsuit (TROLLIUS). Ranunculaceae family.

A wonderful spring plant of wet meadows of Eurasia and North America. About 30 species are known, differing in flower shape. Everyone is powerful root system, beautiful palmately divided leaves on long petioles, collected in a dense bush, 30-70 cm high, spherical flowers (open or closed).

Species with spherical closed flowers, 50-70 cm high:

Asian swimsuit (T. asiaticus)- orange-red flowers (they are called “frying”).

(T. altaicus)- orange flowers with a dark spot (stamens) inside.

(T. chinensis)- blooms later than other species (at the end of June), the flower is orange with protruding orange nectaries.

(T. ledebourii)- a tall (up to 100 cm) plant with golden-orange flowers.

Hybrid swimsuit(T. xhybridus)- yellow, orange flowers, large, often double.

Species with a cup-shaped, more or less open flower, low (height 20-40 cm); yellow flowers:

Dzungarian swimsuit (T. dschungaricus).

Half-open swimsuit (T. patulus).

Dwarf swimsuit (T. pumilus).

Growing conditions. Sunny locations with rich, moist soils. Mulching with peat is recommended. Light shading possible.

Reproduction. By dividing the bush (spring, late summer), every 6-8 years. Freshly collected seeds (sowing before winter). Seedlings bloom in the 2-3rd year. Planting density - 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

Small petal (ERIGERON). Family Asteraceae (Asteraceae).

These beautiful plants, long known in cultivation, are also called lilac daisies. Of the almost 250 species of small petals, only 3-4 species are grown, and mostly cultivars and hybrid forms. These are perennial short-rhizome plants that form rather loose bushes, often with lodging stems. The leaves are oblong in a rosette, the inflorescence is a basket, usually in a corymbose inflorescence. Reed flowers are narrow, located in the same plane; the middle ones are yellow tubular. Bush height 30-60 cm.

Types and varieties:

Alpine small petal(E. alpinus)- height 30 cm, baskets lilac-pinkish.

Small petal hybrid (E. x hybridus).

Variety "Azure Beauty"- with blue flowers.

"Jewel Mix"- lilac-pink flowers.

"Summerneuschnee"- with white and pink baskets.

Beautiful small petal (E. speciosus)- from the mountain meadows of western North America, bush height up to 70 cm, baskets up to 6 cm in diameter, purple with a yellow center. Flowering is abundant, from mid-June to August. The seeds ripen in August.

Growing conditions. The plants are undemanding and prefer light, rich, moist soils and sunny habitats. After the end of flowering, the shoots are pruned.

Reproduction. By seeds (sowing in spring) and dividing the bush (in spring and late summer). Planting density - 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

Tansy (TANACETUM). Family Asteraceae (Asteraceae).

Tansy (T. vulgare)- a large (height 100-120 cm) plant from the meadows of Eurasia with a thick short rhizome, erect rigid stems, covered with pinnately divided, bristly, dark green leaves. Dense flat golden-yellow small baskets are collected in corymbose inflorescences at the ends of the stems.

Growing conditions. This type of meadow plant prefers sunny habitats and tolerates lack of moisture well. Stable and unpretentious. After flowering ends, prune.

Reproduction. By seeds (sowing in spring and autumn), by dividing the bush (in spring and late summer), by weeding. Planting density - 5 pcs. per 1 m2.

Beautiful meadow flowers

In this section you can familiarize yourself with the names of meadow flowers and see their photos.

Monarda. Family Lamiaceae (Labiaceae).

Monardas are beautiful meadow flowers that grow only in the temperate zone of North America in dry meadows and prairies. These are tall (up to 120 cm) long-rhizome perennials with a straight, hard, leafy stem and small fragrant flowers in racemose inflorescences located on it in tiers. The whole plant is fragrant.

Types and varieties:

Monarda doublet (M. didyma)- purple flowers in capitate inflorescence.

Monarda tubular(M. fistulosa)- taller and shade-tolerant species.

Monarda hybrid(M. x hybrida)- hybrids of double and tubular monarda.

Varieties with light, almost white flowers:



With pink flowers:

"Beauty of Cobham" "Croftway Pink".

With red flowers:


"Cambridge Scarlet"

Growing conditions. Sunny and semi-shaded places with loose fertile soils, without stagnant moisture.

Reproduction. By dividing the bush (in spring) and seeds (sowing before winter). A perennial plant, divided and replanted after 5-7 years. Planting density - 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

They are used in all types of flower beds, since monarda is consistently decorative, exudes aroma, and the bush holds its shape well. Suitable for cutting. Dry leaves are used for aromatherapy.

(BELLIS). Family Asteraceae (Asteraceae).

Perennial daisy (B. perennis)- a miniature compact plant growing in nature in wet meadows and forest clearings in Western Europe and Asia Minor. In cultivation, it is a short-lived (3-4 years), but rapidly growing perennial due to stolons, with a rosette of light green spatulate overwintering leaves pressed to the ground.

Numerous flower stalks (10-20 cm high) with a single inflorescence-basket rise above them in May-June. There are many varieties, but nowadays double daisies with large spherical baskets with a diameter of 5-7 cm are more often grown:

Group "Monstrosa".

Bright Carpet.

Interesting pompom varieties - "Pomponnetta".

Growing conditions. This is a light-loving and moisture-loving plant; it blooms longer in slightly shaded places. In damp areas with stagnant moisture, it dampens out in winter.
In rainy summers, a second abundant flowering is observed - in August.

Reproduction. By seeds (sowing in spring), dividing the bush throughout the season. Replant every 2-3 years. Planting density - 25 pcs. per 1 m2.

Sunflower (HELIANTHUS). Family Asteraceae (Asteraceae).

The description of these meadow flowers is familiar to everyone: perennial sunflowers are tall (120-200 cm) perennials with erect, leafy stems, branched at the top.
The stems end in small yellow baskets with a diameter of 5-10 cm. They bloom in late summer - autumn.


Giant sunflower (H. giganteus)- leaves are broadly lanceolate, rough.

Ten-petalled sunflower (H. decapetaius).

Sunflower hard (H. rigidus)- blooms later than other species, the “Octoberfest” variety.

Willow sunflower (H. saicifoiius)- with narrower leaves.


Sunflower "Loddon GoLd"- terry.

Sunflower "Triumph de Gand"

"SoLieL d'Or"- semi-double.

Growing conditions. Sunny locations with rich neutral soils. Tolerate lack of moisture.

Reproduction. By seeds (sowing in spring), dividing the bush (in spring). Replant and divide every 3-4 years. Planting density - 3-5 pcs. per 1 m2.

Poskonnik (EUPATORIUM). Family Asteraceae (Asteraceae).

Tall (up to 150 cm) short-rhizome perennials from wet meadows and forest clearings of the Far East and eastern regions of North America. Most of the 600 known species are tropical, and only 5-6 species grow in the temperate zone. They form tall (120-150 cm) bushes from hard, straight, densely leafed stems. The leaves are oval and hairy. Small baskets in wide corymbose inflorescences, from light pink to purple.

Types and varieties:

Spotted sapling (E. maculatum), variety "Atropurpureum".

strong>Purple sapling (E. purpureum)– dark pink inflorescences.

Wrinkled sapling (E. rugosum)- fawn-colored inflorescences, “Chocolate” variety with dark purple leaves.

-Glen's sill (E. glehnii)- pinkish flowers, blooms earlier than other species (in mid-July).

Pierced leaf sapling (E. perfoliatum)- grasslands of the eastern USA.

Growing conditions. Sunny or slightly shaded locations with moist, rich soils respond well to the addition of peat.

Reproduction. By seeds (sowing in spring) and dividing the bush (in spring). Planting density - 5 pcs. per 1 m2.

Ratibida. Family Asteraceae (Asteraceae).

Perennial of dry meadows and prairies of western North America. The root is thick, taprooted, the leaves are lanceolate. An interesting basket of yellow ligulate flowers and a highly prominent central part of small brown tubular ones.

Types and varieties:

Ratibida columnata (R. columnaria)- height about 50 cm.

Ratibida pinnata (R. pinnata).

Growing conditions. Sunny areas with dry sandy soils.

Reproduction. By seeds (sown in spring), seedlings bloom in the 2nd year. Planting density - 12 pcs. per 1 m2.

Used as part of mixed flower beds, especially the “natural garden” type.

Rudbeckia (RUDBECKIA). Family Asteraceae (Asteraceae).

Plants of meadows and prairies of North America. Unpretentious. Their basket-shaped inflorescences, always yellow, with a convex black-brown center, are valued in culture. The roots are fibrous, shallow; sometimes a rhizome is formed.

Types and varieties:

(R. fulgida) forms compact, densely leafy bushes 40-60 cm high.

Best variety "Goldstorm"- blooms profusely for almost two months with yellow “daisies” and quickly forms a clump.

Rudbeckia is beautiful (R. speciosa)- juvenile (3-4 years), multi-colored baskets (yellow-brown).

Rudbeckia dissected (R. lacinata)- height 100-200 cm, quickly forms a thicket.

Variety "Golden Ball"("Gold Quelle")- an excellent resistant perennial.

Growing conditions. Sunny and slightly shaded areas with rich, loose, moderately moist soils.

Reproduction. By seeds (sown in spring), seedlings bloom in the 2nd year. By dividing the bush (in spring). Planting density - 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

Highlander (POLYGONUM = PERSICARIA). Buckwheat family.

A large genus (about 150 species), species of which grow throughout the Earth: in the steppes, meadows, mountains, and water. They have dense lanceolate leaves and terminal spike-shaped inflorescences. In central Russia, perennials are grown.

Types and varieties:

Highlander related (P. affine = Persicaria affinis) - ground cover perennial from the rocks of the Himalayas, 10-25 cm high, leaves are dense, lanceolate, wintering, inflorescences of small pink flowers.

Variety "Darjeeling Red".

Snake knotweed (P. bistorta = Persicaria bistorta)- a plant of wet meadows of the temperate zone of Eurasia with a thickened tuberous rhizome, height up to 100 cm, spike of pink flowers.

Highlander splayed-ram(P. divaricatum)- up to 150 cm high, large spreading panicle, consistently decorative appearance.

Weyrich Highlander(P. weyrichii)- a plant of the meadows of the Far East, 200 cm high, white flowers in a racemose inflorescence, forms dense thickets.

Sakhalin knotweed (P. sachalinense)- up to 200 cm high, a powerful plant with a long rhizome, from the meadows of Sakhalin, forms thickets of stems leafy with large oval leaves, white flowers in a racemose inflorescence.

Amphibian knotweed (P. amphibium)- up to 70 cm high, semi-aquatic.

Growing conditions. G. related - a plant in sunny areas with loose sandy soils and moderate moisture, other species prefer sunny or slightly shaded places with rich, moist soils; The amphibian grows in shallow water.

Reproduction. Rhizome segments (at the end of summer) and summer cuttings. Planting density - depending on the size of the plant from 3 to 20 pcs. per 1 m2.

The related knotweed is used in rockeries and borders; the city of snakes - as part of mixed flower beds, in “natural garden” groups; tall bushy mountaineers use them to decorate fences and buildings. All species are interesting for cutting.

Goldenrod, golden rod (SOLIDAGO). Family Asteraceae (Asteraceae).

Perennial tall rhizomatous plants of wet meadows and forest glades of North America. Types of meadows in Europe and Siberia are not decorative. Bushes of erect, hard, leafy stems 40-200 cm high. These meadow flowers got their name for their color - large paniculate inflorescences of yellow-golden tones rise above the bushes at the end of summer. They consist of small baskets (from a distance similar to mimosa flowers) and are either light, openwork, or dense, spike-shaped, green-yellow or yellow-orange.

Types and varieties:

Goldenrod highest(S. altissima), short rhizome, dense bush.

Hybrid goldenrod (S. x hybrida).


goldenrod "Baby Gold"








Goldenrod wrinkled (S. rugosa)- height 200 cm, forms thickets, panicles are long and drooping.

Growing conditions. Sunny or slightly shaded areas with moist clay-rich soils.

Reproduction. By dividing the bush (in spring or after the end of flowering in autumn). It grows quickly, so it needs to be divided every 4-5 years. Planting density - 5 pcs. per 1 m2.

Eriophyllum (ERIOPHYLLUM). Family Asteraceae (Asteraceae).

Eriophyllum woolly (E. lanatum)- a perennial herbaceous plant of dry meadows and prairies of North America. The bush is quite dense, with erect shoots 30-40 cm high.

As can be seen in the photo, these meadow flowers have narrowly dissected, densely pubescent leaves, the inflorescence is a golden “daisy” with a diameter of about 4 cm.

Growing conditions. Sunny areas with light, well-drained soils.

Reproduction. By seeds (sown in spring), seedlings bloom in the 2nd year. It is possible to divide the bush in spring and late summer. Planting density - 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

, Oslinnik (OENOTHERA). Fireweed family.

Perennial rhizomatous plants, mainly from the grasslands of North America. The stems are rigidly pubescent, numerous, with simple oval leaves and large fragrant flowers in racemes or solitary. Opened at night or in cloudy weather.

Types and varieties:

(O. missouriensis = O. macrocarpa)- 20 cm high, creeping, with yellow flowers.

(O. speciosa)- 50 cm high, young plant with pink flowers.

Evening primrose quadrangular (O. tetragona = O. fruticosa)- 90 cm high, yellow flowers.

Variety "Fyrverkeri"

Evening primrose "Longest Day"

Growing conditions. Sunny areas with rich, well-drained, calcareous soils.

Reproduction. By seeds (sown in spring), seedlings bloom in the 2nd year. By dividing the bush (in spring and late summer). Planting density - 12 pcs. per 1 m2.

Low ones are used in rockeries and borders, high ones - in mixborders.

Daylily, red daylily (HEMEROCALLIS). Lily family.

About 20 species are known, mostly growing in grasslands in East Asia. The bush is large, up to 100 cm high, with a powerful deep root system (sometimes short stolons are formed).

Pay attention to the photo of these meadow flowers: evening primrose leaves are xiphoid, curved; large funnel-shaped flowers (up to 12 cm long), wide open (in sunny weather), collected in a paniculate inflorescence (from 10 to 40 flowers), live for one day.

Types and varieties:

Daylily brown-yellow (H. fulva)- brown-yellow flowers and a large bush.

Small daylily (H. minor)- the most drought-resistant species with a small bush of narrow grass-like leaves and an inflorescence of small light yellow flowers.

Daylily Dumortier (H. dumortieri)- compact bush, orange flowers.

(H. middendorffii)- fragrant orange flowers.

Lemon yellow daylily (H. citrina)- distinguished by a lemon-yellow elongated flower.

Hybrid daylily (H. x hybrida)- hybrids of complex origin with flowers of all colors (except blue and dark blue) and different periods flowering.

There are 10,000 varieties known, the following groups are distinguished: early (late May-June), middle (June-July), late (August-September); by color (single-color, two-color, multi-color).

Interesting modern varieties with white (fawn) flowers with an “eye” in the center:

Day-lily "Radiant Greetings"- brown “eye” on a yellow background.

"Edna Jean"- crimson “eye” on a pink background.

Growing conditions. Sunny (or slightly shaded) places with rich, normally moist soils.

Reproduction. By dividing the bush (once every 10-12 years) in early spring or late summer.

(TRADESCANTIA) . Family Commelinaceae.

Herbaceous perennials growing in meadows and prairies of North America, form dense bushes 50–80 cm high from saber-shaped basal lanceolate leaves.
The flowers are three-petalled, large (diameter 4–5 cm), flat, in an umbellate inflorescence. The flowering of this specimen is long, but not friendly, since 2–3 flowers are open at the same time.

Types and varieties:

Tradescantia Anderson (T. x andersoniana)– hybrid.

Variety "Innocence"- almost white.

"Karminglute"- red.

"Leonora"- dark purple.

Osprey- light with a blue center.

Tradescantia "Rubra".

"Charlotte"- bright purple.

Tradescantia virginiana (T. virginiana)- pink-violet flowers.

Tradescantia Ohio (T. ohiensis)- height up to 100 cm, leaves narrower, linear, flowers bluish in a bunch, drought-resistant.

Growing conditions. Sunny places with fertile, normally moist soils. Plants are unpretentious.

Reproduction. By seeds (sown before winter), seedlings bloom in the 2nd year. By dividing the bush (in spring and late summer). Planting density - 12 pcs. per 1 m2.

Used in flower beds of any type.

Physostegia (PHYSOSTEGIA). Lamiaceae family.

Physostegia virginiana (P. virginiana)- tall (80-110 cm) perennial from the wet meadows of North America. It quickly forms a thicket thanks to its long branching rhizomes. Strong, dense stems are covered with lanceolate, light green leaves. The inflorescence is spike-shaped, terminal, and purple in the species.


"Bouquet Rose"- height 70 cm.

"Summer Snow"- 80 cm high, white flowers.


Growing conditions. Sunny or semi-shaded locations with rich, moist soils.

Reproduction. By seeds (sowing in spring) and dividing the bush (in spring and autumn). Planting density - 16 pcs. per 1 m2.

Looks good in separate spots under the canopy of rare trees, as part of “natural garden” flower beds, in mixed flower beds (to limit growth); for cutting

Meadow grasses with photos, names and descriptions

Photos of meadow grasses, their names and descriptions can be found below.

. Family Asteraceae (Asteraceae).

Large grasses from North American grasslands. Straight, branched stems at the top are covered with lanceolate leaves. Large flowers are solitary or in a loose corymb. According to legend, the name of this meadow grass is given by the name of the beautiful Helen, the wife of Menelaus, who has the same beautiful golden curls as helenium petals.

Types and varieties:

Variety "Altgoldrise" with yellow marginal flowers in strokes.

Helenium "Gartensonne"- marginal flowers are bright yellow, middle flowers are yellow-brown.

"Katharina"- marginal flowers are dark yellow, tubular flowers are brown.

"Moerheim Beauty"- yellow basket.

"Die Blonde"- red-brown, etc.

Helenium Hupa (H. hoopesii)- flowers are orange-yellow, bloom in June, height 40-50 cm.

Growing conditions. Sunny areas with loose garden soils and good moisture. Planting density - 5 pcs. per 1 m2.

Reproduction. These meadow grasses reproduce in spring with young rosettes. Divide and replant every 3-4 years.

(COREOPSIS). Family Asteraceae (Asteraceae).

Perennial grasses from North American grasslands. Numerous branching stems 60-80 cm high, covered with leaves, extend from a dense short rhizome.

As you can see in the photo, these meadow grasses have bright yellow inflorescences-baskets, similar to daisies.

Types and varieties:

Most often cultivated coreopsis grandiflora(C. grandiflora)- it has pinnately dissected leaves and large baskets (up to 6 cm in diameter).

Variety "Domino"-yellow with a dark center, height 40 cm.

"Lous d'Or"- semi-double, height 90 cm.

"Sanrai"- double flowers, height 60 cm.

(C. verticillata)- characterized by a compact, spherical bush and narrow linear leaves.

Variety Grandiflora- height up to 80 cm.

Coreopsis "Zagreb"- low-growing (25 cm) bush.

Growing conditions. The plants are undemanding and grow well in any soil, in sun or partial shade.

Reproduction. Seeds (sowing in spring and before winter). Seedlings bloom in the 2nd year. It is possible to divide the bush (in spring and late summer). Planting density - 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

Nivyanik, popovnik (LEUCANTHEMUM = CHRYSANTHEMUM). Family Asteraceae (Asteraceae).

Short-rhizome herbs of meadows of Europe and Asia. The stems are straight, few-branched, leafy, 80-100 cm high. The leaves are whole. Inflorescences are large baskets located at the ends of the stems. The marginal flowers are white, the middle ones are yellow.

Types and varieties:

Daisy, or meadow chamomile (L. vulgare = Chrysanthemum leucanthemum)- blooms in early June.

Variety "Hofenkrone".

"May Queen"

Nivyanik is the largest (L. maximum = Chrysanthemum maximum)- blooms from the beginning of July.

Variety "Alaska"


"Little Princess"- with large baskets.

Variety "Aglay"


"Wirral Supreme"- terry baskets.

Growing conditions. Sunny areas with fertile clay, normally moist soil.

Reproduction. By seeds (sowing in spring), seedlings bloom by autumn, and by dividing the bush (in early spring and late summer). The plant is a young plant, so division must be done every 3 years. Planting density - 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

Heuchera (HEUCHERA). Saxifraga family.

Plants of dry grasslands, rocks and prairies of North America. About 50 species of perennial grasses are known. Heucheras form a dense, rounded, low (20-50 cm) bush of numerous rosettes. The leaves are round, with a serrated edge, on long petioles, overwintering. At the height of summer, numerous delicate paniculate inflorescences of small bell-shaped flowers rise above the bushes. They bloom long and profusely. The seeds ripen in September.

Only a few species are used in culture:

-Heuchera americana (H. americana)- leaves are bluish, flowers are small, greenish, few in number.

Variety "Persian Carpet".

Heuchera villosa (H. villosa)- a plant of dry forests with large green leaves and a loose panicle of white flowers.

Heuchera blood red (H. sanguinea)- leaves are reddish, flowers are pink or red in a loose multi-flowered panicle, this species is the basis of most hybrids.

Heuchera parviflora(H. micrantha)- known for its variety "Palace Purple" with large purple leaves.

Heuchera tremulosa (H. x brizoides)- garden hybrid.

Variety "Plue de Feu"



Heuchera hybrid(H. x hybrida)- V recent years received numerous varieties with leaves of different colors (pinkish, silvery, red, brown, with colored veins, etc.).

Particularly interesting varieties are:

"Prince"- with green flowers and red-silver leaves.

"Regina"- coral-colored flowers.

"Peter Veil"- red-silver leaves with dark veins.

"Plum Pudding"- leaves are dark red, corrugated.

"Silver Indiana".

Growing conditions. Sunny and slightly shaded areas with rich, neutral, moderately moist soils.

Reproduction. By dividing the bush (in spring and late summer). Species can be propagated by seeds (sowing in spring). Seedlings bloom in the 3rd year. Divide and replant every 4-5 years.
Planting density - 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

Houstonia (HOUSTONIA). Madder family.

Low-growing (10-15 cm) grasses from wet meadows and cliffs of eastern North America.

Types and varieties:

Houstonia blue(H. caerulea).

Variety "Millard's Variety"- with bright blue flowers.

Houstonia thymefolia (H. serpyllifolia).

Growing conditions. These perennial meadow grasses prefer semi-shaded areas with moist soils.

Reproduction. By seeds and dividing the bush (at the end of summer). Planting density - 16 pcs. per 1 m2.

Red clover plant and its photo

Family of peas (legumes).

The plant is a perennial with trifoliate leaves and flowers in capitate inflorescences. Grows in temperate zone meadows. Height ranges from 10 cm in creeping species to 90 cm in bush species. Good honey plants, improve soil structure.

Types and varieties:

Variety "Pentaphyllum"- green-purple leaves, white flowers, height 20 cm.

"Quadrifolium"- with four leaves brown, forms a carpet.

Clover red (T. rubens)- height 60 cm, flowers lilac-red, grows as a bush.

Growing conditions. Sunny places with any soil. Unpretentious.

Reproduction. This type of meadow grass is propagated by seeds (sowing before winter), by dividing the bush (in spring and late summer). Planting density - 9-16 pcs. per 1 m2.

Low clover forms mats and covers the soil well on slopes. Tall ones are interesting in mixed flower beds, where they improve the soil.

wild flowers
Early July is a good time to go to summer hike along the hills along the banks of the river and take photos of wildflowers

The Dubna River in these parts has incredibly beautiful hilly banks.

Yellow egg pods are dozing on the river surface.

On the left bank of the Dubna River there is a spruce forest like an enchanted castle.

We need to somehow cross to the opposite bank of the Dubna River.

This is a great place. A strong current and rocks protruding from the water indicate the location of a ford.

We put the belongings in a hermetic bag.

We put on neoprene socks so as not to injure our feet on the stones, and we wander down the Dubna River, looking for a flat place on the opposite bank.

We climb out to the shore. There is an evil stinging nettle standing like a 2-meter wall.

There is nowhere to go. Let's go straight.

The thickets are like a jungle. So to speak, modest.

And when we got out into the open space, it was so good! The Dubna River makes bends.

Waist-deep, and sometimes shoulder-deep, we walk through tall grass and floodplain meadows to the village of Vaulino.

In the depths of my soul, some peasant gene yearns: how many cows could be grazed, how much hay could be prepared.

And the places around are beautiful, wonderfully beautiful. Maybe, . Clouds rise above the hills like snow-white mountains.

He climbed the hill and turned back to look at the valley of the Dubna River. Here they are, meadows, wild flowers.

Other wildflowers include oregano or forest mint. It has a special, fragrant smell.

Another masterpiece of wildflowers. In the center are pink marshmallow flowers.

Among white clover The lilac-blue petals of forest geranium look exquisite.

And you, brother poppy, how did you get involved in this company of Central Russian wildflowers?

On the village street of Vaulino, for some reason, a hiker was mistaken for a wealthy landowner-esquire. The foreman of the Armenian construction team, Dima, began to persuade him to build a house.

The firewood is lying around. In winter, heat the house and bathhouse.

There is a large reservoir on the western border of the village of Vaulino.

Here the tourists from Dmitrievsk packed their things into sealed bags and swam to the other side. Daredevils!

And land tourists went on foot to Trekhselishche.

We walk and admire the wildflowers.

Luxurious bouquet of wildflowers. Only it doesn’t stand in a vase, but grows in a field.

Interesting varieties of cornflowers.

Meadow cornflower.

Three-veined cornflower.

What catches the eye in these wildflowers is the yellow candles of black mullein.

The yellow and white tongues of the sweet clover blaze in the wind.

The angelica tree opened its white umbrellas.

I'm walking along the road. Cars with summer residents rush past. An old Ford truck loaded with boards is catching up. The driver is apparently a farmer.
- How far are you going? Sit down, I'll give you a ride!
Thank you, kind man. But I have to walk.

Views all around from the hills. Dali. It's like flying on an airplane.

From Trekhselishchi we head to Malye Dubravy.

The name justifies itself, there are oak trees growing all around.

Here, among the wildflowers, is a precious find, a blooming rosehip.

From Malye Dubrava we go along a forest road to the final destination of our summer hike - to the village of Zapolskoye.

More often than not, even the GPS signal is lost.

In the forest twilight, a young fireweed plays bunnies with the sun.

In Zapolskoe, local residents sell mushrooms and chanterelles.

The rain began to drizzle. Young entrepreneurs rushed to cover the furniture they had made and put up for sale.

And then the Dmitrievsk tourists showed up. Cheerful, cheerful.

Only the four-legged tourist was very tired. He came to a stop and collapsed on the asphalt. The fact that the dog is alive is evidenced by its rising and falling belly in time with its breathing.

Sergiev Posad greeted us with a bright and festive atmosphere. It celebrates its 700th anniversary St. Sergius Radonezh.

Photo reports of the hike participants:

Additional information:

Wildflowers: summer hike in July along the hills of the Moscow region to the Dubna River - Tikhvin Temple p. Titovskoe. Arrival page.
Wildflowers: summer hike in July through the hills of the Moscow region to the Dubna River - interesting information about the Tikhvin Church. Wildflowers: summer hike in July along the hills of the Moscow region to the Dubna River.

Alexander Strizhev. Collected works in five volumes. Volume 2. Russian forbs. Moscow. 2007.

wild flowers

The most beautiful creatures of nature are flowers. They convey all the amazing charm, everything bright colors and aromas of the surrounding world. They are like a breath of fresh air. The wildflower differs from its other brethren in its tenderness, simplicity and fabulous modesty. Many people prefer bouquets collected from these flowers, because they can express real feelings in a special way. In modern flora, more than five hundred thousand species of flowers are distinguished, and only a small part of them has been well studied and described. Let's take a closer look at their most popular copies.


A bright blue wildflower has been known to everyone since childhood - this is the humble cornflower. He has a pleasant strong odor, which literally fills the air around him. Most often you can find this flower in a golden wheat field. Since ancient times, it was considered a symbol of simplicity, goodness and purity.

Cornflowers, in general, endowed magical properties. You can meet them in wreaths woven for Trinity, on icons in churches. Planting them is quite simple; all you need is seeds.


Another famous one wildflower- bell. Its purple petals were sung in Russian poetry by the most eminent authors. There are many legends and myths associated with the bell. According to one legend, its flowers ring once a year, on the night of Ivan Kupala. The name itself is also associated with ringing; in Latin it sounds like “campana”, which is translated into Russian as a bell. It begins to bloom quite early; depending on the variety, this period can begin as early as mid-May.

Such different wildflowers

Modest wildflowers that are found in the vast expanses of our Motherland include poppies, dandelions and thistles.

They not only delight the eye with their beauty, but are also used in folk medicine. Based on poppy seeds, you can make an excellent syrup that helps with coughs, or tea that helps strengthen the overall immune system and health.

Field chamomile

Chamomile is rightfully considered the queen of fields. The wildflower with a yellow center and white petals grows on almost every roadside. Its inflorescences, like little suns, open up and decorate the entire environment. summer season. In addition to its pleasant appearance, chamomile has a lot of beneficial properties. It is successfully used to treat ulcers and wounds, combat various skin diseases, to calm the nervous system.

In addition, field chamomile effectively normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It is also noteworthy that with its help you can cure not only people, but also animals. An infusion of this flower is used to combat gastric problems in cattle. The versatility of chamomile is also evident in cosmetics: excellent face and hair masks, as well as shampoos, are made from it.

From fields to cities

The wildflower is loved by many. Different varieties plants give the world bright colors and indescribable aromas. Today you can find them not only in the wild, but also in city flower beds. Thanks to their unpretentiousness and vitality, they have long gained universal recognition.

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):