Nowadays, no one can be surprised by unusual plants. Many people try to decorate their home with exotic compositions, of which bamboo is often an integral part. Vases with it look elegant and original. This article provides information on how to propagate bamboo and how to care for it.

Indoor bamboo

Houseplant bamboo has nothing to do with the plant that grows in the wild. If you look closely, this is clearly visible even in the photo. True bamboo is considered a grass and grows up to forty meters in height. But at home it is nothing more than Dracaena Sandera. It looks very unusual and adds style to any room.

In the teachings of Feng Shui, the plant is called the flower of happiness or Lucky bamboo. How to propagate bamboo and further care for it so that it delights with its beauty for a long time?

It is worth noting that Dracaena Sandera is an unpretentious plant. Compositions of her decorative plexuses will decorate any home or office. IN room conditions bamboo can grow for a very long time, the main thing is to provide it proper care. The plant can be grown not only in soil, but also in water.

Appearance of the plant

The plant looks very similar to bamboo. It consists of a bare stem, on top of which there are several shoots and leaves. The stems can grow straight or initially bend in the form of a spiral. Typically, indoor bamboo is painted bright green. However, you can also find straw-golden varieties. If within daylight hours When bamboo is exposed to bright sun, it takes on a dark green hue. Decorativeness and unpretentiousness have made the plant very popular.

Bamboo is an indoor plant, caring for which will not cause much trouble. The only drawback is the lack of flowering. The plant can bloom at the age of forty years, and after this it often dies. However, this does not prevent you from forming from bamboo interesting compositions which look impressive.

Growing options

Before we talk about how to propagate bamboo at home, it is worth paying attention to the fact that it can be grown both in water and in soil. Both methods are good for home use.

Many housewives prefer growing in water. This method is very convenient and does not cause any trouble. The water in a vase or other container can be changed only once a week - this is quite enough to create necessary conditions for an unpretentious plant.

The water base allows the plant to fully develop. Bamboo even in indoor conditions grows up to 1-2 meters. By growing several plants, you can very quickly increase their number, creating a whole tropical garden. How to propagate bamboo at home?

When growing plants in water, it is very important to use fertilizers. Otherwise, the bamboo will acquire light shade and will lose its leaves. Fertilizers are added directly to the water at the moment when it is changed to fresh. As a rule, one feeding is enough for two to three months. It is better to use mineral fertilizers intended for this species.

You can grow several stems in one container. For decoration, the plants are tied together using braid. You can use containers for growing different forms. These can be not only pots and containers, but also glasses, glass vases, jugs. After the bamboo reaches a height of 50-80 centimeters, the growing containers are placed on the floor near the light source. To fill the vase, you need to use soft water, standing for several days. Filtered and chlorinated water cannot be used.

Growing in soil

If you are thinking about how to propagate bamboo at home, pay attention to the fact that the plant develops much better in soil. The constant presence of roots in water is not to the culture's liking. Water does not stay in the soil for long.

Any soil is suitable for bamboo. You can even purchase a universal substrate. Caring for a plant in soil is much easier than in water, since it does not even require replacing the liquid.

Reproduction methods

Inexperienced flower growers probably do not know how to propagate Lucky bamboo. You can get new plants in several ways: cuttings, seeds (very rarely), apical shoots and suckers. It is worth noting that propagation by tips and offspring takes a lot of time and effort. These methods are considered quite complex. Propagating bamboo at home using seeds is generally an unrealistic task. Sowing seeds further appearance seedlings and caring for them is a long and labor-intensive process. Therefore, propagating bamboo by cuttings is the best option. Flower growers believe that this method is the most optimal for exotic plant.

Propagation by cuttings

Propagation of bamboo by cuttings better in spring. Young shoots that appear on the stem of an adult plant during this period are used as planting material. They are carefully cut off from the main stem and planted in the ground for rooting.

For rooting, you can use the same soil as for planting an adult plant. Bamboo grows very quickly, and this applies not only to the stems, but also to the roots, so the pot for the cutting must be spacious and tall. Even the smallest cuttings will quickly grow and fill the container with roots.


Bamboo is an indoor plant, caring for which will not cause much trouble. Experienced gardeners To simplify the propagation process, it is recommended to combine it with an annual transplant. Optimal time for transplantation - spring. At the same time, propagation by cuttings occurs. Young shoots after planting need specific care, which consists of loosening the soil and regular watering. It is necessary to moisten the soil daily. To do this, use settled water, the temperature of which is at least 22-25 degrees. As a mandatory care procedure, there should be a wet wipe of dust from the foliage.

No less important point is loosening the soil. Young plants need fresh air, which penetrates them through the soil. Loosening optimizes the process and helps the cuttings take root.

Bamboo feels great in different conditions. The unpretentious plant grows quickly and in a short period of time can decorate the house with tropical compositions.


Caring for bamboo is quite simple. Regular watering and fertilizing will make the plant beautiful and green. If the foliage and stems have lightened, it means it’s time to apply fertilizer.

Bamboo is very sensitive to light and must be grown in sunny side, but bright rays can harm the crop. It is better to provide the plant with diffused light.

Use in landscape design

Bamboo compositions are actively used not only for decoration home interior, but also for landscaping balconies and greenhouses. No less actively used landscape designers for landscaping areas, the so-called decorative bamboo. Reproduction in the country or personal plot will give such a plant small piece tropics.

Designers use different types plants for creating compositions, decorative hedges and other structures.

To plant bamboo in the country, it is preferable to choose a place in partial shade. He loves daily watering. Otherwise the culture is unpretentious.

Instead of an afterword

Dracaena Sandera is a beautiful and unusual plant that has long taken root in many apartments. The ease of propagation and care will allow you to get new plants from the purchased cuttings in a couple of years, from which you can independently build any composition that will decorate the house and add exoticism to the interior.

If you have long dreamed of such a plant, but did not dare to purchase it, feel free to go to the store, since even a novice gardener can cope with its maintenance.

In nature, among bamboos there are both herbaceous and woody species. Some varieties are very tall - in nature they stretch up to 40 m. Among indoor species Plants no taller than one meter are more popular.

Botanical description

Bamboo grows in tropical climates. In nature, it settles along the banks of reservoirs, on sunny edges tropical forests, loves felling. The plant is used for industrial purposes, for decorating flower beds and apartments.

The tallest variety grows in India - Burmese bamboo. Its stems are tree-like, up to 20 cm thick, growing up to 40 m high. potted crops Only low-growing, miniature species are used.

As a houseplant, bamboo is prized for its thin, straight stems with delicate, translucent greenery. It looks good in compositions with plants that have large leaves. Indoor bamboo blooms very rarely: small flowers in panicles, like all cereals. Its leaves are lanceolate or linear, the petioles are short. Belongs to monocarpic crops - dies after flowering. It is unpretentious in cultivation, but is not widely used.

Novice gardeners often mistakenly call Dracaena Sander bamboo. The plant stems are really similar. You can recognize dracaena by its spiral-twisted stems - the plant is already sold in this form. Some gardeners try to twist young plants themselves, intertwine them, and give them a bizarre shape. But, judging by the reviews, such experiments rarely end in success.

What types are suitable for an apartment

Low-growing types of bamboo look impressive and elegant. Four varieties are considered the most common.

  1. Shiny bamboo (sasa nitida). Tall purple stems reach three meters in height. It is grown in tubs, often as a greenhouse plant.
  2. Multilayer bamboo (bambusa multiplex). One of the tallest indoor varieties- grows up to four meters. The height is adjusted by trimming the growing point.
  3. Blueish bamboo (bambusa glaucescens). An original miniature variety, no taller than half a meter. Looks good on its own and as part of compositions.
  4. Arundinaria variegated. Arundinaria is a reed plant. Externally, it is very similar to dwarf varieties of bamboo. The leaves are variegated, with whitish or cream stripes. Maximum height - 1 m.

It is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of caring for bamboo after purchase. The shipping soil and container are not suitable for long-term maintenance of the plant, so it is better to replant it immediately after purchase. The first time after transplantation, do not feed, do not place in bright sun, and water moderately.

Caring for indoor bamboo: what you need to know

There is not too much advice on how to care for indoor bamboo. This is a relatively unpretentious plant that is easy to grow. If you follow the basic rules, it grows quickly and does not cause much trouble.

  • Lighting. Can grow in both sunny and partial shade. In summer it is advisable to take it out fresh air. Planting a flowerbed in summer period is beneficial - bamboo produces strong root shoots. In strong shade it fades and loses its attractiveness. Does not require artificial lighting in winter.
  • Temperature . Average room temperature is suitable for growing. It does not like heat; in winter it can withstand frosts down to -5°C without consequences.
  • Humidity . Requires high humidity air. Regular spraying is required. To create the required climatic conditions Place the pot on a tray with damp decorative pebbles or sphagnum, and use special humidifiers.
  • Watering. Water frequently, but moderately. Maintain constant soil moisture - do not allow it to become waterlogged or dry out. They always focus on the condition of the soil - if it’s dry top layer, you can water it.
  • Soil. The soil used is loose, fertile, and nutritious. Bamboo grows well in soil rich in organic substances. The acidity of the soil is maintained at pH 6. At lower values, the soil is deoxidized by adding crushed chalk. Acidity can be measured using special litmus papers.
  • Pot. The size and shape of the pot is of great importance for proper growth. The root system grows almost horizontally, so the container should be wide and shallow. Leave a distance of at least 5 cm from the walls of the pot to the roots.
  • Transplant. Replant the bamboo as soon as the roots touch the walls of the pot. Young bamboo requires annual replanting; if it grows quickly, it needs to be replanted twice a year. Growth gradually slows down - they are limited to one transplant every two to three years.
  • Feeding. Use liquid organic fertilizers based on peat. Occasionally, balanced mineral fertilizers are applied. In summer, three-week intervals are maintained between feedings; in winter, feeding is done even less frequently.

If you want to grow bamboo in water, when choosing a species, give preference to Dracaena Sander. This is what is grown in an aquarium, bowls with water, or hydrogel. True bamboo requires fertile, organic-rich soil.

Features of reproduction

Indoor bamboo can only be propagated by seeds or by dividing the bush when replanting. Cuttings are not used. It is impossible to get seeds from your own plant - only store bought ones are used. planting material. Let's take a closer look at both methods.

  1. Dividing the bush. During transplantation, the roots are shaken off the ground, and the bush is cut into several parts with a sharp knife. Each part should have several stems and a full root system. The cut areas are dusted with charcoal powder. Delenki are planted in pots slightly larger than the root system. During the first week, water moderately; try not to over-moisten the soil to avoid rotting. It is not recommended to divide the bush into hot weather. The optimal time for transplanting and dividing is early spring.
  2. Seeds. Growing from seeds is a rather complicated process. Before sowing, the seeds are alternately soaked first in a solution of potassium permanganate, then in a growth stimulator. Sowed in flat bowls with loose, fertile soil, cover with film. Place in a warm, bright place. The first shoots may appear only after three months. All this time, the greenhouse is ventilated and the substrate is kept moist. More quick results can be achieved by germinating seeds in a hydrogel.

A bush that has lost its decorative appearance can be rejuvenated - old shoots are cut almost to ground level. Young shoots will replace the old stems from the roots. Intensively growing specimens are formed by pruning. Properly trimming indoor bamboo is not difficult. The top is shortened at the selected height, 5 cm above the node. The upward growth stops, and the bamboo begins to grow foliage. Some varieties actively produce side shoots- they can also be trimmed to form a crown.

Main growing problems

There are practically no problems when growing bamboo. This is a disease and pest resistant plant. All difficulties that may arise during the growing process are collected in one table.

Table - Difficulties in growing indoor bamboo

Description of the problemPossible reasonsHelp the plant
Indoor bamboo turns yellow- Waterlogging of the soil;
- lack of light;
- excess fertilizer
- The wet soil is dried;
- place in a sunny, well-lit place;
- feeding is suspended
Bamboo leaves are rolled into tubes- Drying of the soil;
- low humidity air
- Water moderately but regularly;
- spray daily with warm water
The leaves are drooping, falling down- Excessive watering- Regulate the watering regime;
- improve the quality of drainage
The ends of the leaves dry out and turn yellow- Dry air- Increase air humidity
The plant turns yellow, withers, and stops growing- Problems with the root system- Replant with removal of damaged roots and complete replacement of soil;
- treat with fungicides
The leaves turn yellow, become covered with light spots, and cobwebs appear- The appearance of spider mites- Treat with fungicides

If you properly care for bamboo at home, there will be no problems with it. Decorative and unpretentious plant fits perfectly into modern interior apartments, will look harmonious in group flower arrangements.

Interesting shapes, easy care and the ability to create a variety of unique compositions are the main motives for growing flowers. Planting bamboo at home can be done in different ways, each of which is attractive in its own way.

The basis of leaving is maintaining optimal conditions growth and development of plants, which include high environmental humidity, optimal temperatures and sufficient level of illumination. To ensure normal conditions Before growing bamboo, it is important to decide on the placement of the flower.

Optimal conditions

Before planting a plant, you must first find a place where the flower will grow and develop better. It is important to take into account the level of illumination here: since burns may appear on bamboo leaves due to exposure to direct sun rays, then it is better to choose a slightly shaded place for it. The eastern part of the house is best suited for a container with a flower. If it is not possible to arrange the flower in this way, then it is advisable to use translucent curtains for shading. Growing the plant away from sunlight contributes to the loss of lower foliage, so do not deprive the flower of light.

It is also important at this stage to provide the plant with optimal temperature regime. The culture is thermophilic and does not tolerate cold. Therefore, ventilation of the room must be done with extreme care to prevent the stem from freezing. Optimal temperature for a flower: 18 – 26 degrees. The plant stops growing at temperatures below 14 or above 35 degrees.

Feng Shui also recommends eastern window sills for plants, where they can express themselves fully, filling the owners of the apartment with vital energy and fortitude. Also, the arrangement of flowers on south-eastern window sills attracts good luck and happiness to the inhabitants.

Planting and care

The culture is propagated at home in three ways:

  • dividing the root part: each separated root should have a pair of shoots, as well as developing small roots for faster and easier rooting;
  • sowing seeds: the most difficult method, almost impossible due to the very difficult care of seedlings;
  • by cuttings: the cut stem is placed in water until roots form, and then planted in a permanent place.

Tip: You can root the cuttings in the ground, but then you will need to control the constant moisture of the soil, watering it as needed.

Growing this at home interesting flower can be produced by three various methods: in water, soil or hydrogel.


Planting bamboo shoots in this way involves the following steps:

  • Preparing the plant: before planting, the roots are washed and identified various damages, which are immediately cut out; overgrown roots are also removed.

Advice: You should not remove more than a third of the root part, as this may increase the time the plant adapts to new conditions.

  • Installing the stems in a container - it is advisable to fix the roots decorative stones which should be pre-boiled.

Tip: It is not necessary to use stones - you can simply place the stems and fill them with water.

  • Filling with liquid - bamboo will grow better if you use settled or distilled water.
  • Caring for the plant - it usually involves timely changing the water about once a week.

Important: The appearance of an unpleasant odor or sediment at the bottom indicates that the water needs to be changed more often. Yellowing of the foliage also indicates the need to change the water.

  • Feeding is done with liquid mineral fertilizers, which dissolve directly in water. It is advisable to fertilize at least once a month.

The plant likes soft, settled water. The best option There will be a melt, which you can do yourself at home. To do this, fill the container with water, keep it in the freezer for a day or on the balcony in winter, and then defrost it.

Soil substrate

There is another way to plant bamboo at home - for this you will need a pot that is filled soil mixture. As a soil substrate, you can combine clay soil, rotted manure and peat, taken in a ratio of 2:1:1, respectively. Fill the pot with the prepared soil, make a depression, and then plant a bamboo stem and sprinkle it with soil.

Growing plants in this way involves performing following rules, which will normalize its development:

  • The soil must be well drained to prevent stagnation of moisture and the appearance of rot on the roots of the plant;
  • The plant needs to be watered regularly, but moderately, since the plant does not like either drought or waterlogging;
  • Fertilizing is done regularly every couple of weeks with special fertilizers for flowers;
  • Young shoots are transplanted into a larger container after a year, and adults - after 3 years.

Important: It is necessary to ensure that the soil in the flower pot is constantly moist so as not to disturb water balance plants.


More modern way, which consists of using hydrogel instead of soil. First, a bamboo stalk is placed in the pot, then the hydrogel is poured in and water is poured in. Caring for the plant consists of performing the following actions:

  • periodic infusion of clean water;
  • feeding every 6 months;
  • When using large granules, you need to monitor so that the bamboo roots do not dry out.

Growing a flower at home in this way helps not only to solve the issue of planting it, but also to fulfill decorative function: colored granules filling a glass container will look beautiful and original.

Plant care

Under any growing conditions, it is important to provide conditions for the plant that are as close to natural as possible. Optimal temperature conditions, high humidity and a sufficient level of illumination contribute to rapid growth and plant development. Improper care can provoke various developmental pathologies:

  • small dark spots on the foliage - damage to a fungal infection, which is eliminated with the help of fungicidal agents;
  • stunted growth - disadvantage mineral elements, it is urgent to feed the plant;
  • dark and soft leaves, which curl and crumble - low temperatures, which are increased by installing heating devices;
  • brown spots on the foliage - insufficient watering.

Having identified a developmental disorder, it is necessary to immediately take the necessary measures to save the plant from death.

Planting bamboo at home and the right approach to its cultivation will allow you to admire it for a long time evergreen. Grateful flower in response to complete care will grow quickly, turning the room into a small tropical corner.

For a long time now indoor flowers have become an integral part of interiors. But at the same time, such prevalence has bypassed evergreen decorative bamboo. Although it is this representative of the flora that is able to contribute to home environment creative and unusual element. IN suitable conditions this miracle exotic will grow long time. Therefore, those who prefer unusual plants for your home, you need to know what kind of care the plant requires at home.

Indoor bamboo is a representative of the Dracaena species and is an unpretentious plant.

Types of bamboo for indoor growing

The only differences between all types of bamboo are the height of the plant and the diameter of the trunk.

Medium-sized varieties of bamboo

This variety ornamental plant came from Japan. The size of an adult plant reaches about 4 meters in height. The variety is demanding on lighting and can withstand direct sunlight. There are varieties with white-green leaves.

Low-growing types of bamboo

Such plants are most often grown in an apartment or office. The height of bamboo does not exceed 1.5 meters. Tolerates shade well, needs coolness and high humidity. Imported from Brazil.

Grow a bamboo plant

The first is directly in the water. The roots are washed and inspected for damage. If they have grown significantly, the roots are cut through. No more than a third of the roots can be removed painlessly, otherwise the bamboo will hurt severely and for a long time.

The stems are placed in a glass container, the roots are secured with decorative stones. It is recommended to boil the stones first. The container is filled with settled or distilled water. The water needs to be changed after about 2 weeks. If a cloudy sediment appears in the water or bad smell, it is changed more often. A plant in water needs to be fed. Any fertilizer for dracaenas is suitable; they are used at least once a month. If a bamboo leaf turns yellow, it means the water needs to be changed urgently.

The second method is growing in a pot. Selected for bamboo spacious potty. A mixture for dracaenas is poured into it. The following composition is also suitable: 2 parts of clay turf and one part each of humus and peat. The soil in the pot is kept constantly moist. Feed Dracaena Sander every two weeks. Young plants are replanted every 1-2 years, old plants are replanted every 3 years.

Articles about indoor and ornamental plants

The third way is to plant it in a container with hydrogel. Initially, the stem is placed in a container, covered with hydrogel. Pour water into it. The hydrogel gradually changes shape and color. Caring for bamboo is very easy. It is periodically added to the container clean water. Fertilizing is used every six months. If large granules are used, care must be taken to ensure that the roots do not become chapped or dry out.
Fourth method - cultivation bamboo from seeds. Dracaena can be grown at home and from seeds. This method is more complicated, but more interesting than planting rhizomes or cuttings.

You need to proceed as follows:

  1. soak the seeds in gauze until they begin to germinate;
  2. plant them in a box with soil consisting of soil, sand and drainage in a ratio of 2: 1: 1;
  3. spray the seedlings daily with a spray bottle;
  4. cover the box with polyethylene, creating greenhouse conditions for the seedlings:
  • there should be a lot of moisture, heat and light;
  • To prevent young plants from rotting, the greenhouse must be ventilated three times a day.

When the seedlings reach a height of five centimeters, the strongest of them need to be transplanted into pots in which they will continue to grow.

What do you need to know to properly care for bamboo?

The place for bamboo should be comfortable, spacious and quite bright. But at the same time, you should not allow the plant to be exposed to direct rays of the sun.

From aggressive action sunlight bamboo leaves turn yellow and it loses its special attractiveness. Choose a place where the lighting is moderate and diffused.

The native habitat of bamboo is tropical forests and therefore he loves a warm climate and sufficient moisture. For him, the optimal temperature in the room is 16-22 degrees Celsius. The room needs to be ventilated - fresh air is essential for bamboo growth.

Timely watering is very important, because... Without enough moisture, bamboo may die. To create an additional humid microclimate, the leaves of the plant are sprayed or wiped with a wet sponge. IN winter period Watering the plant is significantly reduced and is carried out only when the soil layer dries out.

Bamboo loves fresh air, especially in hot summers. Try to ventilate a room where many houseplants grow several times, but avoid drafts and strong winds.

With sufficient care, bamboo grows very quickly and as it grows it needs to be transplanted into larger and more spacious pots. A transplant will have to be done every two years. The soil is renewed, and the drainage layer is changed.

Propagation of the plant of happiness

Bamboo propagation is a fairly popular topic, as this flower is popular. Usually the division method is used, when the stem is cut into several parts. You can cover the cuts with soft wax. Do not use hot wax as it can burn the plant. Thanks to the wax, the stem does not dry out.

As an option for propagation, the top cuttings are cut off and subsequently rooted in moist soil or water.


Despite its unpretentiousness and ease of care, the plant can be susceptible to several diseases:

  1. fungal diseases - the presence of a fungus can be recognized by the leaves; as a rule, the symptoms of the fungus are black specks and specks. To treat a flower, it is necessary to treat it with fungicides. As a preventative measure, it is recommended to avoid high humidity and not neglect regular ventilation;
  2. vitamin deficiency - slow plant growth and yellowing leaves are signs of deficiency nutrients. In order to correct the situation, it is necessary to fertilize the soil and water more intensively;
  3. excessive cooling - darkening of the leaves and stem indicates that the plant is in an unacceptable temperature regime. In order to warm the flower, it must be moved to a more warm room or artificially increase the temperature.

Articles about growing seedlings

How to twist bamboo stems into a spiral

The stem of indoor bamboo can be twisted at home, creating different unusual shapes twisted spiral. Most often it is twisted into a spiral. This process is not complicated, but it will take a lot of time:

  • the pot or tub with the shoot must be covered with a cap with a hole, so that the light falls on the plant from the top and side;
  • after this, the shoot will begin to stretch towards the window, gradually bending;
  • further, in order to curl the stem into a spiral, the cap must be gradually turned.

It will take a year to get one turn of the spiral. Can be used as a cap cardboard box, which has one side cut out.

What does bamboo mean according to Feng Shui?

There is a system for combining the number of stems in bamboo. According to Feng Shui, by creating a certain composition of several branches, you can attract all the good things into your home.

  • 3 stems – joy and peace;
  • 5 stems – financial well-being and good luck in business;
  • 7 stems – health and longevity;
  • 20 stems - love and family happiness;
  • 21 stems – well-being in all areas of life.

To avoid causing trouble, compositions with 4 stems should be avoided. It is considered unfavorable according to Feng Shui.

Articles about unusual growing of seedlings

To enhance magical properties plants, bamboo stems are tied with beautiful golden or red ribbons, and multi-colored glass and pebbles are placed on the ground.

It is also customary to “plant” animal figures on the bamboo of happiness: a dog, an elephant, a panda or a frog. They are believed to have a beneficial effect on the energy of the plant.

Indoor bamboo is widespread. The plant has gained popularity due to its beautiful greenery, ease of care and the ability to create exotic compositions. If you stick to simple rules for caring for Dracaena Sandera, the plant will delight you with greenery all year round.

Indoor bamboo Dracaena Sandera is a home exotic.

Indoor bamboo - exotic in a pot. It is also called Dracaena Sandera. The plant is attracted by the fact that it is easy to grow and flower pot, and in the water. Both options do not affect the conditions of plant growth and development. Bamboo is unpretentious. Its shoots are used for decoration flower bouquets, it goes well with most colors. Feng Shui lovers actively buy the plant.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, Dracaena Sandera brings happiness and good luck to every home. It is considered a symbol of well-being.


Bamboo is a bare stem with several shoots developing at the end.

Various compositions from this plant look very impressive.

The color of the stem varies from bright green to golden straw. It can twist into spirals of various shapes. Leaves are lanceolate. The intensity of leaf color depends on the lighting in the room. Saturated green foliage occurs only in bright light during the day. The indoor plant blooms very rarely. Flowers can form into panicles or appear singly on shoots.

Unlike the not-so-pretentious bamboo, it will require increased attention and patience from you. But this one beautiful flower worth the effort! Bright large flowers against the backdrop of lush green leaves will decorate any interior and cause genuine admiration.

If you prefer exquisite flowers, you should pay attention to the orchid. The phalaenopsis hybrid is most suitable for home breeding. Here is about the propagation and cultivation of this type of orchid.

Caring for bamboo at home

It is recommended to place the plant on east windows. Bamboo does not tolerate direct sunlight. In this case, burns appear on the leaves. If it is not possible to place the flower on the east side, it is covered with a curtain or blinds. Dracaena Sandera - heat-loving plant, which does not tolerate cold air currents. Ventilation is carried out carefully so that cold winter air does not fall on the stem.

Proper care is the key to the proper development of your pet.

With a lack of light, the stem may lose lower leaves . Large specimens are best placed on the floor in places where they receive diffused light, or in partial shade. They are planted in large pots or tubs. In summer, bamboo is watered well, in winter - moderately. The soil in the pot should always be moist.

Dracaena does not tolerate temperatures below +13°C and above +35°C.

Planting Dracaena Sandera

There are three ways to grow the plant.

Hydrogel - bright modern solution not only for planting, but also for decoration.


See tips from a professional florist on planting and caring for decorative bamboo.

Bamboo propagation

Bamboo easily propagated by cuttings, less often - by dividing the root. The stems can be rooted during the pruning process, when vintage spirals are formed from the stem. Strong shoots and stems are suitable for this. For propagation, you can use shoots during transplantation - this best option. The plant can be immediately planted in a pot and watered abundantly, or it can be rooted in water. Young shoots are provided with bright light, excluding direct hit sun rays.

Dracaena Sander is not propagated by seeds.


Bamboo is unpretentious, diseases appear only when grown improperly. Small dark spots may appear on the leaves. This is a fungal infection. For treatment, special fungicidal preparations are used. At the same time, the room is thoroughly ventilated.

We get rid of such uninvited guests using fungicides.

If the shoots grow slowly or the bamboo has stopped growing, it means it does not have enough minerals. In this case, the plant is fed more often or the dosage of feeding is increased. It is very important here not to overdo it with the dosage, so as not to cause harm.

If the leaves darken and become soft, it means that the temperature in the room is disturbed - it is too cold. In this case, the leaves may curl and fall off. To prevent the bamboo from dying, heaters are installed in the room.

There is a widespread belief among amateur flower growers that any flower in the house harmonizes the space. Think, maybe it’s time for you to get such a magnet for good luck?

If you are the lucky owner land plot, then without much hassle you can arrange a mini-production of high-quality substrate for planting your plants. about the reproduction of earthworms and their role in the formation of fertile soil.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):