1:508 1:518

— I have been using yeast feeding for more than 30 years, I water all my plants.

1:650 1:660

— And only yeast feeding all season? Or do you alternate with some other supplements?

1:841 1:851

— Another mullein infusion + herbal cocktail. I use yeast feeding during plant growth. 2-3 times per season. A bread infusion More often than not, cucumbers love it.

1:1143 1:1153

And I made a solution from fish heads. I watered the cucumbers, and literally before my eyes all the leaves became dark green, but they were all light green. Cucumbers also love this solution very much. And also the peppers were very pale, and I even wanted to remove them all, and they came to life instantly!



2:514 2:524

— I planted tomatoes and two weeks later I fed them with yeast. Did I do it right? The next one will be grass feeding. I feed my plants once every 2 weeks. Why am I asking? This is only my second year of gardening.

2:936 2:946

— After planting, seedlings can be fed after 7 days, and then every 10-14 days. Tomatoes during the formation of each new brush. When fruiting, cucumbers can be watered with diluted herbal mash after each harvest.

2:1365 2:1375



— Feeding with yeast — How to make sourdough?


100 gr. fresh yeast per 10 liters of water. Place in the sun, stir from time to time - this will take 3 days and then water half a liter per bush.

3:379 3:389

Or here's another one. I copied this half-forgotten grandfather’s recipe from an old newspaper file, but I didn’t have time to try everything. And now, when everyone is advocating for environmentally friendly products, natural farming, and many people cannot afford biological products, I decided and tried it.

3:889 3:899

4:1404 4:1414

The recipe is very simple.


At three liter jar I fill in 2.6-2.7 liters of water without chlorine (settled), add 100 g of diluted warm water yeast and 0.5 tbsp. Sahara. Cover with gauze and keep the jar warm, shaking the contents from time to time. The solution (mash) is ready when fermentation ends. I dilute one glass with 10 liters of water and water the plants 1 liter for each bush.


Over the summer I carried out three such feedings. As a result, we got an excellent harvest! The tomato bushes grew powerful, there were no burns on the fruits, the plants easily tolerated heat and any bad weather.


Here are some more good recipes.

4:375 4:385

Cucumbers and peppers love mash. To ensure that the cucumbers have green leaves before the fall, you need to spray them with a solution of brilliant green before flowering: 10 drops per bucket of water. Spray with mash constantly: half a liter of prepared mash in a bucket of water - cucumbers do not suffer from fungal diseases. And bathe the tomatoes with mash.

4:912 4:922

5:1427 5:1437

Dry yeast


— For an incomplete 3-liter jar + 1 packet of dry yeast (1 tablespoon) + 100 g of sugar and warm water, ferments for a week.


As soon as the cucumbers have produced two carved leaves, it is time to do the first watering. Add 0.5 jar of mash to a bucket of water. And spill the cucumbers over the wet soil. The jar of mash remains until next time. Watering after two weeks. Before the first pinching, a day or two before, treat all the foliage of the cucumber from a spray bottle with a diluted solution of 0.5 mash per bucket. This is necessary so that yeast bacteria take root on the foliage and do not cause
When pinched, pathogenic microbes develop. Do the same for the second
pinching. You can also water it.


And here's another one from dry yeast.

5:983 5:993

— A recipe for fertilizing so that everything grows!

Pour into a 3 liter jar warm water, add 1 packet (12 g) of dry yeast and 100 g of sand. Stands and ferments for 1 week. Add one glass per 10 liters of water and pour over cabbage, cucumbers, peppers, etc., after spilling them clean water. This mash can be mixed with a mash made from nettles and weeds. It turns out that the drink of the gods is “nectar and ambrosia” for plants.



- But don’t overdo it! First, water with clean water, and then with mash and dose, less is better than more, or try on one plant.

5:258 5:268

6:773 6:783

Every summer resident knows that cucumbers are very demanding in terms of nutrition. The productivity of gherkins directly depends on the fertility and structure of the soil. How to increase the yield of cucumbers using a simple folk method?

Experienced vegetable growers fertilize pumpkin plantations several times per season, thereby increasing the duration of fruiting and the number of greens ripening on each vine.

One of the most effective, but at the same time budgetary, feeding methods is adding fermented yeast solution. This product contains beneficial fungi, which, when released into the ground, activate the decomposition of previously introduced organic matter - and farm animals, create favorable conditions for the growth and development of beneficial soil microflora, accelerates the formation of the root system.

Yeast supplements are relevant both at the stage of growing seedlings and at the stages of flowering, the formation of ovaries, and the ripening of cucumbers. Not everyone knows that desired result, which can be characterized by the expression "Growing by leaps and bounds", is achievable only if the soil is sufficiently warmed up, since fungi are not active at temperatures below +15°C.

It should be noted that it is advisable to combine the application of yeast solutions with an increase in the content of calcium, phosphorus and potassium in the soil, the amount of which is sharply reduced when the soil comes into contact with active yeast fungi. However, it is undesirable to simultaneously combine yeast with other organic matter, for example, mullein or humus, so as not to minimize the impact of beneficial substances.

Preparation of yeast nutrition

To prepare fertilizer compositions, both dry baker's yeast and fresh ones are used.

Fresh yeast nutrient solution

High-quality fresh yeast in an amount of 1 kg is dissolved in a bucket of warm clean water, close the container with a lid and place it in warm place, for example, in a greenhouse or barn, to activate fermentation processes for 2-3 days.

The mother liquor is diluted with water at the rate of 1 liter per 10 liters of water and used for watering gherkins at the root. From one to one and a half liters of yeast fertilizer is poured under each plant.

Nutrient solution of dry yeast with sugar

A standard packet of yeast (10 g) is dissolved in a bucket of water with the addition of 60 g of granulated sugar. The resulting composition is set aside for two hours to ferment (it is advisable to infuse the liquid in a warm place, for example, in the open sun).

The fertilizing stock solution is diluted in a ratio of 1:5. Nutrient liquid is poured into the soil under cucumber plantings, spending 1 liter for each bush in the garden bed or in the greenhouse.

Read also:

Before applying yeast feeding, a planned abundant watering warm water and dry pollination of the soil with plant ash. You can add ash directly to the prepared fertilizer at the rate of 1-2 cups for each bucket of solution. Yeast fertilizers are also suitable for foliar pollination on tops.

According to experienced gardeners, you should not get carried away with yeast fertilizing, so as not to disturb the soil balance and harm the plantings. Quite 3-4 feedings are enough for the entire growing season. And it doesn’t matter whether you cultivate cucumbers on open beds, in greenhouses or greenhouses.

  • The seedlings are watered with yeast for the first time,
  • the second - during the period of active flowering and formation of ovaries,
  • the last two are at the fruiting stage with an interval of 2 weeks.

Since yeast fertilizer is easy to prepare at home, get bountiful harvest Even a novice amateur gardener can produce juicy gherkins. Using proven biological compounds, you can be sure that your fruits do not contain hazardous to health chemicals. Easy work for you summer cottage every season!

It is becoming increasingly difficult for gardeners to get a good harvest from their plots. Various diseases, unfavorable weather conditions, depleted soil, lack of crop rotation leads to the fact that summer residents have to resort to the use of a large number of agrochemicals. Some amateur vegetable growers don’t even realize that many fertilizers can be replaced with natural substances. One such natural stimulant is yeast. They are no less effective than chemicals. The most famous is yeast nutrition for cucumbers.

The benefits of yeast feeding

The big advantage of yeast feeding is its environmental friendliness. Plants grown using these fungi do not accumulate harmful substances. Can be used at any time - both during the seedling period and during fruiting. They contain large number microelements necessary for plants. They enrich the soil with essential substances and improve the soil microflora.

Disadvantages - they can acidify the soil, leaching calcium and potassium from it. Without these elements it is impossible to achieve good fruiting. The solution to the problem is to sprinkle the soil surface with wood ash before using the fertilizer.

Video: How to make yeast-based vegetable fertilizer

Yeast feeding for cucumbers and tomatoes has the following effect:

  • stimulates the growth of the vegetative part of vegetables - leaves, stems, roots;
  • increases protective forces;
  • increases productivity.

In terms of action, it can be compared with complex mineral fertilizers. It contains:

  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • nitrogen;
  • magnesium.

How and when to use yeast nutrition

Fertilizing cucumbers is done no more than once every 1.5 weeks, for tomatoes - once every 2 weeks. If there is a need for such frequent use of yeast, the process should be accompanied by parallel application to the soil wood ash or eggshells.

Used as fertilizer dry or fresh baker's yeast. Fresh ones are considered more effective. They should only be diluted in warm water. Using hot cold water not acceptable. When using dry yeast, sugar is added. This is necessary for fermentation.

It is useful to apply this fertilizer 4 times:

  • during the seedling period:
  • after transplantation to permanent place;
  • during flowering;
  • during the fruiting period.

It can be used at any time. Excessively frequent use may lead to rapid growth vegetative part, which will lead to a meager harvest. In some cases, plants may even die. Optimal number fertilizing - 3 times throughout the entire season.

They stimulate the growth and fruiting of many crops. But tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers have the best effect. Do not apply the nutrient mixture to cold soil. To activate fermentation, the earth must warm up. Yeast must have a long shelf life. Before applying fertilizer, the soil must be moistened. They should be used separately from organic fertilizers.

In recipes containing milk, use only fresh, not boiled milk. Pasteurized packaged milk is not suitable. If the recipe calls for fermentation of the solution, then this fertilizer is best used for adult bushes. For seedlings, a freshly prepared solution is required.

Feeding cucumbers with yeast

Is it possible to feed vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers with yeast during fruiting? Yes, you can. They are completely safe.

Cucumbers are fertilized with this nutrient mixture up to 3 times:

  • after the appearance of 2 true leaves;
  • during flowering;
  • after a wave of active fruiting.

Cucumber seedlings should be fed with yeast immediately after transplanting into open ground.

It must be remembered that you should not add too many of these single-celled fungi. This has a detrimental effect not only on the amount of harvest, but also on the condition of the plant itself.

Yeast feeding for cucumbers in a greenhouse works best after planting in a permanent place of growth. IN closed ground it is used only a few weeks after planting.

How to water cucumbers with yeast

This fertilizer is used both at the root and for spraying leaves - foliar feeding.


  1. 200 g of fresh yeast are placed in a ten-liter vessel. Pour in 1 liter of warm, settled water. The container is closed. Leave for 3 hours to ferment. Fill the vessel with liquid to the brim. This volume of solution is enough for 10 plants.
  2. 100 g of yeast are diluted in a small amount of water. Add half a glass of sugar, 2.5 liters of liquid. They put in warm room. To fertilize, 200 ml of the resulting dough is diluted in a bucket of water. One bush needs 1 liter of fertilizer. For seedlings, ¼ - 250 ml should be used.
  3. 10 g of yeast are diluted in a three-liter vessel. Add sugar. Keep for 1 week. To water at the root, a glass of sponge is diluted in 10 liters of liquid. Can be used to spray leaves.
  4. In a bucket of water, dilute 1 pack of dry yeast. Add ¼ cup sugar. Place in a warm place for several hours. To water vegetables, the resulting fertilizer is poured into 5 buckets of liquid.

Such useful mixtures help avoid large number empty flowers affect the quality of cucumbers. The number of hollow fruits is reduced.

Fertilizing tomatoes with yeast

Yeast feeding can be done for cucumbers, tomatoes, and peppers. These mushrooms affect not only the growth and quantity of tomatoes, but also their taste. This fertilizer makes it possible to get sweeter fruits. You can use the following recipe. Take a ten-liter bucket of water. Add 1 pack of dry yeast, 500 ml of wood ash, a little less than ½ cup of sugar. Water under the bushes after 15 minutes, diluting it in 10 liters of liquid.

Video: How to prepare yeast fertilizer for tomatoes

Another, more famous recipe. 1 kg of alcoholic yeast is diluted in a five-liter vessel. To water, add 5 more buckets of liquid to the solution. One mature bush requires 2 liters of fertilizer. For seedlings – 500 ml.

There are recipes where hops, rather than single-celled fungi, are used for fermentation. Place 200 g of hop cones in half a liter of boiling water. Place on the stove to simmer for about an hour. After cooling, add 40 g of sugar and 80 g of flour. The mixture should ferment. Leave for at least 24 hours. Then add 2 chopped potatoes. Water the vegetables, diluting in a ratio of 1:10.

When to use yeast fertilizer for tomatoes

Before the bushes begin to bloom and bear fruit, you can spray. This will help protect them from various diseases. To do this, 100 g of yeast is dissolved in one liter of whey or milk. Give time for fermentation. After this, add 9 liters of water and 30 drops of iodine.

Feeding peppers with yeast

For pepper, it is used during transplantation of seedlings (after 2 - 3 days) into unprotected soil, before flowering. The optimal number of waterings is 2 times.

Can be used to soak seeds. Prepare a 10% solution. Add a teaspoon of ash. Soak the seeds for several hours. Rinse with clean water. Some recipes contain other ingredients besides mushrooms, such as bread, herbs, ascorbic acid, etc.

According to reviews from gardeners, yeast as a fertilizer for cucumbers, tomatoes, and peppers gives good results. An improvement in the condition of plants is noticed within a few days after adding mushrooms


  1. You need to take half a bucket of water. Add 10 -12 g of dry yeast, a little earth, 40 g of sugar, 2 g of ascorbic acid. Leave for 24 hours. The proportions for watering are 1:10.
  2. Take a fifty-liter tank. Place in it 1 bucket of cut grass, 450 g of bread, 0.5 kg of yeast, half a bucket of liquid. Leave to ferment for several days.
  3. Mix 1/3 cup of sugar, 2 cups of bird droppings, ash, and 100 g of yeast in a container. Fermentation time – 2 days.

Yeast feeding for cucumbers, tomatoes, and peppers stimulates their growth. Gives you the opportunity to get beautiful, tasty, healthy vegetables. Single-celled fungi saturate the soil with phosphorus and nitrogen. But a large number of mushrooms introduced into the soil wash away calcium and potassium. Which leads to the growth of greenery and inhibition of fruit formation. Remember this.

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):