It is widely known that, along with mineral agents, for fertilizing many garden crops, including cucumbers, organic preparations are used. Special stores have wide range these kinds of products, but they can also be made at home. In this case, it is possible to individually select the components, depending on the plant and type of soil.

It is known that the use of yeast is widespread in culinary arts, brewing and cosmetology, but few know that they contain a rich composition - vitamins B and D, carbohydrates, minerals: iron, zinc and magnesium. Watering cucumbers with water with dissolved yeast provides the plants with all the necessary microelements. In addition, when yeast interacts with warm water compounds are isolated that have a beneficial effect on the development of the root system of crops, as well as increasing their viability. Therefore, feeding cucumbers in a greenhouse with yeast is very often used when growing seedlings.

Fertilizing with yeast saturates the soil with nitrogen and phosphorus, which have a direct effect on optimizing plant growth, as they directly affect the composition of the soil. In addition, you can observe an increase in the immunity of cucumbers, as they begin to react more steadfastly to sudden changes in temperature.

After this type of procedure, the growth of most people improves. garden plants, and indoor flowers, bushes and even trees. But the most excellent results are shown by tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers. The leaves become richer and greener, the flowers bloom, the ovary forms and the fruits ripen. Moreover, productivity can increase significantly.

As reviews from many summer residents who water their cucumber beds with this fertilizer say, the fruits of such plants grow juicy and crisp, and the bushes look fresh until autumn, which prolongs their productivity.

General recommendations for using yeast

Exist certain rules feeding cucumbers with yeast. In order to achieve maximum effect, the soil should be organically rich - regularly apply mineral fertilizers or manure. And although many crops, such as tomatoes and cucumbers, react positively to such fertilizing, you should not abuse it. It will be enough to water the garden with this product two, maximum three times per season - while growing seedlings, immediately after transplanting into the ground and again a month later. Frequently adding yeast solution can have the opposite effect - the plants will weaken and die.

It is important to remember that yeast leaches calcium and potassium from the soil during the fermentation process. For this reason, it is necessary to periodically supplement the composition with ash or other appropriate alkaline mineral fertilizers to reduce the level of soil acidity.

Do not forget that yeast loses its properties in the cold, so it must be diluted in heated water and added to soil well warmed by the sun. In early spring, when night frosts are possible, they may not be effective. The starter, like the yeast itself, must always be fresh.

Top dressing can be prepared from pressed, dry yeast and even from leftover bread.

Fertilizer made from pressed yeast

To feed cucumbers with yeast, it is recommended to use the following recipe. Mix 5 liters of water with 1 kilogram of “live” yeast. This solution should stand a little warm. But this is a concentrate, it must be used diluted in a ratio of 10:1, that is, for 10 liters of water 1 liter of fertilizer. We feed 1 liter of this mixture per bush. ground cucumbers. When fertilizing seedlings, you need to reduce this dose by four times.

There is one more recipe. Need to be poured into three liter jar 2.5 liters of purified water. Add 100 grams of pre-diluted yeast to it. Add 100 grams of sugar there. Cover the jar with gauze and place it in warm place. You need to stir the mixture from time to time. At the end of fermentation, dilute 1 glass of concentrate in 10 liters of water and water in the same way as in the first recipe.

The third recipe accelerates the growth of young crops well. Pour a full three-liter jar of water, add 10 grams of yeast and 100 grams of sugar. Keep in a warm place for 7-8 days. When fermentation stops, dilute 1 glass of concentrate in 10 liters of water. Before feeding, be sure to water the seedlings clean water. This solution can also be sprayed on the leaves. This will help the plants protect themselves from harmful insects and will keep the leaves juicy and green.

Dry yeast fertilizer

To get an excellent top dressing, you need to dilute 10 grams of dry yeast in 10 liters of warm, but not hot water, add 50 grams of sugar and leave the mixture for 3-4 hours in a warm place. A concentrate is also obtained, which is diluted in 50 liters of water. This composition suitable for feeding cucumbers open ground and in the greenhouse, as well as for fertilizing seedlings.

But most often, such fertilizing is not used in isolation; plant components are included in its composition, thus creating a nitrogen-containing mixture. The most common ingredient is ordinary green grass.

To do this, you need to take 1 cup of fresh or dry cones and cook them for an hour. Cool the broth, add 3 heaped tablespoons of flour and 2 tablespoons of sugar. The mixture sits in a warm place for two days. Then put 2 grated potatoes into it and leave again in a warm place for a day. This concentrate is also diluted 1:10.

Instead of hops you can use ordinary wheat. First, you need to soak 1 cup of grains until sprouts appear. Grind the resulting raw materials in a mortar and add 1.5 tablespoons of flour and sugar to it. Simmer this mixture over low heat for about 20 minutes and leave to sour at room temperature for a day.

Using yeast plant nutrition is not only a significant saving family budget, but also an exclusive opportunity to quickly improve the growth of cucumbers, as well as taste qualities their fruits without the use of chemicals, since this fertilizer is 100 percent organic. The effectiveness of this fertilizer has been proven by ten years of successful experience in its use.
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We are glad to welcome you to the pages of our country blog! Experienced vegetable growers know that the yield of juicy gherkins directly depends on the quality of the soil and seasonal application of fertilizers. The question of whether it is possible to water cucumbers with yeast worries many.

This experience of experienced gardeners is especially valuable for all fans of organic farming who do not use personal plot mineral fertilizers and chemical insecticides/fungicides, giving preference to organic matter.

Most summer residents know that pumpkin crops very demanding of increased nutrition. Behind short period growing season, each plant manages to produce a lot juicy fruits. Disturbance of balance chemical elements in the soil leads to a delay in the growth of the crop and, subsequently, to the predominance of twisted fruits.

Today we will look at the most budget-friendly, but at the same time quite effective way of feeding cucumbers growing intensively in greenhouses and beds, because many fruits ripen on one plant at the same time, while flowering and ovary formation are in the active phase until the end of the growing season.

The common saying “Growing by leaps and bounds” has a basis in reality. The biochemical elements of fermented solutions are useful for most vegetable crops, including cucumbers, the feeding of which begins at the stage of growing seedlings. If the agricultural technology of the crop is observed, the planted seedling actively begins to grow and quickly enters the fruiting stage.

According to reviews from practicing gardeners, watering cucumber plantations with yeast solutions accelerates the growth processes of seedlings, activates flowering, accelerates ripening processes and improves the formation of marketable-quality fruits.

How to properly water cucumbers with yeast to get a rich harvest?

The first yeast feeding is carried out during the period of seedling growth, the second - during the period of the beginning of flowering of the vines and the formation of ovaries, the third - during the fruiting season (at this stage it is especially important to use natural compounds, since all substances absorbed from the soil are deposited in the skin of the fruit), the fourth - later 3 weeks after the third.

Preparation of yeast solution for cucumbers

The classic formula for feeding gherkins with yeast. 100 grams of fresh baker's yeast or 10 grams of dry yeast are dissolved in a standard bucket of water. Next, the composition is infused for 2-3 days (during this period the fermentation process takes place). Watering of plantations is carried out with a solution obtained in a 1:3 dilution with clean, settled water. Watering rate is 1-1.5 liters for each vine.

In order to enhance the nutritional, insecticidal and fungicidal qualities of the solution, when adding yeast to the fermentation container, add finely chopped tomato tops, garlic shoots, lawn grass or onion/garlic peels. It is useful to introduce small amounts of potassium permanganate crystals into fertilizing (1 g per 10 liters of liquid) as a preventive measure for crop diseases.

An alternative form of yeast feeding of cucumbers:

  • Dissolve 10 grams of dry baker's yeast in 0.1 liters of water.
  • Pour the solution into 3 liters of water, add ½ cup of granulated sugar to the suspension.
  • Allow to ferment for 24-48 hours.
  • Use 0.2 liters of mother liquor for each bucket of settled water.
  • Watering is carried out 1 liter for each bush on your open garden bed or in a greenhouse.

Bread sourdough. Another option for yeast feeding of cucumbers. A standard bucket is filled 2/3 with crackers of black (rye) bread, filled to the top with settled water at room temperature, a pressure is placed on top, the container is transferred to a warm place (under the sun or in a barn) and left to undergo the fermentation process for 7-8 days.

The finished mother liquor is filtered and used for cucumber fertilizing, diluted with clean water in a ratio of 1:3. About 0.5-0.7 liters of yeast fertilizer is poured under each seedling.

What is your practical experience, is it possible to water cucumbers with yeast? Invite your friends to discuss in social networks or share your own unique experiences in this regard in the comments. All summer residents will be happy to read the recommendations of experienced gardeners. Wishing you powerful harvests in your garden plot, regardless of the vagaries of nature!

It's rare to meet a person who doesn't cucumber loving. You can cook a lot from this wonderful vegetable. delicious salads and snacks. Cucumber is one of the most popular vegetables in Europe. Exists great amount the most various varieties cucumbers that differ from each other in taste, shape, size, yield, method of planting, and so on. In addition, they can be divided into earlier and those that are planted a little later. And, of course, we cannot help but mention the taste of this wonderful vegetable. Cucumbers come in pickling, salad and all-purpose varieties, used in any form. And those that were grown with one’s own hands can be called especially tasty, because for any self-respecting gardener the greatest reward is tasty, ripe and high-quality products collected from one’s own garden. A loving owner carefully plants, waters, and fertilizes his “favorites,” using a wide variety of care methods, for their comfort and speedy maturation.

Cucumbers are a heat-loving crop; growth begins at temperatures of 12 degrees and above, flowering and fruiting begin at 25 – 28 degrees. However, excessively high temperatures are also undesirable for cucumbers. Also, when growing cucumbers, it is necessary to maintain optimal humidity soil and air. At insufficient humidity the plant may shed its ovaries, become deformed, and during fruiting the yield may sharply decrease. This is due to the fact that cucumber leaves evaporate moisture in large quantities. In addition, the root system of the plant is located shallow in the soil, so it is very important to monitor the humidity, whether in a greenhouse or in open ground. But one of the main points of proper cultivation remains feeding cucumbers. Nowadays, there are a lot of different fertilizers designed to suit any budget, and also used both in the greenhouse and in the open ground. Today we will talk about a relatively new method of feeding cucumbers - fertilizer using yeast. This fertilizing significantly improves the quality of the soil, due to the active development of beneficial microorganisms in it and enrichment with microelements necessary for qualitative growth.

Feeding cucumbers with yeast is a unique fertilization method of its kind. She carries within herself great benefit, and, due to its absolute naturalness, does not cause any harm to plants. Gardeners who have already fertilized cucumbers with yeast claim that a visible effect appears within three days after the solution is administered. The plant begins to grow actively, the greenery becomes thick and juicy. After a week, cucumbers treated with yeast can be twice as strong as their unfertilized neighbors. How can we explain such a miracle effect? Yeast contains a large number of minerals, organic iron, saturating cucumbers and provoking rapid growth and good health plants. Yeast also contains B vitamins, various amino acids, nitrogen and phosphorus. Proteins, contained in yeast in considerable quantities, are a complete “feeder” for beneficial microorganisms, which, in turn, help fight pathogenic bacteria, and also saturate the soil with useful substances such as phosphorus and nitrogen. It is also impossible not to note another unconditional advantage of this feeding of cucumbers - the possibility of using it at any stage of plant development. Thus, such a fertilizer applied both during planting and during fruiting will show an amazing effect. At correct use, feeding cucumbers with yeast can bring amazing results, the main thing is not to overdo it. So, after fertilizing with yeast, the following changes can be noted:

  • The development of the root system is significantly accelerated, which, in turn, helps to accelerate growth, increase productivity, and improve the quality of the fruit;
  • The immunity and stress resistance of cucumbers increases. This is an important factor in the process of transplanting seedlings and when transferring them from a greenhouse to open ground. The chances of survival increase significantly even with unfavorable conditions(for example, insufficient lighting or minor temperature changes.);
  • The root system develops many times better, which, in turn, is a powerful boost to productivity;
  • The growth of seedlings and the growth of green mass are accelerated;
  • The plant becomes much stronger and more resilient, and helps it fight pests and diseases more effectively;
  • The duration of fruiting time increases, and the taste of the fruit improves.

In addition, feeding cucumbers with yeast is environmentally friendly. pure method, therefore, vegetables grown with the help of this fertilizer can be safely served even to children, without fear for their health.

How to prepare yeast dressing for cucumbers: several recipes

In order to prepare yeast nutrition, you will need a little time and the simplest ingredients that can be found in every home. Naturally, it is best to use fresh, “live” yeast, but if you don’t have it on hand, you can replace it with bread crusts or crackers. Below are several recipes for preparing fertilizer using yeast.

  • To prepare such an infusion based on five liters ready solution for watering you will need:
  • one liter of warm water. It is important to know that to prepare yeast dressings, you must use only warm (not hot) water, since cold water can significantly slow down or even kill the beneficial bacteria contained in yeast, this also applies to hot water;
  • one gram of dry baker's yeast;
  • one teaspoon of sugar.

Dilute the yeast in prepared water. Next, add sugar, stir the solution and leave to infuse for about two hours. Immediately before use, dilute the resulting infusion in five liters of water and pour this solution over the cucumbers under the root.

  • We dilute fifty grams of live yeast in one liter of warm water. Immediately before watering, dilute the solution in water at a ratio of 1:5. This recipe is good because the solution can be used immediately and without waiting for it to infuse.
  • The recipe using dairy products has proven itself to be excellent. To prepare it you will need:
  • one litre warm milk(serum);
  • one hundred grams of live yeast.

We dilute the yeast in milk and let it brew for several hours. When the infusion is ready, dilute it in water to a total solution mass of 10 liters. This fertilizer can be used both for watering and spraying cucumbers.

  • A recipe with adding soil to the top dressing is also good. To prepare this feeding we take:
  • Dry yeast - one tablespoon;
  • Ascorbic acid – two grams;
  • Granulated sugar - one hundred grams;
  • Warm water - one liter.

We dilute yeast and ascorbic acid in water. Add sugar, stir until completely dissolved. Pour a handful of earth into the resulting infusion and leave to infuse for one day. One liter of this fertilizer should be diluted in a bucket of water immediately before use.

  • Another good recipe for preparing top dressing is yeast fertilizer with the addition of bread. To prepare such feeding, half a bucket of bread cut into pieces (it is better to take both white and rye) must be filled with warm water. Next, add 100 grams of sugar and leave to brew for seven days. You can speed up this process by adding 100 grams of yeast to the infusion - in this case, the top dressing will be ready in three days. This recipe is suitable for plants grown exclusively in a greenhouse.
  • Feeding cucumbers with yeast with the addition of hops. To prepare this fertilizer you will need:
  1. 1 cup fresh hop cones;
  2. 1 packet of dry baker's yeast.

The hop cones must be brewed in one glass of boiling water. Yeast is added to the pre-cooled mixture and the whole thing is infused for about three hours. After the required period of time has passed, the infusion is diluted in 10 liters of water. This fertilizer can be used both for watering and spraying cucumbers.

Considering the heat-loving nature of cucumbers, planting in open ground occurs when the ground is sufficiently warmed up, and this is approximately mid-May. In addition, cucumber is a crop that loves short daylight hours, which means it would be more advisable to transplant it into open ground no later than mid-June. The place for planting cucumbers in open ground is selected based on the characteristics of this crop. So, before disembarking, it is necessary to consider the following factors:

  • Cucumbers are a heat-loving crop, but at the same time it does not like excessive heat. Therefore, it is necessary to plant cucumbers, being sure that frost will not return, in soil heated to 15 degrees and no later than mid-June, so that the air temperature does not exceed 28 degrees.
  • For high-quality growth, cucumbers need constant soil moisture. However, it is necessary to maintain an adequate watering regime, because if there is insufficient moisture, the cucumber becomes fragile and weak, and if it is too much, the fruit may taste bitter.

Knowing the basics for planting this crop, let’s return directly to feeding cucumbers with yeast. During the entire growth period, cucumbers planted in open ground are fed three times. The crop is fertilized for the first time as soon as the sprout sprouts its first true leaf. It’s worth doing this at the root. The peculiarity of fertilizing cucumbers in open ground is that it is advisable to apply fertilizing in heated soil and being sure of dry weather. It is also possible to introduce other components along with yeast nutrition. Especially it concerns mineral supplements, since yeast fermentation in the soil “eats” a large amount of potassium and calcium, therefore, constant renewal of these minerals in the open ground is required. The next time fertilizer is applied before flowering begins. Thanks to feeding during this period, the cucumber will have many strong, healthy ovaries. It is advisable to feed the plant for the last time during the fruiting period, namely after the first harvest. This way the cucumbers will gain strength and be ready for subsequent fruiting. Another important detail when feeding cucumbers with yeast is strict adherence to dosages. If overfed, the plant may not produce fruit, but green mass. It is advisable to pour fertilizer under the roots in the late afternoon, when the soil is sufficiently warm.

When growing cucumbers in greenhouse conditions, the plant depends entirely on human attention. After all, in the greenhouse the rain will not pour on it, the sun will not warm it, and the breeze will not blow across it. Therefore, to begin with, I would like to describe several features of growing cucumbers in a greenhouse.

The gardener's initial task is to properly equip the greenhouse. It is extremely important to correctly distribute the ratio of the area and volume of the greenhouse, because the uniformity of temperature inside will depend on this. The optimal ratio for maintaining comfortable conditions in the greenhouse remains 1:2. In this situation, temperature fluctuations outside do not greatly affect the conditions inside the greenhouse. Next, you need to decide on the material from which the greenhouse will actually consist. Nowadays, preference is given to three options - greenhouses from film, glass and polycarbonate. Let's look at them in more detail. The simplest option for covering a greenhouse is a multilayer film. The main advantages of this option include low cost and ease of operation. It is also very convenient, if necessary, to ventilate the greenhouse - just remove one of the walls or the roof. In addition, the film is removed for the winter, which gives the soil access to fresh air and snow in winter. And this in turn is natural hydration soil. Now regarding the shortcomings. The film tends to wear out quickly and is very easy to tear. Therefore, its consumption is quite large. In addition, this material is not suitable for arranging winter greenhouse– save inside optimal temperature when cold weather sets in, it is unrealistic - there is too much heat transfer in a greenhouse covered with film. The next coating option is glass. The advantages include transparency, resistance to physical influences and chemicals. The disadvantages are heaviness, fragility and high thermal conductivity (the air in the greenhouse quickly heats up and cools down quickly). The third and most popular option nowadays is a polycarbonate greenhouse. At its core, polycarbonate is a polymer plastic. It is very good to use for creating year-round heated greenhouses. Thus, a greenhouse made of polycarbonate perfectly transmits light, while being protected from ultraviolet radiation. This design is quite flexible while possessing considerable strength. In addition, a polycarbonate greenhouse will last for decades, as it is the most wear-resistant of all the options listed. However, polycarbonate greenhouses also have their disadvantages. The temperature inside the greenhouse on hot days can rise to dangerous heights, so the windows in this design will not be enough. It is advisable to equip a polycarbonate greenhouse with doors on both sides in order to be able to properly ventilate the structure. Another important detail is the quality of the material itself. There have been numerous cases where a polycarbonate greenhouse was destroyed under snow pressure. Such troubles occur due to the use of cheap, more fragile material. Therefore, when choosing polycarbonate for a greenhouse, you should choose options that are more expensive, but also more durable. Due to their strength, good light transmission and temperature maintenance, polycarbonate greenhouses are the best option.

Next, no less important stage is to prepare the soil for planting cucumbers. It is very important to disinfect the soil before planting. For this purpose they are used special solutions containing copper. Be sure to use medications according to instructions. After a month after the disinfection procedure, you can introduce the prepared substrate into the greenhouse, ideally consisting of soil mixed with humus. Next, you should dig the soil well. It is also necessary to consider how the air and soil will be moistened, because, as mentioned earlier, cucumber greens have a very high moisture return, especially for polycarbonate greenhouses, the air in which on hot days can be much hotter and drier. Now you can proceed directly to the landing.

Next, you can think about feeding the cucumbers. In fact, fertilizing with yeast in greenhouse conditions is not very different from fertilizing in open ground. It is worth applying fertilizing no more than once a month - a total of three fertilizing per season. As described above, yeast is added for the first time when the first leaves appear on the seedlings, the second time at the beginning of flowering and the last time during fruiting. A prerequisite is well-warmed soil, since yeast in conditions low temperatures will not give the expected effect. It is worth remembering that the fermentation process entails the absorption of potassium and calcium, therefore prerequisite when feeding cucumbers with yeast, use ash, which will help make up for the loss essential microelements. Ash is poured under the root of the plant so that there is no direct contact with the plant, or it is added directly to the fertilizer.

Having found out the characteristics and preferences of this crop, you can safely begin feeding cucumbers with yeast. From all of the above we were able to learn the following details:

As mentioned earlier, fertilizing cucumbers with yeast is done 2–3 times per season. It is not recommended to use yeast more often for this purpose, since an excessive amount of fertilizer can lead to a deterioration in the general condition of the plant; it can throw out a large amount of greenery, and fruiting will noticeably deteriorate. So, let's look at this point in more detail.

  • It is recommended to apply fertilizer for the first time as soon as the first leaves appear. This is done in order to enrich the plant with microelements necessary for high-quality growth. If the seedling is planned to be transplanted from one place to another, fertilizing with yeast will increase resistance to changes in temperature, humidity, and so on. In addition, feeding cucumbers with this method will help strengthen the crop’s immunity and make it resistant to diseases and repel pests.
  • The second time you will need to feed the cucumbers during the appearance of flowers. This step will provoke the appearance of more ovaries and strengthen the plant for high-quality and rapid growth. The fruits of such a bush will be large and strong, there will be more of them than those of its unfed counterpart.
  • And the third and final time, it is advisable to apply fertilizer during fruiting. This is done in order to restore the strength of the crop in order to obtain an additional wave of harvest.

It is necessary to prepare fertilizer strictly adhering to the chosen specific recipe. For preparation, only warm water is used, because too cold or hot can inhibit or even kill beneficial bacteria.

Man has long been familiar with yeast fungi. Some of them are pathogenic and cause a lot of trouble. But some are used as an additive for cooking (bread, wine). Not so long ago, people learned about the ability of yeast to improve the composition of the soil and nourish plants with microelements and amino acids necessary for development and growth.

A safe fertilizer for vegetables and flower crops is prepared using baker's and brewer's yeast.

Article outline

What are the benefits of yeast for cucumbers?

Cucumbers, unlike most vegetable crops, are very demanding in terms of availability. nutrients in the soil. Fast growth lashes and deciduous masses require constant feeding. To obtain a high-quality harvest, cucumbers require many microelements. Yeast is a source of B vitamins, amino acids, nitrogen, phosphorus, iron, proteins and carbohydrates.

Most gardeners are not very welcoming chemicals for fertilizing vegetables. You can replace mineral fertilizers by fertilizing with a yeast solution with the addition of simple available components.

  1. Yeast accelerates the development of the root system, thereby increasing the supply of nutrients.
  2. The number of ovaries increases.
  3. The growth and maturation of gherkins is accelerated.
  4. The taste of cucumbers improves.
  5. The fruiting period increases.
  6. Plant stress resistance and resistance to various diseases increases.

As a result of fertilizing, the yield is increased by 40-50 percent.

The only disadvantage of using yeast solutions is the large consumption of potassium during yeast fermentation. But this can be easily fixed with supplements. mineral fertilizer with a high content of element or wood ash.

How to feed cucumbers in open ground

The methods of fertilizing plants tested by gardeners are varied. Some use only raw baker's yeast. Others prepare a solution from baked goods, considering this method the most effective.

Open ground cucumbers are less demanding on the amount of nutrients than the same crop grown in a greenhouse. Possibility of choice larger territory and natural precipitation allows the cucumber vines to receive a little more nutrients. Therefore, fertilizing cucumbers in open ground with yeast should be done less frequently. Once every 3-4 weeks is enough.

  1. The first fertilizing with yeast is carried out when the second true leaf develops. This will significantly accelerate the growth and formation of cucumber vines or bushes.
  2. The plants should be fed a second time when flowers appear. This provides additional benefits. In addition to an additional portion of nutrients, the yeast solution can attract pollinating insects. The specific smell of yeast and fermentation is pleasant to bees and bumblebees. Therefore, it is recommended to use an infusion of yeast and sugar during the flowering period.

To extend the fruiting period, you need to feed the cucumbers with yeast after the end of the main fruiting. Right choice deadline will help you get another full-fledged late harvest of cucumbers.

The consumption of the working solution is approximate and depends on the condition of the soil. On average, 1 liter of yeast infusion per bucket of water is required. This is enough for watering 1 square meter plot.

Feeding cucumbers in greenhouses

Greenhouse cucumbers are fertilized weekly. Artificial conditions stimulate the growth and development of plants. This requires an increased amount of nutrients in the soil. Therefore, it is necessary to use different compositions for feeding plants.

Yeast crusting should be done no more than once a month. In between, you can use fertilizers with infusions of herbs and wood ash.

The first fertilizing of cucumbers in greenhouses with yeast is required when the plant develops to 4 true leaves. The second can be done when the ovaries appear. But you should take into account the need for potassium for the formation of greens. Therefore, it is recommended to use a yeast solution with the addition of ash.

Watering plants with a nutrient composition should be carried out on moist soil. Consumption of working solution is 2 liters per plant. The concentration should be from 0.5 to 1 liter of yeast fertilizer per 10 liters of water.

Feeding recipes

Depending on the requirements of the soil on the site and the stage of plant development, you can prepare and use different compositions homemade fertilizers.

Recipe 1

A simple composition of yeast and water is suitable for feeding any plants. This is exactly what you should use for the first feeding. cucumber plants. Crumble a pack of raw yeast (100g) into a three-liter container and add water, stirring vigorously. Let the solution sit for 40 minutes. If you want to more quantities fertilizers, you can increase the volume of ingredients by observing the proportions.

Should not be used to prepare a solution cold water from the tap. Yeast begins to ferment at a temperature of at least 22-25 degrees. At high temperature water (above 45), the yeast may die.

Dilute the prepared solution with water in accordance with the requirements and water the plants.

Recipe 2

If necessary, supplement the fertilizer potassium fertilizer, you can use wood ash. Solutions can be prepared separately or mixed at once. It should be noted that the ash water is infused for at least a day. Therefore, it is worth taking care of this in advance.

Experienced vegetable growers believe that mixing and infusing dry ingredients simultaneously reduces the effectiveness of the fertilizer.

  1. Yeast is diluted with water in the ratio of 100 g of raw or 10 grams of dry product per 3 liters of water. For wood ash, the proportions required are 1 cup per 5 liters of water.
  2. It is important to take into account that when improper storage ash, the amount of potassium in its composition decreases. It is advisable to use ash that was prepared at least a week ago and has not been exposed to moisture (precipitation).
  3. The working solution is prepared at the rate of 1 liter of yeast water and 0.5 liters of ash per bucket. It is better to fertilize at the root level. This will reduce the consumption of the working solution without loss of efficiency.

IMPORTANT. Before use, strain the solution.

Recipe 3

Fertilizing with mash (infusion of yeast and sugar) is recommended during the flowering period to further attract pollinators. The solution is prepared within 3-4 days. A properly prepared liquid should be slightly cloudy and slightly sweet in taste.

To prepare 3 liters of infusion you will need 100 g of yeast and a glass of granulated sugar. First you need to dissolve the sugar in warm or hot water. After the syrup has cooled to 25-30 degrees, add yeast and mix well. Store the infusion in a warm place. Please note that a large amount of foam appears during fermentation. Therefore, it is better to take a larger container. You cannot prepare the solution in zinc buckets. A glass or aluminum flask (jar) will do. Cover the container with gauze to ensure unimpeded air flow.

Dilute the prepared liquid in clean water at the rate of 1 liter per bucket. Each plant requires up to 2 liters of fertilizer.

Recipe 4

Fertilizer made from dried bread is suitable for feeding cucumbers at any stage of development. The infusion is prepared in advance. It takes at least three days for normal fermentation of the liquid. Bread contains additional micronutrients. Therefore, when using this recipe, you should not apply additional fertilizer earlier than after 2 weeks in greenhouses and 4 weeks in open ground.

  • Pour 1 kg of dry bread (it is better to take black varieties) with warm water and add a glass of sugar. Fill the container with 10 liters of water and cover with a cloth. The infusion should be stored in a warm place.
  • Before pouring, strain the liquid and squeeze out the bread. Dilute in water at the rate of 2 liters of solution per bucket. Subcortical application is carried out at the root and as a spray on the leaves. 1 plant requires up to 2 liters of working fluid.

The advantage of yeast fertilizing is that it can be combined or alternated with almost all other fertilizers. The combination with manure is not very suitable. But this does not mean that the fertilizer will not be effective when used on warm manure beds.

Among gardeners who prefer organic farming, the issue of high-quality and, most importantly, safe fertilizer for cultivated crops is very relevant. And one of the most convenient and harmless will be yeast feeding for cucumbers and tomatoes, thanks to which they get clean results. healthy vegetables without chemical impurities.

Undoubtedly, store-bought fertilizers will increase yields, but then the content of substances harmful to health in roots and fruits will increase significantly. Organics can be added to any vegetable crops, while remaining confident in the naturalness of the products.

The importance of yeast feeding

Yeast, familiar to all housewives, does an excellent job of replacing growth stimulants and in fact demonstrates significant effectiveness when used. Yeast feeding for cucumbers and tomatoes it is quite simple to prepare, and the component itself can be replaced with crusts of white or black bread. Potato tops, tree leaves, etc. can serve as a supplement.

When deciding to use this product, it is important to understand how they benefit the garden. So, when they are added to the soil, auxins and phytohormones are released, and cell division and differentiation improves.

With this type of irrigation, an active release of carbon dioxide occurs, during which the activation of phosphorus and nitrogen begins. A similar fertilizer to this fertilizer is the addition of a mineral complex.

The first application of yeast to the garden should be done in the spring, when the soil has warmed up a little. The second one is recommended to be carried out in mid-summer, this will be especially important if the yield is low. It is necessary to feed crops if required:

  • increase the resistance of young crops to diseases and conditions environment;
  • nourish cucumbers and tomatoes with minerals and vitamins;
  • strengthen the immune system, support during picking;
  • accelerate growth, root seedlings;
  • stimulate rhizome growth;
  • improve soil composition.

It is a proven fact that when yeast fertilizers are applied, the growth of the root system is activated, there are up to 10 times more shoots, and the period of plant development is reduced by 12 days.

Yeast products are single-celled fungi that are activated in a warm and humid environment. They contain the following substances that benefit vegetables:

  • vitamin D;
  • B vitamins;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc;
  • calcium;
  • carbohydrates.

When the product enters the ground, the fermentation process begins. It is capable of ensuring the delivery of all of the above substances directly to the crop and its fruits. It is important not to miss the moment and provide nutrition to the vegetables before they begin to bear fruit.

VIDEO: Why microorganisms are beneficial to tomatoes and cucumbers

How to fertilize with single-celled fungi

There are several methods of application for watering and fertilizing crops. of this product. The main point that should not be forgotten is that you can feed no more than 3 times during the entire season. Otherwise, the product will deplete the soil, drawing out useful substances from it that are needed for enhanced nutrition not only of tomatoes, but also of cucumbers.

Excessive application of yeast fertilizers leads to activation of nitrogen production and, as a result, an increase in green mass and a decrease in the percentage of fruiting. In fact, the plant puts all its energy into growing tops.

Conventional wood ash. Due to its mineral-rich composition, it is able to dilute nitrogen, thereby reducing its concentration.

To obtain wood ash suitable for fertilizer, only logs are used - no boards, chipboards, plywood or other boards

To water vegetables, you should dilute a glass of ash in a bucket with 10 liters of water (warm) and add at least half a liter to each bush under the tomatoes and cucumbers.

Feeding recipes

Depending on the result, yeast feeding may consist solely of the main component, or may have additional components.

  1. Sugar (2 tbsp) is added to dry yeast (3 tsp), the composition is filled with warm water (10 l) and infused for at least 3 hours. Next, the resulting infusion is diluted with water at the rate of 5 liters of liquid per half of the solution.
  2. Fresh yeast (100 g) is diluted in half a liter of water, stirred well, and the concentrate is diluted with another 5 liters of regular, settled water. Deposit under root system plants.

The ash-free composition is applied directly to the root; if there is a woody zone, only to the root zone

  1. 100 grams are diluted in 10 liters of warm water. yeast, 0.5 liters of wood ash (≈ 200-220 g) and water the plants during the period of their active growth for tomatoes and during flowering for cucumbers.
  2. If the garden plantation is large, then for preparation you will need half a kilogram of fresh yeast, diluted in 70 liters of water with the addition of a bucket of chopped herbs, for example, nettles. This composition is infused for at least a day and applied during watering.
  1. 10 gr. yeast and 2 tbsp. l. Stir sugar in 10 liters of water. Add 2 gr. ascorbic acid and a handful of earth. This composition is left in the sun for the whole day, stirring occasionally. Next, they are diluted in water in a ratio of 1:5 (5 liters of water per 1 liter of composition) and used for irrigation.
  2. The recipe using milk is prepared as follows: 5 liters of warm milk and 1 kg of yeast, leave for 2-3 hours, then dilute with water 1:5.
  3. For a large garden you will need:
  • yeast - 2 kg;
  • freshly cut nettles - 5 buckets;
  • wood ash 2 shovels - ≈ 500-550 g;
  • mullein - 1 bucket;
  • whey - 3 liters.

The mixture is left in the sun for 2 weeks. This “magic cocktail” should be used to feed vegetables during the period of growth and fruiting. It is important to water them once every 10 days with a liter of composition for each plant.

VIDEO: How yeast “reshapes” the soil structure

How to feed tomatoes with yeast fertilizers

As soon as the tomatoes are transplanted into the beds, fertilizing the seedlings with yeast should be carried out no later than after 7 days. Such measures are necessary for successful rooting, as well as further growth of tomatoes. The next watering with yeast fertilizers should be carried out before flowering.

When feeding tomatoes, you cannot change the fertilizer recipe; you can only change the volume of the composition used for watering. To a young plant, half a liter of the product is enough, later he will need about 2 liters.

  • dry yeast - 10 g;
  • bird droppings solution - 0.5 l;
  • wood ash - 200-220 g;
  • sugar - 5 tbsp;
  • warm water - 10 l.

This fertilizer contains droppings, which means that you cannot water the plant at the root, it is enough to water it in a circle near the root system.

3-4 days after feeding the seedlings with yeast, you can observe an improvement in the growth of tomatoes, the leaves will become fleshy, and the ovary will appear.

Fertilizing cucumbers

Feeding occurs in 2 stages:

  1. After planting seedlings in the ground or greenhouse after 7 days. On at this stage Before watering with yeast-containing products, nitrogen fertilizer is applied.
  2. The second time you need to feed the cucumbers is during the flowering period. Before this, it is important to feed the plants with phosphorus fertilizers.

Yeast fertilizers for cucumbers reduce the number of empty flowers, the weight of the fruit increases, and the hollowness of the vegetable is reduced. Along with using the main product, you can add black bread crackers, the effect will be similar to sourdough.

Yeast is always diluted in warm water to activate the growth and reproduction of fungi

In the open ground

It is important to feed ground vegetables three times throughout the entire life cycle culture. Fertilizing cucumbers with yeast in the soil is carried out for the first time after the appearance of the second leaf, then during abundant flowering to stimulate the ovaries, and the last time after the end of the first wave of fruiting. This will keep the culture in good shape and give impetus to further growth. Do not neglect the concentration of the working solution, this can lead to active growth greens to the detriment of fruits.

Foliar feeding of plants

It is used in case of lethargy of plants immediately after planting seedlings in the ground and when root feeding is impossible.


  • Used since early age right up to the dive.
  • There is a direct direction of microelements through the capillaries of the leaves and stems into the body of tomatoes and cucumbers.
  • Efficiency of fertilizer application.
  • Better absorption by young plants.
  • Saving fertilizer.

Half of the amount is used to feed the crops. required quantity yeast, the solution should be less concentrated. During processing Special attention applied to the stem and both sides of the leaves. It is carried out in the evening or in cloudy weather.

  1. Before applying yeast fertilizer, it is necessary to water with warm water, it should be plentiful.
  2. Before organizing fertilizing, you need to pollinate the soil with plant ash.
  3. Feed with a yeast solution during foliar pollination on plant tops.
  4. Do not use more than 4 fertilizing per year, otherwise it will disrupt the soil balance and will not benefit the vegetation.

For cultivation good harvest It is important to monitor the condition of the crops, constantly feeding them with beneficial micro- and macroorganisms, vitamins and minerals. For yeast fertilizers, dry and pressed product in briquettes are suitable, the main thing is that it is fresh. The crops will not only begin to grow quickly, but also produce a large harvest.

VIDEO: Feeding seedlings with yeast and sugar. Myth or reality?

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