From early childhood, many people love to read and watch various fairy tales. Their characters become favorite heroes. Each of them has its own character. For example, Ivanushka is stupid, but brave, Koschey is evil and cunning, Grandmother Yaga is harmful and insidious.

"Revived" characters

In addition to living heroes, in fairy tales there are also inanimate objects that come to life under certain circumstances: a self-assembled tablecloth in an instant becomes full of all kinds of treats, Emelya’s stove takes him straight to the palace, boots gallop faster than anything in the world, Baba Yaga’s hut begins to fly and follow orders, turning your back to the forest and your front to Ivanushka. By Slavic mythology this hut was, in a way, a door between the living and dead world. This passage was guarded by Baba Yaga - a bone leg.

Sometimes there is a need to make one or another fairy-tale attribute with my own hands(for example, for an exhibition or theatrical production).

Let's look at how to make a hut on chicken legs with your own hands. The material for the hut is selected depending on its purpose: timber or boards for a durable house, fabric for stage props.

DIY hut on chicken legs on the playground

Hut intended for children's playground, must be done thoroughly.

To work you will need:

  • logs (for walls),
  • boards (for floor and ceiling),
  • carpentry tools,
  • roofing materials.

The house is usually made without windows and doors, like in a fairy tale.

What is a hut without chicken legs? They can be made from asbestos pipes of suitable diameter, which after installation should be filled with concrete (for a stronger base). Further the process is underway structures: walls are raised from logs, floors and ceilings are laid from boards, and a roof is made. Also from wooden planks You can build slopes for windows and doors. It will turn out very beautifully if the frames are made from cut out decorative elements.

An important touch in the design of a house is its painting, which helps to give the product a fabulous look. The legs of the house also need to be painted, legs attached to the base (from boards or other suitable material). After all the manipulations, a ladder should be attached to the house. The children will climb along it into the forest hut.

Making a hut for the stage

Very often, in kindergartens and schools, children play in fairy-tale performances. To make the production more realistic, it is required correct design scenes.

For example, the question arises - how to make a hut on chicken legs? The house should be light and, if necessary, quickly removable. You can use any material: cardboard, paper, fabric, plywood, etc.

First you need to make the frame of the future house. Next, cover it with fabric on which to draw windows and doors. The legs can be made from blocks, giving them the appearance of chicken, and also covered with fabric.

Of course, this hut will not fly or walk. But you can make it turn. To do this, you can come up with an appropriate simple mechanism.

Creating a hut on chicken legs from a box

Every person probably has unnecessary (and maybe even necessary) boxes from under a refrigerator, TV, or any other household appliances, shoes, food and so on. A do-it-yourself hut on chicken legs is very stable, durable and very original. The most important thing is to show imagination, a little perseverance and patience.

To make a house you will need:

  • boxes,
  • scissors,
  • glue,
  • ruler,
  • self-adhesive and colored paper,
  • plasticine,
  • papier mache.

First you need to mark the future walls of the house on the boxes according to the right size. The house can be made either square or rectangular. Depending on your idea, you should cut out four quadrangles of the required width and height.

To make the roof, you will need two rectangles and two triangles. All finished parts are glued together. You can use Moment or Titan glue. Anyone will do the same paper glue or glue stick. It is important to leave a few millimeters on the seams or simply glue the corners of paper. The main part of the hut is ready. The base of the house is glued with cardboard according to its length and width.

Windows and doors of the future house

Next, windows are made (the number depends on the desire of the master) and a door. Using a ruler and pencil, mark their locations, and then cut them out with scissors. How? It also depends on the creator. You can cut off three sides and leave the fourth. It turns out that the window of the hut on chicken legs and the door will initially be attached to the house itself. Or you can cut out all the parts separately and then fasten them with glue. The house with windows and door is ready.

How to make chicken legs?

The final touch is the legs. As a material, you can use ordinary pencils, twigs or twigs, which are attached to the base of the house with plasticine or tape. Next you should make the paws. Tree branches or papier-mâché can help here; in extreme cases, you can use plasticine. It is very important to give these details correct form, so that it looks like chicken feet.

A do-it-yourself hut on chicken legs will look more realistic if you decide correctly suitable color for coloring it. Of course you can choose bright colors: blue, green, red, orange, lemon and others. But in fairy tales, Baba Yaga's house seems very scary and gloomy, so it is better to use black, brown and gray tones.

For complete plausibility of the picture, next to the house you can place Baba Yaga on a mortar and trees, also made with your own hands.

Toys for children

If for some reason it is not possible to make a house with your own hands, then the toy “Hut on Chicken Legs” is sold in children's stores. Stores also offer special construction kit options, where you can build a house from several elements. You can purchase special paper models. Purchased houses are easy to assemble and look beautiful.

Under New Year Christmas tree decorations appear in many stores, among which you can find a hut on chicken legs. This toy will give children and adults the feeling of a fairy tale for a long time and good mood. True, it will not be suitable for children's games, but it will significantly change the interior of the house.

Skilled needlewomen can even knit such a toy using a hook, yarn and their own skills. The inside of the product is filled with foam rubber or synthetic padding. Without a doubt, even the smallest children will like this house, because it is both safe and educational.

Child and creativity

Making crafts from paper and cardboard - an important part in developing a child's character. Thanks to these activities, the baby becomes neat, diligent, independent, patient, enterprising, and organized. Any child involved in handmade, inherent qualities such as kindness and understanding, love and respect, care and tenderness. And this is not surprising.

When a child creates crafts from paper and cardboard or from other materials, in the process of work he dreams and thinks about good things. The created item becomes a kind of talisman for the owner and an excellent gift for family and friends.

Create by yourself and together with your children - and you will definitely succeed. The main thing is to trust your imagination, and then you will find both time and necessary materials, and, of course, a good mood for joint creativity!

A hut on chicken legs

As you know, Baba Yaga lives in a hut on chicken legs (two). But in fairy tales there is often a hut on a chicken leg - this is a hut at the fork of three roads. This is exactly what we will be interested in. This is a wonderful fairy-tale structure, a model of which will be made with great pleasure by anyone who loves making crafts from birch bark. You can also make the hut model shown in the photo. This is a hut with a four-toed leg instead of three - it’s more convenient for the master.

Prepare the necessary material:

– dense birch bark plates, previously tested for curling in hot water: 6x14 cm – 1 piece, 4x8 cm – 6 pieces;

– birch bark tape for weaving, 1 cm wide: for the roof – 1 piece, for the leg – 4 pieces;

– a dense birch bark plate for attaching the leg to the hut, 5x5 cm (during assembly, the dimensions can be reduced).

Start building a hut

In pairs, crosswise fold the smaller parts (future walls of the hut) with the white side inward and bend the ends.

You put them in boiling water and wait for them to “set”.

By twisting the curved ends of the parts into a tube with your hand, bring them into shape.

Using a punch with a diameter of 8 mm, make window holes in two parts.

You can start assembling the hut. You assemble the “residential part” according to the ancient Russian principle amulets-rattles birch bark sharkunk. Place the walls with windows parallel to each other.

Next is the roof: bend a large birch bark plate in half (the roof slopes will be 7 cm).

Stepping back 5 mm from the fold line, make several slot holes in a row (for example, 5) and stitch the roof ridge: thread one end of the weaving tape sequentially into the slots.

Having passed it through the last slot, do the same with the second half of the tape: it will overlap the previous braid crosswise. As a result, both ends of the tape will be on one edge of the roof opposite each other. This edge of the roof will be on the side of the facade, so for beauty, tie the ends of the ribbon in a knot and twist it slightly. A braid with a knot will represent a stupor.

Place the bottom of the roof in boiling water so that the edges of the roof curl.

Put the roof back in place. She will take on a beautiful shape herself.

The hut itself is ready. Let's start with the chicken leg. Take 4 ribbons, sharpen the ends and lay out 2x2. You leave the “legs” - not only as parts of the leg, but also to ensure the stability of the hut.

Alternately bend the ribbons towards you, threading the last one under the first.

Weave to the required height, leaving in stock pieces of ribbon for attaching the legs to the hut.

According to the dimensions of the floor, cut out a plate for attaching the legs. Make slits in it where the pieces of ribbon left when weaving the leg come out.

Thread the ends of these pieces into the prepared slots and, to ensure reliability of the structure, braid them once over the plate. Cut off the ends of this weaving.

Insert the resulting structure under the flaps of the side walls of the hut. From the side of the facade, the plate for attaching the leg is not visible.

Here it is - a hut on a chicken leg - just like in a fairy tale! Having made it, you can aim at more complex birch bark crafts, as your imagination suggests.

Sometimes we really want there to be a piece of a fairy tale among the everyday things in our home. The most interesting thing is that you can create it with your own hands - the main thing is to have the desire and free time. Let's make a hut on chicken legs today. No, not a rickety ramshackle house, but a nice, cute corner for Baba Yaga, because not in all fairy tales she is evil and treacherous.

We have to:

  • two bamboo napkins of different shades;
  • corrugated cardboard;
  • cable with two cores or dense wire;
  • milky, yellow and brown yarn;
  • wooden skewers;
  • foamiran black and white;
  • acrylic paints and brush;
  • penoplex or foam spools;
  • wooden stump;
  • foam mushroom;
  • glue gun, pruning shears, scissors, pencil, ruler.

First, let's decide on the size of our house. The hut itself will be 21 cm high plus legs 12 cm high. corrugated cardboard cut out the walls and bottom of the house to the following dimensions:

Separately cut out the parts for the roof.

We will glue each element of the hut separately bamboo sticks. To do this, unravel the napkin.

Take one side and glue sticks to it.

We apply glue along the entire length, and not just along the edges. It will be a shame if some part comes off over time. Be sure to alternate colors. When the entire wall is sealed, we cut off the excess length of the sticks with pruning shears. So we glue the four sides of the house and two triangles of the roof. The process is of course long and very painstaking, but the result is worth it.

If, as planned, the hut has doors and windows, it’s better to decorate them now - it’s more convenient to work, and ready-made option will be more careful. On one side we outline the desired door size, in in this case height 8 cm, width 6 cm. Cut the sticks light color 8 cm long and glue them vertically. We cut out the door edging from dark colored sticks and also glue it on.

From black foamiran we cut out a square with a side of 6 cm, from white we cut out two rectangles measuring 1.5 cm by 6 cm. We make one edge wavy and glue our curtains onto the black square. Glue the blank onto the wall.

Using light sticks we paste the window around the outline and make a partition.

We assemble the house: we put the walls close to each other and with inside fix with tape.

We glue the finished box to the bottom. You can add glue along all seams for reliability.

We also glue the frame of the hut roof.

Glue pasted triangles to it.

We cover the upper sections with dark-colored sticks.

Glue the roof onto the walls of the house.

We turn one of the sides of the roof towards us, glue two horizontal sticks 1.5 cm longer on each side of the roof itself at the top and bottom. We cover the entire part with dark colored sticks.

We also glue the other side. On top, at the junction of the two halves, glue two light sticks, and a skewer between them.

We cut out a rectangle from corrugated cardboard with sides 12 cm by 17 cm. Glue the entire house onto it. We cover all corners with tape.

We paste over the porch of our hut with light sticks. Glue skewers along the contour.

Let's start with the legs: cut the cable or wire into pieces of 17 cm - leave 12 cm for the leg, bend 5 cm for the foot. For each leg we cut three such segments. In two sections we strip the cable from the sheath and separate the conductors. On the third segment, we clean only the edge for the claw - no more than 1 cm.

We wrap the claws with light yarn and fix it with glue. Moreover, the central finger will be made of two cores of different segments.

Wrap with yarn yellow color extreme fingers.

Lastly, we wrap the middle finger, reaching the junction of the three fingers, wrap them well both from the outside and from the inside.

We wrap the yarn around the entire leg. Next, we take a piece of penoplex and cut out two cylinders from it, but this is quite difficult and time-consuming. It is much easier to take two reels on which the ribbons are wound. Their size is 5 cm by 3 cm.

We put them on our legs.

And cut the bottom so that it looks like a real chicken leg.

Wrap with brown yarn.

Let's go back to the house and add some details. We glue three pieces of skewers no more than 1 cm long onto the façade.

We take a strip of ordinary cardboard measuring 4 cm by 8 cm. Glue it together.

Cover with dark colored sticks.

We glue a 10 cm long skewer with sticks from a broom. We glue our mortar and a broom into it.

Fly agarics. We heat the gun well, squeeze it out onto glossy surface(you can take the cover from album sheet) round drops of glue. We leave them to harden. Remove and glue each cap onto a piece of skewer. We paint with paints.

We glue fly agaric mushrooms onto a harsh thread, and glue the bunch onto the hut.

Some more mushrooms near the stupa.

AND ladybugs, the manufacturing process of which can be seen in the master class “ Autumn topiary ».

Now the most important part: you need to glue the legs to the hut. The main thing here is to successfully choose the balance. Therefore, do not be lazy to put the hut on its legs several times, choosing the most stable option. We outline the selected place with a pencil or felt-tip pen, apply glue to each and every leg and glue them one by one.

Glue the hut onto the stump.

There are never too many fly agarics.

Glue a dry autumn leaf to the roof.

So in our house there is a piece of a fairy tale.

Crafts from clothespins for children

Master class "Hut on chicken legs" made from wooden clothespins

Description of material: The material can be useful to children, teachers, kindergarten teachers and simply creative people.
Target: make a “hut on chicken legs” with your own hands;
- teach how to make crafts (namely, a hut) from clothespins with your own hands.
- develop aesthetic taste and creative abilities.
Materials used: glue gun and 2 packs of clothespins and a little imagination.

Before starting work, we disassemble the clothespins into parts.

We glue 9 clothespins together (these are future “chicken legs”)

Next, we form the “legs” themselves.

We glue half a clothespin on top of the “leg” (later we will attach Baba Yaga’s house itself to it). It will serve as a support.

Then we build the floors. To do this, we need to glue clothespins (14 pieces) together as shown in the photo.

After this, glue the clothespins together.

Glue the base of the house to the leg.

Let's start building walls:
Glue together 2 and a half clothespins. Glue them on one side. We do the same with the other, leaving a distance for the door.

We make windows in the side walls. To do this, you need to break three halves of clothespins (on one wall) in half. In total, for the side wall I used one whole clothespin and three halves.

The back wall of the house is solid. It took me 11 halves (5.5 clothespins)

For further work, we will need the “remnants” of clothespins (those that were left when we made the windows). Glue them together as in the photo.

We design the doorway.

All that remains is to make the roof. We glue 4 clothespins together and glue them above the door.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):