Many people who are planning to build a private house and love a bathhouse often have the idea of ​​connecting these rooms. And it happens that the site is small and there is simply no space on it to place a free-standing bathhouse. What are the options for combining a bathhouse with a house?


Like any other construction project, a house and a bathhouse built as a single complex has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Let's talk about the pros first.

  • Convenience for owners. There is no need to put on warm clothes to go to the bathhouse and come back.

If it is customary for a family to visit the sauna with children, it is even more comfortable.

  • Reducing the risk of colds. In the case of using a bathhouse as a prevention of colds, it is logical that steamed people should not go out into the cold after it, risking catching this same cold.
  • Project budget. Setting up a steam room in your home is much cheaper than building it separately. In addition, it is easier to equip utility networks - they will be combined with the networks of the house.

  • Space saving. This is very convenient when the plot of land is small (less than 10 acres) or it is inappropriate to place additional buildings on it.
  • A sauna installed inside the house does not require large maintenance costs, as if it were a free-standing structure.
  • In a bathhouse, if it is part of the house, you can dry, for example, laundry. Or design a laundry and drying room during construction.

As you can see, there are many advantages, and they are quite significant. Now let's look at the shortcomings.

  • The main inconvenience of such a project is the need to observe and comply with fire safety rules and regulations. The material from which the house is built and the place where the bathhouse is located must fully comply with them. For houses with baths built of wood, the requirements are especially serious.
  • Ignoring SNiPs and other mandatory rules during construction will lead to the fact that the relevant services (this includes sanitary, fire, electricity and others) will not issue permission to put the facility into operation. Accordingly, it will be illegal to operate such an object. If you do not report that there is a bathhouse in the house, you can seriously suffer - large fines will be issued and utility networks will be turned off.

  • Failure to comply with engineering and technical standards and rules can, for example, result in high humidity inside the house (this is especially true for wooden buildings). And from this it’s a stone’s throw to such troubles as mold or mildew, which destroy and deform all structures in the house. Therefore, you definitely need to take care of the correct hydro- and vapor barrier, as well as ensure good ventilation in the bathhouse.
  • Sewerage in the bathhouse will have to be done separately, since it is impractical to drain all the water from the steam room into a common pipe - the load is too large.
  • If a wood-burning stove is installed in the bathhouse, then it is necessary to properly adjust the draft so that soot does not settle on the walls and ceiling.
  • For insurance companies, houses combined with a bathhouse are objects of increased danger. Accordingly, the sum insured will be much lower, and the terms of the insurance policy will be much stricter.

You can place the bathhouse either in the basement or basement (if available), or next to the bathroom and toilet.

Building drawings

A house and a bathhouse located under one roof can be built in two ways:

  • the project was initially designed for the construction of a complex;
  • The bathhouse acts as an extension to an already built house.

The second option is more common: first they build a house - a country house or for permanent residence, and only after that thoughts about a bathhouse appear. You can use ready-made projects, or you can develop it yourself.

Currently, there is a decline in the popularity of the classic layout of private houses with separate buildings: bathhouse, garage, gazebo, summer kitchen. Modern designs of large houses and cottages are becoming increasingly widespread, under the roof of which rooms of different purposes are combined: rooms of the house, a garage and a bathhouse. Since there is now a huge selection on the building materials market - from brick to aerated concrete, it is not difficult to implement these projects.

Cottage projects with a built-in bathhouse and garage have many advantages.


  • the bathhouse and garage can be located in the ground floor (basement), living rooms - on the ground floor;
  • if the house is one-story, then, of course, all rooms will be located on one floor;
  • you can make a bathhouse and a house under the same roof, but with different entrances, connecting them inside with a passage, then you can get into the bathhouse extension without passing the entrance to the house;

  • if the construction is planned to be two-story, there are even more options - 2 floors will allow you to plan the layout of the rooms as you wish;
  • there are also many so-called “one-and-a-half-story” houses - with an attic, in which there can be a workshop, an office, a billiard room or a children’s room;
  • The size of the garage can also be different: for one or two cars, 6x8 m, 6x6 m, also the dimensions of the bathhouse can vary - 6x8, 6x9 m, it can be with or without a rest room, together with a bathroom or separately from it.

One of the main advantages of the combined facility is the convenience of the owners. I put the car in the garage and you’re already wearing slippers. The same applies to the bathhouse - no need to walk through the frost across the entire site and back. The hostess can put a mask on her face and, without fear of being seen by prying eyes, calmly walk around the house, then return to the bathhouse and finish the spa treatments.

The owner can combine a soak in the Finnish sauna with friends with a friendly billiards match.

A house, garage and bathhouse combined together save a huge amount of space on the territory of the dacha. On it you can create beds, greenhouses, a greenhouse, or such interesting design solutions as an alpine slide or rock garden. The most space is saved if the house is small but two-story. Then, for example, you can install a boiler for a bathhouse in the garage, and replace the rest room in the bathhouse with a kitchen in the house. You can place the grill on the terrace near the bathhouse. A sauna stove can become an additional source of heat for the entire house. In addition, it is much easier to install communications once than to connect them to each building separately.

The layout of the house in the letter “L” is also a very interesting option for a combined project. You can make the most of the entire area by using corner rooms and arranging them as conveniently as possible for the owners. The optimal area for a fairly comfortable placement of a house with a bathhouse (and a garage) is 10x12 m. You can “build” everything into it - an attic, a terrace, a summer kitchen with a canopy, a fireplace, and a barbecue. The layouts of houses 9 by 15 are also interesting; they are among the most popular among owners of country houses. If there is not much space on the site or the above options are not so budget-friendly, there are also 8x8 houses. This is an average size, which can be no less comfortable for a family if the layout is successful. The most budget option is a 6x8 house, but it requires very careful design so that it does not feel crowded.


The basis of the bathhouse is the walls; they determine the reliability of the building, the quality of thermal insulation and, to a large extent, the comfort inside.

Most often, bathhouse walls are built from:

  • bricks;
  • foam concrete, aerated concrete;
  • wood concrete;
  • tree.

Brick walls are very difficult to lay. They have high thermal conductivity, so increased thermal insulation will be required. A foundation must be laid under brick walls.

Arbolite is a mixture of cement and organic fillers., mainly shredded wood. Its properties are similar to foam concrete; it is also produced in the form of blocks. You can make it yourself right on the construction site; the technology is very simple. There is only one main drawback - low resistance to moisture.

Foam concrete and aerated concrete blocks have much higher thermal insulation qualities, moreover, they are much lighter and do not require a massive foundation underneath.

The size of a standard wall foam block is 20x30x60 cm, and it alone is equal to 13 sand-lime bricks. It’s not difficult to build walls from foam blocks yourself.

If you build walls from wood concrete, they need to be covered with a protective coating.

Wood is most often used to build baths in our country. There are enough wood species suitable for this; experienced builders prefer larch, pine, and cedar.

To raise the log house of a bathhouse, the following materials are suitable:

  • logs (solid or rounded);
  • sawn timber with a rectangular cross-section;
  • profiled timber;
  • glued profiled timber.

You can use either wet or dried material. The first one is better suited for a log house. The more moisture in the material, the more the log house will shrink. Glued laminated timber practically does not require shrinkage. A log house takes longer and shrinks more than others. There is no need to mention that wood is the most environmentally friendly material, so it is best suited for the construction of a bathhouse.

Interior Design

If we talk about the interior decoration of a bathhouse, then, as a rule, it is not included in finished projects. Architects develop only a project, and then the imagination of either the owner or the designer he invites comes into play.

The fundamental step is the choice of finishing material. It is not necessary to take one type of wood; their combination will give the bathhouse originality. Of course, you need to take into account the properties of the material you have chosen, otherwise you will face a lot of disappointments.

Interior decoration performs a large number of functions:

  • insulation and waterproofing of the bath;
  • extending its service life;
  • influence on the body by releasing beneficial substances into the air at high temperatures;
  • decorative function.

Dressing rooms and rest rooms are well decorated with pine. It is inexpensive, easy to process and has an interesting structure. Pine is not suitable for a steam room, since when the air temperature rises, it releases resin, which will cause a lot of inconvenience. No chipboard and no linoleum are allowed - these are flammable materials, moreover, when heated, the latter releases various kinds of substances that are of little use to humans.

Linden or larch are better suited for finishing the steam room and sink. There will be no burn from touching these rocks when the air is heated. In addition, both types of wood do not lose their attractive appearance for a long time. It is also good to decorate the steam room with alder, birch, aspen, and cedar. These types of wood do not conduct heat well, so they do not heat up much. In addition, they dry out very quickly at the end of the bath procedure.

No chemical coatings should be used in the steam room, because all of them, when heated, evaporate toxic substances.

To seal the room, the walls are often lined with clapboard, under which there is mineral insulation and aluminum foil.

If the steam room has no other finishing options other than wood, then in the washing room and especially in the relaxation room there is room to explore the design and implement all the interesting ideas. If space and finances allow, you can make a removable floor in the washing room, under which there is a small pool or jacuzzi. There is no room for a pool - no problem, you can make a plunge pool out of a barrel and relax in it. A waterfall instead of a shower and a natural “wild” style are an original solution for a home bath. Designers will be surprised by all sorts of finds - just look at a shower in the form of a huge watering can or furniture made from barrels in the dressing room.

Excellent layout - with two lounges: a small tea room, decorated with wood, next to the steam room, and a large one, for example, with billiards. And lamps hidden under supposedly torn boards along the walls will add modernity to the interior. Externally, such a building with a house can be designed as a tower or a fairy-tale palace.

Exterior finishing

The purpose of the external decoration of the bathhouse is to insulate its facade. If you make it ventilated, then drops of moisture will not settle on the walls. This will extend the service life of the bath. When choosing any material, you need to remember that it must be combined with the decoration of the entire house, since these rooms will be combined. Or you can decorate the bathhouse with the same material with which the house itself is lined, without distinguishing its walls from the background of the main building.

The following materials are suitable for finishing:

  • siding (vinyl or metal);
  • lining (wood, plastic);
  • imitation timber;
  • block house.

Metal siding is non-flammable and is excellent for finishing a bathhouse. Siding panels are available in widths from 0.2 to 1.2 m, and come in more than 15 colors. There are many manufacturers of it both in Russia and abroad.

Year after year you can find more and more individual solutions, not only in terms of design, but also in terms of size. The bathhouse is 8x8 meters, from the outside it looks more like a residential building, and doubts about this can only be dispelled by going inside.

Definitions of the practicality of a large bath

When planning a global construction project, the first step is to determine the need for such work. The project can only be implemented on large areas. After all, as was noted above, a bathhouse 8 by 8 meters is similar in size to a residential building. Judge for yourself, 64 m2 is the typical size of a two-room apartment in a panel house. But if the area allows, a place for construction has been chosen, and the need for construction is fueled by a large family, then there are no restrictions, let’s consider what can be done?

Room layout

Because an 8x8 bathhouse is a regular square, the first thing we do is develop a diagram of the dressing room. The entrance can be made from any side. The dimensions of the vestibule in such a layout will vary within any acceptable range. Without infringing on the squares of other rooms, let it be 2x2 meters. Here you can place a cabinet for bath accessories, and equip a small area for storing firewood.

Next is the rest room. Space and comfort are welcome, so we don’t skimp on size either. There should be enough space to freely place a couple of sofas or wooden benches, a table and, if necessary, a minibar inside. Various delights to suit the owner's taste. A couple of squares from the rest room can be allocated for a bathroom. The location is selected according to the location, taking into account the removal of sewage.

The washing department and steam room should be allocated half of the entire area, and if possible more. Therefore, you can distinguish between the dimensions of the rest room and the dressing room in advance. The dimensions of the steam room and sink can be determined in different ways. Usually the area is divided in half. In some layout options, the steam room is made larger or vice versa. In the washing department, you can make two rooms: in one you can install shower cabins, in the other you can equip the area with cabinets for basins.

Well, how can you do without a swimming pool in such an area? The dimensions simply favor the location of the container. If your plans include such an idea, then you first need to allocate more space for the washing compartment. Setting up a pool is expensive, so you need to be prepared for it. Many people today use inflatable models. You can consider this as an option.

Attic – to build or not?

In principle, the size of the bath allows you to abandon this excess, because there is enough space for almost everything. But if there is an opportunity, why not. You can also make a roof with a veranda; the additional space will allow you to get a little creative with the layout of the main rooms. On the second floor, plan a comfortable rest room, while on the first floor you can not create this room, but arrange only a small vestibule with a locker room. When planning the construction of a bathhouse with an attic, the possibility of arranging more spacious rooms for washing and a steam room opens up.

It is better to make the entrance to the second floor from the vestibule. The stairs shouldn't be steep. The vestibule must be heated. Many people plan the location of the stove so that the firebox opens into the dressing room. The room will be heated and the installation of additional heating systems can be abandoned.

Bathhouse project 8x8

The shape of the bathhouse will be square, but this does not scare anyone and you can find a lot of examples of original finishing on the Internet. Buildings made of profiled or laminated timber look beautiful. The graceful shapes and color of the wood give the bath a natural look. The construction of a large brick bathhouse is also acceptable. Various finishing options both inside and outside will allow you to give originality to the forms, fortunately, today there are various materials for this.

Terraces are usually attached to bathhouses outside. This could be a small summer room or a glassed-in space where you can sit with a cup of tea even in cold weather. If a bathhouse with an attic is built, a terrace is also built on the second floor. In this case, the squares of the main room are slightly compressed, and an open balcony is made.

Foundation options

A bathhouse of this size must stand on a reliable foundation. When choosing any material, a strip foundation will be the most reliable. A slab laid according to all the rules will withstand the weight of even a two-story brick bathhouse. The tape base is also convenient in terms of carrying out communication lines. In a continuous underground space it is easier to install water pipes, sewerage and insulate everything. After all, a capital structure with such dimensions must be replenished on a constant basis, and in winter, the risk that in severe frosts the water in the pipes will freeze is especially great.

Provided that the bathhouse will be built using frame technology, the option of laying other types of foundation is possible. A columnar base will cope with the task quite well. It is only necessary to calculate the distance between the supports in order to give strength to the foundation and to avoid possible soil collapse with closely spaced supports.

Building walls

When considering the option of building an 8x8 bathhouse from timber, the material will have to be increased, because during production, lumber is usually processed no longer than 6 meters. For these purposes, when designing a structure, various options are being explored. Additional material cuts are created and walls are constructed, thereby adjusting the project to the required size. This is one of the disadvantages of a bathhouse made of logs and timber. You can make tie-ins yourself only if you have practical experience working with wood.

Things are simpler with brickwork. The walls are erected according to the standard scheme: first the building frame is laid out, then partitions are mounted inside. Where the demarcation lines for bathhouses will be, pouring the foundation is also necessary. This issue is resolved at the planning stage. The base for the partitions is poured in a single layer with the foundation for the entire bathhouse.

What kind of roof should I make?

In order not to heavily load the structure of an 8 by 8 meter bathhouse, especially one designed with a second floor, it is better not to plan complex rafter systems. You can also design an ordinary gable structure in an original way, without unnecessary frills. The slope of the rafters is selected taking into account the climatic characteristics of the region. In places with heavy precipitation in winter, snow, provided that it lingers on the roof at a large angle, will exert additional load and may cause deformation.

The risk of structural failure can be reduced by strengthening the roof frame with additional supports for the rafters. You can go the other way and plan to build a roof for a bathhouse with a smaller angle of inclination. The snow will not linger on the slope, thus there will be no load on the rafters. When choosing this option, you can abandon the slightly boring and not entirely practical roof coverings made of corrugated sheets.

Interior decoration and communications

The large internal space of the bathhouse, 8x8 meters, requires considerable expenses for upgrading the premises. You can lay tiles on the floor, both in the washing compartment and in the steam room. To avoid discomfort and a feeling of cold from the tiles, consider installing a heated floor system. This could be a water circuit. She is still “alive” and in demand. It would be more practical to lay infrared tapes, but this will affect energy consumption.

The wiring of communications also requires special attention. The washing compartment will be large, so it is necessary to make several exits, since one drain may not cope with the drainage and removal of water from the bathhouse. The supply should also be carried out from several taps. At the wiring stage, lines are laid to faucets and shower cabins, if such are planned by the project.

All pipes and sewer outlets are carried out after the construction of the bathhouse under the roof. In the underground space, lines are stretched to pre-designated places. Pipes must be insulated to protect them from the cold. When all communications have been completed, work begins on laying the floors or pouring them with concrete, depending on which option is chosen.

The interior decoration of the walls is done in a classic style - lining or block house. Various stitching options are allowed. This can be either horizontal or vertical laying of stripes. There are many design possibilities; to do this, you can look at examples online and base your bath design on them.

If you have planned a global construction, and the dimensions of 8x8 meters do not stop you at all, then you can only be envied, because spacious rooms are the dream of any connoisseur of bath procedures.

The cost of building a log bathhouse 8x8 without finishing under the roof is 514,000 rubles

  • The foundation is support-column. 2 blocks per cabinet (for one-story houses) and 4 blocks per cabinet on a cement screed (for houses with an attic). Concrete blocks, solid, size 200x200x400 mm. The cabinets are installed on a compacted sand bed. Sand (PGS) is provided by the customer.
  • External walls - profiled timber of natural humidity with a section of 145x90 mm (wall thickness - 90mm) "block house" profile or straight.
  • In total, there are 16 crowns in the frame of the one-story baths. There are 17 crowns in the log house of the baths with the attic.
  • An open terrace (if any) on supports made of planed timber with a cross-section of 100*150 mm, with shrinkage jacks. The fencing is a handrail made of planed timber with a cross-section of 40*100 mm. Steps at the entrance.
  • The clear ceiling height of the first floor (from the floor joist to the floor beam) for one-story baths is 2.15 m (+/-50mm); for baths with an attic 2.29 m (+/- 50 mm)
  • The second floor is attic. Clear attic ceiling height (from floor beam to ceiling beam) – 2.25 m
  • The height of the roof at the ridge for one-story baths is 1.20 m.
  • The gables are a frame made of natural moisture boards with a section of 150*40 mm, 100*40 mm. The external finishing of the gables is lining (spruce/pine AB) 17*90 mm. Wind protection – NANOIZOL “A” (for buildings with an attic).
  • In the gables of one-story buildings, a door (1 piece) and ventilation hatches (1 piece for each gable, under the ridge) are installed.
  • In the gables of buildings with an attic, ventilation hatches are installed (3 pieces for each gable).
  • Eaves and roof overhangs with a width of 200 mm (for one-story buildings) and 300 mm (for buildings with an attic). The cornices and overhangs are hemmed with clapboard (spruce/pine AB) 17*90 mm.
  • Construction of window and door openings with a dressing crown, without installing casing bars.
  • Assembly of a house/bath on the customer's site.

The price of a turnkey 8x8 bathhouse with a foundation and stove is 760,000 rubles

  • The foundation is columnar. 2 blocks per cabinet (for one-story baths) and 4 blocks per cabinet on a cement screed (for baths with an attic). Concrete blocks, solid, size 200x200x400 mm. The cabinets are installed on a compacted sand bed. Sand (PGS) is provided by the customer.
  • Waterproofing – roofing felt in one layer.
  • The strapping is a beam of natural humidity with a cross-section of 150x100 mm. Along the outer perimeter the strapping is laid in two rows. The timber is treated with a protective compound.
  • Floor joists - natural moisture board with a section of 40x150 mm per edge, with a pitch of 600 mm.
  • The subfloor is a natural moisture board with a cross-section of 22x100mm. Steam, waterproofing – NANOIZOL S.
  • Floor insulation – 100mm KNAUF/URSA mineral wool (or equivalent). Vapor barrier – NANOIZOL V.
  • The finished floor of the first floor is a dry tongue-and-groove floorboard (spruce/pine AB) 36mm thick. Every fifth board is fastened with self-tapping screws (for the possibility of re-upholstering the floors in the future).
  • External walls - profiled timber of natural humidity with a section of 145x90 mm (wall thickness - 90mm) "block house" profile or straight. A total of 16 crowns (for one-story baths) and 17 crowns (for baths with an attic).
  • The partitions of the first floor are profiled timber of natural humidity with a section of 145x90 mm, straight profile. They cut into external walls with a depth of up to 30mm.
  • Inter-crown insulation – jute fabric 6mm thick
  • Inter-crown connection - on a metal dowel (construction nail 6x200mm, 250mm).
  • Corner connection - “half a tree”. The outer corners of the log house are covered with clapboard (spruce/pine AB) 17*90 mm in two rows.
  • An open terrace (if any) on supports made of planed timber with a cross-section of 100*150 mm, with shrinkage jacks. The fencing is a handrail made of planed timber with a cross-section of 40*100 mm filled with carved balusters. Steps at the entrance.
  • The terrace floors are dry tongue-and-groove floorboards (spruce/pine AB) 36mm thick. They are attached with self-tapping screws to each board. The boards are laid in 5 mm increments.
  • The terrace ceilings are lining (spruce/pine AB) 17*90 mm. Vapor barrier – NANOIZOL V.
  • The clear ceiling height of the first floor (from floor to ceiling) is 2.10 m (+/- 50mm) for one-story bathhouses and 2.25 m (+/- 50mm) for bathhouses with an attic.
  • The ceiling lining of the first floor (except for the steam room) is lining (spruce/pine AB) 12.8*88 mm. (joint for layout is allowed)
  • The second floor is attic. Clear attic ceiling height (from floor to ceiling) – 2.20m
  • Floor insulation – 100mm mineral wool KNAUF/URSA (or equivalent). Vapor barrier NANOIZOL V.
  • The attic floors are dry tongue-and-groove floorboards (spruce/pine AB) 36mm thick. Every fifth board is fastened with self-tapping screws (for the possibility of re-upholstering the floors in the future).
  • The cladding of the walls and ceiling of the attic is lining (spruce/pine AB) 12.5*88 mm (a joint for layout is allowed).
  • Insulation of attic walls - 100mm basalt mats ROCKWOOL (or equivalent). Vapor barrier – NANOIZOL V.
  • The attic partitions are a frame made of natural moisture timber with a cross-section of 40*75 mm, sheathed on both sides with clapboard (spruce/pine AB) 12.5*88 mm. The partitions are not insulated.
  • Rafters - trusses made of natural moisture boards with a section of 150x40mm, 100x40mm. Installed in increments of 900-1000 mm.
  • The gables are a frame made of natural moisture boards with a section of 150*40 mm, 100*40 mm. The external finishing of the gables is lining (spruce/pine AB) 17*90 mm. . Wind, moisture protection – NANOIZOL “A” (for baths with an attic).
  • In the gables of one-story baths, a door (1 piece) and ventilation hatches (1 piece for each gable, under the ridge) are installed.
  • Ventilation hatches are installed in the gables of bathhouses with an attic (3 pieces for each gable).
  • The sheathing is a board of natural moisture with a cross-section of 22*100 mm, with a pitch of 300 mm. Counter-lattice - 20*40 mm slats, along the rafter slopes.
  • Roof covering – ONDULIN (burgundy, brown, green) or galvanized corrugated sheeting. Under-roof vapor barrier – NANOIZOL S.
  • Eaves and roof overhangs are 200 mm wide (for one-story baths) and 300 mm (for baths with an attic). The cornices and overhangs are hemmed with clapboard (spruce/pine AB) 17*90 mm.
  • The staircase to the attic is single-flight, on strings made of planed timber with a cross-section of 145*90 mm. Floorboard steps. The handrail and fencing in the attic are planed timber with a cross-section of 40*100 mm.
  • Finishing the walls and ceiling of the steam room - lining (aspen B) 14*90 mm (joint for layout is allowed). Reflective insulation on a foil base - NANOIZOL FB. Counter rail – 10*40 mm (ventilation gap – 10 mm). Before covering, the timber base of the walls is treated with a protective composition for baths and saunas NEOMID 200.
  • Two-tier shelf made of planed boards (aspen B) 28*90 mm. Joint width – 40 cm (height – 50 cm); Lounger width – 60 cm (height – 110 cm).
  • Installation of the ERMAK 12/ERMAK 16 furnace with a hanging tank (35 l stainless steel) for heating water.
  • The base of the stove is brick in one row. Cutting the combustion portal - brick.
  • Fire insulation - basalt cardboard, ceiling and roof passages, reflective screen made of smooth galvanized steel on basalt cardboard, flue sheet.
  • The chimney is vertical, with an outlet into the roof through the ceiling. Starting tube - stainless steel. 0.5 mm, stainless steel gate valve, stainless steel starting adapter, sandwich pipes 115*200 mm (stainless steel 0.5 mm * galvanized 0.5 mm), galvanized head.
  • Installation of a shower tray 800*800 mm with a siphon in a washing room. The drainage outlet beyond the perimeter of the bathhouse is a plumbing PVC pipe with a diameter of 50 mm.
  • The windows are wooden, double glazed, with sealing and fittings (screw-in hinges, twist locks). Inward opening doors. Dimensions (h*w) 1200*1500 mm; 1200*1000 m; 1200*600 mm; 600*600 mm; 400*400 mm. Windows are installed in casing boxes.
  • The entrance door is wooden, paneled, solid (spruce/pine A). Size (h*w) 1800*800 mm (for one-story baths; 2000*800 mm (for baths with an attic). Handles, hinges. A padlock is installed on the front door.
  • Interior doors – bath, frame (aspen A). Size (h*w) 1750*750 mm. Handles, hinges.
  • Casing bars (swarms) are installed in window and door openings.
  • Sealing of corners, joints, abutments - spruce/pine A/aspen AB plinth.
  • Finishing of windows and doors – spruce/pine frame A on both sides, aspen AB
  • Nails for fastening parts are black construction nails.
  • Nails for fastening the lining – galvanized 2.5x50 mm
  • Nails for fastening plinths, layouts - finishing galvanized 1.8x50 mm.
  • Loading, delivery up to 400 km from Pestovo, Novgorod region, unloading of a set of material.
  • Assembly of the bathhouse at the customer's site.
  • BONUS. Accessories for the steam room. Stones – gabbro-diabase 40 kg.

We have compiled for you a convenient table of differences in the configurations of bathhouses for shrinkage and turnkey.




Columnar foundation made of concrete blocks 200*200*400



Double strapping made of timber 150*100 mm



Floor joists made of boards 40*150 per edge with a pitch of 600 mm



Subfloor made of boards 22*100/150 mm



Floor insulation with hydro and vapor barrier



Finish floor – dry tongue-and-groove floorboard 36 mm



Walls and partitions made of profiled timber of natural moisture with a cross-section of 145*90 mm (wall thickness – 90mm)



Assembling a log house on steel dowels



Corner connection - half a tree



Intercrown insulation - jute



Rafters - trusses made of timber 40*100/150 mm with a pitch of 900/1000 mm



Sheathing – board 20*100/150 mm



Roof covering – ondulin / galvanized corrugated sheet C20



The eaves and roof overhangs are lined with spruce/pine AB clapboard



Window and door openings with a dressing crown, without installing casing bars



Window and door openings with installation of casing bars



Installation of windows and doors



Ceiling lining – spruce/pine lining AB



Insulation + vapor barrier of floors/attics



Finishing the walls and ceiling of the attic - spruce/pine lining AB



Finishing the walls and ceiling of the steam room - aspen lining AB + shelves



Installation of stove and chimney



Installation of a shower tray 800*800 mm with a siphon in a washing room. Exiting the drain outside the perimeter of the bathhouse



Stairs to the attic



Finishing: plinth, platbands



Loading a set of material, delivering it up to 400 km from our base, unloading at the customer’s site




Cost, rub)


Construction of foundations on screw piles or reinforced concrete foundations


Decorative finishing of the plinth - pick-up ()


linear meters

Installation of reinforced concrete slabs 500*500*100 mm under the support pedestals ( )


Protection (backing board) of the first row of strapping made of larch boards 50*150 mm ( )

linear meters

Protection (backing board) of the first row of strapping made of larch boards 50*200 mm ( )

linear meters

Double strapping made of timber 150x150mm

linear meters

Double strapping made of timber 150x200mm

linear meters

Installation of floor joists made of timber 150x100mm

linear meters

Installation of floors from larch decking boards “corduroy” (for open terraces)()


m*2 floors

Installation of finished floors from tongue-and-groove larch floorboards 27 mm ( )


m*2 floors

External walls made of profiled timber are moisture resistant with a cross-section of 145x140mm, partitions are made of profiled timber. humidity section 145*90 mm


linear meters external walls

External walls and partitions made of kiln-dried profiled timber with a cross-section of 145x90 mm


linear meters external walls

And partitions

External walls made of profiled kiln-drying timber with a cross-section of 145x140 mm, partitions made of profiled kiln-dried timber with a cross-section of 145x90 mm


linear meters of external walls

External walls are made of profiled timber. humidity with a cross section of 145x190mm, partitions made of profiled timber. humidity section 145*90 mm


linear meters of external walls

External walls are made of profiled chamber-drying timber with a cross-section of 145x190 mm, partitions are made of profiled chamber-drying timber with a cross-section of 145*90 mm.


linear meters of external walls

Set of kiln-dried lumber ( )


m*2 building area

Pairing crowns with a wooden dowel


Assembling a log house using a SPRING UNIT FORCE ( )


linear meters external walls and partitions of the log house

Assembling a log frame with the height of the crowns tied with steel studs


linear meters external walls and partitions of the log house

Corner groove-tenon connection (warm corner)


one corner of the log house

Corner connection “into the bowl” ( )

from 30 000

house kit

Inter-crown insulation – holofiber()


linear meter of external walls of the log house

Increase in ceiling height by 14cm (+ one crown in the log house)


linear meters external walls

and log partitions

Insulation 150mm

m*2 insulated area

The construction of a staircase on strings made of laminated veneer lumber, with wide steps, turned pillars, balusters and a figured handrail.



Roof covering – metal tiles RAL 3005,5005,6005,7004, 7024,8017)

m*2 roof

Roof covering – corrugated sheeting with polymer coating(RAL 3005,5005,6005,7004, 7024,8017)

m*2 roof

Installation of a drainage system (PVC, DEKE)


linear meters roof slope

Installation of corner snow barriers ( )

linear meters roof slope

Construction of tubular snow barriers ( )


linear meters roof slope

Attic structure: sparse flooring made of edged boards along the ceiling beams, a door in one of the gables + a dormer window in the opposite gable

m*2 ceiling

External finishing of gables – house block spruce/pine AB 28*140

m*2 gable area

External finishing of gables - imitation timber 18*140 mm

m*2 gable area

Treatment of the entire building with fire-bioprotective composition NEOMID ( )

m*2 building area

Surface treatment with oil for terraces NEOMID ( )

m*2 floors

Treating the walls and ceiling of the steam room and washing room with NEOMID varnish “for baths and saunas” ( )

m*2 walls and ceiling

Treatment of the ends of the log house with NEOMID TOR PLUS ( )


Treatment of shelves in the steam room with NEOMID oil ( )


m*2 shelf

Finishing walls and ceilings with washing lining made of larch 14*90mm ( )


m*2 walls and ceiling

Installation of a “leaky floor” in a washing room ( )


m*2 floors

Finishing with paired lining OSIN A, including shelves - OSIN A

m*2 walls and ceiling

Finishing with paired lining LIPA A, including shelves - LIPA A


m*2 walls and ceiling

Finishing with paired lining LIPA EXTRA, including shelves - LIPA Extra more details more details)

35 000


Installation of PVC windows with single-chamber double-glazed windows

from 4000


Installation of PVC windows with double-glazed windows

from 5000


Installation of a heat exchanger in the ERMAK furnace, installation of a remote tank (stainless steel 60 l) on the wall of the washing room, supply of hot water using metal-plastic pipes



Installation of a tank (stainless steel 50 l) on a pipe above the stove, with a tap leading to the washing room

13 000


Installation of another ERMAK furnace (

12 000/16000


Chimney device made of stainless steel 0.8 mm thick (includes a protective screen and a stainless steel flue sheet)

16 000/20000


Delivery over 400 km from Pestovo, Novgorod region.


Construction shed 2.0*3.0 / 4.0 m ()

from 21 000


The whole country rests on such workers

Alexey Gennadievich!!!

Due to lack of time, I couldn’t write to you - thank you very much for the work of your employees in building the bathhouse, two young men, unfortunately, I don’t know their names, they worked clearly and harmoniously, the quality of the bathhouse is EXCELLENT!!! The whole country rests on such workers. All our friends and relatives also noted the impeccable work of the guys, which resulted in the bathhouse we dreamed of.

The guys built us an amazing bathhouse

I would like to express my deep gratitude to Alexey (general director), Sergey Zorin and Vladimir Chistyakov (builders)! At the beginning of August, the guys built us a stunning bathhouse, taking into account all our wishes. The delivery of materials was carried out on time, the construction was completed even ahead of the previously agreed time, the quality of materials and work is at the highest level. In general, just a fairy tale! I advise you to build only with Russian carpenters!

"Price quality"

The work is pleasing to the eye. Fast, high quality, on time.

I thank the team of guys (Evgeny, Dmitry, Sergey) and General Director Alexey Roslov for the work done.

I ordered a bathhouse with a 6x6 attic, project B-20, with minor changes, “for shrinkage.”

All work was completed ahead of schedule and with high quality. All my wishes were taken into account.

  1. I was very pleased with Alexey Roslov’s attitude towards his work. He always promptly and competently answered all my questions and resolved controversial issues.
  2. the microclimate in a wooden building is created comfortable for humans;
  3. the breathability of the timber allows you to replenish the necessary oxygen reserves by 30% daily.

Timber baths built by our specialists have additional advantages:

  • durability achieved by complying with the production technology of building materials and the norms of the technological process for laying timber;
  • fire resistance - each unit of profile timber is treated with special solutions that increase fire-resistant properties;
  • aesthetic appearance - we reject low-quality products, so only the best timber with an attractive appearance is allowed for construction.

Buy an 8 x 8 bathhouse at SK “Drevo”

Our company builds 8 x 8 bathhouses “turnkey” or “shrinkable” both in summer and winter. During the cold season, we use winter forest to produce timber, so the quality of the structure remains at a high level.

You can view prices on the company's website. We offer the most favorable conditions. It is possible to save money on the construction of a bathhouse due to low prices for profile timber manufactured by our company, as well as thanks to promotions and discounts provided to regular customers.

Contact us right now and become the owner of your own bathhouse!

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