Interesting article that presents good morning wishes for you beautiful flowers- Brew yourself some coffee and don’t be silent all morning, look at the sunrise, it’s beautiful and don’t squint!

Darling, remember - a new morning is a new frontier, decide on it quickly!

The day will definitely be a happy one, I promise you, look how beautiful he is, how passionately he wishes you the best!

Let only good surprises await you, let your wishes and whims come true instantly.

May your day go well and easily. Let there be light in your heart.

Good morning, my dear! I wish you an interesting day!

The sun playing with a ray warms our hearts, I kiss and repeat: good morning to you!

The summer sun is shining, the wind is stirring the leaves, good morning, my little ray! I'll come to you soon!

You know - no matter what the weather is, when true love lives in the soul, nothing can spoil the morning.

Let the ray of sunshine greet you with love at dawn!

Good luck awaits you all around, may the day pass without fuss!

Who's wrapped in a blanket? Wake up, stop sleeping, make your bed quickly!

The mill of life will turn, scattering dreams to shreds. Wake up dear, let's create this day!

It will be a very good day if you are not too lazy to get up. And I saved you a kitty pie for breakfast!

Here's my SMS - If you don't become lazy in life, you can achieve a lot in the future!

I wish you a wonderful morning, the sun is shining, it’s time to get up!

The sun is shining through your window, and the sunny bunny is jumping towards you. Wake up quickly and smile at the same time.

Happy new, better day, recharge with optimism! Remember: you will enter this day the way you will spend the morning!

Greet your morning with a beautiful smile, bask in the rays of the clear sun, don’t even think about being sad or frowning, enjoy a wonderful morning.

Good morning, my dears! Let the smile never leave your face all day, morning and evening!

This day will be great. Good morning! Life is wonderful!

Let your worries remain in your dreams, you and I will never part in this world!

Wear something cool, it's going to be a great day! Good morning!

You need to start the day sooner, start things bolder, in order to get a lot done, so that at the end you can dance and sing.

The sun showers the sky with rays, but you just don’t want to get up...

Your short glance, for just a moment, will give me a morning boost!

Breathe in the clear air, while it’s still cool, and don’t rush to leave the balcony. The day will be blessed.

A new day is just around the corner, looking forward to you. It will bring a lot of happiness, a lot of light and warmth.

Good morning, gentle with dew, sunny and serene, new and gracious, bright, pleasing to the eyes!

The sun will warm the earth, but I will warm you, and hug you tighter, and kiss you, lovingly!

The sun has been knocking on the window in the morning; apparently, he has managed to get bored during the night. The birds are calling, it's time to wake up, open the windows wider with confidence.

Brew invigorating coffee, brew strong tea, and yourself, in front or in profile, right in the morning and fall in love.

It’s time to wake up, even though it’s difficult! Open your eyes quickly. Happy new good morning!

Let it be a magical day, I want to wish you. Would you like to spend some leisure time together? Oh please!

The sun reigns in the sky, morning reigns in the city... I would like to come to you now, but my phone is silent.

Good morning, beloved people. I wish everyone to live only with a smile!

The world has woken up, life is beautiful, breathe it in quickly. I love you!

Get out of bed, don't look at the ceiling. That's enough bliss for today. Laziness is a bad excuse for sleep!

Good morning, my sun! Open the window quickly. I’m sending you a loving SMS to wake you up!

We will walk the path of this day together. Let's give each other love and ourselves.

I realized in these morning hours that I love you and adore you and already miss you so much.

Smile at the coming day, good morning, my delicate flower!

I want to shout good morning! Say good morning instead of the sun.

Let the bird chirp in your ear, its song for you, in this song, oh, how sweet, whispers about my love.

Good morning. You wake up... With joy, I will certainly notice that I love you stronger and stronger!

I love you very much, little kitty, and I want to hug you as soon as possible. Get stuck in a sweet, passionate kiss for an hour or two...

A new morning is like a new holiday, because I will soon see you and kiss you all over!

The stars will leave blue sky, the night will go away and leave no trace, we will start a new day, more beautiful and better!

The morning has come, the last star in the sky has settled down, only for you a rainbow has lit up in the sky.

I missed you all that night, I couldn’t sleep until dawn, and I wouldn’t mind hugging you! Good morning, my Juliet!

The sun has been knocking on the window in the morning; apparently, he has managed to get bored during the night. The birds are calling, it's time to wake up, open the windows wider with confidence.

Good morning! Good afternoon! Let's go! Don’t waste a minute, love, act, and be brighter, take everything you need from life.

Early in the morning I will kiss you, and with a caress I will quickly dispel your sleep.

And let the day bring only the best, let it please you with something new!

I am the happiest person on the planet, and I don’t dare dream of anything more, because kissing you at dawn, I can wish you good morning.

I love you in the morning, when I woke up, you look at me sleepily, and barely smiling, you sweetly kiss me...

Good morning, my joy. Good morning, Have a good day!

Wake up, smile, greet the new day soon. Say goodbye to the blanket, banish your sweet dreams.

The smell of coffee, the light in the window, and you’re nearby... These are my desires, will I find your understanding?

May happiness have no beginning and end, I wish you positivity and goodness!

Wash, get dressed, drink coffee. I will take you with me into a new day. Let the day start with mother of pearl, I wish you a good morning!

Quickly open your eyes and pour some coffee into the cup! Take a shower, do your hair! And run to me quickly!

Good morning to you, you are my little one. Smile at the sun, look out the window!

In the morning I will come to you to hug you tighter and kiss you on the mouth, and of course, get you out of bed faster!

I wish you a good morning and a sweet and pleasant awakening!

Get up and create life, because everything is in your hands. And the morning will help in all matters.

Let this day bring everything that the soul is waiting for: joy, a lot of positivity, so that you can live a happy day!

If we are together at night, expect coffee in bed in the morning.

Wake up beloved sun, may luck smile on you, I wish you a huge bag of happiness on this day!

Good morning! The air is smelly. You see, there are no clouds in the sky today. The day will be a bright, pleasant gift. The day will be as bright as a ray of sunshine.

The breeze carries the chirping of birds, the kids are rushing to class, the cars are running back and forth, almost no one is sleeping anymore.

As if fire flower the sun is rising, a wonderful day begins again for you.

Birds are chirping outside the window, wishing you a good morning. Life, like new pages, opens all roads.

Good morning wishes beautiful flowers - Good morning, wake up, let warmth reign in your soul! Smile radiantly for good luck today!

Touch your cheek to the dawn, expose your eyes to the dew, I will bring the rain of vigor from all over the world to you!

Smile at the dawn, birds, flowers and foliage, give greetings to people, joy will return to you!

Most often good morning flowers are perennial plants, although there are also annual representatives. This culture feels good on open areas, and thanks to its low maintenance requirements, it can be found in many apartments. What kind of plant is this and how to properly care for it at home, we will consider further.

Oxalis flower close up

Good morning flowers received such a wonderful name due to their interesting feature: in the early morning the plant's leaves open, as if welcoming the owner, and in the evening the leaves fold and the flowers close, indicating that it is time to sleep.

In addition, due to the large amount of oxalic acid in the leaves, the plant is called oxalis.

Characteristics and description of sorrel

This crop belongs to the Kislichnye family and has approximately 800 varieties in the world.

Roots: bulbous or tuberous.

Leaves: petiolate, trifoliate or pinnately compound. They are characterized by a complex bend and react to mechanical irritations or very bright lighting. Leaf color varies. They are found with green, burgundy and even purple leaves.

The flowers are five-petaled and medium in size. The color comes in pink, white, yellow or lilac. They can also fold and unfold depending on the weather and time of day.

At the end of flowering, fruits are set. The seeds are small, reddish. They ripen in a shell that explodes when touched when it reaches maturity.

Oxalis grows to an average height of 30 cm.

Plant varieties

IN home floriculture The following varieties are commonly found:

  1. Purple or triangular appearance. A low plant whose leaves are trilobed and placed on long petioles. The leaves are spotted with dark purple color. The flowers are small in size, white, pale pink or lilac.
  2. Oxalis four-leafed. Grows both at home and outdoors open ground. The leaves are four-lobed, light green with a brown center. The flowers are red-crimson in color and form inflorescences.
  3. Oxalis Bovey. This variety reaches up to 25 cm in height. The leaves are light green. The flowers are placed on long stalks of dark pink color. Heat-loving variety.
  4. . The species grows up to 10 cm in height. The leaves are similar in appearance to clover. Flowers white, solitary, on long peduncles.
  5. . The bushes reach a height of up to 10 cm. The leaves are gray-green. The flowers are large in size, light pink with spots.

In addition, at home they grow very beautiful variety– multi-colored sorrel, distinguished by white flowers with a red stripe.

Correct fit

Good morning flowers are undemanding in terms of maintenance. However, in order for the plant to please the eye with its flowering, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules.

Selecting a location

The location of the pot should be provided with diffused lighting throughout the day. In summer it is recommended to take the plant from the windowsill, and in winter the flower is not afraid of even direct sunlight.

In summer straight sun rays may leave burns on the leaves. A long stay of the plant in the shade can lead to loss of decorative leaves.

The ideal place for wood sorrel is south, east or west windows. In a northern direction, the plant will experience a lack of lighting.

Soil preparation

This crop is not very demanding on the soil, but oxalis prefers slightly acidic, humus-rich soils and good drainage. Expanded clay or shards can be used as drainage.

Good morning suitable for flowers regular universal soil from the store.

For self-cooking For the earthen mixture, it is necessary to mix peat, sand, turf and leaf soil in equal proportions.


Proper planting of oxalis will help achieve the formation of shoots, rich flowering and protect against diseases.

To do this, you should follow the following tips:

  • The optimal time for planting is spring;
  • the diameter of the hole should be slightly larger than the roots of the wood sorrel;
  • rhizomes should not be buried.

To make the plant resistant to diseases, it is recommended to gradually harden it.

Plant care before and after flowering

Basic requirements for crop care for lush flowering:

  1. Temperature. During the warm season, the plant prefers moderate temperatures. In winter he is comfortable at a temperature of 12-18 0
  2. Humidity. In spring and summer, oxalis should be sprayed periodically. Spraying is not carried out in autumn and winter.
  3. Watering. IN warm time plants need abundant watering. But it should be monitored so that moisture does not stagnate. This will help protect the roots from rotting. In autumn, watering is reduced, and in winter time The soil should be kept slightly moist throughout the year.
  4. Fertilizer. In spring and summer it is necessary to feed. For this purpose, complex mineral fertilizers are used. Feeding should be done once every 2-3 weeks.
  5. Transfer. Should be replanted every spring.

The flower does not like drafts.

The plant enters a dormant period in winter and sheds its leaves. They should be cut off almost at the root so that the active growth of young shoots and generous flowering begin in the spring. Withered and dry leaves must be removed in a timely manner.

Breeding rules

IN indoor floriculture good morning reproduce in the following ways:

  • cuttings;
  • bulbs;
  • seeds.

For cuttings You should use a knife to cut off a small part of the stem, which has one leaf. The cutting is placed in water. After 2 weeks, small roots will appear on it. When the latter grow to 1.5 cm, several cuttings are simultaneously planted in a pre-prepared pot.

For bulbous propagation They are carefully separated from the root and planted in several pieces. Keep the pot in a cool place. Watering must be done weekly. When young shoots appear, the pot is moved to a bright place.

Seeds are sown in the spring on top of the soil, without falling asleep. It is necessary to water the seeds using a spray bottle. In the first year, underground shoots and rosettes of leaves are formed. In the second year, education is observed aboveground shoots and new sockets.

They do not require maintenance and look beautiful on the windowsill. It is very pleasant to observe the characteristics of the plant. There is a belief that this culture brings happiness to its owner.

Sun or rain, warmth or frost, wind or calm - any morning must always be good. Despite bad weather or bad mood. What needs to be done for this?

Have a cup of delicious coffee or aromatic tea, you can have a sandwich, smile at the new day and send a heartfelt good morning picture to a friend or girlfriend, or maybe just a new acquaintance or your mother. It’s so nice to give kindness to other people.

And somewhere there, on the other side of the city or even the country, and maybe the world, or very close - in the next house someone will see your cute or colorful card with a wish good mood or have a nice day, with gentle and kind words, and maybe even tea or coffee. And his soul will become warmer, despite the early rainy morning. So if you are looking for good morning images, our site will help you.

What if your significant other is far away? And you miss it. Download for free from our website romantic photo or gif and wish a good week, a wonderful day and write: “cat!” You can attach a funny postcard with kittens to lift your spirits or choose a cartoon animation.

You'll see - your loved one will wake up with good mood. In our collection you will find everything from sophisticated to cool.

With the beginning working week You can also congratulate your colleagues. You work side by side every day. Why not please them? Creative, interesting, unusual and original - good morning pictures will surely cheer you up at the beginning of the work week!

“Let it be a good day”, “Good morning, girls!”, “It’s time to get up!”, “Have a nice day in any weather”, “ To a good person a cup of coffee", " Have a nice day“The choice is huge.

A nice plus is that all the photos are in good quality. And the person will greet the new day with a smile, and his week will definitely be good.

Children also need our attention, especially older ones. You can’t just walk up to them and hug them – they’re shy, because they’re adults. These are little girls or boys who are still quite tame. Send teenagers a positive postcard via Viber or WhatsApp, wish them a wonderful day or a sunny morning.

Young people now love both humorous and lively animations. Let them remember their parents and feel their warmth and attention. Surely one of them will definitely send back: “Have a wonderful day, dear mom!”, “Good morning!”, “Good morning”, “Cool card, mom. Have a nice day too."

And attach a stylish or touching photo. Perhaps with flowers or animals. Is it possible to be sad after such wonderful words? Life is wonderful!

Do you want to give your loved ones a little bit of magic in the morning? Then download free shimmering or shiny cards from our website, there are some magical, moving, and even fairy-tale ones! And then please, surprise and give positive emotions. They will certainly like your words and congratulations, and maybe even your poems.

Sometimes it is difficult for some of us to make a decision or find a way out of a difficult situation. And here motivating pictures will help. Cheer up your girlfriend at dawn if she has a difficult day ahead. Send an animated emoticon with a greeting and the words “Everything will be fine” to your friends if they are waiting for a serious meeting. Such beautiful pictures They will definitely help you with motivation and instill confidence. And the day will definitely be successful, happy and bright.

All girls love flowers very much. Do you want to surprise your beloved? Send a bouquet in the morning. Of course, you can have a real one. But she will definitely like the image or GIF too. Better put it on your phone. And then she, having just woken up to the alarm clock, without having had time to drink a cup of tea or eat breakfast, will see your gift and will definitely smile.

After all, this is a nice gift in bed and positive for the whole day. You can add “Hello, Sunshine!” or “Good luck, darling!” You'll see, she'll be happy. And no cloudy morning can ruin her working day today. A great motivator for a successful day.

Of course, many pictures migrate from site to site. Surely many people are bored. Here you will find only new, fresh and the best. Many modern and meaningful, humorous and funny, for loved ones, friends and family, simply beautiful and with words, for Viber and WhatsApp. There is nature and animals, children and adults. And very different - big and small. Undoubtedly, the new products will certainly surprise you, nice photos with inscriptions - they will amuse, and awesome, very fashionable in lately vintage ones will even impress!

Exists in the world wonderful flower with a very simple name - sorrel. It got its name from the sour taste of the leaves that contain large number oxalic acid. " Good morning“- this is also what this flower is sometimes called. Early in the morning he opens the leaves, as if greeting the owner. When the sun goes below the horizon in the evening, it folds its leaves like umbrellas, hinting that it’s time to go to bed.

Oxalis is a perennial plant, grown both as a home and as a garden plant. In nature there are bushes with leaves painted in different shades green and red tones. The color palette is also varied - white, soft pink, bright yellow.


In nature, there are more than 700 variants of this plant, the most popular of which are Depp's oxalis, common oxalis, ferruginous oxalis, carob, nasturtium, triangular, and lucky clover.

Landing rules

Correct planting of sorrel will allow you to achieve rich flowering, shoot formation, and disease resistance.

To do this, you must follow the following rules:

  • The best time to plant a flower is spring, before it begins to bloom;
  • V room conditions in summer, the place for the bowl is provided with diffused light; in winter, it is not afraid of direct sunlight;
  • For garden growing a site located in the openwork shade of trees is selected;
  • to develop disease resistance, the flower must be gradually hardened;
  • use light crumbly soil containing river sand, humus and brick chips;
  • for cultivation, drainage from expanded clay or shards is required;
  • the diameter of the hole is dug a little larger than the roots of the plant occupy;
  • Do not bury the roots.


Basic care includes:

  • regular watering and spraying;
  • maintaining temperature regime;
  • bush formation;
  • feeding;
  • fight against diseases.

For lush flowering, timely watering is necessary, the most abundant in the stage active growth. IN winter period Watering is reduced to almost a minimum; only sprinkling is allowed when the soil is completely dry. In summer, especially dry and hot, regular spraying with cold water is required.

All year round it is necessary to maintain a comfortable temperature regime, which varies depending on the stage of growth:

  • necessary at the resting stage cool temperature no higher than 18°C;
  • During active growth, the temperature is gradually increased to 25°C.

In winter, wood sorrel has a dormant period and sheds its leaves. They need to be pruned almost at the root so that in the spring the growth of fresh strong shoots and generous flowering begins more actively. It is necessary to promptly remove wilted and dry leaves.

Oxalis involves maintaining the shape of the bush by removing shoots, standing out from the planned figure.

The exception is the lucky clover, the leaves of which themselves form a spherical configuration.

Plant feeding is carried out throughout warm season from April to September at least twice a month in a comprehensive manner mineral fertilizer, diluted twice as weakly as in the instructions. Add to a flower in the dormant stage nutrients no need.


The need for transplantation occurs in the following cases:

  • replacing the soil in the bowl;
  • removal of unnecessary processes;
  • treatment of roots from infection by putrefactive bacteria;
  • plant propagation by dividing roots.

The transplantation process begins before the growing season, in March. From equal shares of turf soil, humus and river sand make up the soil mixture.

The most suitable container is a ceramic bowl, which absorbs excess moisture and protects against the action of bacteria.

Excessive watering often infects the nodules with root rot, to avoid which it is necessary to place expanded clay drainage at the bottom of the pot.

Young plants are replanted annually, then the bowl is changed every 2-3 years.

The container is taken with a small diameter, a couple of centimeters wider than the previous one. Prepared soil is poured over the laid drainage. Oxalis is removed from the pot along with the remains earthen coma and carefully install it into the new one, trying not to bury it root system. This will help her settle in faster and hurt less. At the end of the transplant, the flower should be watered abundantly.

Diseases and pests

Oxalis is resistant to disease carriers. With excessive watering, there is a risk of rotting of the root system.

The main sign of infection with putrefactive bacteria is wilted leaves.

At the first symptoms of the disease, the plant needs to provide first aid:

  • dig out of the ground, cut off tubers spoiled by rot;
  • thoroughly dry the soil where the flower will be transplanted;
  • plant it again, ensuring rehabilitation with moderate watering.

The flower may be attacked harmful insects, including aphids, scale insects, etc.

Methods for killing aphids:

  • mechanical: removing and destroying pests from leaves manually;
  • chemical: treating an infected plant with an insecticide solution;
  • folk: sprinkling leaves with diluted water laundry soap or infusion of marigolds.

Symptoms of scale insect infestation:

  • the color of the leaves has acquired an unusual brown tint;
  • leaves and stems are covered with sticky, sticky secretions from the pest.

The most productive means of exterminating scale insects is the treatment of the flower with a soap or alcohol solution.

Whitefly can only be destroyed chemical agent by treating the leaves with an insecticide solution.

Planted at home, in the garden or greenhouse, the unpretentious, long-lasting and beautifully flowering sorrel delights the owner with the daily welcoming opening of its leaves. The morning will always be good!

Flowers are one of the best ways express your warm and tender feelings to your loved one. Such a gift will always be appropriate. If you want to surprise and delight loved one, give him flowers not only on holidays! For example, a bouquet of flowers “Good morning” will certainly be the best start to the day for any girl and woman!

Bouquet workshop "Cheryomukha" offers its clients to purchase beautiful, exquisite and unusual bouquet flowers for your beloved “Good morning”. Classic and non-standard flower arrangements, created by the hands of professional florists, will definitely please the fair sex and will bring a charge of positive emotions for the whole next day!

How to choose a beautiful bouquet of flowers “Good morning”?

“Good morning” bouquets can be very diverse - everything is limited only by your imagination. But don't forget about taste preferences addressee! For example, a bouquet of roses “good morning” is an eternal classic, but many representatives of today’s younger generation may find such flowers too traditional and even boring. Of course, such a gift will not go unnoticed, but if you want to really surprise, then give preference non-standard options. For a young lady, compositions made from delicate wildflowers, sophisticated irises, exquisite orchids. Flower baskets would be quite appropriate in such a situation. And the best present for those with a sweet tooth will be original bouquets of sweets!

Beautiful flowers for a girl “Good morning” can be supplemented with a cute card and sincere wishes. To correctly formulate your feelings and emotions, you should seek help from experienced craftsmen floral art!

For those who do not have the opportunity to present flowers to their loved ones in person, the Cheryomukha bouquet workshop organizes prompt delivery of bouquets. To get detailed information about a service or consultation on your choice, place an order and ask any questions you are interested in, just contact us at the phone number listed on the website. The Cheremukha flower shop will make the beginning of each of your days happy and unforgettable!

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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