Everyone has a dream, the only difference is that someone realizes it, and someone only thinks about it. Striving for a successful life is the desire of every member of society. The embodiment of the ultimate goal lies with the person himself. However, aspirations alone are not enough to make your dream come true. You need to put in effort and time. But it is ineffective to spend them on ephemeral development that is not related to the goal - it will lead nowhere.

You should think through your every action and calculate your time wisely in order to achieve success. There are many techniques for time management and the path to goals, and various trainings and lectures are also often held. All this takes a lot of time and money, and the effect may not come. The simplest, but one of the most effective ways is success diary. It's a means of personal motivation. when a person directs himself to the right actions.

What is a success diary?

Such a diary can be anything: an ordinary notebook with 96 sheets, a beautiful diary, just a notepad, a text electronic file, notes on your phone, a special application or resource 10,000 hours.

Every person has goals in different areas of life. For example:

  • family Children;
  • achievements in sports;
  • career growth;
  • creative component;
  • health;
  • sphere of self-development;
  • education.

Who the person is, what business he does, in what area and what he wants to achieve is unimportant. The main thing is how he does it.

Problems in achieving goals

Notes section

Often people get lost on the way to what they want. Lack of visible results or low self-esteem have a bad effect on motivation. To this we should also add the fact that if there is no support from close people and friends, then the likelihood of success may decrease. Motivation decreases - hands give up.

Just to give motivation and reduce the risk of apathetic moods, you should keep a diary. Then a person will have the opportunity to record all his steps, see mistakes, observe victories. Development over time will immediately begin to be traced, which will give strength to new leaps forward.

You can also be convinced that there is no prospect of moving in a certain direction, that this field of activity is not suitable. Then it will be possible to switch in the right direction in time, avoiding the loss of resources and time.

Every small success recorded along the way pushes you forward and forces you to focus on the main goal.

Why lead it?

You can find many arguments in favor of using a success diary, but the main ones are listed on the fingers:

  1. Personal motivation. Everyone will see their daily growth. It’s immediately clear what level you are at, whether you got lost along the way, and the route for the next day will be determined. Then you will know what to be proud of yourself for, and those who suffered from an inferiority complex will be able to love themselves.
  2. Get rid of symptoms of depression. Many people underestimate their abilities, capabilities and positive aspects. The illusion is created that the day will be spent in vain. Write everything down in your diary, and such feelings will gradually disappear.
  3. To see your achievements. This makes it easier to see yourself and your life from other people’s perspective.
  4. To control yourself. By recording your actions and the path to the goal in a diary, you can see what was done (also time, dates), what the result was, whether you overcame laziness. If growth is noticeable, then everything is fine, if it is not very pronounced, you need to push it.
  5. In order to bring the dream (main goal) closer. Watching her from afar, there is a possibility of disappointment. Having a diary, each time you have to think about different paths to this goal. Positive thinking is the key to success.

Ways to keep a diary

There are always several stages in such an important matter. You should approach achieving your dream gradually, thinking through your every move towards it.

History - Diary of success

To achieve a goal, not only results and moving forward are important, it is necessary to rationally use available resources, including time.

Some tasks are on an emotional level, they do not need to be measured in any way, here everyone chooses their own limitations.

It becomes an excellent tool for monitoring time and effort.

Positive results of using a diary

Using a success journal will create positive changes in the life of the person who uses it. It will immediately become noticeable that time is under control, everything is clearly distributed, and there are no overlaps in events. Results may include:

  1. Actions become effective. Less resources are spent, but the result is better.
  2. A large amount of free time appears.
  3. Increased self-confidence, and this is very important when achieving your dreams.
  4. Creative abilities begin to develop.
  5. The mood becomes better, there is more joy in life.
  6. Man gradually improves.
  7. Manifests discipline, organization.
  8. Control over yourself and your time.

Psychology plays another important role here. The diary programs for luck and success. It's very simple: see small victories and set yourself up for big ones. You should also be proud of yourself and your achievements, even small ones.

Evaluating small successes allows you to predict and plan large-scale victories.

Confidence in yourself and your abilities is an important component of success. When we are insecure, our actions and actions lose power. We seem to be doing the same thing, but without confidence we miss opportunities and most doors remain closed.

According to Bodo Schaefer (one famous businessman, writer and coach), leading your own “ Success magazine" Being able to see the good side of yourself will help build a sense of inner confidence.

What is a Success Journal?

A success journal can be any notebook, diary, notepad in which you write down every day your small and big victories, completed tasks, compliments addressed to you, positive feedback from other people about you, any of your actions that caused healthy pride in yourself and so on. It could be 5-7 points per day.

Some may consider this a waste of time or a reason to fuel negative feelings of pride. But don’t forget that on bad days, when it seems like everything is going wrong and falling apart, reading your notes will inspire and give fresh strength and self-confidence.

Reasons to start keeping a record of your successes:

1. Self-esteem and self-confidence develops. In our lives we reproduce what we carry within ourselves. If there is defeat inside, then failures and disappointments will occur in life. If there is victory, then our affairs will be successful.

2. We attract into our lives what we think about more often or what we concentrate on more often. Focusing on your achievements, small or large, can attract (create) even more opportunities and realized results.

3. As I wrote above, on a difficult day, your notes will help you see yourself on the good side. Even sometimes minor successes can bring us back to a position of self-confidence. And watching them before an important event will cheer you up.

4. Your victories and achievements are a good impetus for new active actions. Before starting a new project or major undertaking, it will be beneficial to look through your notes. Perhaps while viewing your successes, you will want to do or accomplish something big and meaningful for you personally.

How to keep your “Success Journal”?

1. Be creative when maintaining your journal, make it beautiful, add pictures or color. Fill it out carefully and try to be original. After all, appearance should reflect life, success, bright positive emotions.

2. Now is the age of high technology and we hold and have the opportunity to contain a lot of things in digital form. This is very convenient, you can quickly search and find the information we need. But leave your gadgets for work and efficiency, take a break from them and pick up paper and pen. They are able to create a special atmosphere and experience emotions again.

3. It is best to make notes in the evening, so to speak, to sum up the day.

4. Take notes throughout the day. on your phone or notepad when you realize it needs to be recorded in your journal. Then you may no longer remember.

5. You can number each individual note from 1 to 5 or 7 (depending on how many you write down at a time), or you can simply continue the numbering every evening. When the next note will be number 1476, the realization that everything recorded was done by you good for improving self-esteem.

6. And lastly, try First of all, write down what is related to your main goals, what you strive for or what you want to achieve. Additional motivation will come in handy.

New school of life. Volume I The power is in you Schmidt K.O.

Diary of Annual Plan Achievements

Diary of achievements

Annual plan

If your diary shows

the fruits of your aspirations,

Then every day will be for you

source of new life.

In the execution of the Annual Plan, constant self-control and constant monitoring of the results of one’s own work play an important role. Practice shows that it is not only useful at the end of the week to repeat and summarize what you have learned over the past seven days, but it is also strongly recommended to record in writing the positive aspects noted during self-control.

Such records are made in Diary of achievements student of the School of Life. Before we start studying, it is important to understand how to conduct it. The diary is intended only for the duration of the Annual Plan. However, most students, noting its great practical benefits, forever retain the habit of taking notes.

Purpose of the Diary of Achievements is this: throughout our studies at the School of Life, we celebrate every day any achievement– even the smallest thing, any internal and external success, overcoming any weaknesses and mistakes, the slightest increase in one’s own strength and knowledge. We need all this to strengthen our confidence and learn to respect ourselves.

You will be surprised at how quickly your Achievement Diary will begin to fill up if you work purposefully, guided by the Annual Plan. Keeping your Achievement Diary in mind, constantly check where you managed to avoid mistakes, fill in gaps, turn weaknesses into strengths, develop new abilities, please yourself and others, set new goals for yourself and strive to achieve them.

An achievement diary is a kind of chronicle of our victories in life's struggles. It has nothing in common with diaries of the ordinary kind. It should build confidence in the success of your new lifestyle and serve solely to capture what you did best during the day.

Later we learn that such a Diary of Achievements is an auxiliary means for maintaining a kind of mental diet and spiritual hygiene, a kind of bridge from one achievement to another, a manifesto of a successfully carried out revolution, through which you change yourself - the most important revolution for a person that can be to be in the world.

Starting a Diary of Achievements is not difficult. Take a notebook and start making notes in it the day you start working on your Annual Plan. On the first page at the top write: “My Achievement Diary for the Annual Plan...”– and below record your achievements in approximately the following words:

“From today on, I will always be lucky in all respects!”

The next page of the Diary of Achievements opens with the date of the first day of the Annual Plan and the following phrase:

“This is where a new life begins!”

Then you start making notes to document your accomplishments.

The above introductory words act as a kind of positive parting word that you give to yourself and which is designed to guide you towards a new life. The first moment of a new day is decisive in order to set up the entire day accordingly. In the same way, the first moment of the “New Life” that we are about to begin seems decisive for acquiring that spirit that will determine the course of our subsequent life. Therefore, this moment should be filled with a spirit of decisive determination, self-confidence and faith in one’s own destiny.

Just like these first remarks, all subsequent entries should constantly evoke in our minds the conviction that we are daily making progress, that we are moving forward. Therefore, the basic rule for keeping a Diary is:

Each entry in the Diary of Achievements should be positive! Every success must be documented in writing!

Not every day at the beginning of our journey will be marked by success. Therefore, it is enough to open the diary when we need to note a truly important achievement. Later, as our achievements begin to multiply, we will turn to the diary more and more often, until, finally, we begin to give an account of our victories every evening. We will increasingly gain faith in our own strengths and capabilities, in our ever-growing abilities. We will bring the ability to concentrate and determination into our lives. We will gain a clearer awareness of our strengths, strengthen our faith in success, in the importance of the goals facing us, and get rid of the feeling of inferiority that still lives within us. For where the light shines, the shadows dissipate of themselves. Therefore, as a matter of principle, we do not note mistakes and manifestations of weakness, since any concentration of attention on them only strengthens them.

And on the contrary, although not all of our successes are sometimes easy for us to notice, they still become sprouts of new victories. One of the most important tasks of psychodynamics of the School of Life is to help a person overcome the feeling of his own inferiority. And this is achieved through awareness of the successful results of your work. After all, nothing contributes to success more than success itself!

The practical benefits of keeping a diary are as follows: we build our whole life in a new way, clearly aiming it at success; we note growing self-confidence and faith in life itself, more and more targeted use of our inner strengths, the achievement of ever new results thanks to what has already been achieved, and, finally, an ever greater strengthening and qualitative change in our entire life as a whole.

So, we begin a new life, leading us to the heights of perfection!

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Success Diary I’ll share with you one secret that once helped me personally increase my income. I think you might find this interesting. In addition, this practice is directly related to the first homework. I suggest you start keeping a Diary

Hello, my dear readers and blog guests! We all strive for success and prosperity in life. But how to achieve this? What do you need to change in yourself? To program yourself for well-being, there is a special technique for keeping a success diary. The brain is designed in such a way that we tend to pay more attention to negative aspects in life. A person scrolls through negative information in his head much longer than positive information. To achieve positive life results, you must first focus on the good aspects of life. Usually, joys are quickly forgotten, and resentment, humiliation and criticism leave a deep mark on the soul. This spoils relationships with people and disrupts internal harmony.

If you ask the powers that be how they achieved success, most will answer that they were confident of victory. Receiving refusal over and over again, we still went towards the goal. Perseverance, faith in luck, and optimism allow you to move mountains.

If you lack motivation, then keeping a success diary will help you find it. Take a regular notebook and pen. Every day you need to record your victories and achievements in it, and in the evening analyze the events of the day.

Don't overreact to failures; as a rule, they contain the golden seed of success. Only through self-improvement can prosperity be achieved. Working on yourself is never easy. It is difficult to admit mistakes and your own failures; it is much easier to blame them on someone else. But, if you already realize that the lack of positive changes is mostly your fault, then you are on the way to it.

How to Keep a Success Diary

The basis of the success diary method consists of four basic points:

  • focusing on the positive

Keep a notebook where you will write down your achievements for the day and the main reasons for their occurrence, divide it into two columns. Make at least five entries throughout the day. This will help you focus on the positive. Usually, we pass by good joyful moments and small successes of everyday life, considering that this is all for granted. And we constantly scroll through problems, troubles and obstacles in our heads.

A success diary will help you see the good moments in life. In the first column you write down the result, and in the second its origins, for example:

  1. got to work on time - got up at the appointed time in the morning;
  2. made the calculation without errors - took the task responsibly.

In a few days you will be able to feel that life is not as meaningless as it seemed to you before. There is a lot of positivity in it. A is the basis of success. It is very difficult to cope with life's difficulties, considering yourself a failure in everything.

  • analysis

We can say that this is the basis of the technique. Only by looking at the growth of your success and achievements set in dynamics, you can understand what is slowing you down on the path of life and what is helping you.

Working on errors reveals “bottlenecks” on the way to achieving the goal and allows you to eliminate them in a timely manner. There is one rule: if some negative situation is systematically repeated in your life, for example, you are cheated in a store with change, a loved one leaves you, etc., then some kind of negative program is working.

If you fail at something, look within yourself for the reasons for your failures. You should not blame everyone around you, change yourself, and the world will change with you.

While working methodically to achieve a goal, it seems to us that the positive result is too small and too slow. This is why you need information from the success diary. Only in this case it needs to be accumulated, for example, over several months and a chart of positive results must be drawn up.

  • self-improvement work

Once you have figured out what is preventing you from achieving success, you need to take steps to eliminate the negativity. It will be better if you add another column to your success notebook, where you plan ways to solve problems.

An additional column will help stimulate further development and self-improvement. It’s like in mountaineering, you conquered one peak, and then you want to “climb the mountain” even higher and steeper. As you “conquer the peaks,” self-esteem grows, despondency recedes and motivation improves. The person begins to understand that life is interesting, and not at all dull and meaningless. In any of the most negative situations, you can gain invaluable positive experience that will help you in the future.

  • next steps

Work to eliminate bottlenecks must not only be planned and implemented. This is constant work on oneself, where procrastination means stagnation. Keep a success diary for at least six months, because after this period of time you can see the first positive results.

On the path to success, you must always look forward and try to calculate further steps and the possible results of certain actions. For example, a person is overweight and decides to lose weight. Every day you need to write down positive results in a notebook, for example, how much weight you have lost, what foods you have abstained from. What kind of self-improvement work is being done, for example, signing up for a gym. Next steps might include consulting with your best friend about where to find a professional nutritionist.

The method of keeping records of your successes is, in fact, excellent auto-training. It disciplines perfectly (with proper motivation) and allows you to tune in to the right mood.

Positive effects from the technique

Keeping a diary gives the following positive results within a month:

  • improved motivation

When a person begins to notice that life consists not only of mistakes and failures, but also of small victories and achievements, then he has an incentive to live and rejoice. He understands that a lot of things work out, just excessive self-criticism and concentration on the bad, all of this is leveled out.

Negativity, envy, criticism and fears are all destructive energy that destroys a person from the inside and steals success. All life consists of a chain of achieving certain goals. A success diary allows you to conduct self-analysis, identify the reasons for failures and constantly set new goals for yourself. Life acquires meaning, boredom and monotony go away.

  • sadness and depression will subside

A person who has certain life tasks will not become despondent and mope. If you are a single mother, then in caring for your child there will simply be no time for melancholy, if there is a small salary and gray everyday life, look at this as stability and confidence in the future. Try to offer something new in your work, your boss will appreciate it. The success diary allows you to feel that you, and it depends only on you, whether you will be successful or not.

  • self-esteem will increase and

When a person feels that he is a loser and cannot do anything good, his self-confidence drops greatly. This technique will allow you to look at your life from a different angle. If you keep records of what you have achieved and review them, your self-esteem will increase. The concept comes that each person is successful in his own way, and if you can’t get something in one direction, then you should find others that are perfect.

  • control over your own life

With the help of a success diary, you can feel that you are in control of your life process. Get rid of the feeling that someone decided everything for you - the government, the secret world community, the Freemasons, the little green men, etc. How a person acts at one time or another will determine his future life.

With the help of a success diary, an individual begins to feel this very well. You also need to realize that you won’t be able to completely take control of the life process; you leave room for chance and wonderful gifts in life.

In this way, you will acquire the main habit of successful people - the ability to concentrate on your own achievements.

  • Write down at least five positive things that happened to you during the day every day

This is the optimal number, from a psychological point of view. This amount is quite enough to get an idea of ​​the day’s successes and conduct an analysis.

  • be sure to take notes every day

This disciplines and allows you to increase motivation. After a month, it will become a habit, and you won’t have to force yourself.

  • It’s best to fill it out just before bed

This is necessary so that the brain can process information about the positive aspects of the day overnight and make a constructive analysis. This method allows you to generate interesting ideas well and find a way out of difficult life situations.

  • use the recording system that you like best

Develop your own methodology for recording records and further processing them. This is necessary so that the habit of keeping a success diary will be liked and taken root. Because it is very difficult to do something by forcing yourself. Turn this technique into a game. See you again!

Success Diary... As soon as we open one of the guides that have flooded the market in the spirit of “Success for Dummies,” a sea of ​​​​recommendations falls on us. One of these well-established pieces of advice is keep a success diary.

To be honest, this idea makes me protest just because it is replicated in such manuals. However, let's approach this objectively. Is a success diary useful? Is it worth it? Let's try to find out.

What is a success diary?

This is such a special useful (?) notebook where you carefully write down your achievements for the day every day. The authors of the guides recommend recording at least five achievements every day—any kind. If you managed to complete your boss’s assignment well at work, write it down. I made delicious borscht - write it down. I persuaded myself to do exercises - write it down again. And so every day. However, there are also democratic options: “make entries in your success diary every day, but be more creative, write down what you like.”

It’s logical: I’m so cool, I have a thick success diary and there are a lot of achievements on every page. How can you not believe in yourself?

3. (From the same opera, but let’s highlight it) Help in the fight against.
Suddenly our hands give up, the blues come over us - what will we do then? That's right, let's re-read the success diary and understand that everything is going as it should.

Analyzing your path to success, assessing what is being done correctly and what is not is always a useful thing. I would modestly add that I added this reason myself; the authors of success textbooks limit themselves to praises, God forgive me, of motivation.

Perhaps that's all.

It seems that everything is correct and good - the success diary really brings benefits in four areas. However, is everything so rosy and simple?

We won’t talk for long about increasing motivation. In my opinion (and I’ve already talked about this), artificially increasing motivation is not necessary and even harmful. I will only add that the motivation that a success diary gives is not exactly the motivation that you need: it is the motivation to successfully do various little things in life, distracting from the main thing.

Increased self-esteem and self-confidence. I have serious doubts here. Yes, your success diary can be filled to capacity - but with what? Well-knitted socks and well-run meetings? Even the most successful people don't found Google or win a Nobel Prize every day. (By the way: what do you think? these did people meticulously record their micro-successes?). You will always understand that all these “successes”, of which 5 pieces a day, are worthless. The creators of the guides also understand this: after all, they claim that EVERY person will find something to write in such a diary.

My deep conviction (I write “conviction” because I’m too lazy to prove): you can truly believe in yourself only by taking a sober look at your strengths and situation. Not turning a blind eye to anything, being honest with yourself is the main thing. Then self-confidence will not keep you waiting. This has already been discussed.

What else do we have there? Yep, help in the fight against depression. Well, against serious depression, a diary will only help people who are very unsure of themselves, and only if the cause of depression is precisely lack of self-confidence (and there can be so many reasons for it, right?). And in any case, this is only a one-time remedy; it does not treat the causes, but relieves the symptoms - or does not relieve them.

And finally: analysis and control. There's not even much to talk about here. Yes, there may be some benefit from a success diary, but even here there is too great a danger of deviating from the main line in favor of trifles. But that's not the point. The fact is that if a person requires analysis and control over the achievement of goals, then he will certainly use much more effective tools, of which there are many. It is much more useful in this sense to get into the habit of once a week specifically analyzing which goals were achieved, which were not, and what it taught.

Summing up
A success diary can bring some benefits: increased motivation, self-confidence; can serve as a tool for analyzing your goals and ways to achieve them. However, the effect it gives is illusory and purely temporary. In addition, it is clear that if a person has problems in these areas, then there are much more effective ways to solve them.

Moreover, there is a serious danger of being distracted from your real goals in favor of insignificant trifles. Yes, you will do these little things better. But your consciousness and subconscious will be aimed precisely at these little things. Intuition and reason will generate not very necessary, momentary ideas. You will deviate from your path and begin.

By the way, a very good, albeit very pretentious phrase, “your way.” Your. Individual. But the success diary reeks of psychological consumer goods, doesn’t it?

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