When calculating the throttle washer installed in heat consumption installations of industrial buildings,

Δ r w = r e.d. - (Δ r c + Δ r y),

where Δ rс – pressure loss in the network from the input to the device, MPa;

Δ r y – pressure loss in the heat-consuming installation, MPa;

r e.d. – available pressure after the throttle washer installed on thermal input, MPa.

The available pressure after the throttle washer installed on the thermal input is taken based on the following conditions:

1) the size of the washer hole in the device must be at least 2.5 mm;

2) the heat consumption system must be hydraulically stable, i.e. so that the ratio of the pressure loss in the device (together with the washer) to the available pressure after the diaphragm at the thermal input is as close as possible to 1.

/ Throttle washers at the thermal input and at the heat-consuming device are mounted, as a rule, on the supply pipeline after the shut-off valve between the flanges or in the outlets. Washers are installed on the return pipeline only when the pressure in it is below static (taking into account the vapor pressure of superheated water). If, when installing a washer on the return pipeline, the system or device becomes dangerous under pressure for its strength, it is necessary to install two washers: on the return pipeline to raise the pressure in it to the washer along the way above the static one (taking into account the vapor pressure of superheated water) by 0.05 MPa and on the supply pipeline to extinguish the remaining excess pressure./

Orifice washer for installation in flanges

The throttle washer installed between the flanges is shown in the figure, and its dimensions are in the table. The hole diameter d is taken by calculation. The thickness of the washer for pipes with a diameter of up to 89 mm is 2-3 mm, over 89 mm - 3-4 mm. If there is a valve or valve, the washer is installed between the valves (or valve) and the heat sink in the flange connection.

50. Thermal and hydraulic calculation of a water-water sectional heater

Sectional heaters of the Mosenergo Heating Network type, manufactured according to OST-34-588-68, have wide practical application. The housings of these heaters are made of steel pipes, and the heating surface is made of brass tubes L-68 with a diameter of 16/14 mm, thermal conductivity coefficient λ=110.7 W/(m∙K). The tube sheets are welded to the heater body.

In water-water heaters, fairly high heat transfer coefficients are usually achieved, approximately 1000-1500 W/(m 2 ∙K). Typically, heater sections are made 4 m long.

At closed system heating supply, when the connection of the hot water supply system is carried out through water-water heaters, the switching scheme of these heaters is mainly determined by the temperature regime of the heating network and the ratio of the maximum heat consumption for hot water supply and heating should be adopted in accordance with SNiP 2.04.07-86:

a) 0.2 < < 1.0 - according to a two-stage sequential circuit

Where Q o - calculated thermal load heating, Gcal/h;

Q hot water supply - calculated heat load of hot water supply, Gcal/h;

b) for other ratios - according to a single-stage parallel circuit.

Rice. 50.1. Single-stage parallel circuit for connecting a water heater

Rice. 50.2. Two-stage serial connection diagram

water heater

A two-stage sequential connection scheme for hot water supply water heaters is usually used at increased temperature chart(graph of central regulation based on total load).

The calculation sequence is as follows:

1) based on the given loads, the connection diagram for the water-water heater is determined;

2) the type of heater and its corresponding technical specifications from the table;

3) sequential calculations are made in accordance with the connection diagram;

4) at the end, it is checked that the total hydraulic resistance of the network water at the flow rate of the network water is no more than 50 kPa. If the value hydraulic resistance If it turns out more, then it is necessary to change the type of heater to a higher one, and repeat the calculation, taking into account the characteristics of this heater.

Calculation sequence for single-stage

parallel heater connection diagram:

1. Average temperature heating water, 0 C

t gr.sr =( t 1 - t 2)/2,

Where t 1 - temperature of heating water at the inlet to the heater, 0 C;

t 2 - temperature of heating water at the outlet to the heater, 0 C.

2. Average temperature of heated water, 0 C

t n.sr =( t P1 - t P2)/2,

Where t P1 - temperature of heated water at the inlet to the heater, 0 C;

t P2 - temperature of heated water at the outlet to the heater, 0 C.

3. Heating water consumption, kg/h


where is the thermal performance of the water heater in design mode, kcal/h.

4. Heated water consumption, kg/h

5. Speed ​​of heating water (in the annulus), m/s


where is the open cross-sectional area of ​​the interpipe space, m 2 ;

Washer services for heating and heat supply systems in Perm and the Perm region. Throttle washers are installed in heating points apartment buildings, manufacturing enterprises, schools. The washers are placed between the pipeline flanges in the control unit. The initiator of washering of heating networks is the heat supply organization.

  • Heating points:
  • Design
  • Installation
  • Service
  • Automation

The washer is installed on the pipeline between the flanges.

In systems with constantly changing coolant flow, it is recommended to use differential pressure regulators that are capable of providing a stable hydraulic mode regardless of pressure fluctuations in heating networks and operation automatic systems regulate coolant consumption, as well as prevent the contractual coolant consumption through your metering units from exceeding the contractual rate.

The need to use differential pressure regulators is explained by the fact that with a change in water flow, the differential on the washer changes according to a quadratic law, that is, an increase in flow by 2 times entails an increase in the differential on the diaphragm by 2² = 4 times, and a reduction in flow by 3 times will reduce the throttled pressure on the washer 3² = 9 times.

The changing flow rate in the heating network is associated with automatic regulators thermal energy consumption installed on neighboring buildings located on the same heat supply line. When the ATS control valves close, the pressure in the heating main increases. Houses not equipped with automatic heating are forced to pump excess flow through themselves.

A modern analogue for systems with constant hydraulic mode is a balancing valve, the resistance of which can be changed by manual adjustment, and the specified setting is sealed.

Get free consultation heating engineering!

Washers come in support and restrictive types

Limiting - to extinguish excess pressure, which is the difference between the available pressure at the inlet and the total pressure loss of the internal heating system. Installed on the feed.

Supporting - If static pressure return pipeline is less than the height of the building. Installed on the return line.

If the calculated diameter of the washer is too small, it is better to install two larger diameter ones; they can be divided - one on the supply, one on the return, again taking into account the pressure in the network.

The washers are installed and sealed by the heat supply organization to balance their heating networks.

Installation of throttle washers on heating systems in Perm and the Territory

Installation of throttle washers on heating systems in Perm and the Region. Washer services for heating and heat supply systems in Perm and the Perm region. Throttle washers are installed in thermal

Why are throttle washers needed?

Washing of heating networks

Effect of installing washers

First stage

  • Drawing up an as-built diagram of the heating system indicating the diameters of pipelines, their lengths, locations of fittings (in the absence of a project)
  • Collection of data on the internal air temperature in apartments, specifying which apartments are warm and which are cold
  • Analysis of the causes of unsatisfactory operation of the heating system, identification of problematic risers (apartments)

Second stage

  • Development of recommendations for improving the operation of the heating station and heating system
  • Installation of control washers on risers (the customer can carry out this work independently)

Third stage

  • Analysis of the new steady state after washing the heating system
  • Adjusting the size of washers in places where the required result has not been achieved (by calculation)
  • Removing washers that require adjustment, installing new washers

Washer costs

The costs of washering are low - this is the cost of the washers themselves and their installation on the risers.

Installation is not our topic.

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Calculation of the throttle washer

Purpose and design of shims

The heating network diagram represents complex design, consisting of a boiler, pipe fasteners, lines, batteries, coolant distributor, circulation pumps and expansion tank. The throttle washer in the heating system is needed for uniform distribution hot water flow moving through pipes. Without it, the coolant from a boiler or other heating source is distributed unevenly. That is, more hot water flows into the rooms located near the boiler room, and the remainder goes to the distant rooms.

The throttle washer, mounted in the heating system on pipeline branches, is a metal part with a selected hole smaller than the diameter of the pipe. Thanks to such control elements, it is possible to effectively heat rooms with the least energy consumption.

Due to the presence of washers in the heating pipeline of the building, the total coolant consumption in the heating system is reduced by 1.5 - 3 times, from which the following advantages can be distinguished:

  • saves electrical energy, necessary for the operation of circulation pumps;
  • the fuel consumption required to heat water to the required temperature in the pipeline is reduced;
  • the temperature of the coolant at the outlet of the heat source increases.

Installing throttle washers in a heating system requires certain knowledge and skills. Therefore, such work must be performed by qualified specialists.

Installing the throttle washer

In practice, the process of washering a heating pipeline is carried out in several stages.

  • inspection for uniform temperature distribution of the heating system, starting from the source and ending with the remote heating point;
  • a diagram is drawn up indicating the pipe diameters, shut-off valves and lengths;
  • obtaining temperature data separately for each room;
  • analysis of the shortcomings of the two-pipe heating network.
  • calculations are made of throttle valves with holes;
  • an algorithm is being developed to improve the operation of the heating system;
  • throttling elements are installed on pipeline branches - mounted in places where valves are installed at the inlet to the consumer or in threaded connections pipes
  • checking the assembled heating circuit
  • study of improvement criteria after installing washers;
  • replacing washers in places where there is no required indicator - replacing them with dampers with less or large diameter depending on the temperature in a specific section of the highway;

From the specified algorithm of technological and technical process the most important thing is the ability to accurately calculate the diameter of the washers. To do this, it is necessary to use figures obtained from calculations, which must be consistent with the reference data.

How to calculate the throttle washer

The diameters of the throttle element holes are calculated using the formula:

When the calculation is performed, the provided formula requires taking into account:

H - throttled pressure (m water column);

G – flow rate of heat-carrying liquid (t/hour).

It is important to know that before installing throttle diaphragms, you must thoroughly flush the heating system. To ensure that the system is not forgotten by debris, it is necessary to install washers of at least 3 mm. You also need to know that dismantling washers in systems under pressure is prohibited.

Setting the size of the washers must be done for each room. Maximum efficiency achieved when they are installed on all circuits and in all rooms. In parallel with the installation of these elements, it is necessary to check the functioning of the circulation pumps and their compliance with the required standards.

Washing the heating network will allow you to distribute hot water throughout all rooms depending on their needs. In this way, you can heat the furthest points to the required temperature without additionally increasing the power of the heat source.

Why do you need a throttle washer for heating?

When in houses on engineering equipment, and in particular on intra-house heating networks, throttle washers (restrictive devices) are installed for the residents of the house, as a rule, heating devices(batteries) do not heat up to the required temperature thermal regime until the diameter of the hole and the temperature in the apartments are adjusted (adjusted).
Some people may have been lucky - people did not notice what was happening. It has a very strong impact on someone. Last season, we simply froze in our apartments for 2 months until we reached out to Dom Plus to make the hole wider.

What's happening? The hole narrows, the flow (consumption) of heating into the house decreases, which means savings for them, but discomfort for us.
“Dom Plus” was simply the very first to rush into this pool, the most efficient, damn it.
When there are no proper calculations, nor compliance with the standard remaining parameters of the heating unit (pressure, temperature).

So here it is. WHAT is interesting for us, besides the temperature in our apartments?
And the fact is that these same works on installing throttle washers do NOT have the right to be carried out WITHOUT coordination with the owners, but they are carried out. This time.
And secondly, just imagine, they are paid NOT from the pocket of STC, which saves, NOT from the pocket of the Management Company, which negotiates with them and does what they do, but from our pockets.

This is the kind of parsley that emerged when studying the financial statements of the management company.
Plus, we also pay for the adjustment of all this rigmarole.

We were assigned this adjustment every month until May, although it was set in October or November.

How much or little is this 7.5 thousand for installing 2 washers with all the associated work, plus the cost of adjustment. but this is in our 2nd entrance building. I won’t look at it myself, although I really want to see where the washers are or are, because the options I heard are that there is one at the entrance to the house and that it is placed separately at each entrance. According to the report, we supplied 2 pieces.

If anyone knows, please tell me, write down HOW this is done. For every entrance.

Those. if for each entrance, then we have 7.5 thousand for 2 entrances, and for 8 it will be more than 4 times.
It doesn’t seem like much, but, damn it, you’d better pay that money to the cleaners to keep the hallways clean! Here we are FOR!
And so, just for fun, for cleaning 2 entrances 9 floors (!) stands out in total 1000 per month, but for cleaning 2 elevator cabins, i.e. in total 2 m2, 1200 are allocated per month. Well, for comparison. Because the CC workers wash their cubicles themselves. And in the end, no one cleans entrances for that kind of money.
Lyrical digression.

It turns out that for this work (installing throttle washers, which only harmed us!) 7,644 rubles were written off from the house account. Did we really need this in order to pay for it?

This is NOT our whim and NOT our demand, it was NOT made according to our desire and statement!! The initiative was the company "STK", its desire to save, support - the city Administration, execution management company– WITHOUT coordination with the property owners (!), and for some reason we have to pay for their “wants”.

Why should we pay for our own INCONVENIENCE and COMFORT.
We considered the withdrawal of these funds from the house account to be illegal and appealed to the Prosecutor's Office.

The same E. Andrianov was in charge of the case.
The answer came.

If we have these documents, then logically an employee of the Prosecutor’s Office should also have them. And we have a copy of one such Protocol. Those. took part in at least one.

2. ". Based on the analysis of these standards, it follows that before starting work on installing throttling devices, it was necessary to coordinate these actions with the administration of the city of Pervouralsk as the owner of the property - heating networks and as a local government body to carry out such activities. However, any municipal regulatory regulation regarding installation to urban heating networks throttling devices in the form of a regulatory legal act of a local government body not available the initiator of this company was essentially a third party legal entity, local government bodies, first of all, the Housing and Communal Services Department for the Municipality of Pervouralsk acted as third-party observers of this situation...”

We have a copy of the letter from the Administration to all management companies, and it specifically refers to the installation of throttle washers.
And again - we have such a document, but the Prosecutor’s Office, well, damn it, didn’t have it.
In addition, our statement did NOT talk about “about urban heating networks”. The statement states that throttling washers were installed in houses. In a specific case - in our house. What does regulatory legislation and city heating networks have to do with it?
The answer is NOT given to the essence of the question. Absolutely.

Unsubscribe for illiterate people. They will write in florid legal language, in the wilds of which the essence cannot be found. It is clear that people “merge” in their lack of understanding of what is written.
Taking into account the mentality - “The prosecutor’s office responded. Since they answered like that. That means we're probably wrong. »

Well, when else do we have such “specialists” in our bodies? state power and control, like E. Koryako from the Committee on protection consumer rights and E. Andrianov from the Prosecutor's Office. Where should people go? for help.

And it’s not even about housing and communal services or the management company. but about WHO works and HOW they protect us.

Washers for the heating system - HOA Horizont Perm

Washing of heating networks is produced with the aim of distributing coolant flows between consumers in accordance with their needs. Without regulation, hot water from the heat source mostly flows into buildings located near the boiler room. The remaining small volume of water is directed to the periphery. Distant buildings do not have enough heat, they freeze, while nearby buildings experience overheating. People, opening their windows, literally heat the street.

To prevent this from happening, restrictive washers with a calibrated hole of a smaller cross-section than the pipeline are installed on the branches of heating networks to buildings. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to increase the volume of coolant for remote buildings.

The calculation of washers (hole size) is made for each house depending on the required amount of heat. Positive result from washing heating networks can only be obtained in the case of 100% coverage of all buildings connected to the heating network. In parallel with washering, it is necessary to match the operation of the pumps in the boiler room with the hydraulic resistance of the heating network and.

Effect of installing washers

After installing the washers, the coolant flow through the pipelines of the heating network is reduced by 1.5-3 times. Accordingly, the number of operating pumps in the boiler room also decreases. This results in savings in fuel, electricity, and chemicals for make-up water. It becomes possible to increase the temperature of the water leaving the boiler room. For more information about setting up external heating networks and the scope of work, see.....Here you need to provide a link to the section of the site “Setting up heating networks”

Washers are necessary not only for regulating external heating networks, but also for heating systems inside buildings. The heating system risers located further from the heating point located in the house receive hot water less, it’s cold in the apartments here. It is hot in apartments located close to the heating station, as more coolant flows to them. The distribution of coolant flows among the risers in accordance with the required amount of heat is also carried out by calculating the washers and their installation on the risers.

Stages of washer heating system

First stage

Inspection of the main heating system pipelines in the basement and attic (if any)
Drawing up an as-built diagram of the heating system indicating the diameters of pipelines, their lengths, locations of fittings (in the absence of a project)
Collection of data on the internal air temperature in apartments, specifying which apartments are warm and which are cold
Analysis of the causes of unsatisfactory operation of the heating system, identification of problematic risers (apartments)

Second stage

Hydraulic calculation of the heating system, calculation of washers
Development of recommendations for improving the operation of the heating station and heating system
Installation of control washers on risers (the customer can carry out this work independently)

Third stage

Checking the implementation of recommended measures
Analysis of the new steady state after washing the heating system
Adjusting the size of washers in places where the required result has not been achieved (by calculation)
Removing washers that require adjustment, installing new washers

On internal systems Heating washers can be installed in both winter and summer. Check their work only in heating season.

Washer costs

The costs of washering are low - this is the cost of the washers themselves and their installation on the risers. The cost of work on regulating internal heating systems depends on the thermal power of the building (the number of risers).

Minimum price - 40 thousand rubles. with a heating system thermal power of up to 0.5 Gcal/h. The cost of regulating the heating system of a multi-section house can reach up to 150 thousand rubles. Increased cost of work occurs when there is no project documentation. In this case, it is necessary to take a full-scale photograph of the heating system and its measurements (diameters, lengths of pipelines, locations of fittings).

Washers for the heating system - HOA Horizont Perm

Washers for the heating system - Homeowners Association Horizon Perm Washing of heating networks is carried out in order to distribute the coolant flows between consumers in accordance with their needs. Without

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Installing a throttling diaphragm, usually with an opening equal to 0 25 of the cross-sectional area of ​​the pipeline, leads to a significant, although not always sufficient, attenuation of pressure fluctuations, but at the same time it introduces throttling losses, absorbing a significant part of the energy savings from eliminating resonant oscillations.  

The installation of throttle diaphragms is carried out in order to increase the steam pressure in the steam supply system and also ensure a more uniform supply of steam to consumers. This ensures greater stability steam network and operation of installations that consume steam. If according to technical reasons It is impossible to fully use the available steam pressure in the consumption installation, then the pressure loss in the throttle diaphragm should be 8 - 10 times higher than the pressure loss in the steam line to which this consumer is connected.  

A number of factories provide pressure reduction for workshops by installing a throttle diaphragm, which is easy to manufacture and does not require special care in operation.  

Increasing the hydraulic resistance of heat consumption systems or individual devices is achieved by installing throttle diaphragms on each device or at the heating points of the systems. Control valves can be installed instead of throttle diaphragms.  

The simplest automatic regulation temperature conditions in installations is carried out by installing throttle diaphragms. During the isothermal conditioning period, steam enters through a bypass steam line with a smaller diaphragm diameter.  

The distribution of steam among individual heat receivers is carried out by adjusting pressure regulators, and for consumers with constant flow pair - by installing throttle diaphragms of appropriate diameters.  

Steam distribution over individual systems heat consumption should be carried out by adjusting pressure regulators, and for consumers with a constant steam flow - by installing throttle diaphragms of appropriate diameters.  

In this case, both hot and cold water. You can also reduce the influence of water supply points on each other by installing throttle diaphragms (washers with small holes) in front of the water supply fittings and on separate parts water supply systems.  

The diaphragm partially transmits the pressure wave and partially reflects it. The effect of using a diaphragm depends on the location of its installation and is greatest if the waves reflected from the diaphragm and from the end of the pipeline are mutually displaced by half a period. Installing a throttle diaphragm with an opening that is usually 0 25 of the cross-sectional area of ​​the pipeline leads to a significant (sometimes fivefold), but not always sufficient attenuation of the vibration. It is advisable to make diaphragms with an eccentric hole, offset until it touches the pipeline hole. Such diaphragms better reflect the acoustic wave and, when installed on a horizontal section of the pipeline, do not interfere with the flow of condensate and oil. They are installed in connectors between flanges and, due to the simplicity of such a device, are often used to eliminate resonant oscillations detected during a test run of the compressor.  

However, modern science questions the feasibility of building such giants. The essence of this method is to install throttle diaphragms on the supply and return pipelines heating network for heat consumers. The cross sections of these diaphragms are determined from the condition of equality of pressure in the supply and return pipes all heat consumers in design mode. This method ensures a proportional change in flow rate for all consumers at variable hot water supply loads.  

In connection with the above, the main condition for designing an effective flotation installation with radial flotators should be considered the closeness of its layout. In this case, the throttling element should be located near the water distributor of the flotator. One solution may be to install throttling diaphragms in the pipeline immediately before the water distributor. It is advisable to design these diaphragms for a pressure drop of no more than 40 kgf/cm2 at maximum flow water.  

In small industrial enterprises, in order to facilitate manual control of the steam supply to consumers, steam supply systems operate at a higher low pressures than this can be allowed based on the strength conditions of the steam pipeline. This leads to a sharp decrease in the stability of its operation and disruption of the condensate collection system, which must not be allowed. With increasing pressure it becomes return possible condensate to the steam supply source through automatic condensate drains. The installation of throttle diaphragms facilitates this possibility.  

Hot water supply systems for baths, laundries, swimming pools, hotels and hospitals are usually equipped with storage tanks. In installations air heating And supply ventilation The heaters are mainly switched on in series with water. Each heater installation is equipped with shut-off valves at the coolant inlet and outlet, as well as sleeves for thermometers on the supply and return pipelines. In addition, heater installations of fresh air ventilation and air heating systems are equipped with automatic regulators that ensure the operation of the installations in the specified mode. In heater installations, if there is no coolant flow regulator, a flange connection is provided on the supply pipeline after the shut-off valve for installing a throttle diaphragm.  

Pages:      1

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