Hanging plants are often used by landscape designers to create an effect decorative cascade. Dichondra, a perennial, evergreen herbaceous vine, has become very popular. Its stems grow up to 150cm in length. The leaves are small, round or slightly elongated, and the flowers are small. The color of the flowers is light yellow or purple.

Dichondra “Emerald Falls” - subtleties of growing from seeds

Variety " Emerald Falls» has round leaves Not big size. The color of the leaves is bright green. Grown in hanging planters for decorating balconies, walls, arches.


The most favorable time for sowing is the period from January 15 to February 5. To grow dichondra, wooden boxes 5 cm deep are used. Small pebbles are poured onto the bottom of the box as a drainage layer and the container is filled to the top with soil. Light, fertile soil is best for growing seedlings. It must be watered with potassium humate. The seeds are laid on the surface of the soil and pressed lightly with your hand. The boxes are covered with film and placed on the windowsill, covering the glass with newspaper so that they are straight. Sun rays did not fall on the container with seeds. The room temperature should be no lower than 24 degrees.

A week later, the first shoots appear. By the end of the second week, the seeds should germinate en masse. The film from the boxes must be removed. During this growth period, seedlings are especially susceptible to temperature changes and drafts. In the evening hours and cloudy days, additional lighting should be provided. If there is not enough light, the sprouts will elongate excessively.

Video: how to sow dichondra

Watering is carried out using a spray bottle in moderate quantities. Excess moisture destructive to seedlings. Thinning is carried out when the seedlings have two leaves. A distance of 2 cm is left between the sprouts. Since the seedlings grow very slowly, they will become stronger and take on a healthy appearance approximately 100 days after germination. They can be planted in a flowerbed after the plants have become stronger and side shoots begin to grow.

Transplantation and care

When transplanting, a distance of up to 30 cm should be left between seedlings. Each seedling is planted in a separate hole, the soil around is slightly compacted and, after abundant watering, mulched with peat. IN hanging pots 6-7 seedlings with a diameter of 15 cm are planted.

To form a crown in the form of a waterfall, from time to time it is necessary to trim the upper loops and remove protruding shoots. After the wintering period, mandatory pruning of shoots is necessary. They are shortened to 10 cm. This promotes the formation of new shoots.

Watering should be frequent, but not abundant. During the dry period, in addition to daily watering, spraying the plant is recommended.

Fertilizing is applied every 15 days until the beginning of September, if the plant remains for the winter. If it is moved indoors, then feeding continues at intervals of once every 30 days. For this they use mineral fertilizers For ornamental plants with a predominance of nitrogen and potassium.

Dichondra ampelous - growing from seeds and further care

Sowing of seeds is carried out from late January to early March. Sowing dates must be calculated taking into account that decorative look the plant acquires 120 days after the first shoots. When growing dichondra, the following recommendations should be followed:

  1. For sowing, use light fertile soil with the addition of sand.
  2. The growing container should be no more than 5 cm deep.
  3. The seeds are laid out on the surface of the soil and sprinkled with a 5 mm layer of soil.
  4. The container is covered with polyethylene.
  5. The room temperature should be 25 degrees.

If the seedlings have two true leaves, they must be transplanted into containers for constant growth, 3 sprouts in each pot. As the shoots grow, they must be bent to the ground so that they can take on new roots.

Growing seedlings from seeds at home

Seeds for seedlings should be sown from January 20 to February 15. Before sowing seeds for better germination soak for 1 hour in a solution of hydrogen peroxide prepared in the following proportion:

  • water-200 ml;
  • hydrogen peroxide - 1 tablespoon.

The soil for sowing should be light and loose. Three seeds are sown in one pot, deepening them 1 cm into the soil. Cover the pot with film and place in plastic bag. The first shoots will appear in 7 days. Remove the polyethylene and move the seedlings to a well-lit place. You need to ensure that the soil is moderately moist.

If there are two true leaves, the seedlings are transplanted into a hanging pot or placed in separate glasses before planting in the garden. Before planting in a flower bed, seedlings must be hardened off.

Reproduction of Dichondra by layering

Dichondra's shoot must be sprinkled with soil. The sprinkled shoot will take root in 7 days and produce new shoots. After 30 days, the new shoot is carefully cut off, dug up by the roots and transplanted onto permanent place growth. Reproduction by layering is considered the most in a simple way reproduction.

Dichondra “Silver” - growing technology

Dichondra " Silver Falls" has small round leaves that resemble a silver coin. The length of the shoots is 150 cm. The flowers are small and purple in color. Goes well with flowering plants.

Sowing seeds must be done from January 20 to February 15. Before sowing, inspect the seeds for fungal infection and soak for 12 hours in a solution of a growth stimulator or in aloe juice. This will speed up seed germination.

The container for growing seedlings must be large, but not deep, since root system The plant is located close to the soil surface. The seeds must be sown in soil mixed with sand in a 1:1 ratio. Before sowing the seeds, the soil is well moistened, the seeds are sown in holes 0.5 cm deep, lightly sprinkled with soil. Cover the container with polyethylene and place it in a room with a temperature of + 23 degrees. periodically moisten with a spray bottle to keep it moist. The first shoots will appear in 7 days.

After the emergence of seedlings, the polyethylene must be removed every day for two hours so that the plants get used to fresh air. After a week, the film is removed and the plants are sprayed less frequently.

Fertilizing must be done every 15 days. Mineral fertilizers for ornamental plants are used for feeding.

Video: dichondra “Silver Falls”

30 days after germination, two true leaves grow on the seedlings. During this period, it is necessary to plant the seedlings in separate pots of several pieces. After establishing warm weather seedlings must be taken outside for several hours. 14 days after the start of hardening, the plants can be planted in a permanent place of growth. Transplantation is carried out in early June.

Transplantation into open ground

Before transplanting Dichondra into open ground, you need to choose a place and prepare the area. The plant loves light and warmth, so it will feel comfortable in a well-lit place. The plant can grow on any soil, but loamy soil with weak acidity is preferable.

The site must be prepared in advance. The soil is dug up and their roots are removed. After digging, it is well loosened, leveled with a rake and moistened.

When planting, it is necessary to take into account the distance between seedlings. If dichondra will be combined with other plants, then it should be planted with a gap of 35 cm between seedlings. If the plant is planted as a ground cover, then the distance should be 15 cm. The holes should be made at least 3 cm deep so that the roots and part of the shoot can fit into it.


In order for the plant to grow beautiful and healthy, it needs the following care:

  1. should be regular and carried out as the top layer of soil dries. Watering should not be excessive, as excess moisture can cause root rot.
  2. Top dressing applied every 7 days, and it is necessary to alternate mineral supplements with a predominance of nitrogen and organic fertilizers.
  3. Trimming plants are held in autumn period before wintering. The shoots are shortened by 10 cm in order to form a more magnificent bush shape. Trimmed shoots will produce new shoots in the spring.

Growing Dichondra as a houseplant

In addition to growing in the garden, Dichondra is grown and how indoor plant. They plant him like independent plant, and in combination with flowering plants, creating a composition. If dichondria is grown in combination with other plants, then it is planted along the edge of a wide pot and, as it grows, the shoots cascade down, creating the effect of a waterfall around the blooming flowers.

When the plant grows and the roots push out through drainage hole it needs to be transplanted into a larger pot. The transplant is carried out as follows:

  1. Cut off the roots that have escaped from the drainage hole.
  2. With one hand they take the bottom of the pot, with the other hand they hold the shoots.
  3. The pot is turned over so that it is on top.
  4. Remove the pot from the plant and move it to a larger container.
  5. The free space is covered with soil.

IN room conditions dichondra can be grown as annual plant. In autumn, the plant is pruned, and the cut shoots are used as cuttings for rooting.

Dichondra is used by landscape designers to create compositions, decorate rooms, create sculptures and landscaping. In offices and institutions, dichondra is placed in hanging flower pots to decorate the interior. At proper care The lifespan of the plant is six years.

Since the plant has a strong immunity to diseases and does not require special care, it will not be difficult to grow a green waterfall, which for a long time will serve as a living decoration.

“Silver Falls” belongs to the genus Convolvulaceae - these are ampelous perennial decorative deciduous vines. This plant has naturally settled in East Asian, Australian and American countries.

Dichondra is valued for its decorative appearance, which is preserved thanks to its densely arranged leaves and creeping branches, so dichondra is used to create compositions in and as decoration for gardens and loggias.

Biological features

Important! You should take care of a good one, since dichondra does not like stagnant water and does not tolerate excessive soil moisture. If you don't take care of this, it may die from rotting of the root system.

To plant seeds, it is necessary to prepare the soil, which will contain fertile soil and sand in equal quantities. Before sowing plants, the soil must be well moistened.

Sowing depth

The depth of sowing dichondra seeds should be small: it is usually sown in shallow, up to 0.5 cm, holes and lightly sprinkle earth on top. It is not recommended to press the top layer of soil too hard.

Crop care

After the seeds are placed in the soil, care must be taken to ensure that the soil does not dry out. For this it is recommended spray with a spray bottle top layer of soil so that it does not lose its looseness. In order for the seeds to germinate well, it is recommended cover the container with film, achieving the greenhouse effect. It is recommended to keep the crops in a warm place so that the air temperature is not lower than +22 degrees. Before the first shoots appear, it is necessary to maintain sufficiently high humidity.

If you did everything correctly, then in about a week the first shoots will appear.

Did you know? In Southern California in the 60s, dichondra was used as an alternative because it was considered resistant to trampling and could tolerate light frosts. However, such an experiment was not successful because it required enormous effort and time to achieve the ideal one.

Seedling care

After the first shoots of dichondra appear, it is necessary to begin to accustom the plant to open air: To do this, greenhouses are regularly ventilated, opening the film every day for an hour or two. After the plants are completely accustomed to the open air, after 1 week it is recommended to reduce the humidity - spray less often.

Dichondra seedlings need to be watered regularly as soon as you notice that the soil has dried out. You should also feed seedlings for ornamental plants, which can be purchased at a specialty store and used according to the instructions on the label.

The first true leaves appear just a month after the plant sprouts. It is at this time that it is recommended to carry out picking seedlings. Seedlings are planted in separate pots, and several specimens can be placed in each pot.

Planting seedlings in open ground

When it is warm outside, you can take out the seedlings so that they get used to the open air, and after a while they can be planted in open ground.

Optimal timing

Dichondra seedlings can be planted in open ground when the air temperature during the day does not drop below +20 degrees, and at night not below +15 degrees; Estimated disembarkation time: end of May - beginning of June.

Selecting a location

Dichondra can be planted in both sun and shade, but “Silver Falls” prefers a brighter place and develops well in the sun. you can choose any one for planting, since this plant not demanding on this factor. But if you provide the dichondra with loamy and well-moistened soils, then the plant will feel excellent.

Site preparation

Before planting dichondra in open ground, you must first prepare the area. To do this, you should carefully remove everything, as well as their rhizomes, which will hinder the development of the plant.

Important! Try to plant dichondra not very close to other plants while it is still quite small and weak, because their roots can inhibit its development and growth of the root system.

After the soil has been dug up, it must be well loosened and moistened.

Optimal scheme

Considering that the plant develops quite slowly, this factor should be taken into account when planting dichondra. If you plan to use dichondra as a plant, it is recommended to plant at a distance of 15 cm from each other, but if planting will take place in order to subsequently combine dichondra with other plants, then it is recommended to plant at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other.

To plant seedlings you need to do holes up to 3 cm deep so that the root system and 1/3 of the dichondra shoot fit completely in them.

Use in garden compositions

Plants can be planted either separately or in combination with other flowers. Dichondra can be combined with,: they will make a wonderful composition and will look very impressive together. Often also combined different varieties dichondras, for example, “Silver Falls” can be combined with “Emerald Falls”: they will present an excellent picture of a lush and lush covering of silver and bright green shoots.

In order to grow beautiful and healthy plant, you must adhere to some rules for caring for dichondra.


Watering is very important part When caring for a plant, it must be done regularly, as soon as the soil dries out a little. It is important to ensure that during subsequent watering the soil is not excessively wet, which can lead to rotting of the root system.


In order for dichondra to actively develop and please the eye with its abundantly growing silvery leaves and long shoots, it is necessary to apply and in a timely manner.
It is recommended to fertilize once a week, while alternating mineral fertilizers with a high content of and. Ideal fertilizer is good for silver dichondra, but there are a lot of them in a specialized store, and they will tell you which one is best to use.


In order for the dichondra to form a beautiful and lush crown, it is recommended to carry out autumn pruning shoots. Before the dichondra leaves for the winter, it is necessary to cut off all shoots by 10 cm: such manipulation will provoke spring branching of the dichondra next year.

Reproduction by layering

When pruning the Silver Falls dichondra, you can try to root the branches that are pruned. It is worth choosing healthy, intact and strong branches. They can be placed in a container with soil, as for growing from seeds, and stored under.

The stem is dug into the soil and pressed in several areas, then the plant is watered with a growth stimulating agent. Through certain time
in the area that was covered with soil, roots will form and dichondra sprouts will form.

It should be borne in mind that the air temperature should not be lower than 20 degrees, so rooting should be carried out on indoor window sills or heated verandas.

How to survive winter Dichondra is very sensitive to low temperatures and often simply does not worry, so the question arises: how to preserve the plant in winter. Influence low temperatures on dichondra is due to the fact that during the season it does not manage to grow to an impressive size; for this, the flower requires more than one year, since it grows quite slowly. Of course, it will be a shame if your pet, which you have raised for so long and carefully, simply dies over the winter, and you will have to do everything all over again.

Therefore, it is necessary to consider everything possible ways How to save a plant and help it overwinter.

The whole wintering process will be much easier if the plant was planted in. In this case, you will simply bring the dichondra into the room. But here, too, not everything is so simple. Dry indoor air, which most often prevails in heated rooms, winter period
can destroy a plant that requires moisture. To protect the dichondra from drying out, you should provide it with a fairly cool room, the air temperature of which will be no higher than +18 degrees

. You can arrange the temperature lower, but if it is below 15 degrees, the plant will stop growing. If the plant was planted in open ground, then in this case everything is more complicated. There is a very high probability that in a winter with little snow the plant will freeze, given that the root system of the dichondra is in top layer soil. To try to protect the flower as much as possible in winter, from the fall, when the first small frosts begin, the plant is covered

or dry leaves. It is recommended to carry out this manipulation especially carefully, and the cover layer should be at least 6-8 cm.

Thus, dichondra is a plant that requires a lot of attention and time. If you decide to plant it in open ground, then be prepared for the fact that you may not see it in the spring. But most flower growers are not afraid of this possibility, because if you take care of the plant and surround it with as much attention as possible, then as a reward it will decorate your yard with abundant green waterfalls of incredible beauty.

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helped Dichondra is perennial herbaceous type , which belongs to the Bindweed family. In nature, dichondra is found in fairly wide areas of America, Australia and East Asia. The plant lives in swamps and wet. Dichondra takes its name from Greek language. It is literally translated as “two grains” and is due to the special structure of the fruit.

Dichondra has beautiful creeping stems, upland-like, that can be easily rooted. The leaves are round and opposite. Petioles reach a length of 3 cm. Blooms small flowers about 3 mm in diameter. Color - purple, greenish or white.

When grown indoors, the most common is dichondra silver (creeping), which has two varieties - dichondra emerald waterfall and dichondra silver waterfall.

Location and lighting

The level of illumination for dichondra depends on the color of its leaves. So dichondra with green tint leaves can grow well in the shade and in the sun, but with a silver tint - only in a well-lit place.


At any time of the year, the temperature in the room should vary from 18 to 25 degrees. In winter it should not be below 10 degrees, otherwise the plant may die.

Air humidity

Dichondra can grow in rooms with low air humidity, but will respond well to regular spraying of the leaves.


The pot in which dichondra grows must contain a generous layer of drainage, since it does not tolerate stagnant moisture in the soil. Watering should be plentiful, but it is important to ensure that the root system does not rot. If the substrate dries out, the plant will be able to spend some time without water. After watering, the dichondra will quickly recover.

The soil

Dichondra is not at all demanding on the substrate. Universal soil for decorative foliage plants will be optimal for planting.

Feeding and fertilizers

Dichondra needs feeding 2 times a month. The feeding period is from April to September. To do this, use fertilizer for decorative foliage plants. In winter and autumn, the plant is dormant and does not need feeding.


Dichondra is an annual plant, so every spring the cutting process is carried out.

There are several ways to propagate dichondra: seeds, layering and stem cuttings. Seeds are sown in the ground in late winter-early spring, the container is covered with glass and left at a temperature of 22-24 degrees. The greenhouse is periodically moistened and ventilated. In 1-2 weeks the first shoots will appear. They grow slowly, and are similar in structure to mature plant they will appear only in 3-4 months.

More simple method is the propagation of dichondra by stem cuttings. The shoots are about 5-6 cm long. They need to be rooted in an improvised greenhouse.

Reproduction by layering is the simplest of the propagation methods. To do this, take the shoot and press it to the damp ground in several places at once. Rooting occurs within approximately 7-10 days. After the appearance of an independent root system, the stem is divided into shoots.

Diseases and pests

Dichondra is very rarely affected by both pests and viral and fungal diseases.

Dichondra “Silver Falls” (video)

Articles on the topic

Florists and landscape designers love to use for plant compositions hanging plants, capable of creating a unique decorative effect. Most a prominent representative living nature, creating an evergreen continuous cascade, is dichondra. An emerald bright green or silver-ash waterfall, created by long flowing branches with small round leaves, fascinates with its charm.

In nature, dichondra is a perennial herbaceous evergreen plant that prefers swampy or simply well-moistened places. It thrives in the tropical and subtropical climates of East Asia, America, New Zealand and Australia. Creeping stems can reach one and a half meters in length and, creeping along the ground, create a continuous decorative carpet.

Growing dichondra in landscape design and indoor floriculture is mainly used for hedges and vertical gardening. It is planted in hanging pots or baskets, with the ability to grow and spread into beautiful cascading waterfalls of greenery. It is often used for background landscaping, perfectly shading bright flower arrangements with its lush greenery.

Dichondra belongs to the bindweed family and has ten different species. Flower growers cultivate mainly two types of ampelous beauty, called emerald and silver waterfalls, using them to decorate garden beds and in home floriculture.
Climbing vines have been discovered in nature for a long time. Although the simple appearance of plants growing naturally did not immediately attract the attention of designers and use in artificial cultivation, they began to use it more recently. In Russia, this strange plant was first presented at an exhibition only in 2004. Thanks to its originality and sufficient unpretentiousness, dichondra immediately became quite in demand among professional flower growers and amateurs.

The main decorative value is long climbing vines, with a large number of small, densely covering the stems, leaves with a silky edge. In the summer, barely noticeable dull flowers periodically appear, which are not an aesthetic decoration of the plant.

The best living conditions

The herbaceous shrub naturally grows in climate zones with high air temperatures and chooses well-moistened places. Therefore, abundant watering and frequent irrigation of foliage have a beneficial effect on the splendor of shoot growth. The optimal temperature is from 16 to 26 degrees.

The plant loves a lot of sunlight, especially for varieties with silver leaves. Due to lack of sun, foliage may lose its unique decorative shade. Growing dichondra in indoor floriculture requires its location on southern, well-lit windows. A plant with green foliage is not so demanding of sunlight, so it can be grown in slightly shaded areas. An intense lack of light can lead to stretching of shoots and shredding of leaves, this exposes the branches and makes the plant less decorative.

Dichondra is undemanding in terms of soil composition and can grow well on any soil. To create the best conditions, use loamy and well-drained soil with a slightly acidic reaction. The plant does not like stagnant moisture; this can cause rotting of the surface roots.
To give the bush a beautiful and correct shape, regularly pinching the regrown stems. This procedure makes the bush more lush, giving impetus to the formation of new shoots, and rejuvenates it.

Dichondra will not be able to overwinter in cold weather conditions in open space, because by nature it is a heat-loving plant. Therefore, for the winter it will need to be moved indoors, and with the onset of warmth, taken out again into the open air.

Reproduction methods

Reproduction methods include: growing dichondra from seeds, cuttings and propagation by layering. Vegetative propagation methods are easier to implement, but require the presence of a mother plant. If it is not possible to keep the vine indoors during the winter, then dichondra emerald waterfall should be grown from seeds annually, in seedlings, and then planted in open ground.

The silver dichondra (Dichondra argentea) is also called the creeping dichondra (Dichondra repens). This plant from the genus Convolvulaceae belongs to the hanging perennial decorative deciduous vines. Dichondra is widespread in Australian, American and East Asian countries. It is valued for its decorative creeping branches framed by thick leaves. It is widely used in landscape design for decorating gardens, loggias, gazebos and other buildings.

The name of the plant has Greek origins and is formed by two words: dic and chondros, which translates as two grains and characterizes the structure of the fruit.

Dichondra silver is a perennial decorative deciduous creeping plant. Stems in nature can grow up to six to seven meters, and in cultivated species - up to two meters. Shoots can easily take root at leaf nodes. The lashes cascade and form a carpet, braiding the surface.

The peculiarity of the silver dichondra is that it grows more strongly in shaded places.

Rounded small leaves (up to 2.5 cm) can be green, gray, silver, depending on the species. The plant blooms with small yellow-green flowers that do not increase its decorative properties. Silver dichondra can be grown indoors and used to decorate garden compositions.

How many species Dichondra has is a controversial issue. According to some sources there are about ten of them. But it is known for sure that two popular types are most common among florists and flower growers:

  • Dichondra "Silver Falls". This variety is distinguished by its unusual color of rounded, pubescent leaves that resemble a waterfall of silver coins. The roots of the plant are superficial, and the height of the shoots does not exceed 20 cm, and their length reaches one and a half meters. "Silver Falls" blooms with small, inconspicuous purple flowers. This variety is in garden compositions can advantageously shade plants with bright flowers. Pairs well with, . The shoots of Dichondra "Silver Falls" can create the illusion of running water if the plant is planted in the shape of a stream.
  • Dichondra "Emerald Falls". The plant has long lashes and green leaves three millimeters in size. It blooms with small, rich yellow flowers that bloom throughout summer season. In their homeland, dichondra is considered a weed. Residents of some countries use the plant for lawn landscaping, which does not require mowing. Landscape designers They use an emerald waterfall of leaves to decorate sculptures, gazebos and fences. The variety "Emerald Falls" prefers light shade, but can also grow in sunny meadows. If the plant is regularly sprayed, the leaf density will increase and the flower will look fresher. Dichondra "Emerald Falls" is easy to grow from seeds because it does not require special care.

Seeds should be sown in mid-winter or early spring in seedling containers. The main thing here is when the dichondra will be needed for planting. The plant gains full color 4 months after germination.

In order to grow a plant from seeds, you need to follow some rules:

  • The soil should consist of fertile soil and sand in equal proportions.
  • The seed material should be buried no more than half a centimeter into the soil. The top of the container is covered with glass or transparent film. Placed in warm place and moisturize periodically. When the first sprouts hatch, the shelter needs to be removed, but not immediately, but gradually. At the same time lowering the temperature of the content.
  • While maintaining temperature regime at 25 degrees, sprouts will appear in 1.5-2 weeks.
  • After one or two pairs of leaves appear, the seedlings need to be planted apart from each other. For good growth lashes need a lot of space. The first individual container must be selected with a diameter of at least 10 cm.
  • In the case of garden landscaping, the seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place two months after picking.

If the plant is needed to decorate a room, balcony or loggia, then the sprouts can be planted in a pot and three seedlings at a time. As the plant grows, it should be bent to the ground. This way the shoots can take root using roots in the internodes of the leaves. The result will be a thick, silvery waterfall. To give the plant correct form Dichondra shoots should be pruned, and cut cuttings are suitable for rooting.

In winter in open ground the plant dies, therefore, in order not to bother with the seeds, dichondra can be brought into the warmth: into the house or on closed gazebo, and in the spring prune and plant in the garden.

Propagation by cuttings

In this way, it is much easier and faster to propagate the Silver Falls dichondra, because the plant takes root well and grows rapidly.

To grow a new plant it is enough:

  • cut the stems and place them in water so that they sprout roots. This is usually done in autumn or spring.
  • a week later, when the first roots appear, the seedlings are planted in separate containers
  • after 20-30 days, young plants are planted in a permanent place

Simpler and convenient way reproduction, however, many gardeners still prefer to sow seeds. First, cuttings of Dichondra "Silver Falls" can be difficult to obtain. Secondly, after planting the cuttings, the plant must be kept warm, which is not always convenient.

Dichondra "Silver Falls" is an unpretentious plant and does not require special effort when growing. It grows quickly and has strong immunity to diseases and harmful insects.

In order to get a beautiful and lush plant, which will decorate a garden or balcony with silver, just water it regularly, spray it and guess the location. And in order to give the correct shape, the dichondra should be trimmed annually.

Features of care:

  • Lighting. Dichondra "Silver Falls" prefers well-lit places. Due to the light, the plant achieves maximum decorativeness. The flower can also grow in the shade, but the leaves will be smaller and duller.
  • Temperature conditions. Optimal temperature for a plant - within 17-26 degrees. When the temperature drops to 11 degrees and below, it negatively affects the development of silver dichondra.
  • Humidity. "Silver Falls" does not require special hydration, but during periods high temperatures and hot climates will be grateful for spraying. The foliage will become more elastic and brighter.
  • Irrigation. The only requirement that must be strictly fulfilled is so that the plant does not lose its decorative effect. The soil in the area must be constantly moistened, so dichondra needs regular and abundant irrigation. But there should be no stagnation of water, otherwise the flower will wither.
  • Fertilizer application. During the growing season, it is worth feeding dichondra for decorative foliage plants twice a month. IN winter time feeding is stopped.
  • . There is often no need to replant the flower. Replant as necessary when the roots are tightly entwined earthen lump. However, many gardeners grow dichondra as an annual, so in the fall they simply take cuttings and root young shoots. To prevent young plants from going into active growth they are placed in a dark, cool room.
  • Susceptibility to diseases and pests. Dichondra is distinguished by its amazing resistance to harmful insects. Although cases of infection are being recorded. If damaged, the damaged lashes should be removed and destroyed. After which you need to carry out additional treatment with insecticides.

Dichondra "Silver Falls" looks great on alpine roller coaster. At proper landing and location, the plant creates the illusion of a stream running through the stones. Upon contact with foliage sunlight, she sends out “bunnies” and seems to sparkle. The plant also favorably emphasizes the colorfulness of bright flowers.

When decorating walls and fences on the site, you should take care correct placement, and we should not forget that dichondra lashes take root well during the growth process.

Therefore, plants should not be allowed on walls made of clay or other materials that can be damaged by the roots. Landscape designers practice decorating balconies, loggias, verandas and gazebos using Silver Waterfall. This approach allows not only to create beautiful view, but also to shade the room.

Spectacular and low-maintenance dichondra "Silver Falls" stands out elegant decor. With a flowing silvery cascade, it forms a slight contrast against the background of rich greenery and colors in a blooming summer garden.

More information can be found in the video:

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