A craft - a house with your own hands - will delight any child. The work will only take a couple of days, and the material you can use is plywood, OSB, pallets or ordinary boards. Detailed step-by-step instructions and drawings will help even a person far from construction understand the process.

Material selection

A development house can be made from a wide variety of materials, and it is better to make the final choice yourself, having studied the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

The most commonly used budget options:

  • plywood

You can also build a house from OSB, wooden planks or chipboard.

Plywood is the best choice because:

  • it is durable, and after treatment with special impregnations it can withstand adverse influences environment(precipitation, temperature changes, insects)
  • affordable - a do-it-yourself plywood house will cost less than one made from many other materials
  • looks aesthetically pleasing
  • has low thermal conductivity, due to which it garden house the child will be warm and comfortable

In addition, working with plywood is easy: it can be sawed, drilled, and painted without effort.

The only drawback is the toxicity of the glue used to join the veneer layers together. When purchasing, you need to study the characteristics of the product: the plywood must be marked E0 - such material contains a minimum amount of formaldehyde, and the product is considered environmentally friendly.


A house made from pallets can become a child’s favorite place to play, but you need to be careful when selecting the material.

Cannot be used:

  • pallets marked IPPC - hazardous materials are used for their processing chemicals, provoking the development of various diseases;
  • pallets used in markets - after long-term use in the open air, wooden structures, untreated protective equipment, may become fragile, and the building will soon become unusable;
  • pallets painted in bright colors - it is impossible to vouch for the quality and safety of the paint, and it is better not to risk the health of the child.

You need to build a children's wooden house with your own hands using quality material without visible damage: cracks, signs of rot, mold or paint residue.

Building a children's house with your own hands is simple and exciting. Having already gained experience in construction and repair, you can put this structure in the proper place in a day; “from the end” - over the weekend. Construction costs will be at least three times less than buying a ready-made one, and the benefit from it will be great: the desire of the younger generation to build “halabuds” has been biologically embedded in us since those times when the ability to build a temporary shelter from scrap materials was a matter of survival, like the ability to hunt or distinguish edible fruits and roots from inedible ones.

We are no longer primitive, but playhouse our children still need it - it is one of the means that contributes to the formation of personality, the acquisition of skills, and physical development. The playhouse will occupy little fidgets with full awareness of their importance: having their own territory and living space, they will not bother adults for irrelevant reasons, just to remind them of themselves. And dad, mom, and guests will be able to calmly go about their adult affairs or just sit at the table, without fear of generational stratification and hidden tensions in the family.

What to build?

A house for children is built, firstly, taking into account the characteristics of child psychology. As deep as, for example. at , in this case there is no need to delve into them, but it is necessary to take something into account. Secondly, the nature and duration of use matter, namely: in an apartment, a house or on the street, personal for your children, perhaps with their friends, or shared in the yard, it is designed for one generation until it grows up, or for a long time use. Thirdly, the gender of the child: it is common knowledge that girls and boys behave differently from infancy onwards.

The construction of a toy estate for offspring is unlikely to cause difficulties for “dummies” parents: the small size of the structure will help here. They affect not only the savings in materials. We will return to this later, but for now let us state: the main task in this case is to decide what exactly to build. Offers of “orphanages” for sale make one’s eyes widen, but general impression- as if I was in the 17th-18th centuries, when children were sewn the same caftans and trousers as adults, only smaller. This applies not only to the appearance, but also to the technologies used, on which the price of the product directly depends.

Children today, in appropriate circumstances, wear clothes of an adult cut, but they are not intended for play! A house for a child should be made based on the fact that they will play in it. Yes, children's games - preparation for adult life, but not studying it according to instructions. A child is not a robot who needs to be “tweaked”; he is a full-fledged member of human society and can organically enter it himself, demonstrating his abilities and achieving success thanks to them. One of the most important features of the child’s psyche is the combination of pure pragmatism with unbridled imagination. Taking this into account, children's playhouses can be considered in a certain order, see fig.

Like adults

House on can conditionally be called “master’s”. It is built from wood as the most environmentally friendly, affordable and easily processed material. Durability, without thorough impregnation and protection from soaking, will be at least 7 years in middle lane RF, what is enough for the house for their children - they will grow up during this time.

The “master’s” house is a universal structure: the inhabitants themselves have the opportunity to equip it according to their taste, needs and abilities, unobtrusively learning at the same time to invent and make with their hands. Imagine, for example, a mast with a sail on the roof - it will not be difficult for a child’s imagination to complete the rest to the “Black Pearl” or “The Walrus” of Captain Flint. We remove the yardarm, hang a flag on a pole - there you have a castle, and that snag is a fire-breathing dragon from which you need to save your sister or princess friend. Anyone who remembers being a child will come up with a lot more.

The “master’s” house is, in general, an imitation of an adult house of a simplified design; its typical layout and dimensions are shown in Fig. on the right, but we’ll see how to build one later. An indispensable feature is the enlarged window openings. It's not just that it's more convenient to play this way. Human vision is formed in childhood; In order not to spoil it from a young age, you need to follow medical instructions on the amount and nature of illumination. And when the size of windows decreases, their area transmitting light flux falls by the square of the size of the window. In order to withstand fluctuations in illumination within acceptable limits, especially when moving from the street to the house and back, the area of ​​the windows relative to that of the walls in the children's house must be larger.

– “master” modification in the form of a gazebo for sanguine/choleric extroverted children. They often have the makings of a leader; to fully develop, they need to keep in mind their surroundings. For children who are somewhat (not to the point of autism, of course) withdrawn and self-absorbed, a “house on chicken legs” is more suitable. . Let us remember that children are pragmatists to the core. For them, the aspiration of thoughts to the heights of the earth is associated with a real distance from the earth's firmament. But don't forget about lighting! Do you see the windows on the roof? These children don’t like big windows, but they need light. And on the roof - nothing, there is the sky, clouds. There is somewhere to direct your visual and mental gaze. Dreamer children tend to lack exercise; in this case, this problem will be solved by itself in the form of a ladder, and the slide will remind you of simple everyday joys.

Outdoor sandbox house - for the little ones. There is a shelf - they themselves will understand that it is more convenient to put toys there, and not throw them anywhere. And it’s more convenient for adults to collect them from there, rather than pick them out of the sand. However, sandboxes are a different matter.

Little ladies

For girls, a stall house is more suitable: a gazebo with higher sides, , or “master” with a veranda-counter and a window facing it, . There's nothing you can do about it, girls love to play bargaining. No matter who they grow up, they have to manage the household, and purchasing is a rather delicate and responsible matter. Therefore, the girl’s house, in the yard or in the apartment, , must be equipped with shelves for goods, scales, etc. For lessons without interrupting your work, the shelves are also suitable.

For girls, the style and decor of a house is more important than for boys. The “gingerbread” style is more suitable for stay-at-home mothers’ assistants. . Design kits for assembling gingerbread houses are on sale, but it is not necessary to assemble them from purchased plastic parts: a typical owner’s house can easily be turned into a gingerbread house using scraps of plywood, boards, a jigsaw and paint. He needs simple but constant care, and that’s what little busybodies need.

For artistic people with the aspirations of a future pop diva or socialite, something less substantial (artistry is inextricably linked with the desire for a change of scenery), but more colorful and glamorous, will be more suitable; perhaps somewhat tawdry, . Just don’t decorate such a house right away on your own: artistic people have a healthy imagination, but individuality is clearly expressed, and self-discipline is often lame. Give her a foundation, an impetus, and then let her work for her own pleasure and improve herself in the process of work. Read more about this later when we get to cardboard houses.

A special case are tomboyish girls who are on first terms with boys. They speak “you” on “you”, but they understand that they are not boys after all. Therefore, their demands are higher and more unique. A house for a tomboy girl is a special case; like, for example build a playhouse for a girl like Pippi Longstocking, see

Video: house a la Pippi Longstocking, Hacienda program

To make it really cool

It’s easier with the boys: if it is not possible to build a master’s building, they will be completely satisfied with a shelter with a ladder and a climbing frame under the porch or in a corner, . The ultimate wish of any boy is a tree house, . If you have something suitable in mind, incl. and for safety requirements, a tree, and how to build a house on it, see the video:

Video: tree house, “Dachny Answer” program

But this is rarely found on a personal plot or dacha, especially since you need to hammer nails into it; The fruit tree may die from this. In this case, you can make a children's treehouse without damaging it, as shown in Fig. left. Instead of a roof, you can hang a tent tent, as described below, or make it a hut.

A complete replacement for a tree house, “completely cool” according to children’s concepts - a hut, . However, it requires quite a lot natural material and the ability to assemble it into a reliable structure. Therefore, instead of a hut, it is better to build a hut, . We will return to “realistic” huts for children later, but for now in Fig. on the right is a drawing of a 2-level hut house. It is strong, resistant, it does not require a base; it is simply placed on the ground. There is only one drawback: you need more space than for the “master’s” house. Assembly technology:

  • A-frames are made to size from 150x75 timber. The corners are fastened with M10-M16 bolts, see bottom right in the figure, with nuts and washers with a diameter of 40-80 mm. Figuratively speaking, all the rigidity of the triangle falls on its corners, and nails/screws in this case will not be reliable enough;
  • lay the frames on their sides one by one and sheathe the upper corner with 2-3 belts of boards, obtaining a frame blank. You can do more without bringing the sheathing to the 2nd level floor, but it will only be more accurate. The perpendicularity of the plane of the frames to the ridge girder is controlled with a square from 0.5x0.5 m;
  • also controlling the perpendicularity, sew on the 2nd level floor board on each side;
  • put the workpiece on its feet, it is already quite rigid. They put something under the sagging legs, or dig up those resting on the ground until the ridge run is horizontal; check the level;
  • lay the floor (board 100x40 or 150x40), make a staircase, partition, climbing frame, etc., finish covering the slopes - ready!

What if there are two? Or a crowd?

What to build if there are two or more children? Different sexes and different ages? The simplest option– phytoconstruction, , everyone will like it. But, alas, phytoarchitecture grows slowly, and you need to think about a phytohouse long before the birth of your first child, even if you plant clematis on the base trellis.

Prefabricated option - 2-storey house, . This is an ideal playground house, see e.g. rice. on the right, but it requires quite a bit strong foundation. Let's see how to do it further. Actually, a full-fledged children's play complex is a separate article; just in case in Fig. Below is a typical diagram of its structure and dimensions.

If the children are a boy and a girl with a small age difference, then the floors of a 2-story house need to be equipped according to their needs, . In this case, the house must be built from boards 30 mm thick: light structure, designed for a neat girl, will not withstand boyish loads, and a rough one made of timber or logs, see below about fairy-tale houses, is unlikely to suit the taste of a refined nature. If she is alone, then she will most likely approve of Baba Yaga’s hut, but in front of the opposite sex she will be indignant at the “brutality” of the structure, if only out of spite.

Maybe you don’t have the desire and/or ability to study earthworks. Let's say there is nowhere to put the house except on a well-groomed lawn. In that case, compare . Hut? Hut. But quite modern. It was made using the “master’s” technology, see below, only the facades are assembled in frames with curved elements. It is more difficult to assemble these from slats, but the roof is simplified: in this case, the roof is a simple plank sheathing. And its configuration gives (especially in the children's imagination) a virtual 2nd floor with a slide; the steeper slope is a climbing frame, as it was there.

And at the dacha?

Children's house at the dacha, most often a type of tent. There is no particular point in building a permanent house there, unless it is an elite dacha and the area is protected. The simplest tent is made from a sheet, bedding and rope, . There are also a lot of children's tent houses on sale, , but it’s easy to make similar ones yourself by fastening the frame from metal-plastic pipes(easily bent in any way) in several places with tape. The same method is applicable for apartment tent houses, which we will return to later. If there is a lack of natural supports or material for them, you can put up a corner tent, see figure on the right. The inset in it shows different design options.

The second option is a tent-hut, also known as a folding tent. The design is clear from . Boys like these more and are still more hygienic than a hut. Although doctors are unanimous in this regard: children from whom, as they say, dust particles are blown away, are more likely to grow up frail, painful and unsure of themselves.

A wigwam tent is much more romantic and suitable for both sexes. pos. 22. To prevent it from being stuffy, there should be a gap at the bottom and a hole at the top for ventilation. How to set up a tent or wigwam, see below. Finally, a more girly design is the marquee tent. It’s easy to install it, see fig. on the left, and a view of . If the daughter declares that she does not feel like a queen of Shemakha in him, then she is simply breaking down.

Fairy tale or true story?

A special type of children's playgrounds are fairy houses. Similar to those on , you can build it yourself from available materials. But, unfortunately, their gaming functionality is extremely narrow. Re-read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. How many games did they play with Huck Finn in one summer? But even a child’s imagination will save you if you need to turn a pirate ship into Robin Hood’s cave. Unless your position allows you to order the butler: “Samuel Sigismundovich, please make sure that by tomorrow morning the house-ship is replaced by a house-castle.” It is unacceptable to zombify children in a single-line manner, because they will grow up. And what prospects could there be for a society populated and governed by moral monsters?

There are also fairy-tale houses with quite wide functionality, eg But behind their apparent simplicity lies a very complex technology of creation. Their production begins with computer modeling of the design.

Log, timber, slab

You can make a good fairy-tale wooden house with your own hands in a rustic style, i.e. rustic style. But here it’s time to dodge. For example, a product for impresses both children and adults. The latter are more expensive, somewhere around the one-room apartment in a new Moscow building. But it will be too late to look for the material yourself, not only for the children, but also for the grandchildren. Moreover, driftwood suitable for rustic creativity is highly valued, its miners earn much more than treasure hunters with metal detectors, they have a trained eye, and they clean out fancy stumps, dead wood and dead wood from the forest.

A hut on chicken legs made of timber or logs, , is already more accessible. But in order to build it, you need to be able to erect a log house, and this is a rather complicated matter. For the gingerbread chopped hut, , the difficulties are at least tripled. If there is simple dead wood in the vicinity, you can build a gazebo hut, , however, the waste from pruning the garden is no longer enough for it. In this case, a cheap waste product from sawing timber - croaker - will help out. Debarking it is quite a labor-intensive task, but not difficult. Then - 4 pillars, poles, some boards for the floor and steps, and it turns out something like what is on . Quite rustic, cheap and cheerful. By the way, a roof that goes better with a hut is not a hip roof, but a much simpler gable roof.

How to build?

There is a sometimes harmful, and sometimes useful, square-cube law in technology. Its essence is that when the size of something increases while maintaining proportions, the volume of the thing increases along the cube of linear dimensions, and the cross-sectional area, cutouts, openings, grooves, etc. – according to their square, i.e. slower. In it, by the way, lies the answer to a question that often baffles young sailor cadets and shipbuilding students: why does a wide 7-meter pleasure yacht with a heavy false fin go with a strong list in a fresh wind, while a narrower one, with a larger relative sail area and without any additional means of imparting stability, a 70-meter barque - almost without roll? Only in this case the square-cube law is transformed into the law of 3-4 degrees, because both heeling, from the wind pressure on the sails, and restoring, depending on the volume of the immersed part of the hull, moments must also be multiplied by their shoulders, which have the dimension of length.

When applied to a children's house, the square-cube law works for the builder, allowing it to be built much easier, using less material, but no less reliable. Let’s take, for example, a load-bearing beam half the size of an “adult” one. Its volume (and its own weight) will decrease by 2^3=8 times, and the cross-sectional area supporting the load will decrease by 2^2=4 times. Because the beam must also support its weight, excess bearing capacity, which can be used to simplify the design. In addition, the elongation of the beam also changes, i.e. the ratio of its length to its greatest transverse dimension. The distribution of stresses in the part significantly depends on elongation: their diagrams can change dramatically, although the beam looks the same, only smaller. We use these and some other circumstances to build a children's playhouse easier and cheaper.


A children's house does not need a foundation as such at all. If you want, install at least a monolithic one with a basement, it won’t be worse. But in general, it’s unnecessary, and on any kind of load-bearing soil, except for muddy and subsiding soils, but children have nothing to do there - it’s dangerous.

The point is, firstly, the bearing capacity of the soil. According to the square-cube law, the load from a house with a raging horde will not exceed 0.2-0.3 kg/sq. cm, you can count. And any more or less load-bearing soil holds from 1 kg/sq. cm; in extreme cases - from 0.5 kg/sq. see. The supply is in any case more than sufficient.

Secondly, in the peculiarities of frost heaving of the soil. On an area up to approximately 5x5 m, it is almost uniform: no obvious bumps are formed, the entire area rises by several cm in winter, and returns to its place by spring. Even a permanent structure will not feel this, and the rigidity of the children's house due to the lower elongation of its parts is higher.

Therefore, after leveling the site, the children’s playhouse can simply be placed on scraps of timber (item 1, Fig.), concrete blocks(item 2), bricks, etc. Supports are still necessary to prevent the floor from rotting, but, as we will see below, they can be included in the design. Another facilitating point is that you don’t have to level the site, but choose a suitable natural one based on measurements. Construction slopes are standardized in mm/m (up to 3 mm/m or 0.003 for residential premises). For a house up to a maximum of 3x4 m, the permissible initial slope in degrees will be correspondingly greater and, due to the increased rigidity of the structure, safe.

What is really necessary to prevent rotting is treating the base from the bottom, i.e. on the side facing the ground, pos. 3. The best impregnation is natural, heated in a water bath, drying oil or special impregnating oils for wood. As a last resort - mineral oil or waste, but then small fish can be allowed into the house no earlier than 2 weeks after completion of construction. Anyone who has experience with children will probably immediately prefer drying oil.

It is best to leave the upper side of the base “bare”, untreated, pos. 4. If it is going to be painted, it needs to be dried or impregnated with a water-polymer emulsion or PVA diluted 3-5 times or more. The latter is preferable for a budget option: 0.5 kg of a can, shaken in half a bucket of water, is enough for the entire house.

What about supports?

For a house on chicken legs and, especially, for one shared on the street with a sports and gaming complex, a more solid foundation is required, otherwise the naughty brethren may knock it over on themselves. That is, the supports of the house, wooden or steel, need to be buried in the ground from 0.5-0.7 m in the first case and from 1.2-1.5 m for a collective use complex.

The technology for preparing the base in this case is usual: the lower ends of wooden supports for a length equal to the depth of the depth + (10-15) cm are treated with bitumen mastic or liquid, without filler, hot asphalt (tar). Steel ones are doused with the same tar; both are wrapped in roofing felt and dug in or concreted. A sand cushion of 10-15 cm is poured under the heels of the supports. Wells for the supports are drilled with a garden drill with a diameter of 20 cm, so that the supports fit into them at intervals of 3-5 cm, counting from the edge or corner of the pillar.

If you need foundation durability of over 15 years and don’t want to bother with concrete, the lower ends of wooden supports of the same length should be burned over a fire until charred to a depth of about 5-7 mm, continuously turning over the fire. Such a foundation is especially reliable if the supports are made of pitch pine or oak logs. During excavations of Ancient Novgorod, wooden burnt foundations of buildings were found in abundance and, according to the conclusion of construction specialists, a considerable proportion of them remain suitable for construction.

There is a trick to burning wood for a foundation: suddenly the wood catches fire, under no circumstances should it be extinguished with water. You need to knock down the flame with a felt or sand, extinguish the smoldering coals in the sand, and continue firing.


The optimal technology for constructing a children's playhouse is a prefabricated panel building using a single power circuit. Frame, according to the sample country house or, you can also build, but there will be more work. Step by step instructions building a prefabricated children's house is not difficult, see fig. below:

Prefabricated panel technology is suitable for modular construction without significant changes. For example, in Fig. Below are drawings of a 2-level house with a separate porch. A whole brood of 3-4 noisy “chicks” can play in this one. The elevation of the base above the ground can be increased by increasing the height of the above-ground part of the supports to 1.2-1.5 m.

When building, first assemble the bases and place their feet in the pits. Then they are leveled, adding/removing bedding, and the wall frames are placed and sheathed.

Rafter trusses are assembled according to the usual A-shaped pattern, see fig. on the right, placed on temporary jibs. Then they make a ridge from a pair of boards, at the top in the figure, remove the jibs, and lay the sheathing under the chosen roofing material. The rest is as before. case.

Country-plywood option

Children's playhouse from plywood panels well suited for a summer house: for the winter it can be disassembled and put into a compact bag, stored indoors. Assembly is carried out in a way that is well known to fans of Chinese puzzles: using grips. This type of connection is also called “deep paw”, because it works in general the same way as connecting the beams of a log house into a paw.

The assembly order and connection method are shown in Fig. below. There are 2 tricks here. First, the toes of the long walls should be facing down, pos. A. Second - the edge of the last roof sheet in the order of assembly should overlap the edge of the penultimate one, pos. b. Then, not knowing that to disassemble you need to press the last sheet and move it upward diagonally, you can even turn the house over, and nothing will happen to it. And assembly/disassembly will only take a few minutes.


In terms of excitement, gaming functionality and psychological and educational significance, a hut in the garden is in 2nd, if not 1st, place in the hierarchy of children's houses. How to make a regular hut-tunnel is clear from the figure:

If there is no spruce branches, but there is hay, straw, and reeds, it will be easier to build a hut-chalet, see fig. right.

Actually, “hut-chalet” is a tautology; "chalet" in Russian is a hut. Flexible rods or wire are placed in the flyers of the chalet frame. It is not necessary to fix the top of its frame with a thin bucket: if the support flyers have forks at the top, they can simply be hooked onto each other, see fig. left.

Bundles (sheaves) of sheathing material are hung on protruding knots in rows, starting from the bottom. To make the sheathing smoother, it is advisable to take the strapping rods with knots; sheaves are also hung on them.

The pinnacle of hut construction is a wigwam hut or a conical hut with a neck; it is never stuffy in it. The installation method is shown in Fig. below. If the lower ends of the poles are placed in a trench and covered with excavated soil, it will stand for more than one year. You can also install a gazebo for adults in the same way. Having decorated it with taste, we will see a new meaning in the famous “The rustling of silks in the hut...”.

It is advisable to add something to the hut for children's games. Child psychologists joke that a normal child should be able to get dirty even in a sterile medical room. There is no big problem in this, see at the beginning, but sometimes the little ones crawl out of the hut with a straw bedding, extremely grimy. So that adults have less hassle with washing and washing, children's hut It's better to put it on a platform. It is easy to arrange between trees, see fig. right. And for the kids, it will immediately acquire the reputation of a tree house, which couldn’t be cooler than that.

Cardboard houses

It makes sense to make a children's house made of cardboard, firstly, for the little ones, crawlers. They have absolutely no requests for decoration (their little eyes are not yet fully visible), but they are growing quickly and will soon outgrow a solid house. The “construction” comes down to an unnecessary cardboard box, pos. 1 in Fig.:

Secondly, for artistic natures, poses. 2. A hook to turn eccentricity into determination, in this case the most catchy and technologically advanced complex knots- window and door frames. And then - create, invent, try, mom and dad will help. It’s a complete fiasco – no problem, we’ll make a new one with whatever cardboard there is.

Another option is a garden and country house, pos. 3. Do you think it's fragile? And there is plywood glued to the bottom and ceiling from the inside, it will withstand the season. If there are foam shipping inserts left from the contents, even better. Glue them onto PVA, turning the flat side inward. You just need to cover it with plywood or the same cardboard: it’s polystyrene, after all, but how can you not pick at it if it can be picked at?

House in the apartment

A child’s playhouse in the apartment is also necessary. And it is even more necessary if the family goes out of town sporadically. There is a place for a children's corner; it is advisable to build a permanent house there, from plasterboard on a wooden frame or plywood. Construction technology – conventional, pos. 1-3 in Fig. If there is a place, it is advisable to make the booth larger so that a working corner fits in it; Children need privacy and peace during classes, just like adults. In this case, you can equip a loft bed on the 2nd floor.

A temporary option for an apartment children's house is a tent. They will use the frame of a homemade wigwam plastic pipes, pos. 4, and for the house tent - bent metal-plastic, fastened at the corners and in the middle with tape, pos. 5. These houses in assembled form need storage space. If it is lacking, you can hang the tent of the Shamakhan queen, like in a garden. True, not all boys like him. To hang the tent on the closet, you need to put a rod made of pipe, securely fastened. So as not to interfere when not needed, it is made rotating, sliding, telescopic, etc.

Do you need papers?

A children's playhouse, if it is not on a foundation, is not legally building structure as well as real estate. In fact, this is a homemade toy not for sale, the production of which is not regulated in any way. It is still possible to “tighten up” gaming complexes to accommodate sports equipment with all the requirements for it, but as the litigators say, if there is a clue, there will be an excuse. Therefore, the documentation of a yard children's house for collective use is extremely simple, and is not at all necessary for personal use.

If the house is intended for all the surrounding children, its design consists of the following sheets. On the sheet - on the views of the facades of each module, with cross sections and a plan, as in the figure, and for the modular one, a general view; possible in isometry. That is, for a house with a porch you need 3 sheets, and for a simple one - 1. Another one is for a diagram showing the location of the house on the site. These sheets are shown to a representative of the company managing the house or, if the house is in the collective management of residents, they are collected general meeting and present it to him. A permitting resolution from the manager or a resolution in the minutes of the meeting is sufficient for the house to gain full legal force. As for the rest, as long as the children like it.

Own small house– the ultimate dream of every child. Secrets are kept here, small inhabitants pass through during the game practical training to adulthood. There are many ready-made models of such structures, but kids will appreciate the skill of their parents. Therefore, it is better to build a children’s house with your own hands, and detailed instructions This article contains instructions on how to make it.

A small house in an apartment or country house is of great importance for the development of children, and gives parents the opportunity to mind their own business. The child will proudly call this small territory his own and treat it with full responsibility.

A playhouse for a child plays an important role in moral education, as it forms a caring attitude towards things, develops thriftiness, a sense of responsibility for one’s home and love for it. But the main function of the house is to organize useful leisure time for children. On the one hand, this is a cozy place for games, and on the other, it is the child’s personal space.

If we talk about species diversity, houses are distinguished depending on the material, purpose, and method of manufacture. The latter case involves structures made by hand or in a factory. For self-construction, wood, plywood, cardboard and fabric are most often used.

Manufacturers usually offer houses made of plastic. The main advantage of such structures is ease of assembly and compactness. Unlike their wooden counterparts, they can be easily disassembled and stored for the winter. Such houses can be installed both in the yard and in the house. The size can be selected not only for the smallest (90x90x90 cm), but also for older children (with one and a half meter dimensions). The disadvantage of plastic is that it fades in the sun and loses its attractiveness when exposed to precipitation.

Depending on the purpose and location, it can be a house in a country house, in an apartment or in a tree garden. Children can play in the house alone or with friends. Based on the purpose and manufacturing method, the material for the houses is chosen. Photos on the Internet demonstrate their species diversity.

Useful advice! A house made with your own hands has great educational value. Building such a house with your children can be a fun, creative family pastime. This is not only a learning educational process, but also an excellent opportunity to devote time to the child.

Children's houses for children and play tents: materials for production

Various materials are used to make houses, their shape and purpose depend on this. Let's look at the most common models.

  1. Wooden houses for children are suitable for those who have own garden on a summer cottage. In a spacious courtyard, the structure can be installed without compromising space. This option is the closest to a real home. Such a structure requires special care, ventilation, treatment with agents against pests, mold and fungi.
  2. A children's house made of plywood is a simple analogue of a wooden structure, more affordable for construction. Plywood in this design is used as finishing for the wooden frame.
  3. Children's plastic house - a universal alternative wooden structures. Plastic houses are popular among those who do not want to burden themselves with construction and prefer to buy finished product. Modern manufacturers offer many designs and models in various sizes.
  4. Inflatable houses for children are the safest option. Suitable for little ones. It is used mainly for active games, and not for the purpose of teaching children how to do housework.
  5. Children's house-tent. A play tent is usually a temporary structure. For its manufacture, fabric and parts for the frame are used. various materials. There are many dismountable models available for sale at affordable prices. But such designs are suitable for the smallest inhabitants. Older children like more permanent structures.
  6. Cardboard houses for children are also a temporary structure. A large packaging box is suitable for production. The main disadvantage is fragility and fragility. Such a house is afraid of dampness and moisture.

Children's houses for cottages and apartments: features of choice

You can buy a children's playhouse for your dacha or apartment ready-made, or you can build it yourself. In this case, when choosing, you need to take into account a number of features:

  1. Durability of the structure. It is necessary to decide for what period the child needs a mini-home. If for 10 years, then it is better to give preference to a permanent wooden house. For a couple of years, you can purchase a collapsible plastic structure or a fabric tent.
  2. Materials. Since the structure is intended for children, the materials must be harmless. Particular attention should be paid to additives and dyes. If the choice fell on finished model, then you need to take into account that unscrupulous manufacturers can add harmful substances, for example, lead. If you buy a plastic house, you need to make sure that the product will not cause allergies in your child.
  3. House size. The structure for games must have appropriate dimensions so that it fits comfortably in an apartment or in a yard. Therefore, before purchasing or building, you need to carefully measure the area of ​​your future “possessions.” In addition, the house must be suitable for the child’s height.
  4. Matching design. It is necessary that the design of the children's house corresponds to the age and gender of the little owner. Ideal option- choose a house or build it together with your child, because he is the main inhabitant of this building.
  5. Safety. The design must be reliable, accessible, without sharp corners or protruding nails.

Useful advice! Spacious capital children's playhouse with glazed windows, reliable roof And a real door can be used not only for games, but also as a summer guest option.

Wooden children's house: characteristics and features

Wood is the optimal raw material for building a children's house. It has a number of advantages compared to cardboard, fabric or plastic, in particular:

  • durability;
  • strength;
  • practicality;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • aesthetics;
  • maximum proximity to real housing.

The disadvantage of such a house is its relative complexity in manufacturing. For its construction, in addition to wood, you will need various additional materials And special tools. Not only will this take a lot of time, but it will also cost more.

You also need to consider where exactly you plan to locate the house. There is definitely no room for it in a small apartment. Therefore, the ideal place to place a children's wooden house for a summer residence is in the garden.

At the same time, almost everyone has the skills to build a children's house out of wood with their own hands. It is enough to have the desire, remember the lessons of geometry, drawing and labor, use your imagination or use materials from the Internet. Using wood, you can independently create a panel, frame or log building. Below we will consider the manufacturing procedure for all of the listed options.

Materials for building a wooden house for a child in the country

Creating a children's house made of wood requires special seriousness, since it is a real building, albeit of a small size. Depending on the construction option and level of complexity, tools and materials are selected.

To work you will need:

  • board and timber for the base;
  • plywood, lining or hardboard for cladding;
  • roof and ceiling material;
  • brick and mortar for foundation;
  • blocks for windows and doors.

You should also prepare tools: hacksaws, plane, jigsaws, chisels, hammer, drill, screwdriver. Consumables needed include nails, screws, and self-tapping screws. For finishing you will need sandpaper, brushes, paints for finishing works. In addition, you may need metal corners, glue, a set of keys and screwdrivers.

The amount of materials and a specific list of tools are selected in accordance with the selected model. First, a project is created in the form of a drawing diagram of the future house. To do this, it is necessary to calculate the dimensions, provide options for fastenings and openings. Material consumption is calculated separately for each component of the future structure: walls, floor, roof.

The place for construction must be spacious. If the yard area or summer cottage allows, then you can arrange flower beds around the house, create small beds and fence off the mini-yard with a small fence. This will give the house both naturalness and fabulousness.

Do-it-yourself panel children's house for a summer residence: manufacturing technology

The construction of panels is the simplest version of a children's wooden house for a summer cottage. It is easy, quick and simple to make. The main construction materials are beams, boards and finished panels, which can serve as parts old furniture and remains of building materials.

Useful advice! A panel house covered with plywood can be supplemented with decorative elements cut with a jigsaw from the same material, which will give it additional attractiveness and fabulousness. The finished design will become the pride of the little owner.

To provide for all the nuances, a drawing of the future model is first created. Next, one-piece panels for the walls are made. The parts are connected using a screwdriver. One of the walls is made a little higher to provide a roof slope, so the side walls are shaped like a trapezoid. A pitched roof is laid on top. You can use corrugated sheets or a couple of sheets of slate.

Related article:

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The next stage is the construction of an elevation from beams. The resulting piles will serve as the foundation for the house. A drainage layer of crushed stone and sand is made under them, and a frame is installed on top and secured with corners. The simplicity of the construction lies in the fact that it does not require a permanent foundation.

To give an aesthetic appearance, the house can, if desired, be sheathed with plywood or clapboard and complemented with decorative elements, in particular, a porch with a ladder. It will only take a few hours to assemble this version of a summer children’s house for games in the country. To create, you do not need special skill or special knowledge in the field of construction.

Frame house for children in the country: stages of construction

A structure with a frame is more capital, complex and labor-intensive. Building such a house for children in the country with your own hands will require certain skills and will take a lot of time. The help of a partner is desirable here. The process itself is similar to creating a standard frame structure, but slightly simplified.

Construction consists of the following stages:

  1. Installation of the foundation. To do this, the soil around the perimeter of the future building is first removed, bricks are laid in the dug ditches or fill is made in the corners, and beams are tied on top. The construction is not capital, so you shouldn’t bother too much with the foundation. The main thing is to create a foundation for the house.
  2. Floor installation. At this stage, everything should be done in accordance with construction rules. First you need to lay the logs, nail boards on them (preferably 100x40 cm in size). The load on the floor in the playhouse is expected to be intense, so the floor must be reliable and safe.
  3. Frame construction. The bars are installed vertically in the corner parts of the foundation and in the places of proposed openings. For better fixation, it is recommended to use metal mounting angles.
  4. Walling. The finished reinforced frame is sheathed with lumber. To do this, use wide boards or chipboards, which are covered with plywood on top. If desired, internal wall insulation can be done using polystyrene foam.
  5. Roof installation. Pediments are made on the corner beams, A-shaped frames are attached to them according to the dimensions of the beam 150x75 cm. The corners are fastened with M10-M16 bolts, nuts and washers with a diameter of 40-80 mm. The roof frame is covered with boards, and they are covered with any roofing material.
  6. Installation of windows and doors. In this case, old finished window frames are ideal. For quick fastening It is better to use butterfly curtains for doors.

Important! In order to prevent injuries, it is recommended to use safety glass or transparent film for windows in a children's playhouse.

Log children's houses in the country and tree houses for children: features of buildings

The log building is the embodiment of a child’s dream of a fairytale house. But such a structure provides capital construction with the involvement experienced craftsmen, who know how to install a log house. Materials for the construction of this log cabin They are much more expensive and their set differs from the standard one.

An alternative to a hut on chicken legs can be a house on stilts, the creation of which uses wood covering the walls with imitation timber. Such a structure is built by analogy with a frame structure, but instead of a foundation, strong piles are dug into the ground. Such children's wooden houses for summer cottages are very popular, as children find it interesting to climb the stairs into their home. The descent can be organized in the form of a rope or pipe.

The ultimate dream of the guys and a worthy competition for a house on stilts is a tree house. You can build it with your own hands using the technology of building on stilts. Thanks to artificial supports, it will be possible to avoid damage to the plant itself as much as possible, since it is permissible to drive nails only into the trunk of an old and powerful tree. This is unlikely to be found at the dacha, but fruit crops are quite vulnerable and can die due to mechanical intervention.

It should be noted that such a structure is unsafe, so it is suitable for children school age. Instead of a roof, you can hang a tent tent or make it in the form of a hut.

How to make a house beautiful: decorative design

Decorating is the most enjoyable stage when creating a children's house with your own hands. There are a lot of photos and ideas on the Internet, but it is better to use your own imagination and be sure to listen to the wishes and fantasies of the future little owners. It is advisable to decorate a house together with children.

It is desirable that the external decoration matches the overall style of the environment. A children's house in the country should fit organically into the landscape design and at the same time please the child himself. It could be a princess's palace or a knight's castle, a hobbit's hut or a pirate ship. It is recommended to supplement the construction with ladders, slides and sports equipment.

The inside of the house must also correspond to the wishes of the owner. It is advisable to fill it out as much as possible. soft elements, it is better to cover the floor with special mats. The main thing is that the building is not only interesting for games, but also safe. The design should be dominated by rich and bright colors.

Useful advice! When building a children's house with your own hands at the dacha, you need to pay attention to special attention to the thickness of the boards. This value must be at least 2 cm. Otherwise, the house will be shaky, quickly squint and become unsuitable for play. The ideal thickness of the board is 3-4 cm. A structure made from such material will be durable, and the appearance will not be very massive.

To achieve maximum resemblance to a real home, it is recommended to design the roof in the form of tiles. The material can be painted polystyrene foam.

DIY children's house in an apartment: materials and ideas

Creating a spacious house requires several square meters. In this regard, the owners of a private house with a large yard or a summer cottage are lucky. But those who live in apartments also have a way out. A house for a child can be placed in one of the rooms, but the material needs to be selected differently. Most best option- textile. A mandatory part of the hut is the frame. It can be made from wooden slats, aluminum or plastic supports. Old furniture is often used for this purpose.

The primitive design of such a playhouse is a fabric stretched over a square table. For manufacturing, the parameters of the table are measured. The required amount of fabric is calculated. It is better to take dense material. Next, the cover is cut out and placed on the frame.

You don't have to buy new fabric to create your own tent. Houses made from pieces of material look very interesting. Canvas of different textures is suitable. You can use old bedspreads and curtains. Windows made of polyethylene will help bring the structure as close as possible to a real house, and it is recommended to install a “lock” made of lightning at the entrance.

Bright drawings will give the house a special flavor, which is best applied to the walls of the tent together with the child. Wall decoration – exciting game. The floor in such a house will be a mattress or a thick blanket. A fabric tent is the best option for a small apartment. It is easy to remove and install again.

The original version of the structure is an Indian wigwam. Not a single child will remain indifferent to him. Its construction will not take much effort and time, and the structure itself is very compact. This hut is light and mobile, it can be moved to different rooms.

DIY cardboard house: step-by-step instructions

To build a children's house in an apartment, thick cardboard is used, along with fabric. Compared to a wooden structure, its construction is much simpler. To assemble a cardboard house, you can use individual sheets. In this case, you should take measurements and make a drawing, and then transfer the cutting to cardboard. Next, the parts are cut out and connected.

When cutting, you should avoid unnecessary creases and inaccurate cuts. Grooves are left to connect the parts. You can use glue, tape or a large stapler as a fixative.

A simpler version of a cardboard house is to construct it from a ready-made box. The basis can be any dense packaging from household appliances. In the box, using a stationery knife, make holes for windows and doors in the marked places. Then the house is decorated with paints or appliqué.

Important! A children's house made of cardboard is not resistant to moisture, so it is better to use it indoors. You can only take it outside in dry, clear weather. In order to protect the bottom from dampness, it is recommended to install it on a specially prepared base made of wooden or plastic board.

Games in a cardboard structure should be calm, as they are easily susceptible to mechanical damage. But if necessary, you can choose any design and make paper houses with your own hands every day in the form of a wigwam, a spaceship or fairytale castle. The main thing in the “construction” of such a home is a clear design of the future model and a competent connection of elements.

Thus, building a house for a child with your own hands is not a very difficult task. At the same time, you can make a small home both in an apartment and in a country house. The work does not require significant material costs. The main thing is desire, imagination and a little time, and in return the children will give their admiration and joy.

We used to build play structures out of chairs, pillows and blankets. So why not help the younger generation today and build a real children's house with your own hands? You can use any available materials - wood, PVC or aluminum pipes, plywood, wooden pallets or thick cardboard.

Playhouse in the apartment

Even in the room small area It is quite possible to install a small frame covered with fabric in the form of a tent or wigwam. If square meters allow, build a full-fledged wooden or plywood house in the nursery in the form of a fairy-tale hut, carriage, trailer, rocket or ship.

Wigwam house

As you know, a wigwam is a special structure consisting of several long poles connected at the top and covered with thick fabric. Such a structure can be easily disassembled and stored, moved from room to room, taken out into the fresh air, into the yard, or packed into the trunk of a car and transported to the garden plot.

And it’s not at all difficult to make such a children’s wigwam playhouse.

You can use the following as a frame:

  • carefully sanded and varnished or varnished wooden slats 120 cm long and 2-4 cm thick; For installation outdoors, you can also use strong tree branches, but only if (!) even the smallest branches are cut down
  • PVC water pipes
  • lightweight aluminum pipes, for example, left over from old curtains

To cover a tent house, it is better to choose thick linen or cotton that allows air to pass through well. Under such an awning, children will feel comfortable and easy to breathe even on hot days.

The simplest structure is a wigwam– three poles, firmly tied at the top at a distance of 10-20 cm from the top. To make the fastening strong, it is better to connect them with bolts by drilling holes in the upper part of the frame. The design can be slightly more complicated by making a rigid base for it from wooden slats or pipes, which will be installed on the floor. There is no need to make a crossbar from the entrance to the wigwam - children will constantly trip over it.

In principle, you can build a full-fledged tent in the shape of a quadrangle or a tent, but you will have to tinker with the fastenings of the frame longer. We'll talk about this below.

Several small pillows made of colored fabric, a mattress or a soft fluffy carpet will decorate a children's wigwam and make it more comfortable.

Tent or marquee made of PVC pipes

Plastic water pipes craftsmen They have long been used not only for their intended purpose. After all, they make quite durable and comfortable garden chairs, tables and even greenhouses.

Decorate the windows of such an impromptu house with chintz curtains and lay down a rug. The outside of the home can be covered with fabric, remnants of wallpaper or colored napkins, painted with paints, decorated with appliqué, bright inflatable balloons, flags and garlands. Let your child participate in the finishing process by handing him a brush and paints.

Plywood construction

It will take no more than a couple of days to make such a house:

  1. There are a lot of drawings for making a children's house on the Internet. You can use any of them. We will only describe the assembly principle itself.
  2. The floors in the house are warm, and the house can do without them. But it’s still better to make a small elevation using wooden logs with plywood screwed to it. It will be more convenient to attach the frame to such a base, and the structure itself will be more stable.
  3. We mount a frame of rack-beams attached to the floor. It is better not to use nails - they may become loose. Fastening with screws will be much more reliable and durable.
  4. Horizontal jumpers are screwed across the racks.
  5. A block is attached between them, forming the ridge of the roof.
  6. For a gable roof, you will need to make a pediment - wooden slats knocked down in the shape of a triangle.
  7. All that remains is to sheathe the walls and roof with plywood, paint it or cover it with wallpaper.
  8. The roof can also be made pitched by covering it with plywood. top part buildings at a slight slope.
  9. The door is made from wooden boards or only a frame is made for it, and the door leaf itself is cut out of plywood. Hang it using ordinary metal hinges, which can be purchased at a furniture store.
  10. You can paint or cover the house with fabric, wallpaper or bright appliqué from the inside.
  11. Curvilinear figures from plywood are cut out at home with a jigsaw. If you know how and love to work with wood, make furniture for your child that he can put in his new house.
  12. Plywood can even be bent if you soak it in the bathtub first. Thick sheets should lie in water for a couple of hours. For thin plywood, 10-15 minutes of soaking is sufficient. The softened part is laid on the surface and secured with self-tapping screws so that during drying it takes on the desired shape.
  13. Paint the plywood with regular oil or enamel paint. Don't forget to prime the surface first. In this case, the paint will lie more evenly, and much less of it will go away.

Children's house in the yard

For children living in an apartment, the dacha may seem like a boring place. To make the process of addiction go as quickly and unnoticeably as possible, take care of creating playground And cozy house with your favorite toys. Such a structure will be an excellent decoration for a garden or local area.

There are many options for making fairy-tale dwellings in the yard. A children's house for a summer cottage can be built from:

  • tree
  • plywood
  • Fibreboard or chipboard
  • polycarbonate
  • vinyl siding
  • pallets (pallets)
  • waterproof fabric stretched over a frame made of PVC or wooden slats
  • tree branches, etc.

There are many ideas for children's houses. The design can be based not only on images from the Internet, but also pictures from children's books. Attach a slide and swing to the house. It is better to place the pool further away, otherwise water will constantly get into the children's home. Drywall should not be used for the construction of roofs and walls - even if it is moisture resistant, it will quickly swell in the rain.

For a children's playground, you must choose a well-visited place without drafts. You should not start construction in a lowland where rainwater constantly accumulates.


Polycarbonate, used in the construction of greenhouses, will not work here. For a children's cottage for a summer residence, it is necessary to purchase colored plastic with a lesser degree of transparency.

It is mounted on a metal frame, PVC pipes or wooden blocks:

  1. For such a light structure, a foundation is not needed. It is enough to dig four supports to a depth of 50-60 cm into the ground to ensure stability. Otherwise during strong wind will turn him over.
  2. To protect against moisture, add a small layer of crushed stone to the bottom of the holes prepared for supports. The lower part of the metal pillars must be treated with anti-corrosion impregnation, and then wrapped in roofing felt. The bottom of wooden posts is covered with bitumen.
  3. The dimensions for the children's house are chosen arbitrarily. It is more convenient if they match the dimensions of the polycarbonate sheets.
  4. The floors will need to be raised using wooden beams and floor slats - children staying in the shade on damp ground for a long time is unacceptable.
  5. To prevent the tree from quickly becoming unusable, it is better to install the structure on bricks or concrete blocks. They are dug into the ground at the corners of the base on the bayonet of a shovel.
  6. To obtain a durable structure, you will need polycarbonate with a thickness of 8 mm.
  7. They cut its sheets with a construction knife.
  8. The protective film is removed after construction is completed. Otherwise, scratches may appear on the plastic.
  9. Any type of material can be made from polycarbonate arched structures– it bends easily, but only in length.
  10. The strength of this plastic is ensured by the special structure of the sheets. They are made in the form of honeycombs (stiffening ribs). However, this also has its drawbacks - if it is not fastened correctly, water can accumulate inside. To prevent polycarbonate from darkening from moisture and losing its attractiveness, cut the sheets so that the stiffeners are positioned vertically. The ends of the sheets are covered with a special end profile to prevent moisture from entering.
  11. To avoid exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the material, the sheets are attached with a protective layer on the outside. There are always inscriptions and pictograms on it.
  12. If one sheet is not enough to cover the wall, dig additional support into the ground so that the joints of the sheets fall on the center of the wall.
  13. When temperature changes, the material can change dimensions, so you should not place the sheets close to each other. It is necessary to leave a small technological gap. When installing, use thermal washers to help compensate for expansion.
  14. When drilling holes for fasteners, make them a couple of millimeters apart larger diameter self-tapping screws They should not be twisted tightly, otherwise they will thermal expansion the plastic will crack.
  15. To make a gable roof you will need a ridge element made of the same plastic. You can buy it at a hardware store. You can protect the skate from moisture by bending it under the right angle strip of metal.

Wooden building

The height of such a structure depends on the height of the child. But children grow quickly, so it’s better to build with reserves.

  1. A wooden children's house does not require a foundation. To protect the wood from moisture, you can install it on a brick base. You can also use low wooden or metal piles. It will be possible to attach a slide to the porch of the house, installed on such supports and raised above the ground.
  2. The floor must be strong enough and of good quality. Use better floorboard or plywood. They are mounted on beams. The side facing the ground is impregnated with an antiseptic.
  3. A thick beam 50x50 mm thick is mounted as a frame in the corners and at the location of the windows and doors. To add rigidity to the structure, horizontal bars are attached at the top and bottom.
  4. The corners are reinforced with spacer bars - bevels, the racks - with metal corners.
  5. It is better to make a gable roof so that the child is not tempted to climb into it. First, pediments are prepared from the bars - the end sides, shaped like a triangle. Between them there are horizontally running bars on which the lining is stuffed or plywood is attached.
  6. To avoid splinters, the wood must be cleaned and sanded.
  7. To ensure ventilation, sufficient lighting and ease of observation of children, several windows are made in it. They are placed 50-60 cm from the floor.
  8. The height of the door should be at least 20-30 cm higher than the height of the child.
  9. Near the house you can install swings, slides, sports corner. For a girl, you can arrange a small flower bed with flowers, which she can take care of herself.

It’s great if you organize a grand opening of the house with a tea party, festive posters and music.

It is unacceptable to cover light structures with heavy slate. After all, in the event of a collapse, the child may be injured. Use lighter polycarbonate, wood or plywood covered with soft tiles for the roof of the children's house.


  1. How to make a children's treehouse? Building such a structure is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Certainly, designer designs Only a person who knows how to work with wood can create it. But here is the simplest structure, consisting of support pillars and a platform in the center of which a cutout for a tree trunk is made, even a novice carpenter can do it. The tree on which the structure will be located must be strong enough, but not old, with strong branches. All dry branches must be removed.
  2. The treehouse frame is made from well-sanded and primed timber. To prevent the tree from rotting, it must be dried well. The cross-section of the timber is from 5 cm. It is better to use pine - it is less susceptible to rotting.
  3. The connection of the supports should be as strong as possible. You should not use a regular connection with self-tapping screws - it will quickly become loose.
  4. In carpentry, a special type of half-timber overlapping joints is used for these purposes. To do this, recesses are cut out in wooden blocks using a hacksaw and chisel. The parts are superimposed on each other and additionally connected with bolts.
  5. The wooden platform should be as stable as possible. It is made of timber and lined with plywood.
  6. The roof is covered with wooden slats, plywood or soft roofing.
  7. It is necessary to make and ladder. To do this, you can nail several wooden blocks to the inclined board. It will be more convenient to climb such stairs.

A metal house will quickly heat up in the sun, and the child will feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable in it. Therefore, even if you have a lot of metal profile left after installing the roof, use it somewhere else. For your children's home, choose a more environmentally friendly material.

Pallet house

Wooden pallets (pallets) are an excellent building material. Because durable boards Since they are already knocked together, you can assemble the playhouse quickly enough. Although, if desired, the pallets can be completely disassembled and only boards can be used in construction.

  1. Be sure to pay attention to the markings. If the letters IPPC are marked on the pallets, this means that they have been treated with chemicals. The use of such products is highly not recommended. You should not build a children's house from painted pallets. After all, formulations containing formaldehyde are often used to process them. It’s better to paint the finished product yourself.
  2. Several pallets need to be disassembled - we will use their thick crossbars to create a frame. To do this, remove all the nails using a nail puller. You can simply saw off the crossbars from the side boards.
  3. Each of the pallets must be sanded, otherwise children will quickly pick up splinters. To do this, you can use coarse sandpaper. It is inserted into the holder for sandpaper (grater). You can also use a grinder or grinder for cleaning.
  4. If the pallets are dirty, they are first washed with a stiff brush.
  5. First we assemble the floor. For the logs we use thick crossbars of pallets knocked together. For flooring, you can use chipboard or boards from disassembled pallets.
  6. In order for a house made of pallets, assembled with your own hands, to last as long as possible, to protect it from moisture, we install it on a small elevation made of bricks buried in the ground at the corners of the building.
  7. Let's start assembling the frame. We attach vertical supports - transverse boards of pallets - to the assembled base of the house. For this we use metal corners and screws.
  8. We make a horizontal frame from planed boards around the perimeter of the supports.
  9. It is better not to use heavy pallets for the roof. We assemble it on the rafters using boards obtained after disassembly.
  10. We attach pallet walls to the assembled frame.
  11. It is better to make a house with a closed veranda common roof. Such a structure will look more solid and comfortable.
  12. To make a window frame, we cut a groove in 4 boards, and then select the wood with a chisel or grind it with a plane so as to get a “threshold”.
  13. We cut the edges of these boards at an angle of 45 degrees, tighten the boards with self-tapping screws, and also glue them together to secure the fastening.

Hut made of branches

It is better to place a children's hut near the house so that the games take place in front of adults. Place it near a fence or in the shade of tall trees to protect the structure from drafts.

For construction, any types of branches of sufficient thickness are used:

  1. First you need to decide on the shape of the hut. Long branches can be arranged in a circle in the form of a wigwam, fastening them at the top and along the perimeter with strong twine.
  2. A classic gable hut made of branches is made as follows. At the selected location, two strong thick poles are driven into the ground, the end of which is forked in the upper part in the form of a spear.
  3. To make it easier for them to enter the ground, one of the ends of the pole is sharpened with an ax.
  4. A support pole is placed horizontally in the oarlocks of the rods and secured with a rope.
  5. It is better not to use wire for fastening. You will need quite a lot of it, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to bend all its ends perfectly so that the child does not accidentally get hurt. It is better to take polypropylene twine or thick cotton twine.
  6. Thinner poles are laid on the support at an angle of 45-60 degrees, first on one and then the other side of the hut. For strength, they are also held together with twine.
  7. Vertical ones can be tied across the horizontal slingshots, thus forming a lattice.
  8. Spruce branches (spruce branches) or hay are laid on top of the roof. To prevent rain from getting inside, laying begins from the bottom so that the next layer covers the previous one.
  9. To protect from the wind, stones are placed around the perimeter of the hut and covered with earth.
  10. Hay or dead wood is used as flooring. It can be covered with a thick, dense cloth or carpet to prevent children from pricking themselves on branches.
  11. You will get a more durable structure if you make a frame for the hut from wooden beams. Branches are also laid on top of it, and then spruce branches.
  12. If you have a sufficient number of willow branches on hand, make a tent-shaped hut for the children. The rods of this tree bend very well, and “weaving” a house out of them will not be difficult. To work, you will need a sufficient amount of twine, which is used to fasten the willow branches.

If a child has nowhere to play and is bored at the dacha, a children's house made of wood can solve the problem. Children are much less demanding than adults. Even the simplest house - no more than a hut made of wooden slats covered with fabric - can become their the most beautiful place for games. What can we say about more complex structures- located on a tree, looking like wonderful forest huts, with a built-in slide, or even imitating a pirate frigate.

Contents of this article:

Why wood: pros and cons

Of course, in order to make a house for a child, you can use the most different materials- from plastic to real brick. But wood has a number of specific advantages, some of which other materials lack. This:

In addition, wood, purely by meaning, is best suited for the implementation of certain ideas. For example, it would be strange to make a fairy-tale hut out of plastic, but it would be impossible to assemble an alien ship out of brick. In addition, if you have a summer house and connections with neighbors, you can find a tree at a low price.

There are also disadvantages:
  • Need for care. Every year the house will have to be painted or varnished again so that nothing happens to it.
  • The need for careful processing. To prevent the child from getting a chance to splinter his hand, you need to carefully check all the boards and sand them if necessary.

A tree that is not cared for quickly begins to rot or dry out. But if you are willing to treat it every spring, it will last a long time.

To further increase this period, you can make a house from one of the most common rocks in construction:
  • Pine. Among coniferous species- the best one you can choose. It has a delicate golden color and a faint resinous odor. In the first years it will not need treatment, since due to the high resin content in the wood it does not rot. May have a positive effect on the condition of the child’s respiratory organs.
  • Oak or beech. Wood of a dark, noble shade, which, due to tannins, does not absorb moisture well and, therefore, resists the effects of the external environment well. Pliable, amenable to processing - it can be given any shape if it is bent correctly during drying.

You can also use an apple tree, but first you need to make sure that its wood is completely dry - during drying it cracks and changes shape. There is no point in processing it until it is completely dry.

You should not buy wood for your house that does not meet the standards - it is unsafe and will also greatly affect its appearance.

No need to take boards that have:
  • cracks- this means that they are overdried and will quickly crack further;
  • green spots- this is mold or rot, which means the boards will quickly fail;
  • protruding knots- it’s ugly, and the child can get caught during play;
  • resin filled cavities- it will have to be pumped out, otherwise the board will be fragile.

Ideally, the wood should be of uniform color, without any admixture of shades, without large knots, without stains, and without minor defects. Then it can be used for the house without fear.

What types of wooden houses are there?

Children's houses can differ greatly from each other - several different categories can be distinguished at once.

The first one is by number of floors:
  • Single-tier. It is easier to make such a design, since you do not need to calculate whether the pillars will withstand the second tier, or whether it will be dangerous for a child to be on it. But they usually look less impressive, you can’t attach a slide to them, and you can’t satisfy the kids’ endless love for climbing. However, if you approach the design correctly, the result can still be noteworthy.
  • Bunk. Such houses look more interesting, plus you can attach a slide, a ladder or even a rope to them, along which the children can go down. They require precision and accuracy - if you don’t calculate it, the pillars simply won’t hold up, the second tier will collapse, and it’s good if no one is on it at that moment.

You can, of course, show creativity and build a three-story house for your children, but usually such an idea is abandoned - it is costly in terms of materials, labor, and more difficult to calculate.

The second is by design:
  • Open. These are, in fact, small gazebos that are relevant in the southern regions, where children will suffer too much from the heat indoors in the summer. They are made either in the form of a hut, or in the form of columns that support the roof, and themselves are connected wooden lattice. As a result, there is shelter, but it is cozy and cool. And if you want privacy, the child can always hang fabric between the posts.
  • Half open. Such houses have one or two walls, and the rest are posts with lattice, like in a gazebo. On the one hand, they are not too stuffy, on the other hand, the child will not be harmed by the rain if it comes, and it is more convenient for him to hide from the sun.
  • Closed. If you make two windows and keep them open, you can even be inside in the heat - especially if you place the house under the trees, in the shade. It is this variety that most structures belong to - castles, huts, ships, houses in a certain style.

Third - by placement:
  • In the fresh air. In the courtyard of a private house or in a country house, so that the child can spend more time outside - this is good for health.
  • Inside. Usually in an apartment, for those who do not have a dacha or a private house. Such a house cannot be two-tiered and does not require laying a foundation, but it can become an excellent playground.

Fourth - in terms of mobility:
  • Mobile. These are structures that can be assembled and moved to another location if desired. Typically these include plastic huts, but huts on wooden slats can also be easily rearranged.
  • Stationary. They stand in one place for several years - most of the wooden structures belong to them.

What the house you build will be like depends solely on your imagination and the tastes of the child.


If you are going to build a structure in a country house where you only spend weekends, a mobile open house that you can assemble and put away while you are away would be better suited for you. And if you live in a private house, then it makes more sense to make a stationary one - the child can play in it even in winter.

How to build a house?

You need to approach construction carefully, without haste. There is no need to rush, and the quality of the result depends on how much effort you put in, how much time you spend on calculations, how well you select the material.

Preliminary work

For a house to last for a long time, you need to lay the foundation from the very beginning. There are rules for this:

  • Without a drawing - nowhere. A ready-made drawing can be found on the Internet, or you can make it yourself. Imagine what your dream design looks like. What size should it be to make it comfortable for the child, and how to achieve this. The easiest way is to make a drawing of an ordinary wooden box - and this is exactly what you can do to begin with. Then, once you understand the principle, you can do something more complex.
  • Height. In order for the child to be comfortable, the structure must be thirty centimeters higher than his height so that he can stand up. In fact, this rule is inaccurate - children grow quickly, and soon the ceilings will become in the way. Therefore, it is better to take a universal height of sixty meters - although if you suspect that even a teenager will not get tired of the house, then you can take two.

  • Width with length. The area of ​​the house should be such that the child can turn around in it normally. Usually this is one and a half by one and a half - in such an area you can seat toys, put a table, and play board games. But less is possible.
  • Accommodation. The right place for the house is in the shade, but not too close to the trees, otherwise they may start to touch it. It is also advisable that it is convenient for you to keep an eye on your playing children from anywhere in the house and garden, and that no large-scale changes are planned in its place.
  • Foundation area. Must be clean and even. If there is no such thing in the garden, you can make it yourself by removing the top layer of soil and leveling it with the same shovel.

And, of course, you need to stock up on materials.

For the simplest hut this is:
  • several (from five) slats of the same length;
  • strong twine;
  • fabric measuring approximately two by one and a half meters plus nails.

For a single-tier structure you will, of course, need more:

You will also need nails, screws, mounting angles, along with tools that can be used to secure them.

As for the rest, it’s just neatness along with a willingness to redo it if anything happens.

Direct construction

To make a hut - and they haven’t come up with anything simpler yet - you don’t need that much effort:
  • slats are dug into the ground in a circle with a radius of about a meter;
  • the ends of the slats are tied together with twine;
  • The fabric is attached to the top - first to one strip with nails, then to the next, and so on until two adjacent strips remain.

At the top of the hut there is a hole, like an Indian wigwam, which provides ventilation. Through the last piece of fabric that was not secured, you can climb inside and close it - for example, with Velcro. It’s easy to breathe inside, you can read, relax or play as the inhabitants of a desert island.

It’s somewhat more difficult with a real single-tier structure - it won’t be possible to build it in half an hour. Although you also need to act consistently:

  • fold the base beams into a square, fasten them with corners, plus attach a separate beam in the middle with them;
  • dig four recesses for the foundation blocks at the selected location and lay them;
  • put a frame on top, cover it with boards to form a floor;
  • attach wall beams to the frame - four at the corners, two where there will be windows and doors, one on the remaining free wall, fasten a frame similar to the foundation one on top;
  • make rafters - connect two bars each with special corners at an acute angle, attach them to the wall frame;
  • cover everything with panel sheets - from the walls to the roof;
  • hang a pre-prepared door and windows.

Of course, in the details the process is much more complicated, but its main stages look exactly like this. The result is a simple house that needs to be furnished to look good.


You need to approach the design of a children's house with imagination. It should be bright, interesting even in appearance, but at the same time not lacking in taste.

Ready ideas

Of course, you don’t have to take what someone else has already come up with before you. But you can always use other people's ideas for inspiration. So, a children's wooden house can look very different.

The first solution is like a fairytale hut.

  • Exterior design. The walls are finished so that it seems as if they are made of logs (imitation can be used for this). The door is squat, also made of logs, but vertical. The roof is gable, with a carved canopy and a cockerel-shaped platband. The shutters are carved and can be closed if desired. Colors - natural wood, bright red, bright yellow.
  • Interior decoration . The walls are made of the same logs, the floor is wooden, there is a homespun (at least in appearance) carpet on it - it is comfortable and soft for children to play on. In the corner there is a small whitewashed brick stove, in which, of course, you can’t really bake anything, but you can play the same Kolobok perfectly.
  • Interior decoration. They sit on the walls of the shop. There is a table in the middle - you can put it on it board games, constructor, sandwiches brought from big house. In the corner there is a traditional chest with toys in it, and a lock can be hung on the lid. Hang bunches of herbs, beads, and dried flowers from the ceiling. A Russian rag or straw doll will look good.

Of course, children will quickly turn a thoughtful design into something of their own - they will play with a doll, spill something on the table, litter the carpet with toys - but the general atmosphere will still be visible.

The second is the Sultan's gazebo.

  • Exterior design. There are no walls - instead there are four pillars, a woven wooden mesh, which looks intricate and interesting (you can use a metal one instead of a wooden one). The roof is pointed, if you have enough skill - in the shape of an elegant onion. There is an arch instead of a door. It will be beautiful if grapes or other similar plants trail along the mesh. Colors - wood, red, blue, white, gold.
  • Interior decoration. Wooden floor, no carpet. There is a fabric attached to the ceiling - if it gets hot or you want to hide, it can be stretched by closing the mesh.
  • Interior decoration. Lots of colorful pillows on the floor, a low table that not only adds to the ambience, but is also comfortable for children. intricate iron candlestick with a real candle - of course, light it exclusively in the presence of adults. A dream catcher or wind chime hangs from the ceiling.

If children do not have allergies, you can put a stand for incense sticks - in the fresh air their smell will not be suffocating, but pleasant.

The third is a pirate ship.
  • Exterior design. The walls follow the shape of a pirate ship; instead of a roof, there is actually a deck. You can make an ordinary door, or you can make a round hatch in the roof, like on a real ship. Then the child will need to climb the rope ladder to the deck and go down through the hatch. Such exercises are useful for coordination, but if the child is clumsy, it is better to avoid them.
  • Interior decoration. The floor is made of wood, the walls too, the round portholes are not curtained with anything. There are benches or hammocks along the walls where you can lie down, read, and swing. You can put a table, but you can do without it.
  • Interior decoration. Required - accessories marine theme. Encyclopedia with ships. A rope on which you can learn to tie knots. A compass that can be used to determine directions. You could even give everyone who boards the ship an eye patch to make it easier to play pirates.

Fourth - a house in a European style.
  • Exterior design. Paint the walls, make the door paneled and beautiful. The windows are simple, with rectangular shutters. In front of the entrance, you can set up flower beds that children can care for if they want. Colors - pastel, with bright accents on the roof and doors.
  • Interior decoration. Cover the walls with simple wallpaper, leave the floor wooden, and whitewash the ceiling. You can put a carpet to make it more comfortable.
  • Interior decoration. Be sure to have a vase of flowers and a small sofa child size. You can make an imitation of a fireplace, you can put a bookcase. Plush toys, table with tea set. Nothing superfluous, nothing flashy.

This solution is suitable only for calm, introverted children - this is worth taking into account. It’s not interesting to play active games in such a house, but it’s quite interesting to play something economical.


When building a house, be sure to use the help of a child. Discuss with him what he wants to see. Invite them to participate in the creation of the sketch. Even if the child is only four years old, he will be the one who will benefit from the result, which means his opinion is also important.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):