Unofficial edition

Instruction No.

for boiler room maintenance personnel

water heating boilers KVGM-20 operating on gaseous fuel.

I. General provisions.

1.1 This instruction contains requirements for ensuring the safe operation of hot water boilers and is compiled on the basis standard instructions Gosgortekhnadzor R.F.

1.2. Persons at least 18 years of age who have undergone special training, a medical examination, and have a certificate with a photo for the right to service boilers running on liquid fuel are allowed to service boilers.

1.3. Re-inspection of boiler room personnel is carried out at least once every 12 months.

1.4. When entering duty, personnel are required to familiarize themselves with the entries in the log, check the serviceability of the equipment and all boilers installed in the boiler room, gas equipment, serviceability of lighting and telephone.

Acceptance and delivery of duty must be documented by the senior operator with an entry in the shift log indicating the results of inspection of boilers and related equipment (pressure gauges, safety valves, power supply devices, equipment automation equipment).

1.5. Acceptance and delivery of shifts during the liquidation of an accident is not permitted.

1.6. Unauthorized persons are allowed access to the boiler room by the head of the enterprise.

1.7. The boiler room, boilers and all equipment, passages must be kept in good condition and proper cleanliness.

1.8. Doors exiting the boiler room should open outward easily.

1.9. Repairs to boiler elements may only be carried out in the absence of pressure. Before opening hatches and hatches located within the water space, the water from the boiler elements must be drained.

1.10. Work inside the furnaces and flue ducts of the boiler is allowed only at a temperature not exceeding 50 o C with written permission responsible person for good condition And safe operation boilers

1.11. Before you start repair work the firebox and flues must be well ventilated, illuminated and reliably protected from possible penetration of gases and dust from gas ducts and operating boilers.

1.12. Before closing hatches and manholes, it is necessary to check whether there are people or foreign objects inside the boiler.

2. Preparing the boiler for lighting.

2.1. Before lighting the boiler you should check:

Serviceability of the firebox and flues, shut-off and control devices;

Serviceability of control equipment, fittings, feeding devices, smoke exhausters and fans;

Serviceability of equipment for burning gas fuel;

Filling the boiler with water by starting the feed and circulation pumps;

No plugs on the gas pipeline, feed materials, purge lines;

Absence of people and foreign objects in the firebox.

2.2. Use a pressure gauge to check the correspondence of the gas and air pressure in front of the burners with the fan running.

2.3. Make sure that the gas pressure in the gas control unit corresponds to the operating pressure of 200 mm water. pillar

2.4. Purge the gas pipeline.

2.5. Carry out a control pressure test of the gas pipeline, for which you need to close the tap of the purge plug and make sure that the tap in front of the power supply is closed and the tap on the pressure gauge is open. Open the valve and after the pressure on the pressure gauge increases to the operating level of 200 mm, close the valve. Soap all connections and shut-off valves on the slope in front of the boiler. Make sure that there is no drop in gas pressure within 5 minutes.

2.6. Adjust the draft in the upper part of the firebox, setting the vacuum in the firebox to 2-3 mm of water column.

3. Ignition of the boiler and switching on.

3.1. The boiler should be fired only if there is a written order in the shift log of the person responsible for the gas industry. The order must indicate the duration of the kindling, the time, and who should carry out the kindling.

3.2. Ignition of the boiler must be carried out within the time set by the head of the boiler room, with low heat and reduced draft.

When lighting the boiler, ensure uniform heating of its parts.

3.3. Gradually opening the lower valve in front of the boiler, close the purge plug with the tap and make sure that the gas pressure corresponds to the boiler operating pressure of 200 mm water column.

3.4. To start the boiler, you must press the “start” button, after which the “start” lamp lights up and the “boiler off” lamp goes out. The boiler ignition program automatically begins to work out. After the stationary igniter is triggered and the igniter torch appears and the igniter torch appears, open the tap in front of the gas power supply. At the moment the main torch appears, the “low burn” lamp lights up and the “start” lamp goes out.

3.5. Record the ignition time and the main readings from this boiler in the log. Switching the boiler to “high burn”, if necessary, is done with a toggle switch after warming up the boiler for 45-50 minutes on “low burn”. After moving the toggle switch to the “high burn” position, the “high burn” light comes on

3.6. Switching the boiler operation from “high burning” to “low burning” is also done with a toggle switch.

3.7. Monitor the temperature of the water leaving the boiler; it should not exceed the set temperature.

Keep the outlet water temperature according to the schedule, i.e. depending on outside temperature air.

4. Boiler operation.

4.1. While on duty, boiler room personnel must monitor the serviceability of the boiler (boilers) and all boiler room equipment and strictly adhere to the established operating mode of the boiler. Malfunctions detected during equipment operation must be recorded in a shift log. Personnel must take corrective action. If the faults are corrected on our own is impossible, then it is necessary to inform the head of the boiler house or the person responsible for the gas supply of the boiler house.

4.2. Special attention need to pay attention:

on the water temperature in the heating network;

for burner operation, maintenance normal parameters gas and air according to regime card.

4.3. Checking the serviceability of the pressure gauge using three-way valves, checking the serviceability safety valve The blowdown must be carried out by the operator every shift and recorded in the logbook.

4.4. If all or part of the burners go out while the boiler is operating, you should immediately cut off the gas supply to the burners, ventilate the firebox and burners, and open the purge plug. Find out and eliminate the cause of the violation of the combustion mode and begin kindling according to the established scheme.

4.5. While the boiler is operating, it is prohibited to tap seams or weld boiler elements.

4.6. All devices and appliances automatic control and safety of the boiler must be maintained in good condition and checked regularly, in established deadlines administration.

5. Emergency stops boiler

5.1. If a faulty safety valve is detected.

5.2. When all circulation pumps stop operating.

5.3. When the vacuum drops to less than 0.5 mm water. Art.

5.4. If detected, cracks, bulges, and gaps in welds will be found in the main elements of the boiler.

5.5. When gas pressure decreases and increases.

5.6. When the fan and smoke exhauster stop.

5.7. When there is a power outage.

5.8. In the event of a fire that threatens operating personnel and the boiler.

5.9. When the water temperature behind the boiler rises above the set value.

The reasons for the emergency shutdown of the boiler must be recorded in the shift log.

At emergency stop boiler you need:

n stop the supply of gas and air, open the tap of the purge plug;

after the fuel supply has been stopped and combustion has stopped, the manholes in the lining can be opened;

shut off the water to and from the boiler, switch to another boiler.

In the event of a fire in the boiler room, personnel must call the fire department and take all measures to extinguish it, without stopping monitoring the boilers.

6. Stop the boiler.

6.1. It is carried out only with a written order from the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the boiler room.

6.2. The stop is made by smoothly closing valve No. 9 in front of the gas power supply until it is completely closed and the torch in the firebox goes out.

6.3. After this, the alarm is turned off, valve No. 8 on the boiler lower is closed and valve No. 10 on the purge candle is opened.

6.4. Turn off the machine on the KSU block.

6.5. In order to reduce corrosion of the boiler, after it is stopped in reserve, it is necessary to keep it filled with water under pressure.

6.6. If there is no other boiler in operation, stop the circulation pump.

6.7. Make an entry in the shift log when the boiler is stopped.

7. Final provisions.

7.1. The enterprise administration should not give personnel instructions that contradict the instructions and could lead to an accident or accident.

7.2. Workers are responsible for violating instructions related to the work they perform in the manner established by the rules internal labor regulations and the criminal code of R.F.

Developed instructions

Boiler room manager


Gas-oil water heating boilers KV-GM-10-150, KV-GM-20-150, KV-GM-30-150 are designed for heating water in heating supply systems up to 150 °C, are designed in a horizontal layout and have a combustion chamber with a horizontal flow of flue gases and a convective shaft through which flue gases flow from bottom to top. The boilers are supplied in two transportable blocks, have the same design and differ only in depth combustion chamber and convective shaft. The width between the axes of the side screen pipes is 2580 mm. In table 6.1 and P2 show the technical characteristics, and in Fig. P18 - profile of KV-GM-10 boilers (-20, -30).

Boiler characteristics

Heating capacity, Gcal/h, MW

Efficiency, %: gas / fuel oil

Fuel consumption: gas, m3/h / fuel oil, kg/h

Water consumption, t/h

radiation surface,

Convective surface,

Flue gas temperature: gas/fuel oil

The combustion chamber (combustion block) is completely shielded by pipes with a diameter of 60 x 3 mm with a pitch of 64 mm, which form:

The left and right side screens of the firebox are vertical pipes welded to the lower and upper collectors;

Front (front) screen - curved pipes that screen the front and under (bottom) of the firebox; pipes are welded to the front (front) and back (bottom) collectors; the front (front) collector is located closer to the hearth, and a burner is installed above it;

Intermediate (rotary) screen - vertically curved pipes installed in two rows, which are welded to the upper and lower collectors and are made in the form of a gas-tight screen; the rotating screen does not reach the ceiling of the firebox, leaving a window for the passage of flue gases from the firebox to the afterburning chamber.

The convective block (shaft) has:

Scalloped screen - vertically curved pipes welded to the upper and lower collectors, and in the upper part of the pipes they are made in the form of a gas-tight all-welded screen, and in the lower part of the wall the pipes are separated into a four-row scallop; the scalloped screen is also the rear screen of the firebox;

Rear wall - vertical pipes welded to the upper and lower manifolds;

The left and right side walls of the shaft are vertical risers (pipes with a diameter of 83 x 3.5 mm, installed with a pitch of 128 mm), welded to the upper and lower collectors, and three packages of horizontally located U-shaped screens made of pipes are welded into these risers diameter 28 x 3 mm.

One RGMG oil-gas burner is installed on the front wall of the furnace. An afterburning chamber is located between the intermediate (rotary) firebox screen and the festoon screen. In the appropriate places of the upper and lower collectors of the furnace screens and the walls of the convective shaft, plugs (partitions) are installed to ensure multi-pass movement of water through the pipes - up, down, and so on. To maintain movement speeds within 0.9-1.9 m/s, each type of boiler has a different number of water strokes.

Pipes back wall the shafts have a diameter of 60 x 3 mm and are installed with a pitch of 64 mm, and the scallop screen pipes have a diameter of 60 x 3 mm and are installed with a pitch of s1 = 256 mm and s2 = 180 mm. All manifolds and overflow pipes have a diameter of 219 x 10 mm. All upper collectors of the firebox and convection shaft have air vents for releasing air (when the boiler is filled with water), and the lower ones have drain valves.

Gas-air path. Fuel and air are supplied to the burner, and a combustion torch is formed in the firebox. Heat from the flue gases in the firebox is transferred to all screen pipes (radiation heating surfaces), and heat from the pipes is transferred to water circulating through the screens. From the firebox, bending around the intermediate (rotating) gas-tight screen from above, the flue gases enter the afterburning chamber, then pass through a four-row festoon below, enter the convective shaft, where heat is transferred to water circulating through the packages of sections (screens) and, having passed the shaft from the bottom up, the combustion chambers gases are removed by a smoke exhauster into chimney and into the atmosphere.

To remove contaminants and deposits from the outer surface of the convection shaft pipes, the boilers are equipped with a shot cleaner using cast iron shot, which is fed into the convective shaft.

The movement of water in the KV-GM-10-150 boiler is shown in Fig. 6.2.

Return network water with a temperature of 70 °C network pump supplied to the farthest (from the front) part of the lower left side manifold combustion screen and is distributed over it to the plug.

After a series of lifting and lowering movements along the left side screen, water from the lower collector passes through the bypass pipe into the front upper collector of the front (front) screen.

Input Exit

^" - "lower collectors; - upper collectors

On the left side of the front and bottom screen, water enters the lower, distant collector, from where, after a series of lifting and lowering movements along the right side of the screen, it returns again to the front upper collector. Through the bypass pipe, water enters the lower collector of the right side combustion screen and, after a series of lifting and lowering movements along it, from the lower collector, through the bypass pipe, passes into the lower collector of the rotary (intermediate) screen. After a series of lifting and lowering movements along the intermediate screen, water from the lower collector, through the bypass pipe, passes into the lower collector of the scalloped screen, passes through it, rising and falling, and from the upper collector of the scalloped screen enters the upper collector of the right side wall of the convective shaft.

Water flows through risers and U-shaped packages of sections from top to bottom right side wall mines and from the lower manifold passes into the lower manifold back wall convective shaft. After a series of lifting and lowering movements from the upper collector of the rear screen, the water passes into the upper collector of the left side wall of the convective shaft and, passing through the risers and U-shaped screens from top to bottom, water from the lower collector with a temperature of 150 ° C goes into the heating network.

The movement of water in the water-heating gas-oil boiler KV-GM-20-150 is shown in Fig. 6.3.

The movement of water in the water-heating gas-oil boiler KV-GM-30-150 is shown in Fig. 6.4.

The lining of all boilers is lightweight, fixed to the pipes. Brickwork there is only under the pipes of the bottom screen and on the front wall, in which the embrasure for the burner is laid out.

Technical specifications:

"System development automatic regulation boiler KVGM-20" INTRODUCTION


A stationary hot water boiler with a heating capacity of 26.28 (20) MW (Tcal/hour) is designed to produce hot water with a nominal temperature of up to 150 °C.

The boiler is equipped with one gas burner type RGMG-20. The boiler's draft equipment includes a blast air fan and a smoke exhauster. Technical characteristics of draft equipment are given in Table 1.


Electric motor

Blown air is taken from an air intake shaft, into which air comes from the street at above-zero outside air temperatures, and partly from the street and partly from the station premises at sub-zero outside air temperatures.

The nominal gas pressure in front of the burner is 0.34 kgf/cm2. The nominal vacuum in the boiler furnace is 6.5 kgf/cm2.

Currently, the following automatic control systems (ACS) are installed on the boiler:

1. Gas pressure control system. The regulator maintains the gas pressure in front of the burner in accordance with the task by changing the position of the rotary control valve (RPD). The task is generated by the operator depending on the required temperature of the direct network water at the outlet of the boiler.

2. Gas-air ratio ATS. The regulator maintains the relationship between
gas pressure and air pressure, providing the ratio required
to ensure complete combustion. The gas-air relationship is set in
process of regime tests. The task is set by the operator in accordance
according to the requirements of the regime map: taking into account the current gas pressure and
blast air temperature. Regulation is carried out by influencing
fan guide vane.

3. ACS of vacuum in the boiler furnace. The regulator maintains a constant vacuum
fire in the upper part of the boiler furnace. Regulation is carried out by influence
to the guide vane of the smoke exhauster.

The systems are implemented on P25 regulators produced by MZTA.


An automatic control system must be created using modern hardware and software to solve the following problems:

Ensuring automatic operation of the boiler in basic and transition modes,
associated with load changes;

Increasing the efficiency of boiler operation (reducing electricity consumption
energy), by regulating the blow air pressure and vacuum in
boiler furnace by changing the rotation speed of the fan electric motors and
smoke exhauster using frequency converters.

Increasing the efficiency of the combustion process due to the introduction of corrective
general signal in the ratio of O2 and CO, which provides more accurate
maintaining the excess air ratio.

Facilitating the work of operational personnel.

Explanatory note.

1. General description of the system.

1.1 The automatic control system (ACS) of the KV-GM-20 boiler performs the following functions:

provides automatic operation boiler in basic and transient modes associated with load changes; increases the efficiency of boiler operation (reducing electricity consumption) by regulating the flow of blown air and flue gases changing the speed of the electric motors of the smoke exhauster and fan using frequency converters;

increases the efficiency of the combustion process by introducing a correction signal for the O 2 and CO content, which ensures more accurate maintenance of the excess air coefficient;

facilitates the work of operating personnel. 1.2. The ACS includes 3 regulators Boiler heat load regulator (2 options): Option! : Direct supply water temperature regulator Option 2: Boiler water temperature regulator Gas-air ratio regulator (blown air pressure regulator)

Vacuum regulator in the boiler furnace

1.2 The common control device for all regulators is the monoblock technological controller TKM52.3
(JSC Tekon) (AS1)

1.3 Information about current parameter values technological processes, necessary for the formation of the required
regulation algorithms. comes from sensors. For basic analog signal sensors received a unified signal

Sensors (scaleless transducers) are located near or at the measurement location. The sensors are connected to secondary converters (digital meters-technological regulators) type IRT-5920 (PN 1... and PN 7, PNS1, PNS2). On the facade of these devices there are digital indicators that display the measured values ​​in in kind. The IRT 5920 device has a built-in 4...20mA current output module, proportional to the measured parameter. This signal is sent to the analog input of the controller.

To monitor the parameters of exhaust gases (T ° C, O 2 , CO, NO content), a gas analyzer of the KGA-8S (BQ) type was used. For digital indication and recording of parameters on paper, multichannel technological recorders of the RMT 49D/3 type were used. This system measurement and indication allows you to fully maintain control over all technological parameters of the boiler when the controller is completely turned off and the boiler is operating in the mode of manually maintaining the technological parameters of the boiler.

1.4 List of measured technological parameters of the corresponding sensors and secondary converters.

Unofficial edition

Instruction No.

for boiler room maintenance personnel

water heating boilers KVGM-20 operating on gaseous fuel.

I. General provisions.

1.1 This instruction contains requirements for ensuring the safe operation of hot water boilers and is compiled on the basis of the standard instructions of the Russian State Mining and Technical Supervision Authority.

1.2. Persons at least 18 years of age who have undergone special training, a medical examination, and have a certificate with a photo for the right to service boilers running on liquid fuel are allowed to service boilers.

1.3. Re-inspection of boiler room personnel is carried out at least once every 12 months.

1.4. When entering duty, personnel are required to familiarize themselves with the entries in the log, check the serviceability of the equipment and all boilers installed in the boiler room, gas equipment, serviceability of lighting and telephone.

Acceptance and delivery of duty must be documented by the senior operator with an entry in the shift log indicating the results of inspection of boilers and related equipment (pressure gauges, safety valves, power supply devices, equipment automation equipment).

1.5. Acceptance and delivery of shifts during the liquidation of an accident is not permitted.

1.6. Unauthorized persons are allowed access to the boiler room by the head of the enterprise.

1.7. The boiler room, boilers and all equipment, passages must be kept in good condition and proper cleanliness.

1.8. Doors exiting the boiler room should open outward easily.

1.9. Repairs to boiler elements may only be carried out in the absence of pressure. Before opening hatches and hatches located within the water space, the water from the boiler elements must be drained.

1.10. Work inside the furnaces and flue ducts of the boiler may only be carried out at a temperature not exceeding 50 o C with the written permission of the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the boilers.

1.11. Before starting repair work, the firebox and flues must be well ventilated, illuminated and reliably protected from possible penetration of gases and dust from gas ducts and operating boilers.

1.12. Before closing hatches and manholes, it is necessary to check whether there are people or foreign objects inside the boiler.

2. Preparing the boiler for lighting.

2.1. Before lighting the boiler you should check:

Serviceability of the firebox and flues, shut-off and control devices;

Serviceability of control equipment, fittings, feeding devices, smoke exhausters and fans;

Serviceability of equipment for burning gas fuel;

Filling the boiler with water by starting the feed and circulation pumps;

No plugs on the gas pipeline, feed materials, purge lines;

Absence of people and foreign objects in the firebox.

2.2. Use a pressure gauge to check the correspondence of the gas and air pressure in front of the burners with the fan running.

2.3. Make sure that the gas pressure in the gas control unit corresponds to the operating pressure of 200 mm water. pillar

2.4. Purge the gas pipeline.

2.5. Carry out a control pressure test of the gas pipeline, for which you need to close the tap of the purge plug and make sure that the tap in front of the power supply is closed and the tap on the pressure gauge is open. Open the valve and after the pressure on the pressure gauge increases to the operating level of 200 mm, close the valve. Clean all connections and shut-off valves downstream of the boiler. Make sure that there is no drop in gas pressure within 5 minutes.

2.6. Adjust the draft in the upper part of the firebox, setting the vacuum in the firebox to 2-3 mm of water column.

3. Ignition of the boiler and switching on.

3.1. The boiler should be fired only if there is a written order in the shift log of the person responsible for the gas industry. The order must indicate the duration of the kindling, the time, and who should carry out the kindling.

3.2. Ignition of the boiler must be carried out within the time set by the head of the boiler room, with low heat and reduced draft.

When lighting the boiler, ensure uniform heating of its parts.

3.3. Gradually opening the lower valve in front of the boiler, close the purge plug with the tap and make sure that the gas pressure corresponds to the boiler operating pressure of 200 mm water column.

3.4. To start the boiler, you must press the “start” button, after which the “start” lamp lights up and the “boiler off” lamp goes out. The boiler ignition program automatically begins to work out. After the stationary igniter is triggered and the igniter torch appears and the igniter torch appears, open the tap in front of the gas power supply. At the moment the main torch appears, the “low burn” lamp lights up and the “start” lamp goes out.

3.5. Record the ignition time and the main readings from this boiler in the log. Switching the boiler to “high burn”, if necessary, is done with a toggle switch after warming up the boiler for 45-50 minutes on “low burn”. After moving the toggle switch to the “high burn” position, the “high burn” light comes on

3.6. Switching the boiler operation from “high burning” to “low burning” is also done with a toggle switch.

3.7. Monitor the temperature of the water leaving the boiler; it should not exceed the set temperature.

Keep the outlet water temperature according to the schedule, i.e. depending on the outside air temperature.

4. Boiler operation.

4.1. While on duty, boiler room personnel must monitor the serviceability of the boiler (boilers) and all boiler room equipment and strictly adhere to the established operating mode of the boiler. Malfunctions detected during equipment operation must be recorded in a shift log. Personnel must take corrective action. If it is impossible to eliminate the malfunctions on your own, then you must inform the boiler room manager or the person responsible for the gas supply of the boiler room.

4.2. Particular attention should be paid to:

on the water temperature in the heating network;

for the operation of burners, maintaining normal gas and air parameters according to the regime map.

4.3. Checking the serviceability of the pressure gauge using three-way valves and checking the serviceability of the purge safety valve must be carried out by the operator every shift and recorded in the logbook.

4.4. If all or part of the burners go out while the boiler is operating, you should immediately cut off the gas supply to the burners, ventilate the firebox and burners, and open the purge plug. Find out and eliminate the cause of the violation of the combustion mode and begin kindling according to the established scheme.

4.5. While the boiler is operating, it is prohibited to tap seams or weld boiler elements.

4.6. All devices and devices for automatic control and safety of the boiler must be maintained in good condition and regularly checked within the established time frame by the administration.

5. Emergency boiler shutdowns.

5.1. If a faulty safety valve is detected.

5.2. When all circulation pumps stop operating.

5.3. When the vacuum drops to less than 0.5 mm water. Art.

5.4. If detected, cracks, bulges, and gaps in welds will be found in the main elements of the boiler.

5.5. When gas pressure decreases and increases.

5.6. When the fan and smoke exhauster stop.

5.7. When there is a power outage.

5.8. In the event of a fire that threatens operating personnel and the boiler.

5.9. When the water temperature behind the boiler rises above the set value.

The reasons for the emergency shutdown of the boiler must be recorded in the shift log.

In the event of an emergency stop of the boiler, you must:

n stop the supply of gas and air, open the tap of the purge plug;

after the fuel supply has been stopped and combustion has stopped, the manholes in the lining can be opened;

shut off the water to and from the boiler, switch to another boiler.

In the event of a fire in the boiler room, personnel must call the fire department and take all measures to extinguish it, without stopping monitoring the boilers.

6. Stop the boiler.

6.1. It is carried out only with a written order from the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the boiler room.

6.2. The stop is made by smoothly closing valve No. 9 in front of the gas power supply until it is completely closed and the torch in the firebox goes out.

6.3. After this, the alarm is turned off, valve No. 8 on the boiler lower is closed and valve No. 10 on the purge candle is opened.

6.4. Turn off the machine on the KSU block.

6.5. In order to reduce corrosion of the boiler, after it is stopped in reserve, it is necessary to keep it filled with water under pressure.

6.6. If there is no other boiler in operation, stop the circulation pump.

6.7. Make an entry in the shift log when the boiler is stopped.

7. Final provisions.

7.1. The enterprise administration should not give personnel instructions that contradict the instructions and could lead to an accident or accident.

7.2. Workers are responsible for violating instructions related to the work they perform in the manner established by the internal labor regulations and the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Developed instructions

Boiler room manager


Hot water water tube boilers KV-GM series are designed for heating and hot water supply of housing and communal services and industrial facilities. A boiler is a heating unit that heats water from heating networks directly or through heat exchangers. The boiler is designed to heat water from temperature charts 95\70,115\70,150\70 s constant flow water through the boiler within the load control range. The load control range is 30–100%. Boilers operate on natural gas, diesel fuel, fuel oil, solid fuel.


The KV-GM boiler is a water-heating water-tube gas-tight boiler, with a horizontal or vertical arrangement of heating surfaces. According to the movement of flue gases, boilers are single-pass (span), two-pass, three-pass. The boiler design includes a combustion chamber and a convective heating surface located behind the combustion chamber. Boiler combustion chamber and convective part shielded by membrane panels assembled from pipes with a diameter of 51x4.0 mm, with welded spacers that ensure gas tightness of the boiler for operation under pressurization. The convective heating surface consists of a certain number of packets. Each package is assembled from horizontally or vertically located screens made of U-shaped pipes with a diameter of 28x3 mm. Drains and air vents are made of pipes with a diameter of 28x3 mm. The boiler design provides the necessary hatches and peepholes for operating the boiler. The gas-tight design of the boiler allows the use of lightweight thermal insulation 50 mm thick with decorative cladding. It is also possible to use boilers for working with vacuum.

Burner devices

KV-GM boilers are used with modern automated burner devices from leading European and Russian manufacturers, approved for use by the boiler manufacturer.


  1. High efficiency– is ensured by the design of the boilers and is characterized by stable high value at different loads.
  2. The boilers are gas-tight– these are stable characteristics of the boiler during long-term operation.
  3. Low NOx emissions– guaranteed by the design design of the combustion chamber and efficient combustion fuel on modern automated burners.
  4. Quick boiler output to the specified mode– ensured by a small volume of water in the boiler and high speeds movement of water in pipes.
  5. Reliable and simple design boilers, long service life– the requirements and operating experience of Russian heating networks are taken into account, regulatory period Boiler service life is 20 years.
  6. Possibility of using boilers in open circuits heat supply- is important advantage water tube boilers, as opposed to fire tube boilers.
  7. High maintainability– this is accessibility to any boiler unit, which allows you to quickly and easily at the lowest cost carry out necessary repairs.
  8. Block supply of boilershigh quality manufacturing boilers in the factory, significantly reduces costs and time for carrying out installation work, transportation to the construction site.
  9. Wide standard range of KV-GM boilers– allows you to correctly select capacities and competently carry out projects for quarterly and district boiler houses, as well as reconstruct existing boiler houses with the replacement of boilers from other manufacturers.
  10. Optimal price/quality ratio of boilers– allows you to significantly reduce and optimize capital costs for the construction of district heating sources.
  11. Use of boilers with burners from leading European and Russian manufacturers.

The boilers have modern and reliable design, are mass-produced by the manufacturer and supplied to customers as:

  • Single-pass (span) for flue gases
  • 13 standard sizes / 22 modifications
  • Temperature charts 95\70 °С, 115\70 °С, 150\70 °С
  • All boilers are certified according to the GOST R system and have permission for use by Rostechnadzor of the Russian Federation
  • The standard service life is at least 20 years

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):