In parks and garden plots not only perennials are grown hybrid delphiniums, but also annual species, which are also very decorative. Delphiniums attract the attention of gardeners not only with their striking appearance and huge size, but also with their ease of care.

They are unpretentious, grow quickly, do not need winter shelters, but like all plants they have some peculiarities in growing and caring for them. Flowering begins at last days June and, depending on the weather, lasts 20 - 30 days.

How to grow delphinium from seeds

There are two ways to grow delphinium from seeds.

  • Growing through seedlings.
  • Sowing seeds in open ground.

Growing through seedlings.

Growing through seedlings.

If you want a flower to bloom this same summer, then you will have to grow it through seedlings.

In what soil should I sow the seeds? Delphinium doesn't like acidic soil, therefore peat tablets are not suitable for sowing seeds. If you take peat (neutral reaction) for sowing, then only as one of the components of the soil mixture. For example, mix turf (or garden) soil, peat and sand, but peat is better replace with leaf soil (2:1:1).

Which seeds are best? Many gardeners complain that purchased seeds germinate very poorly, and sometimes do not germinate at all. Delphinium is an easy plant to grow and care for, but its seeds are quite capricious and require special conditions for storage.

Seeds should be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container. In warm, room conditions they lose their germination capacity after 10 - 11 months, and if the seeds have been lying on the shelf in the store for 2 - 3 years, then there is nothing to expect from them.

Seed stratification. Before planting, the seeds must be kept in the refrigerator for 10 - 12 days, always in a humid environment and with access to air. It can be done different ways. You can simply wrap it in a damp cloth and put it in a plastic container; you can use a foam sponge to make shallow ones longitudinal sections, in them and also place them in a container.

If there is a lot of space in the refrigerator, you can put a container with soil in which the seeds have already been sown. Of course, it is not necessary to use a refrigerator; if you have rooms with similar conditions (basement, loggia), carry out stratification there.

When to plant? Delphinium seedlings should be planted in March or early April.


The peculiarities of sowing include the fact that delphinium seeds are not sown individually. Although they are not very small, they germinate better when sown quite densely. As they grow, they seem to help each other. The seeds are laid out on a slightly compacted soil surface and covered with a thin layer of sand (3-5 mm) on top. Before sowing, they can be soaked for 6 hours in a zircon solution: 3 drops per 100 ml of water at room temperature.

Temperature conditions. Delphinium seeds do not require high temperatures to germinate. Sometimes they begin to germinate already in the refrigerator during stratification. The optimal temperature for germination is 12 - 15 degrees. Further cultivation seedlings are carried out at a temperature not higher than +20. This of course creates some difficulties when growing seedlings indoors.

Caring for seedlings. The seedlings that appear after 10-15 days are moved as close to the light as possible. Good lighting This required condition for growing strong seedlings. When the first true leaves form, the seedlings dive into separate cups. To do this, it is better to use large glasses or peat pots with a diameter of at least 9 cm.

How to water seedlings. Do not over-moisten the soil, do not water from above. Watering should be either through a tray or in a thin stream, trying not to get on the plants. Before watering, the soil must dry out, otherwise the seedlings may be damaged by blackleg.

At the end of April, seedlings that were hardened to fresh air, transplanted into the garden. Plants sown in March, if everything suits them, will bloom closer to autumn.

Planting and caring for delphinium in open ground

And the delphinium will suit a well-lit place protected from the winds, fertile soil. Even the most good soil Before planting, it needs to be improved, given that the delphinium will have to be grown in one place for several years. Add good humus or compost (0.5 buckets), complete mineral fertilizer (1-2 tablespoons per plant), mix everything well. You can add a little wood ash.

Delphinium seedlings are not yet large at the time of planting in open ground, but the distance between them is large (up to a meter), taking into account their future dimensions. After planting, the soil surface is mulched with compost or humus.

It is necessary for grown plants, otherwise the tall stems may break - by the wind or under the weight of flowers.

In the first year of cultivation, delphinium does not need to be fed. Sometimes you need to carefully loosen the soil that has become compacted after watering or mulch it additionally. Closer to autumn, well-grown bushes can be fed with potassium sulfate and superphosphate so that they overwinter better.

After flowering, the flower stalks are cut off, and after the first frost, all shoots are cut off. But the shoots of delphiniums are hollow; after cutting, water can stagnate in the stumps and cause rotting of the root collar. To prevent this from happening, the stumps are split to the ground. Thin shoots killed by frost can simply be bent to the ground and cut out in the spring.

The plant does not require shelter for the winter, but it will not be superfluous to mulch the root zone with compost and fallen leaves.

Caring for delphinium in the second year

Next spring, when shoots appear from the center of the bush, the flower is fed with mullein infusion or complex mineral fertilizer (it should not contain a lot of nitrogen). Watering also begins in the spring, since delphiniums begin to dry out when there is a lack of moisture. lower leaves, plants bloom poorer. IN hot weather Water thoroughly every week.

Required condition successful cultivation delphiniums is pruning and thinning. In the spring, shoots are rationed, leaving 2-3 stems in young bushes, 3-5 in older bushes, but not more than seven. Thinning promotes abundant flowering, inhibits the development of fungal diseases (primarily powdery mildew), since normalized bushes are better ventilated. Broken shoots, if their centers have not yet become hollow, can be tried to be rooted.

During the period of flower stalk formation, it is advisable to feed the plants with organic infusion and complex mineral fertilizer. Healthy bushes grown in one place for 5 - 6 years or even more.

After flowering, cutting off the flower stalks, the delphinium is fed again. And then it blooms again: more modestly than in spring, but still bright and impressive.

Growing delphinium annual

Growing an annual delphinium is not much different from growing its perennial relative. Usually annual plants grown not through seedlings, but by sowing seeds in the ground. This is explained by the fact that the seeds of annual delphiniums greatly lose their viability by spring, and they are extremely painful to transplant.

Annual delphinium Geocinth.

When to plant annual delphinium.

The seeds are planted directly into the ground. This can be done in both spring and autumn; it must be said that autumn sowing is preferable. At autumn sowing shoots appear very early, immediately after the snow melts, and accordingly, flowering occurs earlier. The seeds are sown immediately permanent place, maintaining a distance of 20 - 30 cm. Annual delphiniums They also reproduce well by self-sowing.

Delphinium is grown in well-lit places, on loamy soils. Flowers are watered moderately and throughout the season, once every 2 - 3 weeks, they are fed with complex min. fertilizer. When growing tall varieties, you need to take care of the supports.

Delphinium propagation

In addition to seed propagation, there are two more methods vegetative propagation this plant.

Propagation by cuttings

How to grow delphinium seedlings at home

Old delphinium bushes do not tolerate wet, long autumn and often die. Therefore, once every 3-4 years they need to be rejuvenated or replaced. One way is to grow delphinium from seeds. The first flowering occurs within six months!

How to properly store seeds

Flower growers often ask why purchased delphinium seeds do not germinate, while seeds from their garden germinate perfectly. The thing is that we usually sow our seeds fresh, and store purchased ones at home (since we purchase them in the off-season).

When stored in warm, dry conditions, delphinium seeds quickly lose their viability. If you bought seeds at the beginning of winter and sowing is still a long way off, immediately put the bags in the refrigerator.

When to sow delphinium

You can sow delphinium in different terms: in the fall (immediately after collecting seeds), before winter (after the soil freezes). At home, you can start sowing in the second half of February.

Preparing delphinium seeds for sowing

Disinfect the seeds: place them in a gauze bag in a deep pink solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes or in a fungicide solution prepared according to the instructions (Maxim, Fitosporin).

After potassium permanganate, rinse the seeds thoroughly in cold water and in the same bags, soak the seeds for a day in Epin’s solution (1-2 drops per 100 ml of water). Dry them slightly so that they do not stick together during sowing.

Soil mixture for sowing delphinium

The land for sowing should consist of garden soil, peat and humus (or compost) in equal parts. Add 0.5 parts of washed sand.

Sift. To increase the looseness and moisture capacity of the mixture, it is good to add a little perlite (about 0.5 cups per 5 liters of mixture).

Steam the soil mixture for 1 hour in a water bath to destroy fungal spores and weed seeds.

Fill with wet soil mixture containers for sowing, level and lightly compact.

Spread the delphinium seeds evenly over the surface of the soil. If there are only a few seeds, you can spread them out with tweezers. To avoid confusing varieties, place labels with the names of varieties immediately during sowing.

Sprinkle the seeds on top with the same soil in a layer of about 3 mm. To prevent the seeds from floating up during the first watering, compact the soil a little.

Gently water or thoroughly spray the delphinium crops from a spray bottle with cold boiled water.

Delphinium germinates better in the dark, and a little light can penetrate through the loose soil to the seeds. Therefore, the crops need to be covered with black covering material or film. It is better to place them directly on the windowsill, closer to the glass. Delphinium seeds germinate even at temperatures of +8...+10°C. At temperatures above +20°C, seedlings are suppressed and often die.

How to increase the germination rate of delphinium

Changing temperatures increases seed germination very well. Keep the container with the crops for 3-4 days at a temperature of +10...+15°C, then put it in the refrigerator for 2 weeks, on a glazed balcony or veranda.

It’s not scary if the temperature at night drops to -3...-2°C. This will benefit the seeds. After a two-week cold period, bring the crops indoors again.

Usually, after such preparation, seedlings appear on days 7-14. It is important not to miss this moment, remove the dark cover in time and expose the delphinium seedlings to the light on the window, closer to the glass, where the temperature is not higher than +20°C.

When the first true leaf appears, you can begin picking.

How to dive delphinium

For picking, you can use the same soil composition, adding 1 tablespoon of complete mineral fertilizer (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium + microelements) per 5 liters of mixture, and mix thoroughly. Volume of dishes for picking seedlings of great importance does not have.

After hardening, delphinium seedlings can be planted in a permanent place at the end of April. Delphinium is a cold-resistant crop; well-hardened young plants can tolerate light spring frosts.

Using a small spatula, make a small depression in the compacted soil, large enough to freely accommodate the roots of the seedling. Cover the roots with soil and gently press it around the plant with your fingers. The root collar should be level with the soil surface.

Carefully water the plants at the root, holding the seedling. If the roots are exposed, sprinkle the remaining soil on top.

How to feed delphinium seedlings

Before planting in the ground, the delphinium needs to be fed with a solution 1-2 times at an interval of 2 weeks. mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (preferably with trace elements). Fertilizers Rastvorin, Fertika Lux, and Agricola are very suitable for this. When fertilizing, the fertilizer solution should not fall on the leaves. If this happens, carefully rinse it off with clean water.

When the seedlings have 3-4 true leaves, you can begin hardening in the fresh air. After 2 weeks of hardening, the delphinium can be planted in the ground.

Delphinium New Zealand Giant has a truly enormous size. It grows to a height of up to 200 cm, the flowers are large and beautiful, with a cold beauty. For this reason, this variety is popularly called “Ice Heart”. It owes its origin to botanists from New Zealand. Let's consider growing it from seeds: how and when to plant.

This beautiful plant, loving the morning sun, has become a frequent guest in our gardens. It can be buy ready-made, or you can grow it yourself from purchased seeds.

Rules for storing seeds at home

At home, seeds are stored in sealed capsules in the freezer of the refrigerator. With this storage, the seeds will not lose their viability even after 10 years of storage.

Low quality seeds will lead to wasted labor and nothing will grow

Therefore, very often, when purchasing seeds from unknown manufacturing companies, gardeners wonder why, while doing everything according to the rules, they have seeds don't germinate. The answer is simple - they do not have fresh seeds.

If the seeds were stored at room temperature in a paper wrapper, then in less than a year most of the seeds will not germinate.

Buy seeds from garden center from well-known manufacturers.

When to plant New Zealand Giant

Growing Delphinium from seeds brings great pleasure to the gardener. You can plant at the end of February, when there is already spring sun at times. If it is not there, then the seedlings will have to be illuminated with special lamps.

Some gardeners focus on moon calendar for sowing flower crops. This is easier to do knowing that the seeds sown in the second half of February.

If it is growing, then feel free to start sowing Delphinium seeds. It is important to have quality seeds.

Which container to plant in?

The container is selected to be 10-12 cm high and made of plastic, since a wooden one will be heavy and bulky. The main thing is that there are containers at the bottom drainage holes to drain water.

A small pot is unlikely to suit such a pet

You can also sow into peat tablets or peat cups, then when growing seedlings, you will not have to pick, and when transplanting to your main place of residence in the garden, the roots will not be injured.

It should be convenient for the gardener to use this container for seedlings.

Soil preparation

Soil preparation in the garden should begin in the fall. It is dug up 30 cm deep and rotted manure and sand are added. When digging, various roots are removed weeds and larvae of insect pests. In the spring, the place for Delphinium seedlings is dug up again and leveled so that there is no large clods land.

The plant prefers fertile soil.

Step-by-step disembarkation

We fill the selected container with the prepared soil. When it is 2/3 full, the soil is watered warm water. The entire procedure for sowing seeds occurs in stages:

  1. The seeds are laid out on the surface of the soil.
  2. We attach a tag to the container indicating which variety is sown in this particular container.
  3. Cover the seeds thin layer of soil no more than 3 mm.
  4. Watering from above is carried out using a small sprayer.
  5. Then cover the container with a dark bag.

Delphinium seeds germinate best in complete darkness, but you must not miss the moment of germination to expose them to the light. Place the container together with the bag refrigerate for 14 days.

We can say that after such manipulations, the first shoots should appear in 2 weeks.

What substrate is needed

Substrate for planting seedlings can be purchased at a garden center or made yourself. To make the soil yourself, take all the ingredients in equal quantities:

  • Peat;
  • Garden soil;
  • Humus.

To disinfect this land It is best to use the freezing method. To do this, put the soil in a bag and send it to the freezer refrigerator.

The soil should be nutritious and loose.

Caring for seedlings in the first days after planting

Strong and healthy shoots have green and stay straight in your cups. Watering is carried out boiled water and definitely warm.

To avoid washing the delicate seeds out of the soil, use a tablespoon or a syringe without a needle.

On at this stage watering is required as carefully as possible

When the sprout has two real sheet plates, carry out a pick in separate 200 gr. cups filled with nutritious and loose soil.

To temperature environment It was no higher than 20 degrees Celsius.

When and how to repot

In August, take a mother plant no younger than 4 years old and separate it from it vegetative part with a root system and waiting growth buds. This entire seedling is planted in a suitable container and transferred to a cooler place.

In October, this container with the flower is lowered into the basement, and there it remains until the beginning of January. Then the container is brought into the apartment, and through certain time foliage appears, and then a peduncle.

What is the peculiarity of growing from seeds for seedlings or for planting in a pot.

The peculiarity is that an adult division is transplanted into a pot, which will bloom in winter time, and with the help of seeds in the first summer you won’t be able to wait for flowering, or the arrow will be quite frail and you won’t be able to see all the beauty of the variety.

General facts about Delphinium

This beautiful flower shoots out a long arrow and up to 80 flowers of various shades bloom on it. Eat tall varieties, and if quite low, but they are all very decorative.

Few people will question the decorative abilities of this pet.

Does Delphinium need stratification?

Stratification Delphinium seeds required and continues for 15 days. Stratification is also used with other plants. For example, as an element.


In addition to seed propagation, there is also:

  1. Dividing the mother bush.
  2. Cuttings.

Dividing the bush

Produce every six years, since during this time it, growing in one place, begins to degenerate and therefore requires replanting. Seated or in early spring, or already at the beginning of autumn, when the heat subsides.

The old bush is removed from the ground, shaken off the soil and divided into equal parts so that they contain root system and waiting growth buds.

Each part is planted independently in a separate place prepared in advance.


Propagated in June by cutting green cuttings from an adult mother bush. The air temperature should be not less than 20 degrees Celsius.

The cuttings are planted in the shade and covered with a glass jar and do not forget to water. After just 20 days, the cuttings will acquire their own root system.

Diseases and pests

Delphinium seedlings due to high humidity and small quantities sun rays Sometimes susceptible to blackleg disease. If detected, the affected sprout is removed, and all others are watered with Previkur.

Powdery mildew – affects adult plants at high humidity and high temperature air. Affected plants are removed and destroyed outside the site, and the rest are treated with Bordeaux mixture.

Viral mosaic– this disease cannot be cured and therefore the plant is removed along with the clod of earth in which it grew.

At the first signs of the disease, treat and save the plant.

Perennial and annual

Belladonna variety Elatum variety Lilac Spiral variety Piccolo variety Nachtvahe variety

Perennial Delphiniums are divided into into three groups:


Arnold Becklin with bright blue flowers
Piccolo flowers have blue petals
Lamartine with blue semi-double flowers
Merheim having simple white petals and the same center


Nakhtvahe with purple flowers
Perlmutrbaum having a dark center and pearlescent blue color
Abgezang flowers are cornflower blue, reaching a length of 170 cm
Bornimer Hybriden with petals in blue shades
Lady Belinda white

Domestic varieties

Pledge of Youth pale pink, with semi-double petals and a black eye
Memory of the Cranes With purple flowers and black eye, diameter – up to 8 cm
Lilac Spiral having two-color flowers up to 7 cm in diameter with lilac petals

Annual Delphiniums are represented by varieties:

  • field bush 2 m in height, blooms with loose inflorescences, the flower shoot is 30 cm. Pink and blue shades predominate;
  • Delphinium of Ajax– the height of this hybrid, depending on the variety, has different heights from 25 cm to 100 cm. Among these varieties, flowers with double colors and different shades of buds are often found.
  • For wintering, it is best to cover it with leaf litter or spruce paws, and cover the cut hollow stems of flower stalks with plasticine or clay. This will help avoid rotting.

White varieties are planted in full sun as they need more light.

  • If varieties are planted interspersed, then the purity of the variety gets lost over time.

This beautiful regal flower deserves to be planted in your flower garden. Because his beautiful and fragrant candles evoke admiration among those who have ever seen them.

I love flower beds, front gardens, gardens in the middle of summer! What doesn’t bloom there - luxurious roses, slender lilies, gladioli, cheerful phlox, graceful carnations, bright eschscholzia, curly nigella... I always admire such diversity, but the tall multi-colored candles of delphiniums are amazing in a special way. They add beauty and height to front gardens and flower beds. Hybrid varieties look especially good - like two-meter giants! So, perennial delphinium - planting and care, photos of these beauties are the subject of our conversation.

Photo of a summer flower garden with delphiniums

Types of delphiniums

Perennial delphiniums hybrid varieties can be roughly divided into five types.

Photo: King Arthur

Each group contains one and a half to two dozen varieties. It is not surprising that it is difficult to choose just one, “your” variety. The names alone are worth it! King Arthur, Black Eyed Angels, Sweethearts, others.

Perennial delphiniums begin to bloom in June. Flowering duration is from 2-3 weeks to one month. Tall candles of inflorescences, consisting of 50-80 flowers, begin to bloom from below.

Delphinium New Zealand giant, photo

You can look at delphinium inflorescences for a long time - some varieties have rounded flower petals, others have sharp ones, others have wide ones, and others have curlicues. There are even some that have petals in one flower different forms. Some delphinium flowers have “eyes” in the center, others do not.

Considering what was said above, it is very difficult to choose which variety to grow - you want everything at once. But, if you have a small plot, we recommend choosing no more than 2-3 varieties.

Delphinium perennial - growing from seeds

You should not think that delphiniums are easy to grow. Yes, caring for those that have already grown up will not cause any particular difficulties. But when planting, it is necessary to comply with agricultural technology.

You should start by choosing a place to plant perennial delphiniums. They like fertilized, fertile soil; they prefer loamy soil; its acidity should be close to neutral. This means that wood ash at the delphinium planting site is very desirable.

The area where delphiniums will grow should be open and ventilated, but, nevertheless, these tall plants should be protected from strong winds. Perennial delphiniums love the sun, but it is better if they are in at least light shade during the midday heat. Light shade will prevent the flowers from fading in the sun.

There is one secret to growing delphinium from seeds! The brightest colors of the flowers are obtained from the seeds of the first year of collection.

Remember that delphinium seeds lose their viability very quickly, so they must be sown in the fall immediately after ripening (October-November). Seeds are sown in open ground or seed boxes. If you were unable to do this in the fall, then the seeds must be stratified. Sowing of ripened seeds is carried out in the flower garden in rows, in seed boxes - scattered.

There are different timings for sowing seeds in open ground:

  • spring - April-May,
  • summer - June-July,
  • sub-winter - October-November.

Perhaps seed propagation of delphiniums. picking up seeds and sprouts is the most troublesome task. The seeds require stratification, that is, before planting, they must be kept moist for 2 weeks in the refrigerator at a temperature of +3-5°C. Sometimes they already begin to sprout there.

You can sow seeds for seedlings as early as late February-early March. The seedlings need additional lighting. Seedlings must be picked carefully, as they are easy to break - they are very fragile. When planting, deepen the seedlings to the cotyledon leaves.

I think you should only tinker with seeds of rare varieties when there are few seeds. Seeds are used to propagate varieties whose plants have a strongly developed tap root and do not take root well when transplanted. Plants grown from seeds in open ground are distinguished by high winter hardiness, a powerful root system and a highly developed above-ground mass.

And it is better to sow the more common, proven varieties of delphiniums in open ground before winter. In the spring, after the emergence of seedlings, plant them in a permanent place in bunches of 3-4 pieces per hole.

At seed propagation it turns out a large number of planting material, therefore it is recommended to carry out two thinnings, leaving the strongest and beautiful plants. The distance between plants should be 20-30 cm. It is advisable to leave these plants at the planting site until flowering, which occurs four months later.

Reproduction of delphiniums by dividing the bush

Delphiniums also reproduce by dividing the bush, by shoots.

You can plant them in early spring if you live in middle lane or even further north, or in the fall, around September in the Kuban.

Delphiniums grow over time, so holes for planting shoots or bushes are placed at a distance of 50-60 cm. The size of the holes should be much larger than the shoots themselves (40x40x40 cm). This is necessary in order to fill them with nutritious compost mixed with organic and mineral fertilizers. The proportions are as follows - for 1-2 buckets of compost (rotted humus), 1 tablespoon with a mountain of superphosphate, the same amount potash fertilizers, 1 tbsp. l. without a slide of potassium magnesia, a glass of wood ash. Nitrogen fertilizers It is better not to apply it when planting.

When planting a delphinium bush (shoot), the root collar of the seedling should be deepened, but not more than 2-3 cm.

Very important point caring for delphiniums - mandatory thinning of shoots. This is done in the spring after the plant sprouts reach a height of 10 cm.

But in thinning there is one interesting feature. In the second year in the spring strong plants They leave 3 stems, for those who are weaker - one. And in next years at large-flowered varieties leave 3-4 shoots. And for varieties with small flowers – 7-10. The remaining stems are cut at the root.

Thinning allows the inflorescences not to become smaller, not to lose their fullness, and to maintain the original brightness of the flowers.

Timely watering is important for blooming delphiniums. Moreover, it is plentiful - at least 2-3 buckets of water are poured under each bush in dry weather. Water at the root; it is undesirable for water to get on the leaves, since delphiniums are easily susceptible to fungal diseases.

The ABC of agricultural technology is loosening the soil after watering or rain.

Delphiniums respond well to feeding with abundant, bright flowering.

Experts advise doing this three times a season. The first feeding - in the spring - with organic matter, the second after 1-1.5 months - with a complete mineral fertilizer such as Kemira Universal. The third time is carried out foliar feeding during the appearance of buds, spray with a solution of superphosphate (50 g per 1 liter of water).

Alas, delphiniums are often affected powdery mildew, viruses. When you notice a dirty whitish coating on leaves or flowers, it is too late to take any action. Therefore, do not forget to prevent the disease during the budding period by spraying the flowers with any fungicide, for example, the drug HOM, Ridomil or the biological product Fitosporin.

By the way, there are delphiniums that are resistant to these diseases - these are varieties of the New Zealand group. When purchasing seeds, pay attention to which group these flowers belong to. By purchasing certain varieties, you will save time on treating flowers against diseases.

There is one feature of caring for delphiniums - pruning, or rather, the actions of gardeners after it.

Yes, it is recommended to cut off faded flower stalks before winter. The peculiarity is that they need to be cut very close to the ground, and the stumps should be hilled up and covered with soil. The fact is that the stems of these flowers are empty inside. By leaving the cut stems above the soil level, you will allow rainwater to accumulate inside the stumps, and this is a direct threat to the roots - they can rot over the winter. You won't be able to see any shoots in the spring. But don’t forget to clear the mound at the roots of the delphiniums in the spring.

After pruning, you can leave stems 20-25 cm long, but then you should cover the holes in the stem with clay and earth.

Everything that I wrote above about pruning delphiniums applies to varietal species, perennials.

Cute annuals (they are called spurs, sokirs) reproduce by self-seeding and do not require such close attention.

Delphinium annual, photo of flowers

Undoubtedly, the delphinium on the site is very beautiful and elegant. But do not forget that this plant is poisonous. Protect your hands from dripping sap when pruning.

Delphinium is a representative of the Buttercup family. Poisonous flower It can be one-, two-, or multi-year. Well tolerated low temperatures and grows up to 2 m in height. Blue, pink and soft white delphiniums decorate gardens and are used for vertical decoration of walls and fences. Ready seedlings exotic flowers will cost a decent amount. It is more profitable to purchase seeds and grow delphinium yourself.

Where to buy seed

Only employees of reputable nurseries and breeders know how to properly store seed. Exotic flower seeds lose viability at room temperature. The workpiece is kept in the refrigerator or special chambers, where it is always dry and the thermometer does not show more than zero.

Delphinium sold in markets or supermarkets does not sprout in 60–80%. It's not the gardener who used the wrong substrate or fertilizer, but the seed material. Market traders don't know how to create the right conditions for exotic flowers. Pack the seeds in paper bags and store warm along with the rest of the plants. The result is a lack of seedlings and wasted money.

You can ask for delphinium seeds from your neighbors who grow colorful bushes. Several brown boxes are cut from healthy and well-developed plants. Deep color indicates that the flowers are ripe. Some pick off specimens that are just covered brown spots, and stored in a cool room until the workpieces change color.

The seeds are carefully poured onto Blank sheet, dried and placed in glass jars. The containers are placed in the refrigerator or freezer and taken out to the balcony or veranda. At sub-zero temperatures, seed is stored for up to 15 years. To “wake up” the delphinium, it is enough to stratify and plant the seeds in the ground.

Preparing the plant

The seed material is first disinfected:

  1. Prepare a deep pink solution of potassium permanganate or fungicide. They recommend Fitosporin or Maxim, which is diluted with water according to the instructions.
  2. Place delphinium seeds in a fabric bag and immerse in disinfectant liquid for 20 minutes.
  3. Remove the workpiece and wash off the remaining solution running water, and then put on a saucer and soak.

There should be little liquid; add a few drops of Epin or Zircon to it. The products stimulate growth and increase the percentage of seedlings. What to do after soaking?

  1. After a day, drain the fertilizer and place the seeds in a thin layer on damp gauze or a piece of cotton fabric.
  2. Roll the rag into a not too tight roll and place it in a plastic container.
  3. Place the container with the seed in the refrigerator and regularly add 10–20 ml of water so that it covers only the lower part of the gauze roll.
  4. When there is too much liquid, the seeds do not breathe and begin to rot.
  5. Alternative to water - wet moss, which is used to transfer fabric rolls with delphinium.

Keep the seed in the refrigerator for about a week. When the small white dots hatch, the workpiece is moved to the windowsill and kept under phytolamps or fluorescent lamps for several days. Germinated and heated seeds are planted in open ground or boxes with a special substrate.

Some gardeners soak the seed in early spring, wrap it in gauze and place it in plastic bags. The workpiece is buried in the ground and left for 1–2 weeks. They do this in April, when the snow begins to melt and the temperature ranges from – 5–10 to +3–6 degrees.

Growing in open ground

  • peat and humus – 2 kg each;
  • wood ash – 100–150 g;
  • nitrophoska – 20–30 ml.

IN heavy soil Be sure to add coarse sand. On square meter about a bucket and a half, so that the soil becomes more loose and moisture-permeable. Add 20–30 g of lime to soil with high acidity, otherwise the delphinium will be weak and dull.

The components are thoroughly mixed, poured onto the beds and the soil is dug to a depth of 25–30 cm. The area intended for growing exotic flowers is carefully leveled, breaking up lumps and removing remaining weeds. The area is lightly compacted and covered with shallow grooves.

The beds are filled with filtered water and sown with sprouted seeds. Cover future bushes with a centimeter layer of sifted soil. Protect from frost and rain with thick film or tarpaulin. The soil is regularly ventilated and moistened, and completely uncovered 20–25 days after emergence.

How to care for delphinium seedlings

  1. Make sure that the soil does not dry out.
  2. Apply fertilizers periodically: first nitrogenous, after flowering feed with phosphorus, and at the end of August and beginning of September feed with potassium.
  3. Loosen the soil and clear weeds.

This is enough for the plant to develop normally, form buds in a timely manner and throw out buds.

From refrigerator to drawer

Growing perennial delphiniums It's a troublesome job, but interesting. The seeds are disinfected and stratified, and then planted not in open ground, but in wooden or plastic boxes 10–20 cm deep.

While the seed swells and germinates, the substrate is prepared. Mix:

  • leaf or turf soil;
  • sand;
  • humus.

Use the ingredients by eye to make it light loose soil, which allows air to pass through and does not trap excess moisture. It is advisable not to add peat. It will make the substrate too acidic and the delphiniums will turn out pale.

Replace peat with wood ash: 100 g of additive per bucket of finished substrate. Alternative to organic nutrition - mineral complex. A tablespoon of fertilizer per 10–12 liters of soil.

Fill 2/3 of the box with the prepared substrate, not forgetting the drainage layer. Distribute the sprouted seeds. For 1 sq. cm there are 1–2 pieces each. The seed material is small, so it is recommended to use a wooden toothpick:

  • Soak the sharp tip in water.
  • Carefully pick up the seed.
  • Place it in a box, pressing it lightly into the ground.

Sprinkle the future seedlings with a thin layer of substrate and tamp with a sheet of paper or glass. Cover the box with burlap or a piece of cardboard so that light does not fall on the seeds, and send the delphinium to a cool room. Maintain the temperature in the room no higher than +15, otherwise the flower will not sprout. Periodically moisten the soil with a spray bottle or a small watering can with a strainer on the spout.

Delphinium is contraindicated abundant watering, otherwise rot or black leg appears on the plant, and the seedlings die. The temperature must not drop below +12.

The first shoots will hatch in 8–10 days, maximum 3 weeks. Typically, only 60–70% of seeds germinate, even if the seed material was of high quality and the gardener carefully prepared it. Weak seedlings need sun, so the box with seedlings is moved to the windowsill. Gradually increase the temperature to +20 so that the delphinium feels comfortable.

If the seeds were planted at the end of February or beginning of March, when the daylight hours are not long enough, thin seedlings supplemented with phytolamps so that it does not stretch out or weaken.

Diving is carried out after the formation of the third full leaf.

Seedlings exotic flower planted in peat pots. Ordinary plastic ones filled with a nutrient substrate with the addition of mineral fertilizers are also suitable. Peat tablets It is recommended to soak in a fungicide solution to protect the delphinium from blackleg.

Before picking, the seedlings in the box are filled with water to soften the soil. Using a spatula or hands, separate the young seedling from the rest, trying not to injure the root system. Take it out of the box along with a lump of soil. Do not clean off the soil, but immediately transfer the flower to new pot. Leave the cotyledon on the surface of the soil.

The transplanted delphinium is watered after 2–3 days. The plant will need time to adapt and take root. 3 weeks after picking, the seedlings are fed with mineral fertilizers intended for roses or organic solutions. For example, from wood ash or mullein.

A healthy delphinium has rich green leaves. If the top is faded, the flower needs more sun or feeding.

Preparing for the natural environment

In open ground exotic plant transferred in early or mid-May. The main thing is that at night the air temperature does not drop below +10. Light frosts will not harm young bushes, but very coldy capable of destroying seedlings.

In order for the delphinium to quickly take root in the garden, it is hardened. During the day, place it on a lighted windowsill and open the windows. The seedlings will get used to ultraviolet light and cool air. Flowers can be hardened on the balcony, but be sure to bring them into the house at night.

To ensure that seedlings grown with such difficulty do not die after transplantation, you need to choose the right site:

  1. One of the main conditions is plenty of morning sun. After lunch, shade should fall on the plants.
  2. It is impossible for melt or rain water to stagnate in the area with delphiniums.
  3. Plant flowers at a decent distance from bushes and trees. Their root system will dominate and draw out all the beneficial substances from the soil, depriving the delphinium of nutrition.
  4. Tall exotic bushes can break from strong gusts of wind, so it is recommended to plant them near a house or a fence that will protect the plant.

A distance of 40–60 cm is maintained between flowers. A mixture of humus, lime, wood ash and mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen is added to the holes. Root collar and the buds are left on the surface of the earth.

Perennial delphinium is fed in the same way as annual delphinium:

  • In the spring, nitrogen fertilizer is applied;
  • when the flowers wither, phosphorus composition;
  • in early August they fertilize with potassium.

Important: If at the end of May - beginning of June the delphinium flower stalks have fallen, there is no need to apply an additional portion of fertilizer. Symptoms indicate yellow cutworm is laying eggs in the root portion of the plant. To prevent insect infestation, delphinium bushes are sprayed with insecticides in spring and summer.

After flowering, the wilted branches are cut off and the hole is sealed with plasticine so that water does not accumulate inside the stem. Moisture causes the plant to rot. Every 4-6 years the bush is transplanted to a new place, because the flower gradually depletes the soil.

Perennial delphinium will decorate the garden. It is necessary to take intensive care of two-meter bushes only in the first year of life, then it is enough to water and loosen the soil in a timely manner, periodically clear the area of ​​weeds and carry out preventive spraying with insecticides.

Video: the secret to the success of delphinium from seeds

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):