The territory of not every site allows for the creation of a pond, stream or fountain. But even in such a situation there is always a way out. A dry stream can become an imitation of a riverbed. The birthplace of this design technique is the land of the rising sun, Japan. It is used by designers all over the world, applying it in different styles. Dry streams can be divided into two groups, which are fundamentally different from each other.

The first option is “the water is gone.” Here the technique depicts the bed of a stream or river in which the water has gone or dried up.

The second option is to depict water itself with an inert material.

By paving a path along a section of a dry stream, certain planning difficulties are solved: combining several zones, masking landscape defects or traces of communications, landscaping garden paths. A dry stream has not only a decorative function. In addition to the aesthetic role, there is a technical one. Stormwater and spring meltwater are discharged along the gravel.

Step by step instructions

The shape of the infield plays a fundamental role in the layout of a dry stream. A curving and narrow imitation of the source visually deepens the territory. In this case, a small area appears larger. The sinuous shape, close to natural, is suitable for any style direction. When creating such a miracle in your garden, you need to decide not only on its size and shape, the material plays an important role. A popular solution is local rocks, they give the stream a natural look. Those who want to create an imitation not only of the contours of the water surface, but of the shine on the surface of the water, choose a flat, smooth material with rounded corners. The shore is created from boulders that have been affected by water and wind. Light-colored stones will help to depict not only waterfalls, but also rapids. The most popular material is sand. It creates a wave effect. To do this, carefully “comb” with a rake along the surface itself. The lower layers of sand and soil remain unharmed.

To create the contours of the future stream, dig a shallow trench, as if for a walking path, no more than 20 cm in depth. The beautiful appearance of the stream will not be spoiled by weeds if you lay out nutrasil (a special dark material) at the bottom or fill it with concrete (a layer of no more than 5 cm). This also helps to prevent water from entering under the foundations of buildings, in the case of storm or melt water. Sand or stones are placed on it. Beginner gardeners can safely experiment. You can apply sand multiple times until you get the desired result. Thanks to certain types of stone, the stream comes in different shades:

  • blue-gray (schist or basalt),

  • red-brown (granite),

  • light (limestone and marble).

The formation of a source begins with laying out a large stone. Once the outline is laid, small pebbles or gravel fill the free space to hide the concrete and soil. Gravel of both small and medium sizes is laid out in the riverbed itself. Near a wide stream, stone islands will look beautiful. A couple of small areas will add a special touch.

The stream must be framed by plants that evoke an association with the reservoir:, and, juniper with creeping branches.

Tall and abundantly flowering representatives of the flora should be avoided. They can spoil the effect of a dry riverbed. Diversity and taller plants can be afforded by owners of an impressive territory where they can create a large stream. It is important that they do not cover or distract attention from the rocky mouth. A significant advantage of using this design technique is savings. Compared to the construction of a real reservoir, the costs of a dry stream are much lower. Indeed, in this case, you can do without changes to the relief surface, searching for a source of moisture, or installing an expensive pump. The design project is a personal idea of ​​a real stream in nature and complete adherence to it.

Choosing the right place

A dry stream leaves room for imagination. Now it is dry, but it seems that all it takes is a little rain and it will become a living and bubbling river again. Creating it with your own hands is quite simple. In this design technique there are no rules, clearly defined forms and boundaries. The more heterogeneous it looks, the better. For effectiveness, dry waterfalls come to his aid. On a large plot you can afford several. The secret to the naturalness of a dry stream is the unevenness and hilliness of the surface. For greater naturalness, small wooden bridges are erected over the imitation of the source.

The ideal place for this landscape element is a hill that is clearly visible from anywhere in the garden. Nothing should distract from a dry source. , rockeries and lush bright flower beds should be at a considerable distance from a dry stream. It is rarely located along a shady alley with wide tree crowns. The stone should sparkle in the sun, creating the illusion of a water surface. For this purpose, it can even be varnished. Every year, the design technique is becoming increasingly popular due to its many advantages:

  • efficiency. Even beginners can set up a source. It does not require significant costs for material and contact with a specialist.
  • safety. There is no need to be afraid for the children; a dry stream does not pose a danger, unlike the present one.
  • unlimited possibilities. Imitation of a source can occur anywhere, using individual capabilities and without making mandatory requirements.
  • ease of care. A dry stream does not need to be cleaned regularly. It is enough to get rid of rare weeds and slightly maintain the shape of the riverbed.
  • lack of nuance. Because of the dry stream, moisture lovers - mosquitoes - will not appear in the garden.

Dry Spring Plants and Decorations

Near the dry spring you can place a gazebo, benches and a table with a large umbrella. Wooden and stone bridges that are decorative or quite suitable for crossing are welcome. And if the site has a problem with flooding from storm water, real bridges will come in handy. Indeed, in the event of a natural whim, a dry stream will turn into a real one. A rocky body of water that has a technical function usually flows into a dry pool. Storm water from which goes into the ground. Its arrangement follows the same pattern as the source, with the exception of the use of concrete and dark material. The Japanese tradition of the rock garden symbolizes only the symbol of water, its continuous movement. This element of the garden is a wonderful place for relaxation, philosophical reflection and contemplation of the beauty of nature.

If desired, the dry spring is supplemented with decorative elements: a large clay jug, ceramic figurines of fish, frogs and other river inhabitants. The “wild” corner of nature plays an important role in the landscaping of the site. It brings special charm, individuality and oriental mystery to the garden plot. But it is impossible to imagine any source without framing it with flowers and plants. The stream may also flow into the bush, where its further progress is difficult to trace. Plants do not have to be moisture-loving, as is the case with a real source. But some recommendations must still be followed:

  • pay attention to the climatic conditions of the area,
  • take into account the soil characteristics of the site,
  • Don’t forget about temperature and humidity,
  • the intensity or absence of sunlight is important.

Plants with purple, blue, white and blue inflorescences are in perfect harmony with the imitation of water. Perennials are unpretentious; they are able to frame a spring all year round. Designers often give preference to periwinkle, fern, loberia, and silver lily of the valley. Naturalness is given by those representatives of the flora that grow naturally on the banks of reservoirs. These are cereals, blue oatmeal, lilies, calamus, sedge. In spring, the stream is decorated with daffodils, scylla, esoltia, and hyacinths. An excellent choice in a garden with sandy or loamy soil would be low-growing representatives: juniper, hudsonian fir, mountain frodo pine or mini-mini.

When planting various plants with small foliage, do not forget about autumn leaf fall. During this period, you will have to pick out leaves from the stream that may get stuck in it. Gardeners are saved by such a purchase as a garden vacuum cleaner. Then, dogwood and other flowering shrubs can be safely planted.

Video - DIY dry stream

The art of landscape design combines many elements, for example, alpine slides, various types of flower beds, ponds, gazebos and much more. One of these elements, which has recently become quite popular, is the so-called dry stream, reminiscent of the bed of a real living stream, along which water recently gurgled merrily.

The bottom of such a stream is lined with stones, and flowers grow along the banks. It seems that as soon as it rains, the water will again fill the dry riverbed and the stream will gurgle again.

The idea of ​​creation dry stream on the site came to us from China. According to the beliefs of the Chinese, water must be present in any plot or garden or, in extreme cases, its imitation, which was most successfully realized in the “stone stream”. This element of landscape design is essentially universal and can easily fit into a classic or modern style. In addition, such a stream has many advantages, for example, due to the lack of water in it, you will never be attacked by mosquitoes, and it does not require special care. Due to the fact that the stream can be made of any size and shape, it is perfect for an area of ​​any size and with any surface, and it will be safe for children to play near it.

How to create dry stream on the site?

What seems difficult at first glance is not so difficult upon further consideration. First you need to remember what living natural streams look like, and, based on this, figure out what your version will look like. First you need to “draw” the outlines of the channel; this can be done, for example, with sand. Depending on the size of the site, you need to design the stream itself. If the area is small, then a winding channel will help to visually enlarge the area and deepen it. At different sections along the entire length of the stream there can be different widths; thanks to this technique, maximum “naturalness” can be achieved. After you have determined the exact contours of the future stream with sand, you can begin its construction.

They will help make your project look natural local rocks. It is better to choose smooth and flat pebbles for the bottom, and install small blocks along the banks, as if washed by water. In order to make “thresholds” and “waterfalls,” experts recommend choosing light-colored stones, and, on the contrary, dark stones for recesses. Device designers' favorite breeds dry streams on the site, are slate, as well as basalt and gneiss. Inserts of white marble can very well enliven the appearance of a stream.

If you want to achieve special effects, you can resort to paint and paint some pebbles in dark and light colors. To achieve the effect of flowing water that shimmers in the sun, designers advise using glass beads or granules. In general, there is a lot of information on this topic both on the Internet and in landscape design magazines, so by taking ideas into account, you can come up with something original.

Dry stream on the site - photo

When you have already decided on the details of the project, you can begin to build dry stream on the site. To do this, you will need to dig a small trench with a depth of 10 to 20 cm along the entire length of the intended contour. To prevent the growth of weeds that can spoil the appearance of the stream, the bottom must be lined with any dense dark-colored material, for example, agrofibre. This material allows air and moisture to pass through, but does not allow weeds to grow. Stones for lining a stream are used in several types and sizes.

The largest ones support the “banks”, smaller stones, for example, pebbles, fill the distances between them, and pebbles or crushed stone fill the rest of the space. When coming up with an environment for your masterpiece, remember that in this case simplicity and conciseness are exactly what is welcome, that is, nothing superfluous, everything should be in moderation and any elements should be in harmony with each other. When selecting plants, give preference to low-growing species.

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A dry stream can become a very beautiful decorative element in a personal plot. You can make such a composition in the garden with your own hands, without the help of landscape designers. It will not cost much and will not take much time.

If we talk not only about the beauty of such a landscape design, it is also worth noting that such a decorative element is very useful. By making a dry stream on your property, you can be sure that children will be safe from mosquitoes, which are not attracted to such dry bodies of water. The perimeter of such a structure in the garden can be decorated with a variety of lanterns and bridges, and plants can be planted nearby on the sides of the stones.

Selecting a form for a dry stream

In order to choose the ideal shape for creating a dry stream in the country with your own hands, you need study the surface layer of the earth. It is best to make the highest point an elevated place, it will look much more attractive. It will become like the bed of a mountain river, which will begin to descend the slope, twisting in places on its way and changing direction.

The design of the stream will visually increase the boundaries of the dacha site. The beginning of the stream bed is worth highlighting in a special way. You can put a tall boulder or make a kind of well, from which a stone river will flow, as it were. A chic design move could be some kind of vessel buried half in the ground. Stone water will flow out of the neck of such a vessel, and this will be a wonderful start to a dry stream in landscape design.

You can make a stream in a plot of stones going beyond the boundaries of the site, for example, towards fruit bushes or will go through the fence. This will intrigue and excite the imagination of your visitors. Most often, such a stream consists of one branch of the river; designers prefer not to branch such decorative elements. Moreover, as a rule, in the area near the dacha there is not much free space for an extensive branching of the stream.

Materials for creating a dry stream and preparing the area

Like any other decorative element in a dacha, a landscape dry stream requires careful preparation of the area. It is recommended to mark the territorial boundaries of the stream in advance, for this you can use such materials, How:

  • River sand.
  • Rope with stakes.
  • Twine.

Do not forget that the stream should bend and spill in different directions naturally. We must remember that nature is always multifaceted and magnificent. The more bends there are, the more beautiful the design of the structure will be.

Having chosen a low plot of land that has a slope, we begin the preparatory work for creating a dry stream with our own hands in stages. It is also important to calculate the deepening of a dry stream. It shouldn't look like a ditch. But it must be quite deep to cover all the required materials to create such a landscape object on the site.

Gallery: dry stream (25 photos)

Preparing a place for a stream should begin with the following actions:

Designers advise laying a drainage layer at the bottom of the stream and filling it with cement or concrete so that weeds and plants do not disturb its integrity and you do not have to constantly weed the stream. If it is not possible to fill it with concrete, then you can line it with a dense material, for example, linoleum or film. For structural integrity and beautiful appearance, the soil is masked with sand and expanded clay.

Materials needed to lay out the stream:

  • Gravel.
  • Crushed stone.
  • Sinks.
  • Cobblestones.
  • Boulders.
  • Limestones.

All possible stones that exist in nature will look great in the composition on the site. The color range can also be varied, but designers give preference to stones in the gray-blue color range. The sizes should also be different. You can accentuate the stream with elements such as thick glass balls added to the stones. They will shine beautifully, giving the effect of water. The materials for creating a pond in the garden can be varied according to your choice, the main thing is that everything looks like a single composition.

Creating a stream

Option for gradually creating a stream on the site:

Decorating a stream with flowers

Very important choose the right plants for a dry stream. After all, you must admit that there is no river in nature without being surrounded by greenery and flowers of all kinds and colors. It is flower arrangements that will allow such a landscape object as a dry stream to look as natural as possible.

The near-riparian part of the stream should be decorated with any plants of your choice. But do not forget that they should be combined with each other as much as possible. You should also not forget about what kind of soil is located on the territory of the composition and its illumination.

Designers place plants that grow in nature near bodies of water. And by creating a dry stream in the garden with our own hands, we can plant any flower crops and plants that we like.

Here a number of plants that are usually planted:

  • Chinese reed. This type of reed is considered a cereal. It is afraid of cold and wind, so planting such reeds should be done between high boulders. They will perfectly protect them from bad weather conditions and windy weather.
  • A plant like sunflower looks great in any composition with flower crops. Tolerates bad weather conditions well.
  • Day-lily. It can grow both in partial shade and on the sunny side. But it is only worth noting that such a plant begins to bloom when it receives sufficient sunlight.
  • Any type of decorative bamboo.
  • Decorative grass. An excellent option for highlighting the outlines of the coast. Tolerates dry days and dry soil very well. It blooms beautifully with inflorescences resembling panicles.

All types of such grass are planted mixed together so as not to differ from a real body of water. And also, there is no need to plant the entire coastline with tall grass, leave room for flower arrangements. Otherwise, the structure will simply be hidden from view of others behind the grass.

Here's a range of colors, which can be planted deep in flowerpots or bowls buried in the ground. They are needed to indicate the direction of flow and add color to the composition.

Regardless of what is planted near the composition or on its territory, you need to remember that the care of flowers and plants must be constant, and the root system does not grow and spoil the design.

Decorative elements for decorating a dry stream in the garden

How to make a dry stream and what to plant near it has already been discussed above; now you need to figure out the decorations of the decorative composition. You can make a stream beautiful and different from other streams in the entire area by decorating it decorative elements and bridges.

The construction of the bridge must also be carefully thought out so that it, like the stream, can withstand all adverse weather conditions. A bridge made with your own hands will delight and inspire you to create new masterpieces of decorative decorations for the garden. Materials that are suitable for making a bridge:

  • Stone.
  • Metal.
  • Tree.
  • Plastic.
  • Mixed composition from different materials.

Once the completed bridge is ready for installation, it is worth taking measures to protect it from weather conditions. Both wood and plastic with iron need to be coated with a protective layer, according to the instructions on the varnish or protective liquid. The stone bridge does not require additional processing.

Another well-known decorative element is jug placement. Having made such a decorative move, you can plant flower crops in the neck of the jug, or make an imitation of a stone stream of water. Don’t be shy to improvise, and your DIY pond will not go unnoticed.

Add sculptures to the stone composition, this will decorate the garden even more. Make a windmill near the shore with your own hands or place a cart near the shore. This will bring a rustic style to the garden design. Another wonderful element that will complement the composition is a self-made extension of it into a real body of water. Making a small hole for a pond is not difficult.

Stream care

Any composition with the addition of plants or flowers requires due attention and care. Such care will consist of weeding. You need to pull out weeds and grass approximately every two weeks. Growing grass will disrupt the integrity of the composition.

The stream needs to be sprayed against insects and uninvited guests. It is very easy to build an anthill in a structure. It's more difficult to get him out of there. The grass in the vicinity of the composition must be mowed as it grows. Flower crops and plants participating in the composition require additional nutrition. In the fall, it is best to cover the stream with film so that falling leaves over the winter do not spoil the appearance of the dry spring stream. Planting shrubs and trees along the banks is not recommended, because in the fall they will shed a lot of leaves, this will significantly complicate cleaning and preparation for winter.

Dry streams are a favorite technique of designers for decorating suburban and personal plots in cases where it is not possible to use reservoirs. In addition, such a solution is very popular as an independent decorative object, especially since anyone can make a dry stream in a dacha with their own hands, while the investment of time and money will be minimal.

This article will be devoted to exactly how to carry out the work; in it we will look at the entire process - from planning to implementation.

Advantages of the option under consideration

It is worth noting that the birthplace of dry streams is Japan; it was there that this type of decoration was first used, which subsequently gained immense popularity throughout the world. This option has a lot of advantages, which will be presented in table form for greater clarity:

Low price The cost of constructing a dry stream is several times lower than a full-fledged reservoir. This allows not only to save significant money, but also makes this decorative object accessible to a wide range of developers.
Simplicity of the device You can make an improvised riverbed without any special equipment or tools; you only need a shovel and stones, which you can even assemble yourself. No knowledge or professional skills are needed, everything can be learned on the job
Speed ​​of construction All work takes 2-3 days, and if you wish, you can complete it in one day, but this will require several assistants and a fully thought-out project so that you know how and what to do, and do not waste time thinking through individual details
Ease of maintenance Unlike ponds, which constantly need to be cleaned, limescale removed and water replaced, dry riverbeds only need to maintain the shape of the structure in cases where the stones have slipped and remove weeds. If to ensure the flow of water it may even be necessary to rent a diesel generator for a summer residence, then a dry stream does not need anything
Wide range of design options While only certain types of plants can be planted near natural reservoirs, any flowers and shrubs can be used near dry streams, it all depends on the planned project and your preferences
Safety Such decorative objects are most often chosen by those who have small children, because the absence of water significantly increases the level of safety - you can even play in a dry stream, provided that all the stones are properly fixed

Features of the work

Despite its apparent simplicity, you need to know a few simple recommendations with which you can achieve excellent results that will delight you for many years.

Preparatory activities

Instructions for carrying out preparatory activities are as follows:

  • First, you need to prepare a tool for work, to dig a trench you will need shovels, to remove turf and soil you need some containers, but it’s even better to take a construction wheelbarrow, it will help not only remove excess soil, but also transport stones in the future. (See also article.)

  • Next, you should stock up on stones, it is better to choose options for local rocks, even large boulders to decorate the banks (although their delivery may cause some problems), while the bottom can be covered with small stones or even river pebbles, this will create an even greater resemblance to the real thing channel and will make the composition very attractive.

By selecting stones of different colors, you can make the composition even more interesting and original; using multi-colored fragments can make your dry stream much more attractive.

  • The next stage is to think over the location of the composition on your site; it is best to pour out the outlines of the bed of a dry stream using sand, so you can imagine what the finished version will look like. In addition, if necessary, the outlines can be very easily changed with the same sand; it is better to spend time on this part of the work, it is much easier than burying individual areas later.

Main stage

Once everything you need has been collected and the outlines have been determined, you can begin the main work:

  • First of all, a trench is dug, the depth of which can vary depending on the project and most often ranges from 20 to 40 centimeters. Naturally, the wider the trench, the deeper it should be, otherwise the appearance will not be very attractive. The shape of the depression should have smooth outlines, as in natural channels.
  • Next, the plane is leveled with a rake. If necessary, individual sections are additionally leveled to obtain the most even and smooth slopes.
  • In order not to subsequently fight weeds and periodically remove them, it is best to cover the surface with some special material. The ideal option is geotextiles, but, in extreme cases, membrane material, special or even simple burlap will do. All slopes are carefully covered. After which you can begin further work.

If you need strength and protection from weeds, you can apply a thin layer of concrete to the walls of a dry stream, but in this case it is advisable to lay the stones on fresh mortar, so they will be securely fixed and will not move in the future.

  • Laying out stones begins from the banks of the future composition. The largest stones are laid first, forming a channel; you can use options of various sizes, this gives an even greater resemblance to natural compositions. It is important to install them as securely as possible so that they do not subsequently fall from light touches.

  • The riverbed is either lined with flat stones or filled with pebbles. As noted above, you can also use colored pebbles to create the illusion of water.
  • The space adjacent to the artificial riverbed is best lined with dense vegetation; it will look even more attractive. It is important to choose plants that will bloom throughout the summer, constantly replacing each other, so that the area will always be elegant.
  • Decorative bridges and other similar structures can be used as additional decorations..


The video in this article will clearly show some of the features of the workflow to make the work even easier and faster. After all, everything is actually quite simple, but the result will delight you and your loved ones - a dry stream in the country looks great.

The element of water has long attracted people with its tranquility, atmosphere of harmony and unity with nature. When improving the garden area, there is often a desire to create an artificial pond. If conditions are not conducive to placing a pond, then the optimal solution would be a dry stream. There is not a drop of water in the composition - only cobblestones and stones imitating the mouth and bed of a dry reservoir. Planning and laying out a “stone stream” is quite simple. The main thing is to show creativity and imagination, choose the right form of the composition and follow a simple technology for arranging stones.

Landscape design: do-it-yourself dry stream. Advantages of the composition.

The classic method of decorating a Japanese garden is increasingly used in summer cottages and local areas. In Japan, the water element is associated with the desire for life and purity of thoughts, and babbling streams - with the transience of time. If arranging a pond in the garden is impossible for certain reasons, then oriental decorators use a special technique - a dry stream. Stone ponds convey the feeling of a dry riverbed, which with the onset of rain will be filled with long-awaited moisture.

The undeniable advantages of creating a dry stream on your site with your own hands include:

Types of dry ponds on the site

There is no specific classification of dry streams into subspecies. Conventionally, the design of such a composition is divided into three types.

winding body of water. A simple option for creating a dry stream with your own hands. One channel flows through the site, sometimes expanding and sometimes narrowing along its length. The landscape composition imitates the movement of an ordinary river. When planning the shape, it is necessary to take into account the relief, directing the reservoir along a plain or a small slope.

Cascade. The beginning of the waterfall is located at any elevation. You can create a symbolic representation of a rock, a wooden or stone well, or a large jug. The water flow falls and forms man-made rapids.

Branched channel. The natural confluence of branches requires proper placement and compliance with the natural shapes of the reservoir. The stream looks beautiful on the winding hills. For authenticity, the sources of the riverbed are often hidden behind a decorative bridge, dense vegetation or a fence. Sand jets are made from small pebbles or sand. Imitation of a wave is achieved by creating winding shallow grooves.

DIY dry stream: step-by-step instructions

Every summer resident and gardener can make a dry stream with their hands. There is no need to attract specialists, use expensive equipment or carry out large-scale preparation of the territory. The main task is to present the plan of the proposed stream as accurately as possible and play with the existing site.

Selecting a location and marking the site

The dimensions and configuration of the reservoir should be selected taking into account the size of the plot, the location of the house, additional buildings and terrain features. When planning, you should consider some nuances:

Marking a stone reservoir is done with sand. A sandy path is laid along the boundaries of the future “water” flow. In the process, the shape can be easily adjusted, bringing the sketch to an ideal representation of the stream. Sometimes boundaries are marked with pegs and ropes. However, this method is more labor-intensive and less mobile.

Materials for laying dry streams

A dry stream at the dacha is created with your own hands using various rocks. By experimenting and combining all kinds of fractions, textures and colors of stones, you can achieve an illusory effect. The following materials will be useful in your work: shell rock, crushed stone, limestone, pebbles, etc.

Some points about choosing and arranging stones:

  • the bluish-gray color of the water surface will ensure the mixing of slate, gneiss and basalt;
  • the brown-red tone of the composition will be set by marble, granite, and limestone;
  • the illusion of the shine of a water stream is created by adding small glass balls or painting concrete elements with mirror paint;
  • flat pebbles are suitable for simulating the dynamics of a stream and the effect of flow;
  • The coastal zone is highlighted by large details in light colors - dark elements create clear, unnatural boundaries of the reservoir.

Advice. Coating the stones with varnish creates the impression of a “wet surface.” An interesting option is to treat the elements with waterproof luminous paint. At night, the stones will glow and resemble a “moon path”.

Tools you will need:

  • sand for marking;
  • geotextiles - the substrate under the stone can be replaced with film;
  • shovel;
  • rake.

Construction of a pit under the “reservoir”

The procedure for preparing the site for laying stones:

  1. Dig a channel with a depth of about 20-25 cm along the marked contour.
  2. Compact the bottom area and cover it with geotextile or thick film. The material will prevent grass from growing between the rocks of the stream.

Sometimes the protective film is replaced by pouring cement mortar. However, this method has disadvantages: increased cost of the structure, increased labor costs and complexity of redevelopment of the site.

The order of laying out the stones

  1. Large cobblestones are placed along the edges, and medium-sized stones in the middle. Small fractions will fill the depths of the reservoir.
  2. The stone steps of a cascade or reservoir, river rapids are laid out from large flat boulders. This approach will help transform a calm stream into a fast-flowing mountain river.
  3. Sharp rock fragments imitate a mountain grotto.
  4. Crevices are filled with large or medium-sized elements.
  5. Elongated oval-shaped stones create the feeling of running water.
  6. The island effect is achieved by placing a large cobblestone in the middle of the riverbed.
  7. If a dry stream serves as drainage for storm water, then it is advisable to “plant” the stones on a sand-concrete solution. Otherwise, under the influence of water pressure, they will shift and the composition will lose expressiveness.

After laying the stones, the coastal area should be developed. Fill the perimeter of the reservoir with crushed bark or a sand layer.

Decorating the stream and its banks

It will be possible to bring a dry stream as close as possible to a real body of water with the help of plantings. Deciduous, flowering and shrub plants are suitable for decorating a stone structure. The main requirement is a harmonious combination of the color of the stones and the “green” frame.

It is better to choose plants that, one way or another, resemble the water element:

  • bushy with bluish elongated leaves and shoots;
  • flowering plantings with bright blue flowers: aubrietta, lobelia, blue fescue, bearded iris, creeping tenacious and brunera;
  • The following will add exoticism to the clearing: reed, pampas grass, sedge, daylily and hosta.

Do-it-yourself dry stream: photo planting diagram

Designations for the diagram:

  1. - leaf-grass-bamboo;
  2. - blue, yellow, blue bearded irises;
  3. - low-growing lobela;
  4. - creeping tenacious;
  5. - bell of Polskharsky;
  6. - gabrietta;
  7. - large-leaved brunera;
  8. - green bryozoan;
  9. - tenacious creeping red-leaved;
  10. - reed type arundo.

How to make a dry stream with your own hands: photo of the layout of three different compositions

Advice. When planting plants, the main thing is not to overdo it. The abundance of herbs and flower beds will oversaturate the coastal zone and turn an exquisite oriental element into a boring flower bed or an analogue of an alpine hill.

  1. Lamps. Using lighting along the stream will allow you to admire the compositions at night. Under artificial lighting, the stones begin to “play” and shimmer with a new shade.
  2. Garden figurines. The overall perception of the pond will largely depend on the choice of decor. A mounted heron or a frog planted on an island will add naturalness to the landscape, while gnomes and funny characters will transport you to a fantasy world.
  3. Bridge over the stream. The item itself does not perform practical tasks, but it gives the landscape a special charm. The crossing looks harmonious, painted to match the plants growing nearby.

Do-it-yourself dry stream: step-by-step creation of a composition. Video

  1. To support boulders, branches and beams can be laid along the banks. This solution gives naturalism to the entire composition.
  2. There are different ways to beat the mouth of the stream. It can smoothly transition into a cobblestone area or patio, or be hidden behind a fence, wide fern leaves or vines.
  3. On wide stone reservoirs, an impromptu sandbank made of flat boulders looks organic.
  4. The idea of ​​a quiet, calm water flow is conveyed by stones of the same color. You can add a bright accent using contrasting shores.
  5. A homemade stream, made from local minerals, blends optimally with nature.
  6. Flat, medium-sized cobblestones laid out edgewise imitate a fast flowing water stream.
  7. An alternative to a dry mineral pond is a flower arrangement. A stream can come from an old jug, an overturned barrel or a chest.

Features of caring for an artificial “reservoir”

Maintaining the stream in its original form is not particularly difficult. Care measures:

  • with the arrival of spring, the soil along the banks must be fluffed up and the plants fertilized;
  • make sure that ants do not grow in the crevices between the stones;
  • Periodically during the hot season, the stream must be watered - this will improve the microclimate near the dry reservoir and will promote the normal growth of “riparian” plants;
  • After a while, moss may appear on the stones; so that the composition does not become gloomy, its quantity should be controlled;
  • Shrubs must be periodically pruned, and plants that prefer warm climates must be covered for the winter.

DIY dry stream at the dacha: photo ideas

Natural minimalism in the design of a “dried” reservoir looks very harmonious against the backdrop of majestic mountains and old tall pines.

The illusion is created that the porch of a country house overlooks the bed of a dry river.

A dry stream flows along dense thickets. Some of the stones are varnished, resulting in a “wet” effect.

The arrangement of a stone reservoir on the site allows you to combine several traditions and style trends from different world cultures.

The longitudinal arrangement of thin stones imitates the murmur of a stream. The relief of the area adds realism to the composition - “water” flows from top to bottom.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):