Rats are carriers dangerous diseases, damage property, and can even cause a fire by damaging the insulation electrical wires. Solution unpleasant problem- rat poison. Rodent control products have a low degree of toxicity and can be used in residential, medical and educational institutions. As a result, poisoning sometimes occurs rat poison. In this case, the health and life of the victim may depend on the measures you take.

Causes of rat poison poisoning

Owners summer cottages In private homes, in order to save money, they often prefer to deal with rodents on their own. In this case, poisoning with rat poison can occur for the following reasons:

  • A toxic substance enters the body with food due to non-compliance with safety measures. At independent execution deratization work, you must strictly follow the instructions on the packaging of the drug, not forgetting about the methods personal protection(gloves, respirator). Even microscopic particles remaining on the hands after contact with poison can cause poisoning.
  • The toxin can enter the human body through the lungs when inhaled. This is likely when using highly concentrated products. To prevent poisoning from rat poison, you should carefully study the instructions from the manufacturer of the drug you have chosen.
  • Open wounds and cuts in contact with a toxic substance can also become a source of infection in the body. In this situation, the toxic impact will be the least, but also requires taking appropriate measures.
  • Intentional poisoning with the drug occurs quite rarely, but the availability of the drug in retail sales sometimes lead attackers to such rash actions.

Rat poisoning occurs among young children. The granules of the drug may have a bright color that can attract the baby’s attention. If you carry out pest control at home, take care of the safety of your own child.

Drugs included in rat poison

Rodenticides, or rat poisons, are a group of substances with varying degrees of toxicity and principles of action. By chemical structure The following categories are distinguished:

Preparations of inorganic origin. The best known of these is zinc phosphide. When in contact with acids, it forms poisonous phosphine gas, which causes suffocation in the rodent. It enters the blood through the capillaries of the lungs, causing paralysis nervous system and disrupting metabolic processes. Zinc phosphide is characterized by a rapid and also extremely acute effect on the body.

Preparations of organic origin. They have a chronic effect, accumulating in the tissues of the animal and slowly destroying the body from the inside.

Rodenticides of organic origin:

Anticoagulants block thrombin, causing blood clotting problems and bleeding. internal organs. There are first-generation anticoagulant drugs - "Izoindan", "Ethylphenacin", "Warfarin", which are characterized by a lower degree of toxicity, and modern analogues - "Difenacum", "Brodifacum", "Flocumafen".

Highly toxic rat poisons can be used for deratization, including mixtures of lead and arsenic, strychnine, white and yellow phosphorus, and thallium sulfate.

The forms of preparations can be different - granules, blocks, briquettes, gels or powders. They are available ready-made or require further mixing with bait. Gray rats are smart and cunning creatures, so several methods are used to completely destroy them.

The lethal dose of rat poison depends on both the type and form of the drug. For example, the common “Warfarin” is fatal if only 60 mg is ingested; the less concentrated Brodifacoum will cause the same effects at 300 mg. Death occurs due to profuse, continuous hemorrhages.

Symptoms of rat poison poisoning

The nature and intensity of the manifestation of signs of the toxin are influenced by the following factors:

  • dose of poison received;
  • method of entry into the body;
  • chemical composition of the product;
  • concentration;
  • individual characteristics.

Since anticoagulants have become the most common method of killing gray rats and mice, the effect of toxins does not manifest itself immediately, but after 3-5 days.

In this case, the following signs of poisoning by rat poison are observed:

  • weakness, apathy, lethargy;
  • dizziness and severe headaches;
  • pallor of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • diarrhea;
  • profuse and frequent vomiting;
  • nosebleeds;
  • the appearance of traces of blood in urine and feces;
  • visual and hearing impairments.

This is the result of the action of the poison, so if you have the slightest sign of rat poison poisoning, you should consult a doctor. Even a small dose of rat poison can cause significant harm to the body. Only a competent medical specialist can determine the degree of poisoning and take effective measures.

First aid for rat poisoning

To reduce the level of toxins in the body, you need to take the following measures if you are poisoned by rat poison:

  • If a child has been poisoned, examine oral cavity for the presence of drug residues - perhaps you will have time to remove the dangerous toy at the last moment.
  • Give the patient 2–3 liters of water to drink. This is necessary so that he can induce vomiting by pressing his finger on the root of his tongue.
  • After ingesting poison, toxins enter the bloodstream and quickly spread throughout the body. To remove them, the victim should take adsorbents - activated carbon(2-3 tablets for every 10 kg of total human body weight) or its more modern analogues.
  • Part harmful substances can accumulate in the small and large intestines not only during primary human poisoning with rat poison, but also as a result of taking adsorbents. It is necessary to cleanse the intestines using a syringe or an Esmarch mug.

Accurate diagnosis and complete cleansing of poison residues are possible only in clinical settings. Even if the patient feels better, this is not a reason to refuse hospitalization.

Examination and treatment in hospital

To eliminate the consequences of rat poison poisoning in the hospital, the victim will be prescribed a number of procedures:

  • wash the stomach and intestines;
  • they will introduce an antidote - vitamin K, which is responsible for blood clotting;
  • will provide maintenance therapy to help restore liver function;
  • If necessary, a plasma transfusion will be performed to improve blood clotting.

The duration of treatment for poisoning depends on the severity of rat poisoning. It is determined by conducting a blood test to assess coagulability according to Sukharev. On average, taking vitamin K to completely restore the prothrombin index lasts from 15 to 30 days.

Complications of rat poisoning

Even after discharge from the hospital, it is important to monitor the well-being of the victim after poisoning with rat poison, especially if it is a small child. If the dangerous symptoms of poisoning were ignored and help was not provided in a timely manner, unpleasant complications are possible. Possible consequences of rat poisoning include various disorders of the kidneys and liver.

The most terrible consequences of poisoning with rat poison are acquired hemophilia (chronic insufficiency of the prothrombin index). It can be expressed in systematic bleeding from the nose, gums, mucous membranes, characterized by increased duration. Internal hemorrhages are also common, posing a serious threat to human health. To improve a patient after poisoning with rat poison, he is prescribed a course of vitamin K for a year after the event.

How to prevent poisoning

If you fight gray rats and mice on your own, follow the safety rules. Be sure to wash your hands after performing work, or better yet, use disposable protective equipment. If you have small children in your apartment or house, try to protect them from the poison.

When choosing a means for deratization of a living space, it is recommended to use drugs with a weak toxic effect. Don't forget to consider alternative rodent control options. Perhaps you should just get a cat?

Poisoning with rat poison often occurs when toxic substances are used incorrectly or safety precautions are violated. The most effective chemicals are fast-acting, but can harm human health and are dangerous for animals.

Classification of poisons for deratization

Rodent control is a common necessity when running a farm. Using rat poison, you can quickly get rid of dangerous pests that spread infections and spoil supplies and food. Chemical compositions, known as “rodenticides,” are produced on the basis of highly toxic substances and are included in the list of drugs that require careful handling.

Rat poison is classified according to the degree of danger and toxicity:

  • Compositions based on zoocoumarin. Their action leads to blood clotting disorders and blocks the functioning of the diuretic system. Pests die from internal bleeding.
  • Rats from zinc phosphoride with the addition of naphthylthiourea. This is the most effective drugs, capable of killing rats within 4–8 hours after consuming the mixture. Disinfection specialists recommend using them limitedly, only in the presence of a professional exterminator.
  • Highly toxic compounds. May contain strychnine arsenic, different types phosphorus, which lead to damage to the internal organs of the animal. Because of high degree hazards not recommended for home use.

The most common anticoagulants for use are cumulative effects. Such mouse poison, after eating, remains in the liver and kidneys, disrupting the reproduction process of rodents. On sale you can find many options for poisonous drugs, which should be selected carefully: Flocumafen, Warfarin, Ethylphenacin, Brodifacoum. They may contain organic and chemical components, acids, and salt compounds included in cadaveric poison.

Most often, rat poison looks like a fine powder light color with a faint odor. This allows you to add it to porridges or purees made from regular products. Sometimes small granules, tablets or sachets of ready-to-use mass are offered. The compounds dissolve well in food, which attracts hungry rodents. It is recommended to additionally stir some products in water, leaving the bowl in the path of rodent migration.

This method of preparing poison has reverse side. Pleasant smell attracts pets. If you do not hide the fragrant bait with toxins, the dog may be poisoned with rat poison, which brings quick death. Therefore, it is necessary to think about the location of traps, study how the active component works in order to provide assistance in a timely manner.

Causes of intoxication

Several years ago, the most popular drugs were those containing high levels of arsenic and strychnine. When deposited on the skin or mucous membranes, they provoked unpleasant consequences. For home use Manufacturers produce rat poison in granules, which prevents accidental inhalation of the powder. The latest generation of rodenticides have a standardized dosage, calculated for the weight of the rodent and does not threaten the health of the user.

Human poisoning by rat poison can occur in several situations:

  • intentional use dangerous substance for the purpose of committing suicide or crime;
  • children's attempts to taste bright granules;
  • storing mouse poison with food;
  • violation of safety rules when treating premises from rats;
  • absorption of toxic substances through the skin during long work with them while making the bait.

If you follow the instructions, it is almost impossible to get poisoned by a dangerous compound. If you accidentally eat rat poison in a volume of 1-2 granules, the liver will cope with the toxins, be able to process them and excrete them in the urine without any health consequences.

The safest household products are cumulative effect, which are neutralized in minimal quantities. But with chronic hepatitis and weak immunity, the cleansing process may not be effective enough, and it occurs.

Lethal dose of rat poison

Whether it is possible to be poisoned by rat poison depends on many factors: dosage, presence of diseases of internal organs, type of substance. The most toxic compounds are made independently, without compliance with standards and precautions, from chemicals purchased second-hand. When phosphates or acids are added to the drug, the level of toxicity increases several times.

The lethal dose of rat poison for humans is 4 grams. toxic compound in its pure form without additives or flavorings. In terms of finished poison, this is at least 130–150 grams. in granules, which are supplemented with bone and wheat flour and bran for flavor. To get acute poisoning, you need to eat 60–70 mg/kg of Warfarin or 300 mg/kg of Bromadiolone in a single dose. For a child or an elderly person with poor health, the dose is significantly reduced.

Effects of rat poison on the body

When using the latest generation of drugs, symptoms of rat poison poisoning begin to appear only after 2–4 days. After interacting with enzymes and digestive juice, toxins reduce the production of vitamin K, which is responsible for blood clotting, its composition and consistency. The patient's enzyme production is disrupted, hemoglobin and important indicators for the body decrease.

It is more difficult to predict the body's reaction when consuming rat poison made with added phosphorus, nitric acid or strychnine. It affects internal organs, accumulates in the liver and kidneys, and can penetrate the brain. Many toxins negatively affect the functionality of nerve endings and provoke their death.

Symptoms of rat poison intoxication

Clinical signs of rat poison poisoning:

If the poison for rats included arsenic, the victim will experience heart rhythm disturbances and severe arrhythmia. He often loses consciousness, feels that the nasolabial triangle stands out on his face. In people with chronic diseases of internal organs, stomach or intestinal ulcers, dysbacteriosis, and dysfunction of the kidneys and hepatic ducts are exacerbated.

First aid for rat poisoning

You can reduce the risk of painful consequences if first aid for rat poisoning is provided correctly. At the initial appearance of signs of intoxication, it is necessary to lavage the stomach to remove all remnants of granules and reduce the impact on digestive system. The solution is prepared from warm water with the addition of a spoonful of salt and a few crystals of potassium permanganate. Repeat washing until completely clean.

If a child has eaten rat poison, the stomach is washed warm water without additives, give a cleansing enema. The baby should definitely be given adsorbent based on body weight and age:

  • Activated carbon;
  • Polyphepan;
  • Sorbex.

In a severe situation, it is necessary to add crushed activated or white charcoal to the enema to wash the intestines. This reduces the absorption of rat poison from the inside, reducing the risk of internal bleeding.

Treatment for acute poisoning

If a person does not know what to do if he is poisoned by rat poison, he should immediately go to the hospital. Using a probe, the specialist flushes the stomach and performs a gastroscopy to check for bleeding or opening of an ulcer. On the first day the patient demands special attention and constant monitoring. He undergoes a number of procedures aimed at normalizing the functioning of the heart, respiratory and urinary systems:

  1. When there is a critical decrease in blood cells and to prevent dangerous bleeding, vitamin K is administered, which serves as an antidote.
  2. Drugs are administered to increase blood clotting (Vikasol, Phytomenadione).
  3. If necessary, plasma transfusion is recommended.
  4. She continues to take Polysorb and Enterosgel sorbents.

Consequences of rat poison poisoning

Doctors do not recommend ignoring rat poisoning; be sure to consult a toxicologist for advice. Many effects appear after a few days or weeks. The most serious for humans is considered to be hemophilic syndrome, which disrupts blood clotting. It provokes severe bleeding with a simple scratch and jeopardizes surgical intervention. Kidney damage, necrosis of certain areas of the liver, and nervous diseases are often encountered.


To prevent poisoning from rat poison, deratization and baiting of rodents should be entrusted to professionals. If it is necessary to prepare the poison yourself, work is carried out wearing protective gloves, precautions are strictly observed, and disposable tableware. For the greatest safety, it is better to use special traps, traps, and treat the home in the absence of children and pets.

There are two types of rat baits: food (non-toxic) - for luring rats into a trap, and poisonous - for killing rodents. Food baits can be used for all types of rat traps, and poisons are most often used in conjunction with special stations for safety reasons. In this review we will talk about the 8 best poisons for rats and mice.

After ingesting poison, rodents die within a few hours to several weeks. Mice are smaller than rats and can die within a day, but rats die more slowly (a week or two). Poison baits are toxic and can kill any animal, including pets (cats and dogs), squirrels, raccoons and other wild animals. Be careful when using them around your pets and small children. Otherwise, instead of poisons, you are better off purchasing an ultrasonic pest repeller to safely eliminate the animals that are bothering you.

Bait granules "Help"

Bait granules “Help” are an effective modern means of controlling rodents. The advantage is that the product is produced in finished form - just scatter the granules on the ground and wait for the result. "Help" are created on the basis of a powerful rodenticide - bromadiolone, the peculiarity of which is a long-term accumulated effect. Poisoning occurs due to the constant accumulation of the active substance in the animal’s liver. Due to the presence of nutrients food additives The pesticide causes a high appetite in rodents and improves their palatability.

Bait granules “Ratron”

"Ratron" is a fast-acting mouse and rat control product developed in Germany. The substance is packaged in small 40 gram bags that do not need to be opened. It is enough to place the bags at a short distance from each other in places where rodents gather.

Even a single use of granules will lead to the death of the animal within 4 days. Efficient use is ensured by nutritious feed additives and packaging that is attractive to pests. Active ingredient The bait contains brodifacoum, which has a painless effect on the animal’s body, preventing blood clotting and causing internal hemorrhages. Thanks to this principle of action, rats do not feel the danger of poisoning and do not warn their relatives.

Tomcat All Weather Bait Chunx, 4 lb

Tomcat All Weather Bait is easy to use and works against rats, mice, squirrels, voles, raccoons, chipmunks and other rodents that disrupt your routine - tested by Amazon.com customers.

This product is similar to what professional exterminators use along with Protecta Bait Stations (~$14.30), but some people feel that 4 pounds is too much for home use. The product blocks have holes for mounting them onto steel rods in the stations. You can choose any poison station, but we definitely don't recommend using Tomcat without it.

A bucket of bait is enough for a whole season of rat control. Tomcat bait works quickly: many people say that they started finding dead pests the very next day or within the next week or two of starting to use the poison. The duration depends on the size of the rodent population in the room. According to users, such a Tomcat bucket is enough to keep the situation under control even after it seems that the rats have left the room alone: “Once the problem is resolved, I just leave the blocks in place and check them once a month. If a block is eaten or bitten, I replace it immediately. Great thing!”

Remember that rats can take the bait blocks and return with them to their nest, where they will die. Therefore, you may mistakenly think that a product does not work just because you do not see dead rats in your home.

Active Ingredient: Diphasinone

Price: ~$24.46

JT Eaton 709-PN Bait Block Rodenticide Anticoagulant Bait For Mice and Rats

First of all, rats love JT Eaton Bait - Amazon customers confirm this. People quietly leave their homes, placing stations with this bait, and upon returning they find completely empty devices. This means that “someone” still eats the poison!

Additionally, users use this product to get rid of gophers and squirrels as well. Again, we recommend not placing poison bait without a station. This is especially important because some users complain that after they simply sprinkled the bait on the floor, the mice did not finish it and walked away, leaving bitten blocks of poison. Your pets may find them, so to be safe, we recommend using a bait station like the Protecta LP Rat Bait Station.

Customers have also noted that JT starts working very quickly - one girl said that the rats in her house began eating the poisonous blocks the first day after laying them out in the basement, and then began to gradually disappear. If you want to break JT into pieces, for example, for bookmarking in hard to reach places, this is easy to do even though there is no hole in the center of the block like other brands.

One guy gives valuable advice to other users about using JT: “Be aware that adult rats often test anything unfamiliar (including poison) on young rats. So they check their reaction and decide whether it is possible to eat it.". Find more helpful tips and facts on Amazon.com.

JT Eaton Bait Block Rodenticide is a first generation anticoagulant bait.

Active Ingredient: Diphasinone 0.005%

Price: ~$24.49(144 1 oz. blocks, peanut butter flavor)

Price: ~$27.95(144 1 oz. blocks, apple flavor)

D-Con Ready Mix Baitbits Mice Rats Brodifacoum 3oz (1 Tray)

This is an old and proven rat killer. This package contains 1 bait tray. All you need to do is remove the film covering the tray and place it where the rodents have been spotted.

As Amazon customers note, D-Con Rat & Mouse Bait works on mice and rats (especially the dreaded “Norwegian rats”), squirrels and chipmunks. If you want to wipe out the entire population, you need to keep giving them more bait until they all die.

How users respond to the poison: “My husband has been using this brand for several years to kill the rats that tend to live in our attic. You will see that this helps after the first use, but remember that then you need to regularly check the attic and, possibly, remove dead rats from there.”

By the way, users give many other useful tips:

  1. Usually the activity of mice and rats increases from the beginning of November - be prepared!
  2. You can mix D-Con with peanut butter to further attract rodents.
  3. Do not use counteracting rat control methods (such as repellers) while using D-Con Ready Mix Killer. All other means and methods can negatively affect the effectiveness of the bait.

Active Ingredient: Brodifacoum

Price: ~$31.99

Farnam Home & Garden Just One Bite II Bar

This rat poison appears as a solid 1 pound block, but is lined so that it can be easily broken into 8 2 ounce pieces. According to users, rats really love to eat Just One Bite bait. It's not just rats - this product also works on mice, chipmunks and squirrels! Buyers noted that the results were immediate: one of them found a dead rat within 12 hours after he laid out the bait.

Users are advised not to lose heart if it seems that it is not working. You may need to use more poison for particularly stubborn mice and rats, or combine Farnam products with classic spring or modern ones. electron traps. At least, users who have already used this integrated approach, were not disappointed.

One customer said he bought this rat poison for $9.02 and left it in a bag in his room. Later he heard rustling and other strange sounds. It turns out that the rodents found the bag with the bait by smell and began gnawing on the contents! “I know that I should have put the poison into the in the right places, but these creatures were ahead of me - it’s fantastic!”, he said.

You will likely have to dispose of dead rats from your basement and other areas after their death meal. In this case, we also recommend purchasing one of those gadgets that people use to pick up trash, such as the Unger 36-Inch Pick-Up Tool. This thing is extremely useful for removing dead animals from your home.

Active Ingredient: Bromadiolone

Price: ~$9.02

Havoc Rat & Mouse Bait

Havoc has quite high price at ~$73.59 for 40 double packs of poison (2 x 50 g). This may be expensive for some, but... As shoppers on Amazon.com have noted, there are clear differences between expensive poisons like Havoc and budget ones: “Rodents eat these pellets like crazy and die quickly. It's great that you only need one “rat meal”.

They note that Havoc Bait works great on rats and mice—any time of year, even winter, because of its all-weather formula. This bait also works on moles, someone wrote: “I use this to control moles in the yard and it works great if you know the secrets to using it properly.”

Active Ingredient: Brodifacoum is a second generation anticoagulant rodenticide.

Price: ~$73.59

Comparative table of poisons from rats and mice

Product Type of poison Active Ingredient Speed ​​of action on rodents Price

Tomcat All Weather Bait Chunx, 4 Lb

Small blocks Diphasinone ~$24.46

JT Eaton 709-PN Bait Block Rodenticide Bait

Small blocks Diphasinone Kills slowly, requires several meals from ~$24.49

D-Con Ready Mix Baitbits Mice Rats

Granules Brodifacoum ~$31.99

Farnam Home & Garden Just One Bite Bar

Single block (with the ability to divide into smaller ones) Bromadiolone A single dose is enough ~$9.02

Havoc Rat & Mouse Bait

Granules Brodifacoum A single dose is enough ~$73.59

Protecta LP Rat Bait Station

Bait station ~$14.30

Rat death

Bait Brodifactum, Rocentide A single dose is enough 53 RUR

Bait granules "Help"

Bait Diphasinone Kills slowly, requires several meals 29 RUR

Bait granules "Ratron"

Bait Brodifactum A single dose is enough 226 rub.

Tomcat Mouse and Rat Poison Bait

Liquid poison Diphasinone sodium salt Kills slowly, requires several meals ~$19.62

The most frequently asked questions about Havoc Rat & Mice bait

Can I use Havoc inside my home? What's the best way to do this?

Yes, Havoc Rat & Mice Bait can be used indoors. You can either scatter the granules around or simply open the bag and place it where the rats are active.

There are mice in my attic. Can I put bait there? It's quite difficult for me to get into the attic, so I'm afraid that the smell of dead mice will bother my family later.

Unfortunately, the smell will be there in any case, because... not a single bait dehydrates the rodent from the inside (only in this case the smell could be less strong). In a situation like yours, the most acceptable 2 options are: make the entrance to the attic more accessible and spread the poison there, or use electronic repeller rats

What is the shelf life of the product?

You don't have to worry about this: Havoc bait can be stored for up to 4 or 5 years, and such a long storage period will not affect its effectiveness since the bags are securely sealed.

Is it true that Havoc is equally effective on rats and mice?

Yes, in practice, bait attracts and kills both mice and rats equally well.

Attention! You should know that rats and mice are very cunning creatures, so if they see that someone has died from bait, they may refuse such a treat. Therefore, if you see that animals do not eat it, buy another product.

What is the best bait to use for traps?

There are many options to choose from – you just have to know the best way to replace your rodent trap. We remind you that for this you need not poisoned, but food or natural bait! You must choose the most best way luring unwanted neighbors inside the trap This is a necessary step because if the bait doesn't attract rats, they will never fall into the trap - and your rat problem will never be solved.

Have you heard of the “great rat eradication”? This is an example of a large campaign aimed at getting rid of rats en masse. We hope that those reading this article have only encountered a small population of rats in the home - and using natural baits in traps will help solve the problem of catching and killing rats.

You can choose any of the following options:

  • Peanut butter: it's actually more effective than the cheese we often see in rodent cartoons. Rats are very attracted to peanut butter.
  • Chocolate: The sweet smell of chocolate makes mice and rats come out of their shelters to quickly enjoy this treat.
  • Bread: regular bread or bread with no a large number the oil on it is very effective as bait.
  • Ropes, cotton wool: excellent materials for bait. Rodents use them to strengthen and insulate their nests.

Rodents are constant companions of humans. Biological methods fights against them are good when the population is small. But with significant numbers, there is a need for radical methods, in particular, the use of rat poisons.

Rodent control drugs

Rat poison is a general name for drugs whose effects are aimed at exterminating rodents. Due to their high prevalence and accessibility, they are not perceived as a serious threat to domestic animals and humans.

Chemical composition

Currently, not all types of rat poison are used. Before poisonous drugs for the destruction of rats and mice were made on the basis of compounds of substances such as arsenic, lead, strychnine, etc. They had significant toxic properties. But due to the danger that such a composition poses to humans, they were removed from production.
Then warfarin began to be used. However, rodents developed resistance to it and it was replaced with coumatetralyl and brodifacoum.

Modern drugs

Current poisons are similar in their content of zoocoumarins.

They lead to blood clotting disorders. As a result of ingestion of the toxic composition, the rat dies from internal bleeding.

The effects of drugs of different generations are somewhat different from each other:

Mechanism of action

In homes, it is recommended to use only ready-made drugs purchased in hardware supermarkets or veterinary pharmacies. They are often produced in the form of seeds and grains treated with low-toxic substances.

How does rat poison based on zoocoumarins work? The mechanism of its action is due to a blood clotting disorder:

  • severe vitamin K deficiency occurs;
  • the integrity of the walls of blood vessels is destroyed;
  • liver functions are impaired;
  • blood composition changes;
  • anemia develops;
  • oxygen starvation of the brain occurs.

In parallel, there is a disruption of the cellular metabolism process in the kidneys, liver cells, lungs, and blood vessels. This entails degeneration of cells and tissues, and the process of atrophy of internal organs.

Mortal danger

It is not entirely easy to get poisoned by rat poison through negligence because its effect is designed for small rodents. Rat death occurs after a week of consuming poison.

The life-threatening dose of warfarin is 60 mg per 1 kg of human weight, bromadionol, respectively, 300 mg per 1 kg of weight. The finished package contains about 0.1-2% of the active substance.

Thus, in order to understand in what quantities rat poison is dangerous, the lethal dose for humans is determined at the rate of 3-4 grams. pure substance. In terms of packaging form, it is approximately 150 g.

In other words, to receive a lethal dose, a person must repeatedly use the anticoagulant.
Included in soft briquettes poisonous composition in amounts up to 0.005%. Therefore, even for a child, intoxication occurs when a sufficiently large piece of poison is swallowed.
However, some mouse toxic compounds can penetrate the surface of the skin.


What happens if you eat rat poison? It all depends on the amount of toxic substance that has entered the body.

With toxemia from rat poison, symptoms do not appear immediately, but only after 3-4 days. Rat poisoning is characterized by chronic form course of the disease.

In the case where you happen to drink a large dose of a potent drug, signs indicating a violation of the blood clotting process are likely to develop after 12-24 hours.


Weakness in joints and muscles due to poisoning

Signs of rat poison poisoning include:

  • weakness in joints and muscles;
  • nausea;
  • refusal of food;
  • pain in the temple area;
  • pale skin;
  • bleeding gums;
  • presence of blood in the urine.

Not so often, but still poisoning with rat poison is manifested by diarrhea with bloody spots, nosebleeds, pain in the abdomen, and bloody spots on the surface of the skin.

Pre-medical actions

Any of us, when faced with a similar situation, are concerned with the question of what to do if poisoned by rat poison. The primary task is to remove the latter from the body. But in any case, the poisoned person needs hospitalization. It is urgent to call an ambulance, especially if toxemia occurs in children.

Before the doctors arrive, it is necessary to carry out a number of standard procedures:

  • give the victim at least 3 liters of water;
  • rinse the stomach by giving the patient a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • provoke artificial vomiting;
  • give sorbent drugs;
  • take a saline laxative.

As mentioned above, poisoning by rat poison is possible through the surface of the skin. If the poison gets on the skin, they should be thoroughly washed with water at room temperature and using soap.

Professional treatment

Further treatment, in order to avoid death, is preferably in a hospital setting. There the patient will be given an antidote - phytomenadione (vitamin K1). Administration is indicated for 15-30 days.
Next, a course of maintenance therapy will be prescribed:

  • restoration of liver parenchyma cells from damage by taking hepatoprotective drugs;
  • forced diuresis;
  • resumption of clotting factor by blood transfusion.

In addition, a course of vitamin B will be prescribed to maintain the body’s strength.
The healing process is monitored by identifying the prothrombin index according to Sukharev. This is a laboratory assessment of blood clotting.

In the future

The consequences of toxemia are characterized by a long-term nature. Therefore, it is important to seek help from professionals in a timely manner.
The consequences are due to the difficulty of the liver independently restoring blood clotting. This is fraught with hemophilia syndrome, which is expressed in:

  • bleeding and inflammation of the gums;
  • profuse bleeding in case of skin damage;
  • internal bleeding.

If a pig has toxemia

Symptoms of rat poisoning in pigs appear after several days, or even two weeks. Such poisonings in piglets are quite common. These animals are very indiscriminate in their food. They eat everything. If a piglet eats a poisonous compound and becomes poisoned, it will experience the following symptoms:

  • oppression;
  • convulsions and fever;
  • stomach ache;
  • refusal to accept food;
  • profuse drooling;
  • subcutaneous hemorrhages;
  • prolonged bleeding at the puncture sites of the veins;
  • vomit with the presence of blood;
  • blanching of visible mucous membranes;
  • melena - intestinal bleeding;
  • hemoptysis;
  • the presence of blood streaks in the urine.

Such poisonings are possible if people place baits in places accessible to animals.
In this case, the help of a veterinarian is required.

He will introduce the antidote to rat poison - vitamin K1. In addition, he will prescribe infusion therapy and stop bleeding.

For several centuries, people have been trying to fight pests such as mice and rats. Over time, they become more and more “smarter”, despite the fact that more than a thousand different drugs have been created to combat them.

The most common is rat poison.

There are cases when this means of control enters the human body.

This type of poisoning is very dangerous for an individual, because the effect of rat poison on each person can be different, in the worst cases it can be fatal.

You can simply spread out the rodent control agent only on private territory. In places public use There are deratization standards (SanPin).

They apply to the following establishments:

  1. kindergartens;
  2. all educational institutions;
  3. medical institutions;
  4. public catering;
  5. food production workshops;
  6. basements;
  7. warehouses.

Rat poison comes in different forms and is selected based on the location of the rodents. All facility personnel must be notified in advance of the planned treatment of the premises with poisons.

Main types of control agents and rules for their use

Currently, the use of poisonous drugs that contain toxic substances: arsenic, strychnine, lead is prohibited.

They have an immediate effect on rats and are dangerous to individual health. Most recommended on at the moment are means of a long process of poisoning, they contain coumarins.

These could be:

  1. brodifacoum;
  2. ratindan;
  3. warfari;
  4. naphthylthiourea.

Despite the fact that these are modern means of control, they have a poisonous effect that affects all living things: people, birds, animals.

The most well-known drugs against small rodents are Brodifacoum and Warfarin. The main substance in their composition is zoocoumarin. If we consider it separately, it is a white powder with an unpleasant odor; it does not dissolve in liquid.

The anticoagulant affects its victim slowly; the rodent dies 7-10 days after the poison penetrates inside. It is better not to use these drugs in domestic premises, as this is a toxic substance and possible poisoning of a person in the room with rat poison.

Possible consequences of human exposure to a toxic substance

For use at home, you must purchase a ready-made drug. It can be in the form of seeds, powder or grains.

Rat poison can be purchased from a veterinary pharmacy. It is already coated with a low-toxic drug and the possibility of poisoning is reduced.

You can become poisoned by rat poison during cooking by inhaling, or it can enter the body through damaged skin, or it can enter the intestines through dirty, poorly washed hands. In such cases, internal bleeding is possible, which is life-threatening.

The main reason for poisons entering the body is illiterate determination of the dose of medication and the presence of powder in easily accessible places.

Coumarin- a component of rat poison that acts by disrupting the process that controls blood clotting.

In just a few hours, a deficiency of vitamin K forms in the body, the walls of blood vessels begin to collapse, which provokes a failure in the normal functioning of the liver. The blood changes its composition, a serious form of anemia occurs, then oxygen starvation of the brain.

If you don't apply for it in time medical care, then in just 1-2 days the body suffers a serious malfunction: the normal functioning liver, kidneys, lungs, degeneration of internal tissues occurs.

Main symptoms of poisoning

When the drug enters the body, signs of poisoning will certainly appear. But they manifest themselves differently for everyone. For some, after 2-3 hours, for others, after 1-2 days.

The main symptoms of rat poison poisoning:

  1. weakness;
  2. aches throughout the body;
  3. nausea;
  4. lack of appetite;
  5. dyspnea;
  6. pallor of the skin of the face and chest;
  7. periodic nosebleeds;
  8. increased bleeding of gums;
  9. the appearance of blood in the urine;
  10. severe pain in the abdominal area;
  11. formation of hematomas along the entire perimeter of the body;
  12. hair loss.

First Aid Steps

If an adult or child has swallowed rat poison, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance and immediately take measures to eliminate the toxin from the organ.

You can do a gastric lavage and force the patient to drink at least 3 liters boiled water. Most often, after this a person develops a gag reflex, give the victim a sorbent, for example, activated carbon, and a laxative.

If poisoned, do not eat or induce vomiting.

Treatment methods for poisoning

The patient must be hospitalized. Treatment at home is prohibited. The hospital prescribes Phytomenadione, which is the medical name for synthesized vitamin K.

The attending physician decides exactly how the victim will receive it.

The treatment course is prescribed after assessing the general condition of the patient, the measures that were taken at home, and the amount of toxic substance that has entered the body. If the case is severe, a blood transfusion may be needed.

If the poison is eaten small child, but the parents were able to completely remove it from the stomach, a visit to the hospital is still necessary. The baby must be examined by a doctor, intestinal lavage is prescribed, sorbents, a laxative, and vitamin K are prescribed. If the child’s condition is satisfactory, home treatment is possible for at least 3-4 days.

A victim who has been poisoned by rat poison remains in a medical facility for 12-20 days. After eliminating the signs of intoxication and improving the patient’s general well-being, a blood clotting test according to Sukharev is prescribed.

If mouse poison gets on your skin, you should immediately wash it off with plenty of warm water and soap. If the composition gets into a person’s eyes, rinse with water and observe the eye membrane for 2-3 days. If redness or itching occurs, immediately consult an ophthalmologist.

If a problem with rats arises, it is preferable to immediately contact a specialist; he will select the most convenient means for controlling rodents. If small children and animals live indoors, then you can choose an alternative to rat poison.

If signs of intoxication occur or if suspicion arises, you should immediately go to the hospital or call an ambulance. After all, the sooner the victim seeks qualified help, the easier it will be to fight harmful toxins and eliminate possible complications.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer to teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):