Wisteria is the main decoration of any garden. After all, their elongated inflorescences, hanging down, multi-colored (from white to pink and purple) are pleasing to the eye and look great anywhere in the garden. And the pleasant smell of clusters of flowers only complements the overall positive impression of these lovely plants.

Of course this plant requires special care, but the beauty of blooming wisteria makes all the efforts worthwhile.


Wisteria (or wisteria) is a tree-like vine from the Legume family. The homeland of this plant is the subtropics, the inflorescences of wisteria are drooping, quite large (about 30 cm), purple in color, fragrant and fragrant. There are 9 varieties of these perennials, but Chinese wisteria and profusely flowering wisteria are grown in garden plots.


Wisteria(from Greek γλυκός - sweet), or wisteria(lat. ). This name was given to the vine in honor of professor from the University of Pennsylvania Caspar Wistar.


Wisteria is a vertical tree-like vine. They do not take up too much space on the site, as they grow upward. Because of their shape, they are actively used in landscape design for vertical gardening. These vines can grow beautifully up fences and along the walls of houses. They decorate those areas of the garden that need to be hidden from prying eyes, and can also protect other plants from sunlight or strong gusts of wind.

This deciduous plant can grow up to 16 - 17 meters in height (sometimes even higher).

Young foliage is pubescent, can grow up to 27 - 28 cm in length, the number of leaves can reach 10 - 12 pieces. The flowers are collected in racemose drooping inflorescences, whose length can reach 25 - 28 cm. This vine begins to bloom in last days March, the last inflorescences appear on the shoots in the last ten days of August - the first ten days of September.

Although this flowering perennial most often grown in open ground, but some gardeners use some varieties for planting in apartments. At home, wisteria is a tree small size, also blooms well. But still, the most popular are the types of vines that grow in areas. Therefore, below we will talk about growing and caring for street views this perennial.

Location and soil

First, you should choose a suitable sunny area that receives at least 6 hours of sun per day. The soil should be light and loose, slightly acidic or neutral. But alkaline soils with a high lime content can lead to the development of chlorosis in this deciduous vine.

Level groundwater should not come close to the soil surface, since wisteria does not tolerate stagnant moisture in the ground. There must be a sufficient amount in the soil nutrients, otherwise the plant will go in growth, but flowering will not be active.



Wisteria is a rather capricious plant. But if you follow all the basic rules for choosing a place, planting and caring for this vine, then active growth and wonderful flowers will delight the owners every year.

This perennial should be planted in open ground in the spring, when the threat of frost has passed. Although this plant is characterized by a fairly high resistance to cold (it can withstand frosts down to -18 -20⸰С), it is better not to subject the seedlings to such tests.

Planting holes for this plant are dug with dimensions of 55x55x50 cm. First, the soil on the site is dug up, adding complex mineral fertilizer (2 tablespoons per 1 m2).

Planted vines grow slowly, with only thin stems growing in the first few years. And the planted plant will begin to bloom no earlier than after 5 years. But sometimes flowering can begin after 7–9 years.


The soil around these vines must be constantly moist, so it must be watered regularly throughout the season. If there is no rain in the spring, then the amount of watering should be increased, otherwise the buds will fall off. From the second ten days of September, the amount of watering is sharply reduced.

Wisteria is demanding on the amount of nutrients in the soil, so fertilizers should be applied to these bushes during the period of increasing vegetative mass at least once every seven days. In this case, you should alternate mineral (Kemiru-lux) and organic fertilizers. It is better to apply fertilizer in liquid form. Among organic fertilizers, it is better to apply a solution of cow manure to these plants. Once a season, a chalk solution is added under each bush (a glass of chalk per 10 liters of water).

Faded brushes with flowers should be removed promptly. Dry or damaged shoots are also pruned. All stems should be tied to strong supports so that the vine grows and develops correctly.

Before the onset of cold weather, high hilling is carried out around the roots, all shoots are untied from the supports and laid on the ground. They are covered with dry leaves on top, and covered with any covering material that does not allow moisture to pass through.

Pests, diseases

These vines are quite resistant to diseases and pest attacks. If the plant is planted in soil with a high lime content, the foliage may be subject to a disease such as chlorosis. To get rid of this disease, wisteria is watered under the roots with a solution of iron salts.

Occasionally, aphids or clover mites may settle on the plant. Aphids are usually combated by spraying with an insecticide solution, and any acaricidal drug helps against mites.


This plant can be propagated by seeds, cuttings or layering. But many gardeners prefer not to grow wisteria using seeds, considering this method too long and difficult.

Seed material should be planted in containers in the first ten days of December. The soil mixture should consist of:

  1. leaf soil - 4 parts;
  2. turf land - 1 part;
  3. river sand - 1 part.

All components are thoroughly mixed and poured into containers. A layer of drainage material 3–4 cm thick is poured onto the bottom of the container. Seeds are sown into the resulting soil and sprinkled with river sand on top. The containers are covered with polyethylene on top and placed in dark room. The soil should be moistened regularly to prevent the substrate from drying out. The peculiarity of the germination of wisteria seeds is that for this they need complete darkness and an air temperature of 22 - 24C.

The first seedlings germinate about a month after sowing. After 7 - 10 days, the wisteria seedlings can be placed on the windowsill, but for the first few days it is better that direct sunlight does not fall on the young foliage of the vines. When the seedlings have 2 - 3 true leaves, they should be picked into separate pots. The seedlings are replanted along with the soil, taking care not to damage the delicate roots of the plants.

A strong annual stem is the best for propagating wisteria by layering. In the center of the stem you need to make garden knife cut along the bias. A piece of the stem with a cut is placed in a container with a nutrient mixture consisting of clay and turf. The upper part of the stem must be secured. It is best to tie it to a peg or other support. If such a cutting was planted at the end of spring, then in the last ten days of August roots will grow in the place of the cut; the shoot can be disconnected from the mother vine and planted in a permanent place.

Ripe one-year-old stems should be cut into cuttings (cutting length is about 20 cm). Typically, cuttings should be cut in the last ten days of March - the first ten days of April. These seedlings are germinated in containers filled with the following mixture:

  • turf - 3 parts;
  • peat – 1 part;
  • humus - 1 part;
  • sand - 1 part.


Many flowering plants can be grown at the base of these vines, which will look great against the backdrop of wisteria. Best neighbors:

  1. tulips (white or dark red);
  2. daffodils – bright yellow;
  3. hyacinths;
  4. imperial hazel grouse.

Watch also the video

Wisteria - growing this southern beauty in the conditions of central Russia is only possible for particularly enthusiastic gardeners. It is possible to grow wisteria indoors.

A gardener who has ever seen blooming wisteria in southern countries invariably “gets sick” with this plant, dreaming of planting it in his garden.

Wisteria (wisteria) is a spectacular perennial tree-like, beautiful and profusely flowering vine, belongs to the legume family.

Wisteria. Growing in central Russia

Of course, this is sad, but still wisteria remains a heat-loving plant. It does not withstand frosts below 20 degrees and long winters, and can only be grown in the southern regions of Russia, where Chinese wisteria and multiflorous (or abundantly flowering) wisteria are most common. In more northern regions, with careful care, you can achieve the growth of this vine, but it most likely will not bloom, or will be very weak and will only bring disappointment to the gardener.

Recently, however, a more frost-resistant species has been developed - Wisteria macrostachia (Wisteria macrostachia). However, it also requires diligence and patience from the gardener, and is suitable only for people who are passionate and have a great desire to grow this wonderful plant.

Wisteria. Growing in the garden.

If you still decide to grow wisteria, choose the sunniest, southern and windless place for it. Wisteria prefers nutritious, well-drained, slightly alkaline soils.

Wisteria can reach 15 - 20 meters. Young wisterias have thin and long shoots that are mature age become woody and reach a diameter of 15 cm. Wisteria blooms in the spring even before the leaves appear, but retains separately flowering clusters throughout the summer. Wisteria flowers are very fragrant. New growths are pruned to a height of 30 cm each year in the fall.

Wisteria reproduces by root and stem cuttings, layering or seeds.

Wisteria. Growing indoors

If you live in the northern region, and you really want wisteria, you can grow it in room conditions in a pot or tub, forming it in the form of a standard tree. Among the types of wisteria for growing at home, preference should be given to Chinese wisteria. In the summer, such a plant should be taken out into the garden, onto the terrace or onto the balcony, and late autumn it is necessary to give the tree a so-called dormant period, placing it in the following conditions: a bright, cool place with a temperature no higher than 5 and no lower than 10 degrees and very limited watering.

Spring-flowering wisteria looks very impressive together with bright spring and other bulbous plants.

Tree-like liana - the beautiful wisteria amazes with its flowering, which continues all summer. This is a symphony of delicate colors and shades from white to purple with transitional tones. Clusters of inflorescences hanging down give off a slightly sweet aroma. Wisteria: the care and cultivation of which requires certain skills, lives up to the expectations of gardeners. Even the Japanese, amazed by its beauty, walking through the garden with this plant, call their path a walk through paradise.

Biological characteristics

Wisteria (wisteria) belongs to woody climbing subtropical crops belonging to the legume family.

Deciduous or semi-deciduous vines “inhabit” the subtropical regions of East Asia and North America. They have settled all over the world as ornamental plants, but their “trip” across continents is limited by the humid climate of the subtropics. In our country, wisteria is cultivated only in Crimea. Perennial plant height is 15-18 m with bare (in some species pubescent) shoots and liana branches hanging down. Vine diameter

up to 40 cm, it wraps around any strong support and quickly grows. It is a long-livers, its maximum age is 150 years. Imparipinnate leaves (up to 30 cm) are arranged alternately, their color range is of various green shades with or without pubescence. Bloom falls at the end of March-May ( Asian species ) and mid-July-August (American species). Wisteria Chinese blossoms

twice: with the leaves blooming (May) and withering (September). collected in drooping cluster-shaped racemes from 10 to 80 cm in length and bloom simultaneously or starting from the lower inflorescences and gradually moving upward. Flower color different light pastel colors blue shades, species with snow-white and pink inflorescences are known. During flowering, wisteria emits a subtle or thick, rich aroma.

Fruit They are bean pods with dense pubescence, up to 15 cm in size. Inside there are flat-round, dark brown seeds. Representatives of the genus Wisteria are poisonous plants.

The genus Wisteria includes 9 species, of which two are most often grown as garden species: Chinese wisteria and multifloral wisteria.


Tree liana refers to plants that are propagated in most cases vegetatively. The seed method is possible, but it is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and the result does not always meet expectations.

Seed method

If some gardeners are inclined towards the seed propagation method, then the sequence of work is as follows:

  1. We sow the seeds in a small greenhouse in November-December; spring planting in the ground is also possible.
  2. The soil mixture for sowing consists of leaf soil, turf soil and sand (4:1:1).
  3. Place the seeds on the surface of the substrate, lightly sprinkled with sand.
  4. Cover the crops with film or glass to preserve high humidity air.
  5. We cover it from light, since the germination process takes place in the dark.
  6. We wait 3-4 weeks before entrances appear.
  7. We illuminate the Xiang trees, but do not keep them in the open rays of the sun (a little shading is needed).
  8. When two true leaves appear, we pick them, planting them in pots for further growth.
  9. We carry out daily hardening for 2-3 hours, taking the seedlings to a cool loggia or veranda, protecting them from drafts.

The seed propagation method is not common, as it has several significant disadvantages: germination rate is 25%, small sprouts take a long time to take root and do not guarantee the preservation of varietal qualities or abundant flowering. The first flower clusters will appear on the plant in 5-10 years.

Vegetative method

Vegetative propagation includes the rooting of stem and root cuttings in spring and summer.

The rooting procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. For cuttings we take strong annual shoots up to 20-25 cm long.
  2. We make an oblique cut to the middle of the length.
  3. Place the cut part in an earthen mixture with turf soil, peat, humus and sand (3:1:1:1).
  4. Shoots take root well (in almost 100% of cases) when treated with growth stimulants.
  5. We strengthen top part escape, tying it to a support.
  6. By autumn, we transplant the well-rooted cuttings to a permanent place.

Sometimes they use another method of reproduction - root cuttings, but it is more labor-intensive. To do this, in March you need to dig up the vine, trim the young roots and several large roots located next to the root collar. Then the plant is planted again. Such manipulations are necessary for the appearance of young roots, from which adventitious buds are formed, and then stems.

In the fall, a second “undermining” is done and young roots with shoots are cut out with pruning shears. Their diameter should be within 5-15 cm; thinner roots are not suitable for propagation.

  • root cuttings are treated with a fungicide to prevent diseases
  • planted in a pre-mixed, well-moistened, nutritious substrate
  • placed in a warm room for the winter
  • In the spring, strong shoots will appear on young plants, they are ready for planting in a permanent place

This method is dangerous for the mother plant, since the root system is repeatedly injured, which stops growth and impoverishes flowering.

If you intend to purchase a seedling from a nursery, then it is purchased with a closed root system and medium-sized shoots. The seedling must be grafted, otherwise the flowering period will be delayed by several years.

Reproduction by layering is most effective. It is more convenient to carry it out after the leaves have fallen in autumn period. Several of the largest, lower shoots are selected from the vine, on which an incision is made and pinned to the ground using special devices. The cuttings are earthed up, sprinkled with earth and leaving the top of the shoot with several buds on the surface.

In the spring, before growth begins, the stems are separated from the mother plant and during the summer they gradually take root. By autumn, the young vine is ready to be transplanted to its designated place. If the cutting grows slowly, it is better to wait to replant it until the next season.

Planting in open ground is possible when there is no threat of frost, to which heat-loving wisteria is very sensitive. For planting, select an area with good lighting for half a day and protected from strong gusts of wind. The composition of the soil is important; it must have a nutritious, slightly alkaline composition.

Prepare holes measuring 50x50x50 cm, into which mineral fertilizers and an earth mixture consisting of humus, peat, sand and turf soil (1:1:1:3) are added. This composition will help the vine to adapt to a new place and actively grow, and in the future please with flowering. The vine is planted according to a pre-thought-out scheme in the place where it will look most impressive.

The first time after planting, wisteria looks weak and practically does not grow. This is a normal phenomenon, since for the first few years the shoots of the plant will remain undeveloped and it will not bloom.

Rules and features of care

Wisteria is not particularly demanding in terms of care, but certain agrotechnical measures are necessary to ensure good growth and abundant flowering of the “subtropical beauty”.

Area for wisteria

Caring for and growing wisteria requires careful selection of the planting site, since wisteria will decorate the garden for a long time (150 years!):

  1. An area illuminated for 6 hours is preferable, since the vine is light-loving.
  2. It is necessary to choose a place that is warm and protected from the cold wind, so the side of the house suitable for growing is in the southwest or southeast direction.
  3. Nearby there is a support that is durable and strong enough to withstand significant loads for a long time.

Wisteria is demanding on soil composition: The soil selected is light, fertile, and well permeable. The plant does not like excessive waterlogging, as well as excessive liming, which causes chlorosis to develop on the leaves. At the same time, they lighten and lose their decorative effect.

The shoots can curl around the support on their own, but it is better to tie them up. This is important if in the fall it needs to be removed from its support and placed in a trench for the winter. If it grows independently, removing shoots will be very problematic.


When excessively moistened, wisteria begins to shed shoots and buds, so watering must be treated with caution.

In dry spring, abundant watering is necessary to keep the soil moist. During the growing season, the vine needs moderate watering. At the end of September, when the plant stops growing and begins to prepare for winter, watering is stopped.

On hot days, regular spraying of the plant is advisable. Spraying for some time can replace watering and prevent stagnation of moisture in the soil.

Trimming Flower clusters are laid on old wood from the previous year and on newly grown flower shoots. The pruning procedure begins in early spring, when the vine is freed from its shelter and tied to a support, cutting off last year's growth by 2-3 buds.

In order to lay flower buds in time, from which cascades of cascades are formed, at the end of May-beginning of June, last year's shoots are severely pruned so that branches up to 30 cm remain. In August, the current growth is reduced by another 4-5 buds.

The formation of shoots depends on the form that the owner wants to obtain summer cottage. If the plant is grown as a climbing plant, then remove side shoots. They produce beautiful greenery but reduce the number of buds. When creating a standard tree, only the main shoot (trunk) is developed, and those adjacent to it are cut off.

Shelter for the winter

Young shoots are most vulnerable in cold winters. To keep them from frost:

  • the plant is removed from its support
  • placed in a trench or on the surface of the earth in the area of ​​the trunk circle
  • The root part is hilled up, pouring 1-2 buckets of earth onto it
  • shoots are “wrapped” in agrofibre and covered with spruce branches

Most of this year's young growth dies over the winter, which does not pose a danger, since it should still be pruned later. When flower culture large, it is not removed from its support: it tolerates winter well.


When caring for and growing wisteria, feeding is important. The liana needs them because it can grow 5 m in a season. During the growing season, alternate feedings:

  1. At the beginning of growth, a complete complex is used mineral nutrition. 10-20 g of powdered composition is poured onto a bucket. This solution is enough for 1 square meter.
  2. Feeding during the period of budding and flowering is important, alternating a mineral complex (Kemira-Lux) with organic components (mullein infusion in a ratio of 1:20). It is held once a week.
  3. The liana is watered with chalk water once a season to deoxidize the soil: take 100 g of chalk per bucket of water.

When flowers wilt, they are removed, stimulating the formation of new inflorescences. During growth, it is important to trim dry branches and give the shoots a certain direction so that they wrap around the support and do not hang from it.

Diseases and pests

When growing and caring for wisteria, they constantly pay attention to the condition of the plant. The liana is not resistant to pests and microorganisms, so regular treatments are carried out for preventive purposes.

Sometimes they settle on it green aphid, leafhoppers, clover mite. The leaves can be eaten by caterpillars of various pests. To combat them, insecticides and acaricides are used. For minor damage, you can use folk remedies destruction.

In highly alkaline soil, the plant develops chlorosis, when the color of the leaf blade becomes paler. Will help in the fight against this “scourge” root dressings iron salts. If the plant is small, then it is best to transplant it to a new area. When the vine has reached a large size, treatment with Ferovit or Antichlorosis will help. Foliar spraying will help faster than watering at the root.

Wisteria sometimes becomes infected with powdery mildew, and it is clearly visible on the leaves. whitish coating, resembling a thin cobweb. It can be erased, but over time it appears again. Treatment should be carried out with one of the fungicides: Vitaros, Fundazol or Previkur. The solution is prepared based on the instructions for the drug; the plant is treated twice with an interval of several days.

Types and varieties

Out of nine known species Wisteria is the most common two. They are most decorative and are used in gardens, park areas, botanical gardens many subtropical countries. The capricious vine does not tolerate severe cold, so in some climatic zones she doesn't grow.

Chinese wisteria (Wisteria chinensis) is a densely leafy vine, rising up to 15-20 m. Young leaves are pubescent, while more mature ones have a smooth leaf blade. Light lilac or purple flowers form loose racemes up to 30 cm long. There are also double garden forms with a milky white corolla.

When in full bloom, it looks like a fragrant floral cascade with all the inflorescences blooming at the same time. With the appearance of the first leaves, flowering begins, which continues throughout the summer. There are varieties that bloom twice: at the beginning and at the end of summer. The inflorescences are framed by beautiful feathery leaves, which gives the wisteria an additional decorative effect.

Chinese wisteria feels good in technogenic, urban conditions, tolerating dust and gas pollution. There have been cases when it survived frosts down to t = -20C in winter, but for a short time.

Wisteria floribunda, which is also called Japanese (its homeland is the Japanese Islands) grows to medium size: its length is 8-10 m. This is compensated by the large length of the leaf blades (up to 40 cm), a large number inflorescences of violet-blue color and their impressive forms.

Flowering begins when the leaves open, but with a lag of 2-3 weeks from Chinese wisteria. Characteristic is the gradual blooming of flowers from the base of the raceme to its top. Flowering continues until mid-June; for some varieties, another formation of buds is possible in July-August.

Breeders have developed garden forms with a different range of colors and terry forms. A variegated form has also been created, which is distinguished by variegated leaves. Frost-resistant varieties are known that survive at t = -23C.

When compared with Chinese wisteria, this species is interesting for its long-lasting decorative effect, since after flowering the vine looks beautiful due to its rugged, pointed leaves.

Other types of wisteria include:

  • Beautiful (Wisteria venusta) with white or purple flowers. The 10-meter vine blooms from May to June. Forms small inflorescences
  • Shrub (Wisteria frutescens) shrouded in a violet-blue cloud and stretches up to 12 m. This species has inhabited the Crimean coast for a long time and is sometimes grown in a container as a standard tree
  • Japanese (Wisteria japonica) It is distinguished by the white color of its racemose inflorescences. Grows on Black Sea coast Caucasus, but not as beautiful and winter-hardy in comparison with other species
  • Large brush (Wisteria macrostachys), which served as the “parent” of the Blue Moon litter. Flowering occurs in early June and lasts up to 2 weeks. During this period, it is strewn with blue inflorescences up to 25 cm in length. Her distinctive feature is high frost resistance: mature plant withstands temperatures down to -37C without shelter

To fully appreciate the beauty of wisteria and admire the “flower waterfalls,” you need to visit the wisteria garden in Japan: Ashikaga, o. Honshu. This is an impressive sight that will be remembered for a long time.

Creation of indoor culture and bonsai culture

As an option, indoor wisteria can be grown. This is convenient for northern regions, where in harsh climatic conditions she is not able to survive the winter. Liana can only be kept in a spacious apartment. Even with periodic pruning, wisteria grows up to 2 m. It is used to decorate a hall, hall or placed in a winter garden.

In autumn, the vine is planted in a small container and left in a dry and well-lit room at t=+15-+20C. Shoots are formed in early spring so that the standard tree does not grow too much. It is left in the apartment, taken out to the balcony, veranda or garden.

Wisteria bonsai is becoming increasingly popular. Despite its large natural size, it is quite possible to form a small dwarf tree from it.

This is due to such qualities of the vine as:

  • plastic
  • ability to grow rapidly
  • low maintenance
  • unusual appearance

Its creation will require some effort, but the result is worth it. This is a real exotic room that can change the interior of one of the corners of the room.

Wisteria is a striking example of vertical gardening: it occupies a small area and looks very unusual. Liana received the nickname “garden climber” for her ability to quickly move along a support and create a green screen.

The plant perfectly hides all the imperfections of the garden plot or outbuildings, protects the secluded corner of the garden where it grows from the wind and sun.

Other flowers that go with it are planted next to wisteria. color scheme. Heads of white tulips, spots of purple hyacinths, and yellow splashes of daffodils located nearby will add completeness to the landscape and enhance the decorative effect.

Wisteria grows in flowerpots, pots or tubs that are displayed in greenhouses or winter gardens, where a small standard tree is created from it. But more often it is used as garden plant. Indoor culture- a rather rare occurrence, since it requires a large area and careful care.

Wisteria is one of the unusual ornamental crops. Its flowering is a breathtaking spectacle that defies any comparison. Unfortunately, the inhabitant of the subtropics has not taken root in the middle latitudes of our country. But fans of the exotic should not be discouraged: there are options for growing vines indoors. And although this is a difficult and time-consuming process, the “subtropical beauty” is worth it.


With the onset of spring, white and light lilac clusters of beautiful buds begin to bloom in the gardens. It pleases the eye with its wisteria blooms. Planting and caring for a climbing plant is within the capabilities of every summer resident. You can plant it near the gazebo, decorate the entrance gates and walls of the house with vines. Abundant and long flowering wisteria creates on personal plot the atmosphere of a fairyland.

Plant species

The second name of the plant is wisteria. It belongs to a rare genus of deciduous vines belonging to the legume family. Grows in natural conditions in the Caucasus, East Asia, Crimea and America. The cultivation of wisteria in open ground is successful in the south of Ukraine and Russia, since in these regions there is quite warm winters and hot summer.

Until recently, residents of harsher climates had to carefully cover the vine when cold weather set in, but despite such care, it often froze and died. This problem has now been resolved. Breeders have developed a frost-resistant variety of wisteria, which received the poetic name “Blue Moon”. It can withstand air temperatures down to -40C, and now the tree-like vine can be safely planted in middle lane Russia, the Urals and southern Siberia.

Wisteria has 9 varieties. In addition to the frost-resistant variety, the following are considered the most popular among summer residents.

  • Chinese wisteria. The liana grows up to 20 meters, blooms almost all summer with pale lilac flowers, the brushes of which reach 30 cm;
  • Japanese wisteria. This is a low vine. It grows to a length of about 9 meters, but compares favorably with other varieties with larger leaves and flowers;
  • Beautiful wisteria. It trudges up to 10 meters. In June it blooms with white or bluish flowers.

Other varieties of wisteria are less common and are rarely used for landscaping in our country.

Planting a vine

Before planting, you need to consider that wisteria is perennial, so the place for it should be carefully chosen. Growing wisteria will be more successful if it is rooted in a sunny, wind-protected area with nutritious, slightly alkaline soil. The plant is planted in open ground in the spring, when the last frosts have ended and the ground has warmed up well. If you do this earlier, tender seedlings may not take root.

  1. The plot of land where it is planned to grow wisteria must be dug up with a shovel, after saturating the soil mineral fertilizer. The recommended dose is 20-30 g per square meter. m area.
  2. Then dig a hole 50 cm deep and wide, pour a thick layer of broken brick or expanded clay inside and sprinkle lightly with earth.
  3. Then pour a bucket of water into the hole. Wait until it is absorbed and place the seedling there.
  4. Sprinkle it with soil from the garden, gently pressing down with your hands, and moisten the soil again.

Be prepared for the fact that at first the wisteria will not actively grow. Don't stop regular care, and gradually it will begin to produce thin shoots. The first abundant flowering can be seen no earlier than in 4-5 years.

How to properly care

Proper care involves tying up young shoots. Growing a vine should take place next to a durable and powerful support that can withstand gusts of wind and the weight of an adult plant.

It is advisable to tie the wisteria to the support yourself. If it starts to weave itself, then it will be difficult to untangle it and lay it on the ground before frost.

Caring for wisteria is impossible without regular watering. Make sure that the soil is always moist, but without stagnant water under the bush. From the beginning of flowering until autumn, watering should be slightly reduced. Waterlogged soil can cause wisteria to drop its blooming clusters. The next day after moistening, do not forget to carefully loosen the soil under the vine so that a crust does not form in the hole, preventing the plant from developing normally. In extreme heat, it is useful to spray the shoots with water from a hose. This care washes away dust from the leaves and refreshes well.

When the last leaves fall from the wisteria, you need to start preparing for winter.

  1. Since most varieties of wisteria do not tolerate severe frosts, they need to be insulated.
  2. To do this, bury the root part high, untie the shoots from the support and carefully lay them on the ground.
  3. Sprinkle the plant with a thick layer of dry grass and spruce branches on top.

Young shoots are vulnerable to low temperatures, so be sure to cover wisteria in central Russia and the Ural region.

On hot days, regular spraying of the plant is advisable. Spraying for some time can replace watering and prevent stagnation of moisture in the soil.

For complete care, the plant needs pruning. Without it, wisteria will not bloom well and for a long time. Most wisteria flowers bloom on shoots from last year and the year before, so it is important that the flower buds on them form correctly. To do this, all vine branches are shortened by 2 cm in May.

Autumn care also includes pruning. In September, you need to cut off the tops of young shoots, counting 4 buds from the top. By following these recommendations, you will achieve maximum splendor of your flowering plant.

After flowering, do not forget to remove dry buds, and regularly get rid of diseased old branches.

How best to feed

Growing wisteria is impossible without systematic feeding. During active growth and they should bloom once a week. Experienced gardeners It is recommended to alternate mineral and organic fertilizers.

Kemira Lux has proven itself well. It provides the plant with long-term useful elements. The fertilizer is sold in liquid form and in granules. To feed wisteria, it must be diluted and used strictly according to the instructions.

Mullein solution is ideal among organic fertilizers for wisteria.

  1. To prepare it, you will need a large barrel. Place a bucket of cow dung there, which has already rotted, and pour 5 buckets of water.
  2. Stir and leave for 2 weeks for the fertilizer to infuse.
  3. After half a month, the fertilizer is ready and can be used.
  4. Before use, dilute the organic solution with water in a ratio of 1:10 and pour the wisteria under the root.

In mid-summer, you can feed the plant with chalk once. To do this, grind 100 g of chalk into powder, dissolve in 10 liters of water and moisten the soil under the growing vine.

If you want to see wild blooms, use nitrogen-containing fertilizers with caution. Their excess in the soil will lead to the fact that wisteria will increase green mass and quickly grow upward, but will stop blooming altogether.

Propagation by seeds

Growing vines from seeds is rarely practiced, since the method is quite complex and not always successful.

  1. You will need to prepare a soil mixture for planting. Take one part each of sand and turf soil, add four parts of leaf soil to them and mix well.
  2. Place the soil in a special box with holes in the bottom, sow the seeds and spray the soil with water from a spray bottle.
  3. Cover the top of the box with plastic or glass. Place a kind of greenhouse in a warm, dark place for 4 weeks.

During this period, do not forget to raise the glass for ventilation and watering. During this time, the first shoots will hatch in the box. After a month, they can be placed on a lighted windowsill and provided with normal care. When the plants have formed 2 leaves, they need to be transplanted into large containers along with a lump of earth on the roots. During the winter, continue growing seedlings on the windowsill. In spring they are rooted outside. They take root well in open ground, but often do not bloom for a long time.

Reproduction by layering

The easiest way to get a new plant is by layering. In May, pick up a healthy young shoot about 15 cm long. Make an oblique cut in the middle with a sharp knife. Place a wide container with fertile soil next to the vine. Bend the prepared branch and dig it into the pot. The top of the shoot must remain free. If layering is provided complete care, which includes potassium-phosphorus fertilizing and watering, it will gradually take root and begin to grow.

By autumn, the cuttings grow well and have several branches. Excess shoots must be mercilessly cut off, the cuttings carefully separated from the adult wisteria and the plant in a pot brought into the cellar for the winter. In the spring it is transplanted to a new place.

In addition to these two methods, some craftsmen manage to propagate wisteria by grafting on roots or by cuttings. The methods are ineffective and rarely give positive results.

In Siberia, wisteria is often grown in summer in large pots that are placed in the garden. When it comes late fall, the plant is brought into the cellar, where it stands until spring. On next year the vine is transplanted into a wider pot and taken outside again.

Wisteria looks great in landscape design. It perfectly masks unsightly walls and decorates fences or gazebos. Be sure to plant this unpretentious plant, and in a few years your home will be completely transformed.

The fast-growing wisteria vine, the cultivation and care of which in central Russia is more painstaking than in the southern regions, welcomes the onset of summer with abundant and colorful flowering.

In East Asia, wisteria begins to produce buds in April, reaching its maximum flowering in mid-May and symbolizing the onset of summer.

In Japan, wisteria is called "fuji", in Europe - "wisteria".

A flower as an image, according to the Japanese, is ideal for describing the life of any person.

Life is like a flower: growth, blossoming and fading. Flower images are an indispensable part Everyday life Japanese.

The ornament on the spring kimono, depicting an old, moss-covered pine tree entwined with wisteria, symbolizes well-being, prosperity and success.

In the old days they wore winter clothes the color of wisteria - a lilac top lined with a green lining.

In Ishikawa Prefecture, at the Ochinushi Shrine, there is a holiday associated with the flowering of the plant.

Chariots are prepared for the holiday, performing ritual actions - instead of nails and ropes, strong and long wisteria vines are used.

The Kawachi Fuji Garden, which is located near Tokyo, contains many unique varieties of this flower.

Botanical description

The genus of wisteria (Glucine) or wisteria (Wisteria Nutt) belongs to the legume family. It is part of the flora of East Asia and North America.

It is a deciduous, climbing shrub (liana) with dark gray bark, with complex odd-pinnate leaves up to 30 cm long. dark green, arranged alternately.

The root system of wisteria is taproot.

Moth-type fragrant buds of blue, white or all shades of purple are collected in large hanging clusters. The calyx is bell-shaped, five-toothed. Wisteria is a valuable honey plant.

Elongated self-expanding flat beans do not fall off for a long time. The seeds are lenticular.

Wisteria is propagated from seeds at home, by layering, cuttings or root grafting.

A decorative flowering climbing plant is used for vertical gardening of balconies, verandas, gazebos and walls.

For decorating balconies with south side You can plant wisteria in a tub or pot. Some varieties are suitable for forcing.

Wisteria produces phytoncides that have antibiotic properties and suppress the development of tuberculosis bacillus.

All parts of the plant are poisonous - poisoning manifests itself as a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract.

Wisteria - variety of forms and varieties

There are 9 species in the genus Wisteria, the most famous of which are:

  1. Wisteria profusely blooming (W. floribunda) with vines up to 10 m long and pubescent shoots. The flowers are double or simple, pink, violet or purple. Blooming in May, it can produce buds again from July to September. IN garden culture It is grown not only as a liana, but also as a bush, stem or tub plant. Found on mountain slopes and forests in Japan. The following varieties are available in cultivation: form f. alba white flowers are collected in racemes up to 60 cm long. F. variegata is different variegated leaves. F. rosea - flowers with a pale pink sail, with a soft lilac boat and wings. The brushes that rosea blooms are up to 45 cm long. F. violacea plena with flowers purple shades. Compared to Chinese wisteria, profusely flowering wisteria is frost-resistant. Suitable for growing in any soil: deep and rich, dry and sandy. Wisteria profusely blooming Black Dragon is a double form with purple flowers.
  2. Chinese Wisteria (W. sinensis)- deciduous shrubs or vines up to 18 m tall and up to 30 cm in diameter at the base. Inflorescences up to 30 cm long. In cultivation there are varieties Alba with white flowers and Plena Hort with purple flowers. In May, Chinese wisteria Blue Sapphire blooms with blue-violet clusters up to 20 cm long, emitting a delicate aroma.
  3. Wisteria bush widespread in North America. The liana grows up to 12 m. It can withstand frosts up to 18ºC. Suitable for both outdoor gardening and for growing in tubs and for forcing.
  4. Wisteria macrocarpal is a close species of V. shrubby. Originates from central North America. It is distinguished by long inflorescences - up to 30 cm and elongated calyx teeth. Most famous variety- frost-resistant wisteria blue Moon. Grows well in regions with short and hot summers: in the Urals and Siberia, as well as in the middle zone. Blue Moon wisteria blooms 2–3 years after planting, in early June. Blue buds are collected in inflorescences up to 30 cm in length. Wisteria macrocarpal Blue Moon Withstands frosts up to 37ºC without shelter. This is a cold-resistant wisteria, planting and caring for it in open ground is possible in temperate latitudes under extreme climatic conditions.
  5. V. beautiful originally from Japan. Forms with only white flowers are bred in culture. The form with purple buds is wild. It blooms profusely, but bears scanty fruit.

American tuberous wisteria Apios americana is native to the eastern regions of North America. Red-brown, purple or purple flowers collected in inflorescences-tassels up to 8 cm long.

The root system is represented by perennial tubers, rich in starch and suitable for human consumption.

Tubers are planted in pots in February. With the onset of stable warmth, the seedlings are transferred to open ground and cared for wisteria in the garden.

The soils that Apios americana prefers should be loose and breathable.

Planting, propagating and caring for wisteria

The deciduous vine wisteria, which cannot be cared for and grown at home without knowing the specific qualities of the plant, is valued for its colorful and long-lasting flowering.

Wisteria grows well on loose, fertile soils. Photophilous.

If you grow wisteria from seeds, you can lose the varietal qualities of the plant, which will be transmitted limited quantity copies.

Vegetative breeding allows you to obtain offspring with the characteristics and properties of the mother plant.

Seeds that remain viable for 2 - 3 years are sown in greenhouses in December-January. Wisteria can be planted with seeds in open ground in the spring. Before this, the collected fruits are stored at a temperature of +10ºC.

Before sowing, wisteria seeds are soaked in hot water(60 - 70ºC) and planted in boxes or pots filled soil mixture consisting of 2 parts garden soil and 1 part sand.

Seeds germinate under the film, in complete darkness, at a temperature of +20...+25ºC. While maintaining optimal humidity and observing the thermal regime, the first shoots appear in a month.

Growing from seeds rarely leads to the desired result. Wisteria has one peculiarity - one part of the seedlings may not produce buds at all, the other will bloom no earlier than in 7 - 8 years.

The flowering itself may not live up to expectations, even if the plant is carefully cared for.

Vaccination in root collar produced in December.

Wisteria is planted with seeds, then varietal material is grafted onto the roots of the seedlings.

Grafting into the root collar is done because the wood of wisteria is loose and the scion is not able to take root.

The method of propagation by horizontal layering gives planting material V large quantities. Layers are prepared in the fall.

The shoots are cut to ⅓ of their length, the side branches are shortened to 1.5 cm and placed in the prepared grooves.

Attached to the ground and covered with soil organic fertilizers. Before the onset of frost, the grooves with layering planted in the ground are covered with a layer of sawdust.

The rooted shoots are grown for another year, after which they are separated from the mother plant and planted in new areas in holes measuring 60x60 cm.

Wisteria from seeds can reproduce by self-sowing. To preserve varietal qualities, you can propagate the plant from woody cuttings.

The procedure is carried out in March-April as follows:

  • cuttings up to 20 cm long are harvested during the winter dormancy period immediately after leaf fall;
  • to stimulate root formation, the cuttings are placed in a heteroauxin solution (0.02%) for 24 hours;
  • the soil for the greenhouse consists of 2 layers - straw manure 30 cm thick on top, light plant soil on the bottom;
  • the potting mixture consists of 2 parts turf soil, 1 part humus and 1 part sand;
  • The cuttings are washed and planted in a greenhouse or in a distribution box.

Propagation by green cuttings:

  • harvested during the period of intensive shoot growth - in July;
  • the cuttings are placed in a solution of heteroauxin (0.01%) for 4-6 hours, then washed with warm water;
  • planted in river sand to a depth of 3-4 cm.

Go to parameters environment the following requirements apply:

  • positive air temperature within +20…+25ºC;
  • air humidity should be 65-70%;
  • Optimal soil moisture is 60%.

If necessary, weed and feed with complex flower fertilizers.

Wisteria grown from cuttings will begin to bloom in 3-4 years.

Cuttings in open ground in Russia in the southern regions are carried out in December-January.

Wisteria grown from seeds begins to bloom 4–5 years after planting.

Wisteria has been successfully cultivated in UK nurseries since the end of the 19th century; propagation by cuttings and seeds is rarely used there.

Winter grafting into the root collar and propagation by horizontal layering is basically how English gardeners breed the East Asian beauty.

Offspring obtained by seed propagation, as a rule, unattractive.

In indoor conditions, in a large bright room, a greenhouse or on a balcony, you can grow wisteria from cuttings or seeds, subject to all planting and care rules.

The plant tolerates dry indoor air well, only requiring spraying in hot weather.

The soil for wisteria should consist of 3 parts of turf soil and 1 part of humus, peat and sand.

The transplant is carried out annually for the first 5 years. Subsequently, fresh soil is added to the pot with the plant once every 3-4 years.

Water moderately in winter, abundantly in summer.

The support to which the wisteria shoots are tied annually after wintering must be reliable and strong in order to withstand the significant weight of the plant during the flowering period.

After leaf fall, the above-ground part of the grown wisteria is bent, attached to the ground and covered with a layer of soft soil 30 cm thick.

Can be used sawdust. As the grown plants develop, the root soil is insulated with a layer of soil or sawdust. Aboveground part The vines are covered with burlap or film.

To achieve abundant flowering, it is necessary to form the plant:

  • pruning wisteria involves shortening last year's shoots to 30 cm at the end of May;
  • in August, summer growth is shortened by 4-5 buds;
  • after removing the cover in the spring and tying the shoots to the support, last year’s growth is shortened again - by 2-3 buds.

Regular feeding is included in the care of wisteria, since if there is a lack of nutrients, the plant stops blooming.

From April to September, they are fed with complex mineral fertilizers twice a month.

How to grow Wisteria bonsai in a container? To do this you need:

  • transfer the seedlings into large containers (at least 12 liters);
  • insert a support into the container - 1.5 m;
  • form vines in the form standard tree: Gradually remove side branches, leaving leaves to feed the trunk.

In the spring, the pots in which the standard form is planted are taken outside, in the winter they are stored in a cool room.

Wisteria in landscape design

The tea ceremony, borrowed from China, has become an integral part of Japanese culture. In the XII-XV centuries. The first tea ceremonies were held in Buddhist temples of the Zen sect.

Later, special tea pavilions began to be built for this purpose, with gardens laid out near them.

The tea garden is one of the styles of landscape design in the Japanese style.

In such a garden there must be tea house and a vessel for washing hands. The tea pavilion garden symbolizes the 4 seasons, demonstrating the beauty of changing nature - winter is represented blooming camellias, sakura and azaleas bloom in spring.

In summer, purple clusters of wisteria hang down to form a cascade; in autumn, maple leaves and nandina berries glow.

Streams of cascading wisteria flowers - there is no more beautiful sight. Tourists from all over the world come to Japan in the spring to admire the picturesque blooming wisteria.

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