You will need

  • - wicker basket
  • - a piece of thick cowhide
  • - sheet of paper
  • - scissors
  • - ruler
  • - tailor's chalk or pencil
  • - carpet knife
  • - screwdriver
  • - 4 carbines
  • - rope (6 m)
  • - thick polyethylene film
  • - drainage
  • - garden soil
  • - ivy


First, we make hangers for the basket from thick leather. To make all 4 belts the same, we cut out a template from paper - a rectangle approximately 20 cm long with rounded edges. We transfer the template onto the skin with tailor's chalk or pencil and cut out blanks for pendants using a ruler.

We fix the hangers on the basket, 2 hangers on each side. Place the ends of each hanger together, make cross-shaped cuts and widen them using a screwdriver. We thread carabiners through the holes. To hang a basket from the ceiling, take a piece of rope approximately 1.5 m long and attach it to each carabiner.

To prevent water from flowing down from the basket when watering, we line the bottom with thick plastic film. We lay out the drainage and plant ivy. Fill the remaining space of the basket with garden soil. Now the cart can take worthy place in your home!

Ivy - very useful plant, which works on the principle of a natural air conditioner and takes care of feeling good in the house.

Depending on the variety, the color of the leaves can range from lush green to white, bluish and reddish. Ivy looks very organic in rough wooden boxes. If they are arranged appropriately, you can create an urban “jungle” on your balcony.

Place: ivy prefers a bright place without direct sunlight. There is a rule: the lighter the leaves of the ivy variety, the more more he needs light. More dark varieties ivy should be placed in a more shady place.

Temperature: Ivy prefers temperatures between 10 and 18 °C. High temperature and dry air create problems for the proper growth of the plant, so it should not be placed in close proximity to heating devices.

Watering: ivy does not like too much or insufficient watering. If the top layer of soil is dry, then the plant requires watering. It is recommended to spray the leaves of the plant daily with lime-free water.

Fertilizer: Liquid fertilizer should be applied every two weeks in spring and fall.

Every person tries to make their home unique and the most beautiful. Curtains, curtains, floor lamps have become an integral part of the interior of any apartment. But people also want to decorate the exterior. To do this, they plant on the balcony various plants. Not every flower, however, is suitable for this place. Why? When choosing, there are several parameters to consider. The most important thing is the location, on the north or south side. You should also consider the type: open or closed.

Climbing plants are an excellent decoration for both the sunny and shady sides of the house.

If you grow flowers on the sunny side, then the main task will be to minimize the entry of sunlight into the apartment - then climbing plants for the balcony are perfect. If there is no sun on this side, the most best choice There will be “low” plants, they are usually planted in small pots. Such plants will not block precious sunlight.

The purpose of this type of vegetation is additional decoration. Therefore, when choosing colors, try to ensure that they are in harmony with the decoration. So, for example, if the walls are dark, light-colored plants are best, and vice versa. If you really want large plants, which will decorate your apartment, then gladioli or dahlias will not be suitable. They develop very poorly at home. They need natural soil and constant food. In addition, they are very sensitive to temperature environment. If we talk about design, then from the street their long and massive stems do not look very beautiful.

Plants of the same year are best suited for decoration: lobelia, nasturtium and marigold.

Climbing nasturtium is excellent for growing because it is not afraid of the sun and wind.

If you want to admire their flowering as early as possible, you should use seedlings that are ready for planting, which can be purchased at any specialty store. It should be remembered that the best time to plant seedlings is in the spring, namely in March. Before this, the boxes should be kept in a cool and well-lit place. To optimize the supply of sunlight to the apartment, you can use vines; they are well suited for loggias. The vines grow very quickly, forming a “green wall”. Before planting them, you should take care of the support to which they will cling. Best fit steel gratings. Great choices would be: bean, echinocystis or morning glory.

There are people who want to see fragrant flowers on their loggia. Here you should take into account what temperatures a particular plant can withstand. So, for example, sweet pea will grow well in summer. It is then that it will receive the necessary amount of heat and light. Experts also recommend mignonette and fragrant tobacco.

There is nothing better for decoration than hanging plants. If the balcony is dimly lit, it is best to choose between plants such as ivy, sansevieria and boxwood.

If the flora on your balcony is “replete” with a variety of colors, it does not look very stylish. It's better to stop at one color scheme or combine two suitable shades. For example, a combination of yellow and violet, blue and violet will be beautiful.

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Selection of pots

The pots in which the plant will be placed on the balcony should be selected in certain sizes. After all, as it grows, you will gradually have to increase the space, since the root system also increases. Thanks to the roots, flowers receive the substances they need from the earth. When the amount of such substances becomes less, the plant begins to die. To avoid this, it must be transplanted into a more spacious potty. It is best to buy pots “for growth” (but do not overdo it, too large pots also do not contribute to plant growth) - this way you will save money.

Some plants do not like it when it is very humid or, conversely, when it is dry. Therefore, make sure that the flowers you place on the balcony are weather-resistant.

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How to choose climbing plants

​Choosing and planting flowers is just the beginning. Plants growing in pots require more intensive care behind itself than ordinary garden plants. They need to be watered every day, and on very hot days this should be done two or three times. Once a week you need to feed the plants with fertilizers. Dead flowers and inflorescences should be pulled out regularly, and sometimes even whole stems with dried leaves. Faded plants can be pulled out entirely and replaced with flowering ones. Flowers on the balcony will be beautiful and healthy only with constant and proper care for them. A beautiful blooming balcony is the real pride of its owners.​

​In the case where the balcony is located on north side, you can plant it with forget-me-nots, mignonette, tobacco, periwinkle, fuchsia, tuberous begonia, astilbe. Ampelopsis and climbing ivy are also suitable.​

​Placing flowers on the balcony​

​Pink flowers are best combined with white, lilac flowers, as well as plants with silvery foliage, such as seaside cineraria.​

Light-loving, but unpretentious and drought-resistant include petunia, nasturtium, cloves, verbena, which has pleasant aroma, ageratum, diascia, dahlias, salvia, nemesia, gatsaniya, bidens. Climbing plants include morning glory, sweet peas, and fire beans.​

Planting climbing plants

​An element of the balcony design can be tall flowerpots of small diameter, in which you can plant decorative foliage or hanging plants, such as lobelia, chlorophytum, petunia.​

​What flowers to plant if the balcony is in the south? On this side, you need to plant plants that love the sun, but at the same time are not afraid of wind and precipitation.​

The most popular climbing plants for balconies

Among the species of fiery lobelia, the Victoria variety with scarlet-red flower clusters is very beautiful. Hybrid plants have now been bred. They have long vines and therefore are more suitable as hanging (hanging) for landscaping balconies.​

​For the winter, they are cut off and, having been removed from the support, placed on top of the container. Having covered the top with sawdust or peat, wrap it up, and, placing the container with the plant in plastic bag, stored on a shelf at a temperature not lower than minus 12 °C on a balcony or loggia. At severe frost the container must be temporarily placed in warm room.​

The role of flowers in decorating a balcony is great. They not only serve as its decoration, but are also able to protect the room from excessive sunlight and summer heat, dust and noise of a big city. And climbing plants are especially suitable for balconies, since with their long stems with a vigorous canopy of foliage they can create a living green wall. In addition, many of them bloom very beautifully, and their flowers enliven the dull walls of buildings, making them more elegant and picturesque.​

​You can see how to glaze a balcony on the website:​

​From potted plants you can give preference to oleander, balsam, zebrina, cissus, cherry laurel, tradescantia, aspidistra and conifers.​

Climbing plants are beautiful. |

​B big city, the balcony is the only opportunity for flower lovers to do what they love and enjoy - floriculture. Flower growers create comfort not only in their home, but also bring joy to others. A balcony with beautiful plants looks very bright against the backdrop of gray houses, attracting the glances of passers-by, since it is impossible to pass by such beauty indifferently. It is not recommended to create a mini-garden from indoor and balcony annual plants; there are situations when some are affected by pests that quickly multiply and spread. If annuals can be thrown away without regret after flowering, then it will be a pity to throw away indoor ones.​

Morning glory (convolvulus, gramophones) - the bindweed family.

​The listed plants can withstand the scorching sun, but they still need watering for normal development. Flowers are watered in the morning or evening hours.

Lianas are usually placed near walls. In this case, a thread or twine is pulled as a support. A wooden lattice can serve as a support.​

Lobelia is a family of Lobeliaceae.

For example, pelargonium or petunia. Pelargonium loves warmth and sunlight, but it needs daily watering, otherwise it will die. And petunia will generally become a real joy for you, because starting from the end of spring and for six months, all its curly shoots are dotted with lovely flowers.​

Nasturtium is from the capuchin family.

​At the very beginning you need to decide on the color; you should not overuse variegation. It's better to choose one specific color and dilute it with shades.​

Browallia is a family of Norichniaceae.

Nasturtiums are decorative climbing flowers that usually bloom in the second half of summer and before late autumn. The flowers are yellowish, orange. The leaves are thyroid green, with a purple tint. The plant is usually low and climbing, prefers an open sunny position and moderate, moist soil. Its seeds are large. Before planting, they are soaked and planted in the ground as soon as the soil and weather permit. Nasturtiums are used for planting in vases. The most popular type of nasturtium among amateur gardeners is the large nasturtium. Indeed, its height reaches up to 35 centimeters, and its creeping form is 3 meters. The leaves are decorative, shiny green, with a purple tint. The flowers are large, solitary, or double. Various colors: yellow, orange, purple. The petioles of the leaves and pedicels are long. Among the large nasturtiums, the following varieties are distinguished: Kaiserin von India with dark red flowers, Rubin Koenig with bright red flowers and Golden Globe with golden yellow flowers.​

Morning glory is an annual plant. It is very characteristic of her rapid growth And long flowering. Blue morning glory blooms until late autumn. Its large flowers, up to 12 cm in diameter, are very decorative. Morning glory rises high on the support, forming a real green wall. Blooms from July to September. Loves good sunlight and abundant watering, and is undemanding in terms of care.​ ​When choosing climbing plants for your balcony, you need to take into account factors that affect their growth and flowering. Namely, a balcony faces the light or shadow side of the street, whether it is glazed or not. If the balcony is not glazed, then when planning planting, you need to take into account the strength of the wind blowing there. This is important because some plants, such as clematis, whose shoots break easily, are unlikely to do well in strong winds. To make flowers look beautiful against the background of the walls, you need to select them in contrast with the color of the wall. So, against the background of red brick, white or yellow flowers will look good.​​You can’t think of anything better than petunia! The hotter it is, the more abundantly it blooms, it is drought-resistant, it blooms until the snow (only in the 2nd half of July you need to trim the vines. H/w 2 weeks - again a sea of ​​​​flowers) Plant petunia - (and all its varieties) - you will not regret it!​

​If the balcony faces the windy side, then the plants on such a balcony should be able to withstand windy weather. These are mainly small plants, with small flowers and leaves. These can be verbena, chrysanthemums, lobelia and dwarf asters; begonia, ageratum, balsam, gatsania, calendula, ivy, laurel, alceolaria are also suitable.

Flowers on the balcony, growing annual flowers

​From correct placement flower pots, boxes and selection of plants will depend on how beautiful the flower arrangements will look on the balcony. Even a very small, at first glance, balcony can be made very cozy and beautiful.​

​New articles:​

What flowers to choose for planting?

​You can arrange a garden of wildflowers and herbs on your balcony. For this you can use sage, chamomile, calendula, basil, thyme, rosemary. Of course, you can create a mini-garden and grow vegetables on the balcony, but it is not recommended to eat them, because... they absorb harmful substances, of which a lot accumulates in the air from public transport and industrial enterprises. If the balcony does not have a solid side wall, then you can stretch a rope from floor to ceiling and climbing plants, such as morning glory, will climb up the rope themselves. In this case, you will get a green screen.​

​Polyanthus roses look very chic on the south side, despite the fact that their blooms are small, they gather in large groups and look excellent. They are not capricious, they reproduce by cuttings very quickly, and the flowering time is the same as that of petunia.

​Or you can play with contrast, for example, by collecting red and yellow shades, distributing them evenly over the entire balcony area. Then you need to prepare the places where you will place your new pets.​

What factors are taken into account

A climbing plant with large tubular flowers. Their color is white and blue. The most common types of brovallia among amateur gardeners are: special brovallia, proud and large-flowered. Seeds are sown in pots. Planted in open ground in May. Browallia is usually used to decorate balconies.​

  • ​Sweet pea is an annual plant with attractive, fragrant flowers. It grows quickly, reaching 3 meters in height. Not afraid of frost.​
  • ​For growing on a balcony, if it is not glazed, it is better to select unpretentious and hardy plants. They can be annual or perennial.​
  • ​beans!!! and red flowers are good and the fruits are beneficial

​For flowers to grow on the balcony all year round, you need to plant narcissus or tulip flower bulbs in boxes or pots in the fall. You can also plant biennial plants such as daisies, pansies. Perennial plants can include dicentra, spring doronicum, primrose. In summer, lobelia, petunia, salvia, marigolds, begonia, and pelargonium bloom. Summer biennial plants - Turkish cloves, middle bell. Perennials - prominent sedum, astilbe, large-flowered chamomile, hybrid aquilegia, tiger lily.​

Flowers on the balcony on the south side

​The tallest and largest plants, lush shrubs and tall trees with fragile stems that are not suitable for top shelves, can be placed in boxes on the floor of the balcony. It is better to install drawers in the center of the balcony or on its sides, taking into account the presence of upper drawers. You can create a multi-story garden. To do this, you need to nail the shelves large size and not wide along the balcony railing. Plants that require abundant sunlight should be placed on the upper tiers, and plants that do not require so much sunlight should be placed below.​

​It is possible to grow many flowers even in a small area if you think about it good location pots and boxes. In boxes and flowerpots located on the floor, suspended on the fence outside and inside, you can plant upright and hanging flowers. The wall can be decorated with hanging and climbing varieties. Ampelous species hung in special flowerpots from the ceiling of the balcony, and low, upright flowers can be planted in small pots placed on shelves and racks along the wall.​

​If the balcony is glazed, then it would be a good idea to shade the plants from the midday sun. Usually having blinds on the windows solves this problem.​

​If the balcony does not have a roof, then the vines can be placed either against the wall of the house or against the fence.​

​Even by combining these three plants, you will get an excellent panorama: delicate pink petunia rises up, the base is replete with delicate red flowers of polyanthus roses, and all this is diluted with large dark red pelargonium decorations. This will definitely become the envy of the neighbors.​

Flowers for the balcony

​You can build them yourself, from old vases, pots or boxes, decorating them separately at your discretion. If you add climbing plants, you should tighten the strings so that they feel comfortable.​

​Climbing plants ​

What to grow in and how to place plants on the balcony

​Both peas and morning glory can be sown in April in a permanent place. To obtain morning glory seeds, it is better to grow it in seedlings, because otherwise its seeds large-flowered varieties may not ripen.​

​For sunny, illuminated balconies, annuals are suitable: nasturtium, decorative beans, sweet peas, morning glory, and perennials - actinidia, honeysuckle, Chinese lemongrass.​

Nasturtiums look very beautiful! They are very unpretentious to the soil, bloom for a long time and beautifully. The more light and heat, the more abundant flowering! In addition, there are now many varieties of long-climbing nasturtium - up to 2 m.

​Climbing flowers for the balcony​

​The space can be expanded due to a firmly fixed vertical stand or using a multi-story stand. If the balcony area allows you to experiment, you can place the boxes not only on the balcony floor. An excellent opportunity to make the balcony ceiling useful and functional is to place macrame pots, wicker baskets and hanging pots on it. You can also hang them on fixed brackets in façade walls. For the same purpose, you can use dividing walls between balconies.​

​If you stretch wire, fishing line or mesh vertically, climbing plants can create pleasant shading on the balcony.​

​If the balcony has an exit to the north or west side, then you should choose shade-tolerant plants, for example tradescantia, fuchsia, mimulus, periwinkle, tuberous begonia, lobelia, pansies, marigolds, alyssum, hosta. You can place containers with ivy near the walls; it is possible to grow nasturtium, but it will bloom less profusely than when grown in the sun.​

Popular plants for landscaping a balcony

​The most popular and unpretentious plant is petunia, of which there are a huge number of hybrids and varieties. Some petunia hybrids are able to withstand unfavorable weather conditions, for example multi-flowered petunia, small-flowered petunia, as well as some hybrids ampelous petunia resistant to rain and wind, which means they can be safely grown on an unglazed balcony.​

​Feel good in the sun:​

​For the right choice colors need to be taken into account:​

​will create beauty both on the balcony and in the garden area around the gazebo. ​

​Girl grapes are perennial plants. On the balcony it is better to grow it in a deep, at least 65 cm, container. The width of the container is at least 60 cm. The planting principle is the same as for other climbing plants. Drainage is placed at the bottom of the container. The land must be fertile. It is necessary to regularly feed the plant and update some of the soil every 2 years.​

​Ivy is good for shaded balconies. It can withstand strong winds, but must be removed in the winter as it is sensitive to frost. Compared to ivy girl's grapes unpretentious and hardy, and its unusually beautiful autumn outfit will decorate any balcony. On a balcony facing north, these plants should be placed so that they do not obscure sunlight. For example, near the wall of a building on which the supporting grid needs to be strengthened, or in the corners.​

Balcony plants for the south side

I think the hanging begonia will look good.

A balcony or loggia will not look harmonious and complete without climbing flowers. For this you can use azarins, winged thunbergia, sweet peas. You can plant vines on the floor in boxes, and then install them near the wall so that some of the branches weave along it. In addition to decorative and aesthetic functions, climbing plants protect the balcony from the sun and dust, forming dense walls with their weaving. Also, such plants significantly improve the microclimate and air, which is especially useful in urban environments.​

​You also need to remember about the outer part of the balcony. Painted boxes can be fixed outside the balcony, and fragrant and hanging plants can be planted in them. Using all available and functional zones the balcony will give extra space for floral masterpieces, and will also allow you to realize the creative ambitions of the hostess to transform an ordinary balcony into a small flower garden.​

​How to decorate a balcony with flowers so that it looks elegant and harmonious? A sense of proportion is your main guideline when landscaping. Don’t get too carried away and turn your balcony into a kind of green jungle. Look at your flower garden from the street to understand what is missing or notice what is superfluous. In the background light walls buildings look better with bright flowers, more dark walls contrasts perfectly with light varieties flowers. Ideally, you can choose the color and texture of flowerpots and boxes so that they are in harmony with the texture and color of the walls of the building.​

Plants for the north and west sides

​If the balcony is on the east side, then the sun's rays will delight the flowers only in the morning. In this case, flowers that feel great both in the sun and in the shade are suitable for landscaping the balcony. These include marigolds, balsam, petunia, clematis.​

Balcony plants for the east side

​For those who don’t have extra time to care for flowers, but have a desire to green up their balcony, ideal option is geranium and pelargonium, which can long time do without watering and stay in the sun.​

​City residents, especially those who do not have a dacha, are trying to create a living blooming corner. A balcony is a place where you can create a mini-garden that blooms from spring to late autumn.​

​lighting of the place where the flowers will be located - shadow, sun or partial shade.​

​You can read how to grow a perennial aster on your site in this article.​

​Climbing plants​

​B southern regions countries, the balcony can be decorated with such beautiful plants as climbing roses and wisteria, but for middle zone they are unlikely to fit.​

​Passiflora. She loves the sun. It blooms very beautifully! Nowadays a lot of varieties have been developed different colors. In addition, you can plant it from seeds. It grows very quickly and beautifully.​

Hanging or hanging plants will look great on balconies. These include verbenas, ivy-leaved geraniums, lobelias, and ampelous fuchsias. Plants form lush caps. In order to make the balcony even more attractive, you can, along with lush flowering plants, plant plants that have beautiful coloring leaves and interesting structure. These can be, for example, glechoma ivy, enanthe, helichrysum petiolate, plectranthus Forster. If the balcony is large, then it is suitable for growing on it ornamental shrubs, for example, quince, serviceberry, forsythia, apple and ornamental plum trees, rhododendron, finger maple. Many of these plants will survive the winter just fine. open balcony if you take care of insulating the tub and container in advance.​

What flowers to plant on the balcony: ideas and photos of decorating the balcony with flowers

Upright, ampelous, climbing flowers

​What plants should be grown on the balcony?​

​You should remember about building codes concerning maximum load on cantilever structures, such as a balcony. Excessive quantity pots and boxes with soil can lead to excess permissible load onto the balcony and there is a danger of collapse.​

Balcony design

​If the balcony is spacious enough, then you can place tall indoor plants on it, such as dieffenbachia, palm trees, dracaena, and schefflera.​

​Bright colors will please annual dahlias. With proper care, many flowers are formed, and due to their compact size, they do not require much space to place them.​

Interesting ideas for landscaping balconies

Not all flowers are suitable for landscaping a balcony. When choosing flowers for a balcony, you should take into account the floor, the presence of glazing, which side the balcony faces, free time for caring for plants, and flowering dates.​

​need for watering - some flowers require watering twice a day: early in the morning before the bright sun and in the evening when the sun has already set. If this condition is difficult to fulfill, it is better to choose drought-resistant varieties.​

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We decorate the balcony with flowers

​pleasant to the eye and greatly decorates your garden plot. But what should those who do not have garden plots do? Don't despair! Many annual plants feel good on the balcony. Plant indoor climbing plants in pots and this riot of colors will make you smile every day.​

​Plant boxes should be deep enough, 25 - 30 cm, and the same width. Their length is about a meter. You can make the boxes yourself or buy ready-made ones. The soil should be loose and fertile. A mixture of turf, leaf soil and sand, taken in equal quantities. You can buy ready-made soil for flowers. Drainage must be placed at the bottom of the box or container - expanded clay or ceramic shards.​

From annual climbing flowers, unpretentious morning glory is often planted on the balcony, decorative beans; in the southern regions - kobeya, thunbergia.

Combinations of plants when decorating a balcony

Each plant has its own need for light, a certain temperature and humidity. When planting flowers on the balcony, all these requirements must be taken into account.​

​Designers and self-taught craftsmen offer many interesting solutions for landscaping balconies. You can successfully use the most unexpected objects if you are smart. A wooden pallet can make a convenient rack for small pots with miniature plants, and pots with hanging flowers can be hung from the ceiling and walls in a textile bag.​

​If the balcony is not glazed or is located on the upper floors (above the 8th floor), then you should choose plants that are resistant to wind and rain. For example, garden begonia, spurge, armeria, young, gypsophila, flax, geranium, ageratum are resistant to wind. snapdragon, ivy Beautiful hyacinths, lobelia, some hybrids of petunias, marigolds, calendula, and alyssum are resistant to rain.

​Marigolds are unpretentious and bright, the variety of varieties allows you to create a colorful garden.​
​Balcony plants are grown in ordinary and hanging pots, containers, boxes. Containers must have drainage holes, a layer of drainage, for example expanded clay, vermiculite, or clay shards, is poured onto the bottom of the containers. An earthen mixture is poured over the drainage layer, usually universal soil or garden soil, which can be purchased in the store. Pots and containers are placed on pallets.​

​presence of drafts and wind on the balcony, most plants do not tolerate drafts and do not like wind.​

​What flowers to plant on the balcony to enjoy a beautiful flower garden and a delicate aroma in your apartment all summer long.​
​This annual climbing flower is beautiful with its large blue, dark blue, pink and red flowers, which completely cover its shoots, stretching up to 4 meters. And the morning glory leaves are beautiful - large, heart-shaped, bright green. For these qualities, morning glory is used to decorate gazebos, balconies, fences and walls. Its seeds are large. They can be planted 3-4 grains per nest (usually in April). A support peg with twine is placed immediately near the nest to tie the shoots.​

Clematis requires containers at least 65 cm high. Boxes for climbing plants should be installed on the floor of a balcony or loggia. Plants need to be provided with support. For this purpose, a mesh of thin wire, twine, wooden lattice.​

​To prevent pots with plants from overheating on the southern balcony, they are often arranged in balcony boxes, filling the space between the pots with different insulating materials. On the southern balcony, timely watering and spraying of plants is especially important.​

​The fact that there are a lot of plants on the balcony does not mean that they will look beautiful. A chaotic combination of colors and shapes is not considered a style. Even with just one plant on the balcony, you can get a beautiful living picture with the proper approach. It is necessary to remember some rules for combining plants. Each box should contain one or more beautiful plants with large flowers, and nearby plants that bloom profusely with small flowers. For harmonious planting of narrow and broad plants you need to remember that slender tall inflorescences contrast perfectly with flat, squat flowers. Placing light and dark plants on the balcony requires a combination of shades of the same color, for example lilac and purple, white and pink. If you plant plants that are similar to each other, you must remember that a composition with flowers of the same tone is a win-win option that looks very harmonious. The combination of bright and pale colors on the balcony requires contrasts, for example white and red, blue and orange.​

​On the sunny side of the balcony you can plant salvia (brilliant sage), also ivy-leaved pelargonium, longflower, Chinese and Dutch carnation, ageratum, godetia, daisy, leftwort, nasturtium, snapdragon, godetia, dahlia.​

​The role of flowerpots can be successfully performed by dishes: old tureens, sugar bowls and cups. A construction mesh made of galvanized wire is ideal as a support for a climbing plant. Sometimes you can only be amazed at the ways in which true masterpieces of gardening are created.​

​Many people love a riot of colors, plant plants with different colors of flowers, with the goal of getting a bright and fragrant balcony. However, with this approach there will be chaos on the balcony; it is much more pleasant to be in the garden, where the flowers are in harmony with each other, and the eyes take a break from contemplation.​

Balsam is different long flowering and unpretentiousness, which has earned the attention of many gardeners.​

​Flower pots can be placed on the floor, racks, shelves, stands, racks, windowsills, if the balcony is glazed, or on the balcony railing using special fastenings. There are special pots and containers designed to be placed on lattice fencing.​

​It should be remembered that the side of the balcony has a strong influence on the choice of plants, and it is worth considering each of them separately.​

​In the early morning, when the sun just shows its first rays to the world, it is so nice to go out onto the balcony to fully enjoy these gifts of nature. But a person would get much more pleasure if, along with the dawn, bright colorful flowers wrapped in rich greenery smile at him. ​

Which climbing flowers are most suitable for a balcony on the sunny side?

Lydia Lapkina

​Climbing morning glory flowers do not live long. They bloom at sunrise and fade away a few hours later. But to replace withered flowers new ones appear. And this change continues until late autumn. Morning glory pods are collected as they ripen.​

Klava Ivanova

Clematis, unusually beautiful and abundant flowering plants, suitable for growing on closed balconies and loggias. It is better if these balconies are located on the south or east side of the building. Plant containers should be 65cm deep and have holes in the bottom. They are placed on pallets, raised by 2.5 cm. When watering flowers, water should not stagnate in the container. Place them on the side and rear walls of the balcony. The plant must be provided with support. Varieties from the Jacqueman, Integrifolia, Florida, Vititsella, and small-flowered groups are suitable for the balcony. Clematis need to be watered abundantly, shoots need to be tied up in time, the soil should be loosened and mulched.​

Vera ok

​I have a south-facing glazed loggia, so I don’t grow climbing plants near the railings on it, but on a continuous long window sill (6 meters) along the glass there are numerous pots with flowers (for south side pelargoniums are very good). On particularly hot days, I lower the ordered glass over the entire area horizontal blinds(3 blinds 2 meters each) and adjust their angle so that the hot rays do not hit the plants, but illuminate the balcony.​

Marina Crow

Even a small balcony can be an excellent place for planting a variety of plants if you plant them in several tiers. When selecting plants for a pot, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with their requirements so that the plants feel cozy and comfortable on the balcony. Many of indoor plants prefer fresh air in summer, so when placing them on the balcony you need to ensure that they are organized harmonious combination With seasonal plants in boxes.​


Suitable for planting potted plants various types cacti, yucca, dracaena, laurel, netcreasia, and aloe. Climbing hops, kobeya, Turkish beans, sweet peas, and morning glory require sunlight.


​Starting with landscaping the loggia, you can become seriously interested in small floriculture. If you no longer have enough space in your own home, try to negotiate with your neighbors about joint improvement of the entrance and common areas. Beautiful house will become a real oasis of comfort and harmony. It all starts with the first step.​
​You can take one color as a basis, for example orange, and dilute it with colors of yellow, blue or red shades. In this case, plants with red flowers should be in small quantities, with bright spots that do not irritate the eye.​
​Another popular plant is begonia, which can grow both in the sun and in the shade, while delighting with flowering throughout the summer.​

Climbing flowers in the garden

With bright and juicy buds that harmoniously combine with straight shoots, they can be considered the pride of any gardener or lover of greenery in the apartment. After growth, any type of climbing plants give even a small balcony a unique charm and delightful look.

In our article today we will outline which plants are suitable for decorating a terrace, loggia or open balcony, and will provide all the necessary tips and care recommendations.

Overgrown climbing plants, planted next to the open railings of balconies in the summer, can hide from the annoying attention of neighbors, and this alone can be considered a huge advantage in favor of choosing them for decoration.

Ipomoea (Boundweed), popularly called Morning Dew, can also be perfect for decorating a balcony or loggia. The class of these plants can include both annuals and perennial species, but you should be careful.

ATTENTION! Morning glory is considered a poisonous plant!

Delicate buds of various shades decorate the garden or loggia from June until the onset of the first night frosts, creating a beautiful natural carpet of greenery with bright splashes of juicy buds. The inflorescences themselves resemble a “gramophone” in shape, with one stamen and unusual transitions color palette inside the bud.

Morning glory grows quite rapidly, which gives special pleasure, managing to wrap itself around any support during growth, firmly attach itself to it and crawl upward, creating an “artificial wall.” Enough for morning glory to grow loose soil and regular but moderate watering.

Ipomoea purpurea

Bindweed, as morning glory is popularly called, is a climbing garden vine that began to be grown in the 18th century. The wild relative of this plant is considered to be field bindweed, both in appearance and in structure; it is very similar to morning glory.

The plant is not only perennial, but also annual, so when purchasing seeds or seedlings, you should read the information from the manufacturer. The family has over 3,500 species, among which you can find: herbaceous species, as well as shrubs and even small trees.

climbing vines

The inflorescences have a funnel shape, reminiscent of a “gramophone” and a wide variety of colors from light, delicate pink color, to a rich dark tone. At the same time, the plant prefers sunny side for planting, but in the shade it will bloom very weakly.

Convolvulus for decorating a terrace

This type of plant is widely used as a “drapery” for walls, wicker fences and to imitate hedges. With the help of bindweed, you can effortlessly hide defects and bald spots, decorate a wall or a sunny area for relaxation. That is why bindweed rightfully takes the leading position in terms of rapid growth among the class of vines.

From bindweed you can create a natural border or delimit an area into zones, and many species of this plant feel great not only in open ground, but are also suitable for planting in pots and large flowerpots. A floor vases with bindweeds have mobility, they can be moved to another place if necessary, decorating open terrace or the porch of a country house.

Planting morning glory - lighting and care

Morning glory can be planted as early as April, by direct sowing of seeds in the ground, but only after the night frosts have ended. If the spring is cold, then you can grow seedlings using peat-based soil, and then carefully transplant them to the site. Before planting the seeds, it is recommended to ventilate them and soak them in warm water for a couple of hours.

The plant is very unpretentious and can grow in almost any type of soil, with the exception of clay, because the root system rapidly multiplies to ensure rapid growth and greater coverage of free territory.

Watering morning glory is moderate, but with proper care and moist soil, morning glory blooms profusely and luxuriantly in the summer months.

If the plant twines around a support or wall of the gazebo, then it is recommended to regularly direct new tendrils in the right direction. Weeding is needed only at the stage of sprouts appearing in the ground, and the buds do not require pruning and removal of buds that have bloomed.

Perennial climbing plants

You can also grow on balconies and terraces.

The class of perennials includes such plant species as:

  • Climbing rose;
  • Ivy;

When arranging and decorating a balcony, a variety of plants are often used. They perform a decorative function and also protect the adjacent room from bright sunlight. Climbing crops are recommended, with which you can grow a magnificent green wall.

It is important to choose the right balcony plants. This takes into account the size of the room, climatic conditions and personal preferences of household members.

You can choose annual or perennial plants. Before purchasing options, it is worth studying the properties of certain plants, as well as studying information about the rules for caring for a balcony garden.

Climbing plants greatly enhance any balcony

Benefits of climbing plants

Fast growing and climbing plants have the following advantages:

  • They quickly entwine the walls.
  • With their help, you can disguise walls with defects.
  • Such plants allow you to create an accent in the interior.

After planting, plants require specific care. We must not forget about watering and timely removal of weeds. In preparation for winter, each shoot is strengthened with an earthen tubercle and sawdust. Such a coating will protect the root system in cold weather.

How to choose curly options for a balcony?

Deciding which plants to choose for small balcony, it is worth considering the factors that affect the growth and flowering of shoots. What matters is whether the room faces the sunny or shaded side. If the room is not glazed, then the planting should be carried out taking into account the strength of the blowing winds. It is better to choose persistent and unpretentious crops.

If the selected space receives a lot of sunshine, then it is worth choosing annual plants: decorative beans, nasturtium or morning glory. For perennials, you can buy Chinese lemongrass or honeysuckle. Clematis is especially beautiful.

Ivy is suitable for shaded areas. It is resistant to strong winds. You can choose girlish grapes, which are characterized by endurance and unpretentiousness.

Features of planting crops for vertical plantings

Climbing plants require special care. To grow plants, special soil is required. Ready-made ones are popular flower soils. They contain a set of microelements and humic substances to stimulate growth.

When using ordinary soil, it is worth using organic fertilizer. Plants grown in containers require more careful care and require daily watering. In hot weather, watering is done two or three times a day.

Climbing plants need to be fed regularly. Organic fertilizers such as Rainbow or Ideal are used, which allow the development of a strong root system and resistance to factors external environment. During the growing season, regular pruning of faded inflorescences is necessary.

Clematis is very beautiful and easy to grow.

Plants can be placed in planters or pots that are hung from a window or even from the ceiling. The containers are placed on wall shelves or racks. Clematis is planted in special baskets. Annual vines not only hide all sorts of effects.

The most popular climbing plants

Climbing and fast-growing plants are suitable for decorating with greenery vertical space. When deciding which crops to choose for planting on the balcony, it is worth considering the following options.

Features of growing azarina

Azarina is a perennial plant, but in a limited area it is used as an annual. The plant is distinguished by lush green leaves that resemble ivy, as well as beautiful flowers.

Seeds are germinated a week before planting on the balcony. Sprouts require special care. The soil must be loosened and watered regularly, but it cannot be flooded. To make the cuttings stronger, the plant must be tied up.

Azarina will decorate the balcony bright colors And juicy greens

What are the benefits of bougainvillea?

Bougainvillea grows up to five meters in height. The plant is distinguished by oblong leaves and shoots with small thorns. It can be grown in pots or spacious tubs.

For comfortable growth, choose a place that is well lit by the sun. This room must be sufficiently humidified.

Bougainvillea has the following features:

  1. IN summer period Plants need to be watered abundantly and also need to be fertilized every week with mineral fertilizers.
  2. Replantation is carried out every three years. At the same time earthen lump is not affected, but is transferred to the dimensional container.
  3. Propagation is done using stem cuttings.
  4. Pruning is done every spring.
  5. If provided proper care, then the plant will bloom from April to June.

What you need to know when growing calistegia

When choosing climbing plants, you can choose calistegia. It is a perennial that can grow up to 3.5 meters and has good frost resistance.

The plant has large fluffy flowers in diameter. The buds are evenly placed on the surface of the vine. In winter, flowers planted in pots do not need to be brought into a warm room. The container should be wrapped warmly and left on the loggia. Calistegia grows well on the balcony, both in partial shade and in a place where the sun shines. This is a frost-resistant plant that is not afraid of strong winds and drafts.

Calistegia grows well in a pot on an open balcony

Kobeya climbing

Kobei flowers are large in size and have original colors. For their cultivation, high containers are selected. You should not feed this plant too much, so as not to reduce the intensity of fruiting.

Benefits of Ivy

Ivy is suitable for shaded areas. It can withstand strong winds. Ivy can be planted in a wicker container, in which drainage and soil are laid out. You should first cover the bottom with film. The soil should be rich in humus and lime.

Ivy is considered a very useful crop. It helps create a comfortable microclimate in the house. Ivy looks impressive in rough wooden tubs.

You should not place the plant where the sun shines around the clock. Ivy does not tolerate too high temperatures. This plant Do not over-dry or over-fill. Watering is required when the top layer of soil dries out. The leaves can be sprayed with water every day.

In spring and autumn period ivy requires the use of liquid fertilizer every two weeks. Ivy is a liana-like plant that, with the help of special suction roots, can move along vertical surfaces. For propagation, shoots, layering or cuttings are used.

Ivy is suitable for growing on northern balconies

How to grow clematis

Clematis is considered one of the most beautiful plants; it feels great on small areas. On the balcony you can grow plants with a stem length of up to four meters. It is recommended to place them on a trellis or other support.

Clematis are heat-loving crops that do not tolerate frost. To grow them, you need a significant amount of soil. This will require large containers. Clematis feels comfortable in pots 700 mm high, and the side of the tub should be at least 500 mm. Containers are made of plastic or wood.

When planting clematis, the following rules should be observed:

  1. When laying the soil, you need to pay attention to quality drainage. The gravel layer must be at least 8 cm.
  2. The soil is well fertilized.
  3. To neutralize the composition of the soil for clematis, it is recommended to use large doses of chalk, mineral fertilizers and slaked lime.

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