Every apartment or house will look empty and uncomfortable if there is no indoor plants. Indoor plants enliven any room and create a unique microclimate.

You can add an elegant touch to the interior design of an apartment or house using not only individual plants, but also compositions from indoor flowers. Designers and florists can combine small and large plants, smooth and prickly, flowering and non-blooming, bright and muted in shades.

The most important rule in this case will be that the plants can grow next to each other, and they will not have to be transplanted to other places.

It is obvious that the rules for caring for plants in combination with common ground should be the same. In the case of a combination of plants in their own pots, the space between them is filled decorative material(sisal, colored pebbles, pebbles). Florists often use the latter option as a gift, combining potted plants in a large wicker basket.

Indoor plants in the interior of an apartment, correctly collected in single composition, represent a living decor that looks harmonious against the background of other things.

In order to create compositions from indoor plants, you need to understand what types of compositions there are and know the rules for their composition. Having learned this information, not only a florist, but also any gardener will be able to create beautiful mini-gardens from indoor flowers.

Types of compositions from indoor plants

Depending on the interior of the apartment, the florist chooses what type of composition will organically fit into the surrounding environment. The following types of compositions are distinguished:

1. Mini-garden of indoor flowers in one container.

Plants can accommodate:

  • in the basket;
  • in large or long pots;
  • in a flowerpot;
  • in containers unusual shape(for example, figurines with a recess, wooden driftwood);

2. Vertical floral panels.

Subtypes of panels are:

  • flower painting – lightweight design, inside which there is earth, plants are planted in special holes. Watering is carried out from above the container.
  • a living wall is a vertical garden, the design of which is more complex and can be divided into several compartments. Plants vertical garden need daily care and special drip irrigation;

3. Florariums are a group of plants planted in glass containers of various shapes. We talked in detail about florariums.

4. Horizontal pot group– a group of flowers in pots located on one stand or pallet;

5. Vertical pot group - a group of flowers in pots arranged vertically or in a cascade.

Vertical pot group

If space in the apartment is limited, but the gardener’s desire to have a beautiful garden at home is enormous, then vertical pot groups help with this.

Vertical compositions are placed on different surfaces:

  • wooden or metal stands;
  • metal picket fence on the wall;
  • hanging flowerpots or baskets;
  • shelving (for example, corner);
  • walls with a special recess for pots.

For vertical compositions, various indoor plants are used, but most often ampelous ones. The name "ampel" plants (from the German Ampel) was given for their hanging and creeping shape. Bellflower, nidularium, ivy, ficus creeping, fittonia, hoya and other ampelous flowers can be seen in potted groups.

The vertical arrangement not only visually increases the volume of the room, but also improves the microclimate in the house, which is why these compositions are used in big houses in interior design and designers.

The most important thing for both flower growers and professional craftsmen follow certain rules creating compositions.

Rules for composing flower arrangements

To create compositions of indoor plants, you need to know how to plant plants so that they grow in the same pot or are located nearby in a pot group.

There are a number of rules for planting plants in a composition:

  1. Low plants are placed in the foreground, tall ones in the background;
  2. Tall plants can be the center of the composition, surrounded by small plants;
  3. Plants that grow well next to each other are selected;
  4. Each plant should have its own space, that is, planting should not be too dense, and the growth rate of each plant should be taken into account.
  5. It is important to create a sense of volume in the composition.

It is easiest to apply these rules in the case of composing compositions from plants of the same type, such as cacti and. It is more difficult to do this with different types of plants, but in this case they look at the following characteristics:

  • moisture-loving plant;
  • need for sunlight;
  • temperature regime;
  • growth rate;
  • ventilation of the room.

Growing together in one container, properly selected plants create a microclimate that makes caring for them easy. What plants are used to create flower arrangements and what combination of them does not create difficulties in care?

Plants for flower arrangements and their combinations

To compose compositions in a pot, use various plants, among which cacti and succulents are very popular. Read about the varieties of home succulents and the rules for caring for them in the article ““. They are sun-loving and easy to care for; they do not need to be replanted quickly. Other plants are more demanding to care for and need to be transplanted into other pots or containers as they grow.

Of course, to create room compositions There is no need to limit yourself to only succulent plants. Below are indoor flowers with photos of plants suitable for decorating compositions, and features for caring for them.

Decembrist Crassula Orchid

Anthurium needs moderate watering 2-3 times a week, indirect Sun rays, air temperature 18-23 degrees.

Decembrist should be watered 1-2 times a week. It is optimal for the plant to be in partial shade at an air temperature of 18 to 30 degrees.
Crassula or Money Tree- This is a sun-loving plant, but direct sunlight should be avoided. In summer, the optimal temperature for the plant is 20-25 degrees, in winter 10-16. You should water the money tree no more than 2 times a week.

Orchids need bright light and a temperature of 20 to 25 degrees. You can only water warm water from below the plant and no more than once a week. Orchids need to be moisturized, especially in winter period. Dendrobium nobele and phalaenopsis are most often planted in compositions.

Hoya Spathiphyllum Schefflera Violet

Climbing Hoya is divided into two subspecies. Some hoya plants love sunbathing For others, direct sunlight should be avoided. Excessive watering is harmful for hoya; the plant is watered as the soil becomes dry, but at the same time the flower is moistened. As for the temperature, the optimal temperature will be 17-25 degrees.

Caring for spathiphyllum at home is not difficult. The plant loves abundant watering 2-3 times a week, room temperature 22-23 degrees and light partial shade. The most important thing for spathiphyllum is to avoid drafts and overflow of soil.

Violet is light-loving, but direct rays should be avoided. The flower does not need excessive watering more than 2 times a week, but loves moisture. Optimal temperature– 20-25 degrees.

Schefflera loves spraying and grows well in both sunny and partial shade. The plant requires moderate watering 1-2 times a week and an air temperature of 15-23 degrees. But still, you should not expose the shefflera to direct sunlight.

The following examples of compositions from these colors look interesting in combination:

  • Anthurium + fittonia + hedera;
  • Crassula (money tree) + cacti + succulents;
  • Spathiphyllum + phytonia + chamedorea + hedera;
  • Hanging gardens of several hoya species in a flowerpot;
  • Violet + orchid (for example, dendrobium nobele) + fittonia;
  • Schefflera + ivy.

The creation of a flower arrangement depends on the imagination of the author, and its complexity depends on the level of professionalism. Professional florists can create floral works of art even in small apartment. Not only flower masters, but even novice gardeners can create a beautiful and amazing mini-garden with their own hands.

Making potted arrangements with your own hands

As we have already said, the most popular among novice gardeners are flower arrangements from cacti and . Such compositions are not difficult to create.

To create the simplest mini-gardens, we will use step-by-step instructions:

  1. Let's prepare necessary materials and tools - expanded clay, special soil, decorative elements and stones, long pot, a small spatula, a watering can.
  2. Place drainage at the bottom of the pot and add soil;
  3. Let's take several types of cacti and succulents and plant them in the ground in accordance with the rules for composing compositions;
  4. We will water the plants;
  5. We will decorate the surface between the plants with decorative elements and stones.

All of the above steps are demonstrated in detail in the video master class. Watch and be inspired!

Some indoor plants seem designed to grow in groups. Alone, they may look inconspicuous, but in a well-composed potted composition will look in place.

To plant such indoor mini-gardens, large containers are used, selecting them for general style rooms. The various decorations and decorations located between the plants in such compositions look quite interesting. decorative figures. You can even create a game version, turning a mini-kindergarten into a full-fledged landscape in miniature.

Composing your own potting arrangement can be a lot of fun. To get started you can use ready-made diagrams, we will offer you in this article two examples of compositions from indoor plants.

Benefits of a potted garden

    Aesthetics. A container with a composition of house plants can enliven any room. It immediately attracts attention, creating a vibrant green “spot”.

    Convenience. Since plants that are similar in their requirements for living conditions are usually chosen for a potted composition, this simplifies watering and other activities for caring for the inhabitants of the mini-garden.

    Practicality. Even a medium-sized composition of indoor plants can affect the air in the room - as you know, plants moisturize and purify it.

Composition of succulents

The most common compositions of indoor plants are based on succulents. The mix of succulents looks very unusual - a kind of piece of desert. A composition of succulents is easy to create and care for – even beginners can handle it.

A mixture for succulents is used as soil.

Indoor garden of plants with decorative foliage

The plants collected in this composition differ beautiful leaves. Use a large one for planting clay pot.

All these plants tolerate shaded areas well.

Photos of plants used in pot arrangements

Juvenile (Sempervivum)


Tradescantia sillamontana

Hybrid coleus (Coleus x hybridus)

Adenium obesum




Some gardeners wonder: is it possible to plant several indoor plants in one container?

Of course you can, but you need to know a few rules, adherence to which will allow you to optimally place the plants.

1.Only plants with the same requirements can be planted in one pot. to the soil mixture, lighting, temperature conditions, watering, and also with the same periods of growth: their periods of growth and periods of winter dormancy must coincide.

Both identical and different plants can be planted in one container. Some houseplants look very beautiful when grown in a small group. For example, gloxinias or pelargoniums planted together look original.

For group planting of identical plants, it is advisable to use a box rather than an ordinary pot. You need to plant loosely, taking into account that each plant has enough food and light. Group planting of identical flowering plants in one container it can become the center of attention of others.

You can plant together plants that need a lot of light and some water, such as cacti and succulents. You can create real compositions from these plants. For example, by selecting only low-growing cacti and succulents, you can weave your own unique “pattern” in a carpet of plants. And by using both low-growing and tall plants in your composition, you have the greatest opportunity to reproduce a real corner of the desert in your apartment.

You can also plant decorative foliage indoor plants in one container. For example, several look very nice together various types ferns.

Considering the same plant requirements, it is very easy to create compositions from decorative foliage plants, for example, by planting chlorophytum and syngonium together.

2. In addition to the same requirements for soil, watering, lighting at joint landing you need to take into account the height of the plants.

If you have selected plants of approximately the same height for your composition, then try to plant them at some distance from each other. Firstly, they must have their own feeding area, and secondly, they must not shade each other, otherwise more strong plants the weaker will strangle; thirdly, adult plants must have air space between them. If they are too crowded, then there is a danger of various rots and diseases. Also, if the plants are too crowded, a negative reaction may occur when one plant comes into contact with another. More weak plants they can simply wither from the simple contact of a more aggressive plant.

It is easier to plant different plants in one pot, for example, tall and ground cover, or a plant with erect leaves or stems and a hanging one. In this combination, indoor plants will not shade each other, each of them will receive its own portion of the sun, in addition to ground cover and hanging plants decorate the ground well big pot, and together they create a beautiful composition.

3. In addition to all the listed requirements for planting indoor plants together in one pot their growth must also be taken into account. Fast growing plants can very quickly take over the entire feeding area and simply strangle slow-growing and therefore weaker plants. Among such fast-growing “aggressors” I would include the usual

Mini-gardens are very popular among gardeners, especially when it is not possible to use a lot of space or funds for a full-fledged garden are limited.

They are also great project for children who want to garden. Besides this special shape can be part of a large open garden.

You can create a unique mini-garden in a pot with your own hands using simple and available materials, as well as adding miniature decorative elements.


Choosing a suitable container or pot

For the base of the miniature, glass, plastic or clay terracotta bowls can be chosen flower pots and even suitcases or bottles. But still standard option- This is a flower pot.

You need to find a pot/container with drainage holes at the bottom to allow water to drain through the soil when you water your mini garden.

Clay terracotta pots are ideal as they most often come with drainage holes and are good for storing soil. Select a pot taking into account the fact that it will accommodate several plant crops.

You can use a clay flat dish.

An interesting idea is to use a broken clay pot, especially if it is only broken on one side. You can also fix the broken piece and add it to your piece as a unique piece.

Selecting soil and stones for the pot

You will need regular potting soil to put in the bottom of the pot. You can purchase soil from a garden center or local nursery.

You also need to find small stones various colors and textures to use as decorative elements in the garden.

If you plan to use a glass pot/container for your mini-garden, you will need to add coal to the soil. Charcoal will help your crops grow better in glass containers. It is better to place garden charcoal and stones at the bottom of the pot/container.

Selection of plants

You need to choose plants that will remain small throughout their lifespan, require very little pruning, and are able to grow in small space. It will also be great to pick up several specimens with beautiful flowering.

A composition of indoor flowers in one pot in a decorative mini-garden should look harmonious, but at the same time colorful. It can be composed of herbaceous crops, dwarf trees and bushes. Also, an indoor mini-kindergarten can be improved interesting composition from cacti.

Several possible plants:

  1. Herbs. Such as thyme, various varieties basil, rosemary, sage, oregano, marjoram.
  2. Various aromatic varieties, such as Mable Gray (has a distinct lemon aroma), Pungent Peppermint (has a minty aroma, has small white-pink flowers), Chariti (has a lemon-pink scent).
  3. Miniature and .
  4. Mosses and lichens.
  5. Various varieties and forms of Chlorophytum comosum.
  6. Small-growing decorative cacti.

Instructions for planting plants in soil

First, wash and dry the pot used for the mini-garden, then place an even layer of soil in it. Fill the container to the brim with soil. You can make the soil a little higher on one side if you want your plants to be visible from the side.

Use a small knife or small shovel to dig small holes for the roots.

According to the selected or invented scheme, mark where you are going to place your plantings and decorative elements, and then begin planting.

Once you already have the soil in the pot, you can start preparing the plants.

Preparing for planting in a pot:

  1. Start by removing the plants from their temporary containers. Avoid damaging roots and bulbs. Then use a small pair garden shears to trim off any damaged leaves.
  2. Direct landing. Place the plants in the prepared holes and holes. Once the seedling is in place, fill the hole with soil and level it with gentle hand movements.
  3. Try to place taller crops at the back of the arrangement and shorter crops at the front. You have to try to have different types in every area to ensure your piece shows off interesting angles, shapes and colors.
  4. Water the plants after they are planted.

Adding miniature decorative forms and accessories

You can add creativity and create a unique mini garden look by adding miniatures. decorative forms among the plantings.

Almost anything can be used as an accessory as long as it is miniature in size.

You can add miniature buildings to your mini garden, such as a bridge, fence or houses. Perhaps you decide to add figurines and create a scene with tables and chairs, food items, which are also made in miniature.

Try a few different accessories around your plants to see what fits better Total

You can choose an accessory from simple items such as decorative stones from various materials, twigs, etc.

You can use only stones of various sizes and shapes as decorative elements to create a rock garden or a stone miniature. Get creative to liven up and decorate your garden.

Thematic decorative elements

If you want to make a miniature in a certain theme, you need to use decorative elements that will correspond to it.

Carrying out decor that is subordinated to a specific theme creates a feeling of cohesion, artistic and compositional integrity.

One popular theme is the Fairy Garden theme, which features mini benches, mini rocking chairs and mini garden gnomes.

Another popular theme is a fairytale forest with a prince and princess’s castle. Here you can build a castle with windows overlooking a miniature garden.

You can also create the look of a simple forest garden using small tree stump shapes, mini wrought iron fences and small figurines.

Creating stone paths

To create a path, you can use small stones or a mixture of stones and marble, or even pieces of colored glass.
Use a small shovel to draw marks where the path will go. Then lay out the stones according to the marks.

The tiles/pebbles for the path can be located either close to each other or at a certain distance from each other (the main thing is that the distance between them is the same or obeys some kind of mathematical logic so that the visibility of the path is not lost).

Creation of a mini-kindergarten, video:

Mini garden care

Some important points care:

  1. Keep your artwork in a place with the best light conditions that suit the plants planted in your garden. If you choose a window seat, avoid windows facing north. Usually, plants do not receive enough light through them.
  2. Water the plants promptly and regularly. You should always check the soil in your mini garden periodically to make sure it is not too dry. Depending on the types of plants, you may need to water some more often than others. For example, if your mini garden has any succulents (plants that have special tissues to store water), they may not require as much watering as herbs or other plantings. Make sure you follow the watering guidelines recommended for each individual “inhabitant” of your garden.
  3. Prune plants as needed. As your miniature garden grows and thrives, the leaves of some plants may begin to overflow your pot. To keep them under control, you should trim them using small gardening shears.

Lyudmila Tazeeva

Forget the popular belief that growing plants requires “ light hand" Anyone can grow the most common species and make them attractive. But if you choose tender or capricious plant, then a “light hand” will not help you. Try to select plants that need approximately the same lighting, watering and temperature conditions. Now we’ll talk about the arrangement of indoor plants and compositions.

There are only a few rules for plant placement. They should be consistent with the surrounding environment - large plants should be placed in spacious rooms, small ones on window sills. A spectacular plant can stand alone, but plain ones should always be collected in a group. Get ideas from magazines, from television programs, from people's homes, but above all, create compositions that bring you pleasure.

Composition from potted plants is a collection of potted plants placed close to each other to create the effect of a large patch of greenery (we all have just such a composition in our dressing rooms, you all thought about how to arrange them, in the back tall plants, there are lower ones ahead, by color scheme arranged).

Indoor kindergarten is a container filled with several plants. Pots with this method of placement are not visible - they can be hidden from view inside the container, or the plants can be planted directly in the container, without pots.

Composition in a bowl- This is one of the simplest types indoor garden, to create which several decorative-leaved and one or two flowering plants are taken out of pots and transplanted into peat soil. Traditionally, such a garden is vertical - the growing plants are planted in the back of the bowl, several compact bushy plants are planted in the middle, and climbing plant ahead.

Miniature garden. A special kind indoor gardens are landscape compositions, reproducing a real garden in miniature. Paths, ponds, various figures, and houses are used for decoration. (Such compositions are good for children to compose stories and fairy tales in speech development classes).

We talked about what kinds of compositions there are, suggestions on how to design them, and now look at what containers are suitable for us. We will need two types of containers - a flowerpot and a container, because they have a wide surface diameter.

You can also use completely different types of containers for planting plants in order to decorate the room.

Publications on the topic:

The use of indoor plants in environmental education of preschool children Presence of indoor plants kindergarten has a variety of meanings for children and adults who stay in it for quite a long time.

Dear Colleagues! I would like to offer you cards-schemes for indoor plants. Introducing preschoolers to indoor plants and how to care for them.

Comprehensive lesson on familiarization with nature “Looking at indoor plants” Program content 1. To consolidate children's knowledge about indoor plants - aspidistra, spotted begonia. Form an idea of ​​what.

Abstract of the educational activity “Kingdom of indoor plants” middle group Abstract of GCD on ecology in middle group“The Kingdom of Indoor Plants” Objectives: to form the concept of “indoor plants”, the ability to compare.

Summary of educational activities for young children (3rd year of life) “Looking at indoor plants” Target. Teach children to distinguish and name indoor plants: ficus, grass (Chinese). Tasks. Educational area"Social and communicative.

Summary of GCD in the middle group “Journey to the kingdom of indoor plants”“Journey to the kingdom of indoor plants” Program content: 1. Clarify children’s knowledge that a plant is a living organism and it.

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