A smooth surface of emerald green decorating summer cottage plot, brings joy not only to the owner, but also to everyone around him. A perfectly groomed lawn enhances the decorative component of the landscape: it beautifully frames flower beds and alpine coaster, binds together various elements design. However, not only beauty is hidden beneficial properties lawn

Half a hectare of green grass can absorb up to 40 tons of dust per year, allowing us to breathe fresh air. An undoubted advantage of the lawn is the increase in humidity, which helps you feel more comfortable in the summer heat. You will inevitably think about how to make a lawn at your dacha with your own hands, that is, without unnecessary expenses, but according to the rules. This is our story.

Beautiful lawn requires a lot of care and attention

Choosing a time frame for installing a green carpet

Spring-summer sowing work is carried out from early May to mid-August. If grass seeds are sown in the spring, it is necessary to plant 10-15 percent more seeds per square meter area. The increase leads to active growth plants and helps strengthen the lawn in winter. By artificially creating competition between sprouts, we get the law of the jungle, where the fittest survives, and our lawn becomes beautiful and strong.

Positive aspects of planting in autumn

Autumn sowing of seeds has a number of advantages. If you are planning to build a lawn with your own hands, do it in the fall so that in spring and summer you will not be distracted from the main work at the dacha. In autumn, the sun reduces its activity and does not threaten planting, but high humidity creates good conditions for successful grass germination. If you live in the south of Russia, plant the seeds in September. Warm rain will saturate them with moisture, root system it will strengthen and the grass will grow.

Residents middle zone It is worth postponing planting a lawn in the fall until November. Seeds that fall into frozen soil will quietly overwinter and sprout early spring, then, being planted in September, they would get wet or, having hatched, would not withstand the first frost. The advantage of November sowing is the hardening of seeds by cold. The melting snow in the spring will provide them with moisture, the rested soil will support them, the pests are still sleeping, and you will get a magnificent lawn.

You can plant a lawn in both spring and autumn

Negative circumstances of autumn planting

Considering the cons autumn planting, you should be aware of the vagaries of the weather. If November turns out to be abnormally warm, the grass will begin to grow, then frosts will strike, and, unable to withstand the unexpected drop in temperature, it will die. Besides, large number melt water in the spring can wash away the crops, which will lead to the formation of annoying bald spots in the smooth surface of the green carpet. Considering the above factors, the number seed material needs to be increased. It is a mistake to plant seeds in winter on a site with a slope, where there is a high risk of losing them after the meltwater melts.

Choosing seeds for the lawn

For a ground lawn that belongs to the elite class and requires special care, use bluegrass and fescue. Plants of these species have a rich green and dense growth. If you plan to walk on a green carpet, it is better not to sow the named representatives of the flora; they do not respond well to walking and quickly die. Regular lawns are seeded different varieties bent grasses that tolerate loads quite well. The choice of lawn grass is wide, and we have prepared a special article on this topic.

Lawn seeds are a mixture of grasses for various purposes

Lawns are different

Types of flowering lawns

The family of flowering lawns is represented by three species: meadow, Moorish and non-grass. The basis of all three types is cereals, but they are not the only ones used in decoration. To ensure flowering throughout the growing season, cereals are supplemented with annual and perennial flowering plants. The names of the species are related to the composition of the vegetation that will cover them.

meadow flowers

This type of lawn is a version of a cultivated meadow, collected from plants measured in a strictly defined ratio. Cereals coexist with clover, daisy, chamomile, yarrow, loosestrife and a number of other decorative deciduous and flowering plants. No matter how many flowering plants are included in the composition, the main role is given to grass. Different periods of plant flowering enhance the decorative qualities of the meadow carpet, changing its palette each time.

It is not advisable to mow a landscaped meadow often; 1-2 times over the entire season are enough to renew the growth. With proper watering, perennials quickly grow back and restore their decorative qualities.

Moorish ornament

Moorish lawn does not require mowing

For the Moorish look they take annual plants, which do not involve a haircut. The dominant role is given to flowers, cereals are represented by a smaller composition and low-growing species. It is advisable that flowering plants had a long flowering period. You can plant such species as matiola, cornflower, large-flowered flax, poppy, calendula, eschscholzia. Moorish style landscape design It is always distinguished by its lush flowers, and it does not betray itself when creating a lawn.

Growing a non-grass lawn with your own hands is a difficult and long-term task. It consists of ground cover plants, the seedlings of which are expensive, take a long time to grow yourself, but simply sow in open ground- a waste of time. A non-grass lawn is cultivated for several years, starting with planting a small amount. Then they wait until the plants grow, and only then they begin to form a beautiful green meadow. For a dacha, where every meter of space is in demand, the non-grass type is wasteful and impractical.

Non-grass lawn requires a long growing time

Types of grass lawns

When assessing a grass lawn, a non-specialist is unlikely to notice the differences between one type and another. The grass is green everywhere, there are differences in shades somewhere, nothing more. However, a professional will clearly determine which green “carpet” you can safely walk on, and which will not tolerate such an attitude. In addition, types grass lawns are divided according to sowing standards and care features.

Garden meadow

If this is your first time thinking about how to make a lawn at your dacha with your own hands, stop at the gardening variety. Consisting of unpretentious varieties cereals with tough stems, it is resistant to shade and sun rays, grows without problems in poor soils.

Landscape lawns are used for landscaping areas near the house, swimming pools, patios, and recreation areas, since they are very resistant to trampling. The species is easy to care for, does not require frequent weeding, and easily covers up defects made during installation.

Sports track

The main requirement for a sporty look is resistance to mechanical stress. For sowing, a mixture of ordinary cereals is used, which includes special varieties of herbs. Decorative qualities This option is not the best, since its purpose is a playground. Application special types plants increases the cost of such a mixture of herbs and complicates maintenance, but it is optimal for arranging the territory of a children's playground, a place near a swing.

The lawn for the playground must be resistant to trampling

Parterre lawn or English velvet

The most expensive and capricious type to create. Herbs for it are chosen to grow only on fertile soils. The vegetation of the parterre lawn is demanding of care, does not tolerate shading, and likes to be visible, in the sun. Created for enthusiastic contemplation, it does not tolerate walking on it and is considered an exclusively decorative object. Luxurious, well-groomed, noble, with a real English character, it evokes admiration and respect for the owners who can afford such landscape decoration.

If there is a place in your garden where grass grows on its own, then you already have a pretty nice and low-maintenance great care lawn. It is called natural because the owners are only required to cut what nature has grown. The only thing to do is remove too tall views plants. This type is not very decorative, but it will make a nice green lawn. If you wish, you can sometimes cut and reseed. Perhaps, soon you will have a desire to make adjustments to the creativity of nature, but then you will not develop natural look, but something else.

Forbs from wild plants can be considered a lawn

Stops on the way to a beautiful lawn

Having decided on the type of natural carpet, let’s look at the question of how to properly make a lawn. Step by step guide Creating a green lawn consists of several stages. Let's look at their list:

  1. Soil preparation, including improving soil fertility, adjusting acidity, removing weeds.
  2. Sowing certain varieties of grass, observing the watering regime.
  3. First haircut. Once the vegetation reaches the required height, it should be trimmed.
  4. Events for ongoing care and performing periodic haircuts.

Carrying out all these activities will help to have personal plot beautiful and well-groomed green carpet. Of course, you will need to monitor soil moisture, destroy weeds, feed cultivated vegetation, and sow bald spots if they appear. By purposefully working on your creation, you will provide it with the proper appearance.

Preparing the soil for our lawn

The basis of the lawn, on which the entire “structure” rests, is the soil. A step-by-step check begins with determining its fertility. If you get loam or clay, grass will not grow on it. What to do? Remove 15-20cm of the top layer and fill the resulting pit fertile soil. We eliminate uneven terrain by carefully leveling the surface.

How to carry out alignment is described in the article. It is advisable to give the decorative object a slope of 1 cm so that storm water did not stagnate on it.

We wait for the weeds to hatch, remove them manually or use herbicides. At the same time, we clean the surface of small stones, remnants of roots, and debris so that they do not interfere with the development of the root system of our plants.

If pesticides were used against weeds, you must wait several weeks, during which time the grass cannot be sown. When everything preliminary work The soil is done, we are sowing the vegetation.

Testing the soil for acidity

Lawn grasses love neutral soils and grow well in them. To check the acidity of your soil, buy a special kit at the store. It includes litmus paper, which is placed on the ground and wait for it to change color. The acidity index is determined according to the scale indicated on the packaging. High acidity at home can be reduced by adding lime to the soil; if the soil is alkaline, crushed peat is used and scattered over the surface. To install a grass carpet in a lowland, you should take care of a water drainage system, otherwise the lawn will turn into a swamp.

Simple devices for testing soil acidity

Compacting the soil for seeds

Compacting the soil is done before planting the seeds. The operation prepares the ground for planting grass and helps identify remaining defects before the final completion of the ground work. You can make a roller for compaction yourself from a piece of pipe - asbestos or metal. A rod is threaded inside the makeshift skating rink, and a rope is tied to its ends. If holes and humps appear during compaction, they should be leveled manually, then rolled over again. To obtain an ideal surface, you can level the area with the edge of a flat board, dragging it along the surface of the allotment.

The right fertilizer solution

If, when laying the lawn, they brought new land, then additional soil fertilization is not required. In other cases, if you want to get a luxurious, perfectly green and even lawn, take care of feeding the plants. Fertilizers can be applied to different stages lawn arrangement.

For rapid growth grass fertilizers are applied:

  • after you have filled the space under the lawn with new soil, but have not yet raked over it;
  • dry fertilizers can be mixed with seeds;
  • When watering the soil, fertilizers are diluted in water.

It’s easy to find out what fertilizers you need. Knowing the composition of the soil and the type of grass planted, you can find information in the instructions for ready-made fertilizers.

By using special fertilizers, you can improve the quality of the grass on your lawn.

Planting grass

All work with the land and place is completed, the long-awaited moment comes when it’s time to plant lawn grass. The top layer must be slightly loosened with a rake and only then sow the grass. To make work easier, pour the seeds into a bucket, grab a handful and sprinkle them through your fingers onto the prepared soil, trying to move your hand evenly. If the old-fashioned method does not suit you, build a homemade seeder. Take plastic bottle, make a lot of holes in it, and here you have a seeder.

Calculation of the number of seeds and sowing fineness

You don’t have to calculate the seed consumption yourself; as a rule, all the information is written on the packaging. However, you need to know the area of ​​the area allocated for the lawn in order to correctly measure their total number. For uniform distribution seed should be divided into two parts and first go through the area in one direction, and then perpendicular to the first. After sowing, the seeds are covered with earth or sand:

  1. They walk along the surface with a rake, trying to ensure that the soil covers the seeds. There is a risk that not everything will be covered, and birds will peck at them, and bald spots will appear on the lawn.
  2. Sprinkle the crops with the remains of the brought soil or sand. The thickness of the new layer is 3-5mm.

Seeds can be sprinkled with soil

To seed a large-scale object, hydroseeding is used, when the entire seed mixture is poured into special equipment. The device sprays the seeds evenly under strong pressure. A small lawn can be seeded with a hand sprayer. After such sowing top layer After 2 hours, a frozen crust covers the soil, preventing the seed from being blown away by the wind and preventing birds from pecking it.

We water and wait

The earth was filled up, compacted, grass was sown, now everything needs to be watered. Watering should be moderate so as not to over-moisten the soil and prevent it from drying out. When watering, the water flow should come out in thin streams. If you work manually, install a nozzle on the hose. Sprinklers are used for automatic watering. The first shoots should be expected in a week. Don’t expect continuous growth, because the herbal mixture consists of grass with different periods germination.

This is what the result of all the work looks like

It will take about 25 days and the grass will rise to 20cm. It's time to mow. During the first mowing, the grass is cut so that a growth of 5 cm in height remains. Experience shows that this height is optimal for rapid development. When the plants grow again to 10-12cm, they need to be cut back to 3-3.5cm, forming the final appearance of the lawn. Now all that remains is to monitor the growth, cut and water in time.

Author: Grishina Margarita Aleksandrovna teacher of additional education CDT Globus, Ufa Bashkortostan
Target:Making a flower meadow from paper for a gift
Educational: Teach how to make crafts and gifts from paper,
teach how to work with polished cardboard and corrugated paper
Developmental: Develop creative thinking, imagination in composing flower arrangements, artistic taste of choice color range, motor skills of small muscles in the process of making a flower arrangement
Educating: To cultivate interest in the holiday of March 8, a kind polite attitude towards mother, grandmother, sisters, encouragement to make gifts, careful patient execution of gifts, friendly relations during classes, mutual assistance to each other, responsiveness.
Purpose: Recommended for additional education teachers, educators, teachers primary classes, parents and lovers of creative imagination.
Lesson recommended carried out with children in primary school, the simplified composition can be used in a lesson with children in the preparatory group.
Purpose: The craft made can serve as an interior decoration at home, in a kindergarten, at school, and also as a gift for March 8th.
A very joyful and pleasant day is approaching us, this is the holiday of March 8th - the holiday of all women. First of all, we congratulate our loved ones and mothers, grandmothers and sisters. With a gift made with our own hands, we give our attention, love and devotion, which impossible to express in words. With a special feeling, we give our gifts to our mothers, for whom we will be beloved children for the rest of her life and always children, no matter how old we get. The awareness of the word mother comes over the years, it is a very touching feeling.
Let's please her from the heart as best we can.
Making a flower meadow
For work we will need:
Scissors, glue stick, red, yellow and light green printer paper, polished dark green cardboard, orange and red corrugated paper.

Templates for making:

Trace on dark green cardboard big grass child 2 1 piece and cut out

We trace a small grass on light green paper, children 1 1 piece, a leaf, children 3 4 pieces, and cut it out

We trace the stem det 6 5 pcs on dark green cardboard, the flower det 7 2 pcs on yellow paper, and on orange corrugated paper
circle children 10 4 pieces and cut out

We trace a large red flower on red paper, children 2 2 pcs. small flower child 5 1 piece, on red corrugated paper side and central petal child 9 4 pieces and child 8 2 pieces and cut out

We roll the large grass into a tube and glue it together, bending the edges of the grass a little

We glue small grass along the bottom of the large grass, but do not glue the blades of grass.

Glue the sheets inside

We crush the circles of corrugated orange paper a little, crumple them and glue them two at a time into the center of the yellow flowers, for each large red flower we glue 2 side petals of red corrugated paper on the sides and a central leaf on top in the center, slightly stretching the edges and the center and bending them

Glue a green cardboard stem to each flower. You get 5

We glue the stems with flowers: two yellow ones to the back leaves, and two large ones
red to the front leaves with the inside, and one small flower
On a stalk it is glued in front under the small grass diagonally.

For those who liked the gift and want to repeat it
I place proportional patterns for increase and repetition.

Do as many nice things as possible for your mothers, life is so fleeting, don’t put it off for later, then it may be too late. Call her now, go visit her, don’t miss the moment of joy of communicating with your mother. She is always waiting for us, waiting and worried about us.
Creative success to you, dear colleagues and lovers of beauty.

Master class. Making flowers on a skewer from sparkling paper “Cheerful Girlfriends”

Additional education teacher Novichkova Tamara Aleksandrovna MBOU DOD Lesnovsky House of Children's Creativity.

Description of work. The master class is designed for younger children school age, teachers, parents. The craft is made from colored sparkling paper. The process of making multi-colored flowers on skewers will not take much time, but I am sure it will bring great pleasure to the children.

Purpose. The work as a whole can be used to decorate a room for the holiday, and one such cheerful flower will serve as a gift.

Target. Raising a creatively active personality.

- consolidate knowledge and skills in working with paper, using scissors correctly;
- develop creative abilities, aesthetic taste;
- cultivate hard work and accuracy.

Materials and tools necessary for work.
- sparkling colored paper;
- yellow paper;
- green corrugated paper;
- black felt-tip pen;
- a simple pencil;
- long wooden skewers;
- colored yogurt jars;
- multi-colored satin ribbons;
- green woolen threads;
- pieces of foam plastic;
- scissors;
- Titan glue;

Step-by-step execution crafts

Draw flowers different shapes on cardboard and cut it out. The templates are ready.

Take colored paper and trace the flowers according to the template.

Each flower will be double-sided, so we cut out two of the same color at once.
It turned out ten like this different colors.

We glue flowers of the same color, after placing a long wooden skewer between them. Press well on top with a sheet of paper.

On yellow paper we draw five circles with a diameter of 5 cm. I used an icon - a smiley face, which I bought the day before in the store. This is where the idea to make funny flowers arose.

Draw cute, funny faces with a black felt-tip pen and cut them out.

Glue the finished faces onto the flowers.

We wrap narrow strips of corrugated green paper around the skewers. We fix the paper with glue. Can be wrapped with threads.

We take multi-colored yogurt cups and insert pieces of foam into them. For stability, you can put plasticine on the bottom.

We place our flowers in cups.

We cut green wool threads and glue them onto the foam. This is weed. Instead of thread, you can use green corrugated paper.

Let's decorate our flowers. We tie satin ribbon bows to the stem. You can glue a bow to a flower. Add leaves. These are the kind of elegant spring flowers that we created. Every child can please his mother, grandmother, or sister with such a gift on March 8th or his birthday.
Mom, dear mom!
Happy birthday!
And today on this day,
Take a souvenir from me!

You can make a spring sun in the same way. It will perfectly complement our flower arrangement.

The sun is shining brightly in the sky.
And the earth is hot from the light
At the same time.
I want to know soon
What's what?
Sunshine, shine stronger!
And I will understand!
Materials and tools.
- yellow velvet paper;
- skewer;
- vase;
- satin ribbon;
- black and red markers, plain and orange pencils,
- scissors, Titan glue.

Step-by-step execution of the craft.
Take a sheet of velvet yellow paper.
Fold it in half, yellow side up. Let's draw a circle with a diameter of 9 cm with an orange pencil. I used a plastic cup. You can take a compass. Arbitrarily, with a simple pencil Let's draw the rays of the sun, arms and legs. Do this without pressure. It will be difficult to erase imperfections on velvet paper.

Carefully draw the arms and legs with a black felt-tip pen. We outline the rays with an orange pencil, giving them brightness.

Cut it out. We got two such parts.

Glue these parts of the sun together by inserting a wooden skewer.
Glue on the eyes. If there are no ready-made eyes, draw them with a black felt-tip pen. Let's draw a smiling mouth. First we outline with a simple pencil, and then we draw the lips with a red felt-tip pen. We put two points - the nose. The sun smiles cheerfully at us!

And now it all depends on your imagination and imagination. We dress up our sun with flowers and bows. You can do it like this.

We choose a vase and install the sun, securing it well with foam and glue. We decorate the vase with flowers.

Place of honor took the sun among spring flowers.

The cloud is hiding behind the forest,
The sun looks from the sky.
And so pure
Good, radiant.
If we could get him,
We would kiss him.
Such fun and easy-to-make souvenirs can be made for Valentine's Day, Easter and other holidays.

Elmon Kabakhchyan

Kabakhchyan Elmon Master class from colored paper"Flower glade ".

From colored paper we decided to make beautiful flowers and decorate our meadow.


1 continue learning to practice collective activity.

2 strengthen the skills of creating a composition.

3 navigate the sheet paper.

4 develop imagination, creative thinking.

5 cultivate a love of nature.


1 Whatman paper for the base

2 different stripes flowers

3 different circles flowers for the flower core

4 glue, napkins.

Here clearing,all in flowers

Like light blue dots.

I’ll collect it here for Anyutka

Multi-colored flowers.

Educator: The guys came to visit us floral fairy and she wants us to give her a lot flowers. We will give flowers?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Our fairy will watch what we do to her flowers.

A little fairy flew over the earth,

The little fairy was collecting happiness.

The fairy collected bouquets of cornflowers,

Summer sunsets, winter sunrises.

Wind and coolness, sun and snowflakes

and with flowers spring clean dewdrops.

Clouds and stars, rainbows and rain

The fairy put it on her palm.

Step-by-step production crafts:

We take whatman paper and draw the sun and grass.

Fold the cut strips in half and glue them.

Having finished working with the stripes, glue the circle.

And ours" Flower glade"ready!

Floral the fairy waved her hands

And bright the colors of the paint began to sparkle.

Which ones are not on meadow of flowers,

The rainbow glow of children's dreams.

Thank you for your attention!

Publications on the topic:

Master class Fabric applique “Flower Glade”. Applique (from the Latin applicatio - overlaying) is a way of creating art.

In a previous publication, I talked about participating in a city festival, where I presented a master class on making three-dimensional flowers.

Here it is summer panel we did on a walk with secondary school students speech therapy group. To make it we needed:.

Look at the bright flower meadow, about which you cannot immediately tell that it is made of waste material. We are used to throwing away eggs.

Paper is one of the the most popular materials for creative activities with children. Paper is the most the most accessible material, it is always at hand and at home.

The purpose of this manual is: the development of fine motor skills of the hands (unscrewing - tightening lids, removing emotional - psychological.

Animals made of colored paper in a flower meadow. Templates

Derkach Anastasia Sergeevna, Additional education teacher, MBOUDOD CDT "Commonwealth", Creative Association "Peacock", Novosibirsk

Description: This master class is intended for children from 7 years old, additional education teachers, parents and creative people who love to create beautiful and unique things with their own hands.

Purpose: Souvenir, gift, home decoration

Target: Making boxes for Easter souvenirs with your own hands

- teach how to make three-dimensional paper crafts;
- develop interest in artistic creativity;
- develop fine motor skills hands, eye, imagination, aesthetic taste, compositional skills;
- improve application skills;
- consolidate skills in handling tools - scissors, paper;
- create a work culture: teach accuracy, the ability to use materials carefully and economically, and keep them in order workplace;
- cultivate independence, patience, perseverance, a sense of satisfaction from the habit of finishing things;
- cultivate love and respect for parents and relatives, the desire to give them a gift made with your own hands.

Manufacturing technique:
- applique
- paper plastic
- design

Materials and tools:
- scissors
- a simple pencil
- PVA glue
- colored paper for copier
- green cardboard
- black marker
- eyes for creativity

Safety rules when working with scissors
1. Use well-adjusted and sharpened scissors
2. Scissors must have blunt, rounded ends
3. Place the scissors in the rings towards you
4. Watch the movement of the blades while cutting
5.Do not leave scissors open
6. Pass the scissors rings first
7.Don’t play with scissors, don’t bring it to your face
8.Use scissors as intended

Rules for working with PVA glue
1. When working with glue, use a brush if necessary.
2. Take the amount of glue that is required to complete the job at this stage
3. It is necessary to apply the glue in an even thin layer
4. Remove excess glue with a paper napkin
5. Try not to get the glue on your clothes, face, or especially your eyes.
6. After work, close the glue tightly and put it away
7. Wash your hands and work area with soap and water


Work progress:

Polyanka. Master class with photos
Take green cardboard

We cut a clearing out of it

We don’t throw away the trimmings. They will be useful to us

Apply PVA glue to the clearing

Gluing our scraps

The clearing is ready!
Red cat. Master class with photos
Cut out all the necessary parts from colored paper

Glue the head part into a cylinder.
We assemble the ears and make the necessary cuts on the body

Glue the ears on the head


Draw a face with a black marker

On the body blank we round the legs

Glue the kitten part onto the clearing

Rear view

Glue the head

We decorate the clearing with daisies.
Cut out flowers from white paper

Glue 2 pieces together

Using a hole punch, cut out circles from yellow paper.

Glue the centers

Adding volume to flowers

Glue them to the clearing

Cut out leaves from green paper different sizes and add them to the flowers

Glue the remaining yellow circles

Bunny in the clearing. Master class with photos
Cut out all the necessary parts

Glue the head part into a cylinder, assemble the ears

Torso detail

Glue it to the clearing

Glue eyes on the head


Drawing a face

Glue the head to the body

Decorating the clearing. Making dandelions.
Cut out circles of the same size

Glue 4 pieces together

Making cuts

Adding volume

Glue it to the clearing

Adding leaves

Yellow mugs

Chickens in a flower meadow. Master class with photos

Cut out all the details

Gluing the torso

Glue the paws





Glue the chickens to the clearing

We decorate the clearing with flowers.
To do this, cut out flower blanks from colored paper, glue them together and add volume.

Glue flowers, leaves and yellow circles to the clearing

This is what happened

Making colorful bows

Detailed master class You can see how to make voluminous paper bows here:
Decorating our animals

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer to teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):