Gardeners practicing organic farming in their summer cottages, they know firsthand what huge amount organic matter is required in season. Therefore, nothing is wasted: rotten pieces of wood are burned to produce ash, chips and small branches are sent to the raspberry garden as mulch, kitchen waste goes to compost heap etc.

But then winter comes, summer residents return to their city apartments, where everything useful waste, which could help or improve soil fertility, turn into ordinary garbage. You can’t make a fire in an apartment and you can’t build a compost heap.

And yet... Some organic matter can and should be stored in the winter, so that later it can be used beneficially for your garden.

Dry onion peels do not rot or spoil. It is well preserved in fabric or open plastic bags, so you can easily save it all winter.

The phytoncides contained in onion scales will subsequently help fight pests. Onion infusion is used, for example, for spraying currant bushes or cucumbers.

Infusion onion peel You can water any crop to increase their yield; this procedure is especially useful for tomatoes.

Potato peelings are the best fertilizer for currants

Potato peelings are a source of starch, which currants like so much that their berries become the size of cherries. Do you want? Don’t be too lazy to dry out the potato skins over the winter.

Cleanings dry well on a radiator or simply laid out in one layer on a windowsill; when dry, they are best stored in fabric bags.

During the spring summer season dry potato peelings You can bury them under the bushes or brew them with boiling water, cool and use the resulting decoction for watering currants.

It is also recommended to use potato peelings as fertilizer when planting cabbage and cucumbers. To do this, dry peelings are soaked and ground into a paste. When preparing the holes, “potato porridge” is placed on the bottom, sprinkled with soil on top, and then the seedlings are planted.

Egg shells as a source of calcium

Save up over the winter large number eggshells are very simple. First, you should dry the shell a little so that the protein remaining inside does not begin to leak bad smell, and then just fold it into a regular one plastic bag and chop well. This way, the shells will not take up much space, and in the spring they will go to the dacha as an excellent organic fertilizer, especially valuable on acidified soils.

Eggshells are used for crops that require calcium. These are eggplants, peppers, melons and watermelons, and beets.

Crushed egg shells are added to tree trunk circles fruit trees, especially cherries, plums and other stone fruits, and are also buried under rose bushes.

If best use There are no eggshells to be found, they are simply placed in the compost.

Pumpkin seed husks - future mulch

So amateur pumpkin seeds over a long winter it can provide excellent mulch to a whole bed of vegetables. You can also store pistachio shells and hazelnuts, dry peanut pods, etc.

Citrus peels from pests

We are no strangers to drying citrus peels: many people like to add them to tea because of their excellent, unique aroma.

Lemon, orange and tangerine peels will also help cope with some pests, especially aphids.

There are several recipes useful infusions from citrus peels:

  • Pour 100 grams of dry lemon peels into 1 liter. water and leave in a dark place for 3-4 days;
  • 1 kg. pass citrus peelings through a meat grinder, put in 3 liter jar, add water and leave in the dark for 5 days. Dry peels should be pre-soaked. Then strain and dilute in a proportion of 100 ml. infusion for 10 liters of water. You can add 40 grams of laundry soap to the resulting liquid;
  • Pour the peel of 2 oranges with a liter of water and leave for a week in a dark place. Then add some liquid soap and strain.

Infected plants should be sprayed or wiped with citrus infusion at least 2-3 times.

Dried tea and coffee for feeding and fertilizer

The most hardworking and painstaking gardeners are not lazy to prepare tea and coffee for the benefit of the business. Any tea is suitable for this purpose, even in tea bags. The main thing is to dry the used “infusion” well so that it does not become moldy during subsequent storage.

It is very useful to mix dried tea and coffee with soil when preparing the ground for seedlings.

You can pour dried tea leaves into the moons when planting seedlings in the ground - they will serve as a good fertilizer.

Seedlings are fed with brewed sleeping tea vegetable crops. To prepare this supplement, pour three liters of dried tea leaves into a glass. hot water and leave for 4-5 days. Then it is filtered and mixed with nitrogen fertilizers.

In addition, currant cuttings are treated with sleeping tea before planting to prevent infection. kidney mite. To do this, sleeping tea is brewed at the rate of 2 grams per liter of water and infused for a day. You should not take fresh tea for this purpose, it can be harmful. Currant cuttings are dipped in tea infusion for 3-4 hours, then planted in moist soil.

Banana peels – organic potash fertilizer

Like peeling potatoes, banana peels can be dried and stored in cloth or paper bags. If you periodically visit your dacha in winter, you can simply freeze banana skins on the balcony and pick up how much has accumulated on each trip.

Surely everyone knows that this fruit contains a huge amount of vitamins, nutrients and minerals. But not everyone knows that its peels are rich in pectin and essential oils.

Therefore the application tangerine peels in the garden is becoming more popular. Fertilizer material can be prepared throughout winter period, collecting the crusts in a separate box.

Do not forget that in modern world large quantities are used chemicals for fruit processing. Therefore, in order for our orange fertilizers to bring exceptional benefits, you need to thoroughly wash them and pour boiling water over them before collecting and storing them.

And only now can you dry the peel for 3 days at room temperature. Some gardeners dry the crusts in an oven or a special dryer. The dried product must be crushed and placed in a dry container with a tight lid.

Using peels in the garden

With the coming spring period it's time to bring our orange fertilizer to land plot. The use of crusts in the garden can be very diverse.

As a rule, they are applied in small quantities as fertilizer when planting seedlings. In this way, you can not only feed the plants, but also protect them from attack by pests.

Many gardeners use tangerine peels as fertilizer, but also as protection for plants. Pests such as aphids, spider mites and thrips do not tolerate the solution from the peel. You can prepare it yourself at home. To do this, we need to take the peels from a couple of oranges, chop them and pour 1000 ml of warm water.

We pour the resulting solution into a container and place it in dark room for 7 days. After this period, you need to take out a container, add a small amount of liquid soap to our solution, mix and strain thoroughly. And only now can you begin processing the plants. You may ask, why is there soap in our solution? And all in order for the solution to linger on the leaves as long as possible.

Remember! To get rid of thrips and aphids you need to carry out no more than 3 treatments, and to overcome spider mite we will need 5-6 treatments with an interval of 7 days.

Getting rid of ants

Agree, ants bring us a lot of trouble in the garden. And like nothing else, orange peels are an excellent assistant in eliminating them. For this we need a blender, citrus peels and warm water. Mix the ingredients in a blender and pour the resulting puree onto the ant paths. You can add more more water and water entire anthills.

A citrus fruit like tangerine has a lot of fans. After eating the fruit, a lot of fragrant peel remains, which is a pity to throw away. I wonder what use it can be found at home or in the garden?

The benefits and harms of the peel

Citrus fruits are famous for their benefits, helping to strengthen the immune system and improve mood. Very often, lovers of tangerines dry the peels, but then do not use them. But in vain. After all, the benefits are not only in the pulp of the fruit, but also in its peel.

The peel contains a huge amount of different essential oils, all kinds of acids, antioxidants and other useful substances. There are substances in the tangerine peel that have positive influence to the work of the heart. The beneficial properties of the peel help normalize blood pressure, strengthen the immune system, and help fight viral diseases, help fight obesity and reduce levels bad cholesterol. The zest can help during flu or cold, can be an excellent cough remedy and more.

Essential oils and the vitamins contained in the peel help fight depression, depressed mood and chronic fatigue. The aroma of tangerine is often used during aromatherapy, as it has only a beneficial effect on the human body. In addition, this aromatherapy helps fight the flu and strengthens the immune system.

Also, the peel of the citrus fruit helps fight nail fungus, strengthens the nails and returns them to a healthy appearance. To do this, you just need to rub your nail plates with fresh peel for several days in a row and the nail fungus will disappear. In addition, a decoction of citrus peels helps restore shine and beauty to hair.

Thanks to great benefit This peel is used for making sachets, for preparing decoctions and drinks, for inhalation, or simply as a food additive.

Undoubtedly, this product It also has some contraindications. For example, excessive consumption of such crusts can lead to serious diseases such as ulcers or gastritis. You should not eat tangerine peel if you have high acidity, ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus or allergies to citrus fruits.

Women should not use this product during pregnancy and lactation. Also, you should not give infusions or decoctions with crusts to children under five years of age.

How to use peels in the garden?

Tangerine peels can also be used in the garden summer cottage. Using such peels in the garden will help control some pests. You can use both fresh and dried crusts. Just be sure to rinse them before using and drying. soap solution to remove malicious plaque. You can simply dry the peels in the sun by placing them on a board or paper. You can also use a special apparatus for drying vegetables, berries and fruits.

From aphids and ants

Every gardener or gardener is well acquainted with such a pest as aphids. Tangerine peel perfectly repels pests, preventing them from spoiling the harvest. To do this, it will be enough if you simply lay out the peels next to those plants on which aphids usually appear. You can also make a special citrus solution that will be convenient for spraying plants.

For one liter of boiling water you will need two hundred grams of dry or fresh tangerine peels. Leave the mixture to steep for three days. After this, the infusion should be carefully filtered and diluted with water. One liter of infusion is enough for five liters clean water. You can also add soap shavings there and start spraying the plants. After this procedure, no pests will remain on the plants. This product is completely safe and environmentally friendly, so don’t be afraid to spray fruit trees with it.

In addition to aphids and other pests, trees are often attacked by crowds of ants. These small insects make paths and spoil crops. To prevent ant infestation, you can use tangerine peel. Make a thick paste from the fresh peel and coat the tree trunk with it.

If the peels are dry, you can pre-soak them and grind them in a blender with a small amount of water.

As a fertilizer

If we talk about tangerine peels as a fertilizer, then it is worth mentioning that they are capable of releasing large amounts of nitrogen. Gardeners are well aware that compost contains some amount of nitrogen. And to saturate the compost with this component even more, just add tangerine peels to it.

It's no secret that citrus peel contains a certain amount of sulfur, calcium and many other useful substances. All of them can benefit the soil. Tangerine peels will help saturate the earth with useful substances, which will promote good harvest. Dried peels are also suitable for this fertilizer.

Methods of use at home

Our grandmothers used dried citrus peels as the most effective remedy from moths. To do this, you just need to lay out the crusts on the shelves in the closet and your winter clothes will be safely stored.

If you put a small candle in half of the peel and light it, it will replace the aroma lamp during a romantic dinner. You can also make a spray or air freshener that will not only help fill your home with a pleasant aroma, but also get rid of mosquitoes. To do this, you should infuse the peel plain water during the day.

You can also use the peel as cosmetic product to cleanse pores. To do this, you need to thoroughly rinse the peel, chop it and fill it with cold, purified water. In a day, the tangerine tonic will be ready. If you have dried peels in the house, you can grind them, add them to shower gel and you will get an excellent body scrub.

Use in cooking

The peel of tangerines is so aromatic that it is often used for various drinks or baked goods. For example, if there are dried citrus fruit peels in the house, then they can be used when brewing tea during the cold period. As a result, the drink will be aromatic and healthy. You can brew black tea using not only the peel, but also spices such as cloves, cinnamon or ginger. They go well with citrus fruits and will give the drink additional benefits.

If you grind the dried crusts in a coffee grinder, this powder can be used when baking buns, cupcakes or muffins. It will be natural flavor, thanks to which baked goods will acquire a unique aroma and taste.

Ground zest can also be used as an ingredient for preparing various sauces, salads or any other dishes. The peel of the citrus fruit will add a unique aroma and piquant taste to the dish, and it also helps improve digestion.

It is quite possible to prepare candied fruits. To make them, you can use quick recipe. For two hundred grams of peel you will need the same amount of sugar and two hundred and fifty milliliters of water. The peel should be washed thoroughly, then soaked in clean cold water. You need to soak it for two days, periodically changing the water. This will rid the product of bitterness and harmful substances.

Then cut the peel into cubes or strips and cook over low heat for fifteen minutes. Mix sugar with water and cook syrup. After the sugar has completely dissolved, add our peels and cook over low heat until all the liquid has disappeared. Place the candied fruits on a baking sheet lined with paper and dry. If you plan to store such candied fruits for a long time, then add a pinch of citric acid to the syrup.

To learn how to make aromatic jam from tangerine peels, see the following video.

Orange peel is used not only in several areas: cooking and cosmetology. The peels of this tropical product are becoming increasingly popular in gardening due to their exceptional qualities.

A large number of gardeners doubt beneficial properties orange peels, but in reality, this waste is on par with onions and even mineral fertilizers.

The peels contain more vitamins (C, E, A) than in the pulp. Also, the peel is rich in nutritious oils and various flavonoid substances. It contains a sufficient amount of sodium, calcium and phosphorus, which are essential for plants. Sodium is a substance that increases the frost-resistant properties of plants. It turns out that orange zest is a real treasure that should not be thrown away.

Cows can be used in different forms: either simply dried, or crushed and soaked.

Orange peels are very useful product. Now let's discuss their harm. If you use this fertilizer in small quantities, there will be no harm to the plants. It must be remembered that all citrus fruits will greatly acidify the soil, all of which can have a negative impact on the soil biota. History knows one experiment that was carried out on the lands of Guanacaste. About twelve tons of orange peels were thrown away, covering about 3 hectares.

After some time, the area became alive and grass began to grow. And fifteen years later the forest began to grow. Using orange peels to recreate nutritional properties soil is very reasonable. But this is not their last useful ability.

How can such fertilizer be used in suburban areas?


The predominant number of gardeners use orange residues as soil fertilizers. To achieve maximum benefit, they are buried in the ground to a depth of five centimeters, after which the soil is powerfully saturated with nitrogen.

Also, the peel can be placed in a compost pit; to achieve rapid processing of the latter by bacteria, it must be finely chopped. Orange peel It will become food for bacteria and will also protect against harmful insects.

The oranges you keep on the counter are being processed by special means to prevent rot. If such orange peels fall into the soil, there will be no harm. Gradual decomposition will begin.

Pest control mindset

Limonene is a substance found in oranges. It is deadly to insects. In cases where plants have been attacked harmful insects, then it is necessary to treat it with a special infusion. Orange peels obtained from three fruits must be filled with one liter of hot water and placed in a dark place for a week. After which the leaves should be processed.

Repellent properties of citrus peels

Orange peel is an ant repellent. To achieve this, you need to finely chop three or four oranges and add one mug of water. You can water the anthill and ant paths with the final raster. The effect will be noticeable, but not long lasting.

The entire cat family is alien to the pungent smells of citrus fruits. Therefore, orange peels can be used against them. You can place the crusts on the paths or dig them in a little. There is another remedy: you can water the perimeter of the beds with an infusion of orange peels.

Orange peels do not repel all animals and insects; some are even attracted to them. Insects like butterflies flock to the sight of an orange. A carelessly left plate of oranges can attract dozens of butterflies.

Using orange peels in a country house

The peelings obtained from oranges can be used as fuel for a stove. They burn for a very long time and easily, while emitting a pleasant smell. Also, you can spread it throughout the house, pleasant aroma provided for you.

If you are constantly bothered by insects such as mosquitoes, then you can rub your skin with orange peels, the insects will no longer fly to you. It is not recommended to use this method if you have allergies.

To receive pleasant smell V country barn or toilet, you can prepare a simple air freshener. The peels of two oranges, cinnamon, vanilla, two tablespoons of vinegar - all this must be poured into one and a half liters of water and the mixture brought to a boiling point. The final mixture can be poured into jars.

Harvesting orange peel

Any citrus fruit sold in the store all year round. But to obtain the desired result, it is necessary to dry the peel properly. An oven or a battery is suitable for this. The battery method is very long lasting.

The resulting dry peels will need to be placed in a paper bag, then in glass jar. Already in the first days of the summer season, you can chop the workpiece and sprinkle it on the ground for better nutrition. Thus, orange peels are far from a useless product. They will become an indispensable fertilizer, just like any other citrus fruit.

Important! If you have already used orange peels on your site, then please write in the comments what effect you got and how exactly you used them. We will be grateful if you share your experience with us.

Kira Stoletova

Oranges are a source of vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances for the human body. This fruit has potential benefits not only from its juicy pulp, but also from its peel. Applications of orange peels are used in various fields.


You should not throw the citrus peel into a bucket after eating the juicy pulp: it will still be beneficial. Orange peel has found application:

  • V agriculture;
  • in gardening;
  • in beekeeping;
  • in cosmetology;
  • in everyday life.

Application in agriculture

In agriculture and horticulture, orange and tangerine peels are used to add to compost as nitrogen fertilizers and for pest control.

Use for fertilizer

Organic food scraps are great for composting. Rotted orange peels are easily absorbed by plants. All aromatic substances from them are converted into safe chemical compounds, which feed the soil and the microorganisms in it.

To disintegrate the peel into compost pit happened faster, orange peels are crushed. Blue mold, characteristic of citruses, does not develop in compost due to high temperature decomposition of organic waste. Mold spores have no chance to survive and reproduce.

The crushed peel is dropped up to 5-6 cm into the soil. Over time, orange peels release nitrogen, sulfur, magnesium, calcium and other useful substances into the soil. Organic pesticides from these fruits are volatile and do not harm microorganisms in the soil.

Use for pest control

Another use of orange peels in gardening and agriculture is to control aphids and ants.

  • The limonene content in orange peels helps control ant or aphid infestations. It destroys the protective wax coating on their bodies, as a result of which the insect dies, suffocating. Specific citrus aroma serves as a deterrent against scale insects and others garden pests. Wireworms living in vegetable beds, will die if ground zest powder is added to the soil.
  • To protect against aphids, orange peels are cut into pieces and placed near the plants. To prevent an invasion of ants, carefully remove the skin from the oranges and clean it of white fibers. After this, the remaining fruit is ground in a blender with 50 ml of water. If the fruit is large and there is a lot of skin, the amount of water is increased proportionally. Ant holes are watered with this solution. All ant-infested areas are treated with a natural insecticide several times.
  • In beekeeping, citrus decoction is used. This is a bait for wild bees. It is used if on the site blooming garden An unwanted swarm has appeared, and we need to get rid of it. The branch is sprayed with the decoction, the swarm that has flown onto it is shaken into a bag or prepared container, quickly closed and then destroyed.

If there are no vegetables in your garden or garden plot and you want more colors so that beautiful and harmless butterflies appear, you should scatter orange zest on the plot.

Use on a summer cottage

Orange and tangerine peels are used for:

  • repelling mosquitoes;
  • control of fleas and ticks in animals;
  • fertilizers for indoor plants.

Insect control

Limonene in oranges is effective in fighting fleas, ticks and mosquitoes. A decoction against pests is prepared according to the following recipe:

  • peels are cut into pieces;
  • boil in water for 30 minutes;
  • cool and leave for 3 hours;
  • filter through cheesecloth.

This solution is poured into a spray bottle and sprayed on the animals. Fleas on cats and dogs will disappear, and the aroma of citrus will become intolerable to mosquitoes and ticks. To repel mosquitoes from humans, apply a few drops of the decoction to clothing.

A few pieces of zest placed on shelves in cabinets will save you from moths. This way the clothes will remain undamaged and acquire a pleasant aroma.

Fertilizer for indoor plants

Orange peel is used as organic fertilizer. The zest is crushed by hand or in a blender and poured with boiling water in a ratio of 1 part zest to 2 parts water. Leave for 24 hours in a dark place and filter. Dilute with water in a 1:1 ratio. This solution indoor plants Watered weekly, depending on the humidity level in the apartment.

Re-brewed skins are not used.

Use in food

To use as food, orange peels are thoroughly washed under running water. They are then used to make condiments, sauces or drinks.

To prepare a refreshing drink in the summer heat, throw chopped orange peel into a jug, remove the seeds from the pulp, add a little honey or sugar, mint and cool. On a hot day, this drink helps restore energy.

Carefully remove the peel from the orange, cut it, prepare aromatic jam or preserves, which will remind you of bright colors summer and will compensate for the lack of vitamins in the body.

Use in cosmetology

An aromatherapy procedure is impossible without aromatic citrus. At home, several orange peels are placed around the premises; a pleasant smell fills the house within a few minutes.

From the ground crust, folded in a linen bag, you get a sachet, which will act as a sleeping pill if you put it near the bed. A homemade scrub made from the juice of oranges and their peels, mixed with sugar, moisturizes and cleanses the skin, leaving it matte and silky.

Cutting boards sparkle clean and smell fragrant after being wiped with orange zest. kitchen sink shines after treatment with this fruit. To achieve this effect, the crusts are completely cleared of pulp, work surface clean the outside.

Cats don't like fresh scents. If you put the skin in flower pots or flower beds, the animal will never want to dig in the ground, and the flower will remain unharmed.

The healing infusion acts as an antipyretic and treats sore throat.

Warning about harmful use

It is not safe for your health to use moldy orange peel. A fungus develops inside it, which leads to diseases of the lungs and gastrointestinal tract.

The zest can cause allergic reaction. If this happens, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Aroma oils in overdose lead to dermatitis. Start using a small amount, having previously carried out the following test: apply 1-2 drops of oil to the wrist and rub in. If after 12 hours no redness, swelling or itching appears, use citrus oils safely.


Ordinary peels from exotic fruits will become real helpers in gardening and in everyday life, if you know the recipes and apply them correctly.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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