I decided to grow cyclamen from seeds after another flower I bought did not survive summer period peace. And I wasn’t the only one who faced this problem. Other flower growers also complained about this state of affairs. The fact is that cyclamen grown in greenhouse conditions, it is difficult to adapt to our usual home environment. Conversely, cyclamen, which initially grew in an ordinary city apartment or private house, from birth was accustomed to sometimes too dry air and high temperatures in the summer, and therefore should not die. So, how to grow cyclamen from seeds? How to plant seeds? Conditions for germination and subsequent care of seedlings. Personal, mostly successful experience and photo instructions.

Cyclamen: growing from seeds

How to grow cyclamen from seeds? I’ll say right away that for this you need a greenhouse, loose soil, a temperature no higher than +20 degrees and constant air humidity. But first things first. Before I started planting seeds, I read the opinions of experts on authoritative forums. This is what I gleaned from the information I read. Firstly, you need to germinate cyclamen seeds at a temperature of +17...+18 degrees. Secondly, young seedlings must grow and develop at the same temperature. Thirdly, the plants need to be provided with regular watering, but the soil in the greenhouse should not become waterlogged.

But this immediately begs a few questions. First, will an ordinary gardener be able to constantly monitor the temperature of seed germination and keep it within the required limits? The second question is, what will happen if cyclamen seeds are germinated at normal room temperature? The third question is that the temperature of seedling development should also be within +17...+18 degrees, but this cannot be achieved in an ordinary city apartment, especially in summer. How will summer high temperatures affect seedlings?

With a great desire to test everything in practice and with an even greater desire to grow cyclamen from seeds, I went to a flower shop and bought four identical bags of Persian cyclamen seeds.

In the photo you can see that the cyclamen seeds are quite large (slightly larger than a match head) and covered with a dense skin. That is why it is recommended to soak them in water at room temperature before planting. I soaked the seed in a root solution at room temperature for 1 hour. As I have already written in many of my articles, I do not completely cover any seeds with water, but only up to half, so that the seed embryo does not suffocate. The seeds are periodically mixed so that the dense shell is evenly moistened.

When to sow cyclamen seeds? Experts recommend planting cyclamen seeds in February-March. By the time the seed sprouts, the length daylight hours will be sufficient for successful development shoots I sowed cyclamen seeds on March 7th.

How to plant cyclamen seeds? Planting of cyclamen seeds took place according to standard scheme. I took two identical greenhouses, which I cut out from ordinary plastic bottles. Similar option This is not the first time I have used greenhouses and have never regretted them. I poured soil there for the flowering ones, indoor flowers, lightly compacted it, moistened it with a spray bottle. By flat surface I spread the cyclamen seeds in the soil. In the photo you can see that I laid out 10 of them in each greenhouse. I did not cover the seeds with soil to make it easier to monitor their germination. Many forums say that cyclamen seeds need to be germinated in the dark. But this is not a necessary condition.

How to grow cyclamen from seeds? For successful cultivation cyclamen from seeds and obtaining healthy shoots needed: bright, diffused light, moderate humidity air (achieved only in a greenhouse) and temperature. The forums say that the temperature should be within +17...+18 degrees. As the temperature rises, cyclamen seeds fall into suspended animation (in other words, hibernation) and do not germinate for a long time. So, at a temperature of +17...+18 degrees, the seed germinates in 3-4 weeks. At +20 degrees after 8 weeks. At temperatures above +20 degrees, seedlings can wait up to 4 months.

An experiment on growing cyclamen from seeds at home

I decided to test in practice how temperature affects the germination of cyclamen. That is why I bought four bags of seeds with the same packaging date. That is, the date of packaging (freshness seed material) should not affect its germination in any way. The landing followed the same pattern. The greenhouses are the same, the soil and its humidity, lighting are similar. Only the temperature was different. So, I placed one greenhouse on the windowsill, where the temperature fluctuates between +17...+22 degrees. The temperature for the second greenhouse was kept within strict limits of +17...+18 degrees.

Sowing of cyclamen seeds took place on March 7. The results of the experiment surprised me somewhat. Thus, the seed, which was germinated at a temperature of +17...+18 degrees, hatched on March 21, that is, 14 days after sowing. The seeds, which were kept at a temperature of +17...+22 degrees, sprouted on March 29, that is, 22 days after planting.

Based on the data obtained, we can conclude: favorable temperature regime for growing cyclamen from seeds it is +17...+18 degrees. Minor temperature deviations from the set regime (+17...+22 degrees) affect the germination of seed, but not significantly. So, my fellow flower growers, don’t worry too much about the temperature of seed germination. The main thing is not to raise it above +22 degrees.

How to grow cyclamen seedlings?

So, my cyclamens from seeds have hatched. What to do next? Based on my experience, I want to say that you need to wait until the cyclamen spreads its only leaf. A sprout first emerges from the achene. It develops from it root system, a tuber and just one leaf. The cyclamen leaf remains under the dense shell of the seed for some time. You cannot clean the greenhouse until the leaf sheds this shell. Let me remind you that it is very dense. In a humid greenhouse, the seed coat softens. If you remove the greenhouse, the shell will room humidity air will harden, it will be difficult for the leaf to get rid of it. If you try to remove it yourself, you can damage the leaf and the plant will not fully develop without it.

You cannot remove the greenhouse until the cyclamen leaves shed their seed coat.

How to care for cyclamen seedlings? The seedlings continue to develop in the greenhouse, where there is moderate air and soil humidity. Watering is carried out as needed. But since cyclamen seedlings grow in a greenhouse, I don’t water the soil often. The soil must not be allowed to dry out completely. Overmoistening of the soil leads to rotting of the tuber and the plant dies. I ventilated the greenhouse 2 times a day. My cyclamen stood on the window on the east side of the apartment, where the sun shines from morning until 15:00. I didn't feed it. The first time I applied fertilizer, when I removed the greenhouse, the cyclamens completely straightened their leaves. This happened on the middle of May 10, that is, almost 2 months after planting the seeds.

After the cyclamen forms a tuber and spreads the first leaf, it stops growing. But only its above-ground part stops growing. Over the next 1-2 months, the seedling builds up its root system. Since the walls of my greenhouse are transparent, I could watch how the roots of my cyclamen plants gradually filled all the soil offered to them. And so on June 27, I decided to pick seedlings. It seemed to me that my plants were already cramped in the greenhouse.

Picking cyclamen seedlings

Picking cyclamen seedlings was carried out according to the following scheme: soil for flowering plants(loose, light, nutritious, neutral pH), opaque plastic cups of 200 ml. Two days before the picking, I watered the cyclamens well.

So, we take a regular 200 ml plastic cup and make a hole in its bottom drainage hole. Next, pour soil there and water it. First we make a small depression in the soil, where the plants will subsequently be transferred.

Next, using a spatula (I make it from thick plastic, cut out a small square and bend it in half) I carefully remove one cyclamen from the common greenhouse. You need to remove a young seedling as quickly as possible. big amount soil around the roots. Cyclamen may have a small tuber, but the root system is quite developed. If you violate the latter, the flower will hurt for a long time.

Important note!!! When replanting cyclamen, you need to remember that if the tuber is too deep, the plant will die. Tubers in wet soil may rot. Correct solution when picking cyclamen seedlings: leave the tuber in the new pot at the same level at which it developed in the greenhouse.

Picking cyclamen seedlings was carried out in the summer, and therefore I decided to give my flowers the opportunity to breathe fresh air and took them out onto the balcony. It is located on the western side of the house, there is direct sun only in the afternoon. I solved this problem by shading. After transplanting, I waited until the soil dried out a little and only after that I watered the seedlings for the first time. Subsequently, watering was carried out after the top layer of soil had dried to a depth of 1-1.5 cm. Until mid-June, cyclamen seedlings grew at a temperature of +27 during the day and up to +20 at night.

In July, the temperature rose to +32 degrees during the day, and at night to +25 degrees, and I moved my cyclamen to the apartment on the western windows. Before lunch there was artificial lighting, after - diffused sunlight. Feed once a week with half the concentration of complex, liquid fertilizers. Spray once a day. But my plants did not like the high temperature and went to rest. The cyclamen leaves turned yellow and withered, but at the same time the tuber remained elastic. I left the cups with flowers under the phytolamp. Watering was carried out after the soil had dried thoroughly.

This went on for almost two months. But in the middle of September, when the temperature in the apartment dropped to +20...+22 degrees, which is comfortable for cyclamen, a miracle happened and my seedlings woke up. Each tuber began to produce two or even four leaves. I resumed watering, although now it was less than in the summer. Feeding is applied once every two weeks and lighting is required from morning (7.00 am) until evening (20.00).

Cyclamen is a flowering and very pleasant plant, the popularity of which increases significantly in Lately. Its two types are most common: indoor crops: European and Persian cyclamen. Both species simply captivate with their original and lovely flowers.

When growing cyclamen from seeds, you will first need to be patient for the first six months. For lovers of this magnificent plant This period is the most difficult because during the first six months the seedlings emerge and grow quite slowly. To grow cyclamen at home, you should follow certain instructions:

  • in February - March, it is best to sow the seeds of this plant into the soil. If at this time it was not possible to sow the seed for some reason, you should wait until August;
  • before sowing, the seeds must be soaked for 18 hours in the prepared solution (4 drops of Epin-extra are diluted in half a glass of water);
  • then you should cook soil mixture. This will require mix peat with leaf soil V equal quantities, then moisten, place in a container and cover it with an opaque lid;
  • it is necessary to sow the treated seeds into the container to a depth of approximately 1 centimeter and at a distance of 2-3 centimeters from each other. Then cover the container with the seeds and leave it in a place where the air temperature is kept between 18-20° C. The sown seeds will germinate in about 1-2 months;
  • When seed sprouts appear, the container must be moved to a well-lit place so that direct sunlight does not fall on the seedlings. You can even shade the plants a little if necessary;
  • seedlings are planted in pots when the plants have at least two leaves. The potting mix is ​​as follows: equal parts humus, sand, turf and leaf soil are mixed. You can plant 2-3 plants in one pot at a time;
  • After six months, the plants should be transplanted into pots whose diameter does not exceed 7 centimeters. The mixture for transplanting plants is used in the same composition as when picking plants. A third of the tuber should protrude above the soil surface;
  • It should be watered carefully so that no water gets on the leaves and tubers, and the room temperature does not exceed 20° C;
  • first flowers when growing cyclamen from seeds should bloom in the second year after sowing them.

Beautiful compositions of cyclamens

Features of growing cyclamen

Every person who wants to grow cyclamen from seeds should remember features of plant care. The future growth of cyclamen directly depends on this:

Bright and original cyclamen flowers resemble the sun in their appearance. Inspiration, joy and sunny color the flowers of this overflow beautiful flower. Cyclamen is very useful to keep in such houses where people with changeable, soft, pliable character live, emotional condition which often depends on the opinions and mood of others. Sunny cyclamen flowers are capable of liberate closed energy. Thanks to this flower, a relaxed and light atmosphere is created in the house, making each other want to do something nice for each other.

Cyclamen (dryakva, earthen radish, earthen bread) - represents decorative perennial about 15 cm high. The rhizome is tuberous. Long-petiolate, heart-shaped leaves are collected in basal rosettes.

The flowers are drooping, located on long stalks, which after flowering twist in a spiral. The corolla is five-parted, the lobes are slightly bent. The color of the flower can be purple, pink, white. The countries of Asia Minor and the Mediterranean are considered the birthplace of cyclamen.

Cyclamen after purchase

It’s done: you have purchased a beautiful cyclamen or been given it as a gift. it looks great, completely covered in flowers, and is a little scary to disturb. But if you delay the transshipment, you can lose this handsome man or he will simply get sick, losing all his attractiveness.

Therefore, gather your courage and carry out a simple procedure of transferring the plant from a pot with temporary soil to a new one spacious potty with nutritious soil (take universal soil for flowering plants).

The video will tell you about transshipment of cyclamen after purchase:

Conditions for growing cyclamen at home

The state of cyclamen directly depends on the temperature regime: it grows actively when it is cool and humid, and when the temperature rises, it begins to prepare for a dormant period. IN heating season this feature makes caring for cyclamen difficult. But having overcome all the vagaries of this plant, you will enjoy bright flowering for many years.


The main rule with cyclamen is accuracy and moderation. The earthen ball cannot be over-moistened or over-dried. A flower can often be affected by root rot, so it is better to use bottom watering: place the pot with the plant in a pan of water and remove it after 15 minutes. You can pour water from above, but in small portions, moving along the edge of the pot. During the flowering period, you need to water a little more abundantly. After flowering, watering is reduced, and by the dormant period (begins in March) it is stopped altogether.

Thermal and light conditions

Do not keep cyclamen near heat sources - this will cause the leaves to drop and go into dormancy mode. Maintain moisture. You can place a tray with wet pebbles or an aquarium near the plant. Spray occasionally until buds appear.

Direct sunlight causes burns to the plant. Cyclamen needs diffused light or partial shade. The best option there will be western or eastern window sills. On northern windows, the flower will suffer from a lack of light, and on southern windows, shading is necessary.

The soil

For normal growth, cyclamen needs nutritious, drained soil with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. You can prepare an earth mixture from turf, leaf soil, humus and sand in equal proportions. Soil acidity can be determined using special test strips.

You need to stir a pinch of earth in water, wait until a precipitate appears, and dip a test strip into the resulting solution. Check the result with the scale on the packaging. In the absence of such test strips, you can determine the approximate acidity by reacting with vinegar - pour it on a handful of soil. If there are few bubbles, then the reaction is neutral; if there are many, the soil is alkaline; if there are none at all, the soil is acidic.

You don’t have to worry and buy ready soil for cyclamen or simply universal soil, available in any specialized store.

How to make cyclamen bloom

Necessary conditions for cyclamen flowering:

  • the size of the pot must be suitable: in a spacious or cramped container, flowering will slow down;
  • sufficient amount of nutrients;
  • suitable soil acidity;
  • correct planting: when planting Persian cyclamen, you need to leave the top of the tuber above the ground, for other types - bury the roots completely;
  • it is necessary to ensure a period of rest and proper exit from it.

Start feeding cyclamen. For leaf growth, apply complex mineral fertilizers every two weeks. With the appearance of buds, reduce the dose of nitrogen, and the amount of potassium and phosphorus should be slightly increased.

Growing cyclamen from seeds

Cyclamen can be propagated by seeds and by dividing the tuber.

It is better to purchase seeds at a flower shop, paying attention to their expiration date, because they are viable for up to 2 years.

How to collect seeds?

To collect seeds at home, you need to pollinate the plant yourself. Using a cotton swab or brush, transfer pollen from one flower to another, carry out pollination on sunny days in the morning, it is better to repeat the procedure several times. It is recommended to store ripe seeds for a couple of months. Then soak them in Zircon and sow.

How to prepare zircon seeds for sowing, watch the video:

How to sow

  • To do this, use a mixture of peat or leaf soil with vermiculite in equal proportions.
  • It is enough to spread the seeds on the surface of the soil and cover with a thin layer of soil.
  • It is necessary to maintain a temperature of 20º C, from more high temperature the seeds will go into hibernation, and if the temperature is reduced, there is a high probability of rotting.
  • Periodically moisten and ventilate the plantings.

  • After 4-6 weeks, shoots will begin to appear. After this, the bowl with seedlings should be placed in a well-lit place without direct contact. sun rays, maintain the air temperature at 15-17º C.

  • When the seedlings have small tubers and the plants grow, transplant them into separate containers.
  • A week after transplantation, you need to apply mineral fertilizers, reducing the dose by half from that indicated on the package.

Plants need to be handled carefully, trying not to disturb the integrity of the root system. Do not bury the tubers; leave the planting level the same as before transplanting. This way the flower will develop correctly and will not be susceptible to various diseases or growth inhibition.

This video will tell you about growing cyclamen from seeds:

Cyclamens will bloom in a year and a half. But flowering can begin much later - after 3-4 years. Keen flower growers are not upset: the longer you wait for the result, the more pleasant it is to reap the fruits of your labor. And the flowering of the beautiful cyclomen is worth the effort!

Propagation of cyclamen by dividing the tuber

  • In spring or summer (during the plant's dormant period), dig the tuber out of the ground and cut it into pieces so that each section has a bud and roots.
  • Dry the sections and treat them with fungicide or crushed charcoal.
  • Plant the cuttings in separate pots and place them in the greenhouse or cover them with a plastic cup.
  • When choosing tubers for planting in the store, pay attention to their condition: they should be elastic, not wrinkled, and without rotten spots.

Replanting cyclamen

  • It is better not to replant a flowering plant, as this may destroy it.
  • It is ideal to transplant at the beginning of the active growing season (August-September). That is, after a period of dormancy, when leaves begin to appear.
  • The new pot should be slightly larger than the old one.
  • Be sure to lay drainage from crushed crushed stone and expanded clay.
  • Before planting, it is advisable to water the soil with a pink solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Tubers of Persian cyclamen are buried 2/3 into the soil, and all the rest - completely.
  • Place the transplanted plant in a warm, bright place, increasing watering as new leaves grow.

The video will tell you how to transplant cyclamen:

Cyclamen dormant period

  • By the end of spring and beginning of summer, after the end of flowering, cyclamen will begin a dormant period.
  • Wilted flowers and leaves should be trimmed, watering should be reduced to a minimum, preventing the soil from completely drying out.
  • The pot with the tuber should be placed or placed on its side in a cool place with good ventilation. Store this way until autumn.
  • At the beginning of autumn, you need to bring the plant out of hibernation - bring it into the light and gradually increase watering.

How the cyclomen falls asleep, look at the video:

Why does cyclamen turn yellow and what to do?

Cyclamen – capricious plant, reacts sharply to errors in care. Cyclamen leaves may turn yellow for the following reasons:

An attack by the cyclamen mite is indicated by the ugly shape of the leaves, they become hard, the plant stops growing, the flower stalks become bent, and the flowers wither. Conventional insecticides will not help here. The plant will have to be destroyed.

Due to overdrying or waterlogging of the earthen clod in combination with low temperatures, flower stalks can grow shorter than the leaves and bloom under them.

Gray rot appears from waterlogged cold air and poor ventilation. The leaves turn yellow and become covered with gray mold. Infected parts of the plant must be carefully removed (mold spores spread through the air when moving). Treat with fungicide. For prevention, reduce watering and ventilate the room.

A sharp wilting of the leaves and a putrid odor of the root system indicates the appearance of wet rot. There is no escape from it. Infection occurs through contaminated water or another diseased plant.

Fusarium fungal disease affects vascular system plants. It manifests itself as yellowing of the leaves, usually on one side of the plant. Over time, the disease spreads completely. In the initial stages, you can save it with special preparations from a flower shop.

Types of cyclamen with photos and names

The genus Cyclamen (Cyclamen L.) consists of 15 species. Let's look at the most common ones in indoor floriculture.

Persian cyclamen Cyclamen persicum

A native of the Eastern Mediterranean. Heart-shaped leaves dark green with marble pattern. Flowers can be simple or double, ranging in color from white to all sorts of shades of red. Flowering begins in September. The rest period lasts 2 months: May-June.

European cyclamen or blushing, purple Cyclamen purpurascens

Its natural habitat is Central and Southern Europe. This type is also called alpine violet. Interestingly, flowers exude fragrance depending on the color of the flower: the darker the shade, the stronger aroma. It is the only species that does not shed its leaves during hibernation.

Cyclamen Kos or Caucasian cyclamen coum subsp. caucasicum

It was first found on the island of Kos, after which it was named. It is also found in the Caucasus. A peculiarity of the species is the petals that sharply widen from the base, and they also have a dark spot.

Cyclamen ivy or Neapolitan Cyclamen hederifolium

The leaves have notched-toothed edges, making them similar to ivy leaves. Flowers appear before the leaves in September and November.

In indoor floriculture, the most popular is Persian cyclamen. Many varieties have been bred from it, divided according to the height of the peduncles into low-growing (up to 15 cm), medium-growing (15-22 cm) and standard (20-30 cm).

The most popular varieties of homemade cyclamen:

Spring Moth, Scarlet Moth, Charlie, Rose, Lilu, Flamingo, Topaz, Selphide, Rembrant, Bellissima, Elf.

Cyclamen reproduces in many ways. But you need to choose the most optimal one based on the type of plant. So:

  1. - an option for both types of plants, but you need to take only mature crops.
  2. Sowing seeds– can be used for growing any species, even ivy.
  3. Rosettes– this method is only applicable for European species, since the shoots of Persian cyclamen do not take root well.
  4. Tubers daughtersgreat option for breeding a European flower, only this species produces small babies around the main tuber. When transplanting, they are separated without effort and placed in a separate pot.

Important: some gardeners mistakenly think that cyclamen can be used. But, unfortunately, this is impossible, since such cuttings do not produce roots, they stand for a long time, and then they simply dry out.

We discussed all methods of propagation of cyclamen in detail in.

How to collect seed material?

Many people choose the easiest way to propagate cyclamen - buy seeds in the store. But if you already have a flowering plant at home, then you can collect seeds from it.

A flower will not produce seeds until it has undergone pollination.. Cyclamen itself cannot do this, so you need to start collecting pollen, then arm yourself with a brush and cross-pollinate. This creative process, since if you take two plants for pollination different color, then you will get a new, attractive hybrid, with an original color.

The natural flowering period of cyclamen is from December to February, at which time pollination takes place. This process is best done on a sunny morning. Pollen can be collected by gently tapping the flower; pollen will begin to fall out of it, which must be placed on the pistil of a neighboring plant.

You can also use a brush to collect pollen and apply it to the middle of another flower.. To be completely sure, you need to do this at least 5-7 times. If pollination is successful, the flowering process quickly stops, and in place of the flower a small, round box is formed, in which small, round, light brown seeds ripen. The capsule cannot be removed from the plant; the seeds will ripen in 90 to 140 days. At this time the plant needs to be provided comfortable temperature– during the day +20, at night +12 degrees.

What should you expect from homemade cyclamen seeds? Such seeds do not lose their ability to germinate for a long time - 3 years. It is worth noting interesting fact that if you let the seeds sit for a year and a half, the plant from these seeds will bloom much faster.

Features of cultivation

To grow cyclamen from seeds at home, you need to know some of the features of this process.:

  • Shoots will appear in about 30 days, but only if the air temperature during germination is +15 degrees. If this indicator is exceeded by several degrees, then the seeds can take up to three months to wake up.
  • By using several types of plant seeds, you can create a luxurious flower garden of healthy plants on your windowsill.
  • You can sow seeds throughout the year, but better growth It is better to adhere to the biological rhythms of the plant and sow in spring or late summer.
  • It is better to grow cyclamen from seeds in a dark room.

Preparing for sowing

The flower loves light and nutritious soil. It can be found in the store, where they sell soil mixture specifically for this crop. But if there is none, you can buy soil for Saintpaulia.

But if you prefer to do everything yourself, you can prepare the soil by mixing equal proportions:

  • turf land;
  • leaf soil;
  • humus;
  • sand.

Once the soil is prepared, you can begin preparation seed material , otherwise they will take a very long time to wake up:

  1. Soak the seeds for 18 hours in any growth stimulant, for this you can use Etamon, Zircon, Epi-extra. The drug is sold in flower shops, and it should be diluted strictly according to the instructions.
  2. Sometimes seeds are soaked in potassium permanganate - the solution should be weak, or simply in warm water. The seeds are soaked for 14 hours.
  3. If you plan to breed cyclamens, then at the seed preparation stage, divide them into several groups and apply different ways processing. Subsequently, you can choose the best option for yourself.

Choosing the right pot

The development and flowering of cyclamen directly depends on the chosen pot in which the plant will grow. The pot should be washed small, relative to the tuber itself, that is, the distance between the walls of the pot and the bulb should be no more than 3 cm. Cyclamen is capable of flowering only in very cramped conditions.

Soil requirements

The soil must meet the requirements of the plant - light, nutritious, loose. They often buy it in a store, since in city conditions it is difficult to prepare the soil mixture yourself.

Planting: step-by-step instructions

  1. To plant seeds, it is better to use an opaque container, into which soil is poured in a layer of 5-6 cm and compacted well. Then the seeds are laid out on the surface at a distance of 2 cm from each other, and sprinkled with a centimeter layer of peat and sand, mixed in equal quantities and watered well.
  2. Cover the container with the same opaque lid or black film to create a greenhouse effect. For rapid germination, the seeds are placed in a room with an air temperature of no more than +15 degrees, and the room should be dark.
  3. Seeds take a very long time to germinate; the first shoots can be seen only after a month. This is due to the fact that first a root appears from the seed, on which a tuber begins to form. And only then purple-pink loops begin to appear from it.
  4. During germination, sometimes a difficulty arises - the plant cannot unfold the first leaf, due to the seed skin, which it is not able to shed. This usually occurs from a lack of humidity, so it is advisable to monitor this carefully.
  5. If this problem worries you greatly, then you can help the plant open its first leaf - place a soaked cotton pad on the sprout and after 2 hours, carefully remove the seed with tweezers.

Attention: Shoots have appeared - it’s time to move the container with seedlings to a bright place, but not in direct sunlight.

We recommend watching a video about planting cyclamen seeds:

Plant care

Cyclamen is a very capricious flower that requires a certain temperature, humidity and lighting. Therefore, if you are not ready to regularly and carefully care for the plant, then it is better not to have this flower in your home, it will die.

First of all, in order for the plant to develop well, producing healthy leaves and flowers, it must be placed on the “correct” windowsill, which should be light and sunny. Do not forget that Cyclamen is very light-loving. But in this case there is one nuance that is often difficult to accomplish, especially in the summer. Cyclamen loves light and coolness. The most optimal temperature for a plant – +6-13 degrees. Maximum – +17 degrees.

For good flowering the room in which cyclamen grows must be constantly ventilated. At the same time, make sure that there are no drafts - they are detrimental to the plant.

Watering greatly affects the growth and development of the plant:

  • During flowering, water the crop abundantly and ensure that earthen lump did not dry out, but the flower does not tolerate stagnation of water. At this time, spraying is carried out 3 times a day.
  • As soon as the plant fades, reduce watering, but not too much; in any case, the soil should not dry out.
  • Water the plant with settled water at room temperature.

We recommend watching a video about proper care for cyclamen:

Moisturizing young shoots

The soil in which young Cyclamen seedlings grow is moistened daily with a spray bottle.. You can buy a small watering can with a strainer at the end.


Despite the fact that Cyclamen is very demanding to care for, it can often be found on apartment windowsills. The beauty of the flowers of this plant completely compensates for the complexity of agricultural technology. It is worth noting that if you have a desire to grow Cyclamen, it is better to do it from seeds, since a flower bought in a store may not tolerate a sudden change in environment and die.

Typically, cyclamens are propagated by children, root division and seeds.

The Persian cyclamen tuber does not produce children.

Dividing the root is very risky, and the root itself may die. mature plant from rotting and the planted part of the root does not take root and we can lose the plant forever.

Propagation by seeds, although time-consuming, is more reliable and interesting way. Persian cyclamen seeds are formed when spring bloom, if it's worth it warm weather, we can take the plant into the garden or onto the balcony, where natural pollination of flowers occurs.

But, the indoor flower Persian cyclamen usually blooms in autumn and winter, and by the time warm weather sets in and we can take it out into the garden, flowering may already be over. That's why. If we set out to grow a Persian cyclamen plant from seeds, we need to pollinate it artificially by transferring pollen from one flower to another with a brush. It is advisable to repeat artificial pollination two or three times.

Persian cyclamen seeds

After some time, a small nodule forms in place of the cyclamen flower, which will soon grow into a green box berry. The ripening of the fruit - the capsule with small seeds - lasts a long time. Therefore, in order not to miss the moment when the seeds fall into the soil on their own, after about 3 months, they must be collected in advance and placed in a bright and dry place. There the seeds will lie until they are fully ripe and the capsule opens. To store an unripe box, it is convenient to use a glass or a small transparent jar.

Persian cyclamen seeds are sown immediately after they fall out of the opened fruit. This usually happens in May. Before planting, they can be pre-germinated in a moist environment. cotton pad or immediately plant in pots with moist peat. First of all, you need to prepare a pot for planting: make drainage, prepare and fill it with light soil. To prepare an earthen mixture for planting cyclamen seeds, you can use equal amounts of peat and leaf soil, adding vermiculite.

The seeds are laid out on the surface of moistened soil at a distance of 2 cm from each other. Sprinkle dry soil on top, moisten the surface evenly with a spray bottle.

Planting Persian cyclamen seeds

Seeds indoor flower Persian cyclamen germinate in the dark, so after planting they can be covered with a saucer or opaque film. Keep the sown seeds at a temperature of about 20 degrees, with regular ventilation until germination. Persian cyclamen shoots appear in 1-3 months. All this time, you need to ensure that the soil is always moist, but the water should not stagnate.

Sprout of Persian cyclamen When shoots appear, the shelter is removed. The seedlings are taken to a bright place, but protected from the scorching sun. Usually, a small nodule immediately grows on the roots of Persian cyclamen seedlings; it needs to be sprinkled with earth.

Cyclamen Persiana from seeds

When young cyclamen plants have three leaves, they are picked and planted in separate pots with leaf soil and sand mixed in equal quantities. When growing cyclamen seedlings, you need to ensure that the soil in the pot is always moist. Once a month, fertilizing is carried out for flowering plants. The fertilizer rate when diluted with water should be halved.

When the cyclamens grow a little, after about three months, the nodules that stick out of the ground can be gradually freed from the ground by sprinkling less and less. Six-month-old Persian cyclamens plants should have tubers covered only 2/3 with soil.

Persian cyclamen from seeds grown at home will become an adult and bloom in a year or a year and a half. Persian cyclamens grown at home from seeds are much stronger than store-bought cyclamens. They get sick less and adapt more easily to living in apartments. Growing Persian cyclamens from seeds is very exciting activity, and flowers appearing on a plant grown with your own hands brings many unforgettable impressions.

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