SELF-ESTEEM, self-esteem, plural. no, cf. (book). Respect for yourself, for your personality. Lose your sense of self-respect. “He had no self-respect and didn’t feel the need for people to respect him.” Pushkin .

Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.


See what “SELF-RESPECT” is in other dictionaries:

    Self-esteem... Spelling dictionary-reference book

    Self-love, dignity, pride, self-esteem Dictionary of Russian synonyms. self-respect noun, number of synonyms: 4 pride (48) ... Dictionary of synonyms

    SELF-RESPECT, I, cf. Self-respect. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Self-esteem; Self-esteem is a person’s objective assessment of himself as internally positive or negative to some extent. Self-esteem includes both an opinion about oneself (for example, “I am competent/incompetent”, “I ... ... Wikipedia

    SELF-RESPECT- The degree to which a person values ​​himself. Note that although the word respect carries connotations of high appreciation or value, the composite form self-esteem refers to the entire dimension and usually specifies the degree of self-esteem (high or... Explanatory dictionary of psychology

    Self-esteem- a positive spiritual and moral quality of an individual, expressing a person’s need for high appreciation and recognition of himself by society. It manifests itself as a self-assessment of one’s own actions and personal qualities, which is formed depending on... ... Fundamentals of spiritual culture (teacher's encyclopedic dictionary)

    Wed. Respect for yourself, for your own personality. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    Self-respect, self-respect, self-respect, self-respect, self-respect, self-respect, self-respect, self-respect, self-respect, self-respect, self-respect, self-respect (Source: “Full accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words

    self-respect- self-esteem, I... Russian spelling dictionary

    self-respect- (2 s), Ex. about self-esteem... Spelling dictionary of the Russian language


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How a person treats himself determines his relationships with other people and his well-being in life. If he does not respect and value himself, then the people around him will not do the same. Lack of confidence and constant control of one’s actions can be called indicators of a lack of self-respect and self-esteem in relation to oneself. This leads to rejection of one’s emotions, disruption of harmonious contact with other people, disappointment and dissatisfaction in oneself and one’s actions. Can cause depression and mental disorders.

Why is there no self-esteem?

Having self-esteem means accepting yourself as a significant person. Self-esteem gives inner peace and confidence. Proper upbringing plays an important role in the development of self-respect and self-love, because self-esteem is formed from childhood. For example, incorrect phrases: “You must be a good boy (good girl)” or “You will be punished until you understand your unworthy act” lead to an incorrect model of adult behavior. Since childhood, a person feels like an unworthy person. Self-loathing is also possible. You should not say the following phrases to your child:

  • you won't succeed;
  • this activity is beyond your strength;
  • he/she will do better;
  • do something else;
  • you are not strong enough for this.

Examples of such upbringing lead to a lack of aspirations and self-doubt. A person will sacrifice his own interests for the benefit of others, and he himself will not be able to achieve goals or set them for himself. He will have to waste a lot of energy and constantly feel dissatisfaction.

If you are faced with comparing yourself to other children from childhood, a sense of self-worth will never appear. Self-esteem will be low, and the chances of a successful life will be reduced to zero. It is necessary to explain to the child that he is able to cope with everything if he wants to. That there is nothing he hasn't learned.

Self-confidence, healthy self-esteem, no need to prove anything to anyone and the ability to count one’s strengths will certainly build self-respect. When a person feels like an individual, he will not allow himself unworthy behavior and disrespect for himself and his interests.

A self-sufficient person is

Low self-esteem in women

A woman's self-esteem awakens when she begins to understand and appreciate her desires. Many mothers and wives are so absorbed in caring for the family that they do not leave any time for themselves and their interests. They believe that an unprepared dinner or an uncleaned apartment will be the death sentence of a bad housewife. Feelings of guilt, depressed mood and dissatisfaction with oneself appear. A woman must understand that she is not omnipotent, and she can have her own desires. You can't please everyone.

Without loving herself and her needs, she will not be happy and will not make others happy. The atmosphere in the family and the husband’s desire to return home depend on the good mood of the mistress of the house. The world will not collapse if a woman devotes a little time to herself. If you want a cake or chocolates, you need to treat yourself to something sweet. The main thing is not to feel guilty about the extra calories, because you can easily lose them by going to the store to do some shopping.

A woman with signs of self-esteem has the following behavior:

  1. 1. She is not shy about asking men for help. There will definitely be someone who will help her out of this situation.
  2. 2. She strives to fulfill her desires. Doesn't hesitate to talk about them.
  3. 3. Her inner world is filled with love and harmony.
  4. 4. Wants and tries to look good. Spends money on cosmetics, salons and new clothes. She does this not because everyone else does it, but because she wants it.
  5. 5. Doesn't do anything contrary to his wishes.

To some this may seem like a manifestation of selfishness, but one’s own ego plays a minor role in this. This is respect and self-love, the desire to live life the way you want. A self-respecting woman never runs after a man or begs for love. She chooses who to return her feelings and which admirer is the most worthy. If a man treats her poorly, she will not be in a relationship with him. Having chosen a worthy woman, she will devote her life to him, without limiting herself and without losing self-esteem. A self-respecting lady is filled with love and is able to fill her beloved with strength and energy, supporting him in all his endeavors.

Wisdom of a woman

A man with self-esteem

A man's self-esteem lies in inner strength, self-respect, acceptance of oneself and one's desires. A man who respects himself will not prove anything to anyone. He doesn’t need other people’s approval and it’s quite difficult to offend him. But he will always take into account the opinion of another person if he considers it useful for himself. Believes that self-respect should be based on equality. He does not infringe on the interests of others for the sake of indulging his own whims. He believes in his own strength and tries to give himself and his loved ones a decent life.

A self-respecting man does not indulge in narcissism and does not behave like a capricious and childish boy. Such a person knows how to make plans and foresee options for the development of events. Under any circumstances, he does not lose his composure. He has a cold mind and a warm heart. He treats his mistakes adequately and does not make a tragedy out of it. The man understands that he is not a superhero, he has the right to make mistakes, and he needs rest.

A man who respects himself does not humiliate himself and does not humiliate others. He doesn't compare himself to anyone and doesn't allow people to do that. He does not admire or praise anyone, considering this a waste of time. Trying to maintain his self-esteem, he will never hurt the feelings of others. He knows how to distinguish vitally important issues from unprincipled ones, and when faced with other people's interests, he remains firm and calm. He does not suffer from pettiness and likes to take initiative if he is sure that he will enjoy it.

In a relationship with a woman, he also behaves with dignity, respects his beloved and listens to her desires. Protects and takes care of her, always comes to the rescue and serves as a reliable support.

Abusive relationships

How to increase self-esteem?

In psychology, self-esteem is directly related to the attitude towards oneself . The extent to which a person loves himself is how he feels. To gain self-respect, you need to work on yourself and know the limits of your capabilities. Build healthy assertiveness and learn to refuse. In order to increase self-esteem, you need to:

  1. 1. Know your strengths.
  2. 2. Strive for goals without relying on the opinions of others.
  3. 3. Be calm about shortcomings and continue to develop.
  4. 4. Remember victories for the sake of building self-esteem.
  5. 5. Do not criticize yourself, but draw conclusions and calmly analyze the mistakes you have made.
  6. 6. Be able to praise and encourage yourself.
  7. 7. Don't compare yourself to others and maintain your individuality.

Healthy self-confidence does not destroy relationships with other people and helps in life to achieve respect, prosperity and a high position in society.

To raise self-esteem, you need to learn to defend your opinion, follow your desires and goals. Do not be afraid of obstacles, because they bring experience and make you stronger. Believe in your abilities and strengths, but also do not refuse help. Friends and family will support you if they love, appreciate and respect you. It’s better to stay away from ill-wishers; they undermine self-confidence by envying and fearing someone else’s success.

Develop a competitive spirit as a child. It creates healthy competition and gives a pleasant feeling of victory. You can't be a conflict person. You must respect other people's opinions, but defend your own if you are one hundred percent sure of it. You should surround yourself only with pleasant people who also strive for success and do not envy other people's victories. Value friendship and make yourself happy. Remember that there are moments in life that can undermine the confidence of any person. You can cope with any trouble if you believe, love and respect yourself.

Self-esteem– this is an objective assessment of oneself and the acceptance of personal character traits. Self-esteem deeply affects a person's life. Without self-esteem, it is difficult for a person to make decisions, and a feeling of uncertainty becomes a constant companion. However, you should not give up; the current situation can be dealt with. With a little effort, you can develop self-esteem. How? This is what we will talk about now.

Let's sort it out 8 tips to help build self-esteem.

1. Be honest with yourself

It may not be strange, but our close circle always allows itself to exert some pressure on us. Starting from early childhood, we receive advice from parents, teachers, and colleagues. And this affects our self-esteem. But develop self-esteem anyone can. The main thing is to listen to yourself, believe in yourself and understand what is important to you. Even when those around you don’t take your decisions seriously, the main thing is that you make them yourself. After all, you are a unique person and have the right to live by your own decisions.

2. Criticism is not scary

As a rule, people react negatively to criticism, even if it is justified. To develop self-esteem you need to learn how to properly perceive critical comments. Look at them from the outside. If criticism is not justified, ignore it. But, if you feel that a critical remark really exists, draw a conclusion and try not to make mistakes in the future. However, you should not take everything to heart. And critical remarks should in no way influence the humiliation of your self-esteem.

3. Appearance

In our society, appearance is of great importance. It can give a person confidence or create a feeling of awkwardness. Therefore, pay attention to your appearance. At the same time, you cannot recklessly follow fashion. Stick to the golden mean. Choose your own style and always be neat in your clothes and hairstyle.

4. Envy

Envy is a bad helper development of self-esteem. Envying other people's successes, a person is able to despise himself for his inability to achieve such a level. Therefore, do not compare your successes with the successes of others. After all, someone will always be one step ahead. Just instead of envy, rejoice in success with others. Look up to successful people and strive for your heights.

5. Motives

People are capable of working tirelessly to achieve expected success, but sometimes the results are not very successful. What happens in this case is that a person ceases to respect himself due to the fact that he did not receive high scores. Do not forget that you can achieve your desired goal only with self-respect and adequate self-esteem. Never give up believing in yourself, even when things are not going well.

6. Respect for others

Walking through life with self-esteem, you must be able to respect others, but in no case should you feel superior to others. Look for only the good in others, then you will find more good qualities in yourself.

7. Hatred

People tend to make mistakes. But this is not a reason to hate yourself. An endless feeling of guilt and hatred for mistakes will lead to self-destruction of you as an individual. It’s better to learn a lesson from the mistakes you made and don’t repeat them again.

8. Forgiveness

The ability to forgive helps people in self-development. Learn to let go of past mistakes. Otherwise, guilt will not allow your self-esteem to live fully.

Remember that self-confidence is self-respect.

Popular psychology talks a lot about self-esteem, and most people work precisely with this personality characteristic, forgetting about self-esteem. Respecting yourself is necessary both in order to build healthy lives, and for achievement in various areas of life, and for a harmonious sense of self and personal development. The degree of self-esteem is directly opposite to the need for recognition of one's own merits and successes by other people. We will tell you today how to achieve self-esteem and why it is needed.

Self-esteem: concept and criteria

Self-esteem is an internal feeling that can be broken down into three components: emotional (how you feel about yourself), perceived competence (how well you think you are doing in important areas of your life), and self-esteem based on accomplishments. A person with healthy self-esteem does not need confirmation of his competence or admiration for his achievements from other people. He calmly and confidently respects himself and does not engage in “demonstration performances.” Those who have a low level of self-esteem, on the contrary, constantly demand approval from others, often flaunt their own successes, and “show off” in front of the opposite sex. Here are the main criteria by which you recognize a person who respects himself:

  • He has clear convictions and always acts according to them. A person with normal self-respect will not compromise principles to please someone or something.
  • Such a person prefers modesty (not to be confused with modest people because of and) to universal love and popularity - this is his conscious choice.
  • A self-respecting person treats others the same way: he doesn’t raise his voice, doesn’t try to make people feel bad, and is open.
  • In any situation, a person with healthy self-esteem carries himself with unfailing dignity.

Lack of self-esteem can lead to a “blurring” of personality - when you try to please people in everything, bend under them, your own desires, aspirations and beliefs lose clear boundaries, and other people begin to determine your life. A low level of self-esteem in personal relationships has a very negative impact. If you do not respect yourself, then your partner treats you accordingly - he neglects your opinion, makes decisions for you, and allows himself to be rude. In order to achieve self-esteem in all areas of life, it is necessary to develop self-esteem.

How to achieve self-esteem

  1. Inviolability zone. Remember or think about what is your root, core - what beliefs and principles make up your inner core? Let this core become an inviolable zone from now on, that is, no life situations or influence of other people can change them. Always act in accordance with what you believe.
  2. Respect other people. You need to treat others with the same level of respect that you want to gain for yourself. Never put yourself above others; those who see other people as equals will develop self-respect quite quickly. And those who do not respect themselves compensate for this with a false sense of superiority over others.

Respect yourself now. There is no need to postpone the growth of self-esteem until you become rich, successful and... You need it now in order to achieve the desired results in life. Don't try to respect yourself for your accomplishments, respect yourself for your intention to achieve things through honest means, treat others well, and act in accordance with your beliefs.

Self-esteem is of great importance for a person to realize his true needs and abilities. Too much in life and, above all, the level of aspirations depends on this factor. The higher the level of self-esteem, the easier it becomes for an individual to achieve significant results in any activity. The flame of her own bold thoughts begins to warm her. Self-esteem directly reflects the degree of trust in oneself, the extent to which a person is ready to reveal his true essence. A self-confident person will never allow others to offend and humiliate him. He literally radiates a sense of self-worth.

Every person has a need for self-esteem. Everyone is born with a certain sense of self-worth. But only a few actually manage to maintain it in the process of growing up. It's no secret that most of our goals die before they even have time to form. Many people are afraid of their dream and don’t know how to approach it, let alone start working towards achieving it. If parents knew how much they sometimes contribute to breaking the inner core of their child, they would be very surprised. Unjustifiably low self-esteem is the result of such influences.

Psychologists distinguish several levels of self-esteem. They are of great importance, especially when you need to understand the reasons for constant failures. These levels reflect the internal need for self-realization. The higher the level of self-esteem, the more adequate self-esteem can be called.

High level

With a high level of self-esteem, a person understands quite clearly what he wants to achieve in life. He does not seek to justify himself to anyone and does not try to gain approval from others. For him, there are only his own internal laws, by which he lives. It turns out that this person is more interested in self-realization than others, in being able to make his wildest dreams and aspirations come true. A high level of self-esteem significantly helps to achieve what you want. Such a person will not miss the opportunity that arises.


This level of self-esteem is common to most people. Such a person, although guided by the opinions of others, still understands what he needs to strive for to achieve happiness. This state helps him to be in balance with himself. The need for recognition and respect is realized, which makes a person aware of his importance. The only thing he lacks is the ability to distinguish his own desires from the demands put forward by society. Often such a person sacrifices personal interests for the sake of public ones. At work, he is usually loved and appreciated.

Low level

Low levels of self-esteem are caused by incorrect prioritization. In this case, the person does not realize his true needs and does not look for additional opportunities for self-realization. He is simply not confident in himself and his capabilities. When there is no sense of self-worth, a person becomes irritable and does not know how to show his best side in society. Fearing to discover his own prospects, he hides his existing talents and opportunities.

How to develop self-esteem

The need for self-esteem is an essential component for a happy life. A person will not be able to feel fully self-sufficient if he does not have adequate self-esteem. In order to achieve at least some satisfactory results in any activity, you must be able to value yourself and your work. How to increase your level of self-esteem? There are a few simple steps. Let's try to figure it out!

Self acceptance

Full acceptance of one's own essence means that one gives up the idea of ​​pleasing others. He will not sacrifice his own interests for the sake of achieving public well-being. Someone who truly loves himself will strive for personal development and self-realization. Self-acceptance does not lie in indulging one’s own weaknesses, but in learning not to be afraid of the new, to follow the voice coming from the depths of the soul. The more a person accepts his own essence, the less he feels the need to prove his worth to others. Such people look self-sufficient and courageous.


When thinking about how to increase self-esteem, you need to remember that self-sufficiency develops over time. Efforts must be made to become truly independent of the opinions of society and have your own voice. Independence in views and judgments implies that a person has the courage to embody his natural talents in life and follows his dreams. This is actually very difficult to do, given how much people listen to the majority opinion. Having your own opinion, especially if it is radically different from the opinions of others, is always difficult. After all, you need to prove your point of view, have a strong inner sense of your own rightness, and have the gift of persuasion.


This is an important point that helps to grow self-esteem. Anyone who is truly passionate about something radiates tremendous confidence. Such a person literally glows with happiness and discovers in himself the greatest ability to change everything for the better. The need for self-esteem cannot be ignored. Otherwise, a person will never be able to achieve his goals and will not be able to see the individual prospects that he has.

Ignoring criticism

Sometimes a person, finding himself in a social environment, loses his own individuality and self-respect. This happens for the reason that a person loses control over his life and over time actually stops developing. To become a fully self-sufficient person, you need to learn not to accept criticism from others and distance yourself from it in every possible way. Ignoring negative messages addressed to you will help you free yourself from many complexes and problems that will inevitably arise if you do not work on yourself in a timely manner. The ability to forgive your own and others’ mistakes is also included in this point. After all, only a person who is satisfied with his own life will not concentrate on negative aspects. To have adequate self-esteem means to appreciate your own prospects and capabilities.

Thus, the need for self-esteem is one of the most necessary components that help personal development. A healthy attitude towards criticism, the ability to see a far-reaching goal is worth a lot.

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